Weaving a mandala with your own hands: a simple technique and tips for beginners

Weaving a mandala is a fascinating but labor-intensive activity. Mandalas are multi-colored woven amulets that came to us from Buddhist religious practices. In modern realities, as a rule, the sacred meaning of mandalas gives way to an aesthetic purpose. Often they are used only as an accessory. Despite this, mandalas continue to serve a dual function, decorating the home and becoming a talisman for their owners.

The mandala shape is a geometric figure. Beginning needlewomen should practice their hand at repeatedly weaving figures according to patterns. As you gain experience and reach the professional level, you can create your own patterns and unique variations of mandala weaving. The network contains a lot of video lessons and master classes on weaving mandalas, so finding materials for training will not be difficult.

See also:

  • Motanka doll. What is it and how to do it yourself.

Where to start weaving a mandala?

Before weaving a mandala, the needlewoman must choose the purpose of its weaving. As mentioned above, the mandala has a sacred meaning, which means that the pattern according to which the mandala will be woven must be chosen in accordance with the desires of the craftswoman. This could be a mandala attracting love, financial or family well-being, etc. You can learn more about the meanings of mandalas from online sources.

The first stage preceding the process of working on a mandola is the preparation of tools and materials. In order to create your own talisman, you will need the following items:

  1. Threads.
    Mandalas are woven from dense and durable woolen threads.
  2. The basis.
    Ordinary knitting needles or any wooden sticks of the same size can be used as the basis for the mandala. If a needlewoman wants to make a pocket mandala, then simple toothpicks can be used as a basis.
  3. Scheme . To work, novice craftswomen will definitely need a weaving diagram with a detailed description of the stages of weaving. You can print it yourself. It is important to have the final version of the work before your eyes in order to understand whether you are moving in the right direction.
  4. Decoration . You should not decorate the mandala with additional elements if its purpose is to act as a talisman, but if you plan to use the mandala as a decoration, then you can use beads, seed beads, buttons, etc. as decoration.

How to charge a mandala that you created yourself?

The mandala completely “absorbs” a person’s energy at the time the image is created. For this reason, you need to completely “free” yourself inside from negativity, resentment, doubt and fear. Weave a mandala either on the day of the full moon or on the days when the moon is waxing. Such a moon will definitely help ensure that your product is not only beautiful, but also strong.

Carefully prepare the work area to weave the mandala. Don't let anyone or anything distract you. You must weave a mandala all alone and without TV (unless, of course, this is just entertainment for you).

You are only allowed to turn on background relaxing music. This is the only way you can “charge the mandala” with your personal energy and “infuse a soul into it.”

What is the process of weaving a mandala?

First, the base for the mandala is made. The first step is to take wooden sticks or knitting needles, which are connected to each other in the shape of a web or snowflake. Then woolen threads are connected to the case, they are braided around the resulting frame, following the diagram and instructions.

There are different patterns for weaving mandalas. As a rule, different geometric shapes are taken as a basis. For example, polygon, circle, dodecahedron.

The color of the mandala depends on the chosen purpose of the talisman. Each color in the amulet has its own symbolism. It is best for beginning craftswomen to practice weaving skills using several colors (no more than 4 colors). A small number of colors will help avoid confusion in complex patterns.

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  • Macrame. Where to begin?

Which threads are best to make from?

Today, creating a talisman from threads with your own hands is considered one of the most interesting and accessible ways for ordinary people. In the process of weaving, the mandala will be “charged” with a person’s positive energy and “tuned in” to the desired wavelength.

Important! Representing a diagram consisting of a circle inscribed in a square, which is also enclosed in a circle, the amulet can have several meanings and variations. Each of the geometric shapes woven into the diagram differs from the others in color, which is associated with one of the wisdoms. For yourself, you need to choose the one that can bring the fulfillment of your desires as close as possible.

When starting to create a talisman, you need to think carefully about what colors it will contain:

  • orange and yellow will help protect the physical body from diseases and magical influences;
  • shades of blue and blue bring calm, protect from the evil eye and help a person concentrate;
  • green brings monetary wealth and luck in work;
  • red helps improve positions on the love front;
  • purple and lilac promote the discovery of creative talents;
  • white helps improve memory and organize thoughts.

After the color scheme has been chosen, you need to start selecting the threads from which the amulet will be created. Experienced needlewomen advise paying attention to the following nuances:

  • A product made from natural wool looks best;
  • for weaving small amulets, you should choose hard linen or cotton;
  • Cotton thread with the addition of viscose will help add shine to the product;
  • fleecy acrylic is best used for teaching;
  • nylon threads stretch well, but they also sag over time; it is better not to use them.

