DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten or school

Hello, dear readers! Autumn has fully come into its own, it is very cold and inhospitable here this year, but we all know that nature doesn’t have bad weather, so it has to be so. My daughter went to kindergarten after the long summer holidays and my son also went with varying degrees of success. Today I have a current topic at the moment - we will create autumn crafts for kindergarten or school, because they are also great for school.

We love to make crafts, I’ve already written about this and never philander, but I’m always a little outraged that autumn crafts competitions are held not for children, but for parents

An announcement was written in the garden that directly states that the “Autumn Fantasy” competition is being announced, please your children with your creativity, that is, the competition is not for children, but for parents. Well, okay, I still understand that my daughter is 6 years old and can participate in creating an autumn composition, but I can’t wrap my head around the same task for my son, he’s 2.5 and what kind of crafts are there, he still knows how to crush and break, disassemble and scatter, but not create. That’s why we didn’t make a craft for our son’s group, but we made one for my daughter.

Last year we made a house from natural material, or rather a log hut or a Cossack kuren, as we were told it turned out very similar. The year before there was also a house, only it was smaller in size. We even took first place in the competition then. This year we had to come up with something different. I drew a picture right away, but it was mainly my husband who embodied it, since it involved sawing and drilling, and I’m not good at these things).

My daughter and I collected materials, it was very funny when passers-by looked at us in surprise, because we were carrying a whole bag with protruding branches, leaves and everything interesting that could be useful to us for an autumn craft.

And we decided to make such a composition and call it “Autumn in the Village”, weave a fence, make a well, plant apple trees, chop wood with an almost real ax). Of course, the house is missing here, but we have already made it, so this is a continuation of previous crafts.

How to make a well out of paper

If you want to decorate your interior with an unusual, exclusive item, then a well made of paper, or rather, made of paper tubes, is the optimal solution. Despite the simplicity of the materials from which it is made, it can become a real decoration of the room. It just takes a little time and a little effort. A beautiful craft that can be complemented with a sign with a wise saying or quote will surely attract the attention of guests. To make this craft we will need:

  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard
  • Knitting needle
  • Regular glue
  • Super glue
  • Wooden skewer
  • Wire(hard)
  • Pliers (pliers)
  • Paper tape
  • Acrylic paint in sand, brown and metallic colors
  • Simple pencil
  • Glue brush
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Colored paper
  • Paper knife
  • Thick cotton thread

Well base

On a thick sheet of cardboard of sufficient size, draw a drawing of the well shaft, as in the diagram in the photo above. The optimal size of the well will be with a side length of 10 centimeters in all dimensions. We leave a margin on each side for gluing. Cut out the template and glue it together. To strengthen the fixation of the gluing area, we additionally glue it with paper tape.

We should end up with a hollow cube like this without a top. This is the base of the shaft of our future well.

Roof layout

On a thick sheet of cardboard, similar to the one from which we made the base of the well shaft, we draw a drawing of the well roof. Then we cut, bend and glue to form the roof slopes. To enhance the bonding strength, we also additionally glue the gluing areas with paper tape.

This is how we make the roof.

Paper tubes for forming a log house and well slope

Paper tubes of different diameters are made from newspaper sheets using a knitting needle and a wooden skewer. Larger tubes, from which the well frame will be formed, are made using a wooden skewer. Roof tubes are made using a knitting needle. The number of tubes is determined by the size of the well. If necessary, additional quantities can be added. Newspaper tubes are made like this: newspaper sheets are cut into equal pieces of the required size and tightly wound onto a knitting needle or skewer. The protruding edge of the newspaper sheet is coated with glue and glued to the main, twisted sheet, forming a log-tube. After this, you need to let the glue dry, and you can start making the craft.

We form a shaft (log house) of a well

Before you start gluing the base of the well with tubes, you need to prepare them in the required quantity. Uneven, protruding ends are trimmed with scissors. For the log house we need log tubes of different lengths, in two versions. This is necessary in order to fill the projections, forming a beautiful masonry of “logs”. The depth of the protrusion should be equal to the diameter of the paper tube when gluing. We glue, alternating short tubes with long ones.

A fully pasted base looks like the photo above.

Making a roof

We cover the roof gable with newspaper tubes, starting from the center. Carefully cut off the excess length with a paper knife. Next, we cover the roof slopes with paper tubes. We glue paper tubes to the cut points, forming the “ridge” of the roof. For clarity, see the photo above and below this text.

