Which chandelier should you choose in the shape of an airplane for the nursery or should you make it yourself?

From improvised means

On the Internet you can find quite a wide variety of ideas from a wide variety of available materials. Many people are wondering whether it is possible to make a chandelier on their own, that is, at home. We will tell you how to make a chandelier from everything you can get your hands on.

Bottle chandelier

A chandelier made from ordinary glass bottles will look good above the dining table.

Idea from bottles

For production we will need:

  • glass bottles (their number depends on your idea), in our case you will need 3 pieces;
  • glass cutter and sandpaper;
  • screwdriver and wire;
  • protective equipment (mask, goggles, gloves).

Set of tools

Let's get started:

Step 1: You need to soak the bottles in water: this will allow you to easily remove all the labels and wash away all the debris that is in the bottles. After these steps you need to dry them well.

Step 2: Divide the bottles into two parts. We install the glass cutter at the required height. We cut slowly to get an even cut. We must wear protective clothing when working with a cutter.

Cut below the middle

Step 3: Now we place the bottle with the cut under the tap and alternate cold and hot water. As a result of such a temperature difference, the unnecessary piece of the bottle will disappear.

Step 4: The cut on the bottle is processed with sandpaper. It should be even and smooth.

Step 5: Carefully pull the wire through the neck of the bottle and attach the light bulb socket.

Processing the cut Inserting the wire

Step 6: Decorate the lampshades with regular wire or decorate them to your taste.

Step 7: We hang the finished lampshades, and that’s it – the work is done, you can enjoy the result.


Chandelier made of discs

Perhaps you have a large number of CDs lying around, then you can use them to make a chandelier for your home. It's not that difficult to do and you don't need a lot of tools. The simplest option is discs glued to a ball or fabric lampshade. This lamp is perfect for events, parties, etc.

Disco ball made from CDs

You can also make not one large ball, but several small ones. They will provide more light than one large one. You can also screw light bulbs of different colors into small balls; this will look very impressive at a party.

Small balls

There are many options for disk chandeliers. You can make a very simple chandelier with your own hands, like a children’s mobile: just take the disks and hang them on threads, and tie these threads to a ring, in the center of which hang a light bulb.

Garland of disks

Pallet shelf

Is it possible to make a shelf without a jigsaw and drill? Quite! To do this, you can use an unnecessary construction pallet (pallet), transforming it a little.

On private classifieds websites, you can buy such a pallet for 100–200 rubles, and if you’re lucky, then for nothing. New pallets can be purchased online for 50–100 rubles more. They will be cleaner and require less processing time.

To make a shelf from a pallet you need to prepare:

  • wooden pallet;
  • Angle grinder or renovator, they can be replaced with an ordinary wooden block wrapped in sandpaper;
  • sheets of sandpaper of different densities;
  • brush and rags for cleaning;
  • wood primer with moisture protection;
  • paint, varnish, brush.


  1. First of all, you need to thoroughly sand the pallet with sandpaper, removing burrs, irregularities and dirt. To do this, first sand with coarse sandpaper, then medium and fine sandpaper.
  2. Having finished sanding, clean the surfaces from dust with a brush and a damp rag and begin applying a moisture-proof composition. It will protect the future shelf from water flowing from shoes, preventing the formation of fungi and wood destruction, and prepare the surface for applying paint.
  3. After the primer has completely dried, the surface is painted and varnished. Depending on the chosen design, you can paint not the entire pallet, but only the outside, leaving the inside the natural color of the wood, or combine it in combinations convenient for you.

The top of the shelf can be turned into a mini greenhouse, decorated with home flowers, both natural and artificial.

This article lists only a small part of the possible options for making shelves yourself, at home. The possibilities for creativity are limited only by flights of fancy. Try it, you will definitely succeed.

Paper airplane

For this craft you need little: a sheet of paper and a steady hand. Sometimes also a ruler.

Note! The sheet of paper from which you will make the plane must be completely flat and smooth. Any roughness and defects sharply reduce the flight qualities of the craft.

Simple paper airplane design

It doesn't require anything other than paper. The sheet should be rectangular: from a school notebook or office printer paper. Let's fly!

