How to make cold porcelain with your own hands: competition with Chinese masters

Starch is a white crumbly powder obtained from grinding and special processing of corn, potatoes, rice, and other agricultural crops. This is a food product of organic origin. And therefore, slimes made from it are absolutely harmless in the absence of intolerance to the substance, which is rare.

The product tends to swell with moisture, so it is used as a thickener when creating slimes. Sometimes it is needed as an additional component to compact the mass. You can buy the powder at any grocery store for 15-20 rubles. per 200 gram package.

Made from starch and PVA glue

This recipe will make original slime. The presence of a compacting crumbly ingredient in the composition does not prevent it from stretching to a film and makes the mass fluffy. The toy also clicks when squeezed.


  • 1-2 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 50 ml PVA glue,
  • 30 ml stationery glue,
  • 1 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. shampoo,
  • 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 0.5 tsp. hand cream,
  • 4-5 drops of sodium tetraborate.

Method of making slime

  1. Pour PVA glue into a cup and add stationery glue to it.
  2. Send the starch there too.
  3. Mix everything with a spatula or stick.
  4. In another bowl, combine water and shampoo, beat until foam appears.
  5. Pour it into the glue and mix everything.
  6. Add shaving foam and make the mixture homogeneous.
  7. Add hand cream and mix.

  8. Add sodium tetraborate and mix everything with a spatula.

We recommend reading about how to make slime from sodium tetraborate. From the article you will learn how to make slime from sodium tetraborate with corn starch, toothpaste, sparkling water, glycerin and more. And here is more information about what thickeners can be used to make slime.

What additives can be added?

There are many ways to make slime at home. In this section you can find recipes that require the use of starch. If desired, you can add additional additives to each of them, thanks to which the slime will become truly unique, for example:

  • nacre;
  • colored sparkles;
  • a few drops of essential oil (to give a unique aroma);
  • foam balls (this will give the toy additional volume and unique tactile properties).

Homemade slime recipes

Attention. The most popular recipe is one that requires only two ingredients: starch (potato or corn) and water.

There are two ways to make slime according to this environmentally friendly recipe.

Using a microwave

To make slime you need to take:

  • starch (one level tablespoon);
  • water (20 ml);
  • Plastic container;
  • spoon for kneading the mixture;
  • acrylic paint (optional).


  1. starch is diluted with warm water (approximate ratio 1 to 1);
  2. a few drops of essential oil, a little dye and glitter are added to the resulting composition (if the slime is intended for the games of a small child, this step can be skipped);
  3. the liquid semi-finished product is placed in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  4. the coagulated substance is rolled into a ball and used for games or stress relief.

Attention. When making slime, it is recommended to use only warm water, since when cold it prevents the ingredients from quickly mixing.

Too high a starch content in the composition of the future handgam can impair its elasticity.

With water, without glue

Slime prepared according to this recipe is significantly different from a store-bought toy: it often sticks to your fingers and is stored for no more than five days. Its advantages include:

  • complete safety even for the smallest children;
  • the presence of good organoleptic properties (the toy is unusually pleasant to the touch).

To prepare this version of slime we will need:

  • 150 g of any starch;
  • 80 ml water;
  • small bowl;
  • stick for mixing the composition.

If you want to make the toy more attractive, you can add a little (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon) of gouache or acrylic paint to it.

Attention. If the slime is intended for baby's games, it is recommended to use beetroot juice or food coloring to tint it. In this case, no harm will happen, even if the child tastes it.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Pour starch into the prepared bowl. The amount of this product indicated in the recipe is conditional. If you want to get a larger slime, you can increase the portion of starch. Accordingly, the amount of water used will have to be increased.
  2. Gradually, in small portions, with continuous stirring, water at room temperature is added to the starch. The thickness of the resulting substance should resemble sour cream. It should spread in your hands and harden when struck.
  3. Used as a toy for school-aged children or as a stress reliever for adults, slime can be tinted. As a dye, you can use watercolor, gouache, acrylic paints, brilliant green, ink for felt-tip pens, etc. In order to protect your hands from staining, it is better to carry out this manipulation with rubber gloves.
  4. If the resulting slime comes out a little runny, you need to knead the composition additionally (similar to how you knead dough).

The service life of such a toy does not exceed 48 hours, but the ease of production and low cost of its main component allows you to acquire a new slime at any time.

