How to make a spring: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

According to experts, it is possible to produce a spring with high performance characteristics and in compliance with all necessary parameters only using special factory equipment. Nevertheless, the technological process itself is not complicated.

The question of how to make a spring at home is quite relevant. This is due to the fact that there are situations when the home craftsman may not have a spring of the required diameter at hand. In this case, you have to make it yourself. How to make a spring with your own hands? What tools are needed for this? You will find information on how to make a spring at home in this article.

Cold coiling technology with quenching and tempering

The first stages of the technology coincide with the previous process. Changes begin at the heat treatment stage. It is carried out in several stages:

  • Hardening. The workpiece is heated to a given temperature and held for 2 to 3 hours. Next, it is subjected to rapid cooling by immersing it in a container with mineral oil or saline solution. During the hardening stage, the workpieces must be in a horizontal position. This will avoid deformation
  • Vacation. The workpiece is heated to 200-300° and kept for several hours to relieve internal stresses and improve elastic properties.

Further measuring and control operations are also carried out. The workpieces that have passed the inspection are sent for sandblasting to remove scale. If necessary, shot blasting should also be done to increase the strength of the surface layer of the metal.

The process is completed by applying a protective coating.

How to make and harden a spring at home

Almost every home craftsman knows that it is possible to make a spring from almost any wire and successfully use it in everyday life. Basically, there are no problems with making the part yourself. However, sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to either make a spring of non-standard dimensions, or give it increased strength and elasticity. To do this, you should resort to heat treatment operations. It is quite possible to harden a spring at home. It goes without saying that a homemade part should not be used in particularly critical devices operating under increased load. For such purposes, it is recommended to use factory-made springs. But for home use in a device operating in a lightweight mode, the technology in question is quite suitable.

Required tools and materials

In order to make and harden a wire spring with your own hands, you need:

  • Steel wire. The diameter is selected based on the necessary characteristics of the future product.
  • Ordinary gas burner.
  • Metalworking tools: pliers, hammer, etc.
  • Vise.
  • Stove. This may be, if available, a special one or an ordinary household one.

Additional devices that are selected individually in accordance with the size and stiffness of the spring can facilitate the process of winding the spiral.

If the use and hardening is intended to be made from wire with a diameter of less than 2 millimeters, then it may not be preheated. It will bend without any problems without this operation. However, before starting winding, it is recommended to straighten it along its entire length and completely level it.

When using wire with a diameter of more than 2 millimeters, it should be burned before starting work. Without this operation, aligning and winding it will be problematic.

Features of the operation

  • The right foundation is the key to success. In factory conditions, an alloy of non-ferrous metals (65G, 60HFA, 60S2A, 70SZA, Br. B2), alloy or carbon steel is used for production. During home production, the optimal base will be an old spring of the required diameter.
  • A special furnace is best suited for annealing. If this is not available, brick or metal will do.
  • For cooling after heating, it is recommended to use transformer oil. If it is not available, a spindle will do.


1. Before tempering the spring wire, you should check the base material and make sure that the wire used is carbon steel.

2. The annealing procedure, as mentioned earlier, can add plasticity. This will make the process of alignment and winding onto the mandrel easier. You can use a special oven or any suitable oven for this. In everyday life, it is possible to harden in the most suitable structure (metal or brick). To do this, a regular fire is lit and then the future spring is placed in the coal. After heating the workpiece red-hot, the wire must be removed and allowed to cool naturally. The cooled wire will be much softer and you can work with it comfortably.

3. The softened wire should be completely aligned and begin winding onto a mandrel of a suitable diameter. During the procedure, you need to control the tight arrangement of the turns to each other. To make it easier, you can use a screwdriver.

4. To impart the required elasticity, hardening will be required. Thanks to this heat treatment, the part is harder and more durable. Hardening springs involves heating them to a temperature of 830 to 870 degrees. To do this, you can use a gas burner. Earlier we talked about hardening metal at home.

It is unlikely that you will find a suitable thermometer at home that can accurately determine the temperature of a part. Therefore, you can navigate by the color of the metal. When the required temperature is reached, the workpiece will turn light red. We recommend watching a video with a detailed description of the heating temperature. After this, the spring is placed in a cooling medium (oil).

5. Afterwards, the hardened spring must be kept in a compressed state. This requires from 20 to 40 hours.

6. Finally, process and adjust to the required dimensions.

Correct implementation of such hardening will allow you to successfully use the spring in home mechanisms.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you need to do if you are going to make a spring with your own hands is to select the material for such a product. The optimal material in this case is another spring (the main thing is that the diameter of the wire from which it is made matches the cross-section of the coils of the spring that you need to make).

By selecting material from an old spring, you will be sure that the wire is made of hardened high carbon steel

Annealing the wire for the spring, as mentioned above, will allow you to make it more flexible, and you can easily align it and wind it on the mandrel. To perform this procedure, it is best to use a special stove, but if you do not have one at your disposal, then you can use any other device that heats wood.

In such a stove you need to light birch wood and, when it burns down to coals, put a spring in it, the wire from which you are going to use. After the spring is red-hot, the coals must be moved to the side and the heated product allowed to cool along with the stove. After cooling, the wire will become much more flexible, and you can easily work with it at home.

The wire that has become soft should be carefully aligned and begin to be wound onto a mandrel of the required diameter. When performing this procedure, it is important to ensure that the turns are located close to each other. If you have never winded springs before, you can first watch a training video, which is easy to find on the Internet.

You can use a screwdriver to wind a small spring.

In order for your new spring to have the required elasticity, it must be hardened. Heat treatment such as hardening will make the material harder and more durable. To perform hardening, the finished spring must be heated to a temperature of 830–870°, for which you can use a gas burner. You can determine that the required hardening temperature has been reached by the color of the hot spring: it should turn light red. To accurately determine this color, also rely on the video. After heating to the required temperature, the spring must be cooled in transformer or spindle oil.

Heated steel colors

After hardening, the spring should be kept in a compressed state for 20–40 hours, and then its ends should be processed on a sharpening machine to make a product of the required size.

After completing all the above procedures, you can begin to use the spring you made with your own hands for its intended purpose.


