DIY paper frog: craft ideas and origami patterns

A simple origami frog is a quick way to entertain others and an opportunity to make a useful gift. In Japan, such a figurine is carried in a pocket or purse, believing that the money will be spent wisely and will definitely bring profit. Frogs (kaeru) symbolize prosperity, longevity and good luck. Images of these popular amphibians are given to travelers as a talisman that protects them from troubles on the road. Parents also give origami frog figurines to children leaving home so that they don’t forget their loved ones and come back more often.

Jumping paper frog

Making a paper frog that jumps will be interesting not only for a child, but also for an adult. If you make several of these jumping games, then it will be interesting to play with a group of children.

To create such a toy, you will need any square sheet of paper: a regular A4 office sheet or colorful designer paper. An important requirement is that to start work you need to cut a square from a sheet.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a frog out of paper:

  1. Fold the sheet diagonally twice, marking the middle. Then unfold it and create a double triangle with the centers facing inward.
  2. Place two corners towards the middle, and then bend them outward again. Thus, from two triangles you will get accordion legs.
  3. Turn the workpiece over with the springs facing down. On the top part, bend the corners up towards the middle of the craft.
  4. Also bend the left and right corners of the resulting diamond towards the middle.
  5. The upper corners that stick out need to be bent - these will be protruding eyes. Later they can be decorated with pencils or a felt-tip pen.
  6. All that remains is to create a mechanism that will launch the frog into a jump. To do this, you need to create a fold in the lower part of the body. It will spring back when you press your finger, and the paws will continue this movement.

The jumping frog is ready.

Jumping paper frog

The frog is a long jump master

This frog is probably better at long jumping than other models. She bounces up slightly and doesn't roll over. Let's make one with our own hands:

  1. Let's take blue A4 paper for a change.
  2. Bend the sheet in half.

  3. Straighten the paper and bend the triangle to the middle of the sheet.
  4. We repeat the operation on the left side.
  5. Cut the bottom edge of the paper to triangles.
  6. As a result, we get something like this.

  7. We straighten the paper and bend the lower right corner to the middle of the sheet.
  8. We repeat the operation on the left side.
  9. We straighten the paper and get markings of bends along four diagonals and in the center.
  10. Along the marked lines, bend the paper at the top in the form of a triangle.

  11. We repeat the operation from below.
  12. Now bend the right triangle up.
  13. We fold the same element in half and turn it to the right.
  14. We repeat the last two operations on the left side.

  15. We repeat the same operations from below.
  16. Turn the workpiece over.
  17. Bend the left half to the right to mark the diagonal of the square.
  18. We return the bent element to its place.

  19. We bend the left side starting from the top to the middle line.
  20. We repeat the same operation on the right.
  21. We bend the tail from below so that the lines of the triangle continue the lines of the legs.
  22. We tuck the upper right triangle of paper into the middle of the lower one.
  23. Iron out the curves.
  24. We tuck the upper left triangle of paper into the middle of the lower one.
  25. Iron out the curves.
  26. Turn the workpiece over.
  27. We wrap the bottom of the craft up so that the lower and upper legs are aligned.
  28. Iron out the curves.
  29. Then we bend the lower part in the middle in the opposite direction.
  30. Iron out the curves.

  31. Turn the craft over. All you have to do is glue on the eyes and the craft is ready! We press the tail-spring so that the finger comes off and the first jump is completed!

If you have any questions, you can watch the following video.

Croaking frog

Another option for a fun craft is a frog frog. This craft is easy to make. To do this you will need a square sheet of paper and markers.

How to fold a croaking frog step by step:

  1. Fold the material twice diagonally. The fold lines will mark the center.
  2. Make a triangle and straighten the corners into diamonds.
  3. Draw eyes from one corner. The straightened diamond will be the mouth.
  4. The other corner can be bent in several ways. It can also be straightened and folded into paws. Then the craft will croak and jump.
  5. Alternatively, the corner can be bent once - then the bend will turn into a stand.

Croaking paper frog

Volumetric frog from A4 sheet

You can make a voluminous frog out of paper, which will not only croak, but also perform other functions: be a bookmark in a book, decorate a table setting, or be a stand for light objects.