With PVA

Attention. Recipes for slimes made from starch with the addition of PVA glue are no less popular.

To make such a toy you will need:

  • potato starch;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • any dye;
  • a small bag made of thick polyethylene.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dry starch are mixed with one spoon of water.
  2. The resulting thick pulp is transferred to a plastic bag.
  3. A dye is also added to it, the amount of which is adjusted depending on the expected result. To obtain a brightly colored slime, increase the amount of paint, remembering, however, that too bright a composition will stain your hands.
  4. Colorless PVA glue (25–30 ml) is added to the mixture.
  5. Having securely tied the bag, knead the mixture with your fingers for several minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Excess liquid accumulated in the bag must be drained.
  7. Having taken the handgam out of the bag, knead it thoroughly in your hands again and blot it with a napkin.
  8. If the slime sticks to your fingers, sprinkle it with a small amount of starch and knead it again, ensuring that the thickener is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the toy.

With shaving foam

Important. The consistency of the slime prepared according to this recipe is distinguished by its high density and the ability to spread like butter.

To make it you will need 10–15 g:

  • potato starch;
  • PVA glue;
  • shaving foam.

Cooking sequence:

  1. PVA glue and starch are mixed in a separate plastic container. The consistency of the resulting mass should resemble thick sour cream. If the composition is too thick, dilute it with a small amount of water.
  2. Taking another container, squeeze shaving foam into it, and then add a mixture of glue and starch to it. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. If desired, add dyes or glitter to the mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with your hands again.

With shampoo

Important. The addition of shampoo makes the slime unusually elastic and fragrant, and its consistency when touched becomes similar to the consistency of kinetic sand.

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour a small (about 1 tablespoon) amount of shampoo into a shallow bowl, 1 tsp. water and mix thoroughly until foam and bubbles appear.
  2. If desired, the soap solution is colored using food coloring, acrylic paints or gouache.
  3. Add starch in small portions, stirring continuously.
  4. Having achieved the required degree of thickness, the future slime is kneaded with your hands.
  5. If the resulting substance crumbles too much, add a teaspoon of olive oil or hand cream to it.

Made from starch without glue

The slime turns out sticky, but soft, holds its shape, and is pleasant to the hands. Instead of liquid clay, you can use light plasticine.

Ingredients for slime

  • 4-5 tsp. starch,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • a bag of liquid clay,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo.

Cooking method

  1. Squeeze shaving foam into a container.
  2. Add liquid clay.

  3. Pour in shampoo and mix ingredients.

  4. Pour the main component into the mixture.

  5. Knead first with a spoon, then with your hands.

From liquid starch

In the recipe, liquid starch plays the role of one of the stabilizers. Only this product is unable to thicken the mass, but it activates the action of the Persil gel and makes the composition coagulate faster.


  • 3 tbsp. l. liquid starch,
  • 400 ml silicate glue,
  • a little gouache,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Persil washing gel.

How to make at home

  1. Pour the glue into a large bowl.

  2. Add liquid starch and stir.
  3. Pour in Persil and knead until thick.
  4. Add gouache, knead in your hands until the paint is evenly distributed.

What is this product in slime for?

The main ingredients of any type of slime are a polymer and a thickener. In industrial conditions, guar gum and borax are used for this. At home, glue, soap and other chemicals can be used as a polymer, and the thickener is borax or starch, which swells when exposed to moisture. In addition, starch may sometimes be needed as an additional sealant for the resulting mass.

But borax is a toxic substance, and its penetration into the body can cause many negative consequences, and contact with children's skin can cause harm to it.

Starch is considered an environmentally friendly product, which is very important when playing with slime. After all, if such a toy falls into the hands of a baby, the natural products included in its composition will not cause significant harm to his health.

To make a toy, you can use potato or corn starch.

What can replace it?

Starch is a white, crumbly powder that is obtained by grinding and processing corn, potatoes or rice. It may happen that such a necessary ingredient for slime is not at hand. Here's what you can replace it with so as not to spoil the quality of the slime:

  • Instead of starch, it is quite possible to use flour. It is safe for health, so even a small child can play with this slime.
  • Regular baking soda can also be used as a starch substitute in slime. To prepare a toy, you can mix it with PVA glue.