According to the established GOST rules, wire is created by pulling or drawing initial blanks through holes arranged in order of decreasing section diameter. To increase the tensile strength, thermal hardening is carried out at the end. When drawing, a special form for calibration is installed at the last outlet hole of the machine - a die. It is installed in the case when the material must be manufactured already calibrated and not have defects on the surface.

Next comes the tempering of the wire at a temperature of 400-480 C. The hardness of the web is 35-45 units (from 1300 to 1600 kilograms per 1 square millimeter of plane). To improve technical properties such as load suppression, carbon or high-alloy steel is used. Typically, manufacturers make it from alloy grades - 50KhFA, 50KhGFA, 55KhGR, 55S2, 60S2, 60S2A, 60S2N2A, 65G, 70SZA, U12A, 70G.

Material and manufacturing technology [edit | edit code]

The spring can be made of any material that has sufficiently high strength and elastic properties (steel, plastic, wood, plywood, even cardboard).

The material of various rubbers has elastic properties that do not require giving it a special shape and is often used in its direct form, however, due to less defined characteristics, it is used less often in precision machines.

General-purpose steel springs are made from high-carbon steels (U9A-U12A, 65, 70) alloyed with manganese, silicon, vanadium (65G, 60S2A, 65S2VA). For springs operating in aggressive environments, stainless steel (12Х18Н10Т), beryllium bronze (BrB-2), silicon-manganese bronze (BrKMts3-1), tin-zinc bronze (BrOTs-4-3), titanium (VT-16) and nickel alloys are used (A-286, INCONEL, ELGILOY).

Small springs can be wound from ready-made wire, while powerful ones are made from annealed steel and are hardened after molding.

Read also: Density of steel aisi 430

Features and Requirements

The most popular diameter is 6-8 millimeters. To make spring wire, steel wire rod is used. Technical requirements are established in accordance with GOST 14963-78 or GOST 9389-75. Sometimes deviations from the norms to the requirements of spring wire are allowed. For example, at the request of the customer, the amount of manganese in the composition can be changed, but only if chromium and nickel were not used in manufacturing.

During operation, the load will be created in places that are not resistant to flaws. Therefore, all raw materials are tested before producing springs.

The strength of the spring web directly depends on the size of the diameter; the strength of a small diameter is much higher. For example, a cross-sectional size of 0.2-1 millimeters is almost twice as strong as a wire with a cross-section of 8 millimeters. The form of release of the finished spring wire can be in the form of coils, skeins (permissible weight 80-120 kilograms) and coils (500-800 kilograms).

adjust the spring

plz tell me, maybe someone has already done this: there is a spring, the upper end of the spring sticks out a lot, it just can’t be bent, see picture version 1. Is it possible to warm up at the point indicated in red and bring the upper end of the spring to the form of var. 2? Do not offer to buy another normal one, you cannot cut it off either.

PS: moderator - the message preview does not work, I had to send it without it.

theoretically you can try warming it up and bending it. BUT. it will then burst in this place..

Will it really burst? After all, if you heat it up and cool it smoothly, the metal seems to loosen and become softer. It is not necessary to restore the rigidity in that place, because This is where the spring rests only. This is all theory, has anyone tried it in practice?

strange, I see normally myself. I’ll try to draw here: there is /, we need _.

Last edited by Integrad; 11/17/2009 at 08:04.

Yokorn, sorry off topic, even the images are not visible, they are turned on in the browser, that’s what I have. in other topics it’s visible, and I’m not showing any harm in the photo.

in practice, a “regular Japanese spring” bursts even without thermal assistance at the beginning of the second turn. (in harsh conditions)

It may not burst if you cool it gently in the air. You won’t know until you try.

In the difficult 90s, old sagging Japanese springs were heated and pulled in mechanical workshops. Just warmed it up completely. And nothing burst, the old skyes, laurels and leopards drove around the city just on their way. Go to the blacksmith's shop, I think they'll be able to make some money there :-)))) Or take the risk yourself, what's there to lose.

They warmed it, they bent it, nothing broke. The drawing simply gives the impression that the spring is bent in one plane. We heat a third of the distance from the middle of the mark to red with an autogen, then bend it in the horizon with a previously prepared piece of pipe and press it slightly down and inward.

Carthage must be destroyed. And this . let's get drunk already.

Required tools and materials

In order to make and harden a wire spring with your own hands, you need:

  • Steel wire. The diameter is selected based on the necessary characteristics of the future product.
  • Ordinary gas burner.
  • Metalworking tools: pliers, hammer, etc.
  • Vise.
  • Stove. This may be, if available, a special one or an ordinary household one.

Additional devices that are selected individually in accordance with the size and stiffness of the spring can facilitate the process of winding the spiral.

If the use and hardening is intended to be made from wire with a diameter of less than 2 millimeters, then it may not be preheated. It will bend without any problems without this operation. However, before starting winding, it is recommended to straighten it along its entire length and completely level it.

When using wire with a diameter of more than 2 millimeters, it should be burned before starting work. Without this operation, aligning and winding it will be problematic.

Methods for restoring springs

Most often, spring fatigue is discovered completely by accident, for example, when the car is loaded more than usual, and it literally begins to cling to the road with its bottom.

There are several solutions to this problem. Naturally, the easiest way is to install new springs; they will last longer and cause fewer problems, but this method is not the cheapest, so more and more often car owners are trying to revive old springs.

There are several ways to restore springs: electromechanical and thermomechanical, which we will tell you about today.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the process of restoring springs is not the easiest and most pleasant; it requires a lot of strength, strong patience and special equipment, among which we should note a vice, an electric transformer, a lathe and a small oil bath with AC-8 oil.

Cold manufacturing method

The technology of winding springs on lathes in Russia is considered more preferable. This is due to the fact that the hot method requires serious costs associated with the purchase of expensive additional equipment. The cold method has restrictions on the wire diameter; it does not exceed 16 mm. The equipment for this process consists of mandrels adapted to guide the metal thread on a rotating spool.

The type depends on the shape of the spring (cylindrical, barrel-shaped or conical). The device for tensioning and directing the wire is presented in the form of two rotating rollers. Moreover, the top one has a screw that allows you to adjust the tension and direction. When cold curling springs, metal with the necessary qualities is taken and the required part is made from it. At the end, heat treatment is carried out in order to get rid of internal stresses.

