DIY toilet cleaner: how to make visiting the toilet enjoyable

A restroom is a room in an apartment or house that is visited by all people living in the home almost most often. Therefore, it would be useful to make sure that doing this is more pleasant. This is not only about the interior of the plumbing unit and the equipment used. It is equally important to eliminate the unpleasant odor that the toilet may emit - homemade fresheners will help you effectively deal with it.

You can use homemade air fresheners to combat unpleasant odors in the toilet.

From soda and vinegar

The most budget-friendly and fastest way to clean the toilet is with vinegar and soda-based balls. The ingredients can almost always be found in the kitchen, and the preparation time only takes a few minutes.

  1. For 1 glass of soda, take half a glass of vinegar and 50 grams of citric acid.
  2. If desired, add a few drops of essential oils.
  3. Soda is mixed with citric acid, vinegar is added slowly, a teaspoon at a time.
  4. Mix the mixture thoroughly each time. As a result, the base should acquire a thick consistency similar to wet sand.

You can roll the resulting mixture into small balls or, using a measuring spoon, silicone containers and modeling molds, make original shaped bombs.

Making tablets

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients. If the mixture turns out to be very dry, then moisten it with water from a spray bottle just a little, there is no need to wet the mixture completely.

Take a muffin pan. You can put parchment paper or plastic wrap on the bottom of the molds so that you can easily remove the finished tablets later.

Now you need to fill the muffin molds with the mixture you prepared. The molds should be filled very tightly, practically tamping the mixture. You can make the cupcakes with a flat top or a round top.

With hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to clean and disinfect kitchen utensils, bathroom tiles, and toilets. Balls made on its basis perfectly remove rust, plaque, and quickly cope with organic contaminants.

  1. To prepare the base you will need 1 tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of citric acid, half a teaspoon of table vinegar and a glass of soda.
  2. In two different cups, soda is combined with citric acid, and vinegar with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Slowly pour the contents of the last container into the first, mixing thoroughly.
  4. To add aroma, add 20-30 drops of citrus or floral oils.
  5. Using a spoon, form small balls from the mixture.
  6. The blanks are laid out on parchment and left for 8-10 hours until completely dry, and then put away in a place protected from moisture.

Environmentally friendly products and systems

Recently, more and more houses are found that use a septic sewer system. The term “septic tank” is an abbreviated name for a sanitary autonomous sewage system. The purpose of a septic system is to treat wastewater as well as household water in order to return the treated liquid back into the groundwater.

Many proponents and environmentalists avoid using super-caustic bathroom cleaners that contain a lot of chemicals, as well as soaps and gels that are antibacterial, in order to retain all the bacteria needed to clean the system without disturbing the environment. This is where the use of the proposed tablets for cleaning bathrooms and toilets will be indispensable. It is recommended that everyone try them.

However, there are many options for different products for personal hygiene and cleaning of premises, bathrooms, and so on, which do not harm, but are natural and environmentally friendly. In particular, this applies to hand and dishwashing products.

For example, you can use natural cosmetics and try liquid or regular castile soap made from vegetable fats. It improves skin tone and softens it. In addition to beneficial acids, soap contains vitamins and antioxidants, which are found not only in olive oil, but also in additives such as Angolan bark, oats, and marula oil.

Regular mustard is perfect for washing dishes. You can use either dry powder or regular classic mustard. This product is absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly. Mustard perfectly disinfects, degreases, and also perfectly cleans dishes without damaging their surfaces.

Gelatin based

Making gelatin-based balls is a lot like making jelly. You will need 50 grams of gelatin, 2 tbsp. spoons of a 9 percent solution of vinegar, salt and soda and a glass of water at room temperature.

Gelatin is poured into water and left to swell for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the container is placed in a pan with hot water and, stirring, brought to a water bath until completely dissolved. It is important not to let the water boil, otherwise the mixture will not harden. After complete dissolution, the gelatin is filtered and mixed with the remaining ingredients. If desired, dyes and aromatic oils are added to add scent. The resulting mixture is cooled and later divided into small parts, ready for use.

