DIY kitten costume for a boy: ideas, tips for making

  • October 24, 2019
  • Leisure
  • Victoria Samarskaya

Children's carnival costumes are always a big problem for parents. For the New Year or a themed event, you have to look for a special outfit, spend a lot of money on it, so that next time you can come up with a new option, since the previous one either does not fit in size or does not quite meet the request. We suggest making a costume with your own hands, why not?

Costume base

Is your child having his first costume party in his life, and you don’t know what to do? The best option for a boy is a DIY cat costume. You can sew it quickly and without trying on using a ready-made hoodie. Using it and the pants we will cut out the suit itself. And to sew the base we will need:

  • Needle, thread, scissors.
  • Terry or fur fabric (old robe, towel).
  • Chalk, marker or needles for basting.

Our steps: apply a sweatshirt and cut out the front and back. To do this, simply trace a piece of faux fur or a terry robe with a marker (with chalk or pins). Leave 1-2 cm as seam allowance. Fold the fabric in half and draw around the sleeve to make two at once. We cut out the hood. It will consist of two shelves, which we will stitch to each other.

All that remains is to attach the panties, which we will gather at the waist into an elastic band. Let's take a closer look at the kitten.

What will make our baby like him? Of course, ears, paws, tail and face.

Basilio the cat costume

The New Year's costume of the cat Basilio looks impressive - especially if he has a pair in the form of the fox Alice. as the basis for a suit , followed by a black shirt or turtleneck. Any shoes - it is best if they are not entirely new and worn, for example, old shoes or black sneakers. Now this basic outfit needs to be supplemented with details and accessories to create the image of Basilio the cat.

Put on some old vest , after sewing patches and multi-colored pieces of faux fur onto it. The more carelessly and chaotically the patches are sewn on, the better. In principle, you can do without a vest if it’s really hard to get one, but with it the image will be much more convincing.

You need to put a dark men's hat on your head. It is best if it is old and shabby. If you don't mind, cut the margins in several places. A black bow tie is put on the neck, and old dark gloves with holes and cut off fingers are put on the hands. Well, what is Basilio the cat without glasses ? For this costume you will need small round black glasses that need to be pushed to the very tip of your nose.

And the final touch is a sign made from a piece of cardboard box or a piece of thick paper. You need to write on it crookedly and with many mistakes: “Give it to the poor blind cat” and hang a sign around his neck. Well, and makeup, of course - painted cat whiskers. Basilio the cat's New Year's costume is ready!

Mask or face painting?

It all depends on the timing and possibilities. Paints that do not contain harmful substances, since they are created exclusively on a water basis, will not crumble or crack, dry quickly and will not stain clothes. If we need a kitten costume for a matinee, face painting will be the most convenient option. After the event, it is enough to rinse the baby’s face with warm water, and the bright colors will easily come off without causing any allergic reaction. In addition, you can always choose a color to match the suit you made yourself.

What will you need?

  • Sponge
  • Thin brush.
  • Napkins.
  • Special paints for face painting.

Apply the base with a sponge. We use white for this. We have to whiten the bridge of the nose, the area above the upper lip and between the eyebrows. Lighten the chin slightly. If we don’t sew the ears, then they need to be drawn above the eyebrows in the form of triangles. Pink paint will do as a base. It should also be applied with a sponge to the cheekbones, chin and tip of the nose.

Next we work with a brush. Having deceived her with black paint, we draw the outline of the ears, nose, mustache, and put black dots above the upper lip. Napkins are needed to touch up the drawing and make adjustments to it. Fantasize.

Making a mask

If you still need a kitten mask, you can make it from paper. You need to take the color that the animal will be.

What actions need to be taken? Draw the silhouette of a muzzle with ears. Next, you will need to consider the mounting and detailing of the mask. We make holes on the sides through which we thread the lace. This way the product will be attached to the head. To detail the mask, cut out two white triangles for the ears and glue them with glue or double-sided tape. Using the same method, we create the lower part of the muzzle. Cut out a nose from pink paper. If desired, you can make the mustache white.

Now let's move on to the eye holes. First you need to draw them and then cut them out using nail scissors. The result can be seen in our picture just above.

Cat Matroskin from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”

The smart and thrifty cat Matroskin also deserves to participate in the children's party.

  • vest;
  • cotton hat;
  • black thin boa;
  • red scarf;
  • gray felt.

This costume is made very quickly and does not require any special expenses.

1. Trim the sleeves, collar and bottom of the vest with a black fluffy boa.

2. Cut out ears from gray felt and glue pink triangles inside. They can also be topped with a thin fluffy boa.

4. Draw a mustache and nose with a black pencil and tie a red scarf around your neck. The image of Matroskin is completed.

Ears on the hood

If the child is very small, it is not necessary to make a mask or paint a face using face painting. We offer a DIY kitten costume for a boy, where the ears will be attached directly to the hood. Look at the picture at the beginning of the article. Here the muzzle is drawn directly on the top of the headband.