For this craft you will need a simple sheet of A4 paper, preferably green, glue, scissors and pencils for the face.

Instructions for folding the frog:

  1. Fold one corner all the way diagonally and cut off the excess. You will get a square. You need to leave the strip - it will come in handy later.
  2. Fold all 4 corners of the square towards the center so that a pancake-envelope comes out.
  3. Turn the workpiece over and bend two corners at the top.

  4. Turn it over again and now fold the sides to src=”” class=”aligncenter” width=”660″ height=”440 ″[/img]
  5. Slightly unfold the sides and make a small triangular cutout at the bottom.

  6. Fold the prepared strip of paper into 4 layers and insert it into the cut. Then fold the edges back.

  7. On the reverse side of the workpiece, straighten the folded squares. This will create the eyes.
  8. Decorate the animal's face.

As the strip moves up and down, the frog will open and close its mouth. You can also install it on any surface and create many tasks for it.

Frog with aggressive shapes

Not only cars, but also frogs can have an aggressive shape. The next model is made in the same way as those discussed above. If you want to make one, follow the step-by-step instructions in the following master class:

  1. The beginning is the same as for the green frog, which jumps the highest.

  2. For those who have already made a frog in other master classes, questions regarding the assembly diagram should not arise.
  3. Next, turn the workpiece over and act in accordance with the photo.
  4. This is what the craft looks like at the final stage.

Origami schemes

There are many patterns of origami paper frogs, which differ in varying degrees of complexity. Simple options are suitable for very young preschoolers. Complex compositions with a lot of bends are best left to a student.

Complex origami frog

An origami paper frog with a complex pattern is suitable for primary school students. This pattern allows you to make 4 animals at once from one sheet.

Execution order:

  1. Bend the square sheet along the central axes twice to mark the centers.
  2. Fold the sides towards the center to form a rectangle.
  3. Fold the corners up from one edge, then bend them back to form a boat.
  4. Repeat the same with the other part.
  5. Turn the workpiece over and open the central triangles.
  6. Form zigzag folds from the side triangles.
  7. Bend the corners in the opposite direction.

All that remains is to draw the eyes of 4 frogs. Origami paper frogs are ready. When pressed with your hands, the animals will spring back and you will get a whole quartet.

Choosing a material to create a mask

The mask can be of two types: a cap, which is simply put on the head , and a mask, which is put on the face, with slits for the eyes. For young children, the first option is recommended, since a mask that slips over the eyes can frighten the baby and make it difficult for him to see. For older kids, the second option is good. In this case, it should be well secured with elastic bands so as not to slip off the face. If the eye slits are too narrow, they must be widened.

Simple frog bookmark

This paper frog can be made very simply. It can be used to decorate any corner of the furniture: mirror, door or handle. It can also serve as a bookmark for a book. You will need a square sheet of paper and pencils. This simple craft is the easiest way to start learning the art of origami.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the sheet diagonally and bend the corner.
  2. Fold the corners towards the center and tuck them under the central pocket. The folds must be carefully ironed with your fingers.
  3. You can draw eyes on the pocket, or you can cut out round parts and glue them separately.

Easy way

Corners for textbooks (you can make bookmarks not only from paper, but also from thin double-sided cardboard), made according to this master class, can fix several pages at once. This way you can mark an entire paragraph in the textbook. You won't have to flip through the pages to find where it ends.

How to make a simple pointed tip:

  • Place a sheet of colored paper vertically on the table.
  • Attach a ruler to the lower right corner, measure 10 cm. Place a mark.
  • Measure 10 cm from the same angle, on the left side.

Corners for textbooks - an easy way

  • Draw a square.
  • On the left, draw 1 more square of the same size.
  • Draw a third square above the first.
  • Draw a diagonal through the upper square, the line should extend from the upper right corner to the lower left.
  • By analogy, draw a diagonal line through the square located below, on the right.
  • Use scissors to make cuts along diagonal stripes.
  • Cut the workpiece to the end.
  • Unfold the workpiece on the table so that the sharp corners point up.

Corners for textbooks - an easy way

  • Bend the left sharp tip so that its edge coincides with the fold line of the other end.
  • Apply glue to the sharp edge.
  • Bend the other sharp tip and press it to the first. Press down with your fingers.
  • Wait for the glue to dry.

