How to make plaster pots with your own hands: instructions

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This idea will appeal to all lovers of indoor plants. By bringing it to life, you will not only decorate your interior, but also free up precious space on the windowsill. We bring to your attention a master class on making hanging flower pots.

Hanging planter


  • a piece of knitted fabric (you can take an old T-shirt)
  • scissors
  • roulette
  • a flower pot
  • metal hook


  1. Cut the fabric into 8 identical strips at least 4 cm wide.

Tell your friends how to make a hanging flower pot , they will also want to make such a useful thing.

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No more space on the windowsill? This method will be interesting to those who cannot place their favorite flowerpots even on the floor!

I really like the idea of ​​vertical gardening . And all because this method helps to save space when there is a lack of space and frees window sills and other horizontal surfaces from green spaces, and it also looks unusual, stylish and very beautiful.

And today the editors of “So Simple!” invites you to learn interesting ideas on how to make beautiful hanging flower pots using simple and affordable materials. Now this is not a balcony, but a real Garden of Babylon!

Installation on a semi-trailer

Before purchasing a pallet box, you need to find out how to install it and what its features are. Select and evaluate in advance the location where it will be adjacent to the semi-trailer. If nothing interferes with the installation, everything will go fine.

If there are hanging elements, they can interfere with free installation, so they must be removed in advance.

Installing a pallet box on a semi-trailer.

This is especially true for removing old pallets or long-installed fasteners that have already become stuck and cannot be removed.

Important! Sometimes it is better to entrust the dismantling of such elements to professionals from the installation center of this equipment.

The time required to install a pallet box takes about 1.5 hours for a frame semi-trailer and 4–6 hours for a frameless one.

DIY hanging planter

    And I’ll start, perhaps, with the macrame technique , which, in my opinion, is most suitable for creating hanging flowerpots.

Flowerpots using this technique can be either very simple, which can be made in literally 10-15 minutes with your own hands, or complex - the result of many hours of work.

Therefore, I suggest you practice on easier ones first, honing your skills, and then move on to more complex ones.

Hanging pots made from metal baskets can be immediately filled with substrate, but in order to prevent moisture from passing through, coconut fiber must be laid on the bottom, and this will only improve the appearance of the pots.

Great idea for crochet lovers!

An old hoop, good glue, an unnecessary bowl - and in 20 minutes you are the owner of such an unusual and very stylish flowerpot.

To do this, place half of the hoop vertically, place a bowl inside horizontally and mark the points of contact on the hoop. Glue is applied to them, a bowl is placed and left until the glue hardens.

To create hanging planters, you can use a variety of materials available around the house: baskets, buckets, bottles and even old balls!

Here are some simple master classes on macrame weaving techniques.

I love these options!

And this is not even a flowerpot, but a real shelf for flowers! Arm yourself with an old cutting board and strong threads, and to prevent the flowerpots from falling and the board slipping out, make small grooves along the edges of the board or secure the threads with a drop of glue.

In my opinion, this is an incredibly simple and at the same time quite elegant idea!

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This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It’s quick and easy to do, and it won’t cost you a lot of money on materials either.

To see the process of weaving flowerpots using the macrame technique, I suggest watching this video.

This is a great idea for a hanging pot for orchids! A decent result, but everything is quite simple and easy, isn’t it?

Editorial Board

I also suggest you familiarize yourself with 6 wonderful ideas for using macrame products in interior design. I can’t stop looking at this openwork splendor!

What do you think about these great ideas? In my opinion, this is one of the most optimal solutions for landscaping an apartment with a small area. Although for a large home, especially for lovers of eco and boho styles, this is what you need!

Share these inspiring flowerpot planter with your friends on social media.

Hanging flowerpots, along with flowerpots, have long been used in landscape design and are popular not only with gardeners, because thanks to them you can easily solve several problems at once. You will not only be able to decorate your summer cottage and bring to life the most original ideas, but also easily cope with the lack of space. In addition, such products can be used not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment.

Description of pallet box for semi-trailer

A tool box is a structure usually made of metal. It creates an additional compartment for storing tools, a spare tire and other equipment. It is located at the bottom of the trailer or semi-trailer frame. The convenience of its use is difficult to overestimate, which is why most owners install pallets, despite the additional costs.

Boxes for semi-trailers can be purchased or ordered for many models, in particular for Dake, Kogel, Krone, Schmitz, Nefaz, etc. If a standard palette is not suitable for some reason, the boxes are made to order taking into account the required dimensions. You can also do without outside help by making a tool box for a semi-trailer with your own hands.

