DIY hovercraft

Blowing out ears at home

The content of the article

Blowing the auditory tubes is an effective method of equalizing external and internal pressure on the eardrum. Physiotherapeutic manipulations can eliminate local manifestations of ear diseases such as tubotympanitis (eustachitis), catarrhal and diffuse otitis. The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the feeling of stuffiness in the ears and prevent rupture of the eardrum.

To normalize the pressure inside the ear, it is necessary to restore the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is she who performs the ventilation function, connecting the ear cavity with the nasopharynx. At the level of the posterior wall of the oropharynx, the auditory canal ends with a one-way valve called the tubal ridge. It opens only when yawning and swallowing, which helps redirect air masses into the eardrum and, accordingly, equalize external and internal pressure on the eardrum.

In what cases it is impossible to carry out purging of the hearing organ?

Despite the simplicity and relative safety of the blowing procedure, there are conditions in which it is contraindicated.

Exacerbation of infectious diseases. If medical manipulation is carried out during an exacerbation of viral or bacterial diseases, there is a high probability of deterioration of the patient’s condition as a result of the spread of infection through the bloodstream.

Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. The ears are connected to the nasopharynx by the Eustachian tube. Carrying out the blowing procedure during any inflammatory processes contributes to the spread of microbes to different parts of the ear.

Mental and neurological pathologies. Blowing of the auditory tube is not contraindicated for people suffering from similar ailments. They are not recommended to carry out the manipulation on their own, as they are capable of causing harm to themselves.

At the end of the procedure, the person may experience a brief attack of dizziness, as well as tinnitus. These manifestations pass quickly. If such symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

Blowing the hearing organ using the Politzer method is an effective procedure that can eliminate the consequences of otitis media and other diseases of the middle and inner ear. It helps improve hearing when the eustachian tube is blocked by cerumen. However, this manipulation should be carried out in the early stages of the disease. Advanced forms of ear diseases cannot be eliminated by blowing.

Purpose of blowing

By performing ear blowing at home, you can eliminate the feeling of congestion and fluid transfusion in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of discomfort are:

As a result, the lumen in the auditory canal, which communicates the ear with the nasopharynx, is greatly narrowed. This leads to disruption of the ventilation function of the Eustachian tube and the development of negative pressure in the ear cavity. Inside the organ of hearing, oxygen is constantly absorbed by the tissues of the mucous membranes. For this reason, low pressure is created in it, which causes the eardrum to retract into the middle ear cavity.

Pressure changes and blockage of the ear canal lead to the accumulation of serous effusions in the ear, which is one of the main reasons for the sensation of fluid transfusion in the hearing organ.

Correctly performed blowing of the auditory tubes at home leads to an increase in their lumen and restoration of drainage and ventilation functions.

Indications for use of the procedure

Before resorting to a physiotherapeutic procedure, you should consult a specialist. Incorrect manipulation can cause serious barotrauma,

up to the rupture of the eardrum. In addition, blowing is not recommended for myringitis, i.e. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. A sudden change in pressure can lead to pain and inflammation in the inner ear.

You can perform manipulations to restore pressure if you have the following symptoms:

In the presence of serious ear diseases, blowing is performed on an outpatient basis using a special catheter or a Politzer device.

The above signs in 90% of cases indicate accumulation of fluid in the ear cavity and, accordingly, blockage of the ear canal. However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the manipulations depends on the frequency and correctness of special exercises.

Called himself a ship - get into the water

Unfortunately, our editorial office, and along with it the workshop, are located in the concrete jungle, far from even the most modest bodies of water. Therefore, we could not launch our device into the water. But theoretically everything should work! If building a boat becomes a summer activity for you on a hot summer day, test it for seaworthiness and share with us a story about your success. Of course, you need to take the boat out onto the water from a gently sloping bank at cruising throttle, with the skirt fully inflated. There is no way to allow it to sink - immersion in water means the inevitable death of the blower from water hammer.

Blowing methods

How to blow out your ears at home? There are at least 10 methods for independently blowing the auditory tubes. Most of them were developed to prevent barotrauma in professional divers, submariners, pilots, etc. Many of them can be used as additional physiotherapeutic treatment for ear diseases and the consequences of otitis media.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to perform blowing in the presence of infectious processes in the nasopharynx. This can cause pathogens to enter the middle ear cavity, which can lead to the development of purulent otitis media.

