DIY Christmas tree stand: how to make it, from wood, from metal

What can a stand be made from?

You can make a stand for a living Christmas tree with your own hands from different materials:

  1. The most reliable and environmentally friendly wood is wood. A crosspiece, a support with three legs, or other options are made from it.
  2. A metal structure, for example, with three legs, is no less reliable. If you make it yourself from high-quality metal and cover it with an anti-corrosion layer, it will last for many years.
  3. The stand can be made from a regular bucket with bottles of water, stones, earth or sand.
  4. Another option is support from inverted containers (basket, wide basin).
  5. You can also make it yourself from polypropylene pipes. A very practical and simple option.
  6. The supports are also made from plastic bottles or canisters.

Be even more original

It’s not at all necessary to disguise the stand with special covers, drawers and baskets - you’ll just need a whole bunch of gifts in different beautiful boxes!

You hide the base behind these intriguing and so beautifully crunchy boxes and parcels. Well, just a fairy tale!

And finally, an option for the most original! We specifically saved it for the very end. This is a deep snowdrift.

True, for this you will need at least three things: a house not far from the spruce forest, a battery-powered garland, and a lot of warm clothes - otherwise you won’t be able to spend time near such an elegant Christmas tree.

DIY wooden Christmas tree stand

The simplest and most reliable stand option is a wooden structure. To make it yourself, you don’t need any special tools: just take wood, a hammer, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver or screwdriver. All marks are made with pencils, measuring the required distance with a ruler or square.

Tools and materials

For an artificial Christmas tree or a living tree, you can make different stands with your own hands. If you take a wooden structure as a basis, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • boards 600*150*25 mm;
  • square trimmings 150*150*25 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • ruler, square;
  • pencil.


Drawings and diagrams of a wooden support may be different. The following options can be taken as a basis:

  1. A stand with three support points placed at the same angle (120 degrees).

  2. A simple version of three boards.

  3. Boomerang stand with uncut edge.

Step-by-step instruction

You can make a Christmas tree stand with your own hands quite quickly. You can take the design of a classic cross as a basis. It is suitable for low and medium-sized Christmas trees that will fit both in a country house and in a city apartment. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions with photos and descriptions:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools and materials. To make basic blanks, these are two boards with dimensions of 600 * 150 * 25 mm and the same number of square trimmings 150 * 150 * 25 mm. It is necessary to accurately measure with a ruler and make marks with a pencil.

  2. Determine the intersection of the boards (crosspiece elements) for the Christmas tree. To do this, you need to retreat a distance of 22.5 cm from the end of each workpiece.

  3. Apply markings using a ruler.

  4. Repeat a similar operation on the second board - step back from the end by 22.5 cm and make a mark with a pencil.

  5. Now you need to lay the boards on top of each other according to the markings. Their compliance can be checked with a square - the parts must be the same.

  6. Connect the crosspiece by screwing in 4 screws with a screwdriver (you can also use self-tapping screws). This is the future stand for the Christmas tree.

  7. Since the top board “hangs” in the air, supports from pre-prepared wooden squares need to be screwed to its edges.

  8. Mark with a cross to determine the center into which the support screw will then be screwed.

  9. Drill the center hole.

  10. Install a through screw 120 mm long - this is enough for small trees. But for large spruce trees (2 m or more) it is better to use a stronger screw.

  11. Glue felt pads to protect the floor surface from scratches and prevent the Christmas tree stand from swaying.


Standard product with a capacity of 0.5 (l). order of assembly of structural parts

according to the proposed drawings:

  • We cut out parts from moisture-resistant plywood along the contours indicated in the drawings.
  • Align the end surfaces in the parts.
  • We mark the center of the holes and drill through holes simultaneously in two mating parts “leg - base”.
  • Smooth out sharp edges.
  • We polish the parts and coat them with wood antiseptic.
  • We apply a decorative paint coating that will go well with the bark or needles of the forest beauty.
  • Using fasteners or wooden dowels, we connect all the manufactured parts together.
  • We insert the trunk of a Christmas tree or pine into the hole in the base.
  • Fill a glass jar with water.


The lower edge of the barrel should be at a distance of 5...10 (mm) from the inner surface of the bottom of the can. Pour water just below the top rim of the jar.

As we use up the water in the glass jar, we constantly replenish it. To do this, move the jar as far as possible to the side, free access to the neck of the jar, add water and place the jar in its original position. Thus, the cut tree is constantly fed with water, the life of which continues for a long time, the smell does not disappear, and the needles do not fall off.