From starch and shampoo

In this recipe, the amount of shampoo may vary depending on its consistency. Therefore, you need to add soapy liquid not immediately, but in portions. The slime turns out to look like chewing gum for your hands.

Easy recipe

  • 6 parts starch,
  • 12 parts thick shampoo.

Method of making slime

  1. Pour the main component into a cup.
  2. Pour shampoo there.
  3. Mix everything with a spoon.

  4. Take the mass consisting of large crumbs in your hands and knead until smooth.

Watch this video on how to make slime from starch and shampoo:

From starch and water

This handgam does not stretch, but has an interesting property. If the mass is squeezed in the palm of your hand and then released, it changes its consistency to a weaker, more fluid one.

What to make slime from

  • 10 parts starch,
  • 2-3 parts water.

How to make slime

  1. Place the white crumbly powder in a deep plate.

  2. Pour water into it.

  3. Stir with a spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. When it becomes difficult to work with it, take the mass in your hands and knead it properly.

Classification and properties

  • Dilatant - with increasing shear strain rate, viscosity increases.
  • Plastic - under static conditions shows the properties of solid objects. But when you influence it, it shows fluidity.
  • Pseudoplastic - when shear stress increases, viscosity, on the contrary, becomes less. A good example is volcanic lava.

Basic properties of non-Newtonian fluid:

  • Viscosity and density depend on the impact on it.
  • When exposed, it shows the properties of solids.
  • The lower the fluid flow rate, the higher the viscosity.
  • They have good fluidity and evaporation.
  • It is heterogeneous in composition and does not mix well.
  • Magnetism has been observed in some species.

From starch and sodium tetraborate

This slime should be matte, with a smooth surface, stretching well, but not to the point of film. He looks like fluffy.


  • 3 tablespoons starch,
  • 4 spoons of water,
  • a few drops of acrylic paint,
  • 2-3 spoons of silicate glue,
  • 3-4 drops of sodium tetraborate.

How to cook at home

  1. Place the main component in a bowl and pour water into it.

  2. Mix everything until it becomes a non-Newtonian liquid.

  3. Touch it up.

  4. Add glue and stir.

  5. Pour in thickener.

  6. Knead the mixture with a spoon and hands.

Technology for preparing starch at home

Obtaining starch from potatoes consists of several stages. Let's look at each of them step by step.

  • Preparation of raw materials . Potato tubers need to be washed well and allowed to drain. Peel them.

Potatoes are grated or pureed in a blender, just like to obtain potato juice. You can twist it in a meat grinder. Here you need to take into account this feature - the finer the potato pulp, the greater the amount of starch in the output. My grandmother used to say “to rip the potatoes”, so you need a grater like this:

For maximum grinding you need a “grater-shingle”

As you rub, place the mass in a large bowl of water to prevent it from darkening. Potato juice contains nitrogenous substances - tyrosines - which are oxidized under the influence of the enzyme tyrosinase and form colored compounds. When interacting with polysaccharide molecules, they color its grains and reduce the snow-whiteness of the finished product.

When all the potatoes are chopped, the pulp is mixed well in a bowl of water, squeezed out, as if washing: washed for the best extraction of starch. Strain the mixture through a sieve into another large bowl. Squeeze out the pulp, rinse it again with water, like pasta, and squeeze it out.

On a note ! The pulp will not be needed for further work. It can be used to make hash browns, fed to pets, California worms, or thrown into the compost heap.

Preparation of starch suspension . We work with liquid. We leave it to form a sediment for half an hour. Carefully drain the liquid (you can water your house plants with it), fill it with clean water, mix well and wait again until the solid sediment settles.

We repeat this procedure as many times as necessary to obtain a clear liquid and a white precipitate. This will happen 3-4 times. For the last time, let the liquid sit for 1 hour and carefully drain. At the bottom of the container you will see sediment - this is the starch suspension. If you used a very high-quality fine sieve, it will be completely white; if the sieve was large, the top layer will contain an admixture of potato fiber (potato flour). Carefully collect the top layer with a teaspoon; after drying, it can be used for baked goods that include starch in recipes or for technical purposes.

