Knitted overalls for newborns. Schemes and descriptions, instructions on how to knit, photos of new models

When a newborn baby appears in the house, you immediately want to surround him with the most beautiful and best things, including dressing him in comfortable overalls, sewn with your own hands with love.

A jumpsuit with a hood will be useful for children born in the autumn-winter period. Unlike an envelope, it does not restrict the baby’s movements, it is warm and pleasant to the body. Nothing rises to the top and does not interfere with the movement of arms and legs, the back is well closed, since the product is solid, so you don’t have to be afraid that the baby will catch a cold.

Patterns come in a wide variety, below are basic and understandable patterns for sewing overalls for newborns with your own hands, which even a beginner in sewing can handle.

Yarn selection

Yarn for children's overalls must be of high quality and consist of natural fibers. The baby's skin is delicate, so you should not choose yarn made from pure wool or cotton. The product will be prickly and rough.

It is better to use mixed threads with the addition of synthetics, which contain at least 50% natural fibers. They are softer and more pleasant to the touch and do not cause discomfort when in contact with delicate baby skin. You can use a mixture with acrylic or mercerized cotton.

Products made from blended yarn are more practical to wear, as they do not stretch or shrink after washing and have good thermal conductivity. A children's overalls knitted from woolen threads with the addition of acrylic will be warm, but not hot, the child’s skin “breathes” in it. Bamboo yarn is also suitable.

When knitting children's clothes, you should use yarn made from natural fibers.

Mohair, angora, lurex and polyamide should not be used for children's clothing. The yarn should be lint-free so as not to cause allergic reactions in the respiratory tract. It is better to choose hypoallergenic threads. This is usually written on the label. Yarn for children is often marked “baby”.

Risks and disadvantages of business

The business of sewing clothes for newborns can become an excellent source of permanent income in the future.

However, it is important to understand that the modern market is represented by many retail outlets and brands that offer the buyer similar products, perhaps at more attractive prices. Therefore, the main risk that a beginning entrepreneur can expect is a very high level of competition.

To overcome this obstacle, you will have to work hard and efficiently, to produce not only beautiful, stylish and fashionable clothes, but also things that meet all safety requirements.

Choice of model, color, patterns

Knitted overalls for a newborn can be with or without a pattern, plain or multi-colored, with a hood, booties and mittens. It all depends on the taste, creativity and skill of the knitter.

When choosing a model, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • For a summer children's outfit, it is good to use openwork inserts made of thin yarn. To add airiness to a summer jumpsuit, you can take knitting needles 1-2 sizes larger than required for the selected yarn. Then the knitting will be more loose and airy.
  • For the cold season, a tight knit is suitable. You can use jacquard knitting. Be careful when using the Aran knitting technique. It involves voluminous shapes using braids and weaves. You should not use too voluminous patterns, because they will create inconvenience for the child.

Jacquard knit is great for warm clothes

  • Often, for the baby’s comfort, a knitting technique without seams is used. When assembling the product, you can sew the seams outward to avoid chafing.
  • When choosing a color for children's clothing, it is better not to use black or gray as the main one. They are best used for decoration or as a complement to other colors.

Products for girls are traditionally knitted from warm colors, for example, white or pink; for boys, blue or shades of blue are used. You can choose neutral colors - green, yellow, orange, brown, or use a combination of several colors.

  • The color of the yarn should not be too bright. An increased content of dye in threads can cause allergic reactions in the baby. This yarn may shed.
  • The style of the overalls largely depends on the time of year in which it will be used. Summer models can be sleeveless, with straps, and with short pants. For cold weather, a jumpsuit with a hood and closed rompers is more convenient.
  • The bottom of the overalls should not be tapered, because it is necessary to leave room for a diaper.
  • You can knit 1-2 sizes larger so that the clothes do not restrict movement and last longer.

A jumpsuit for newborns can be knitted 1-2 sizes larger - this way the item will last longer

  • To diversify your baby's wardrobe, you can use a little trick. Knit two identical overalls from the same yarn. One is in stockinette stitch, the second is in garter stitch, when all rows are knitted with knit stitches. Jumpsuits even of the same color will look completely different.
  • You can use the same pattern, just changing the yarn color, pattern or trim. The results will be completely different in purpose.
  • It is better to choose comfortable and practical models that are quick and easy to put on and take off without irritating the baby and mother.

