How to make a roller back massager with your own hands

How to make a roller back massager with your own hands

Back massage using various devices stimulates improved blood supply to the muscles and internal organs of a person.
This is especially true for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Massagers with roller elements are considered the most effective. There are many types of such tools on sale, but not every person is able to choose the right model for themselves. The way out of the situation is to make a roller massager with your own hands. The materials used are parts from unnecessary items found in every home.

First you need to calculate the required length of the massager. It depends on the length of a person’s arms and affects the ease of use of the device. Based on these dimensions, you need to prepare the required number of rollers.

The easiest way is to turn them out of wood on a lathe. The wood should be fairly hard, such as oak or birch. If you have old ledger accounts in your house, you can use their bones as massager rollers.

The manufactured rollers are carefully ground with sandpaper to remove burrs and possible chips. If you neglect this procedure, you will experience a feeling of discomfort and even possible injury when using the massager.

Copper or aluminum tubes with thick walls can be used as axles for the rollers. Their outer diameter should not exceed 5-8 mm. Depending on the size, wooden rollers are placed on the axle in 4-6 pieces. In total you will need 10-12 roller elements.

The basis of the device will be a nylon cord 6-8 mm thick, the length of which should be twice the size of the massager. To make handles, two pieces of PVC pipe, each 10-15 cm long, are suitable. A cord is threaded through them and its ends are firmly tied, hiding the resulting knot in the cavity of one of the handles.

Then the cord is stretched on a flat surface and its handles are fixed with clamps. Then, depending on the diameter of the rollers, the locations for installing the roller axes are marked. It is believed that the optimal distance between the rollers should be 1-2 cm.

The final stage of work involves fixing the roller elements to the cord. The easiest way to do this is using aluminum rivets, the diameter of which should correspond to the internal size of the tube from which the roller axis is made. If rivets of a suitable size cannot be found, the axle can be secured with self-tapping screws and a press washer.

Basic movements

Anyone can understand how to properly do a relaxing massage. You just need to memorize, bring to automaticity the basic movements and learn to combine them.

Used as the beginning and ending element of a session. Help prepare the skin for more intense exposure and soothe it afterwards. Depending on the area of ​​the skin, there are: wide (whole palm) and narrow (edge ​​of the hand). Stroking can be circular, diagonal, vertical and horizontal. For the best effect, alternate smooth, light and intense touches.

The effect on the skin is more noticeable than when stroking. Zigzag movements of the palm move the skin in different directions. Rubbing helps well against cervical osteochondrosis, eliminating muscle tension and mudflow deposits. Performed with the palm, pads, and knuckles.

Areas of skin are alternately grabbed, twisted and lightly massaged. Improves blood circulation, skin color and tone

Broom (plastic or wooden)

By holding the broom handle shoulder-width apart and then rolling it along your leg muscles, you can find leverage that will allow you to dig deeper into your muscles than you could with just your hands.

Use the broom handle to work your leg muscles - thighs and calf muscles - and begin to identify trigger points and sore spots. Gently rub and knead as if using a rolling pin.

Tip: Make sure the broom handle is smooth. If it is made of wood, it should not have any jagged edges, otherwise it will be uncomfortable or potentially dangerous.

2. Rolling pin

This self-massage tool is similar to a broom handle, but even easier to use (making it especially great for older adults). You can “roll out” the entire body with a simple wooden kitchen rolling pin. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they not only massaged people with a rolling pin, but also straightened bones. We’ll leave the bones to the specialists, but a simple rolling pin can help get rid of muscle tension and even deal with problem areas where “cellulite” forms.

Tired neck, back, legs, stomach - this tool can do it all. Movements - rolling, light tapping (not on the joints). This massage will improve microcirculation and promote health and good shape. In addition, it will improve your flexibility - after all, you need to adapt to self-massage with a rolling pin in a variety of areas.

Tip: when choosing a rolling pin for self-massage, pay attention to smoothness and long length. A short rolling pin will be inconvenient for self-massage of the back. Do not massage the chest area or apply strong pressure to the neck area. The neck is a very delicate place and movements must be appropriate.

Part three, we do a foot massage.