The bookmark can be painted with pens or felt-tip pens.

Frog made of circles

From several circles of green paper you can create an original three-dimensional frog. For this you will need:

  • Sheets of green paper
  • Patterns-circles
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out three large circles of the same size, 4 identical smaller circles and 2 small circles.
  2. Draw eyes on small circles.
  3. Fold the middle circles in half. Do the same with one large circle.
  4. Glue eyes and bent semicircles-legs onto the whole large circle. Glue the workpiece on top with a large circle.

  5. Glue another one on top of the large circle, half of which will bend. You can also glue a red tongue under it.

This craft can be used as an independent work, or as a three-dimensional applique.

Corner pocket

Corners for textbooks (you can make this type of bookmark in 5 minutes) with pockets will help students who are worried during tests and independent work. You can hide small hints in the pockets.

How to make a corner with pockets:

  • Cut out a square measuring 14x14 cm from colored paper.
  • Rotate the part so that 1 of the corners faces up.
  • Fold the sheet in half. The sharp edges should match.
  • Fold the lower left sharp edge of the workpiece towards the middle.
  • Fold the bottom right edge towards the middle.
  • Use your fingers to press down the fold.
  • Open the workpiece so that it becomes triangular again.

  • Bend the top sharp edge down. The corners must match.
  • Bend the lower right sharp edge to the middle of the workpiece.
  • Tuck the top sharp edge into the center pocket.
  • Also fold and tuck the left edge.
  • Use your fingers to press all the folds so that the paper does not open.

The bookmark with pockets for cheat sheets is ready to use.

From stripes

A craft made from stripes will be voluminous and fun. To do this, you will need a classic creativity kit: colored paper, scissors, glue, markers and patterns.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut 4 strips of paper. Their length should be twice the height of the frog's body.
  2. Fold all the strips in half to mark the center.
  3. Fold the centers of the strips and glue them together to form a snowflake.

  4. Roll the strips one by one into rings and secure at the top.
  5. Cut out an oval face, 4 legs and additional details. You can cut out a collar from paper of a different color. Make a crown from the yellow material. You will also need a thin, short strip.
  6. Make a cut on the collar where to insert the strip. It should be vertical at the top. The collar and stripe need to be glued to the ball.
  7. Draw eyes and a tongue on the green oval. Glue the part to the strip vertically.
  8. Attach the crown to the head, and the paws to the body.

The original, pot-bellied frog is ready.

Crafts from improvised materials

Never throw away packaging - you can make interesting things out of them, including a frog.

Frog from a disposable cup

A used green paper cup can easily be turned into a frog by gluing to the side an oval (muzzle) with two circles (eyes), cut out with one common part. Appliqué eyes on the muzzle in the circles, and the mouth can be completed with a red felt-tip pen.

To make the cup look better like a frog, you can glue green legs made of triangles from the bottom, the base of which is cut out in three semicircles (webbed feet).

Frog made of bushings

Never throw away toilet paper rolls either. They can be painted green, flattened in half, one side glued together, and the other left open (this will be the mouth into which you insert a long red tongue). All that remains is to glue the four legs on the sides and make the eyes in the form of an applique.

Or you can leave the bushings rounded. Glue green strips of paper to the sides, bending them in a circle and leaving the ends sticking out, which should be fingered into three parts. Glue eye circles from the top of the sleeve, and draw a mouth in the middle.

From cones

Even a little toddler can make a frog out of paper using cones. He will be interested in making his first crafts and paper sculptures. For this you will need: colored paper, scissors, glue and mom's help.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Cut a circle out of paper and make a semicircle out of it.

  2. In the central part draw eyes and a tongue. You can also glue them.
  3. Fold the cone and secure with glue.
  4. Attach the upper legs.
  5. Bend the lower legs and glue the bent part from the inside of the cone.

The craft was completed in just a few minutes.

Bookmark “pencil” using origami technique

For 1 bookmark we will need:

  • Ice cream stick (or wooden medical spatula - sold at the pharmacy)
  • Sheet of colored cardboard
  • Pieces of orange and white paper for bookmark details (eyes, nose, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Felt pen (black)

From the boat

You can make a simple frog according to the boat diagram. This will be a simple and understandable job for children, since most know how to make boats.