To open the mouth of the ear canal and restore normal pressure inside the ear, the following can be used:

Most of the above techniques do not require the use of special devices. However, to achieve the desired therapeutic results, it is important to perform physical therapy procedures correctly. The simplest but most effective ways to restore normal patency of the auditory canals are described below. In the 1xbet mirror you can place not only classic bets on sporting events, but also work in Live mode. Here it is implemented quite conveniently, the administration is constantly working to create the most comfortable conditions. Before placing live bets, you need to create an account (if you have not previously been a client of the bookmaker) and top up your deposit using one of the convenient methods. After this, you can freely use bonuses and earn money.

Hovercraft movement on snow and ice

It is on snow and ice that a hovercraft reaches its maximum speed. Many ships easily reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour or even more. The “ice and snow” mode is the most optimal and at the same time the most treacherous of all. It blows across the ice easily and smoothly, but even here we must not forget about the lack of brakes and grip. Having accelerated to maximum speed, an inexperienced pilot may not have time to react to an obstacle that appears. Emergency braking and turns at maximum speed are incredibly extreme and spectacular, but in principle there is nothing dangerous about it if the pilot has the necessary experience and skills. The main thing is to know exactly how much distance you need to come to a complete stop. And feel the sliding trajectory as well as possible.

That's all. If we made a mistake somewhere or you have questions, you can write to us by email or call us. We hope you found this article helpful.

Valsalva method

The Valsalva method is one of the simplest methods of blowing out the ear canals, which is used to relieve local manifestations of tubotympanitis and catarrhal otitis. To implement the technique, you need to take a deep breath and, pressing your nostrils to the nasal septum, exhale through your nose.

Important! Do not exhale sharply during the procedure, as this may damage parts of the inner ear.

Performing the Valsalva technique forces air into the nasopharynx, allowing it to penetrate the ear canal. This helps to increase the lumen in the Eustachian tube and the outflow of fluid from the middle ear. However, it should be noted that blowing out the ears at home can cause the following complications:

Before performing a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is advisable to clear the nasal passages of mucus. To prevent pathogenic flora from entering the ear canal, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution.

Toynbry technique

The technique is based on forcing air into the Eustachian tube not during forced exhalation, but during swallowing. At the moment of swallowing saliva, the opening of the auditory canal widens. With swelling of the mucous membrane

The nasopharynx in the oral cavity increases air pressure, which penetrates the tympanic cavity and thereby restores normal pressure on the eardrum.

How to self-bleed your ears? To eliminate congestion and heaviness in the head, you need to do the following:

The procedure must be repeated until a click occurs in the ears, signaling the equalization of internal and external pressure. This method of blowing out ear tubes is one of the safest, so it can be used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media in children over 5 years old.

Is the hovercraft safe?

Factory hovercrafts break down with frequent use approximately once every six months, but these are all problems that do not require major repairs. Most often the airbag and air injection system fail. The likelihood that a well-assembled hovercraft will fly apart under your feet is extremely small; to do this, you need to run into some large stone or piece of wood at high speed, but even in this case, there is a chance that the air cushion will protect you.

In Canada, rescuers operating such hovercraft repair them on the fly, and problems with the airbag are fixed in a special garage.

The model described here is, in principle, reliable, but only if:

  • The materials were of proper quality, including adhesives and epoxies.
  • The engine has not reached its service life.
  • The connections are made securely.
  • That is, how much you can trust your hovercraft depends entirely on you.

If you are making a hovercraft as a toy for a child, then it is better to buy a ready-made one, otherwise you must have very good skills as a designer. If you create simply for your own pleasure, and you do not have much technical experience, then it is better, just in case, not to let children at the helm.

But there is another option - to make a two-seater hovercraft with a safety system, with the child sitting in front and you in the back between him and the engine.

Otovent method

The Otovent method is a home analogue of the Politzer method of blowing ear tubes. To perform the procedure, you need to purchase a so-called “Otoventa” balloon at the pharmacy. The simple device is a balloon with a plastic tip that is inserted into the nostril to clear the eustachian tube. During the procedure, there is virtually no risk of a critical increase in pressure inside the ear, which is due to the high elasticity of the ball used.

