How to make a birthday card for mom with your own hands

Greetings, friends! On the eve of the wonderful, good holiday of Mother's Day, I would like to share with you some postcard ideas. Mom, a dear and close person, definitely deserves to spend time on a gift for her. If you still want to give her a gift, there is a list here.

You can also supplement this article with ideas for postcards for women, there are also a lot of interesting things there.

Today we will have many options for creativity. There are easy ones for preschoolers and elementary school students, and there are also difficult ones for adults. Not all of them are included with master classes, but it is also important for us to train our imagination. What if a cute picture inspires you to create a masterpiece? I really hope for it.

By the way, you can simply draw a mother, I’ll tell you about it here.

In addition to the paper and cardboard used, you can take improvised materials, such as dried flowers, ribbons, beads and sparkles. Also pick up thin and sharp scissors and PVA glue.

A homemade postcard is a source of bright positive emotions

At an early age in kindergarten, children learn simple skills in making such gifts.
Teachers show children how to make cards for their mothers with their own hands. Thick paper leaves with appliqués given for birthdays are often kept for many years. These first cards for mom are the most expensive, valuable gifts. A child cannot go to the store and buy a present for a holiday or birthday. A postcard made by yourself is the only opportunity to please your loved one with a gift. We become adults, we can afford to buy things that our mother dreams of, which will be useful to her in everyday life. Traditionally, the gift is accompanied by a card with congratulations and wishes. The easiest way is to buy it in a store. Fortunately, the choice of such products is huge. However, a mass-produced product, no matter how beautiful it is, will not be able to express your feelings.

A handmade postcard will give you unforgettable emotions.

If you want to surprise a loved one, give a bright, unforgettable experience, choose the time to make this simple but incredibly effective gift. Many sites on the Internet explain step by step how to make a card for mom. You can choose a simple or complex option, implement your creative idea or borrow ready-made proposals.

No matter what your masterpiece is, it:

  • guarantees a pleasant surprise, sincere surprise, admiration;
  • will reflect your feelings as much as possible;
  • will be carefully kept in my mother's archive.

There is no need to think that this type of creativity is not appropriate for adults to engage in. You can make a birthday card for your mother with your own hands at any age. Bright positive emotions from such a gift are guaranteed both at 30 and at 80, 90 years old.

The postcard guarantees a pleasant surprise

What will you need for this?

  • Colored cardboard.
  • Colored paper.
  • Glue.
  • Decorations (glitters, ribbons, ballpoint pens, petals - basically everything that comes to mind).
  • Colored pencils, paints - anything you can use to depict a beautiful congratulation.

Types of homemade cards

Homemade cards can have different designs. The difficulty is selected taking into account personal skills, experience in cardmaking, and the availability of professional equipment. The simplest and most accessible option is applique, which everyone mastered in childhood. Such a postcard can be incredibly attractive if you choose the right base and decor. Don't limit yourself to traditional flat images. A postcard with three-dimensional components looks much more impressive.

Flowers can evoke positive emotions in every woman. If you're planning to make a card for your mom's birthday, create a bouquet of her favorite plants on it. You can make any buds from colored paper material. These can be simple daisies, luxurious roses, elegant chrysanthemums, etc.

Draw your mother's favorite flowers on the card

You can make more complex, spectacular options for your mother. A voluminous postcard can provide the maximum effect. When it is opened, a three-dimensional composition made of colored paper unfolds. To many, such products seem incredibly complex. But anyone can create them. On sites that tell you how to make a postcard for your mother with your own hands, you can find step-by-step instructions for making these masterpieces.

Spectacular 3D card for mom

The three-dimensional design can contain flowers, hearts, butterflies, balloons, etc. The consistency in assembling the elements, the correct placement of cuts and bends will provide the composition with an accurate opening technique. You also need to think about the design of the outer part of the card, use decorative elements, and make a beautiful congratulatory inscription.

Vase with peonies for Mother's Day made of paper and cardboard with templates (for students in grades 1-4)

I present to your attention another cute bouquet - this time we will make a card with peonies from napkins. It just so happens that the topic of our article today is floral. But on the other hand, who doesn’t love flowers? And what if not to give them on such a wonderful holiday.

The materials are very simple:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler;
  • PVA glue.


Take a napkin and fold it in four to make a square. We fasten the middle with a stapler. Then we draw a flower around the bracket and cut it out.

Lightly crush some of the petals to make the flower voluminous. We make all the other blanks in the same way.

We cut out a vase from half a sheet of red cardboard (you can download a template from the Internet or draw it by hand and glue it to the base of the card. The base is yellow A4 cardboard folded in half.

We glue flowers to the top of the work, making a bouquet of them. Ready. If desired, add congratulation text, beads, rhinestones and other decor.

