How to make a Spider-Man mask from paper, fabric, cardboard, hats with your own hands: patterns, diagrams, templates. How to buy a Spider-Man mask in an online store?

Find out in this article how to make your own mask of the famous movie hero Spider-Man.

Children love to imitate cartoon and comic book characters in games. One of these heroes is Spider-Man. Therefore, for various costume events, they ask parents to buy clothes and a mask like this hero. But it is not always possible to find the clothes you need the day before the holiday, or it happens that there is not enough money to purchase it. Next, we’ll learn how to make your own Spider-Man mask.

How to make a Spider-Man mask out of paper: diagram

You can make a mask out of paper in two ways :

  1. Using plasticine
  2. Using a balloon

Now let's take a closer look at the first method. Let's look at step by step how to make a craft using plasticine .

To make it you will need paper, markers, water, glue, scissors, newspapers, paint, brushes, Vaseline.


  1. Take plasticine and roll it out into an even layer. Apply it to the oval of the face and fashion a mask of the required shape.
  2. Carefully cut out two holes for the eyes. Place the soft mask in the refrigerator (freezer).
  3. After an hour and a half, lubricate the layout with Vaseline. Tear the newspaper into pieces and glue it to the workpiece with glue diluted in water. The layer of newspapers should be about three millimeters.
  4. Then evenly cover the mask with glue over the entire surface using pieces of white paper.
  5. Wait until it dries, remove from the plasticine base. And do some creative work.
  6. Paint the mask with brushes and draw even “lace” of the web with felt-tip pens.
  7. Cover your eyes with netting.

Paper Spider-Man mask: dimensions in centimeters

Scan template of Spider-Man mask Scan template of Spider-Man mask

Scan template of Spider-Man mask Scan template of Spider-Man mask

Common uses of crafts

It all depends on the size, color and shape of the figurine; it can be used in different ways; lovers of arthropods, for example, can make a paper spider as their permanent decoration. Halloween costumes involve voluminous, heart-warming elements; crafts are perfect for this. Young children love diverse toys that can be looked at for hours, but they are very upset if something dear to their hearts breaks; the art of origami is not too expensive, so a beautiful trinket can be updated at any time.

All you need to start the process is a square sheet of paper and scissors, be perseverant and prepare a special diagram to facilitate the process.

How to make a Spider-Man mask from paper and a balloon: instructions

Using a balloon, the mask is made according to the same principle as above. To make it you will need a ball, newspapers, paper, paints, a black felt-tip pen, brushes, and scissors.


  1. Cover the ball with a thick layer of newspaper pieces.
  2. Then use white paper to decorate the front of the product. When dry, carefully deflate the balloon and remove the mask.
  3. Cover the mask with an even layer of red paint. Cut out a place for the eyes and outline it with a black felt-tip pen. Cover your eyes with mesh cloth.
  4. Draw a picture in the form of a web. All item is ready. To prevent it from falling off your face, attach an elastic band to the sides.

Master class on creating a simple paper Batman mask

A child can make such a simple mask of his favorite hero using a ready-made template on his own, or with a little help from his parents.

Creating a Batman mask from paper consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare materials and tools: thick black paper, rubber band (preferably black), a simple pencil, scissors and glue.

  2. On a sheet of paper, with a simple pencil, draw the outline of the future craft so that it exactly fits the child’s face, apply the sketch to the head and try it on. The resulting workpiece is carefully cut along the contour with scissors.

  3. They try the part on the head and mark the places for the eye slits, draw the outline of the eyes with a simple pencil, trying to make them the same.

  4. The eye sockets are cut out with scissors or a utility knife.

  5. Glue strings to the sides of the craft. The Batman mask is ready.

How to sew a Spider-Man mask from fabric: pattern

For a mask, it is better to use red knitted fabric that stretches well. You can build a pattern according to the diagram below. The eyes should be made of black fabric and white mesh. To keep the eye parts in place, use either stitching or glue.

Spider-Man mask fabric pattern

How to sew a mask?

  • Once you have drawn up the pattern, you can transfer it to the fabric. Be sure to leave 1 centimeter for seam allowances.
  • Sew the halves of the product. Finish the seams.
  • Glue the mesh and black eye rim. Next, use a black felt-tip pen to draw thick lines of spider web onto the fabric.

Spider-Man fabric mask

IMPORTANT: It is better to make markings in the form of a web first with soap or chalk. So that the web is evenly distributed over the surface of the mask.

Paper work

Mix with water in a ratio of 2/1. Using a brush, coat the entire surface of the workpiece with greasy cream or Vaseline so that the paper does not stick to the workpiece. Then take a regular newspaper and tear it into small pieces; to make it easier, you can first tear it into strips. Then pieces of newspaper are moistened in a mixture of water and glue, laid out on a piece of plasticine, evenly covering the entire surface of the mask. Let the first layer dry slightly and apply the second. It is advisable to make 5-8 layers with intermediate drying. It doesn’t matter if the paper protrudes beyond the edges of the plasticine blank, it will all be removed later. Glue several additional layers onto the most vulnerable areas of the mask: the bridge of the nose and the distance between the eye hole and the edge of the mask.

After all the newspaper layers have been applied, start gluing on top the white paper, which you also tore into pieces in advance. They can be dipped into a container of glue or the adhesive solution can be applied with a brush. The paper is glued as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the mask. When everything is glued, leave it until completely dry and paint. The Spider-Man mask, made with your own hands from paper, is ready.