To eliminate congestion and normalize the outflow of fluid from the ear, it is advisable to perform physiotherapeutic manipulations daily for 4-5 days. How to blow out your ear at home?

The success of the technique will be indicated by a characteristic click in the ear.

Muscle training

Most people do self-deflation incorrectly due to poor control of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To take control of the muscles of the palate, nasopharynx and epiglottis, you should perform a few simple exercises. Some of the most effective ones include:

It is advisable to do the above exercises 3-4 times a day until the patient feels complete control over the muscles of the soft palate and epiglottis. The ability to control the muscles of the nasopharynx increases the efficiency of procedures for blowing out the auditory tubes by at least 30-40%.


Homemade devices and machines for cold forging

One way to decorate areas is to use forged items. Fences, benches, gazebos, stair railings and other similar structures look very decorative. Moreover, in most cases, these products are not forging in its traditional sense. Most often, this is done not in a forge or with a hammer and anvil, but with the help of some devices that allow you to create a wide variety of patterns and products from metal strips and square rods. To make such products you will need cold forging machines. Some of them you can make with your own hands, others are easier to buy.

Hearing impairment

The functioning of the hearing aid depends on balancing the effect of external and internal atmospheric pressure on the eardrum. The expansion of the mouth of the Eustachian tube under the influence of the soft tissues of the palate during swallowing ensures that air enters the tympanic cavity. After oxygen is absorbed by the epithelial mucosa, the pressure inside the ear decreases. The Eustachian tube compensates for the resulting pressure difference.

Conduction disorders of the ear canals reduce the lumen in the tube with a decrease or loss of ventilation functions, accompanied by the following symptoms:

Blowing procedure

The physiotherapeutic procedure of blowing the ears involves introducing air through the auditory canal into the middle ear area. Blowing is carried out on an outpatient basis with a special catheter, or a Politzer device, for such serious ear diseases as:

Blowing out the ear canals using a Politzer device

Before the procedure, it is necessary to completely clear the nasal passages of mucus and relieve swelling of the nasopharynx with vasoconstrictor drops.

The disinfected tip of the balloon is inserted into the nasal canal and clamped with the wing of the nostril to seal.

The patient pronounces the word “steamer” clearly, syllable by syllable. When pronouncing vowel sounds, the doctor presses the balloon, which forces air flow into the ear canal.

Using an otoscope, the doctor evaluates the sounds heard:

HissThe channel is clear
ClickObstacle in the channel
The sound of bubbles burstingFluid in the canal (wax or pus)

The Politzer ear blowing procedure is performed by an otolaryngologist. A procedure performed incorrectly can cause pain and harm the patient's health.

The ear canals are ventilated in both ears. To restore patency, it is necessary to perform 5 procedures at intervals of 1-2 days. If blowing does not bring a visible effect, the patient is offered other treatment options.

In what cases is blowing carried out?

The procedure of blowing the Eustachian tube can be done at home. But before you start, you should visit an otolaryngologist. Improper blowing can lead to serious consequences in the form of barotrauma and rupture of the eardrum. In addition, there are certain conditions in which it is strictly forbidden to blow out the ears according to Politzer.

There are several methods of blowing, some of which are applicable at home, while others are carried out only by an ENT doctor. On an outpatient basis, Politzer ear blowing is performed using special equipment. It consists of a rubber bulb, to which is attached a rubber tube equipped with an oblong tip - an olive.

The tip is inserted into the patient's nostril. Its size is selected individually, which allows you to press it tightly with the wing of your nose. The second nostril is pressed against the nasal septum, creating a tight seal.

During the procedure, the patient must pronounce the word “pa-ro-hod” syllable by syllable. At the moment of pronouncing the last syllable, the doctor presses on the bulb, directing a stream of air into the auditory tube.

Blowing is carried out if the following symptoms are present:

  • sensation of fluid inside the ear,
  • deterioration of hearing function,
  • congestion in one or both ears,
  • the presence of clicking sounds in the head,
  • impaired coordination of movements,
  • autophony,
  • frequent ear pain.

In the vast majority of cases, these signs are a manifestation of pathologies that arise from the accumulation of serous fluid in the ear cavity, which leads to blockage of the ear canals. Indications for medical manipulation are previous otitis media and eustachitis.

