How to make a dog puppet with your own hands

To provide exciting leisure time for children, both in children's institutions of various levels and at home, plot-based puppet theater performances are actively used. For such entertainment, it is recommended to use both finger theater and its other varieties.

To create a puppet theater with your own hands, you can successfully use a variety of types of needlework:

  • origami;
  • sewing;
  • crocheting and knitting.

The vast majority of home puppet theater performances are based on the content of folk and original fairy tales, the main characters of which are forest animals or pets. A popular character is the dog puppet.

Making dogs for a tabletop theater

To provide exciting leisure time for children, both in children's institutions of various levels and at home, plot-based puppet theater performances are actively used.
For such entertainment, it is recommended to use both finger theater and its other varieties. To create a puppet theater with your own hands, you can successfully use a variety of types of needlework:

The vast majority of home puppet theater performances are based on the content of folk and original fairy tales, the main characters of which are forest animals or pets. A popular character is the dog puppet.

Dog sofa cushion

Do you want a more impressive pet than a small pocket dog? Give yourself an original interior pillow in the shape of a sleeping dog.

The product diagram is shown in the photo. Draw the details onto a large sheet of paper. You can choose any size.

Choose textiles: the color and texture depend on your imagination, but the material should be quite dense.

Transfer all the details onto the fabric and cut them out. Sew the parts of the body (if it is not from a single piece of material), sew the halves of the tail to them.

Embroider or machine stitch the eyes, mouth and nose of the dog.

Process and sew the ears to the head. There is no need to fill them with filler.

Sew the body pieces along the bottom, leaving an opening for stuffing the pillow. Sew a hidden zipper into it.

Run the top seam from nose to tail.

Sew the legs and fill with stuffing. Pin them in the right places to the body, first turning it right side out.

Turn the pillow inside out and sew the remaining seams. Notch and cut allowances on convex and concave elements.

Turn the pillow inside out through the zipper and stuff it. A sleepy dog ​​is waiting for its owner!


DIY dog puppet

Materials and tools:

This is an approximate list of materials; you can safely replace the composition with what you have on hand.


Paint the rollers the color of your future dog.

To make a pointed muzzle, make 4 cuts on one side of the smaller roll, about 2/3 of the way down. Squeeze so that the cut parts overlap, as in the photo, and glue. You can wrap the muzzle with an elastic band or thread while the glue dries.

Cut a piece from the long roller to create ears. Glue the ears and eyes to the face.

Then everything is simple: make holes in a long roller, attach the legs and tail.

Attach the head to the body with one rope, as in the photo.

Small dog made from a sausage ball

If you don't feel confident enough to tackle complex crafts right away, try making a funny dog ​​out of a long balloon.

The process of its manufacture is very simple. Follow the step-by-step instructions - and you will definitely succeed.

  1. Inflate the balloon. It is convenient to use a small hand pump for this purpose. Do not overdo it - you need to leave about 10 cm of the balloon uninflated so that it does not burst during subsequent manipulations.
  2. Roll 3 small identical balls one by one. To tighten them, turn each around its axis 3-4 turns. And now and from now on, twist all the balls only in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise - whichever is more convenient for you).

  3. Use a lock to connect the second and third balls. These will be the dog's ears.
  4. Now twist one small ball, which will be the neck, and two more identical larger ones - these will be the paws.

  5. Connect the paw balls with a lock.
  6. Twist a long ball for the body and two balls for the hind legs.

  7. Connect the two claw balls again with a lock.
  8. The remaining part is the tail. Twist it so that it points up.

Now you know how to make a dog from a sausage ball. This cutie will delight kids. With a little practice, you can turn an ordinary ball into a fun toy under their admiring glances.

Dog for puppet theater made from sock

A funny puppet in the form of a dog can be easily created from an ordinary sock. Such a doll is considered to be a mimic doll, because during the performance process it can, in skillful hands, frown, express surprise or dissatisfaction by moving its eyebrows or nose.

The mimic doll will be of interest to children from two years of age. Starting from the age of nine, a child can create it independently and with pleasure act out scenes with dialogues with its help.

To work on such a toy you need:

The description presented above can be used to independently make different models of mimic dogs to organize a fun stage performance with peers or parents.

A mimic cat can also be made using striped socks.

Doll made of cardboard and paper

Use the templates below or similar ones to make three-dimensional toys out of cardboard and paper.

Volumetric dolls made of paper and cardboard.

Volumetric princess dolls made of paper and cardboard.

Elsa doll made of paper or cardboard.

Crochet dog for table theater

For a puppet theater, you can crochet a toy dog. Knitted from cotton or woolen threads, the puppy can be easily put on your hand. The following master class will demonstrate how to make this version of a theatrical puppet.

Of all the available crochet patterns for the proposed work, the optimal one would be single crochet, which is often used to make amigurumi toys.

To work you will need:

First of all, you need to cast on a chain of loops, the length of which will freely wrap around your wrist.

Loops closed in a ring are knitted in a circle with single crochets until the height of the product reaches 5 cm.

At the next stage, to make the body of the toy knitted easier, the fabric is divided into two parts - front and back, cutting the outer loops in each even row.