The technology itself looks like this. The steel wire is fed through a bar mounted on the equipment support, and the end is fixed with a clamp on the mandrel. The roller device exerts tension on the metal thread, which is important in the manufacture of the product. After turning on the machine, the winding of the spring begins, and the speed, depending on the diameter and material used, is in the range of 10 - 40 m/min. The number of turns is counted visually or with a counter. Upon completion, the craft is subject to mechanical processing.

This can be a technology for trimming compression springs with abrasive wheels on special machines or on industrial sharpeners. On products of other profiles, the technological ends must be trimmed or trimmed using a special device and an appropriate tool. The finished product is heat treated in electric ovens.

The technology for heat treatment of parts depends on the material. For some grades of steel, tempering and hardening are used; for others, including bronze, it is low-temperature tempering, after which the items acquire spring properties.

Finished products are checked and tested for compliance with technological parameters (tension, compression, bending, torsion). If necessary or with the consent of the customer, additional processing (galvanic, paint or other coating) is performed.

Manufacturing process

To make wire of the required diameter, you will need to take a slightly smaller mandrel. This is due to the fact that after removing the spring, it increases slightly in diameter.

All work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparing wire for winding. To obtain the best result, the wire must be calcined in an oven. The metal should be red hot, do not remove it until it cools completely.
  2. The wire must be wound onto a mandrel. The coils should fit snugly against each other.
  3. In order for the spring to retain its shape, it must be hardened. To do this, it is heated to a light red color and then dipped into technical oil. You can use transformer or spindle oil.
  4. After hardening, the spring must be fixed in a compressed position and left for one or two days.

The ends of the finished spring should be ground on a grinding wheel, after which the work on making the spring can be considered complete.

If you need a small spring, you can make it yourself. But it is better to purchase larger specimens in specialized stores.

How to Make a Spring with Your Hands from Wire, watch the video:

To the landfill! Spare parts from it can be useful in everyday life.

1 of 17

Tactics for catching crucian carp using a spring feeder

When using a spring for catching crucian carp, both loose and viscous bait is suitable. The feeder is filled with it and several casts are made for the starting feeding. Leashes with hooks are not attached. When feeding is done, you can install a smaller spring with leads.

The bait is compacted in the feeder so that it is washed out no faster than 10 minutes. All that remains is to attach the bait to the hooks and throw the equipment into the feeding area.

The fishing rod is placed on a stand, the fishing line is tensioned, and a bite alarm is mounted. The friction brake is weakened, and if there is a baitrunner, it should be turned on. Now you can sit comfortably and wait for the fish to bite.

To catch crucian carp at shallow depths and short distances, it is better to use small springs made of thin wire 1-2 mm. If you need long casting with a large depth at the fishing point, then it is better to install large models made of 2.5-3.5 mm wire. Having a wide range of feeders, the angler can easily select the optimal spring for fishing in a particular fishing area.

Especially for Homemade FISH – Sergey Viktorovich Shchetko, Belarus, Stolbtsy

Material requirements

The strength parameters and fault tolerance of a product are largely determined by the material from which it was decided to be made. Metallurgists distinguish special spring steels in the classification of steels. They have a specific crystal structure, determined both by the chemical composition and the heat treatment of the products. Highly alloyed alloys of increased purity and high metallurgical quality provide high elasticity and ductility, and are able to retain their physical and mechanical properties after repeated deformations.

Spring alloys 60S2A, 50HFA and stainless steel 12Х18Н10Т have gained popularity among mechanism designers.

Where is it used?

The production of springs can be done using cold or hot methods. For cold coiling, special spring-coiling machines and machines are used. The wire must be carbon steel because the final part will not be hardened. In Russia, the cold method is used more often, since it is not so expensive and costly.

Process description.

  1. The spring wire is prepared for work and checked for defects.
  2. The wire sheet is threaded through the bracket in the caliper, and the end is secured with a clamp on the frame.
  3. The upper shaft adjusts the tension.
  4. The winding roller turns on (its speed depends on the wire diameter).
  5. The fabric is cut when the required number of turns is reached.
  6. The last stage is mechanical and thermal treatment of the finished part.

The hot method can produce parts only with a cross-sectional diameter of 1 centimeter. During winding, rapid and uniform heating occurs. The process looks like this.

  1. A piece of wire, heated red-hot, is pushed through the clamp and the ends are secured with clamps.
  2. The upper roller sets the tension.
  3. The rotation speed is adjusted (also everything depends on the diameter), and the machine is turned on.
  4. Afterwards the workpiece is removed.
  5. Next comes thermal hardening - cooling in an oil solution.
  6. Mechanical processing of the finished part and application of an anti-corrosion compound.

During the hot winding method, cutting the spring into pieces is not provided if the desired size has already been achieved, that is, winding occurs over the full length of the web. After this, it is cut into pieces of the required length. In this method, the last heat treatment is needed to relieve internal stress on the part. It is recommended to work with an oil solution rather than water, so that cracks do not appear on the steel during hardening.

See below for what spring wire looks like.

do-it-yourself compressive, conical, torsion and tension

When creating various devices, it is very useful to have springs on hand. The question naturally arises: how many, what type and size may you need next time and how to make a spring with your own hands?

However, sometimes a situation arises when it is difficult to find a spring that ideally suits your requirements. So why not make your own?

Making springs may seem intimidating, but with a basic tool and simple instructions, anyone can create one.

In this article I will show you how to make some of them, the simple ones first and then I will move on to some "advanced" tools, but this will not add any complexity to the creation process.

Step 1: Types

Here are a few of the many types of springs we will learn to make. From left to right:

  • Tension
  • Compressive
  • Conical
  • Torsion bar

Step 2: Let's get started with basic tools

You can start creating many different types using the tools outlined in the list:

  • pin diameter 1.4 cm
  • piano string or wire
  • pliers with wire cutters
  • saw
  • clamps
  • cordless drill

Step 3: Cut the pin

First, take a wooden dowel and cut it to a length of about 12 cm. Then cut a groove in one of its ends for the string. A pin with a diameter of approximately 1.4 cm is best because it fits well into the drill chuck.

Step 4: Create a Tension Spring

The good thing about cordless drills is that you can adjust their rotation speed. To be safe, always use pliers - if the wire comes off, it could cut your hands.

Secure the drill to the table using clamps. One hand rests on the power button of the drill, and the other holds the pliers. Turn the drill as much as you need until you reach the required number of turns. While winding, keep the cord under tension and the spring will turn better.