We fasten the supports

The roof and frame blanks are ready. Our next step is to make supports for the roof and the rotating drum of the well. As supports you need to use paper tubes of the required length. We attach them to the opposite walls of the well symmetrically to each other. To ensure secure fastening, in addition to glue, we also use stationery tape. At the bottom of the well, you can put a piece of blue paper with stars glued to it. This is a decorative illusion of the sky being reflected in water.

We make formwork

When the supports are secured, we begin to form the formwork. To make it, you will need a piece of cardboard, its perimeter corresponding to the perimeter of our well. From it we cut out a frame with the required width of the edges, making holes in it for the supports, thread the supports into these holes, and glue the formwork to the top of the well.

Rotating drum

From rigid wire, using pliers, we form a rotating handle for the well gate and a fixing base for it. We form the gate (drum) itself from the same paper tubes. Of course, attaching paper tubes to a metal base is very problematic. Therefore, we will need a thick cotton thread for reliable fixation. We wrap it tightly around the wire and coat it with superglue. And to it, or rather, around it, we glue the required number of tubes, forming a rotating drum.

Bucket with chain

To make a bucket, we will need a circle of paper of small diameter and a piece of paper, when gluing the edges of which, the diameter of the resulting paper cylinder would correspond to the diameter of the circle. We glue the resulting parts together using paper tape and decorate with the same paper tubes. To form the bow of the bucket, we use a large paper clip, giving it the required shape using pliers. As a chain for a bucket, you can use either a silver thread or a piece of a thin chain from cheap jewelry. It will turn out even more natural.

Unfinished layout

We glue the finished roof to the supports using glue and tape. Our well is almost ready. All that remains is to paint.

To paint the product, acrylic paint of two colors is used: sand and brown. Sand color is the main color, and brown is used to tint and give a “wood effect”. First, the entire layout of the well is painted sand color. After the paint has dried, using an almost dry brush, the entire craft is rubbed with brown paint. Two strips of steel-colored paper are glued onto the bucket (you can use ready-made steel-colored paper for this, or you can paint regular white paper), imitating the rim. The product is assembled, the bottom can be decorated with a decor of cut and fluffed colored green paper depicting grass. You can create a custom stand from dried moss. Your choice. As an addition, a paper sign with a wise saying is glued to the pediment of the craft. Ready. A nice result in the photo at the beginning of the article.

Options for making a paper well /video/

We only needed old newspapers and a little of our efforts to create an exclusive craft that can be safely used to decorate a bookshelf, chest of drawers, or a decorative fireplace panel. Almost a masterpiece, isn't it?


Why do many people like wooden crafts?

It should be noted that crafts made from popsicle sticks are a great way to develop good creative skills in your child; videos of such master classes can easily be found on the Internet.


Souvenirs made from ice cream sticks can be given to friends or acquaintances; you can decorate your own home with such details, and every day they will remind you of a pleasant pastime and acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Many parents know that almost all children love to collect unnecessary things; they collect candy wrappers, stickers, popsicle sticks and other materials. But you don’t need to immediately scold your child; if you stretch your imagination a little, you can make very interesting and original objects from the above materials.

For example, crafts made from wooden ice cream sticks can be used to make various products. These can be vases, bracelets, photo frames, bread bins, pencil holders, flowerpots and much more. Some examples of simple master classes have already been mentioned above. Now you need to figure out how to make an original and stylish photo frame. So, for this you will need:

  • 6-7 spatulas;
  • any glue;
  • paints (it is best to use acrylic);
  • any beads, rhinestones or some pictures.

By the way, if we talk about decorating the product, you can use almost any material. The main thing is that it matches the color of the main interior of the room where this frame will be installed, and also pleases the master himself. After the spatulas are decorated, they need to be laid out on a flat surface. But first, we are posting only 2 of them. They should lie parallel to each other across the width of the frame itself. The result is the top of the product. Then we fasten them together using two more spatulas. If you want to attach the structure, then you can glue 2 more sticks on the back, which will be located perpendicular to those that were attached first. Well, don’t forget about the last spatula, it acts as a support.

Design options

Companies involved in the production of garden decorations sell various ready-made well structures. They are quite expensive, most of them are almost the same. If you order the production of a well according to an individual project from a landscape designer, the construction will be unique, ideally fitting into the interior of the garden, but prohibitively expensive. The best option is to choose or build the structure yourself.