Starch product . Scrape the resulting suspension with a spatula and place on a parchment-lined tray. Spread the mixture evenly in a thin layer. The rate of moisture evaporation and the formation of starch powder depend on the thickness of the layer. Drying of the product is carried out at a temperature of 20-25 degrees in a dry, well-ventilated area. Every 8-10 hours the mass is stirred and kneaded to avoid the formation of lumps. Such procedures are carried out until the starch dries completely. Subject to temperature and humidity conditions, this is approximately 72 hours.

To speed up the drying process, you can use an electric dryer. It must be used very carefully. At a temperature of 40 degrees, starch turns into a paste and you can instantly destroy the result of your work.

From starch without sodium tetraborate

The proposed recipe will be useful if you want to make a crispy slime. In addition, the slime stretches perfectly to the film, and its surface shines.

Proven recipe

  • 1 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 55 ml stationery glue,
  • 2 tbsp. l. water,
  • a pinch of watercolor paint,
  • 1 tsp. sunflower oil,
  • 7-10 doses of Teymurov foot spray.

Method of making slime

  1. Pour the glue into a bowl.
  2. Add water to it.

  3. Add dye to the liquid and mix.

  4. Add starch and make the mixture homogeneous.
  5. Pour in the oil and stir the liquid.

  6. Spray Teymurov's spray into it, knead until thickened with a spatula.

From starch and soap

This slime can be slowly stretched with a ribbon and kneaded in your palms. It will not be possible to blow bubbles out of it, since the mass is too dense.

Ingredients for slime

  • 6-7 parts starch,
  • 2 parts liquid soap,
  • 2-3 drops of acrylic paint.

How to make it yourself

  1. Pour the soap into a cup.

  2. Touch it up.

  3. Gradually, stirring, add the main component to the liquid.

  4. When it becomes steeper, take the mass in your hands and bring it to readiness.

Watch this video on how to make slime from starch and soap:

From starch and shaving foam

This method makes soft and airy slime that only seems dense. It actually stretches quite well. And if the mass comes out too tight, it can be softened by adding foam or shampoo in excess of the specified volumes.


  • 5-6 tablespoons of starch,
  • 1 spoon of shampoo,
  • 1 spoon of shaving foam.

How to cook it yourself

  1. Place the shampoo in a bowl and add shaving foam to it.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Add the main component and make the mixture homogeneous with a spoon.

  4. Knead it in your hands.

Cold porcelain flowers

In the photo of cold porcelain you can see a variety of products that can be used for inspiration. Such products impress with their beauty.

Consider a master class on creating a rose from cold porcelain:

  1. Let's prepare a workplace and the necessary tools: wire, rolling pin, scissors, green tape, glue;
  2. Before working with cold porcelain, lubricate your hands with glue;
  3. We will make blanks in the form of stems from wire;
  4. We attach a small circle of red mass to the tip of the wire; this is the beginning of our bud;
  5. Next we make the petals of the future rose. You can use a stack, or you can use a bead;
  6. We give the shape of the petal by smoothing. We make the edges a little thinner;
  7. We attach the finished petals to the bud with glue;
  8. We hang the finished flower with the bud down;
  9. Next we make the leaves. Again, you can use a ready-made form, or you can make do with improvised means;
  10. We add relief to the leaf using a toothpick;
  11. We wrap the wire with tape and glue the leaves;
  12. Let the rose dry.

If you want to make a bouquet of roses, then when they are dry you can fasten them with a beautiful ribbon.

In the pictures of cold porcelain you can see the elegant color scheme. You can make various things from cold porcelain. Earrings, bracelets, and rings made from this material look very beautiful.

You can decorate a mug, a vase, a headband with it, or you can make a whole bouquet. The bouquet will look very realistic. Flowers made from cold porcelain are very similar to real ones. Cold porcelain jewelry is great for a gift or a pleasant surprise.

They also make various figurines and decorative elements with which I decorate the house. The main thing is that such material is accessible and inexpensive, and is also safe for children.

From starch and flour

The slime according to this recipe does not stick to the skin, it is crunchy. It also stretches if you do it slowly. If the composition is too tight, you can soften the toy with any of the liquid components. If any of them is missing, it is permissible to increase the amount of another component. There should be less flour than the second crumbly ingredient.

Proven recipe

  • 4-5 tbsp. l. corn starch,
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 1 tsp. dishwashing gel,
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap,
  • 0.5 tsp. toothpaste,
  • 1 tbsp. l. hand cream,
  • 1 tsp. shaving gel or foam,
  • 1 tbsp. l. oils for baby skin care,
  • a little acrylic dye.