Step 5: Bending the String

After winding, I bent the remaining ends with pliers and got a tension spring. By experimenting, you can achieve different loop sizes.

Step 6: Squeezing

It will require a longer pin, in which a groove will also be cut. When winding, measure the distance between the turns by eye. This will take some practice on your part, but it's actually a lot of fun.

Once the spring was ready, I did a test (see last photo). I placed it on the pin, pressed it down on top with a small wooden block and quickly released it - the block shot up to the ceiling.

Step 7: Tapered

The conical shape is made using a drill and a belt sander.

Using the same winding technique, I placed the string into a groove on the pin. Once the spring was completely wound, I trimmed the ends and the conical spring was ready. I made it twice, and the second version came out better.

Step 8: Torsion Bar

To make a torsion bar, I used a brass rod, since the wooden pin could not withstand the load and broke. To create a spring, make several turns and leave a straight section of string at both ends. By bending the ends of the string you will create a good torsion spring.

Step 9: Conclusion

In the photos you can see a compression spring and a set of different springs that I made at home.

I hope you find crafting easy and will help you make many fun projects. If you use them regularly, it will also save you money.

Coil compression springs

Elastic elements can have different spatial forms. Historically, the first springs mastered by man were leaf springs. You can still see them today - these are springs on heavy-duty trucks. With the development of technology, people have learned to make more compact coil springs that work in compression. In addition to them, spatial elastic elements are also used.

Design Features

During operation, such springs take a load along their axis. In the initial position, there are gaps between their turns. The applied external force deforms the spring, its length decreases until the coils touch. From this moment on, the spring is an absolutely rigid body. As the external force decreases, the shape of the product begins to return to its original shape until it is completely restored when the load disappears.

The main characteristics describing the geometry of the part are:

  • The diameter of the rod from which the spring is wound.
  • Number of turns.
  • Winding step.
  • External diameter of the part.

The external shape may differ from cylindrical and represent one of the figures of rotation: cone, barrel (ellipsoid) and others

The winding pitch can be constant or variable. The winding direction is clockwise and counterclockwise.

The cross-section of the turns can be round, flat, square, etc.

The ends of the turns are ground down to a flat shape.

Operating area

Cylindrical coil springs of constant outer diameter and constant pitch are used more widely than others. They are used in areas such as

  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Instrumentation.
  • Vehicles.
  • Mining industry.
  • Appliances.

and in other industries.

Stretched spring

Why autobuffers do more harm than good

The stretched springs 39, connected to the lever 20 by means of a spring holder 19 and the earring 24, as well as the compressed spring 17, connected to the spring winding lever 14 by means of a guide 15, rotate the intermediate shaft 10 counterclockwise. Lever 14, turning together with shaft 10, with finger 8 moves lever / / connected to the free release mechanism. The latter, through a rocker arm 13 and a rod 6, is connected to a lever 52, rigidly mounted on a shaft 49, and turns this shaft clockwise. Since shaft 49 is connected by a lever transmission to the switch shaft, the switch is turned on. ON appears in the drive housing window.  

A stretched spring can lift a load to a height.  

The stretched spring AC presses the brake pad C to the wheel rim so that the angle AC B is equal to a. The coefficient of friction of the pad on the rim is equal to / g. Find the friction force when the wheel rotates counterclockwise.  

Let a stretched spring be fixed at one end, and let the other end, moving, do work. It must be taken into account that the force with which the spring acts does not remain constant, but changes in proportion to the stretch. If the initial tension of the spring, counting from the unstretched state, was equal to /, then the initial value of the elastic force was Fkl, where k is the proportionality coefficient, which is called the spring stiffness. As the spring contracts, this force decreases linearly from the value N to zero.  

Potential energy of a stretched spring or rod.  

Schematic diagram of an electromagnetic drive.| Spring drive PP-61.  

The stored energy from the stretched springs and the lifted weight is used to activate the switch when the retaining latch is released. Manual switching on and off is carried out by buttons 4, and remote and automatic – by supplying current to the switching and switching electromagnets, respectively.  

Flow switch.  

The bellows is compressed until the stretched spring balances the force of the pressure difference. The movement of the bellows is transmitted to the plunger, which changes the inductance of the coil.  

In this case, the force of the stretched spring directed upward is equal to the weight of the load.  

The movement of lever 5 is prevented by stretched springs 6, which tend to keep the lever in the extreme right position. Thus, lever 5 is under the action of two forces: the pressure force of the balls on the flat plate Psh and the force of the stretched springs Rpr.  

Let, for example, a stretched spring be fixed at one end, and the other end, moving, do work. When finding work, we must take into account that the force exerted by the spring does not remain constant as the tension changes. We have seen (§ 37) that the elastic force of a spring is proportional to its extension. If the initial tension of the spring, counting from its unstretched state, was equal to /, then the initial value of the elastic force was Fkl, where k is the proportionality coefficient, which is called the elasticity coefficient of the spring. As the spring contracts, this force decreases uniformly from the value N to zero.  

On to the exercise.  

Let, for example, a stretched spring be fixed at one end, and the other end, moving, do work. When finding work, we must take into account that the force exerted by the spring does not remain constant as the tension changes. We have seen (§ 37) that the elastic force of a spring is proportional to its extension. If the initial tension of the spring, counting from its unstretched state, was equal to /, then the initial value of the elastic force was F kl, where k is the proportionality coefficient, which is called the elasticity coefficient of the spring. As the spring contracts, this force decreases uniformly from the value N to zero.  

Let, for example, a stretched spring be fixed at one end, and the other end, moving, do work. When finding work, we must take into account that the force exerted by the spring does not remain constant as the tension changes. We have seen (§ 37) that the elastic force of a spring is proportional to its extension. If the initial tension of the spring, counting from its unstretched state, was equal to /, then the initial value of the elastic force was Fkl, where k is the proportionality coefficient, which is called the elasticity coefficient of the spring. As the spring contracts, this force decreases uniformly from the kl value to zero.  

Where should I start?