The well can be:

  • in the form of a small carved mansion house;
  • with a “crane” and without a canopy;
  • in the form of a “Chinese” house with a tiled roof;
  • wicker high “nest”;
  • with a small fountain;
  • in the shape of a mill or steamboat.

In shape, this building can be round, cylindrical, square, rectangular, hexagonal, asymmetrical. It should be externally consistent with other buildings on the site - a house, garage, barn, bathhouse, chicken coop, and also be of a similar design, made of similar materials.

Why do you need a well house?

Convenience and cleanliness of water

A well house is necessary because it performs several functions at once:

  1. Its design eliminates the possibility of leaves, insects, dust, debris, as well as chemicals used when spraying plants near it, getting into the water.
  2. Protects against penetration of sunlight, which negatively affects water.
  3. Prevents water from freezing in winter.
  4. Will not allow access to children and pets.
  5. It will serve as a decoration for the yard, which will emphasize the uniqueness and complete the composition of the site.

Design Features

Various forms of structures for wells are allowed. They can be in the form of a simple shield covering the top of the well shaft or look like a log house. The roof is usually gable, shed or umbrella-shaped. The angle of the roof can be flat or sharp. Doors are usually placed on one or both sides. They can be single-leaf, double-leaf, solid or sliding panels.

For the roof, a material is selected that is harmonious in color and texture with the buildings on the site. It can be painted or covered with soft tiles. Finishing with stone and other textured materials looks beautiful. In this case, a layer of cement mortar is applied to the well ring, and stones are placed on it. The same principle applies to tiling with mosaic tiles.

To create all these design details, it is not necessary to purchase them from a hardware store. The materials remaining after building the house will do just fine:

  1. Cement applied to a well ring can easily be turned into a relief pattern in the form of brickwork. While the solution has not hardened, you can draw lines imitating bricks. When it hardens, paint it in the appropriate color.
  2. Ceramic tile fragments can be split into fragments and laid out like puzzles, in the form of a composition around the base of the well.
  3. Enclose the base with round logs, giving it any geometric shape. The stands can be decorated with dry tree bark. Plant flowers nearby and decorate the roof slopes with curly carvings.

DIY wooden well

A wooden well can be made either in full size or in reduced sizes. To make it you will need the following tools:

  • board 25*200 cm;
  • timber 20*30 cm;
  • screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • wood saw, bullet;
  • sandpaper;
  • alkyd varnish, brush.

Manufacturing process

Any building materials are suitable for making a decorative well: you can use roofing or floor boards, timber or clapboard. To avoid rapid rotting of wood, it is coated with antifungal impregnation. Afterwards, stain is applied to highlight the structure of the wood. The last layer of varnish will protect the wood from moisture.

Before you start making a well, you need to create a drawing.

A drawing must be prepared in advance

Creative development of the child

All the inhabitants of our Plasticine world use such amazing multi-colored wells. The water in such a well is very clean, transparent and cold. The Stargazer Wizard can make the water in a well warm or even hot with one wave of his magic wand, but only he can do this. Our plasticine well craft is quite simple, but it will require some effort. So, go ahead!

Bricks for making a well from plasticine

Make a lot of cubes from plasticine of different colors (marble texture)

Basis for making a well from plasticine

Cut out a circle from thick paper. Cover it with black plasticine.

Plasticine well lift

To make a lift, bend the wire as shown in the picture. Cover it with plasticine in the middle and give it the shape of a bar. Cover the ends with plasticine too, but just a little.

We build a well from plasticine

Bucket for making a well from plasticine

Make a block of white plasticine, make a depression at the top, place a blue circle there - water. For the handle, take a wire bent in an arc, wrap it in blue plasticine and attach it to the sides of the bucket.

Rope for making a well from plasticine

Take a thick thread and wrap it in plasticine, as shown in the picture.

The final stage of making a well from plasticine

Place the lift inside the well and attach a rope to it. Wrap the rope around the bucket at the other end. The plasticine well craft is ready!

Making crafts from fruits and seeds

Most of those who studied in Soviet times remember that during labor lessons they made many different crafts under the guidance of the teacher, using natural materials. Crafts were made from cones, acorns, nut or eggshells, seeds, coffee beans and much more.