To make the ears, you must use the fur or terry fabric from which the suit itself is made. Having retreated 1-2 cm along the edges, you should sew a piece of another material of a slightly smaller size in front. It may be the same color, but have a shiny texture. Or slightly different shade. In our example, we considered white, a contrasting color, but pink or red can be used. It all depends on how bright the child’s costume is for the matinee.

Making the tail

We need a tail if we make a kitten costume for a boy with our own hands. It should not drag on the ground, so it can be done in two ways. Either we will need a wire base on which we will place a tail sewn from faux fur, or we will stuff it with plastic bags to the required density. To do this, you need to cut a strip of the required length, stitch it from the inside out, and then turn it fur side out.

It is best to attach the tail to the belt using double-sided tape, but you can also sew it on if you do not plan to use the pants for other purposes in the future.

How to make a headband with ears?

A New Year's cat costume for a girl will not be complete without the head attribute - ears. Cat ears can be sewn onto either a matching headband or a hat of the appropriate color. A hat with ears is more suitable for a small child, and for older babies - a beautiful hairband.

First you need to prepare templates from cardboard or thick paper: triangles for the ears and ovals to attach the ears to the headband. If you plan to use a cap, ovals are not needed. From thick fabric or felt you need to cut out four triangles and two ovals, then sew two triangles together and attach each of them to the oval. These designs are sewn to the rim. The middle of the ear can be made pink, and the outer side black. When sewing a triangle to an oval, you can bend it a little to make the ears more voluminous and more realistic.

Instead of a headband, they also use hairpins - clips to which ready-made ears are attached.

There is another option for creating cat ears. Instead of felt, you can use faux fur. If you also make a tail from the same fur, the cat’s outfit will look elegant and harmonious.

cat paws

How to sew a kitten costume for a boy with your own hands, so that the child feels like a real little fluffy ball? To do this you need to make paws. This can be done using ready-made wool gloves of the desired color and felt or flannel fabric. The picture below shows that for each finger you need to cut out a brown circle. They can be supplemented with claws, but this is not at all necessary.

You should cut round triangles onto your palm. The fabric can be glued or sewn with threads to match the gloves.

Puss in Boots: ideas

If the boy is more mature, then he will want to see himself as a fairy-tale character at the matinee. The best option is Puss in Boots. We can use a tail, paws, a mask or face painting, but the main components of the costume will be a cloak, boots and a hat. How to make a cat costume? We will need:

  • Corrugated paper and cardboard.
  • Shiny fabric for a raincoat (blue and red).
  • White lace.
  • Belt.
  • Golden braid.
  • Christmas decorations.

The basis of the suit is a white shirt and sweatpants. They should be beaten. Sew stripes on the pants, and choose lace for the shirt instead of the collar and cuffs. If necessary, you can use corrugated paper. It is better to put the cuffs over the shirt and secure them with an elastic band and a button. To make a cloak you need a piece of bright fabric. Comfortable length - up to the knees. It is best to trim the fabric with gold braid and connect it at the top with a hook. If you don’t have a sword, then you can make one from ordinary newspapers, rolling them into a tube. Sew a decorative ribbon on top.

The hat can be trimmed with a ribbon and decorated with a feather. It is also easy to make from cardboard by bending one edge. Boots can be easily made using shoes or an old leather bag. The best decoration for boots is the buckles. The boots can be sewn to the tops of leather from an old bag, and they can be sewn directly to sweatpants or shorts.

DIY kitten costume for a boy: other characters

Gone are the days when children watched cartoons about the cat Leopold and Matroskin. Today they are interested in other characters. Children's carnival costumes of characters from the series “Three Cats”: Compote, Caramel and Korzhik are in demand. For a boy, you should choose old green outfits. Perhaps he has already grown out of them, but capris on Kompot will look even more interesting. Its main distinguishing feature is the green cap with a pompom. For Korzhik, the basis should be a vest and blue trousers. Light jeans will do. The headdress is a capless cap with two satin ribbons at the back.

Another character that children love very much is Supercat. As a base, you should take a black turtleneck and tight-fitting trousers. Instead of an amulet, you can use a 3-4 cm ball, which can be easily made from foil. In addition to the black mask, you will also need ears made of black felt, which need to be sewn and stuffed with padding poly, placed on a wire.

Catboy from PJ Masks is a real kids' favorite. The basis of his suit should be a blue turtleneck and pants of the same color. Using acrylic paints, paint a mask in the chest area. You can also do it in the form of a white applique. On your head you should choose a blue knitted cap, on which you need to sew ears. The headdress must cover the nose and eyes. You need to make slits for the eyes in it, and paint the eyebrows on top with white paint. Then our character will truly look like Catboy.

How to make a “cat” headdress

If the image of a child does not suggest a specific hero, but just a cat, then you just need to make a tail and a headdress. For this you will need:

  • white and black faux fur;
  • black hat;
  • pink satin;
  • 2 plastic eyes and nose.

1. Cut a triple figure eight from white fur and sew it to the bottom of the hat.

2. Make two triangles from black fur and trim them with pink satin on one side. Slightly bending them, sew them to the top of the hat.

3. Use a glue gun to glue on the eyes and nose. If you haven’t found ready-made parts of the face, you can take them from an old unnecessary toy.


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