DIY crafts from trash: TOP best ideas from scrap materials. Instructions on how to make it at home with photos

Decorated container for storage or planting

Making crafts from trash with your own hands is a successful creative activity for summer residents. A flowerpot, a leaky bucket or an old pan that has lost its attractiveness can be restored to its aesthetic appearance.

To do this, the outside of the container must be decorated. For the transformation, they use an interesting looking trifle:

  • Coins;
  • Pebbles;
  • Beads;
  • Buttons;
  • Pieces of broken glass.

The desired picture is formed from decorative elements.

  1. You can glue them in disarray, which will also become a definite design move.
  2. If you try, you can get a real masterpiece.
  3. The decorated vessel is often not used for its original purpose.

Typically, the container becomes a flower pot, an urn, or storage for various items.

Give your child a new toy

Today, handmade educational toys are very popular. They are quite expensive, but making them is not that difficult. Take, for example, a developmental mat. Its main goal is the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations. It is necessary to determine the most optimal sizes and select fabric for the base. If the child is small, it does not hurt to take care of a waterproof lining. That's all. Now you have complete freedom of action. Laces, zippers, Velcro, large and embossed buttons, various types of fabric, artificial or natural fur - all this will be used when creating a developmental rug for a baby. As a result, the result is no worse than what is offered in the store, but you are absolutely confident in its quality and do not worry about your child developing allergies due to low-quality filler. Whatever was created by the mother's hands - a rug, cubes or soft toys, even grown-up children will keep it all their lives, every day becoming more aware of the value and feeling the unique warmth. Undoubtedly, a toy created by a mother can never be even approximately comparable to one bought in a store.

Landscape decor from tires, plastic bottles

To decorate the area, you can make crafts for your dacha from trash. Perfect for this purpose:

  • Used tires and rims;
  • Old buckets and other containers;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scraps and debris of building materials;
  • Various textiles.

It is easy to assemble all kinds of figures from the available materials. These can be cute animals or cool stuffed animals.

Beautiful products can be assembled from any seemingly unusable things. It’s enough to dream up and think through your project better.

Mini fountain

The passion of amateur flower growers for old car tires is well known. In cities, many front gardens in front of entrances are decorated with painted wheels. Tree seedlings are planted inside the slopes and flower beds are arranged.

And at the dacha, you can build a decent pond from an old tire by cutting off half the rubber and creating waterproofing using a sheet of plastic film.

If you then pour water into it and place a small nozzle in the center that sprays water in tiers, foam or colorful splashes, you will get an amazing mini-country fountain. Plant it on all sides with ornamental plants, and here you have a ready-made oasis.

A small art object made from old brushes

Successfully made crafts from unnecessary trash can wonderfully decorate any area. An interesting option can be made from old paint brushes. Take specimens of different sizes.

  • Imitations of faces and figures are painted on the shaft.
  • The pile, cast in different colors, will be an excellent hairstyle.
  • A set decorated in this way will make a good family.

Such an unusual art object will be an excellent colorful decoration for a room, gazebo or space near the front door.

Useful things for home and garden

Crafts that give a second life to trash can be not only beautiful, but also useful. Using outright garbage, it is easy to build things necessary for the household.

Such products can be used both on a summer cottage and in a house, as well as a city apartment.

Leaky kitchen utensils

Leaky pots, basins, bowls, boilings and teapots will not have to be scrapped when there is a dacha where there will always be a use for them.

Having painted the container with intricate script, you can plant any plant of suitable size inside, filling the entire volume with soil.

Wine cork rug

The cork rug is a real find. It is beautiful, environmentally friendly, and convenient.

  1. Any caps from alcohol bottles will work.
  2. They can be used as is or cut as appropriate.
  3. The elements are laid out in the required form.
  4. All components must be glued together.
  5. Corks can be laid vertically or horizontally.

The rug can be flat or raised. High variations are best done with sides. It is advisable to place bath mats on a waterproof base.


In clothes for children, the most unexpected styles and models, finishes and color combinations are allowed. You can sew a contrasting patch or appliqué on the most visible place of a soiled sweater; you can trim a denim sundress that has become a little short with grandma’s lace and mom’s beads. Review your wardrobe. There will definitely be something in it of quite decent quality, but which has long gone out of fashion, with a torn sleeve or with a stain in the most visible place. Feel free to grab a thread and a needle - and go!