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. We bend the corners on both sides. They should occupy approximately one third of the sheet and be in close contact with each other like an “envelope”.
  3. We bend the resulting “envelope” entirely down. There is still space between his “nose” and the edge of the paper.
  4. We take the two upper corners of the resulting structure and bend it inward. They fit tightly to each other, from under them the “nose” of the “envelope” is visible.
  5. We bend the “nose” up.
  6. Fold the resulting workpiece in half outward. The “nose” is bent in half.
  7. We bend a “wing” on each side.

That's it, our simple airplane can be launched.

Let's get to work

Draw a marking on any board for future cutting, and on another board you will create a silhouette of the majestic mountains.

Using clamps, secure the boards directly to the table. To avoid leaving unwanted marks directly on the prepared wood, you can simply lay fabric between the clamp and the same board. Carefully cut out the “mountains” straight along the lines using a jigsaw.

Using sandpaper, sand your workpiece.

Assemble the structure and you will see that making shelves quickly enough with your own hands is more than easy. The “mountains” must be secured directly to the shelf using nails or screws that are at hand.

Paint the shelf with paint or your chosen acrylic varnish in two layers.

Secure the brackets while the wood continues to dry.

This completes the work. All that remains is to attach the workpiece directly to the selected bracket. To do this, you just need to place it carefully on the corners and screw it directly onto small screws. All that remains is to check the shelf for its reliability and place the already selected items on it.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are considering the option of using shelves in a room that does not have a large area, then it is better to use wall-mounted shelves, since they significantly save free space and at the same time fit perfectly into almost any style direction.

Only with a competent approach, shelves and other furniture for a child will help achieve ideal conditions for the process of study and relaxation.

Airplane made from popsicle sticks

You will need:

  • 3 wide popsicle sticks
  • 5 small popsicle sticks
  • 2 small cardboard pieces (~4.5 cm x 0.8 cm)
  • 1 small black bead
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. First, glue together 5 small popsicle sticks and let them dry;
  2. While the sticks are drying, trim the edges of the cardboard to make them slightly round. Cardboard can be painted any color;
  3. Glue both pieces of cardboard together in the center to form an X-shaped propeller;
  4. Carefully glue the black bead on top of the X-shape propeller and let them dry;
  5. Take 5 glued sticks and glue 2 large sticks along their wide sides at a distance of about 1.5 cm from one end (one on each side). And let them dry.

Let kids paint the planes in their favorite colors and then decorate them with glitter, sequins or buttons.

Algorithm for creating a toy airplane

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to make an airplane. This will allow you to create a craft without any problems if you strictly follow the instructions for creating a toy airplane.

We take blue paint and paint the wings of the future airplane. Then we take red paint and paint the clothespins, which will later become the basis of the airplane. To create the hind wings, you need to cut the stick into two parts. Scissors must be used to round the cut edge.

The tail of the plane consists of a piece of stick. Cut a piece of 10 millimeters from the stick. To do this we use a stationery knife. The edge should not be smooth.

Next you need to draw a propeller and cut it out. We take a decorative pin, which we use as a rotating element. That's it, our plane is ready for use.

Let's move on to practice

In today's article we offer you the most detailed instructions for sculpting an airplane for passengers, although there are a huge number of variations: cargo or military, for example. In each option, you must first take into account every feature of the aircraft. In order to make an airplane from plasticine with your own hands, you need to prepare materials such as plasticine itself (preferably gray, blue or black), matches and a glass will serve as tools. You will also need to stock up on one free evening and desire.

Of course, you can create the most unusual airplane by choosing very bright and unusual colors. But if you want to create a realistic aircraft, then choose the most common colors such as gray, black, white and blue. The most popular aircraft are made in gray-black or white-blue combinations. First of all, we take plasticine of the first color, warm it in our hands, soften it and roll the ball of the future airplane out of plasticine.

Then we pull the resulting ball into a sausage. Entrust this task to your baby, but tell him how to do it correctly. The child must press the plasticine ball between the handles or place it between the palm and the board. After this, roll out the ball with small oscillating movements back and forth.

Then help your baby squeeze the resulting sausage a little more. Then sharpen one of the parts of the sausage, and then round it a little to the shape of a real airplane. Thus, you have a nose. Take black plasticine and sculpt a large window in the cockpit. The imitation of the front windows should resemble a crescent moon.

In the next fifth step, the child can mold airplane wings from the main color, and then attach them to the sausage.

It is worth taking into account the fact that if you want to make a beautiful airplane, then the wings should not be thin. They must keep their shape

Then take black plasticine, pinch off small pieces of it and attach it to the top as porthole windows on each side of the plane. Make a couple of barrels and have matches ready because you will need to make turbines.