Why is it needed?

The main function of a pallet box, from which it gets its name, is the transportation of plastic or wooden pallets. This is very convenient, because the pallets are “at hand” without taking up useful space in the semi-trailer.

Additional Information.

The most popular use for a box is to transport spare tires. This is exactly how many truck owners use this rack.

When transporting pallets or spare wheels, the use of the box is not limited. It also stores canisters, safety belts, basic tools, and fasteners.

Advantages of a pallet

Boxes for trailers and semi-trailers of trucks are universal. They are installed because the design has several advantages:

  1. Additional storage space frees up usable space for larger loads.
  2. Pallet boxes firmly fixed to the frame will not get lost along the way.
  3. Thanks to good fastening and locks, it reduces the risk of theft of both the boxes themselves and their contents.
  4. Withstands mechanical stress, leaving the contents intact.
  5. Durability of use.
  6. There are many ready-made models on the market, which, for example, are designed for semi-trailers Tonar, Schwarzmuller, Kogel, Schmitz Cargobull, etc.
  7. Possibility of self-production.

Disadvantages include additional costs and excess weight. The latter is of little importance when transporting loose cargo that takes up a large volume.

Creation methods

Burlap plant pots

From burlap or any other dense fabric you can create flowerpots in the form of pockets for small plants. To do this, cut out two identical square or semicircular parts and sew them on three sides; you can also shape the product using wire. Such pots look great on the fence of a country house or balcony.

Large shells can be used as hanging planters

You can also make an original flowerpot or hanging plant pot from coconut shells; to do this, make several holes, drain the juice and remove the pulp. If you cut a coconut in half, you get two products at once.

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Products can be made of wire or forged metal

There are many different variations

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Other ideas

Not all pots are planned to be hung at home. They are also made for the street and garden, since such crafts are also in demand at the dacha. And they can be constructed from scrap materials.

From plastic bottles

You should not neglect plastic bottles, because they can also become an object that attracts attention and decorates a space.

To make such a product you will need: plastic bottles, a stationery knife, a hole punch, acrylic paints (aerosol paints are also possible), brushes, a glue gun, a strong cord.

Making a flowerpot from a plastic bottle step by step.

  1. The bottom part of the bottle needs to be cut off - exactly the same size as the height of the intended plant pot. It’s more convenient to do this with a stationery knife, but if you don’t have one, sharp scissors will do. If the pot is in the shape of an animal's face, then you need to cut it out right away with the ears.
  2. Next, you need to punch (or cut) a hole with a hole punch where the cord will be threaded.
  3. The outside of the product must be painted and the paint must be given time to dry. Then draw on the eyes, nose, mouth - in short, what the flowerpot lacks for the image of the animal in the shape of which it is made.
  4. Dry the product again, pass the cord through the hole (however, there may be two holes - this makes it more convenient to hang the pots).
  5. Rarely is the edge of a bottle cut so that the cut is perfectly straight. And a beautiful braid fixed with hot glue can hide the unevenness.
  6. A small pot with a flower is placed inside; all that remains is to hang the flowerpot in the right place.

For a street version this is a good example. Especially under a canopy, such cute flowerpots look great and last longer.

From beads

This expressive option can be obtained if you take: a wooden flower pot, beads (also wooden), jute twine, white and gold paint (it will be easier with aerosol paint), scissors, wide floral tape.

Manufacturing diagram.

  1. A wooden pot itself is usually beautiful, so it needs to be protected with floral tape - exactly those places that should remain unpainted.
  2. Then the pot is painted with gold paint, preferably in 2 layers. Next, you can leave the sealed area unpainted, or you can, on the contrary, cover the golden areas and cover the saved ones with white paint.
  3. You need to put a row of beads on a long thin skewer. And cover them with gold paint too. But not all the beads will be painted, but only part of them.
  4. You need to string dried gold beads of the same size onto jute twine. The overall length should be proportional to the bottom of the pot.
  5. Jute with stringed beads is rolled into a circle. The ends of the threads must be tied into a strong knot, but not cut.
  6. Next, the circle is knitted again, but you can now use different beads: both dyed and undyed.
  7. Based on the beads, the round base is divided into 3 parts. One is already there, but the other two need to be added. The ends of the threads are tied with knots in the middle of the second and third ropes. Gold and undyed beads are added to the second and third ropes.
  8. On top you will need another, large and connecting bead. The ends of three threads are inserted into it and pulled until it stops. The upper parts of the threads are tied into a strong loop.