Options for masterpieces can be very different. For example, older kids will be quite capable of creating such a voluminous postcard-book.

If you figure it out, it won’t be difficult to create a composition like this, which takes shape when the recipient of the gift looks inside the work.

Even ordinary bouquets of flowers turn out differently for everyone.

Undoubtedly, it will be interesting for children to try to make a postcard in the scrapbooking style.

Well, the youngest guests of the kindergarten will be happy to give their mothers this simple handmade gift.

Birthday cards for mom

There are thousands of different options for designing congratulations for your mother's birthday. Every year you can create something new, taking into account the preferences and tastes of each mother.

From my daughter

A postcard from your daughter, embroidered with cord, will look original. The present can be made in a short time:

  1. To do this, mark the location of the composition on colored (folded) cardboard.
  2. Then flowers are made using a large needle and string. The main goal is beautiful and soft volume.
  3. Using a regular thread and needle, unevenness is corrected. A bow or ribbon is glued to the base of the “bouquet”.

Congratulations are written on the inside.

From my son

The beloved son will greatly please his mother if he chooses an unusual way of congratulations - with a 3D effect. Such a hand-made postcard for mom will make a very unusual and positive impression. You don't need to draw anything. The execution is simple:

  1. Buy two or three identical postcards.
  2. On the reverse side, each of them is divided into thin strips and numbered.
  3. Strips are cut - there should be 2 or 3 of each number.
  4. On the prepared cardboard format, glue strips of postcards by numbers - the first two (or three), the second two, and so on until the last number.

The edges of the card can be decorated with decorative tape or tape. Congratulations are written on the inside; you can make a hole on the edge with a hole punch and hang mini congratulations with wishes.

Pictures for printing postcards to congratulate your mother

Well, in conclusion, catch patterns that will become a lifesaver. With their help, children will be able to make cards themselves, paint stencils, and make an applique from the templates. They are suitable for both preschoolers and schoolchildren. Choose.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article. I wish you all creative success! Love your mothers and tell them about it more often! And for now I say goodbye to you. See you again on the expanses of my blog!

Postcard “Bouquet of Flowers”

Such a birthday card can be presented to mother from either her son or her daughter. It’s not difficult to make it yourself using a detailed master class with step-by-step photos; it won’t take much time.


  • quilling or origami paper of different colors;
  • a sheet of thick light cardboard;
  • decorative paper for scrapbooking;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • toothpick.


  • First you need to make paper flowers. It is best to use paper of 9 shades at once. Divide it into sheets of dark and light colors. Cut the first into strips approximately 3 cm wide, the second - 2 cm wide.
  • Place all strips of the same color next to each other. Make a fringe along one edge using scissors.
  • Cut strips of orange paper about 5 centimeters wide. Twist them tightly onto a toothpick, and then secure with glue to form the center of the flowers.
  • First attach a dark stripe to the middle of the flower, and then a light one. Carefully bend the light petals outward. This is convenient to do with a toothpick. You should work with each layer separately to make the flower look three-dimensional. Curl the dark petals inward.
  • To make roses, you should take bright paper. Trace a round container on a sheet of paper with a pencil, then carefully cut the circle in a spiral. Curly scissors are suitable for this. Screw the workpiece onto a toothpick.
  • Cut sheets from green paper. Form a fringe along the edges.
  • If desired, for additional decoration you can use spirals of green paper, cut into thin strips and twist with a toothpick.
  • Cut out tags from scrapbooking paper and attach greeting messages to them.
  • Attach flowers with leaves to paper in random order. Add spirals and congratulatory inscriptions.

You can write poetry on the back of the card.



Author: arivederchy

Here is an interesting idea for creating a creative and touching gift for your mother. We suggest creating your own notebook “100 reasons why I love you, Mom.” It will be made using scrapbooking .

To do this you need the following:

  • Scrapbooking paper,
  • Stamp,
  • Inkpad,
  • Leaves,
  • The flowers are voluminous,
  • Half beads,
  • Rings,
  • Shabby ribbons,
  • Glue moment Crystal.

The most difficult and painstaking part in creating this gift is printing out the pages with the text. Be careful - we offer you a list of these reasons.