Then attach to the bottom of the turbine housing. We attach them to the places where the wings connect to the main body of the toy.

Forming a tail. To do this, we fix the triangular elements at the back of the toy.

This is the airplane we made from plasticine. You can hang it on a string and send it flying in kindergarten. We are sure that every boy in this place will definitely like this toy.

Main features of loft style lighting

The features of the loft style are reflected in the lighting system of the premises. The industrial direction involves the use of diverse lamps to decorate a room and perform functional tasks. The devices are technologically advanced, ergonomic, and have strict geometric shapes.

The light should be diffused. Combining different types of lamps in a space is popular. Items are stylized in a retro style or made from modern materials in simple designs without fabric finishing or decorative painting.

The direction does not provide restrictions on the placement of lighting devices. Multi-format chandeliers and floor lamps are arranged randomly. Accents in the recreation area are created by devices with subdued light in a warm range. For the study area, tabletop appliances or pendant sconces with a directional light source with lamps of cool shades are used.

An industrial lighting system may include:

  • hanging-type structures on cords, chains with adjustable height;
  • stands on the floor with supports, sliding and freely moved around the space;
  • lighting devices on slats, rough boards with many light bulbs, creating diffused light;
  • compact spotlights help to zone the space;
  • LED lighting, which is located in the hallway area, under the roof.

Airplane model made of plywood

Wood is an excellent material for crafts, but working with it requires much more effort, patience, skill and tools.

Scissors are not suitable, but a knife with a good blade, a bow saw, an axe, a hammer and chisels, and hand-held power tools are not a complete list of carpentry equipment.

When choosing a material for crafting a wooden airplane, you should pay attention to plywood. It has a number of design advantages: small thickness, safety margin, low density

To cut out parts from it, one tool is enough - a hand jigsaw.

The procedure may be as follows:

  • Find a diagram with part templates and dimensions; diagrams are available on the Internet, in aviation magazines, in books;
  • Make markings on sheets of plywood; The markings can be done first on thick paper, then cut out - this will be a template; by applying it to plywood, you can mark a larger number of identical parts;
  • All parts are cut out with a mechanical jigsaw; the use of an electric jigsaw is undesirable: it breaks off the top layer of plywood and cannot handle small radius curves;
  • According to the diagram, the parts are connected into one whole mechanically; the use of glue and other fastening methods is minimal;
  • The model is decorated: painted in various colors, the cockpit and windows are designated, and identification marks are applied.

Variety of materials for modeling

  1. Ordinary plasticine of domestic production. This plasticine is perfect for making crafts for children of school age, but for very young creators, preparation for work will be difficult. This plasticine is hard, and it will be difficult for the baby to prepare (knead and warm) it for work on his own. And although crafts made from it are durable, the dull color that is characteristic of this type of plasticine makes the work unremarkable.
  2. Imported plasticine is soft and rich in color. It does not get dirty when you use your hands and is easy to clean from clothes. The only drawback is that crafts made from it are not very durable, quickly lose their shape, and the parts do not fit together well.
  3. Wax plasticine sticks well and is soft to work with. The colors are bright and do not leave stains. It is best to store pieces of plasticine in individual packaging, as they easily stick together.

Ceiling chandelier in a children's room

First you need to decide what size the lamp will be. A small lamp is ideal for a small space, but it should not hang too low, otherwise the room will appear even smaller.

In a spacious room, a voluminous pendant lamp looks good as an accent. And for sufficient illumination during lessons, additional light sources are suitable.

The main point when choosing a chandelier for a child's room is its safety. The range of different lamps for children is now diverse, so when choosing a light source, you can combine all the necessary properties - aesthetics, safety and sufficient illumination. A chandelier in a children's room should also meet the needs of the child - what is suitable for an infant may not be suitable for a schoolchild or teenager.

When choosing a lamp for the nursery, it is recommended not to forget about the details of the chandelier itself. The bracket, lampshade and other fittings must match each other in color and style. If the choice falls on a fabric lampshade, then the chosen textile will be an assistant in finding the color - curtains, drapes and other interior details.