How to sew

In addition to making the pattern, you need to know how to sew the overalls in the final stages. The following steps must be taken to assemble the product:

  1. When all the parts have already been cut out of the fabric, you should definitely mark all the parts.
  2. Then you can sew the parts together. You should use a line with a minimum stitch pitch. In some cases, curly stitch options are used.
  3. After sewing a short distance on the machine, it is worth removing the thread from the basting.

Work on sewing
The rest depends on the seamstress’ technique and ability to work with a sewing machine.

If the summer season is approaching or you need to update your work wardrobe, you don’t have to immediately choose a dress. A jumpsuit can be a relevant and functional option. You can sew such a thing yourself, having decided on the model and inquiring about the simplest secrets of the work.


Before you start knitting, you need to draw a pattern for the overalls according to the baby’s size and knit a test sample. To create a pattern, you need to measure the circumference of the neck, chest, length of the legs and arms, and the height of the child.

The standard size for a baby from 0 to 1 month is 56. It is recommended to allow a size allowance of no more than 1-2 cm. Although a newborn grows quickly, clothing that is too large can cause discomfort. There are no design differences in products for newborn boys and girls.

To calculate increases and decreases for the pattern and the number of loops to be cast on, a test sample measuring 10x10 cm is knitted from the selected yarn.

Then you need to count the number of loops and rows. Some threads shrink or stretch after washing. Therefore, it is better to wet the test sample and measure it after drying and steaming. Then the calculation of the size of the finished product will be more accurate. If you don’t want to do the calculations yourself, you can always use ready-made patterns with detailed descriptions.

Taking measurements

For many breeds, especially decorative ones, overalls are an indispensable part of a walk. It protects against external influences (bright rays of the sun, rain, low temperatures) and insects. When sewing yourself, you should take into account the wearing season. This will help you choose the right fabric. You will also need individual pet sizes.

The first step in sewing overalls is the pattern. To build it you will need to take measurements of your pet. .

  • length of the back from the neck to the base of the tail.
  • Neck circumference.
  • Paw length.
  • Hip volume.
  • Waist and chest circumference.

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Once the necessary parameters are known, you can begin to build the pattern.

Selection of knitting needles and needles

The size of knitting needles is selected in two ways:

  1. According to the numbers that are on the label. Their size is always one larger than the yarn. For example, for threads with a thickness of 2, knitting needles No. 3 are suitable, and so on.
  2. Fold and lightly twist a strand of the selected yarn. The thickness of the knitting needles and the double twisted thread is approximately the same.

Overalls for a newborn are more comfortable and easier to knit on circular knitting needles.

In this case, the left and right parts of the product are in operation simultaneously. It’s easy to combine them into one canvas in the future. When knitting some patterns, you may need additional knitting needles to keep the dropped stitches on them. Experienced knitters use stocking needles in their work.

For work you can use plastic, metal or wooden knitting needles:

  1. Plastic ones are the lightest and most versatile, used for any type of yarn.
  2. Wooden or bamboo knitting needles are more suitable for openwork knitting, as well as for beginner knitters. Such knitting needles are less slippery and it is more difficult to “lose” loops on them.
  3. It is more convenient to knit items made of wool or acrylic on metal knitting needles.

In order to assemble the finished product, you will need a knitting needle. It differs from a traditional needle in having a wide eye and a blunt tip.

How to make a denim overalls pattern

Denim overalls have remained a trendy fashion choice for many years. In general, its creation differs little from models made from other fabrics. It can also have sleeves or straps, long or short legs, and be narrow or loose.

But most often it is a jumpsuit. Having chosen the appropriate bottom option, you only need to cut out the bib and straps.

However, in the process of sewing and modeling such a thing there is a feature dictated by the specifics of denim fabric. This matter, despite its high density and even roughness, has good stretch. Those wishing to make a tight-fitting item from such fabric should take this into account. Therefore, when constructing a pattern, you need to use dimensions that are 0.5–1 cm smaller than required by standard calculations.