Experts recommend using wire from an old spring whose diameter does not suit the owner. The craftsman will only have to align it and wind it onto a mandrel with a cross-section of the required size. To do this, the wire must be absolutely straight. It will be much more plastic if it is processed in a special oven. If you don’t have one, any other device that can be heated with firewood will do. According to experienced craftsmen, birch provides sufficient heat for firing. After lighting the stove, you need to wait for the wood to burn in it. Only coals should remain. You should put the old spring in them. If the product is hot enough, it will turn red. Now the spring can be moved to the side so that it cools in the air. After this procedure, the metal will become plastic and easy to work with.

Spring restoration

Now about the procedure for restoring springs in more detail. If you decide to return the spring to its former elasticity using the electrochemical method, then you will need a lathe. At the beginning of work, you need to install a mandrel in its cartridge, and then attach the spring to it with a clamp. We place the mandrel with the deforming roller in the tool holder of the machine. Then we attach racks with a sliding roller to the guide frame and tightly connect them to the supports of the lathe. After this, we slightly press the mandrel, onto which the spring should be installed in advance.

Spring manufacturing technology and requirements for them

Spring manufacturing technology plays an important role and is of great importance for their trouble-free long-term operation. Elastic elements are high-tech products that require qualifications and experience from design engineers and technologists, as well as a good fleet of equipment at the manufacturing enterprise.

The operation of the entire unit, where this part will be a component, depends on how correct the calculations of the spring were, the selection of material taking into account the required characteristics and features of its application, as well as the technologies used and manufacturing accuracy.

Twisted compression springs: design and operation features

During operation, this type of spring absorbs loads applied in the longitudinal-axial direction. Compression springs initially have gaps between the coils; the application of external force leads to deformation, characterized by a decrease in the length of the product, and is limited to the moment when the coils touch. When the impact is canceled, the spring must restore its shape and geometric dimensions to what they were before the load was applied.

The main dimensions that determine the type of individual part are:

  • — Diameter of wire (rods).
  • — Number of turns.
  • — Winding pitch.
  • — Product diameter.

The most common are cylindrical helical compression springs, in which the diameter of the product is the same along the entire length. These parts are widely used in various industries: instrument and mechanical engineering, mining, gas and oil production, and others.

In general, compression springs can have not only a cylindrical shape, but also a conical, barrel-shaped, or more complex one. The pitch of the turns can be constant or variable, and the winding can be clockwise or counterclockwise.

This introduces features into the generally accepted technology of their manufacture.

Spring requirements

To do their job effectively and correctly, these elements must have good strength, ductility, elasticity, endurance and relaxation resistance.

Achieving these qualities is possible subject to many factors, including:

— Correct choice of material. — Competently carried out calculations. — Compliance with manufacturing technology.

High-quality springs must meet the requirements of GOST and the technical specifications of a specific customer.

According to the standard, there are three accuracy groups for controlled deformations:

  • — With permissible deviations up to 5% (+/-).
  • - To 10%.
  • — Up to 20%.

In accordance with this, three groups of accuracy according to geometric parameters are defined.

An important requirement for these parts is a clean surface; scratches and other defects are not allowed here, as they lead to a decrease in strength and reliability

How are tension and compression springs made?

Before answering the question of how tension or compression springs are made, it is necessary to clarify their purpose, characteristics and their dependence on geometric dimensions, material properties and other influencing factors.


A spring is a metal wire coiled into a spiral. Its purpose is to restore its original dimensions after deformation caused by tension or compression, as well as elastic resistance to such deformation.

Geometric features

Depending on the purpose, the turns can be adjacent to one another or have some distance between them. They also come in constant (cylindrical) or variable (conical) diameters.

The outermost coils of tension springs, as a rule, are bent perpendicular to the rest so that they can be caught on. For compression springs, in some cases they are ground to provide a flat bearing surface.

Requirements for materials. Mechanical characteristics and heat treatment

The process of stretching or compression is deformation. In order for it to occur repeatedly, the stresses arising when changing dimensions must not exceed the elastic limit, i.e., a certain value after which complete restoration of dimensions is possible.

The mechanical characteristics of the metals from which springs are made depend on heat treatment. In particular, the elasticity of most carbon and alloy steels increases after hardening. To avoid the fragility of a metal or alloy, to increase its endurance - the ability to withstand repeated deformations - it is additionally subjected to tempering.

For other spring materials that are not steels - for example, alloy 36НХТУ, beryllium bronze, etc. - improvement in mechanical parameters occurs after aging (heating and holding at high temperatures).

One of the central manufacturing processes is the production of a wire spiral. It is produced by winding a wire or rod onto a mandrel. It may have a cylindrical conical or other shape.

Depending on the purpose of the product, the turns are wound close to one another or with a certain pitch.

Dense winding is usually used for tension springs, with pitch for compression springs.

Cold and hot methods

Winding of spring wire onto a mandrel can be done with or without preheating.

Free Energy/Wire spring.

When making products from thin wire, the load on the equipment is low. Therefore, the process can be carried out in a cold way, without preheating the material. When choosing the radius of the mandrel, it should be taken into account that before the onset of plastic deformation, the materials retain a certain elasticity margin. After winding is completed, the diameter of the turns increases.

If the wire is made of steel, which has a high yield strength as supplied, before starting the process, it is annealed - heated and slowly cooled together with the furnace.

When producing springs and rods of large diameter (usually more than 16 mm), coiling is carried out using the hot method. The rod is heated to a temperature at which fluidity is reduced to a minimum (about 600 C) and wound onto a mandrel without cooling.

After winding is completed, the outermost turns of future tension springs are bent and given the required shape. Compression springs can be ground if subsequent use requires flat bearing surfaces.

Heat treatment after coiling

As noted earlier, the mechanical properties of spring materials can vary significantly depending on the condition of the material.

Steel - after completion of technical processes associated with plastic deformation, they are subjected to hardening and tempering. A specific set of thermal processes is determined by the properties of steels and the requirements for finished products.

Springs made from other alloys are strengthened by other methods, for example, by aging.


To give it corrosion resistance, the surface of the finished product is subjected to chemical treatment: oxidation, anodizing, zinc coating, etc.

The choice of a specific type of treatment is determined by the spring material and the expected operating conditions.

Cold coiling technology without hardening

First you need to do preparatory operations. Before a workpiece is wound from wire, it is subjected to a patenting procedure. It consists in heating the material to the plasticity temperature. This operation prepares the wire for the upcoming change in shape.