These natural materials, , help create worthy decorative accessories for use in homes and apartments. Most often, fruits and seeds are used to make miniature figurines or three-dimensional paintings. Attaching various fruits to a bouquet made of dry twigs perfectly replaces the New Year tree.

Any collected natural materials (pebbles, pine cones, wooden sticks and twigs, bark) must be dried before being used to create a masterpiece with your own hands, otherwise crafts made from wet materials do not last a long time - they can quickly deteriorate or break.

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Hello, dear readers! Autumn has fully come into its own, it is very cold and inhospitable here this year, but we all know that nature doesn’t have bad weather, so it has to be so. My daughter went to kindergarten after the long summer holidays and my son also went with varying degrees of success. Today I have a current topic at the moment - we will create autumn crafts for kindergarten or school, because they are also great for school.

We love to make crafts, I’ve already written about this and never philander, but I’m always a little outraged that autumn crafts competitions are held not for children, but for parents

An announcement was written in the garden that directly states that the “Autumn Fantasy” competition is being announced, please your children with your creativity, that is, the competition is not for children, but for parents. Well, okay, I still understand that my daughter is 6 years old and can participate in creating an autumn composition, but I can’t wrap my head around the same task for my son, he’s 2.5 and what kind of crafts are there, he still knows how to crush and break, disassemble and scatter, but not create. That’s why we didn’t make a craft for our son’s group, but we made one for my daughter.

Last year we made a house from natural material, or rather a log hut or a Cossack kuren, as we were told it turned out very similar. The year before there was also a house, only it was smaller in size. We even took first place in the competition then. This year we had to come up with something different. I drew a picture right away, but it was mainly my husband who embodied it, since it involved sawing and drilling, and I’m not good at these things).

My daughter and I collected materials, it was very funny when passers-by looked at us in surprise, because we were carrying a whole bag with protruding branches, leaves and everything interesting that could be useful to us for an autumn craft.

And we decided to make such a composition and call it “Autumn in the Village”, weave a fence, make a well, plant apple trees, chop wood with an almost real ax). Of course, the house is missing here, but we have already made it, so this is a continuation of previous crafts.

DIY standard wooden well

Since wooden wells of the standard type are the most common, a detailed master class on its manufacture should be presented. So, for self-assembly you should prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Wooden boards - it is better to take ash, but other types of wood are also possible (the boards must be the same width and thickness).
  • Jigsaw.
  • Sander.
  • Hand saw.
  • Nails.
  • Hammer.

The production of a decorative well occurs in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to cut two triangles from the boards to form a house above the structure. The dimensions are determined at the discretion of the owner of the site.
  2. Next, they begin to manufacture the main part - the container itself. To do this, they cut boards measuring 1 m in size. The width of the boards can be approximately 15 cm, so they are laid out in 6 pieces in height (more or less can be done). For the base you will have to prepare 24 blanks - boards 1 m long and 15 cm wide.
  3. Next, you need to connect all the boards, forming the base of a standard well. A hammer and nails are used for the work.
  4. Now prepare 2 boards 15 cm wide (can be increased or decreased) and 1.5 m long. These boards are nailed from the bottom of the base opposite each other.
  5. Then a board of the same width as the previous ones is nailed to the top - you need to connect 2 vertical boards.
  6. Triangles are nailed to the vertical boards on the outside.
  7. It is also important to connect the triangles together with narrower boards, nailing them to the sides - this is the plank and the base for the roof of the structure.
  8. Make sides for a decorative well - you can take boards 20 cm wide and cut recesses in them for vertical bases.
  9. The roof is formed in a standard way - for this you need to cut 4 boards for each slope 80 cm long. The boards are nailed to the planks.
  10. Finally, you should cut out a wheel with a shaft from wood. For the shaft, you can take an ordinary small log and reduce the diameter at the ends. A circle is cut out of the boards that were previously used to form the base well.

All parts are polished as they are manufactured; it is advisable to round the corners so as not to get injured on them while working on the site.

The finished well can be painted in any bright color. But if the wood has a natural shade, it is better to leave everything in its original form.

Summary of GCD for sculpting “Watercarrier” in the senior group

Educational: Foster independence, confidence, initiative.
Educational: Continue to develop children's creativity, imagination, fine motor skills

Educational: Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy as a type of folk arts and crafts to enrich visual impressions and develop aesthetic taste. To create conditions for children’s creativity based on the Dymkovo toy. Show a generalized method of sculpting a female figure based on a bell skirt (hollow cone)

. To consolidate the idea of ​​characteristic decorative elements and traditional color combinations.