It is not necessary to mount the chandelier exactly in the middle of the room, especially if it is small. A logical solution would be to place a ceiling light above the area where the child spends a lot of time studying or reading. And for the rest of the room, a pendant or floor lamp will be enough. At the same time, they should create diffuse lighting and serve for reading before bed

From a psychological point of view, soft light at any time of the day gives a feeling of comfort and safety, and this is important for a child

The color of the ceiling chandelier should also be selected depending on the age of the child.

For a child's room under three years old, it is better to choose lamps made in pastel shades that will not distract attention too much.

  1. Brightly colored lamps with an unusual design are suitable for the bedrooms of preschool children and primary school students.
  1. White, blue, beige, lavender tones or acidic, bright, dark shades will fit into a teenager's room. As well as lamps made in contrasting combinations of shades.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

A chandelier in a children's room should not have many decorative elements that collect dust from throughout the room.

Options for the most popular ceiling lamps for children's rooms:

  1. Ball chandelier. Typically this model is made of glass or plastic in bright colors. It will become a colorful decoration of the room, especially if it has a mirror surface.
  1. Chandelier in the shape of space. The theme of a dark sphere in the design of a nursery has always been a suitable option. In addition, such an interior solution can become a reason for a child to become interested in space. The design of this chandelier features multiple planets attached to a base near the ceiling. Celestial bodies can be included both together and separately from each other.
  1. Sun lamp. This lamp is suitable for a large nursery. It illuminates a spacious room thanks to the “rays” coming from the center along the entire ceiling. A universal option for both boys and girls.

Chandelier in the hall (living room)

The hall is the face of our home. A place where we receive guests, celebrate holidays, spend evenings with family and friends. Therefore, the choice of chandelier for this room should be taken very seriously.

Choosing a chandelier for the hall is not easy. Many nuances need to be taken into account

It is important that the light in the living room is bright, but warm, conducive to communication and creates comfort. If you are lucky and you are the owner of a luxurious apartment with high ceilings, then designers recommend opting for a massive pendant chandelier

It looks elegant and solemn, giving the design a unique charm. Crystal chandeliers look great in a classic interior - a symbol of prosperity and aristocracy. However, if the ceiling height is standard, then it is better to turn to a ceiling chandelier with numerous shades. Two small symmetrically located ceiling chandeliers will help to illuminate an elongated room evenly and harmoniously.

Also, when choosing a chandelier for the hall, you should give preference to specimens with several lighting modes and involving the use of energy-efficient light sources, such as LEDs.

Design ideas and possible configurations with photos

Shelves for children are classified according to age:

  • From one to three years, it is enough to build one section with several shelves for toys.
  • From 3 to 6 years, storage systems become more functional. Here you will already need to make several boxes for toys that will be interconnected.
  • From 6 to 10 years old it is already possible to make spacious shelving for the floor of the wall. They will be convenient for storing not only toys, but also school supplies.

As for the design for boys, discreet tones are chosen in the design. They can make furniture in the form of a ship, garage or fortress. And girls can build a rack for toys in bright colors and with different decor, for which models in the form of castles or small houses are often selected.

Attention: by selecting a neutral color for the rack, as the child grows older, it can be supplemented with new sections

Types by type of construction

Regular shelves

They are suitable for all age categories. From the first days of a baby’s life, they can be used to store personal hygiene products, then toys and textbooks.

Pull-out shelves

Such storage systems are convenient for board games and puzzles. After the game, the structure slides into place, freeing up free space in the room. Keep in mind that for safety, the structure must be additionally equipped with stoppers.

Square cells

For small children, such furniture is placed horizontally. This way the baby will be able to reach any thing and then put it back in its place. As the child grows, the square cells can be placed vertically.

Modules of different heights

This solution is quite original and convenient. This design can be used for active games, and the child will easily get his toys out of it.

Pull-out boxes

They can be made from various materials (plastic, textile, wood). Pull-out boxes are installed at the bottom of the rack. It is convenient to store toys in them, and you can also assemble puzzles. When your baby gets tired of playing, you just need to push the box back into the rack.

Types by type of accommodation


They are quite spacious structures. Such models can be symmetrical, asymmetrical or interesting shapes. The back wall, which supports the entire structure, is responsible for the stability of the floor shelving.


They are space-saving and compact in size. With this design, there will be plenty of space in the room for active games. The corner design will help you rationally use every free centimeter of the room; it is distinguished by its original appearance, practicality and ease of use.

Full height of the wall

Such models are distinguished by spaciousness, practicality, and functionality. They fit a large number of things.