During the winding operation the following parameters must be maintained:

  • External diameter of the product (for some parts the internal diameter is standardized).
  • Number of turns.
  • Winding pitch.
  • The total length of the part, taking into account subsequent operations.
  • Compliance with the geometry of the end turns.

Cold coiling without tempering

Next, the end turns are ground down to a flat state. This must be done to ensure high-quality support for other structural parts, to prevent their destruction and the spring from slipping out.

The next stage of the technological process is heat treatment. Cold coiling of springs involves only tempering at low temperatures. It allows you to increase elasticity and relieve mechanical stresses that arise during winding.

After heat treatment, it is necessary to carry out test and control operations.

Further, if necessary, protective coatings can be applied to prevent corrosion. If they were applied by galvanic method, the products are reheated to reduce the hydrogen content in the surface layer.

Cold coiling technology without hardening

First you need to do preparatory operations. Before a workpiece is wound from wire, it is subjected to a patenting procedure. It consists in heating the material to the plasticity temperature. This operation prepares the wire for the upcoming change in shape.

During the winding operation the following parameters must be maintained:

  • External diameter of the product (for some parts the internal diameter is standardized).
  • Number of turns.
  • Winding pitch.
  • The total length of the part, taking into account subsequent operations.
  • Compliance with the geometry of the end turns.

Next, the end turns are ground down to a flat state. This must be done to ensure high-quality support for other structural parts, to prevent their destruction and the spring from slipping out.

The next stage of the technological process is heat treatment. Cold coiling of springs involves only tempering at low temperatures. It allows you to increase elasticity and relieve mechanical stresses that arise during winding.

After heat treatment, it is necessary to carry out test and control operations.

Further, if necessary, protective coatings can be applied to prevent corrosion. If they were applied by galvanic method, the products are reheated to reduce the hydrogen content in the surface layer.

Features of the technology

The technological process for manufacturing elastic elements depends on the technical requirements for the design. Making a spring is not as easy as an ordinary part, which should not have special elastic properties. This requires special equipment and equipment.

Winding of springs with a round coil section is carried out using the following methods:

  • Cold. Suitable for small and medium sizes (wire diameter up to 8 mm).
  • Hot. For large diameters.

Spring coiling technology

After winding, the elastic elements are subjected to various types of heat treatment. During this process, the product acquires the specified properties.

Hot coiling technology with quenching and tempering

Before winding, the workpiece is heated to plasticity temperature using one of the following methods

  • muffle furnace;
  • gas-burner;
  • high frequency heating.

Heat treatment schedules are constructed based on the properties of the material and the dimensions of the workpiece.

To make an elastic element, specialized equipment is required. These are winding machines. You can make a part on a regular lathe, but it will require additional equipment with special equipment. Medium and large series are produced on semi-automatic machines that operate with minimal operator intervention. You can also make a spring from wire by hand. This will also require special equipment.

At the next stage of machining, the ends are ground on face grinding machines. For single production or small series, this can be done with a grinding wheel.

Heat treatment is carried out using mandrels that prevent product deformation in specialized furnaces for hardening and tempering. Both operations can be done in a universal oven.

For quality control, load installations and measuring systems are used. In case of single production, measurements can be made with a universal tool.

A spring that will serve for a long time and perform its tasks as efficiently as possible can be made not only in production. Yes, there is an opportunity to fully comply with the entire production process, all its parameters, and correctly select the characteristics of all technological processes (for example, hardening temperature). However, you can make a simple spring for a mechanism that operates in a gentle mode with your own hands.

To do this you will need the following materials:

  • directly a spring and wire of a size suitable for the intended unit;
  • gas-burner;
  • metalworking tools;
  • vice;
  • household or thermal oven.

Communities › Kulibin Club › Forum › How to make a spring of a given shape?

How to make a spring of a given shape? Has anyone encountered this issue?

ps: wire thickness is approximately 0.3-0.5mm

I came across it. In Bendix there are springs with a coil of an oval rectangular shape (roller supports), they fly out often. I tried a lot of options, wound them on a rectangular pin from another spring, inserted the pin into a cylindrical one and squeezed it in a vice, put rubber bands instead of springs - all this did not last long !Then I decided to find a 0.5mm spring steel, sharpened the tip of small pliers to the required width and turn by turn, repeating the original, with the required pitch, to my surprise I bent these springs onto all three of my starters (three identical cars in the family) . It took about an hour and a half. It's been about five months since the starters are running normally!

Do I need to harden it somehow afterwards?

Take 65G spring steel. No need to heat.

How is that not necessary? Any spring should be heat treated to give it hardness and maintain all its characteristics! hardening is carried out in oil.

65G steel itself is very good. tough. Heat treatment is not done on all springs. I think that in this case it is not necessary.

where they don’t do it, it doesn’t work correctly, as it should be.

Fuck, buy small quantities from us

I installed it without heat treatment (thermists advised, the plant is nearby). So far it’s justified... What do you need springs for?

for a control knob in a car, there can be no such thing in a store

...yes, I made it from :65G

Well, that’s the essence of the problem. If you have already asked for help and want to receive it, contact the studio for information.

The black spring in the photo is broken in one place

For carbs, OZONE can be used. SOLEX. It will be located on the first throttle valve drive. There are also analogues for K151 - return spring of the second throttle valve. You can take them off there, carefully bend the mustache and install everything - it works. And heat treatment can be done - heat it with a gas burner and dip the spring into oil - that’s all!

That is, look at the repair kit for these carbs?

No, the bodies themselves need carbs. These are the springs on them.

ok, I’ll stop by my friends’ place and dig through their rubble

Yes, there you only need to unscrew two screws on the axle, take out the throttle, and then the drive axle and you have the whole spring!

Yes, there you only need to unscrew two screws on the axle, take out the throttle, and then the drive axle and you have the whole spring!

So he says that 0.3-0.5...

This black spring? So, where are the problems here? Using the trial method, select the diameter of the pin and wind it. Or is there little iron in Chelyab? Although this spring bears little resemblance to the factory one, someone has already sculpted it, but apparently not with the wrong hand... But what kind of light spring is still lying nearby?

light spring from another place, everything is fine with it

I tried to pull it so that it would reach the right place, but it wasn’t enough. The spring has a very complex “whisker” shape. If you make them straight, then it will touch everywhere. I called all the sellers of spring wire - they refuse to sell 1 meter, they offer to buy a 10 kilogram coil (why do I need that much)

and one more thing: if you go to printer repairmen, they will be able to pick you up...