DIY wooden Christmas tree stand

For most of us, New Year is our favorite holiday! And what would a holiday be without a New Year tree! Some people avoid unnecessary hassle and prefer to put up an artificial Christmas tree at home. But no artificial tree, even a very beautiful one, can compare with a living tree, with its unique forest aroma and the feeling of a real holiday, which enters the house only with the forest beauty.

So, if you decide to buy a live Christmas tree, then you will have to think about how to install it. There are different Christmas tree stands: metal, forged or plastic.

If you want your Christmas tree to stand in an iron stand, then the only option is to buy a Christmas tree stand in a store (unless, of course, you are a welder or a blacksmith). You can go a very simple way: fill a bucket with sand and put the Christmas tree in the sand.

But if you have at least some skill in working with hand tools, know how, and most importantly, love to do something with your own hands, then it’s time to get down to business! Let's start making a wooden stand for the Christmas tree.

DIY metal Christmas tree stand

If you have a welding machine and metal wire in your house, you can make the supporting structure yourself. This stand will be less noticeable than a wooden one. It can be easily disguised with rain, cotton wool or gift boxes.

Tools and materials

To make a metal stand for a Christmas tree with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • file;
  • vice;
  • abrasive wheel for processing welds;
  • metal pipe (diameter 4–5 cm);
  • metal rods.


You can take one of the ready-made sketches as a basis. This is a classic version of the stand with three legs, suitable for medium and small size Christmas trees. It can also be modified by changing individual elements.

A sketch of blanks for a metal Christmas tree stand will help you assemble the product quickly and without much hassle.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a metal stand for an artificial Christmas tree with your own hands is quite simple. You need to act this way:

  1. First you need to make blanks according to the presented drawing. This is a metal pipe (diameter 4–5 cm) and 3 rods (their diameter is 10–12 mm). If possible, it is better to make the rods from soft metal, otherwise it may break during bending.

  2. Measure the length of the arm (200 mm), Insert the rods into the vice along the bend line. Next, take a construction corner; it must be placed at right angles in a vice and firmly fixed.

  3. Take a hammer and hit the rod in the area of ​​the bend line, bend it to the desired angle on one side. Perform a similar operation with your own hands on the second edge, only in the opposite direction. The first leg of the Christmas tree stand is ready. In exactly the same way, you need to make two more, trying to keep the same dimensions as accurately as possible. Then use a grinder to cut four or six grooves on the pipe.

  4. The required size is measured on both sides of each leg, and the remaining parts are removed with a grinder. Next, you need to fix the legs to the pipe with your own hands by welding metal elements.

  5. The edges are passed with a file. You also need to clean the seams with your own hands using an abrasive wheel. Insert the barrel into the hole. You can place a jar of water at the bottom - then the tree will last longer.

The legs must be treated with an anti-corrosion coating and painted silver, white or dark green. This handmade stand will last for many years. Everything will depend on the strength of the metal. After installing the Christmas tree, the structure can be covered with cotton wool and decorated with tinsel.

Let's get started

  1. First of all, treat each board well. Give them the desired length. Make sure that each end is level, otherwise skewing of the tree cannot be avoided.
  2. Prepare the timber for assembling the stand. Measure 0.5 lengths and cut a groove, its length will be equal to the width of the block, and its depth will not be less? thickness. Cut such grooves in 2 blanks.
  3. If you have PVA glue on hand, apply it to each groove. After it dries, additionally fasten the cross using self-tapping screws. This way you will be twice as safe from the fall of the tree. But do not drive the screws into the center of the future stand. There you still need to make a hole for the spruce trunk.
  4. After assembling the crosspiece, take measurements of the diameter of the lower part of the tree trunk. Select the appropriate drill bit and make an opening in the crosspiece. If the required diameter is not found, make a mark, drill small holes along it close to each other and the middle will fall out on its own. Install a pipe into the hole.

Well, the simplest wooden cross for a Christmas tree has been assembled with your own hands and is ready for use! Now all that remains is to install the forest guest and dress her up along with the kids. You can also make a metal stand, but we will talk about this in another article.

  • Even the most unsightly stand can be decorated so that it becomes invisible. Your imagination will tell you what to use for this.
  • Remember that the most basic characteristic of each of the stands, be it a wooden or metal cross, is stability!
  • Never place the New Year's beauty close to any flammable device.
  • Try not to leave the tree with the lights on overnight.