We will divide this type of massage into two points: massage of the calf muscles and feet.

The calf muscles begin to work from the moment you get up until the end of the day, even in a sitting position they do not completely relax, and therefore they become very tired and buzzing. Massaging these muscles will take you only 10–12 minutes and just a little massage cream.

Lay the guy on his stomach, bare his legs to the knees, smear the muscles with cream, and vigorously move the knuckles of your fist from the bottom up. After warming up the muscle, do the same, but slowly. That's the whole massage technique. Do this, slightly changing the angle of your arm several times on each leg.

Not many girls are able to give a guy a foot massage, and not all guys will agree to such an action, but if your loved one does not have “smelly feet,” you can safely ask him to wash them in warm water and begin the procedure. The human foot not only has many healing points, but also erogenous zones, so this unusual massage can bring a lot of pleasure to both partners. Foot massage is a very pleasant and soothing procedure.

There is no rush here, first lubricate your feet with cream, then slowly begin to massage the sole, from the middle of the foot up to the toes. The easiest way to massage is with your thumbs, clasping your feet with your palms, using soft, light movements. The pads of the toes and the area around the big toe are very sensitive, so movements here are more delicate and careful. The skin on the heel is usually hard and insensitive; gentle pinching and slapping are suitable here.

Frozen water bottle

If you regularly experience leg pain or spend a lot of time standing at work, it's likely that all the muscles in your lower legs are tight. Simply place a frozen water bottle on the floor and roll back and forth with your entire leg, paying special attention to those super sore areas, as well as your feet. Too cold? Put on a pair of warm socks and continue. Self-massage experts suggest rolling each foot for 5 to 15 minutes at least once a day, and perhaps more often if you're a runner or have a diagnosed plantar fasciitis (spur).

Plumbing pipes

The original devices for this massage are called black roll. They are made of foam of different hardness. You can make your own roll at home for about 10 times the price. To do this, buy an external plumbing pipe 80-90 cm long (not the gray internal one, but the orange one - it is tougher) and gray foam insulation for it. With this massager you can do gymnastics and massage at the same time! What a time saver!

All exercises can be easily found on the Internet on the black roll website.

Safety precautions: when you do self-massage using any tools, do not overdo it with pressure on areas such as the neck and visual bumps on the back of the head. If your condition worsens, discomfort or dizziness occurs, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Massage in addition to training

Many muscles, for example, the lower thigh, are quite difficult to “pump up” with conventional exercise equipment in the gym. This is especially true for fascia - the connective tissue that forms the muscular skeleton of the body. The ability to stretch, show flexibility, plasticity, mobility - all this is thanks to these miracle muscles.

It is difficult to stretch and relax the fascia through exercise, but it must be done for normal body comfort. This effect is extremely useful after strength loads, muscle injuries during the recovery stage, for correction or weight loss. A special myofascial roller comes to the rescue. Its use with constant back loads allows you to achieve the following results:

  • reduce tension, increase muscle flexibility and mobility, accelerate blood flow, saturate muscles with oxygen;
  • correct posture, improve balance;
  • reduce muscle pain when playing sports or after an injury;
  • protect the bone skeleton from damage, keep joints in “working” condition;
  • accelerate muscle growth through high-quality drainage massage;
  • remove toxins from the body by cleansing cells;
  • reduce weight, reduce body volume due to mechanical effects on subcutaneous fat, stimulating its burning;
  • remove cellulite, improve skin condition;
  • normalize emotions, improve sleep, relieve stress.

Using a roller to massage your back and other parts of the body, you can get a good effect, but not comparable to visiting an experienced massage therapist. But the difference between self-massage is the cost. For a course of classic or specialized massage, which usually consists of 10 - 12 procedures, you will have to pay a hefty sum.

A studded foam roller will help you save money. The price for the Foam Roller is no higher than the cost of one session, about 1000-1500 rubles, and you can use the myofascial roller at any time.

Ease of use allows you to massage the whole body yourself; no additional training is required, only desire and free time.

Preparing your back for a massage

First of all, the person being massaged should wash their back well in the shower. The feeling of dirt rolling under his fingers will not please either him or the massage therapist. The “patient” lies face down on a couch or sofa. A hard surface is best for this. It is better not to use a sagging sofa for massage.