Speech: Activate vocabulary on the topic

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins, presentation “Dymkovo toy”

Preliminary work: Examination of Dymkovo toys. Conversation about folk crafts. Decorative drawing in the album for children's creativity “Dymkovo Toys”


Contents of organized educational activities:

1 Organizational point:

All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together and smile at each other!

2 creation of a problem situation, motivation

The teacher gathers the children around him and shows the presentation “Dymkovo Toy”


3 Familiarization with new material, solving a problem situation

“Let’s imagine that we are in a workshop where Dymkovo toys are made, and we are watching the craftswoman at work. (The teacher takes on the role of the craftswoman.)

So she pinched off a piece of plasticine, rolled it into a sausage, then she took a larger piece, slammed it into a flat cake, then she rolled the flat cake into a funnel - it turned out to be a skirt. She attached a head and arms on top, bent the sausage with a rocker, sculpted buckets, put a tall kokoshnik on her head, and attached a tiny nose.

- Do you want to make a water carrier? Can you?

Divide the plasticine into 3-5 parts. The biggest piece

turn it into a flat cake, which we roll into a bell. We get a full skirt.

We sculpt the body separately. From a small piece we roll out a spherical shape - a head. We make a headdress on it: we sculpt a small roller separately, apply it to the head, press it and, using pinching movements of the fingers, form a kokoshnik. We attach the head to the body, apply it and smooth it with our fingers. We divide the other piece into two equal parts and roll out two cylinders of equal length - these are the arms. We attach them to the upper part of the body and position them as if the water carrier is carrying a rocker with buckets. We carefully connect all the parts and smooth them out. Separately, we make an elegant apron with frills (pull it slightly and pinch along the edge)

. Be sure to make a rocker with buckets for our water carrier and place it on one shoulder or two. Buckets are balls or short columns with indentations that can be made with your little finger. We will make handles for buckets from flagella.

4 Initial comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice

Children make their own water carrier. The teacher reminds that while working, you need to remember to turn the figures and look at them from all angles, getting older

give grace and stability. Children design small details according to their own ideas.

-Who did you sculpt today? Whose work did you like best?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for modeling in the senior group “Horses” Program content. To promote the ability to sculpt the figure of a horse, conveying the proportions of the animal. Continue to develop children's skills.

Abstract of the GCD for modeling “My kindergarten” in the senior group Program content. Strengthen children's ability to sculpt a human figure, conveying the shape, structure and size of the parts. Learn to convey simple ones.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group “My favorite toy” Goal: - continue to teach children how to sculpt toys, convey the shape, color and ratio of parts, conveying the characteristic features of the external.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group “Small Birds” Summary of GCD for sculpting in the senior group “Small Birds” Purpose: Creating birds: sparrow, tit, bullfinch from plasticine Tasks: - consolidate.

Notes on sculpting "Bunny" in the senior preschool group Notes on sculpting "Bunnies" in the senior preschool group Integration of educational areas: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic.

Summary of OOD on modeling in the senior group “Football” OOD on modeling in the senior group “Football” Objectives: To form a conscious attitude towards health in children, to form visual skills in preschoolers.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Squirrel” Integration of OO: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group “Snow Maiden” Integration of OO: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. Tasks: - call.

Summary of the lesson on sculpting “Little Bunnies” in the senior group Integration of OO: “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”. Objectives: - give an idea.

Abstract of OOD on sculpting in the senior group “Flowers” ​​Purpose: to teach children to sculpt plants and insects of their choice, conveying the characteristic features of their structure and color. Form communication skills.

Decorative well made of tires with a flower bed. Master Class

You will need:

  • 3 used car tires.
  • 2 small diameter logs or 2 pieces of timber.
  • 4 pieces of thin timber to construct a roof support.
  • Roof material.
  • Fasteners: nails, screws, metal corners, etc.
  • Dye.
  • Container for planting flowers.

If all the materials are prepared, this simple but interesting decorative well can be built in a couple of hours.

In each of the 3 tires we make slits with a sharp knife or a handsaw - support posts will be inserted into them to support the roof.

We lay the tires one on top of the other so that the slots line up.