Simple stands made from wood cuts

You can make a stand for an artificial or live Christmas tree in simpler ways. For example, you can take a small stump (cut) and literally in a few minutes make a comfortable and reliable support that is suitable even for a tall tree (2 m or more).

Efforts need to be applied only at the stage of leveling the cut. It should adhere to the floor as tightly as possible so that the structure does not tilt or sway. In the center of the stump, mark a hole that exactly matches the diameter of the trunk and cut it out.

The stand is ready - all that remains is to decorate it with cotton wool, fabric, garlands and other available methods.

The combination of spruce and hemp looks original

Common cross

Many people remember from childhood the most popular homemade stands for natural spruce in the form of crosses. This option was most often chosen due to its reliability and ease of implementation.

It’s easy to make this type of stand for a spruce from leftover boards and blocks. But the cross is relevant only in the case of spruce with a thin trunk.

To begin with, two completely identical segments are measured and drawn on the board, which will make up the cross. Using a jigsaw we cut out both parts.

It will also be necessary to attach legs to the upper part of the cross of the same thickness as the bottom board, so we also measure and cut them.

We connect two boards of the cross in two places, slightly moving away from the center on both sides. We screw the legs, which were previously cut out, to the top bar on both sides of the bottom.

We mark the place for our spruce in the center with the diameter of the trunk and cut it out using a jigsaw. We insert the spruce and everything is ready, you just need to sand the surface with sandpaper.

If desired, open the surface with varnish. Here's another option for how to quickly make a Christmas tree stand with your own hands.

How to make a Christmas tree stand with water

A stand with water is used for a live Christmas tree. It allows it to last longer. At the same time, the tree does not crumble and fills the house with a pleasant aroma. The simplest version of such a stand is a bucket. Up to half the volume of water is poured into it, and several large stones are placed at the bottom.

The barrel can be fixed:

  • stones (not a very reliable option - you need to select suitable blocks);
  • wooden pegs or spacers;
  • sand - just carefully stick the trunk into damp soil.

To make a spacer with your own hands, you need to take four wooden blocks 35 cm long and 10 cm wide. They are cut at an angle (diagonally) and connected together so that there is space left in the center. The parts are fastened with self-tapping screws, screwing two elements onto each plank. After this, cut a plastic bottle (1.5 l) in half, turn it over, screw the cap tightly and pour water. Thanks to this, the tree trunk will pass through the center of the spacer and fall directly into the water.

Another manufacturing option is a design made from a plastic canister. You need to cut off the top part (up to a quarter) with scissors and stick it to the bottom, having first removed the lid. Insert a cylinder into the neck in which the tree trunk will be located. Fill the container itself with sand or weigh it down with large stones.

Important! Fresh water for spruce needs to be added every three days. It’s a good idea to add a teaspoon of sugar and 10 drops of food vinegar (9%).

Simple and inexpensive

A stand made of wine corks is the most common option. This material will perfectly protect the furniture surface from heat. They are easy to wash, and if any of the elements are damaged, they are easy to replace.

And such stands are very easy to make. The corks need to be fastened together to form any figure. The corks may be intact, but the stand will be high. It’s easier if you cut them into thin and flat pieces. It will be easier to fasten them together, and the thickness of the stand itself will be quite practical. The main disadvantage of this option is the amount of wine drunk in advance.

You can also make a stand from an old newspaper/magazine. They are cut into strips, then twisted into a spiral, resulting in squares that are connected or stitched with thread, or can also be glued. To make the finished product durable and waterproof, you can cover it with varnish on top.

This option is easy to do and is very inexpensive. But they won’t last very long after all.

Strips of corrugated cardboard can be twisted to create interesting patterns. The parts are attached to each other with glue, and fabric ribbons are used to decorate the products.

DIY artificial Christmas tree stand

If the stand for an artificial Christmas tree is broken, lost, or is not reliable enough, you can also make the structure yourself. There are several options available for this:

  • from a plastic bottle;
  • container with earth;
  • from the basket;
  • from pipes

A quick solution is to build a stand from water bottles, wrapping them with tape.
To make a stand from plastic containers, you will need to take one large or several medium bottles. The design is suitable for small size spruce. Several 1.5 liter plastic bottles are filled to the top with water, the lid is screwed on and placed in a bucket (you can also pour liquid into it). For beauty, the entire structure is covered with foil.

You can also take a large bottle, cut it in half, turn the top over (removing the cork) and stick it into the bottom. Fill with water and insert the Christmas tree into the neck.