The arms are freely extended along the body, it is better to turn the head to the side. And try to relax! For massage you should use special massage oil. This will make the sensation more pleasant, eliminate any painful moments and allow you to better warm up and relax the muscles. If you don’t have oil on hand, you can use a neutral body cream.

Proper massage with a massage roller

Using a foam roller you can stretch your back muscles, speeding up the recovery process. It is enough to roll the fitness roll over the part of the body that needs massaging, but without applying additional physical pressure. The ideal pressing force for a person is his weight (with the exception of being overweight).

  1. To “flex” your back muscles, you need to lie on a massage cylinder. Perform smooth forward-return swaying of the body along a horizontal guide. You need to “roll” not along the spine itself, but slightly moving to the left, then to the right of it.
  2. A few sweeping rolls are enough to loosen muscle stiffness and work the deep areas of the back.

Watch the video below the article, which clearly shows the mistakes, as well as the correct technique for exercising on a fitness roller.

For high-quality muscle relief, you should get a relief roller for massage. The spiked roller can be used for the back, hips, to warm up the arms, abs, and feet. To achieve maximum efficiency and benefits of training, it is enough to use the roller 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes, combining exercises to work the muscles.

It is worth considering that for women, as well as beginners, a cylindrical massage roller with spikes of low or medium hardness is suitable. For men, it is preferable to use an elongated massage cylinder with increased rigidity. The size of the roller depends on the type of areas that need myofascial stretching:

  • 30 cm - for arms, legs, neck;
  • 45, 50 cm or more to work the back muscles.


It is suitable for children, adults and the elderly.
STEP 1 Lie down on the massager

STEP 2 Move back and forth

STEP 3 Swap the rollers to target each area of ​​your back

We recommend watching a series of Videos

We often encounter many questions from our clients about the operation of the Drevmass back exercise machine. You ask how to exercise correctly, how long to exercise, what diseases our massager helps with, how to install the rollers correctly, how long to expect results, etc.

That is why we decided to record a series of videos in which we talk in detail about the Drevmass simulator-massager, and also show the basic techniques and sets of exercises on it. From these videos you will learn all the information “from A to Z”. We hope that they will help you, and your spine will say “Thank you!”

How does the DREVMASS simulator work?

First classes on the DREVMASS simulator-massager

The main set of exercises on the DREVMASS simulator-massager

Additional exercises on the DREVMASS simulator

“Visiting Malakhov.” How to get rid of back problems?

Roller with spikes Drevmass for deep acupuncture massage.

Foot massage using a roller with spikes from Drevmass. Cheerfulness for the whole day.

How to exercise with a scoliosis roller on the Drevmass exercise machine?

Mat with spikes from Woodmass for deep acupuncture massage of the whole body.

Using a wood mat with spikes in a car. Exercises for the back muscles.

Self-massage of the foot using a Drewmass mat. Prevention of flat feet.

All videos on techniques and exercises using Drevmass massagers can be viewed here. Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Expert opinion

The doctor-vertebrologist, candidate of medical sciences, Tatyana Filimonova, tells.

Detailed video to get 100% results

Detailed videos to get 100% results

Free on YouTube

For those who want to get the most out of DREVMASS classes, get rid of chronic back pain and prevent relapses, we have developed a whole CD with training methods.

This practical guide and options for using the Woodmass massager are based not only on our experience, but also on the experience of our regular customers. You will be surprised to learn that the DREVMASS simulator has already helped hundreds of people cope not only with back pain, but also with neck, joints, knees, chest, and headaches.

How to most effectively deal with your particular problem? You will learn all this from this amazing disc! We recommend that you always keep it handy on your nightstand. Be healthy!

It’s very easy to buy a CD with training methods. On the left you will see the “Order” button. Click on it right now and enter your name, phone number and a convenient time for our call in the window that appears. Or simply leave a request in the form below.

You can view the entire line of DREVMASS products here.