We insert beams/beams into the slots. We drive them into the ground so they don't wobble. We measure their length - they must be the same, otherwise the roof over the well will turn out crooked.

But you can do it another way - install support pillars outside the tires.

We paint the tires brown (brick color). After the background has dried, paint an additional design. For example, stripes imitating brickwork.

Required tools and materials

The minimum set of tools required when constructing a well is as follows:

  • devices for digging a well channel (bayonet and shovel shovels, pickaxe);
  • steel scrap for breaking large stones or layers of rock;
  • containers for excavating soil and pumping out liquid mud;
  • a winch with a rigid base for lifting and lowering loads into the trunk;
  • electric submersible pump that allows you to pump out water;
  • circular saw for cutting workpieces (use of a chainsaw is allowed);
  • a set of tools for marking workpieces;
  • construction level (hydraulic or laser);
  • axe;
  • hacksaws for wood.

Tools for creating a wooden well.
In addition to a set of blanks for the frame and the head, it is necessary to prepare a set of fasteners (depending on the method of connecting the parts) and gravel for arranging the filter. Since the work is carried out in water or mud, it is necessary to use rubber boots or a wetsuit. Additionally, you will need to purchase insulated clothing.

We create a well from acorns with our own hands: creation technology, decoration

A well - a DIY craft can be made from natural materials, for example, from acorns, branches, moss and bark. Such crafts look very beautiful and look like real miniature wells.

Natural materials for creating decorative wells

A beautiful miniature well, made by yourself, can decorate any home, and nothing complicated is required to make it. Most often, acorns and branches are used to create crafts. Acorns are usually used to create the basis for a well, since they are quite durable and look original. Chestnuts, beans, cones or stones are also used as a base.

It is very important that the structure is durable, so it is better to use only strong natural materials. For the roof, you can take thin branches, dry grass or leaves. The shelter should look natural, so this creative process requires only dry parts. The choice of material depends solely on imagination and the time of year when the craft is carried out.

Technology for creating a decorative well from acorns

You can make your own decorative miniature well if you use oak fruits as a base. This craft looks very beautiful and natural, it is easy to make and there is no need to spend money, everyone has everything they need at hand.

For this creative process you will need acorns, a glue gun with clear tips and small scissors. If you can’t buy a glue gun, you can replace it with brown plasticine. In addition, you will need to take a white sheet of paper, a piece of cardboard, a pencil, an awl with a thin and long needle, as well as a needle, thread and matches. For the roof you need to take 2 thin sticks and dry grass.

Creating a well from acorns is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, you need to draw a circle on a sheet of paper; the format of the future craft depends on its size. After this, you need to take the previously prepared acorns and lay them out evenly on the circle drawing. Then spread glue on this layer or apply plasticine and place the second row of acorns.

There should be 5-7 such rows (depending on the desired height). The “gaps” between the acorns can be additionally filled with silicone. In order for oak fruits to be better bonded to each other, they can be pre-sanded with sandpaper. After this, the acorns can be coated with clear varnish or stain.

The second stage of work is to install the support and roof. Since the structure is microscopic in size, thin branches 12 cm high are used as connecting elements. They must be glued inside the well and under the roofing.

The roof for the acorn well is made from dry grass . First, a double triangular layout is created from cardboard; it is better if the “triangle” has equal sides - approximately 10-12 cm each. After this, dry grass is thickly glued onto the model, and it should hang slightly from under the roof.

The roof can be made not only from grass, but also from natural material that is at hand. For example, for this they use thin dry twigs (they will resemble a log house) or they take tree bark and cover the roof with it. A roof made of moss looks very original; such a well will resemble the rural outback.

The technology is very simple - you just need to carefully cover the model with moss. To prevent this natural material from losing its shape, it can be opened with acrylic varnish. Once the well structure is ready, you can proceed to decorating it.

Decoration of the structure

You can make your acorn craft more realistic by adding a bucket and a drum. To create them you will need to cut out 2 small cardboard cylinders of different sizes. The bucket is made smaller and with a sealed bottom, and the drum is slightly larger (its size depends on the format of the structure) and with 2 sealed sides.

These parts are covered with birch bark or painted brown with gouache. A few threads are wound onto the drum, which will imitate a chain. Excess and uneven edges must be trimmed so that everything looks organic. For the drum you need to make a handle from 2 pieces of thin wire, carefully screwed to the sides of the part.