  1. She gave me life. And this is not a metaphor or an exaggeration, but on the contrary - the very truth. My life is her merit!
  2. She still forced me to study! Despite many scandals, parent-teacher meetings and problems, she made me do it! Without her, the heights I have achieved would not have been possible.
  3. She taught me simple but important little things. For example, that you need to help your neighbors, that you need to open the door for an elderly person and appreciate the word “thank you” - because it means so much!
  4. She taught me to appreciate her smile, which directly depends on her actions.
  5. Her presence in my life allows me to appreciate how important family ties are.
  6. She is the only person in the world who can understand and support in any situation
  7. We can talk to her about anything! Whether it’s the reasons for my bad mood or political forums, no topic is taboo!
  8. She loves me even when I'm in a bad mood, which is so rare. Neither evil glances, nor pouting lips, nor aggression in words can push her away from me.
  9. She takes care of me if I don't feel well, if I want to stay home in bed in the morning or if I have a headache - she's the first person to give me a helping hand or bring me a pill.
  10. Only she knows what makes me happy. And it doesn’t matter at all what it is: a delicious cake or just her smile.
  11. She, like a locator, always feels if I feel bad and worries no less. Sometimes I feel ashamed that the feeling of grief sometimes comes to me, because it makes her sad.
  12. Her confidence in me can motivate me to do great things!
  13. Even if I’m wrong, and she knows about it, she will always take my side, because I’m her child.
  14. I can trust her unconditionally, tell her my biggest secrets, because I know: whatever she does, it will be for my good.
  15. She is able to listen to me. Even if the reason for my trouble is delusional, this is the only person who will listen to me with pleasure!
  16. Selfless love is the greatest gift, because mom doesn’t ask for anything in return!
  17. She is interested in absolutely every little detail of my life! Starting from breakfast to personal matters. Yes, sometimes it can be annoying, but then the thought comes to mind: “Well, how can you even be angry with her?”
  18. She always protects me. From my earliest years until the end of my life, my safety is her primary concern.
  19. She is able to drop everything she is doing to be around.
  20. Hearing the words “You are so similar” from hundreds of acquaintances or friends is a great joy
  21. I love that only she knows how to wake me up in the morning without getting hurt!
  22. I love her because she carried me in her arms for several years!
  23. Because you are able to appreciate my gifts. Even if these are trinkets, the essence is my attention, which is a gift in itself for her.
  24. I love her because she knows how to cook my favorite dishes and never disappoints me!
  25. Because when she says “everything will be fine,” you really want to believe it. Her words have a special ability - they heal the soul.
  26. I love her because she taught me the most necessary things: tying my shoelaces, cooking my own breakfast, washing my clothes.
  27. I love my mother because she always wants to be near me.
  28. She taught me how to create comfort in any place, because in her house there is no other way.
  29. Because she doesn't force me to make my bed in the morning.
  30. I love her because she always bought me the gifts I wanted.
  31. I love my mother because she always forbade me to do something. Who knows what would have happened to me if not for these prohibitions
  32. She showed me that saying “I love you” can be sincere.
  33. I love it because it saved me from many mistakes.
  34. I love her because she organized wonderful holidays: New Years, birthdays - the best time.
  35. I love her because she instilled a love for books.
  36. I love her because she forced me to go to cleanup days - it taught me to love nature.
  37. I love her because she taught me how to tidy up and explained how unpleasant it is to live in a mess.
  38. I love my mother because she was always there, even during failure.
  39. I love my mother because she explained the difference between “good” and “evil” and taught him to distinguish
  40. Because she talked about how you can quickly calm down and look your enemy in the eye.
  41. I adore her because by her example she raised me to be a good person.
  42. I love her because she is always ready to support me not only morally, but also financially
  43. I love her because my friends are friends for her too, because she knows how important their friendship is to me.
  44. I love her because she tried in every possible way to mitigate the trips to the doctors that I so disliked.
  45. I love my mother because she taught me how to care for pets and appreciate them.
  46. I love my mother because she was always able to resist my whims.
  47. Because she always knows an effective way to console me.
  48. I love her because she always weans me from bad habits.
  49. I love my mom because she constantly calls and asks how I’m doing.
  50. I love her because she knows this trick: no matter where the jacket is thrown, it will always end up on the hanger.
  51. I love her because she takes more care of me and takes care of my clothes.
  52. I love my mother because she is always there at the most important moments of my life.
  53. I love her because she protects me in disputes with dad or other relatives.
  54. I love her because she always helps me complete any assignment, even if this task turns out to be beyond her strength.
  55. I love her because she never complains, no matter how hard it is for her.
  56. I love her because she always explained new facts to me.
  57. One word of honor from me is enough for her to believe my words.
  58. I love her because she used to greet me after a hard day and the first question she asked was: “How are you?”
  59. Mom supports me in those moments when any dreams collapse and inspires me with the thought of future happiness.
  60. I love her because her blessing is the key to the success of the business I have started.
  61. Because she loves me, despite my appearance: she doesn’t care what I look like, how fresh my complexion is or how well my hair is combed.
  62. She taught me to say the phrase “forgive me,” which is so important in life.
  63. She gave me the first things that were truly meaningful to me. Whether it's a phone or a computer, it's her achievement.
  64. She taught me to act conscientiously, first of all. Always be in agreement with yourself.
  65. She scolded me if failures in life were my fault - this stimulated me to continue working.
  66. She never forced me to eat food I didn't want.
  67. She showed that it is pleasant not only to receive, but also to give gifts.
  68. She never demanded the impossible from me. Only something that required effort and perseverance.
  69. She did not tell me exactly what to do, but gently pushed me towards a decision, allowing me to listen to my heart.
  70. She gave me a special feeling of every holiday that will never leave me.
  71. I love her because it is impossible to refuse her some things. Her gaze can work wonders.
  72. I love her because she always looked after my health, even more than her own. Multiple visits to doctors turned out to be necessary.
  73. I love her because she allowed me to enjoy my birthdays. After all, on this day, I am the only person she is interested in.
  74. I love her because she could arrange a holiday for me on any day! It never mattered to her whether it was a birthday or boring everyday life. If her mood was high, then she shared it with me.
  75. I love that she never woke me up on Sundays, because she knew how important it was for me to at least sometimes get enough sleep.
  76. I love her because she always respected my personal space. My room, diary, correspondence are a forbidden space for her.
  77. I love her because the words “Go, I’ll hug you” from her lips always sound warm. This feeling of warmth is her main gift to me.
  78. I love her because she taught me to value a person’s soul, not his appearance.
  79. I love her because she warned me against many mistakes in life. The words: “You shouldn’t trust this person”, “You need to pass this exam as best as possible” - turned out to be not an empty phrase, but an important warning!
  80. Because sometimes she asks leading questions that help me understand myself.
  81. I love her because she once wanted a child.
  82. I love her because she carefully preserves my childhood photographs - after all, these are priceless memories for me.
  83. I love her because I can trust her words unconditionally.
  84. Her word is stone, if she promises to help, she will never let you down.
  85. She is always ready to appreciate my tastes, which coincide with hers on many things.
  86. She taught me to let go of the past.
  87. She proved to me that true love exists.
  88. I love her because we were always the best at family events.
  89. I love her because when I take out my phone after some important day, I see on the display “Missed calls - mom - 43 missed calls” and involuntarily smile.
  90. She is able to forgive me in any situation.
  91. I love my mother because she did everything possible so that I had the opportunity to get the best.
  92. She knows all the ins and outs about me, but continues to love me.
  93. I love her because she is able to determine my mood from afar.
  94. I love her because she is proud of me when I win.
  95. Mom is able to protect not only in the eyes of relatives, but even in the eyes of my own friends.
  96. Mom knows how to make you laugh in any situation
  97. I love her because in her house I am a child, first of all!
  98. I love her because she always has something to answer my words.
  99. The very fact of her presence can make me the happiest person!