DIY Spider-Man mask made of cardboard: template

This option is probably perfect for children. After all, every child who can draw and hold scissors in their hands can make such a cardboard mask.

To do this you will need:

  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • colored paper red, black
  • elastic, mesh fabric
  • glue, black pencil

Cardboard Spider-Man mask

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard, draw and cut out an oval, as in the picture above. Draw the spider's eyes at equal distances with a pencil.
  2. Using small scissors, carefully cut out the area for the eyes.
  3. Next, draw a border for the spider’s eyes on black paper.
  4. Now transfer the boundaries of the oval of the face and the cutout of the eyes onto red colored paper.
  5. Using scissors, cut out a mask identical to the cardboard one from colored paper.
  6. Glue the parts together. Attach the elastic band with special glue. Draw even lines for the web. All masks can be worn on a holiday.

Spider-Man eye mask: template

Templates for a Spider-Man mask made of cardboard

Models of Spider-Man eye masks

Printable Spider-Man mask template

Step-by-step photo lesson:

To create a Spider-Man mask, you need to select red cardboard or semi-cardboard. Next, measure the approximate dimensions of the head. We transfer them to paper and draw the outline of the future superhero mask. There should be a recess at the bottom for the nose.

Carefully cut out the future mask along the drawn contour. If necessary, we adjust the form.

Using a pencil, draw the places for the eyes that should be cut out. They will be in the shape of a month. Carefully cut along the contour in the middle of the mask. You can also do this with a utility knife on a breadboard mat.

We apply a silhouette of a Spider-Man drawing to the mask. Outwardly it reminds us of an ordinary cobweb. Draw vertical lines from the center.

Let's finish drawing the web.

Now we outline each line with a marker. Around the eyes we will make a bold stroke of about 1 cm.

So the Spider-Man mask is ready. For convenience, you should glue a rope, lace or ribbon to its sides. It will tie at the back. The color should be taken from the mask. It can be red or black.

How to make a Spider-Man mask from a hat?

  • For a mask, a red machine-knitted hat is suitable. If there is a bell on the hat, it is better to cut it off.
  • To frame the eyes, use black fabric; it is glued to the base with glue. Thus, the loops will not fray later.
  • Also glue the white mesh to decorate the eye openings with glue on the back of the hat.
  • The web lines on the mask are embroidered with black thread.

How to make a Spider-Man mask from an ordinary hat?

Product examples

Craftswomen can crochet or sew a Spider-Man hat. The diagram is attached.

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How to make a Spider-Man eye mask with your own hands?

It is better to make such a mask from cardboard and colored paper, or from the same cardboard and red material. The shape of the product may vary. You can cut the mask according to your own drawings. The main thing is that there is a fastening in the form of an elastic band, so that later the mask is fixed on the face and does not fall off. Below, see examples of different forms of eye masks.

Fabric eye mask

DIY eye mask

Cape for a suit

The DIY Batman costume begins with the main part. This is a cape with a superhero emblem. The first step is to take measurements. Using a flexible meter, measure the distance from your shoulder to mid-thigh. This will be the length of the cape. Since the fabric will fold in half when cutting, multiply the result by two.

To determine the width of the product, measure the distance between the shoulders. Add five centimeters on each side for ease of fit. The description of the process is carried out using the example of felt, which does not require processing of sections. If a different material is chosen for making the suit, you need to add one centimeter for hemming and processing of edges and cuts.

Once the rectangle is cut to the desired dimensions, the piece is folded in half vertically to determine the center. You need to cut a neckline on the top fold of the fabric and perform the first fitting. In the second stage, you need to sew the sides, leaving 25 centimeters to shoulder level. The child puts the cape over his head and inserts his hands into the slots. If you make your own children's Batman costume from a different fabric (not felt), then before sewing the sides, treat the edges so that it does not fray.

How to buy a Spider-Man mask in the Aliexpress online store?

If homemade Spider-Man masks are not your thing, you can order such products from various materials on Aliexpress . There you will find products made from plastic, fabric and PVC with LEDs. To do this, just open this page in the section Masks for parties , and then select the option you like.

Aliexpress — buy a Spider-Man mask

Now, if you need to make such a mask with your own hands for a morning party at school or kindergarten, you can easily implement any idea described in the article. Well, if you don’t have time for this, then placing an order on the Aliexpress trading platform will not be difficult.

Additional items

You already know how to make a Batman costume with your own hands. You can use additional elements to complete the look. A bright belt looks beautiful. In place of the buckle, an image of a bat is usually attached, only in a smaller size.

If the suit is worn over a short-sleeved T-shirt, then the child’s arms can be covered with sleeves. Measure the girth of the hand and transfer the size to a sheet of felt. Next, draw a trapezoidal extension of the selected sleeve height. The fabric is stitched along the side lines.

Try making a costume yourself. As you can see, this is completely easy. Happy endeavors!


A Superman costume must have a logo on the chest. This sets him apart from other superheroes. Our character icon resembles the shape of a diamond. First you need to create a template. On the cardboard, draw a triangular shape with equal sides, one vertex down. Then cut off the top corners. Inside the diamond shape, moving 1.5 cm from the edges, draw a smaller copy. Inside the figure, draw the English letter S with a wide base. Connect the sign to the frame representing the diamond, erasing the common lines. Using a utility knife, cut out the logo itself and the extra parts between the frame and the letter. Using this template you need to create two fabric parts.

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