How to make at home

  1. Place shampoo and dishwashing detergent in a container.

  2. Add liquid soap and toothpaste to them, then hand cream.

  3. Add shaving gel and baby skin care oil to these ingredients.

  4. Put the paint there and mix everything until smooth.
  5. Add flour and starch.

  6. Knead with a spoon until thick.

  7. Finish the toy with your hands, adding starch if necessary.

  8. Leave the slime alone on the table for 5 minutes.

Applications of non-Newtonian fluids

It is used in many fields of activity - military development, automotive industry, cosmetology, cooking.

A new generation of body armor is being developed in military production. Scientists have created a prototype of a new generation of body armor. A special liquid composition is used between the layers of the vest, which upon impact is distributed throughout the body armor.

If a bullet hits such a vest, it will not pierce it, but will get stuck inside. It is also used in other developments, for example, an innovative material from which ski equipment is made. This material consists of separate cells with a liquid and solid phase.

In cosmetology , the properties of non-Newtonian liquids are used so that cosmetics do not spread over the face, but stick to beautiful makeup. Examples from cosmetology - various creams, foundations, mascaras, glosses. Individual viscosity indicators are selected for each product.

The automotive industry also uses the properties of non-Newtonian fluids, for example, motor oils. When the engine is running, they reduce their viscosity by several tens of times.

Examples from cooking include ketchup, mayonnaise, and butter.

Non-Newtonian fluids have been used in firefighting for more than 50 years. Thanks to the polymer, the length of the jet from the bronze jet is almost 2 times longer.

Non-Newtonian fluid is used in many petroleum production processes.

From starch and hydrogen peroxide

This is a hand gum recipe. It turns out soft and fluffy, but sticks a little to the skin. As time passes, the toy will become drier. It can be revived by adding water.

What to make slime from

  • 5 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 3 tbsp. l. water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • a few grains of powder dye,
  • 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

How to make slime at home

  1. Place the main ingredient and water in one bowl.
  2. Mix them with your hands.
  3. Add glue and distribute it throughout the mixture until smooth.
  4. Tint the liquid, pour in hydrogen peroxide.

  5. Mix everything until thickened.

History of appearance

The invention of cold porcelain dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. Argentina is considered to be the birthplace of the material. Around the same period of time, a substance with similar properties became the basis for the work of the Russian master Peter Ivanov.

An employee of a porcelain production company began making unique products according to his own recipe. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​using flowers as decorative elements. They decorated tea sets, vases and perfume bottles.

From starch and hair balm

Thanks to the creamy consistency of the hair product, the toy is soft and flexible, stretches, but does not smear your hands. The volumes of the components can be adjusted if the mass seems too tight or liquid.

Ingredients for slime

  • 3 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 1 tbsp. l. creamy hair balm,
  • some powder paint.

Method of making slime

  1. Mix hair conditioner and dye in a container.

  2. Supplement them with the main component.
  3. Knead the mixture first with a spatula, then with your hands.

From starch and soda

This recipe produces a slime similar to butter slime. It is slightly sticky, but soft, and the soda gives the mass an airiness. You should pull the toy slowly, otherwise it will tear.


  • 7-8 spoons of the main component,
  • 3 spoons of dishwashing liquid,
  • 3 spoons of shampoo,
  • 1 spoon of soda.

Making slime at home

  1. Place dishwashing gel in a cup.
  2. Add shampoo to it.
  3. Add baking soda and stir until smooth.

  4. Gradually add the main ingredient, kneading the mixture until thick.
  5. When the texture is still sticky, but already compacted, knead the almost finished toy with your hands.

What tools are needed for sculpting?

You can make a simple decoration from cold porcelain using available tools. Beginners can buy tools gradually.

Let's consider what tools are needed to create jewelry from cold porcelain:

  • Rolling pin. Needed in order to roll out the mass;
  • Scissors. They are needed always and everywhere. Scissors can be any kind, the main thing is that they are convenient to use;
  • Tweezers. It is simply necessary. If a speck or thread gets on the product, then you cannot do without tweezers;
  • Stacks. You can use only one stack, or you can purchase a set. At first, you can use toothpicks;
  • Tassels. They are needed to tint finished products;
  • Paints. They can be different, whichever the master likes best. But many people use food coloring;
  • Board or separate tablecloth. These objects are where the main work with the material takes place;
  • Wire. It is needed, for example, for the stem of a flower.