Due to the high concentration of gelatin, the balls bear little resemblance to the usual “quivering” jelly. They have a fairly dense consistency and are easy to cut with a knife, maintaining their shape.

Features of use and composition of toilet tablets

There are many of these cleaners available in the market in different colors, shapes and sizes. Differences are also observed in the composition and duration of dissolution, for example, some tablets last a week at best, while others last 1-1.5 months. Its correct placement in the drain tank is also important.

How to properly place a tablet in the tank

When placing it in a tank there are only 2 rules:

  • it needs to be placed on the wall closer to the bottom on the opposite side from the water intake;

Note! If a stream of water constantly hits the tablet when filling the tank, it will simply dissolve faster.

  • It is also not recommended to place tablets in the toilet tank near the drain hole;

It is not advisable to simply throw it into the tank

  • It is important not to damage the integrity of the water-soluble membrane; its main purpose is to prevent the tablet from dissolving too quickly.

Difficulty of choice

When choosing a specific option, it is advisable to take into account not only the smell and color, but also the composition of the tablet, its effect on human skin (some may cause irritation) and the duration of dissolution.

As for the composition, in percentage terms it is approximately the same; the following substances are used:

  • nonionic surfactants (surfactants) – up to 5%;
  • anionic surfactants – 15-30%;
  • dye;
  • flavoring – up to 5%;
  • often substances such as alphazomethylionone, coumarin, phosphates and aromatic hydrocarbons are introduced into the composition.

Manufacturers recommend limiting the duration of its contact with human skin; the listed components may cause irritation or, in some cases, an allergic reaction.

It is advisable to limit contact of the tablet with the skin

Note! If such a substance gets on the mucous membrane, burns are possible.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the purchased options, then you can think about how to make a tablet for the cistern yourself.

With lemon juice and essential oils

Fragrant bombs based on lemon juice not only help get rid of plaque and deposits on plumbing fixtures, but also fill the room with freshness. You will be able to save money on toilet stickers and an air freshener.

A glass of soda is combined with a quarter glass of citric acid. Mixing the mixture thoroughly, first pour in 100 ml of vinegar, and immediately after - 15-20 drops of lemon juice. When the base begins to thicken, add 20-30 drops of essential oils. To make the aroma harmonious, you can take several traditional combinations.

  • Ginger and patchouli;
  • Lavender and jasmine;
  • Mint and rosemary;
  • Lemon and ylang-ylang;
  • Rosewood and geranium, etc.

Fans of original, pronounced aromas can experiment with a large number of components, and also increase the dose of oils to 90 drops.

How to make bombs with your own hands, recipes

The recipe for making bombs consists of publicly available components available in any home and from any self-respecting housewife. You can buy them in every supermarket and pharmacy. Their cost is low, and the effect of use is invaluable: pleasant smell, cleanliness, prevention.

By adding various flavorings, one achieves not only cleanliness, but also eliminates odors after rinsing.

Essential oils are used to make toilet bombs:

  • lemon,
  • mint,
  • eucalyptus,
  • lavender,
  • tea tree,
  • rosemary,
  • fir

The choice of one or another composition and essential oil depends on your taste and contraindications for people with allergies.

Recipe No. 1 Preventative and cleaning bomb for the toilet based on soda and vinegar

Disinfectant bomb for removing mild limescale and urinary stones, as a preventive measure. It is recommended to use this bomb at least once a week.

The recipe for their preparation is very simple and consists only of soda and vinegar. You can take all this in your kitchen. The time spent on production is no more than 5 minutes.


  • Measuring spoon for forming balls
  • One glass of baking soda
  • ¼ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup table vinegar

Pour soda into a plastic bowl; it is better to sift it through a fine strainer, it is the main ingredient of this recipe. There should be no lumps, everything should be crumbly and airy.

Add citric acid, which will be the main catalyst for the chemical reaction.

Add very carefully, drop by drop, table vinegar to our cleaning product. The vinegar should not react actively; a thick mixture should be obtained.

Form into balls using a measuring spoon and place on a tray. Leave them to dry for 4-6 hours. They should be dry and firm at the end.