Loft lamps in the interior of an apartment or house

The loft style is implemented in different areas of the apartment (kitchen, hallway, bedroom). The arrangement of the lighting system may vary depending on the location. In different zones, the height, power of lamps, design solutions, finishing of chandeliers and floor lamps are adjusted.

Living room and hallway

When creating a design project in the loft style, the industrial theme takes over the living room and entrance area. Significant areas are highlighted with the help of finishing materials and a specially created lighting system with directional floor lamps.

There are no partitions between the hallway and the living room; areas are zoned using lamps. The entrance part from the living room can be separated by a partition in the form of a screen. The entrance space does not require powerful lighting, so you can hang a small lampshade made of unpainted metal with 2-3 bulbs. In spacious hallways it is possible to additionally install lanterns stylized as street lights.

Loft-style living rooms have high ceilings, so it is optimal to place a chandelier hanging on chains or cords with several low-power bulbs. The lighting system is complemented by table lamps, wall structures or metal floor lamps.

Lighting in the living room should be multi-level. The overhead lighting is complemented by spotlights. Spotlights allow you to change the light accents in a room.


The loft style is distinguished by its clear forms, however, for a bedroom with an industrial design, the inclusion of textile elements is allowed.

Floor lamps and chandeliers can be complemented with dim fabric inserts.

In addition to overhead lighting (chandeliers with freely hanging bulbs), you can install spotlights in niches.

Bedside lamps are created from simple metal elements and are equipped with switches.

The best option for a bedroom is hanging sconces in a retro style.


In the kitchen area, household metal appliances are used, for which it is necessary to select lamps. Frames made of metal and wood are optimal; textiles are not recommended. It is necessary to organize overhead lighting that does not interfere with free movement around the room. It is possible to create built-in lamps on racks, shelves, and furniture.

Decorative chandeliers and sconces can be complemented by massive decorative elements in the dining area.

It is important to combine lamps with brickwork, beams, and metal structures

Chandeliers depending on age

Taking into account the age of the child is no less important when choosing a chandelier. Those products that a preschooler will like will not interest a teenager at all. Here are the basic recommendations for choosing chandeliers:

  • For infants, they usually purchase lamps in muted tones - blue, beige, greenish and others that will not distract the baby from sleep. There are chandeliers with the ability to switch different effects - the night sky, changing the color of the light flux (for children closer to one year). This will serve as an additional incentive for development.
  • For a boy aged 1-7 years, brightness and catchiness of details are important. The chandelier can resemble a toy; it should arouse interest in the baby.
  • For a schoolchild or teenager, chandeliers are chosen based on the opinion of the child himself. It is possible to switch to adult options and such style solutions as classic, loft, hi-tech. In elementary school, a child is usually interested in certain thematic areas.

The correct light in a baby's room ensures the health of his eyes and excellent health. Therefore, you should carefully read the information, choose the right design and study lighting standards in order to buy the ideal chandelier for a boy’s bedroom.

Chandelier for the nursery

A children's room is a small world that is not intended for adult problems. There is a special atmosphere of comfort, wonderful carefreeness and fun here. And light plays an important role in creating this atmosphere. To choose the right chandelier for a nursery, you need to consider a few simple rules.

First of all, you should pay attention to its safety and practicality. It is necessary to refrain from buying a chandelier with elements made of crystal or thin glass, because if a child decides to test its strength, the fragments may cause injury to him

In this regard, the lampshade must be made of safe materials such as plastic or textiles. Designers also recommend hanging ceiling chandeliers in the nursery.

As for colors, the choice is up to you and your child. Some people prefer lamps with frosted lampshades that create soft diffused light. And some people like chandeliers with bright images of cartoon characters, spaceships or princesses.

Cardboard airplane

To create this version of the airplane you will need blue cardboard, matchboxes, scissors, Moment glue, and cork.

We take a stencil and cut out all the parts of the aircraft, from which we will then create it.

We take a matchbox and glue it to the base of the plane. You need to cut out one small strip from cardboard, which you then glue to the base of the plane. Blanks of the same size are then glued on top of the matchbox on the other side.

To create a tail, you need to cut a strip measuring 50 millimeters by 10 millimeters. The edges are rounded on both sides. The resulting strip must be divided into three equal parts. Each strip should be 15 millimeters. To do this, you need to use a utility knife.