After printing, cut the A4 sheets into A6 sheets.

Let's add them up and distribute them according to numbering.

Now let's take cardboard for binding. And on it we will measure the dimensions of the cover we need. It should be half a centimeter larger on all sides.

Let's cut them using a stationery knife.

Now we will cut out rectangles of the same size from scrap paper.

Let's select another scrapbooking paper that matches the tone. Let's cut out two more rectangles from it, but this time half a centimeter smaller than the previous ones.

Now we have prepared: two rectangles of cardboard for binding, four rectangles of scarf paper.

Shade each rectangle using a stamp pad on all sides.

Then glue the smaller rectangle onto the larger one using Moment Crystal glue.

Let's cut out an illustration for our gift - a gift for mom .

We will also shade the edges using a stamp pad. The scrapbooking technique basically requires this everywhere.

We will prepare the printed text for the title page to be beautifully designed.

Using a hole punch along the edges of the cut out text, we will make such cutouts.

Now let’s cut a small piece of shabby ribbon.

Glue the cutout on top of the base.

Then we will paste the illustration.

Glue the text shaded with acrylic paint to the bottom.

Take a stamp with the words “Thank you” and a stamp pad.

And thus we will make an imprint on the back of the product.

Apply a strip of glue and attach shabby tape on top of it randomly, creating folds.

Let's attach the flower using brads.

Let's prepare the flowers and leaves.

Twist them together to form a beautiful branch.

And glue it on top of the tape.

On the back side of the inside cover we will put the imprint of the author's stamp.

Let's prepare half beads. DIY scrapbooking continues its master class.

Glue them with glue.

Use a hole punch to make holes for the rings.

Let's insert the rings.

The notepad is ready! The scrapbooking master class has come to an end. Thank you for your attention, we hope the work was not in vain!

Volumetric card “Hearts”

A DIY birthday card for mom will look especially heartfelt if the central figure on it is a heart. To make it you will need sheets of thick white A4 paper and scarlet paper, glue and scissors.