Then unwind any spring with the required cross-section and you will have the material. If it doesn’t work from printers, then in car dealerships there are all kinds of springs, and brushes on power tools or household appliances come with springs... What’s stopping you from bending your mustache as you please?

Coil compression springs

Elastic elements can have different spatial forms. Historically, the first springs mastered by man were leaf springs. You can still see them today - these are springs on heavy-duty trucks. With the development of technology, people have learned to make more compact coil springs that work in compression. In addition to them, spatial elastic elements are also used.

Coil springs

Design Features

During operation, such springs take a load along their axis. In the initial position, there are gaps between their turns. The applied external force deforms the spring, its length decreases until the coils touch. From this moment on, the spring is an absolutely rigid body. As the external force decreases, the shape of the product begins to return to its original shape until it is completely restored when the load disappears.

The main characteristics describing the geometry of the part are:

  • The diameter of the rod from which the spring is wound.
  • Number of turns.
  • Winding step.
  • External diameter of the part.

The external shape may differ from cylindrical and represent one of the figures of rotation: cone, barrel (ellipsoid) and others

The winding pitch can be constant or variable. The winding direction is clockwise and counterclockwise.

Spring device

The cross-section of the turns can be round, flat, square, etc.

The ends of the turns are ground down to a flat shape.

Operating area

Cylindrical coil springs of constant outer diameter and constant pitch are used more widely than others. They are used in areas such as

  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Instrumentation.
  • Vehicles.
  • Mining industry.
  • Appliances .

and in other industries.

Use of springs in everyday life

What affects driving performance

Factors that determine the driving characteristics of a car:

  • spring stiffness and design;
  • shock absorbers;
  • tire size and rubber composition;
  • ratio of unsprung and sprung masses.

We do not take into account the elasticity of rubber silent blocks, since the owner rarely has the opportunity to personally evaluate the difference between manufacturers of rubber products. In addition, often the main difference is the resource of silent blocks. The difference in driving performance depending on the manufacturer of silent blocks is extremely difficult to notice. The transition to polyurethane silent blocks will be striking. This type of suspension is designed for sporty driving and harsh operating conditions. If your car has polyurethane products installed, then switching to silent blocks made of regular rubber will make the car softer. Before you start tuning the chassis, carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of all suspension elements. Perhaps a too harsh, loud reaction to irregularities is a malfunction of some component, and not a design flaw. A similar effect is observed when driving on overinflated tires.


The elasticity of the springs and the amount of force required for compression depend not only on the thickness of the coils, but also on the alloy from which the elastic elements are made. Since it is extremely difficult for an ordinary buyer to find out the characteristics of the metal, you can focus on the thickness of the coil. Patterns affecting the driving characteristics of the car:

  • spring design. Springs with variable coil thickness are considered the most comfortable. Such springs have a so-called comfort coil;
  • The stiffer the spring, the more clearly the vibrations are transmitted to the car body. Accordingly, the thicker the coil, the greater the stiffness of the spring. A soft car suspension and hard springs are absolutely incompatible things;
  • The length of the spring affects the compression stroke of the suspension. The shorter the suspension travel, the shorter the distance to the “breakdown” of the shock absorbers (occurs when the shock absorber, working off an unevenness, rests on its extreme position; at this moment an impact occurs on the bump stop). A shorter spring length leads to less suspension travel, which must be taken into account when installing sports springs (especially when cutting coils). That is why it is important to maintain a balance between the stiffness of the coils and the length of the spring.

Another important aspect is the rigidity of the material against which the spring rests. If you place a gasket made of a dense layer of rubber under the elastic element, the amount of vibrations transmitted to the body will be reduced. If you wish, you can calculate all the parameters of the springs and then make them to order. We recommend watching the video to better understand the essence of recycling elastic elements.

Shock absorbers

If the main purpose of springs is to absorb impact energy, then shock absorbers are designed to dissipate shock energy. Twin-pipe gas-oil shock absorbers cope with this most effectively. If your car is equipped with oil vibration dampers, then now you know how to make the suspension softer.

Both types of shock absorbers use oil as the working fluid. The difference is that during compression of oil models, there is no reverse force acting on the working fluid. To check, you can compress the shock absorber manually. You will see that the rod will remain compressed or will only return slightly to its previous position. In gas-oil shock absorbers, the compensation chamber is filled with an inert gas (nitrogen), so when compressed, a return force acts on the working fluid (the rod, after pressing, tends to take its previous position).

The use of gas in the design allows the wheel not to hang in the air after the suspension has worked out unevenness and will not hit the road surface. It is worth recognizing that when driving at low speeds, both types of shock absorbers work approximately the same. Another disadvantage of oil-based models is that during intensive work and overheating, air bubbles appear in the oil, which negatively affects the performance of shock absorbers and the level of comfort. It would be wrong to say that the suspension becomes softer after such tuning, but driving at high speed on bumpy roads becomes much more comfortable.

You should not install single-pipe gas-oil vibration dampers (often called gas dampers). This type of shock absorbers has greater rigidity, which will only reduce the level of comfort when overcoming bumps.


In order to make a car more comfortable, you don’t always need to make the suspension softer. It is enough to install tires with a higher profile and soft rubber composition on the car. The profile height is the distance from the seat on the disk to the end of the tread. The parameter must be marked on the sidewall of the tire. Consider the marking 170/70 R13, in which 70 is the percentage that determines the profile height. In our case, the height is 70% of 170 (profile width) and is equal to 123 mm. How tire profile parameters affect handling and comfort:

  • the higher the profile, the higher the comfort. A large rubber layer acts as an additional damping element that absorbs the main impact when driving over uneven surfaces. The suspension in combination with such tires becomes softer, but handling deteriorates;
  • a wider profile in most cases means a larger contact patch. Therefore, wide tires are less likely to sink into small bumps, which increases comfort. If increased too much, a large contact patch creates a hum when driving and also increases fuel consumption;
  • The composition of the rubber directly affects the shock loads transferred by the suspension parts. Soft rubber transmits less vibration to the body, but wears out much faster.

For a better understanding of all the patterns, we recommend reading the article on choosing tires for a car.