Back massage roller for non-athletes

Don’t forget that it’s not just athletes who need to stretch their back muscles. A sedentary lifestyle is complemented by a number of diseases of the spine and joints, which are provoked by office work or long periods of driving. The muscles are constantly tight, there is no normal blood flow, and bone support is poor due to loss of muscle tone.

A fitness roll, when used after intense, monotonous work, will help relax muscles, activate tone, and relieve fatigue. Foam Roller helps prevent the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis:
  • scoliosis;
  • protrusions, intervertebral hernias;
  • headaches caused by diseases of the cervical spine;
  • obesity.

To maintain back health and joint mobility, it is enough to purchase a cylindrical roller to systematically carry out self-massage.

Exercise equipment and devices

There are a large number of machines for stretching the spine, often these are inversion boots, an inversion table, and special exercise machines. To stretch the spine, you can use a regular horizontal bar, which is suitable for treatment at home.

Horizontal bar, crossbar

The crossbar can be installed in one of the rooms or in the yard; to achieve optimal effect, 1-2 approaches daily are enough.

Evminov simulator

The exercise machine is made in the form of a board with a crossbar installed at the top, its upper part is attached to a hook built into the wall. The patient does exercises while holding the bar; the doctor draws up an exercise program based on the patient’s diagnosis.

This technique is characterized by an increased risk of injury; the first training should be carried out under medical supervision; it is recommended to start the exercises on a board at a slight incline with a gradual increase in it.

Gleason loop

The simulator is used for cervical traction; the clamp consists of two fabric fastenings - for the back of the head and the chin. The patient, sitting on a chair, secures the clamp, the loop is attached to a block with a weight attached to one end.

The simulator is a semi-oval structure with a stable platform located below. The design principle is based on the following principle: the patient is laid on the surface, his back takes the same shape, the spinal column is extended.

The model shows effectiveness in the treatment of intervertebral hernia; it is allowed to perform exercises such as raising and lowering the body or simply staying in a horizontal position.

FlexyBack Trainer

The device is considered the most accessible for stretching the back; the simulator is made in the form of a curved roller with fiber padding, and a steel frame is installed inside. The ergonomic design follows the anatomical curves of the spinal column, mobility is ensured due to its compact dimensions.

The simulator can be used not only at home, but also in the car, at the workplace.

To prevent pain in the spine area, it is enough to lean against the back of a chair, armchair or car seat. The exercise machine can be installed on the floor; performing slow rolls allows you to set the vertebrae in place and relax your back.

Bestec Air Nobius

The device has a stretching effect on the vertebrae; horizontal stretching relieves stress from different parts of the spine and helps relieve tired limbs. All this allows you to relieve back pain and reveal the body’s capabilities; the simulator is equipped with a system of regulators that allows you to change parameters.

Inversion boots

The device is a special attachment fixed to the ankles; when placed in a suspended state, the vertebrae are aligned and the load is removed from the back.

Contraindications to the use of a myofascial roller

Due to its ease of use, the foam roller is harmless to use and does not cause side effects. Like classic massage, roller massage requires a competent assessment of the possibility of its implementation, taking into account physiological characteristics and health status. There are a number of restrictions under which the use of roller massage is unacceptable:

  • skin lesions;
  • dermatitis, focal superficial rashes of various origins;
  • allergic reactions;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles;
  • joints that have not become stronger after a fracture;
  • internal organ damage;
  • junior preschool age.

When buying a foam roller for self-training and back massage, buy quality products that have a certificate of conformity and safety of use.

Any activity must be started gradually, assessing your capabilities and monitoring the result.


It is recommended to use the simulator from 8 years of age. In the first month, training is recommended to be carried out in a physiotherapist’s office, under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth remembering that in old age, due to the resulting disorders and destruction of bone tissue, it will not be possible to fully recover.

It is prohibited to use the device if:

Making a device to correct spinal problems is not so difficult and does not require large financial influences. Its use can cope with problems such as intervertebral hernia, curvature of the spine, poor posture and osteochondrosis.

Evminov’s technique is not the only one for diseases of the back area. But with an integrated approach to treatment, in combination with medical procedures, massage, and medical supervision, it gives a lasting, effective result, improving a person’s life. After starting treatment, do not retreat, show restraint and character and the pain of the spine will leave you.

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