All work consists of 4-5 stages:

  1. Preparing 2 heart templates. White paper is folded in half, and a large heart appears on it, one side towards the fold. A strip 4-5 cm wide is cut out of colored paper and folded into a square accordion consisting of 6 sections. On the extreme section, half of the figure is drawn so that its middle falls on the fold.

  2. Receiving figures. It is necessary to cut the paper along the contour. From white paper you will get 2 paired hearts - this is the basis of the craft. Made from colored paper - an accordion of 3 small hearts.
  3. Connecting workpieces. Small 3 hearts are attached using PVC inside the larger ones so that when opened they open up like an accordion.
  4. Inscription. Warm words and wishes can be written with felt-tip pens in any place you like.
  5. If the outer sides of the card remain empty, then you can glue glitter and beads on them.

Postcard Heart for mom using quilling technique

At the very beginning, we were already familiar with this style, and I decided to show many other ideas that are beautiful in their own way and may lead you to a new original gift for your mother. The first one will be shown in a video from the YouTube channel. Express your feelings and make this heart out of paper and glue.

Here are a couple more ideas.

Postcard pendant “Butterflies”

For your mother's birthday, you can make your own card-pendant in the shape of a butterfly.

A gentle and romantic craft, made in the birthday girl’s favorite colors, will require a set of tools:

  • thick white paper for the base;
  • lace ribbon of 2 varieties;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • details in the form of flowers and butterflies;
  • lace;
  • beads or beads that match the overall tone of the card;
  • a ready-made chipboard with pleasant, succinct content (for example, “From the Heart,” “With Love”).

The work takes a little over an hour and is divided into 4 stages:

  1. A blank for the postcard base is cut out of a sheet of white paper and folded in the middle. On the outside, this part is decorated with a sheet of scrapbooking paper of the same size with an unobtrusive pattern.
  2. After joining the two sheets, a small hole is made in the upper left corner with a hole punch, which can be fixed and reinforced with a grommet. Now you can thread a beautiful cord through the future postcard and hang the craft in a prominent place.
  3. The base is ready, all that remains is to decorate the front part of the craft. Pieces of lace are glued just below the middle of the cover, imitating the fencing of a flower bed. 3 flower heads are attached to one of the edges with double-sided tape. A pair of butterflies are glued above them so that their wings remain free. You can make flowers and butterflies yourself, find ready-made ones, or cut them out of postcards.
  4. The decoration process is completed by randomly gluing beads or seed beads, as well as attaching a small chipboard against the background of flowers.

The birthday card for mom is ready. Now you can decorate the inside of the product with your own hands by writing a couple of warm lines in calligraphy.

We use scrapbooking when making greeting cards

A rich, beautiful, surprisingly easy-to-make postcard is obtained using the scrapbooking style.

You need to prepare designer cardboard, watercolor paper, die-cutting, sisal, satin ribbon, rhinestones, artificial snow in spray, paper flowers, glitter, contour stickers.

We take designer cardboard of a beautiful color as a basis and fold it in half.

  • Glue a slightly smaller piece of watercolor paper onto the right side of the postcard (inner part) - we get a noble border.
  • We glue a foil cardboard cutout on top (you will have to use a special machine).
  • Under the congratulatory inscription, we cut off a piece of cardboard, the edges of which are decorated with a figured hole punch; this decoration can be replaced with openwork napkins.
  • We glue an openwork napkin in the center, attach a bow made from ribbons and folded pieces of sesal to it.
  • We cover the imperfections with paper flowers (everything is attached with glue).
  • We also place paper flowers along the plane of the craft in the desired quantity.
  • We attach the contour stickers using tweezers to the area left for the inscription.
  • We decorate with rhinestones, acrylic sparkles and “snow”.

Whatever technology you choose, a hand-made postcard will definitely be more interesting and more soulful than stamped factory cards. Try, express yourself, experiment, bring joy to your mothers!

How to Make Birthday Cake Cards

What do you need

  • Thick blue or turquoise double-sided paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • thick white paper;
  • colored paper with drawings and patterns;
  • glue stick.

How to do

1. Cut a rectangle measuring 15 x 11 cm from blue or turquoise paper. Fold it in half crosswise. Cut a rectangle measuring 14 x 10 cm from a white sheet.

2. Fold the white piece in half crosswise. On the fold side, make four cuts at equal distances from each other. The first two (at the bottom of the paper) should be the same. The third is about 1 cm shorter, and the fourth is even slightly shorter in length.

3. Fold the cut pieces as shown in the photo.

4. Unfold the strips and open the paper. Bend the cut pieces inward along the marked folds.

5. Cut out three rectangles from colored paper according to the size of the layers of the future cake. They should be quite a bit taller than the white stripes. Fold them in half and glue them to the sheet.