For this craft you will need a sheet of any paper. Additionally, you can take felt-tip pens to draw the frog’s face.

Scissors and a ruler will help make the folds even and neat without creases. To make an even bend, simply run the blunt end of the scissors along the ruler. After this, the paper here will bend easily.

Instructions for creating a frog from a boat:

  1. Fold the A4 sheet in half and also mark the center fold line in the resulting figure.
  2. Fold the corners on both sides of the longitudinal parts.
  3. Fold along the center fold inward. Bend and straighten in half again, marking the center line.
  4. Make a 1-2 cm incision along the center line.
  5. Bend the sides on both sides. Open the workpiece and fold along another line.

Now all that remains is to design the eyes and nose - the frog is ready. You can use your fingers to open her mouth and croak.

Beautiful frogs with your own hands

In order for your frog to turn out beautiful and neat, you need to carefully study the step-by-step instructions for making it. One wrong fold, one uneven cut and the whole craft will turn out awkward and unattractive. Detail to detail, straight folds, precise lines - and your frog is ready!

Many non-standard solutions and ideas from experienced craftswomen can be found at the link:

From modules

Of the modules, the frog is the most difficult to complete. To do this, you will first need to fold several parts and then glue them together. The materials you will need are the same as for regular crafts: colored paper, scissors, ruler, glue. You can take paper of different colors, then the tummy, tongue and even the back will be decorated in different shades.

Execution order:

  1. Make classic triangular modules. To do this, fold the square sheet in half, fold in the corners and then fold in the edges. Fold the module in half.
  2. Assemble the base of the frog - only 7 rows. The first row has 7 modules, then each step adds one module.
  3. On the wide side, attach three beige modules in three rows.
  4. Make an abdomen opposite the green back from two rows of modules of 4 and 5 pieces.
  5. Complete the top of the blank from green and beige modules. There should be 1-2 fewer beige parts than green ones.
  6. Assemble the front legs from several rows of 2-3 parts. Attach to the body.
  7. Assemble the hind legs from 4 rows, the outermost of which will contain 3 pieces, and the middle ones - 4 pieces each. The hind legs will also require long parts similar to the front ones.
  8. Attach the long back parts of the legs first, and then the wide ones.
  9. Make eyes from two modules. Before installing them on the body, color the eyes with a felt-tip pen.

This craft seems very complicated, but in reality it is simple. This kind of work requires accuracy and perseverance. This sculpture will look very beautiful.

Let's get to work

First of all, we need to prepare a pattern for the body and head of the frog. The size of our pattern is 7*14 cm. We cut out two small circles for the eyes measuring 2*1.5 cm. We also cut out the front and back legs for the craft.

We begin to cut out the main parts according to the pattern. For this we use green paper. We will need one body, one head, two pairs of eyes.

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We cut out one pair of larger eyes from green paper, and a pair of smaller eyes from white paper.

We roll two rectangular pieces of green paper and glue them together into two cylinders of the same size. These are our torso and head. We also glue these parts together. On the head we draw a smiling mouth with a red pen.

Glue small circles of white paper onto large circles of green paper. In the white circles we draw pupils with a black pen. These are the eyes of our frog. We put them on the head with glue.

Next, we connect the parts of the hind legs together and glue them to the lower cylinder. And the front legs to the upper cylinder on the sides. Our funny frog is ready!


Frog appliqués can come in all sorts of shapes. It is easier for them to use different templates. You can add volume to your craft using different methods:

  • Make a fluffy frog's body using fringe
  • Decorate the body or eyes with circles that bend back
  • Decorate the paws with accordions
  • Cut the paws according to the template, and bend the fingers with the blunt end of the scissors. It is better to print the templates in advance
  • Decorate the reptile's body from corrugated paper or napkins

These simple methods will help make any application more lively. You can also take paper of different textures - it will be more interesting for children to work with it, as it will give different tactile sensations. Using applique you can also make a masquerade frog mask.

Original ways of folding paper frogs will be useful in labor and creativity lessons and in everyday life. Children will have fun playing with paper crafts and sharing the secrets of creating different animals.

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