Use any plastic packaging and store them in it, keeping them away from moisture. These toilet bombs perfectly and quickly clean the toilet from limescale deposits causing the formation of urinary stones.

You don't have to use a measuring spoon to make bombs. It is enough to use silicone molds or some other forms. The bombs will turn out more beautiful in the form of, for example, butterflies or flowers, stars.

Recipe No. 2 How to make scent bombs for the toilet

Bombs do not necessarily have to be dazzlingly snow-white; so-called fragrances can be added to them to give a pleasant smell. Buy aromatic oils at the pharmacy of several types at your discretion.

Fragrance bomb ingredients:

  • Soda – 1 glass
  • Citric acid – ¼ cup
  • Table vinegar – ½ cup
  • Peppermint oil – 30 drops
  • Lavender oil – 20 drops
  • Lemon juice – 10-15 drops

Fluff the baking soda and add citric acid to it. Add vinegar drop by drop. Add lemon juice little by little.

Mix everything thoroughly. Add mint and lavender oil and mix again. We form balls or molds and leave to dry until hardened for 5-6 hours. Place everything in a suitable container with an airtight lid for storage.

This toilet ball is a wonderful air freshener and cleanser that is quick and easy to make at home.

To make bombs more air freshening, use more fragrant oil. Instead of 20 drops of your favorite fragrance oil, add up to 90 drops.

Recipe No. 3 How to make super fizzy toilet bombs

All of the toilet bomb recipes described above will be fizzy. To make them even more fizzy, add more citric acid to the recipe, and pour a little vinegar into the toilet before using.

The effect will be stronger cleansing and disinfecting.

Making bombs with your own hands allows you to significantly save the family budget by approximately 2000 - 3000 rubles per year.

The use of balls to prevent plaque formation is necessary at least once a day.

Recipe No. 4 Toilet balls with a pronounced disinfectant effect

If the toilet begins to smell bad, then the reason may be the formation of limescale and urinary stones, on which microbes have begun to multiply.

  • In such cases, read here how to get rid of unpleasant odor from the toilet.

If the smell has appeared recently and you constantly care for the toilet, you can use a bomb with a disinfectant effect. This is very important as well as a means of preventing intestinal infections, especially if you have small children in the house or there are sick family members. They should be used every day as a means of prevention, which will prevent the spread of infection.


  • Baking soda – one 200 gr. cup
  • Citric acid – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Laundry soap shavings – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Hydrogen peroxide – 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Essential oils optional – 20 – 30 drops

Make a water bath. Place a container where you will pour soap shavings into boiling water. Wait for the soap to melt and remove from heat, then add a glass of soda. Mix everything thoroughly.

Add essential oils:

  • fir,
  • grapefruit,
  • ylang-ylang,
  • mint,
  • lavender.

These oils are the best at eliminating unpleasant odors.

Then add hydrogen peroxide and stir again. Add citric acid at the end, stirring.

Form into balls and place on paper to dry for 4 hours.

To prepare disinfectant bombs, it is not necessary to add soap; you can add twice as much soda to the composition.

Video: Master class on how to make toilet tablets

Based on laundry soap

Laundry soap is traditionally considered one of the cheapest bleaches, stain removers and degreasers. Toilet balls based on it have a cleaning and disinfecting effect and, despite all their advantages, cost mere pennies.

3-4 tablespoons of grated soap are heated in a water bath until completely melted. After removing from heat, add a glass of soda, 3 tablespoons of citric acid and 2 tablespoons to the container. spoons of hydrogen peroxide. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mixture is formed. The resulting “dough” is rolled into balls or placed in a mold and left for 4-5 hours.

Gel toilet fresheners

The recipe is one of the highest quality and is liked by many housewives. To prepare this toilet air freshener, you need to buy gelatin.

  1. In a glass of warm water, dilute a pack of gelatin. Mix the mixture thoroughly with your hands so that there are no lumps.
  2. Add a teaspoon of glycerin there. This must be done, then the gel will not dry out.
  3. Pour in a couple of drops of pine or lavender oil.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

The gel freshener turns out beautiful if you add a little dye to it. This bright mass is placed in an open glass jar and placed in the toilet.