6. Bend and straighten the white sheet again so that the lines on the cake are more clearly visible. Cut out several candles in the form of small rectangles from bright paper, and the same number of droplet figures from yellow paper. Glue the droplets to the candles and them to the cake.

7. Apply glue to the back of the white paper and attach it to the blue base. The card can be signed next to the cake or outside.

How to Make a Pop-Up Cupcake Birthday Card

What do you need

  • Pink double-sided paper;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • White paper;
  • double-sided bulk tape;
  • paper of different colors;
  • Red ribbon;
  • felt-tip pen.

How to do

1. Fold a sheet of pink paper in half. Place it so that there is a fold at the bottom. Place a ruler at a slight angle on one edge and draw a line. Approximately in the middle, draw another slanted line so that the figure resembles a pot.

2. Cut out the part along the marked lines. Apply glue to the side edges inside the figure.

3. Connect the elements and press the paper on the sides so that it sticks together. Place a ruler in the resulting pocket and measure the distance from the bottom to the edge. Also measure the length of the bottom edge of the figure, stepping back a little on the sides. The author got 9 cm.

Draw a rectangle on white paper. Two sides should be 9 cm each (or whatever value you get), and the other two should be a few centimeters more than the distance from the bottom to the edge of the figure.

The resulting rectangle should easily fit into the pink pocket. Cut out the white piece.

4. Place the item in the pocket. Measure the length of its top edge and the height of the pocket along with the inserted white piece.

Draw another rectangle on white paper. Its length should be 2–3 cm longer than the edge of the pocket, and the required width should be approximately half the measured height.

Draw a cloud-like figure in a rectangle.

5. Cut out the cloud. Place it on top of the white piece so that it covers the pink piece. For convenience, mark the places of their contact with a pencil.

Remove the cloud. Glue several pieces of bulk tape to the visible part of the white part. Attach a cloud to them by placing it on the pencil marks.

6. Cut out small circles of different diameters from colored paper. Glue them to the cream, that is, to the part in the form of a cloud. Cut out a heart from red paper and attach it at the very top.

Tie a bow on the side of the ribbon. Cut out a small tag from white paper - a rectangle with cut corners. Write “For You” or a congratulation on it.

Glue this element to the bottom of the card and attach the ribbon horizontally above the tag.

7. Glue the ends of the ribbon to the back of the card. Write your congratulations on the white removable part.

"Embroidered" postcard

More precisely, not the entire card should be embroidered, but the image on it. What it will be - flowers, an animal, a pattern or something else is not so important. Everything will come in handy, everything will be beautiful. Of course, it’s easier to make such a card for your daughter, because embroidery is mostly a woman’s job.

This is how a postcard is made.

  1. Take half of a strong cardboard.
  2. It outlines the location of the future composition.
  3. Next, using colored thick threads and a large needle, flowers or some other image are made. It would be better, of course, if they were flowers - they were easier to make. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made flowers in the store. Flowers (or other image) should be voluminous and soft.
  4. Finished flowers (or something else) should be glued to cardboard. Using an ordinary needle and thread, their edges are adjusted so that they do not extend beyond the boundaries of the postcard and do not become shaggy.
  5. You can glue a ribbon or bow to the base of the bouquet - it will be very beautiful.
  6. Congratulations are written on the inside of the card.

Samples of cards for Mother's Day (can be downloaded for free)

The easiest idea is, of course, one that can be colored with pencils or felt-tip pens, using a coloring book or a finished composition as a sample. Add your own twist and you will be happy. I provide stencils and templates, use them as intended:

Postcard "with laughter"

It's not difficult to do, but you need to have a sense of humor to do it.

  1. Take half a cardboard sheet.
  2. We glue (or draw, or embroider) something funny onto it. Or simply something fun and bright that will definitely cheer up mom.
  3. Of course, such a postcard should also have a corresponding congratulatory inscription - just as cheerful, bright and unusual.

Well, is it really difficult? But how much joy and fun there will be when mom receives such a gift!

We give mom a musical card

Of course, making it yourself is unrealistic. Therefore, a musical postcard must be purchased in advance at the store. Fortunately, there are any number of variants of such postcards on sale now.

But you need to decorate such a gift with your own hands. This can be done in many ways: glue “music” to the inside of a hand-made card, hide it in a special envelope, disguise it among flowers so that mom does not immediately find it, etc.

Coloring pages - cards for mom

Why not take advantage of a little help and download coloring pages, remember we did this on March 8th? And now a few tips on what and how to download and “draw” using coloring books.

Bouquets! Mom will also like scenes in which children give flowers.