General recommendations for knitting

When knitting a jumpsuit, you should adhere to the following points:

  • Before starting work, it is recommended to knit a small square from the selected yarn in order to calculate the number of loops per centimeter. This will help you not make a mistake with the size and choose the knitting density.

Knitting a sample helps calculate the number of loops and yarn

  • For beginners in knitting, it is better to choose simple, solid-colored patterns without complex patterns or ornaments.
  • The child grows quickly, so it is recommended to knit a slightly larger model.
  • Particular attention must be paid to fasteners. They should be safe, not sharp, and easy to fasten. It is convenient to use zippers or buttons without legs.
  • Under no circumstances should knitted overalls for a newborn be decorated with beads, rhinestones, brooches and similar accessories. Firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, it will cause inconvenience to the child.
  • For a model with a front clasp, it is enough to knit a strip of 4 additional rows.
  • To make it easier to remove the diaper, you can not sew the inside of the panties, but make it with buttons or a zipper. For buttons, you can knit a strip of 3-4 rows, or sew on an elastic band.
  • All parts must be steamed before stitching. It is better to start assembling the product from the shoulder seams. Then the side seams, sleeves and rompers are sewn together.
  • Children's knitted items should be washed in warm soapy water. Squeeze without twisting, gently and lightly. When washing in a machine, use the delicate cycle.
  • It is recommended to dry knitted items in a horizontal position to avoid deformation.

Method from below

Most experienced knitters believe that it is easiest to knit a jumpsuit starting from the bottom.

This technique has its advantages:

  • the method is suitable for any pattern;
  • you can knit a raglan model either seamless or consisting of 4 separately knitted and then sewn parts (back, sleeves and 2 shelves);
  • It is convenient to knit a product with one seam in the front, starting with rompers on double needles and then moving to circular needles,
  • make set-in or seamlessly knitted sleeves;
  • the ability to try on at any time and correct if there are errors in size;
  • convenient to make different fastener options;
  • the pattern is easy to enlarge;
  • can be remade or tied, easily unraveling only part of the product;
  • Using one pattern, it is possible to knit products for any time of the year, changing the pattern and density of the threads.

Pattern for women's summer overalls sizes 40 - 50 (RU) Annett

I will sew according to the pattern of women's summer overalls size 40 - 50, which is shown below in the photo, the fit on her figure is simply perfect. The summer jumpsuit consists of four patterns:

  • front (shelf) - 2 parts
  • back - 2 parts
  • front and back half of shorts without side seam - 2 parts
  • belt with dimensions 150*8 cm - 1 piece

Options for sizing:

Measurements (see)Size
Hip girth86909498102106
Fabric consumption see80

Method from above

A jumpsuit knitted for a newborn can be created using raglan, starting from the neckline. In this case, the knitting goes in a circle.

An example of calculating the number of loops when knitting raglan from top to bottom

The “top” method has a number of advantages:

  • parts do not need to be sewn;
  • if you have to unravel the products, the thread remains intact;
  • easy to lengthen as the child grows up;
  • You can change the size during operation;
  • circular or stocking needles are used.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • For beginners, this method is difficult;
  • it is not very convenient to knit, as it turns out to be a bulky fabric;
  • you can make a mistake with the size and have to unravel the product completely;
  • Not all patterns are suitable for circular knitting.

Simple overalls for baby

Even a less experienced mother can knit a simple jumpsuit using garter stitch. The product is knitted with knit stitches on both sides and is delicate, soft and cozy.

Mixed threads that include cotton, linen or bamboo are suitable for this model. To make the overalls warmer, you can use thin wool with acrylic. For size 56 cm you will need 150 g of yarn, 14 buttons and circular knitting needles No. 3.

Knitting order:

  • The control pattern should have 28 stitches and 56 rows.
  • The trouser legs are knitted from the bottom. For convenience, you can knit them simultaneously from different balls. Cast on 26 loops and knit 1.5 cm with a double elastic band (knit 2, purl 2).
  • Add 1 stitch in the last row.
  • Knit in garter stitch 29.5 cm.
  • On the inside of the sliders in each leg for the crotch seam, add: 1 loop once, 1 loop after 3 rows and 1 more loop after 3 rows.
  • After 11.5 cm, combine both legs, adding 3 loops between them for the crotch seam.
  • Knit in garter stitch 29.5 cm.