When the well is ready, you can install it on a piece of board or thick cardboard and arrange a whole yard there. For example, they make a bench from bark, bushes and trees from vines, paths from moss and Christmas trees from cones. The souvenir will have an even more interesting look if you complement it with crafts made from acorns. You can make little people who supposedly came to the well for water.

To do this, you need to take matches or toothpicks, liquid glue and a black marker. Using matches coated in glue, you need to pierce the acorns so that they resemble human legs and arms, and draw eyes, a nose and a smile under their caps.

Wells made from natural materials are a great opportunity not only to enjoy creativity, but also to plunge into the beauty of nature.

House for your favorite doll

Many parents are interested in the answer to the question of how to make crafts from ice cream sticks. There is nothing complicated in this process, you just need to prepare the necessary set of tools and materials, and then follow a clear pattern.

It should be noted that crafts made from ice cream sticks allow you to make any child’s creative dream come true. Let's say a child asks his parents to buy him a toy house for his dolls. Of course, you can go to the store and buy this toy, but it’s better to make it yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated in this process.

So, first, let's prepare the following set of materials:

  • stationery scissors;
  • silicate glue or PVA;
  • popsicle sticks;
  • any fabric, as well as padding polyester.

Of course, these popsicle stick crafts require a little more effort and attention. For example, before starting work, you should accurately calculate the number of sticks that will be used to implement the planned craft. To do this, you should draw your future house and accurately calculate the amount of material for each wall. Usually 14 sticks are enough for each wall and separately for the floor.

The next step is that the sticks should be laid out on a flat surface, and not all 14 should be laid out, but only 12. They are glued together with glue in the side area. Then we glue the remaining 2 more perpendicularly. It should be borne in mind that they should be located closer to the center, because their task is to support the main structure.

In general, according to the same scenario, 7 more blanks need to be made. Only now 2 of them are fastened with 3, not 2 sticks.

Then we move on to those blanks where 3 sticks were attached. These products are glued together in the shape of a triangle. This is very easy to do: first, 1 stick is glued to one of them, and in such a way that half of it protrudes beyond the workpiece itself.

This way, you can enjoy the almost finished house. Then it’s up to the production of textile products - pillows, carpet, you can make a staircase or other decor.

Necessary materials for crafts

You can create a miniature well using different materials - coins or matches, but the easiest way is to use paper or newspaper tubes. To create such a craft, you need to prepare a sheet of paper (size - 30x35 cm). In addition, you will need to take cardboard.

You don't have to buy a special kit; you can use a cereal box or any unwanted cardboard folder. In the process of work, you cannot do without a high-quality, sticky glue stick, as well as a wooden skewer. The diameter of this round stick is 0.7-0.8 mm, and its length is 35 cm.

To create a miniature well with your own hands, you will also need to take paper tape, pliers, stiff wire, and also beige, brown and “steel” acrylic paint. For such a creative process you will need a hard flat brush, a regular pencil, a ruler, scissors and a large needle.

Creative development of the child

All the inhabitants of our Plasticine world use such amazing multi-colored wells. The water in such a well is very clean, transparent and cold. The Stargazer Wizard can make the water in a well warm or even hot with one wave of his magic wand, but only he can do this. Our plasticine well craft is quite simple, but it will require some effort. So, go ahead!

Bricks for making a well from plasticine

Make a lot of cubes from plasticine of different colors (marble texture)

Basis for making a well from plasticine

Cut out a circle from thick paper. Cover it with black plasticine.

Plasticine well lift

To make a lift, bend the wire as shown in the picture. Cover it with plasticine in the middle and give it the shape of a bar. Cover the ends with plasticine too, but just a little.

We build a well from plasticine

Bucket for making a well from plasticine

Make a block of white plasticine, make a depression at the top, place a blue circle there - water. For the handle, take a wire bent in an arc, wrap it in blue plasticine and attach it to the sides of the bucket.

Rope for making a well from plasticine

Take a thick thread and wrap it in plasticine, as shown in the picture.

The final stage of making a well from plasticine

Place the lift inside the well and attach a rope to it. Wrap the rope around the bucket at the other end. The plasticine well craft is ready!

How to make a decorative well from wood for the garden with your own hands

You can decorate a well in your country house with your own hands using ordinary carpentry tools. The process involves creating a base as well as forming a canopy like roof.