And if a brother and sister give a gift together, then you can color such a cute card.

And here is a cute bunny with a huge bouquet!

Mom will definitely like even a simple bouquet of daisies.

Confessions that their mother is the best (and if you decorate it beautifully with flowers, balloons and fireworks, it will turn out to be a bomb!).

Sweets or gifts.

And here on the right you can even write a short congratulations. For example:


My dear Mom! Happy birthday to you! Shine like a star. Float like a butterfly. Shine like the sun. And most importantly, know that I adore you! ***Mommy, mummy, my star, Happy birthday, dear, I congratulate you. Let all the sorrows go away, let the trouble go away, You are my treasure, my mom. ***Happy birthday! I wish you health, success and happiness, May the world smile like a clear sun, May your every day be the most beautiful, May happiness always stand in your way, May your smile give people joy!

And here in each heart you can write a word - a wish. For example, smiles, love, happiness, peace, kindness, joy, health...

birthday greetings

It's so easy to make mom happy!!!

You can also give such a cute bear with a bouquet or a heart and sew a cute cat for your mother.

Ideas for cards for mom and grandma, drawn with pencil or paints

So let's draw. Since above I left a link to an article about how to draw a mother, here I will have more complex ideas. Suitable for high school students.

A lamb like this turned out very cool.

A small insert with a wish.

Variant of a hand-drawn postcard in the form of a bear with a heart. Modern and cute.

Next are the ideas for minimalist congratulations. From here you can take note of the ornament or text. Look at the font and shape of the letters. Also, such congratulations look more modern and interesting on a square base.

Balloons with letters are also interesting and unconventional.

Buttons add a unique touch to the greeting card.

Similar ideas can be made in the form of an applique and simply drawn.

To do this, I provide these templates for sketching. They can be cut out and outlined.

High school students can repeat the idea from chemistry lessons.

Mom will like even an ordinary Valentine's card.

For those who find it difficult to draw something on their own, here are the diagrams for printing.

I was also captivated by postcards with embroidery. But you can take the ornament itself as a basis. Look how laconic and stylish the card looks.

It certainly won’t be difficult for high school students to repeat something similar. Just instead of embroidery, draw the ornament with markers or gel pens. Below are some ornament ideas.

Oh, how I love this kind of self-expression through beauty!

How to make birthday cards with balloons

What do you need

  • Thick gray paper;
  • double-sided paper of different colors;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • compass;
  • regular glue and/or glue stick;
  • glue gun;
  • twine or other thick threads;
  • White paper;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • glue stick;
  • colored tape.

How to do

1. Fold gray construction paper in half crosswise. Cut a rectangle with sides 20 and 14 cm from a pink sheet. Cut a rectangle measuring 16 x 10 cm from gray construction paper.

Using double-sided tape, glue the small gray part onto the pink one, and secure the latter onto the cover of the future card.

2. Cut many strips of colored paper of different thicknesses, but the same length. These are blanks for balls. Conditionally divide one strip into three parts and bend it twice along the lines.

Draw a circle on the resulting part using a compass. Cut along the contour - you will have three circles.

3. Prepare circles from the remaining colored stripes in the same way.

4. Cut small triangles from the remaining folded paper. Glue them to the bottom of each circle.

5. Fold a small strip of paper in half. Unfold and fold each side like an accordion, as shown in the photo and video below.

6. Make as many of the same parts as you have balls. Glue them to the circles so that the accordions are on top.

7. Using a glue gun, attach a piece of twine or other thick thread to each ball.

8. Fold the long edges of the white paper about 2 cm and cut along the contour so that you get two strips folded lengthwise. Fold each one in half crosswise three times. Cut out identical triangles from them so that the bases of the shapes are on the fold. Details are in the video below.

9. Write one letter from the phrase “Happy Birthday” on each triangle. Lubricate the inside of the flags with glue, put them on two pieces of rope and glue them together. Tie the ends of these two strings together.

10. Lubricate the accordions with glue on the back of the balls and distribute them beautifully inside the card. Save a few for the cover.

11. Tie the ends of the twine, twist and cut off the excess. Using a glue gun, attach the letter flags to the card.

12. Write a congratulatory message at the bottom of the cover. Glue a few balls at the top. Cut off the excess twine and tie it with ribbon.

Cards from palms

This refers to children's palms, or, more precisely, their contours cut out of colored paper. The creative procedure itself is simple, funny and exciting, and the crafts are very cute and touching.

What's the best way to make a craft like this? That's how.

  1. We place a child’s palm on a sheet of paper and trace it with a pencil. A child can do this on his own, but it’s even better if someone older helps him.
  2. If you wish, you can outline and cut out one palm with a pencil, or two at once. You will get two palms if you bend the paper in half before placing your palm on it and tracing it with a pencil.
  3. Cut out the outline of the palm with scissors.