  • For armholes, decrease on both sides 1 time 2 loops, 6 times 1 loop each
  • After 39.5 cm for shoulder bevels, close 5 loops once
  • Cast off 5 stitches every other row.
  • Cast off 4 stitches every other row.
  • At a height of 40.5 cm, close off the remaining loops. The back is ready.
  • Knit the front legs in the same way.
  • Combine both halves by knitting 3 crotchet stitches between them.
  • Knit 18 cm in garter stitch.
  • Slip 21 stitches in the center of the fabric onto an additional needle.
  • Knit the armholes and bevels of the front in the same way as the back.
  • Close the loops.
  • Knit the remaining central loops on the additional knitting needle with the main pattern
  • After 38.5 cm, close the loops.
  • For the sleeves, cast on 42 stitches and knit 1.5 cm with an elastic band.
  • Add 2 stitches on the outer row.

A jumpsuit for newborns can be knitted with knitting needles using the simplest pattern - garter stitch.

  • After 22 rows for bevels on the sleeves, add 1 loop on both sides 3 times in each 10th row. Then in each subsequent 8 row there are 3 loops.
  • Having knitted 11 cm, close 7 times with 1 loop.
  • Cast off all stitches, knitting only 13.5 cm.
  • Pick up 70 stitches for the front trims and knit 6 rows with an elastic band. Make 7 loops on each of the planks. To do this, knit 2 loops together, then yarn over, in every 3rd row
  • Sew and wash the finished overalls. Dry in a horizontal position so that the knitted product does not stretch or deform.

For a simple jumpsuit, you can use a single color yarn or several colors. For example, knit the main part in one color, and the cuffs and front trim in another. This will refresh and diversify the model.

Summer overalls for girls

A knitted jumpsuit for a newborn with straps and short pants can be created in a few hours. This model uses 2 thread colors. The knitting density is 28 loops and 40 rows in the control sample. You will need 1 skein each of white and yellow acrylic yarn with elastane, 5 snaps and 2 buttons.

The length of the overalls is 27 cm, including 1 cm elastic, width 14 cm at the neck, 22 cm at the chest and 24 cm at the hips. The pattern is not difficult to perform; even those without much knitting experience can handle it: the front rows are knitted with knit stitches, the purl rows with purl loops. To combine colors, knit alternately 2 rows of white and yellow yarn.

In order to knit the right bar, you need to make decreases: knit 1, knit 2 loops together with a tilt to the left (slip 1 loop as a knit stitch), knit 1. pull through the removed loop. When there are 4 loops left on the knitting needle, knit the middle 2 stitches together and bind off. Knit the left bar similarly to the right one.

Winter overalls for newborns

For winter overalls, a model with a hood is suitable, which is convenient to put on over a hat. It is better to choose dense yarn for warm overalls, made from wool or polyamide with the addition of acrylic.

A simple “checkerboard pattern” looks advantageous in a single-color version. More experienced knitters will be able to diversify the pattern by knitting “checkerboards” using yarn of different colors. It is worth considering that the overalls will become thicker due to pulling the threads from the wrong side.

Rapport consists of 10 loops (K3, P3) and 10 rows. The knitting density is 16 loops per 22 rows in the control sample 10x10 cm.

The procedure for knitting overalls with a hood:

  • For the left half, cast on 18 stitches on needles No. 4.5 and knit with an elastic band (K1, P1) 2 cm.
  • With the main pattern, starting with knit 2, knit 4 cm and add one loop to the right 3 times in every 6th row. You need to start increasing after 5 loops from the edge. The result will be 21 loops.
  • Knit the right part in the same way. Start the pattern from the first repeat loop.
  • Connect both pant legs onto one knitting needle.
  • Knit 18 cm and bind off on both sides 2 times, 1 stitch in each 10th row.
  • At a height of 28 cm from the start of knitting, close 2 loops on both sides.
  • Cast off all the loops when the length of the product is 36 cm.
  • When knitting the right trouser leg, after 12 cm, cast on 2 loops and knit 3 purl, 2 times 2 together with knit stitches.
  • Next, knit similarly to the left leg.
  • For the sleeve, cast on 23 loops and knit with a 2 cm elastic band.
  • Continue with the pattern 6 cm and add 2 times on both sides, 1 loop in each 8th row.
  • After 13 cm, put off knitting.
  • For the hood, cast on 61 loops and knit 2 cm with an elastic band.
  • Start the main pattern with 2 loops of the pattern.
  • In each 2nd row, cast off 1 stitch 5 times.
  • At a height of 11 cm from the beginning of knitting, close in each 2nd row 2 times 4 loops, 3 times 3 loops.
  • Cast off remaining stitches. The hood is ready.