We take a wine cork. Using a utility knife, cut off a small circle. Next, apply a little glue to the surface of the cut piece of cork and glue it to the plane. Then you need to create a propeller. Its creation is described as a wooden airplane.

We take a needle that needs to be used to pierce the cork. Then we attach all the parts to the base of the plane. We create small flowers from several sheets of colored paper. To do this, you need to take a decorative hole punch. These leaves must be glued to the entire surface of the airplane.

Review of models from different manufacturers

Among the models presented on the domestic lighting equipment market, you can find wooden pendant chandeliers in the form of geometric shapes and an unusual abstract look, design developments and lamps put into mass production.

Here are some models of wooden lamps that can be purchased currently:

"VELANTE 588-706-03."

The Italian brand chandelier is produced in China, its technical characteristics:

Number of lampsBase typeTotal permissible power, WHeight, mmDiameter, mmMaterials used

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2022 is 5000.0 rubles.

"Crystal Lux Sueno SP6".

The chandelier is manufactured in Spain, its technical characteristics:

Number of lampsBase typeTotal permissible power, WHeight, mmDiameter, mmMaterials used

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2022 is 21,000.0 rubles.

"Eurosvet Clark 70056/6".

The model is produced in Russia, its technical characteristics:

Number of lampsBase typeTotal permissible power, WHeight, mmDiameter, mmMaterials used

The average cost of a lamp as of the second quarter of 2019 is 7,000.0 rubles.

"Alfa Pyramid 24533".

The model is produced in Poland, its technical characteristics:

Number of lampsBase typeTotal permissible power, WHeight, mmDiameter, mmMaterials used

The average cost of a lamp as of the second quarter of 2019 is 7,000.0 rubles.

"Arte Lamp Villaggio A3400LM-8WH".

The chandelier is made in Italy, its technical characteristics:

Number of lampsBase typeTotal permissible power, WHeight, mmDiameter, mmMaterials used

The average cost of the model as of the second quarter of 2022 is 14,000.0 rubles.

Master Pavel Zakharov

Pavel Zakharov is a person whose life and work can serve as an excellent example of full self-realization

An experienced volunteer and public figure, a jack of all trades, a son and a father - Pavel finds the strength and time to develop in several directions at once, to give his attention not only to loved ones, but also to people who need it

Pavel Zakharov is the author of many projects, including “Free Volunteer Forces” and “Workshop No. 13”. The latest project “Workshop No. 13” has existed for more than a year and since January 2014 has been delighting fans of handmade furniture with beautiful products. It is in “Workshop No. 13” that beautiful things made of wood are born that decorate children's interiors, and not only that - in addition to shelves and cabinets, Pavel Zakharov makes bird feeders, which, by the way, is where it all began.


Bookshelves made by Workshop No. 13 are not ordinary pieces of furniture. Everything in a nursery should have its own spirit and mood, and Master Pasha managed to convey the elusive magic of childhood and come up with interesting things for the interior, where joy should live. One of the master’s most interesting finds is bookshelves in the shape of airplanes with propellers and stars on the fuselages. The useful surface of the shelf is the wide wings of the aircraft, and the fuselage plays a decorative role.

Airplane shelf for a children's room

The airplane shelves from Pavel Zakharov are not only original and beautiful. They are also very functional, practical and ergonomic. Their design is durable and can withstand the usual loads of bookshelves.

Another area of ​​work of Workshop No. 13 is the creation of creativity kits that allow you to independently assemble and paint an airplane shelf. All the parts of this construction set are carefully processed and perfectly fitted, and they come with detailed instructions and a set of fasteners - even a schoolchild can assemble his own shelf! And decorated by the hand of the owner of the room, such a shelf will become a truly exclusive interior detail.

Assembly kit. Airplane indoor hanging

Pavel Zakharov regularly conducts group master classes and individual lessons for children and adults on making birdhouses, shelves, and feeders with their own hands. In such classes, children, together with their parents, master the art of manual labor, learn to use tools and work in a team.

Today “Workshop No. 13” is extremely popular among lovers of unusual decor and handmade furniture. And the master’s plans are not to stop there. In the future, Pavel Zakharov plans to expand the range of his products and begin making unusual furniture from wood for children's rooms.

Self-assembly shelf “Town”

You can get acquainted with the works of Pavel Zakharov in more detail at the Masters Fair and on the blog of Workshop No. 13.