Making a well

Step-by-step instructions for creating a decorative well with your own hands include the following tools:

  • carpenter's square;
  • fine-tooth saw;
  • chisel;
  • file;
  • cutter;
  • fasteners (glue, screws).

A decorative well from scrap materials is created with your own hands as follows:

  1. Using a square, the positions of the cutouts are marked on the boards.
  2. In the marked places, two identical cuts are made with a fine-toothed saw.

  3. A chisel is used to remove gaps between cuts.
  4. The grooves are cleaned with a file, and rounded shapes are created using a cutter.

  5. The body is assembled by connecting the boards with appropriate grooves.

  6. Additional pads are attached to the top boards using screws or glue.

  7. Grooves are created in the parapet boards to secure the frame post.

After this, you can install racks made of durable boards. Sizes may vary depending on specific dimensions.

Advice! Transverse connecting elements placed in the spacer between the posts help to significantly strengthen the structure. All parts are connected with bolts in the corners of the walls.

What is it for?

Such buildings can be used to hide a container with rainwater, hide utility lines or disguise hatches. If desired, an artificial tower can be installed above the well. Thanks to this, a garden house at the dacha will not only serve as decoration, but also prevent contamination of the source, hide various imperfections in the landscape, etc.

Plus, such a structure is used in combination with a flower bed. For example, beautifully flowering plants and flowers are planted on the roof or in the middle of the tower. Often these are climbing species.

How to make a mill?

We will tell you another master class on crafts made from newspaper tubes in the form of a mill.

To do this you need:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • paint in brown and yellow shades;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

Advice! Before you start weaving the windmill, you need to color all the tubes. You will end up using more paint than if you were painting a finished item. In this case, it is up to you to decide.

Work should begin when the tubes are slightly damp, so that each stick fits neatly and compactly. We coat them with glue at the places where they are connected to make the structure stronger. The newspaper tube should increase the structure. We pass it through 4 pcs. We lead with eight. Next, take 4 pieces of sticks and twist them around 2 rows. As a result, we return to the beginning. Then we braid 2 sticks each. So we do 2 rows. We begin to wrap around 1 stick at a time. We weave 3 rows in this way and be sure to tighten each stick so as not to leave any gaps. The diameter of our weaving should be about 22 cm. To fix the weaving, we need to thread 1 stick near the next one using a knitting needle. We thread 2 weaves in this way and cut off the excess. Having done this with all the sticks, carefully cut off the excess. The base is ready. For the next step we will need a tin can. Place the container a little to the side. We secure the jar so that it does not slip. We pass through the sticks near the jar through 2 weaves. We do this manipulation around the jar. We take the quantity by eye. Next, we thread several sticks near the main tube and fix it with glue on the wrong side. We let the bottom one follow the stick, and the top one will go towards it. We braid in a figure eight. As a result, the first row was braided. We continue in the same spirit. It is necessary to take into account that the higher we weave, the more we need to monitor the can and tighten it as we weave. So we weave about 10 cm. Let's do the finishing. At the end of the base we will add a yellow stick.

The master class on crafts made from newspaper tubes is coming to its final stage. We weave the row further with a yellow stick. Cut off all excess. For finishing, it is important to make a smooth transition of colors and finish it just as beautifully. Next we weave 4 rows with the main color and again return to the yellow shade. Let's look at the main sticks. If they run out, then it’s time to stop weaving. Additional yellow sticks are hidden in the same way as the main ones.

Making a vase from ice cream sticks

In addition to the bracelet, there are many other items that can easily be made from popsicle sticks. For example, a vase.

The manufacturing process itself is slightly different from the above-mentioned bracelet, but in general the procedure begins similar to that described above. First, soak the sticks in a container of water.


If you need to complete a craft quickly, then you don’t have to wait a day for the material to soak in water, but simply pour boiling water over it.

The next stage is selecting a vase. It is best to choose transparent dishes. Then we begin to carefully lower the sticks into the vase itself, for this we use tweezers. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that they take the shape of the vessel.

Then use glue to attach the sticks to the vase. Then the real creative stage begins: you need to paint the resulting craft. Here you can already use various tools for decoupage, paints and other materials for appliqué.

Of course, DIY crafts made from ice cream sticks will be very useful for your baby. They contribute to the development of fine motor skills, and this task also develops perseverance and attentiveness in the child. The main thing is to interest the little one so that he wants to do something with his own hands and show the result of his labors to everyone around him.

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