Methods for performing blowing at home

As an additional treatment for impaired conduction of the ear canals and complications of otitis media, independent use at home of techniques developed to prevent professional barotrauma in divers, submariners and pilots is recommended. Before performing the procedures, the nasal passages are cleaned with a saline solution, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic flora into the ear canal.

Valsalva maneuver

The Valsalva maneuver involves creating high pressure in the middle ear, which helps clear the cavity of pus. The effect on the eardrum of air forced into the pharynx serves to increase the lumen of the Eustachian tube, which removes purulent masses out.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

The method is also used in the treatment of turbootitis - impaired conductivity of the Eustachian tube caused by a complication of vasomotor rhinitis.

Method "Otovent"

An effective method of orthograde ventilation of the tympanic cavity is the use of "Otovent", which serves as an alternative to the physiotherapeutic procedure of blowing according to Politzer. Blowing includes performing the following procedure:

Ventilation of the tympanic cavity using Otovent

Using Otovent has a number of advantages:

In some cases, the use of the Otovent device brings a visible effect without consulting a doctor.

Toynbry technique

When using the Toynbrie technique, air is forced into the auditory tube by swallowing. Restoration of pressure on the eardrum occurs when swallowing, equalizing the increased pressure of the swollen mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

The procedure must be performed in the following order:

Repeat until a click occurs , signaling that the internal pressure in the ear is balanced with the external one.

The safety of the procedure makes it possible to use it in the treatment of otitis media in children over 5 years of age.

Lowry technique

This method influences the movement of the pharyngeal muscles on the valve that blocks the entrance to the tympanic cavity.

Edmonds maneuver

Edmons blowing is the exhalation of air with the movement of the lower jaw while nasal breathing is blocked.

The technique works in two directions:

Building a curl for the machine with your own hands

This section is relevant for those who make “snail”. The most convenient way is to draw a logarithmic spiral on the tabletop, make it at the turning points of fastening in order to divide the entire curved line into removable parts. Then we recommend making templates from paper/cardboard and then transferring them to steel.

The main difficulty lies in the calculations. The radius from the center to the extreme point is constantly increasing and growing depending on the number of turns and the desired bend. We have given an example of a drawing with dimensions already applied, but you can calculate them for yourself:

Construction of a cold forging machine

We recommend that you foresee the need to change the diameter of bends already at the design stage, so you need to:

It is most convenient to fasten the nozzles using bolts.

How to build a curl

When you start manufacturing, you will understand that each individual product needs its own template with unique parameters. Therefore, we recommend making several blanks with standard dimensions, and then installing them on the frame depending on your needs.

The main apparatus that is used is the “snail”, everything here is built on a logarithmic spiral. The radius of each turn during a turn is greater than at the previous point.

Snail with lever

We talked a lot about this device, let's see how to use it:

Torsion bars

Helical twisting of rods is possible without any machine equipment at all. How to do this: if the rod is placed inside the pipe, and one end is clamped in a vice, then you can simply start rotating at the base of the second fixed edge using the handle. The constrained space will not allow the workpiece to make involuntary bends, since all the turns will be the same. But, it is not convenient to carry out the procedure in weight; it is much better if all the structural elements have their static position on a strong tabletop. And it’s even better if you don’t have to turn the turntable with your hands, but only press a button.

Contraindications and complications

The use of ear canal blowing techniques should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist . Their use has a number of contraindications:

Deviations from the rules of procedures and inattention to contraindications can lead to negative consequences:

Procedures for blowing out the ear canals performed at home can additionally lead to complications:

Ear blowing, done correctly and in a timely manner, improves ventilation and restores the drainage function of the Eustachian tube.



With various diseases of the hearing organ, there is a risk of fluid accumulation in the inner ear.
In such a situation, the following manifestations arise: Using the blowing procedure, it is possible to cope with a decrease in the patency of the auditory canal.

Due to this, this method is actively used in the following situations:

For what diseases is it performed?

There can be quite a few reasons for discomfort in the ears. Blowing is performed for the following pathologies:

The listed factors often provoke obstruction of the Eustachian tube. Blowing helps restore it.