Wash all parts in soapy water, dry and steam. Start assembling from the shoulder seams. Sew the hood along the back seam and sew it to the neckline, leaving 7 loops on both sides from the edge of the front. Then sew in both sleeves. Sew side seams and sew buttons.

This outfit is suitable for a child of any age. You just need to increase the pattern by a few centimeters. For the smallest size you will need 4 skeins of plain yarn and 4-5 small buttons.

Option for winter overalls with braids for a newborn

The good thing about the model is that the pants can be sewn along the crotch seam, or made with fasteners so that you can change the diaper without taking off the entire overalls. To do this, knit a placket for buttons or snaps along the inside of the trousers. It is more convenient to use buttons, since they do not require knitting loops.

Step-by-step sewing instructions

If we consider the step-by-step instructions with the materials listed above on how to sew a thing, it looks like this:

  1. Measure the animal’s body and make a pattern for the dog’s overalls according to your own ideas;

Creating a pattern

  1. Sew the edges of the parts together, insert the elastic into the cuffs with a collar and sew in a zipper;

Ready product

  1. Decorate the product with various accessories to suit your taste.

As for decoration, you can additionally make a hood. It is not necessary to sew it tightly; you can make it removable. To form a suit, you need to measure the circumference of the head and ears, make a pattern, insert an elastic band into the finished product and sew it to the finished garment. Additionally, you can make a pocket on the side. It is imperative to make a hole for the discharge and cut a hole for the tail, having previously measured the diameter of the corresponding compartment.

You might consider making a onesie with completely closed paws, or come up with detachable shoes with an elastic band, like children's mittens, with a snap or button.

Detachable jumpsuit

The specifics of how a dog's outfit will be created completely depend on the gender of the dog.

This is why it is so important to choose the appropriate sewing instructions. The following scheme is suitable for both large four-legged friends and small Spitz or other species

The resulting clothing can be used as a regular raincoat. If you add a comfortable pad to it, your pet will feel comfortable wearing it in winter. All you need is:

  1. Take measurements, cut the material to start sewing;
  2. Sew the hood to the back of the throat, additionally inserting an elastic band;
  3. Place the visor so that it is later convenient for the dog, process it along the curved edge;
  4. Overlap the straight edge of the visor and sew the visor to the front of the hood;
  5. Sew up the belly with the side elements of the future product;
  6. Sew the cuff parts and pull the elastic bands over them.

Pattern for sewing a stylish jumpsuit

Interestingly, for such a product you can combine several different materials with each other, creating a kind of sporty design. You can also add an inscription on the back, but only after all the work is done.

Additionally, you can decorate the created product with glow-in-the-dark elements. This will be very useful for owners during a night or evening walk. It is also possible to make a jumpsuit with detachable parts. Then it will look more like a suit with a jacket and pants. But in terms of ease of putting on and taking off, this product will be better.

Openwork transformable jumpsuit

A transformable jumpsuit is an envelope that, with the help of fasteners, can be turned into a full-fledged jumpsuit. The advantage of the model is that it can be used for a long time.

As an envelope, it is perfect for discharge from the hospital and the first month of life. In such a “bag” the child sleeps warmly and comfortably. As the baby grows up, it will become more convenient to wear it in the form of a onesie with rompers.

The pattern for a transformer measuring 54 cm is a rectangle 15 cm wide and 54 cm high, with a bevel for the sleeve and neckline. This is half the front or back. The jumpsuit is knitted from 4 parts. The full neck diameter is 12 cm, the armhole height is 14 cm. The sleeve in this model is set-in and knitted separately. The width of the half sleeve is 12.5 cm, the length from the armhole is 15 cm, the wrist is 7 cm.

