Master class “Do-it-yourself volumetric paper elephant”

How to sew a soft elephant with your own hands, where can you find patterns?

How to sew a soft elephant with your own hands, where can you find patterns?

General rules for working with paper

When considering the rules for working with paper, it is important to accurately understand the pattern. Sometimes you need to fold the sheet by eye. Depending on the chosen angle, the outline of the animal will change.

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Masters draw the attention of beginners to the need to select high-quality material. A thin sheet rolls well, but at the same time it wears off and does not keep its shape well.

Paper folding

Important! The density indicator should be at the level of 100 g per 1 sq. m.

There is special paper for origami, but it is not available everywhere.

The squares are supplied in different widths:

There are also large options for professionals and the smallest sheets with a width of only 2.5 cm. The main requirement for the material is light weight.

A foil sheet is also considered as an alternative. In store windows it may be labeled as a sandwich. From the name it is clear that we are talking about gluing two materials: a sheet of foil and paper (it can be on one or both sides). Its advantages:

  • rigidity;
  • variety of colors;
  • suitable option for small toys.

Baby elephant toy with free pattern

Added: 04/26/2010Author of the article: Ekaterina Vinnichek
One day I came up with the idea of ​​giving a baby elephant toy. After looking at several patterns of elephant toys from the Internet, I realized that I’d rather make my own (I wanted a real elephant, not a flat one like a pillow, but a real one, standing on four legs)!

I took 2 patterns I found as a basis and made the one you see below and can download for free.

Materials needed to work on a baby elephant:

  • fleece (preferably two colors);
  • filler;
  • eyes (beads, embroidery threads, fabric paints...);
  • threads

Operating procedure

1. From fleece of the same color, cut out:

  • 2 body parts,
  • 2 abdominal parts,
  • 2 ear parts,
  • 1 forehead piece,
  • 2 parts for the ponytail.

Attention: if two parts are indicated in the cutting, then they need to be cut out in a mirror image.

Leave a seam allowance of 5 mm and cut it out. The photo above shows all the details from the front side.

2. We sew the forehead of our baby elephant toy into the head, aligning the l marks on the pattern. 3. Sew the parts of the abdomen together. We fold the parts of the baby elephant's abdomen along the seam line with the wrong side inward, and then put these parts into the main parts of the elephant's body. 4. Sew the elephant’s body (when sewing in the abdomen, you must ensure that marks A and B are aligned). Attention: we leave the top of the trunk and the bottom of the legs unsewn! 5. Turn inside out through a hole in one of the legs (This method is only suitable for toys with thick legs; for small toys, leave a hole in the back or belly unsewn, turn inside out and stuff through it). We stuff the toy (again through the legs). 6. From fleece of a different color, cut out the feet and nose (unsewn top of the trunk) of the elephant. We sew these parts to the stuffed body of the toy using a hidden seam. 7. Sew the tail. Turn it inside out and sew it to the elephant with a hidden seam. We don’t stuff the tail!

8. Cut out 2 more ear parts from fleece in an additional color (in a mirror image).

We sew the ear pieces together and turn them inside out.

My Elephant will have white ones on the inside. We sew on the ears using a hidden stitch (you can experiment with the placement of the ears on the elephant’s head).

Attention: you don’t need to stuff your ears either!

9. Now we’ll make a tightener for the baby elephant’s eyes. How? We stitch the head all the way through with a long needle with a strong thread inserted into it in the designated places and pull it together, fastening the thread well (but so that the place of fastening is then covered by the baby elephant’s eye).

10. All that remains is to glue (sew, draw or embroider) the eyes. You can also make eyelashes (I painted them with acrylic paint directly on the eyes.

Now the elephant is ready.

PS If you wish, you can glue a tongue and a bang to the elephant, sew an elegant blanket... I thought about it for a long time, but didn’t do it. (My toy was intended for a little boy and for the sake of safety I sacrificed a little beauty).

The original of this master class can be found on the author’s website.

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