Paper airplane using origami technique in 5 minutes

For the smallest fidgets, there are, of course, simpler instructions, such souvenirs turn out just as good and they fly very well too, depending on how you launch, you may not even be able to catch up; they will fly wow 100 meters, you’ll be exhausted looking for them later).

The most important thing is that you need to make the two sides the same in a mirror image so that they turn out even and then everything will definitely work out.

On one of the forums I spotted a craft called Piranha, and does it look like it’s true? The author also chose red as the color. See how cleverly you can roll up such a miracle. No special skills are required. The most primitive option with a simple model.

It turned out to be a cool thing, my boys really liked it).

By the way, you can get a little creative and give dad a little surprise.

In general, make a craft with your child so that there is something to do with your beloved family, because such work brings you very close together.

Basic rules for lighting in a nursery

For a schoolchild, the quality of artificial lighting is of great importance, and one chandelier is not enough.

To properly organize the incidence of light, in addition to the ceiling lamp, it is also important to provide peripheral light. A table lamp is an indispensable thing on a school desk

It is the main source of additional lighting in the children's room.

Important! Desk lamp for directional lighting - the best option for more precise concentration

Pay attention to the location of the desk, which should be installed so as to provide comfortable lighting for the child. The light should not be blocked by the writing hand, so the desk lamp should be placed on the left side

Of course, this rule is for right-handed people.

Note: it is very important that the brightness of the light is optimal. Excessively dim light, as well as excessively bright light, causes eye fatigue, which will lead to fatigue. . Of course, the choice of lighting fixtures for a schoolchild’s room and a child’s room will be radically different.

It should be remembered that the level of illumination should be as comfortable as possible not only when the child is playing, but also when doing homework or reading books. Daytime bright light promotes activity and wakefulness. Subdued lighting, especially yellowish warm shades, has a calming and relaxing effect. The soft, diffuse central light will not overstrain baby's sensitive eyes.

Of course, the choice of lighting fixtures for a schoolchild’s room and a child’s room will be radically different. It should be remembered that the level of illumination should be as comfortable as possible not only when the child is playing, but also when doing homework or reading books. Daytime bright light promotes activity and wakefulness. Subdued lighting, especially yellowish warm shades, has a calming and relaxing effect. The soft, diffuse central light will not overstrain your child's sensitive eyes.

Considering the circadian clock “built-in” in the human body and the fact that the baby spends most of his time in the room, it would be nice to provide dynamic lighting - the ability to change the color balance of light based on the time of day.

By the way, the light emanating from a ceiling chandelier can be divided into cold and warm. An excellent solution is to use a two-key switch: one key activates the part of the lamp with warm light lamps, the other – cold. Only in this case is it advisable to experiment with a multi-faceted chandelier or at least a two-tier one. After all, when all the lampshades or horns are arranged in one plane, and only one part shines, one gets the impression of burnt out light bulbs. And if you light everything at the same time, the idea of ​​controlling color temperature loses all meaning.

Assembly Recommendations

Since the airplane chandelier is more suitable for a boy’s room, this greatly simplifies its manufacture.

This is due to the fact that boys pay less attention to small details than girls. The essence is important to them! Therefore, when making your own lighting device in the shape of an airplane, you can adhere to the following operating principles:

  • minimalism of details;
  • straight lines;
  • simple style;
  • compactness;
  • various hints of eclecticism.

Design example

In this case, the color design can be used as close as possible to the real coloring of the aircraft: blue, blue, red, white, purple. The presence of several colors will stimulate the child’s imagination, improve the emotional background of the room, and also contribute to the development of the baby’s inner world. In addition, against the background of a light ceiling, the airplane will look more realistic. When the light is on, the created model will “come to life” in the child’s imagination, and this is exactly what needs to be achieved. At the same time, it will be very important for the child that you made a chandelier for him with your own hands. Any child will appreciate this and be grateful to you.

Aircraft characteristics

Boys like all types of airplanes. They try to understand each of them. They often know all the characteristics of a particular aircraft. And they want to have such a design in their collection.

Therefore, the more types of aircraft a boy has, the more pleasure it gives him and helps him understand all the models.

We will tell you how to make airplanes that fly and become flight leaders, as well as how an airplane can become an assistant in saving pocket money or decorating a boy’s room.