Another option is to place a wide basin or bucket and fill it with earth or sand. Suitable for those cases when you have your own dacha. Although even in urban conditions, soil can be purchased at any time of the year at an affordable price.

A sand container is a simple stand for an artificial Christmas tree that can be easily built at home

You can make a support with your own hands from any buckets, as well as baskets. This is not only a convenient, but also an aesthetic option:

  1. For a small tree, take a laundry basket and fill it with stones.
  2. A medium-sized tree can be placed in a wooden chest. The container is also filled with stones or earth, and the top is decorated with Christmas tree decorations and tinsel.
  3. The wicker wooden basket is turned over and the bottom is drilled, and the Christmas tree is placed. This handmade support doesn’t even need to be decorated.
  4. Similarly, you can make coasters from a metal or plastic basket.

You can make a support for an artificial spruce yourself from polypropylene pipes. In this case, you will need a welding tool.

The pipes are connected in the form of a cross and plugs are put on, then decorated with tinsel


Standard product with a capacity of 0.5 (l). order of assembly of structural parts

according to the proposed drawings:

  • We cut out parts from moisture-resistant plywood along the contours indicated in the drawings.
  • Align the end surfaces in the parts.
  • We mark the center of the holes and drill through holes simultaneously in two mating parts “leg - base”.
  • Smooth out sharp edges.
  • We polish the parts and coat them with wood antiseptic.
  • We apply a decorative paint coating that will go well with the bark or needles of the forest beauty.
  • Using fasteners or wooden dowels, we connect all the manufactured parts together.
  • We insert the trunk of a Christmas tree or pine into the hole in the base.
  • Fill a glass jar with water.


The lower edge of the barrel should be at a distance of 5...10 (mm) from the inner surface of the bottom of the can. Pour water just below the top rim of the jar.

As we use up the water in the glass jar, we constantly replenish it. To do this, move the jar as far as possible to the side, free access to the neck of the jar, add water and place the jar in its original position. Thus, the cut tree is constantly fed with water, the life of which continues for a long time, the smell does not disappear, and the needles do not fall off.

DIY wooden Christmas tree stand

For most of us, New Year is our favorite holiday! And what would a holiday be without a New Year tree! Some people avoid unnecessary hassle and prefer to put up an artificial Christmas tree at home. But no artificial tree, even a very beautiful one, can compare with a living tree, with its unique forest aroma and the feeling of a real holiday, which enters the house only with the forest beauty.

So, if you decide to buy a live Christmas tree, then you will have to think about how to install it. There are different Christmas tree stands: metal, forged or plastic.

If you want your Christmas tree to stand in an iron stand, then the only option is to buy a Christmas tree stand in a store (unless, of course, you are a welder or a blacksmith). You can go a very simple way: fill a bucket with sand and put the Christmas tree in the sand.

But if you have at least some skill in working with hand tools, know how, and most importantly, love to do something with your own hands, then it’s time to get down to business! Let's start making a wooden stand for the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree stand decor

Decorating a DIY Christmas tree stand is quite simple. The easiest option is to cover it with cotton wool. You can wrap it with wire and garlands - then the space under the tree will look especially beautiful.

Other decor options:

  1. Skirt made of fabric or paper (in the shape of a cone).
  2. Tinsel, serpentine, rain, animal figures.

  3. Wicker basket - you need to remove the bottom and turn it over, hiding the stand behind the sides.

  4. A box without a bottom (you can paint it dark green with your own hands).
  5. Decor in the form of a gift (also from a wooden box or cardboard box).

  6. Burlap decoration.

Design options

It doesn't matter what material was used to make the stand. It is advisable to properly design it after the work has been done so that the structure looks aesthetically pleasing. Some plan the decoration based on the New Year's decor, while others prefer to give the tree and stand a natural, natural look.

In the first case, the simplest option would be to wrap the stand with tinsel. Or you can get creative and make something like a snowdrift under it. To do this, take a white cloth and wrap it around the stand. To add volume, cotton wool can be placed under the material.

If you plan to use it multiple times, it is easier to sew something like a white blanket stuffed with cotton wool or synthetic padding. You can embroider snowflakes on the finished blanket.

When you want the Christmas tree in your apartment to resemble a forest beauty, the easiest way is to place the stand in a brown wicker basket. After this, we fill the basket with cotton wool that imitates snow.

If the legs of the stand are too long and do not fit into the basket, then you can try using a box instead of a basket, which is also decorated at your discretion.

You can see a visual overview of creating a wooden stand for a Christmas tree with your own hands in the following video.

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