Well, then creativity begins. It’s easy to make a flower or even a whole bouquet from single palms. For example, this one.

And from two palms folded together, you get such excellent holiday crafts. For example, with a heart...

Or with a butterfly...

Or you can do it even simpler, and don’t cut anything out, but just smear the children’s palms with paint, and then apply them to a white sheet of paper. Even one child’s hand printed on a sheet of paper will bring joy to the mother. And if there are a lot of prints...

Volumetric card “Dress” using origami technique for the holiday

Congratulatory ideas with decor in the form of dresses are very popular now. You can simply cut them out of napkins or paper. Or you can fold it in style and I’ll give you a diagram below.

For example, this option is done in about 20 minutes.

Here is a diagram for cutting out the front face piece.

For this lace dress we take two napkins.

One of them goes to the skirt, the second to the bodice.

This option is more labor-intensive.

First of all, we make a hanger from a paper clip.

Cut out the details. We fold the skirt along the dotted lines, alternating folds. First fold down.

If the fold goes up, you get this option.

More diagrams.

You can simply make such a design.

Here is the diagram, we turn the edges towards ourselves, on the front side.

Options using the origami technique.

Detailed step-by-step folding diagram.

Here is another applique postcard with a princess. For some reason she reminds me of Cinderella.

Let's take this template with details. and cut out the blanks. Arm - 2 pieces, 3 circles per sleeve, 2 pieces of oval parts.

We make cuts where the scissors are indicated.

The circles need to be folded in half and glued. We fold the oval parts of the dress inward and fix the ends.

Assembling the application.

The hair can be made from sisal or from thin strips of paper that are wrapped around a skewer.

Another idea with an apron.

Below we will look at what little children can do simply and quickly.

Postcard with a dress made of fabric

The most notable thing about this card is the fabric skirt. We collect one edge using a needle and thread.

Assembling a fabric skirt

Glue the top part of the paper dress.

Glue the top of the dress

We complement the craft with various decorations and designs.

Postcard with a dress made of fabric

Beautiful and light cards with children's hands for Mother's Day for kindergarten children

Namely, use your cute little hands. The prints make wonderful flowers.

Here are options for combining and using children's handprints.

You can cut their shape out of paper. Here is a diagram for the craft.

For example, for an idea like this.

Open palms are always a sign of friendliness and acceptance.

You can take this template inside and glue a flower, heart or bird inside.

An interesting version of a hug postcard with a photo of a child.

This template will do.

Another idea with hands and heart.

A preschooler can create such a cupcake simply and quickly. Cut out the handprint and place it in a muffin tin. Of course, an adult helps tie the bow beautifully.

I also found some options.

Bouquet of palms.

Flower postcard with a picture of mom.

Or we simply decorate our palm with flowers. The child will cope.

Let me remind you that for applications with children it is better to use PVA glue, it is considered the safest.

Let the baby write a congratulation to his mother from the bottom of his heart. Sometimes they turn out to be very funny, but also very sincere.

Postcards made of plasticine

Children love plasticine even more than colored paper. And making different figures from it is generally one of the most favorite children’s activities. So why not make a holiday card for mom from this craft material? For example, a plasticine bouquet. Or - some picture with animals, houses, cars, etc.

It should be done like this.

  1. We prepare the base for the postcard - a flat rectangular board or plywood. It would be better if it was painted in some nice color.
  2. We sculpt an image from plasticine: colorful flowers, a landscape, a funny animal, etc.
  3. We glue it all to the base as we sculpt.

When the plasticine card is ready, we give it to mom.

Postcard made of cotton pads and colored paper

A very beautiful craft that anyone, even a very small child, can make.

  1. Take cotton pads and a colored button. The discs are the petals of the future flower, and the button is its center.
  2. Cut out a stem and leaves from green paper.
  3. Take a colored rectangular piece of cardboard (any color can be) and glue a button onto it. We place cotton pads around it, and below - a stem with leaves along the edges.

That's it, the cute greeting card is ready. And besides, it’s also voluminous!

Postcard made in scrapbooking style

Doing it is also quite difficult, but difficult does not mean impossible. First of all, let us provide preliminary accompanying clarifications.

  1. Such cards are made from any material that is at hand: cardboard, various decor, lace, ribbons, felt, curly staplers, etc.
  2. In principle, you can buy materials for making postcards if you don’t have anything suitable at hand.
  3. The same goes for the decorations used to make the card. They can be homemade or store bought.

These photographs will tell you in detail how to make such cards. They capture the entire process from start to finish.

At the same time, it should turn out to be such beauty.

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