Furniture made from pallets or plastic bottles

Useful and interesting crafts made from junk are things made from pallets. You can create various interior items from outright garbage. These are not only banal shelves and tables, but also large things:

  • Sofa,
  • Bed,
  • Closet.

Such furniture is readily used not only in the garden and country house. Often items made from pallets fit well into urban interiors. There are usually no difficulties in creating such things.

If the items are intended for the garden, then they can even be made from plastic bottles.

To create an item, containers are stacked and fastened. For convenience, it is additionally better to use a frame. You can also create furniture from various leftovers and fragments of building materials or old things. Each idea is thought through separately.

Conscious consumption

People make many decisions in life out of habit, as if they were living one day at a time, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, the strategy of conscious consumption has the power to transform life on the entire planet for the better.

In the 19th century, fashion was “slow”. Suits and dresses were made to order according to established patterns, the materials were quite expensive so that the owners of the clothes did not waste things.

With the advent of large factories that produced clothes using an assembly line method, it became possible to sew large orders designed for only one or two seasons - according to the current fashion for color, cut, and finishing features. As a result, the fruits of fast fashion accumulate in closets for decades, saturated with the aromas of mothballs.

But think: in order to produce just one T-shirt, which will no longer be worn after a season, the industry must take 2.7 thousand liters of water from nature! Let's feel sorry for the planet and ourselves, because soon clean water and air will remain only in protected areas at the edge of the world!

Vertical flowerbed from an old cart, chest of drawers, bags

If old useful things cannot be put to good use in the house, then you can do it outside. For example, a worn chest of drawers can be used to make an excellent vertical flower bed.

  1. It is enough to install the item in the right place.
  2. The drawers are pulled out to different levels. Soil is poured into the resulting trays.
  3. All that remains is to plant the plants.

You can do the same with a cart. Using the same pattern, it’s easy to use an unnecessary stepladder. You will get an interesting flower garden if you use old bags as flowerpots.

They fill them with soil and plant plants. Handbags can be placed around the area or hung on a base.

Flower pots: 8 interesting design ideas

To get stylish flower pots, you don’t have to buy them expensively. Even the most ordinary pots can be decorated in an original way using what you have on hand.

Sometimes it is enough to use beautiful paper bags or sewn bags. And a composition of several colors will look in the same style.

Or you can cut off the sleeves of an unnecessary sweater and make beautiful clothes out of them. Even technical pots will be transformed with them.

A small pot can be placed in a beautiful cup. If the plant is flowering, then you should choose a glass to match the color.

Do you have any old shoes? Can be modified and turned into very original flowerpots.

For a country house or dacha, rubber boots lying idle will also do. And what? Colorful.

You can decorate a flower pot using cereals and rope. You will also need glue and varnish.

If you have pieces of lace, then decorating the flower pots will be simple, but very effective. You will need to attach them with transparent glue. Take a look at these adorable examples.

And here is a wonderful florarium made from a transparent teapot. Just a piece of paradise.

Possibilities for children's creativity from trash

Various junk art crafts for children are popular. The material is available, it is not a pity if the child trains for a long time to achieve the desired result. You can work with various raw materials. Often the choice falls on the following things:

  • disposable tableware;
  • containers for detergents;
  • toilet paper rolls;
  • kraft packaging.

To obtain an aesthetic result, various stationery and decorative elements are additionally used. A child can show imagination or work strictly under the guidance of adults. If you can’t come up with an idea on your own, you can always borrow it from the Internet.

Crafts from various trash are a great way to give trash a new lease of life. From unnecessary things you can make excellent, beautiful, useful things that will save money and also increase the level of comfort.

Some statistics

Over the course of a year, only one resident of the Russian Federation throws out up to 400 kg of solid household waste, and less than 30% of this amount is recycled. Vast areas are allocated for landfills, which after some time become polluted with toxic decay products. If you compare Russia with Sweden, where only 1% of the waste that technologists have failed to recycle is disposed of in landfills, you might be horrified.

Photos of crafts made from trash

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