To make a flying airplane, you need to take a flat piece of office paper. On a flat, hard surface, fold the sheet in half lengthwise, and fold the resulting rectangle in half widthwise. Now we will make the wings. Fold the corners so that the top corner of the rectangle overlaps the bottom corner. We also bend the second side. The resulting angles need to be folded again and straightened to form a rhombus. We bend the sheet in the center and bend the wings. Those diamonds that we got need to be bent so that they look up

This is important for airplane flight.

Now you can launch the plane while holding it in the middle.

Range Leader

An airplane made of paper with special folds flies far. You can see how to make such a plane in the drawing. It is made without a single drop of glue or weighting elements:

  • Fold a sheet of paper in half.
  • We bend the paper so that we get wings.
  • The entire structure must be bent using a ruler to give the bends a sharp shape.
  • The wings need to be tucked at the corners for the plane to fly further.

Airplane piggy bank

It is best to make a piggy bank airplane from a plastic bottle, but you can also use iron drink cans. Make a slot in the center of the bottle or jar the size of the coins.

If the child cannot do this on his own, he will need adult help. All other parts in the plane fit into slots on the sides and back of the bottle or can. The screw is glued to the front of the container or inserted under the lid.

The main thing in this design is capacity, but the aesthetic appearance is also important, because the piggy bank will serve for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to make all details bright and conspicuous. The container itself can be left transparent so that you can see how many coins are collected in it.

Suspended aircraft

You can make such a model yourself, or you can buy a construction set from which to assemble the model.

For this craft, you can take wooden meat skewers. They are sold in stores and are made into wooden but lightweight products. Their weight allows them to be hung from the ceiling and the structures look great if they are coated with colorless varnish.

Use skewers to paste over a plastic bottle or tin can. Pieces are made from skewers, connecting them with glue.

An airplane craft can be useful for school, creative clubs, games, and creating a pleasant atmosphere in a boy’s room. After all, in their childhood they often dream of becoming pilots.

Making a toy is a great way to spend quality time with dad. Children and parents remember the creative process together for a long time.

You can take any material for crafts and try to make a unique aircraft out of it. Multi-colored paper airplanes can be an interesting decoration for a boy's birthday party if they are hung around the room along with balloons.

DIY wooden shelves in the shape of airplanes

We have already looked at many options for shelves on the wall that you can make with your own hands. This time we will tell you about an even more interesting and original idea. These are wooden shelves made in the shape of airplanes.

They can be used in a children's room and in various children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, all kinds of clubs, etc.).

But not only that. Shelves in the shape of airplanes will look cool in any room, the main thing is to make them carefully.

There are very, very many manufacturing options. The basis is, as a rule, two boards connected by metal tubes or pins.

The airplane body can be taken from a ready-made toy, or you can make it yourself.

The screw is bent from thin metal or planed from a plank. For children, the option with a wooden screw is better, since a child can get hurt on a metal one. Although you can blunt the edges so that they cannot cut.

Painting a shelf in the shape of an airplane is quite difficult. If you don’t know how to draw, then this process may become completely impossible for you. But in principle, the airplane can be left uncoated; under normal ventilation conditions, the wood will not deteriorate quickly. The main thing is to sand the surface so as not to there were bumps and splinters.

You can make a larger shelf in the shape of an airplane.

But the larger the model, the more manufacturing inaccuracies will be visible on it. And the cost will be rather high.

How to make a paper airplane that will fly very far, up to 10,000 meters?

In fact, there are quite a large number of different paper models of this air transport. The leaders at the moment are Hawk, Eagle Owl, Falcon and Albatross.

And that’s not all, I propose to build a powerful and beautiful airplane called Thunderstorm.

Stages of work:

1. Be sure to bend the sheet of paper symmetrically, straighten the resulting line very well with your hands, then turn it back.

2. Make a triangle at the top, as we did in the first example.

3. On both sides, bend the leaf again towards the center, you will get a sharp triangle.

4. Then bend the sheet where the bend point has formed.

5. Next, unfold and transfer the workpiece to the other side and also bend the sheet. Fold the sides back toward the center line.

6. Next, fold the triangle forward again.

7. Turn the resulting masterpiece over and bend it again.

8. Bend the plane in half. Bend the upper part of the wings slightly, as shown in the photo.

9. And then bend it so that you get real ones, like an airplane.

10. Voila, and this is what happened, it looks cool and cool, but it flies, well, it’s definitely fast and far).

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