These are the basic tools that are important when working with cold porcelain. You can purchase a lot of other accessories, for example, various cuttings, textures, molds, decorations for finished products, etc.

From potato starch

You can make figures from this soft and light slime, as it holds its shape well. But if you adjust the amount of liquid components, the composition will become more fluid, similar to butter slime.

Ingredients for slime

  • 5-6 spoons of potato starch,
  • 1 spoon of vegetable oil,
  • a small amount of any pigment,
  • 1 spoon of shampoo.

How to make at home

  1. Pour the oil into a bowl with a wide bottom.

  2. Add shampoo to it.
  3. Color the liquid and stir.

  4. Pour in the main ingredient little by little, working it in with a spatula.

Watch this video on how to make slime from potato starch:

From starch and toothpaste

In this recipe the number of components is very arbitrary. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, you need to add more starch. If the composition is too hard, soften it with toothpaste or water. The slime should come out dense, but quite plastic, with a pleasant smell and soft texture.

Simple recipe

  • 5 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 2 tbsp. l. toothpaste,
  • 1 tsp. water,
  • 1 tsp. shaving foam.

Method of making slime

  1. Place the dry ingredient in a bowl.

  2. Squeeze the toothpaste in there and mix.

  3. While still working with the spoon, pour in the water.

  4. Add foam and knead everything until thick.

Recipe two

This option is cold porcelain without cooking.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Corn starch - two tablespoons.
  • Johnson's Baby oil - one tablespoon.
  • Baking soda - a pinch.
  • PVA glue.
  • Hand cream.

Grind the starch and butter in a bowl with a spoon, add baking soda. Mix. Pour glue into the resulting mixture. If the dough turns out too tight, add more PVA. Scrape everything out of the bowl and knead the dough with your hands.

Be sure to soak the bowl in water immediately to make it easier to clean later.

Lubricate your hands with cream and knead the mixture a little more so that some of the cream gets on it. All! Now we place the resulting cold porcelain in polyethylene or start modeling right away.

From corn starch

A slime made correctly according to this recipe should be soft, stretchy, and slowly fall off when you let it go down. The toy is pleasant to the touch and looks like a marshmallow. A corn product is used here because it swells less in soapy liquid than potato slime, and the slime is more tender.

What to make slime from

● about 150 g corn starch,
● 100 ml dishwashing detergent.

How to cook it yourself

  1. Pour the detergent into a cup.
  2. Gradually pour in the main component, not forgetting to knead the mass.

  3. Knead it with your hands, adding dishwashing gel if necessary.

From starch and dry toilet soap

This is a way to create an anti-stress toy that can be crushed and used for sculpting figures. It easily changes shape under the influence of fingers, but holds it well.

What is needed for slime

  • 17-20 tablespoons of any starch,
  • 100 ml warm water,
  • half a bar of dry toilet soap,
  • a few drops of acrylic dye.

How to make at home

  1. Pour the water into a bowl and cut the soap into it.

  2. Stir until the soap crumbs dissolve.
  3. Tint the mass.

  4. Slowly add the main ingredient, stirring with a spatula.

  5. Knead with your hands, adding white powder if necessary.

We recommend reading about how to make slime without a thickener. From the article you will learn about options for making slime with and without glue. And here is more information about how to make slime without sodium tetraborate.

Toys in which starch is the main component cannot be called classic slimes. It's more like chewing gum for hands or hand gum. But they are given to small children without fear, they are easy to prepare, without spending a lot of money. And when creating a slime, you can improvise with the number of components, correct mistakes by adding liquid soap, shampoo, shaving foam or starch powder.

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Properly dried figurines have a high margin of safety and resistance to mechanical stress. This process does not require much effort, you just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not expose the product to sudden temperature changes;
  • The best option is drying at room temperature;
  • drying time depends on the thickness of the product, the minimum period is one day;
  • You can avoid deformation by regularly turning the figures over while drying.

Expert opinion


There are variations of cold porcelain recipes that can be dried in the oven. Products based on soda and PVA glue cannot be dried in this way; they become brittle and may crack.

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