How to blow out ears using the Politzer method and other methods

The ears are interconnected with the nasopharynx and oropharynx. Frequent inflammatory processes in any of these organs leads to the development of ear pathologies and, as a consequence, to hearing impairment. Treatment of the hearing organ is carried out with the help of antibiotics, as well as physiotherapeutic agents.

Moreover, in some cases, physiotherapy is used as the main treatment. Ear blowing is one of the methods of physiotherapy that can improve the auditory function and general condition of the patient with various ear pathologies.


Today there are quite a few effective ways to perform blowing. To choose the best one, you should contact a specialist.

According to Politzer

This procedure is performed in a hospital setting. For this, a rubber balloon is used, the capacity of which is 300-500 ml. It is connected to a tube ending in an olive. It is this that is placed in each nostril in turn, after which the nose is tightly pinched. These manipulations allow you to securely fasten the olive.

Then the patient takes a sip of water and says special words - for example, “peek-a-boo” or “Steamboat”. This ensures elevation of the soft palate. At this moment, the balloon is gently compressed.

The procedure is monitored based on the patient’s sensations. The doctor may also use an otoscope for this purpose. If the session is successful, the doctor and patient feel a slight noise. After it, the congestion disappears.

Watch in our video how Politzer blowing is carried out:


This simple method is most often used for blowing. To do this, a person must take a strong breath, then close his nostrils and try to exhale through his nose. Its duration should be no more than 2 seconds. Due to this, the pressure in the nasopharynx increases, which leads to the release of air through the Eustachian tubes.

Toynbry technique

This procedure also successfully copes with the feeling of congestion in the ears. In this case, pressure is applied when swallowing. At this moment, the pipes open, and when the nose is pinched, the pressure in their area increases. This method is considered the most natural way to relieve ear congestion.

To do this, you need to close your nostrils with your hands, take water into your mouth and swallow it. This procedure must be done until the discomfort is completely eliminated.

Otovent method

This method is considered the simplest analogue of Politzer ear blowing. It can be easily used at home. To do this, you need to buy an Otovent cylinder. It is a balloon equipped with a nose piece.

To perform blowing, you need to close the nostril with your finger and tightly insert the balloon nozzle into the other. Then you need to take a strong breath, close your mouth and exhale. In this case, you need to try to inflate the balloon with your nose. The end result should be the size of a fist.

Similar actions must be performed with the second nostril. The effectiveness of the procedure can be judged by the characteristic click.

Ear blowing methods

How to do it at home

Performing this procedure on your own is fraught with certain consequences. Therefore, before starting blowing, it is still worth getting a consultation with an ENT doctor.

What you need to know

It is recommended to blow out your ears very carefully. It is not recommended to use excessive air pressure - otherwise there is a risk of rupture of the membrane or membrane of the cochlea.

According to reviews, such complications are most often observed when using the Valsalva method.

Possible consequences

The most common complications include the following:

Dangerous symptoms

To avoid negative health consequences, it is very important to monitor your well-being after the procedure. The following symptoms may be a cause for concern:

How to bleed your ears yourself:

How to purchase such a vehicle or how to make it yourself?

Hovercraft is an expensive type of transport, the average price of which reaches 700 thousand rubles. Scooter-type transport costs 10 times less. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that factory-made vehicles are always of better quality compared to home-made ones. And the reliability of the vehicle is higher. In addition, factory models are accompanied by factory warranties, which cannot be said about structures assembled in garages.

Factory models have always been focused on a narrowly professional area related to either fishing, hunting, or special services. As for homemade hovercraft, they are extremely rare and there are reasons for this.

These reasons include:

  • Quite a high cost, as well as expensive maintenance. The main elements of the device wear out quickly, which requires their replacement. Moreover, each such repair will cost a pretty penny. Only a rich person will afford to buy such a device, and even then he will think again whether it is worth getting involved with it. The fact is that such workshops are as rare as the vehicle itself. Therefore, it is more profitable to purchase a jet ski or ATV for moving on water.
  • The operating product creates a lot of noise, so you can only move around with headphones.
  • When moving against the wind, the speed drops significantly and fuel consumption increases significantly. Therefore, homemade hovercraft is more of a demonstration of one’s professional abilities. You not only need to be able to operate a vessel, but also be able to repair it, without significant expenditure of funds.

Building SVP Grom How to Build inflatable Hovercraft “THUNDER” Air Cushion Vehicles ACV

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