There is another way to prepare a gel air freshener. To do this, take two bowls. In one, steam 15 g of gelatin in warm liquid. In another, mix a tablespoon of salt, a little essential oil and half a glass of vinegar. Add a couple of drops of dye and mix the two mixtures. We take ice molds, put the gel in there and put them in the freezer. When the mixture hardens, take out the frozen pieces and put them in the water tank in the toilet. With each flush, the automatic freshener disinfects the water and kills bacteria.

Using starch

With your own hands you can make not only white bomb balls, but also bright, replaceable blocks for containers on the rim of the toilet bowl. You will need 30 grams of starch, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt, half a glass of water and a few drops of essential oils of your choice.

Starch, salt and water are combined and mixed thoroughly. Add a little food coloring to add color. The solution is placed on low heat and brought to a boil. If the liquid has not thickened well, you can hold it for another 5-7 minutes, and then remove it from the stove and cool slightly. Vinegar and flavorings are added to the warm mixture. Form small balls that dry at room temperature in 8-10 hours.

The main advantage of homemade balls is that you can be absolutely sure of its composition. When using handmade bombs, allergic reactions and respiratory problems are excluded. By experimenting with scent additives, you can fill your toilet with a scent that you like, and that is not produced for the mass consumer.

Homemade air freshener in the toilet with your own hands

Most people use store-bought sprays as restroom air fresheners. This causes irreparable harm to the environment, and the effect does not last long.

Air fresheners are harmful to the environment and your health.

To make an inexpensive homemade toilet odor freshener with your own hands, take a clean spray bottle and fill it with clean boiled water.

Mix in a tablespoon of vinegar and soda.

Spray it all onto the toilet bowl, onto the walls, working everything with a brush.

This cleans the toilet and eliminates unpleasant odors. The composition does not contain aromatic oils and is completely safe for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

If you add lavender or lemon or orange oil to the container, the mixture will not only eliminate odors and disinfect, but also smell. The mixture should be used after each visit to the toilet.

Lemon juice flavoring

Instead of oils, you can use freshly squeezed lemon or citrus juice. Mix a few drops into water to give it a long-lasting, strong aroma.

Odor absorber for allergy sufferers

People who are allergic to the scents from essential oils can use this recipe. Its advantages are that:

  • The product has an antiseptic effect.
  • You can spray it directly into the toilet.
  • It doesn't smell like anything.
  • Absorbs unpleasant odors.

Suitable for allergy sufferers and families with small children. To make a cleaner with your own hands, you need: Pour water into a container, add a spoonful of vinegar and soda. Shake.

The product is ready.

Video: How to make an air freshener yourself

DIY toilet balls

Toothpaste preparation

Instead of advertised and not always effective store-bought products, use a toilet freshener made from regular paste.

  • Feel free to choose the cheapest toothpaste with a strong mint flavor.
  • To saturate your toilet room with mint amber, pierce a new tube with a needle on all sides and place it in the drain tank.
  • Water evenly flows into the holes on the package, and until the paste runs out, a pleasant mint aroma will always remain in the room.

A budget analogue of a tablet for a cistern

Regular tablets for the tank run out quite quickly, but there is a budget product that lasts for a whole month. All you need is regular toothpaste and a needle. You can take the cheapest pasta, as long as it has mint flavor.

The paste contains antibacterial additives that will cope with dirt, and menthol will fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Using a needle, the tube is pierced from all sides.

The more holes there are in the tube, the more paste will get into the water in the tank.

Open the lid of the drain tank and place the tube there.

The punctured tube is placed inside the tank, as far as possible from the hole through which water enters, otherwise the paste is washed out much faster.

Close the lid. Ready. Now, with each addition of water into the tank, the jets will gradually wash out the toothpaste. When flushed, water with a minty smell will flow into the toilet bowl, eliminating unpleasant odors and dirt.

This is not to say that this product will completely eliminate the need to clean your plumbing, but you will have to do it much less often.

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