Effect of mass on suspension kinematics

The unsprung mass of a vehicle is the total weight of the elements that, when the suspension is operating, are in a movable state in relation to the body. In other words, parts of the car that move along with the suspension and some elements of the chassis. In a car, these include wheel rims, tires, brake system elements, and wheel bearings (approximately 15% of the total amount of the car, the remaining 85% is sprung weight).

To increase the smoothness of the ride, you need to either increase the sprung mass (familiar to owners of spring cars, who often load the axle for a smoother ride), or reduce the weight of the unsprung elements. Since the first option leads to an increase in fuel consumption, deterioration in dynamics and controllability, you need to focus on the unsprung mass. To make the suspension softer, it is enough to install alloy wheels, without going overboard with the width and height of the tire, as well as the size of the wheels themselves.

How to make a spring with your own hands from wire and in production: we describe it in detail

Steel springs can be of different configurations and it is not always possible to purchase the desired type - the product is quite rare on the market. For this reason, I make them myself for my needs.

Requirements for wire and its diameter

Steel wire for the manufacture of a spring, which will subsequently be hardened, must meet the requirements specified in GOST 14963-78. According to the document, it is classified according to the following criteria:

  • winding method (cold and hot);
  • method of surface finishing (without finishing and with finishing);
  • manufacturing accuracy (normal and increased);
  • class of mechanical properties (general and critical use);
  • diameter (from 0.5 to 14 mm);
  • type of delivery (in rods or coils).

At industrial enterprises, springs are made from wire with a diameter of no more than 16 mm using the cold winding method, and up to 80 mm using the hot method. In production, they are wound using a rotating mandrel, feed rollers and one or two stop pins.

Products are made from wire grades 51ХВА, 70С3А, 65С2ВА, 60С2А, 65Г, 60ХВА with a ground, polished surface or without grinding and polishing. Based on this characteristic and the manufacturing method, the wire is produced in rods or coils of the following groups:

  • A, B, C, D, E – with special finishing;
  • N - without finishing.

The wire symbol in the technical documentation and on accompanying tags consists of numbers and letters:

ХХХХХ (1) – Х (2) – Х (3) – Х (4) – ХХ (5) – ХХ (6) GOST 14963-78 (7)


  • 1 – steel grade;
  • 2 – surface finishing method;
  • 3 – manufacturing accuracy;
  • 4 — class of mechanical accuracy;
  • 5 - winding method;
  • 6 - diameter in mm;
  • 7 - designation of the standard.

For example, a wire with a polished surface made of high-precision class I steel 60C2A for hot coil springs with a diameter of 2.0 mm will have the following designation:

60S2A – A – P – I – GN – 2.0 GOST 14963-78

The state standard specifies permissible maximum deviations, out-of-roundness and the inadmissibility of certain types of defects, as well as methods of packaging and transportation.

Spring calculation

To do this, you need to use the table in the spring section to correctly select the diameter of the steel wire, the number of turns and pitch. In this case, how the new spring should work - compression or tension - plays a huge role.

The last type of springs can have a rather complex design, but you can also make it yourself.

Having performed preliminary calculations and found out the thickness of the wire for a steel spring, the pitch and number of turns, as well as having determined the design features and created a drawing of the future spring, you can proceed to practical actions.

There is also special software for calculating all parameters:

Common mistakes

We clamp the mandrel in the chuck of the lathe. We insert the end of the steel wire into the hole in the mandrel, start the rotation and wind the steel string tightly.

After checking the thickness of the spring with a caliper, we cut the wire with wire cutters and watch how our spring increases in diameter.

In addition, removing it from the mandrel will be quite problematic - to do this you will have to cut the string at the very beginning of the turn.

Doing it right

We clamp the wire on the mandrel using a screw.

Now we need to create tension on the steel string before winding.

Using a regular piece of thick plastic to clamp the wire into the cutter holder will not be enough. We will need a special device with a guide, in which the tension of the wire can be adjusted by a pressure plate made of soft metal (copper or bronze).

It is also necessary to adjust the rotation speed of the lathe chuck and the movement of the work platform to obtain the desired spring pitch.

How to make your own spring

Looking at the sketch under the title of the article, you can guess, without unnecessary hints, how at home you can independently make a spring from elastic steel wire with a low deformation coefficient.

The figure below the number “2” shows the “jaws” of the vice, through which we will need to forcefully pull the wire when making a spring with our own hands.

The number “3” indicates two thin plates glued from the inside of the vice to the “jaws,” which you can make yourself before winding a spring from hard plastic like getinax. Then, when winding the coils of the spring, a groove will not be cut into them.

But, if you use a table vice with smooth clamping jaws to make a spring, then it is not necessary to place plates between them.

The number “4” indicates steel elastic spring wire. The number “5” is assigned to the rotating device itself, on the rod of which the spring will be wound.

A homemade rotary device is a small copy of a car engine start handle, which can also be made independently from a welding electrode or rigid wire of the required diameter.

A slot must be cut in the middle of the end of the rod (see position “1”). Otherwise, we will not be able to secure the end of the wire in order to begin making the spring. The cut in the end of the rod before winding the spring can be made with a slotted cutter or a hacksaw.

In order to make a spring from a relatively thick wire, the bend of the vertical component of the handle (indicated by the number “5”) should be lengthened. Then the shoulder of the handle will increase and it will be easier for our own shoulder to work.

A handle for self-winding a small spring can be made from an ordinary long nail, cutting it off on both sides and bending it as shown in the sketch.

If the diameter of the nail is small, and we need to make a spring of a larger diameter, then a tube of the required thickness should be put on the handle rod (the working horizontal part).

Equipment and fixtures used

To make an elastic element, specialized equipment is required. These are winding machines. You can make a part on a regular lathe, but it will require additional equipment with special equipment. Medium and large series are produced on semi-automatic machines that operate with minimal operator intervention. You can also make a spring from wire by hand. This will also require special equipment.

At the next stage of machining, the ends are ground on face grinding machines. For single production or small series, this can be done with a grinding wheel.

Heat treatment is carried out using mandrels that prevent product deformation in specialized furnaces for hardening and tempering. Both operations can be done in a universal oven.

Equipment and fixtures used

For quality control, load installations and measuring systems are used. In case of single production, measurements can be made with a universal tool.

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