The product can be knitted either from below or from above using raglan. With this option, cast on 18 loops at the rate of: 18 loops for the back, 9 loops for the sleeves, 2 times 8 loops for the shelves. To increase the overalls pattern, just add a few centimeters to the length of the product and sleeves.

For those who are just learning to knit, you can use a simple openwork pattern consisting of knit stitches and yarn overs. The purl rows are knitted according to the pattern, the yarn overs are knitted with purl loops.

The size of the repeat is 10 loops and 12 rows, so it is easy to calculate the number of repetitions of the pattern for any size.

Assembly of the finished product:

  • connect the main part and sleeves;
  • perform side seams;
  • sew the back 44 cm starting from the neckline;
  • sew or tie a button placket on the front, along the crotch seam on the back and bottom edge of the overalls.

Different types of women's overalls

First you need to decide what kind of thing you want to get in the end . We will choose among the most common options for women's overalls.


The name suggests that this item of clothing covers the body as much as possible .

Indeed, it is sewn with long sleeves and trousers. This one is useful for everyday wear from autumn to spring.

Summer classic

Women's overalls for the summer are a combination of classic trousers and a bodice .

It is usually made from light, thin fabric. It fits perfectly into a variety of styles, allowing its owners to feel comfortable on a hot day.

Summer sleeveless

The next option is similar to the classic model, but leaves the shoulders and collarbones open .

This result is achieved by replacing the sleeves with thin straps, like a T-shirt.

With shorts

This outfit can become more democratic and lighter if you shorten the legs, revealing your legs .

With shorts and sleeveless

By replacing the sleeves with straps and shortening the legs as much as possible, you can get an open and cheerful beach model.

It should be taken into account that within one type there are also many different options . Thus, the sleeves may differ in length and width, and the trouser legs may differ in the way they are cut. In addition, the top can be either narrow and fitted or large and baggy.

Important! It is not necessary to look for a model that you will like completely and unconditionally. Combine different patterns, taking from each what you found interesting.

This way you can create the outfit of your dreams with your own hands. For example, if you take the design of the top from one, the shape of the legs from another, the sleeves from the third.

Models for growth

A newborn baby grows quickly, gaining up to 25 cm in height in the first year of life. To make the overalls last longer, you can use a few tricks from experienced mothers.


  • Tie a loose elastic band on the sleeves and trousers 2 times longer. When the child is small, you can wear clothes with a lapel. Then straighten the lapels if necessary. This will add length to the product.
  • Can be made into folds ranging in size from 2 to 6 cm in the waist area and on the sliders. This method is not suitable if the product is knitted from dense yarn or with a convex pattern, because it may cause discomfort for the child.
  • In the summer version of the overalls, knit longer pants and straps. Then you can increase the size by adjusting their length. And trousers will eventually become shorts.
  • With the top knitting method, it is possible to increase the overalls by several sizes. To do this, you need to unravel the part of the product that has become small and knit it longer.

A jumpsuit knitted by yourself looks original, unique and pleases with its uniqueness. When choosing a model, you need to remember that clothes should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. This is important for both the newborn and his mother.

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Envelope for discharge and walks

A newborn baby needs an envelope. This is especially true in the off-season and cold season. The material for the product should be selected in accordance with the temperature conditions.

For an insulated envelope, several layers of fabric are taken: a top elegant fabric, soft fleece for the inside and insulation

As an insulating layer, it is important to use hypoallergenic materials that retain heat well

All layers of fabric, except the top one, are folded and stitched like a blanket. Next, the top layer is applied and attached to the base.

Making an envelope is no more difficult than sewing children's clothes with your own hands. Patterns for a walking “sleeping bag” are easy to make yourself.

The envelope consists of two parts. The upper part has dimensions of 65x40 cm, and the bottom - 75x40 cm. The dimensions can be adjusted depending on the baby’s height and the expected duration of use of the envelope.

Having cut out the parts of the required size, we round the corners on the top of the product.

The two parts are sewn together using side zippers, so that you can unzip the envelope from both sides without waking the child.

At the top you need to leave about 25 cm for the lapel. You can decorate it with buttons. In such a reliable envelope, the baby will be as comfortable as jewelry in a Japanese box.

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