Taking the holes left on the sides as a basis, we form a circle along their outer loops and tie the dog’s hollow paws, finishing them with several rows of red color, thereby imitating the pet’s “socks.”

From the outermost loops of the hole formed at the top, it is necessary to knit a head, gradually increasing the number of loops towards the middle, and, on the contrary, decreasing the number of loops towards the crown in each subsequent row.

Using the amigurumi principle, we make a small dog’s muzzle from red yarn, and a nose from a piece of black thread.

The muzzle is sewn in the designated place with a hidden seam, the nose and pre-selected plastic eyes are glued.

The final stage is making the dog's ears. They are knitted by casting 10 stitches in several rows:

The finished ears are sewn with a hidden seam on the sides of the dog's head.

A cat can be tied up in a similar way if, for example, a dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” is planned.

Coffee Dog

Sew a charming toy - a symbol of the New Year. A textile dog made by your own hands will be an unforgettable gift for friends and family.

To work you will need:

  • white calico 50*50cm;
  • filler (cotton wool or balls);
  • PVA glue;
  • instant coffee;
  • brushes and acrylic paints;
  • needle and thread;
  • patterns.

We print out the patterns or redraw them. You can take them in natural size, as in the picture, or you can scale them. If you enlarge the pattern, increase the amount of fabric accordingly.

  1. Transfer the pattern to calico and cut out in duplicate. Sew the pieces together, leaving an opening for turning.

  2. Turn the pieces inside out and stuff them with soft filling. Sew the opening closed with a blind stitch. Don't stuff your dachshund's ears too tightly.

  3. Sew the ears to the blank.

  4. Dilute a tablespoon of instant coffee in three tablespoons of boiling water. Add a pinch of vanillin (not vanilla sugar, but vanillin!) and a tablespoon of PVA to the cooled mixture.
  5. Using a brush, paint the toys, blot off excess moisture with a paper napkin.

  6. Dry the pieces in an oven preheated to 75°C for 10 minutes. You can also use a hair dryer for drying.

  7. Add half a teaspoon of brown acrylic paint to the remaining coffee mixture. Draw spots on the toys as your imagination dictates.

  8. Dry the items again. Then decorate the faces: draw eyes, noses and mouths. Let the paint dry and cover the eyes and nose with acrylic varnish.

photo: Viktoriya GoldFish

The fragrant charms are ready. You can sew them together with your children. This is a great activity for interesting and useful leisure time.

How to make a dog puppet

Puppet toys invariably cause children's delight: it seems that the puppeteer has nothing to do with their movements and what is happening on stage. When a child gets such a doll, he can play with it for hours. And then arrange extraordinary performances for parents and guests.

Today we invite you to make several puppet toys with your own hands. You can also involve a child in their creation: let him take part in the birth of this magical “actor”. It will be all the more amazing to revive a character, invent his character, habits and signature movements!

Puppy puppet toy

You will need:

© Instagram @shuba.katerina

How to do:

Maslenitsa doll

IMPORTANT: Read in this article what crafts you can make from cardboard, paper and other materials for Maslenitsa with your child.

For a scarecrow – Maslenitsa from cardboard, take:

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • white paper
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints
  • glue

Cardboard dolls for Maslenitsa.

  1. Carefully fold two sheets of colored cardboard, using a ruler, like an accordion, and then in half.
  2. Connect them together by placing one on top of the other.
  3. Use colored and white paper to make a face, hairstyle, and headdress for the doll.
  4. Connect the doll parts.

The history of puppets

The first figure with movable body parts appeared in the foreseeable past as a participant in religious activities. These were statues of gods in whose honor ritual actions were performed. At first, only the head of these figures or statues turned - the earthly incarnation of God seemed to be surveying the assembled flock and assessing the degree of servility and servility. In order for people to have different feelings, the facial expressions of such statues also changed - from smiling to angry.

A similar thing happened in Ancient Egypt during the annual celebration in honor of Osiris. Priests carried statues with rotating heads during religious processions. They all depicted the god to whom this action was dedicated. Statues were installed near the walls of the temple of ancient Hierapolis, whose heads also turned, carefully examining the people entering. This was done to create an appropriate atmosphere, as well as maintain the unquestioned authority of religious figures.

Note! In Ancient Rome, the figure of Jupiter indicated with its head the direction where it needed to be carried, and with a nod it indicated the stopping place, where the prediction of the deity was carried out.

It should be clarified that such figures and statues were not called puppets at all. And it would be a stretch to call them dolls, too. Rather, they served as a prototype for puppets and examples for their creation. And this happened when artisans began to make small copies of divine statues and other figures capable of imitating human movements.

The small figures of the master were rewarded with great possibilities - not only their heads moved, but also their arms, legs, even the eyes and lower jaw were movable. More and more complex mechanisms for controlling dolls and connections for moving parts were invented. As a result, the puppets could sit down, stand up, walk, dance, perform complex movements, and perform gestures that were understandable to everyone. Such dolls became regular participants at all holidays, feasts, and feasts. They were hung on the Christmas tree.

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Puppet Feature

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