Caring for plants in hanging structures

  • Hanging flowerpots without a tray can prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, because the root system does not rot, but in this case there may be a lack of moisture, especially if the plant is located in a sunny area. If there is a tray, do not get carried away with watering and install the plant in the shade.
  • The soil in hanging flowerpots and flowerpots should be fertilized periodically , because the minerals present in it are gradually washed out.
  • Heavy and clayey soil substrates that are prone to rapid compaction are not suitable for hanging planting containers , as they can lead to insufficient air permeability , which will also impede the passage of moisture. To avoid this, add expanded clay or vermiculite to the soil.
  • With vertical gardening, the soil dries out much faster, so the plants need to be watered much more often, and you must remember to remove the water that accumulates in the pan. Well-settled or boiled water is best for irrigation.

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Planters made from sphagnum fibers and wicker baskets

Necessary materials:

  1. woven wire basket;
  2. sphagnum (peat moss);
  3. a piece of polyethylene.

Stages of work:

  • Soak sphagnum fibers in water (since it is used in both construction and gardening, you can buy it in the store), squeeze it lightly and place it on the bottom of the basket.
  • Place polyethylene on top, after making several holes in it, it will help retain moisture.
  • Fill the rest of the space with soil, then you can safely plant flowers.

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Drawer types and design

Pallet boxes for semi-trailers differ in several parameters: material of manufacture, dimensions, manufacturer and type of construction.

Drawer design

The pallet box is a frame box with one or two lids, a lattice or a solid partition, and stiffening elements. The lid can open upward and be fixed by springs (with a stop) or open downward and held on by chains. When closed, it holds the contents inside, preventing them from falling out. Installing a lock allows for better security and theft prevention. An option with a removable lid is available.

Material of manufacture

The materials usually used are galvanized steel and plastic. Metal structures are shock-resistant and more durable. Plastic ones are more fragile. Unlike steel boxes, such boxes are more difficult to repair and repair in case of damage. Moisture can get inside due to cracks. But plastic tool boxes are lighter and can be quickly dismantled, if necessary. Therefore, they are also chosen in cases where frequent removal of the pallet from the machine is envisaged.

Palette sizes

Boxes for semi-trailers usually come in three sizes:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

The first are a compact option. Most often used for storing tools and a spare wheel. Its width is usually from 90 cm to 1 meter, i.e. width of one pallet. It is based on this logic that the boxes are divided by standard sizes.

As you might guess, the one and a half box holds one stack of pallets and leaves some room for storing tools or a spare tire.

Double ones are the widest. A partition is installed in the middle, which gives more rigidity and allows you to separate the two storage compartments.

Types of pallet boxes

There are two main types of tool boxes for trailers - factory-made and home-made. The former have a reliable design, neat appearance, reliable locking system and high build quality. Their main drawback is the price.

On the contrary, for home-made ones, the build quality is usually inferior to factory versions, but a better price and the possibility of individual development are significant advantages.

Wicker flower pots

You will need:

  1. 10 long pieces of rope;
  2. several buttons;
  3. metal ring.

In this case, the flower pot will be braided like macrame.

Manufacturing process

Step one

1. Fold the pieces of rope in half and connect them with a simple loop.

Step two

2. Select two loops located next to each other and fasten their adjacent ends with a button (it is better to place the buttons themselves at a distance of 5-7 cm), when fastened, lay the threads crosswise and begin to weave the next row, maintaining the same distance.

Step three

3. You can make as many similar rows as you like; if you decide to complete the work, take the loose ends and tie them together.

See what other weaving patterns can be used:

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Rope weaving

This is what is called the word "macrame", or very similar to it. Over the past couple of years, such handicrafts have become very popular again, and modern wicker items have appeared in the interior of the house. If you’re not sure that macrame will work right away, but you really want a wicker pot, you can start with a simple option. The main material used is jute rope, as well as clothesline or twine.

How to make a hanging pot - a simple diagram.

  1. Take 8 threads (let's say it's twine), they should be equal in length. There is no twine, you can take twine. Each thread can be folded in half to form a loop.
  2. The twine covers the main bundle, and it wraps around it several times.
  3. The structure must be secured, and the residual threads must be removed with a sharp knife. You will get a bundle of 4 threads, each with 9 threads.
  4. Then you can begin the main weaving. This work uses the technique of twisted chains, as well as flat knots. The weaving is durable, but at the same time flexible. That is, you can also put a glass flowerpot in such a product.
  5. The main mesh for the flowerpots will need to be knitted with flat knots.
  6. After everything is completed, the craft needs to be secured to a metal ring.
  7. And to prevent the threads of the finished pendant from becoming fluffy, which will make the pots untidy, they need to be scorched with a lighter.

Leather plant pots

Required materials:

  1. pure water;
  2. tracing paper, as well as 4 pieces of strong rope (or leather laces);
  3. leather paint (optional);
  4. a piece of leather;
  5. stationery knife for cutting and pencil.

Work progress

  • Prepare a template on a sheet of tracing paper, then apply it to a piece of leather to select a location for future markings.
  • Soften the skin with a sponge soaked in water so that it is well saturated with moisture, this will help simplify further work.
  • Place the template on the previously selected area; for greater convenience, you can secure it with tape; now trace the lines marked on the tracing paper, so your design will be imprinted on the surface of the leather.
  • Cut out the leather according to the resulting pattern.
  • Once the leather is dry, you can paint it any color you choose (you need to apply the paint with a sponge), but this is not at all necessary. After painting, as it dries, give the product a three-dimensional shape, gradually pulling out the cut out elements.
  • Make four holes at the top at the same distance from each other and thread four ropes or leather cords through them, tie a knot at the end of each of them.
  • Now you can decorate the resulting product with any materials at hand (rivets, tassels, buttons or beads).

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Hanging structure for wooden flowerpots, master class

Such a stand allows you to solve the problem of placing flowers, and most importantly, you can make any number of tiers depending on your preferences.

You will need:

  1. wooden boards;
  2. rope and metal ring;
  3. saw, drill and sandpaper;
  4. paint (optional).

Process of creation

  • Cut out the required number of square stands from the boards to determine their desired size, take one of the flowerpots you want to place, turn it upside down and make marks along the outline. If the volume of the flowerpot gradually increases upward, in the center of the already marked circle, draw another one with a smaller diameter and cut a hole along it.
  • Using a drill, make holes for the rope in the corners of the sawn stands, then go over the surface with sandpaper; after the stand, you can paint or varnish. The flowerpots themselves can also be painted at your discretion.
  • To connect the coasters, take four strong ropes and thread one through each corner hole, tying a knot at the end.
  • Now, as you add the next tiers, tie knots under each of them, measuring the distance you need between them, it is very important that all tiers are strictly parallel to each other. The advantage of such a stand is that excess water when watering will fall into the flowerpot located below ; you will only need the tray for the very last one. If desired, water-absorbing material can be placed at the bottom of each flowerpot.
  • It is advisable to glue the pallet of the last pot to the surface of the stand to prevent it from falling.
  • Hang the finished structure by pulling all the ropes through the metal ring and tie a strong knot.

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Pot made of copper pipes

For this pot you will need the following:

  1. two meters of small diameter copper tube;
  2. small pipe cutter; strong thread or fishing line;
  3. leather cord or rope;
  4. flower pot.

Work progress

  • Tie a knot at one end of the fishing line, thread the other through 5 small pieces of tube, you should get a pentagon, then thread the fishing line through another 4 pieces of the same size, and then through the tube of the previously obtained pentagon, as shown in the photos below.
  • In the same way, create two more pentagons, there should be 4 of them in total.
  • Do the second row as well.
  • After completing the second row, the structure will resemble a bowl; now, one by one, put long pieces of tubes on the fishing line from five sides, after placing a flower pot inside.
  • Connect all the tubes together.
  • Take a piece of leather cord or string and attach it to the point where the long tubes meet, then you can tie a knot or use glue to secure the end of the cord. To disguise the gluing area, take another small piece of cord, secure it and wrap it around it.
  • Trim off any excess fishing line and cord and hang the finished product.

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Planters made of wooden slats

You will need:

  1. wooden slats;
  2. small nails;
  3. rope;
  4. self-tapping hooks.

Work progress:

  • Make markings on the slats and cut them into small pieces;
  • Lay out six pieces so that they resemble a hexagon;
  • Lay the second row on top, slightly shifting the segments, and connect to the first with nails;
  • Continue laying out the pieces, fastening the rows together until the product reaches the desired height (it will depend on the size of the pot you choose);
  • When finished, secure three hooks at equal distances from each other and tie a rope to them, with which you will hang the flower pots.

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