What else will you need?

After you have chosen threads that are suitable in color and material, you need to start choosing sticks for the frame. In most cases, the frame consists of 2 or four pieces.

Important! To create small amulets, ordinary table toothpicks or pen refills are suitable. To weave large ones, use pencils, sushi sticks or wooden skewers. Branches cut from a tree are also suitable for this purpose. If they are not very even, you can correct the situation with the help of a rigid tourniquet, which is used to tighten them and leave them in this state overnight.

Practical advice for beginners

To ensure that creating a mandala does not seem difficult and confusing, but brings pleasure from the creative process, you should consider a number of recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to decide on the purpose of weaving . Each weaving pattern has its own sacred meaning, and each color has its own symbolism. If you are weaving a mandala as a talisman, familiarize yourself with this in advance.
  2. For the mandala to really serve as a talisman, tune in to a positive mood , do not weave the product in a hurry or in a bad mood, think about why you are creating the mandala.
  3. Before you start weaving a full-fledged mandala from multi-colored threads, fill your hand with one color . The main thing is to learn how to work with patterns and understand how the weaving process occurs.
  4. A small item can be a talisman that will accompany you throughout the day if you put it in your bag or pocket. A large-shaped mandala will look harmonious in the interior of your home.
  5. Having learned how to weave mandalas, mastering other types of weaving will not be difficult. Subsequently, you will be able to create various accessories from threads.
  6. The mandala can also be used as a keychain or craft .

What is a woven mandala?

Mandalas were born in Eastern culture as a magical symbol that helps achieve desires and protect against negative energy. Initially, they were created on sand, but now it is customary to transfer images to paper or weave them from threads.

It is believed that the symbolic pattern, combined with guided meditation and visualization of desire, helps achieve the goal .
In addition, this item can become an original element of room decor and bring a lot of pleasure and creative expression in the process of its making. Interesting! Eastern teachings say that the mandala is a model of the universe. It has all the elements and natural elements. This is a strong amulet for a person. Contemplation of magnificent patterns sets you up for a positive train of thought and allows you to grow spiritually .

What should you focus on when starting work?

You can find out what meaning this or that mandala carries by reading special esoteric literature. The most common colors used when weaving mandalas are blue, purple, green, red, white. Colors can be mixed and matched depending on individual preferences and vision. Weaving a mandala develops imagination and creativity.

The mandala can be used as interior decoration, presented as a gift to a loved one, or carried with you as a talisman.

See also:

  • How to beautifully photograph your work?

Meaning of colors

Each color in mandala weaving has its own meaning. It is necessary to know this information in order to make a mandala to fulfill certain desires.

Meaning of flowers:

  • blue color protects from damage;
  • blue - helps restore health, clears the brain of fears;
  • financial support can be provided by a mandala where the main color is green. The same amulet can be made to achieve success in some profession;
  • to strengthen willpower, the symbol is made of red threads. The same color symbolizes love, passion, desire. She can attract love;
  • a white mandala strengthens memory;
  • the purple symbol will protect a person from approaching danger, witchcraft. Yellow and orange have similar properties.


Secrets of weaving mandalas for beginners

Weaving a mandala from threads

Master Class

How to weave an Indian mandala

Weaving a magic mandala

See also:

  • How to beautifully photograph your work?

Money mandala - myth, magic or real practical help?

Wicker mandala

Each mandala has a set of symbols, signs in one form or another. Each of these signs has its own meaning. Thanks to this, you can draw a mandala that will be able to solve problems in one or another area of ​​life.

Money mandalas need to be able to draw, read and explain their action in the same way as all the others (mandalas of health, protection, for love, etc.). You need to know how to work with them, how to perceive your vision of the drawing, and what to do to set yourself up to attract monetary energy.

On the Internet you can find mandala drawings to attract money, but not for each you will find a description and “usage guide”.

In our example today, we will talk about a mandala, which has a very strong impact on money channels.

You can make a lot of efforts to attract money into your life. In addition to everyday work, people meditate, cast spells, create money amulets, perform rituals to attract money, but the money still does not arrive.

There may be more reasons that prevent us from becoming financially independent than we see. We will not reject everything that “lies on the surface”: imperfect legislation, the wrong country, the wrong government, a bad boss and the like. This can also affect the contents of our wallet. However, why are others, under the same living conditions, luckier?

Successful people have their own secrets that they are not willing to share with them. How they opened all the money channels, we cannot know. Most likely, all successful people listen to the advice of their ancestors and respect the technologies for achieving success that have been developed over centuries.

The mandala presented in this article is aimed specifically at unblocking money channels. Save this drawing to your computer, print out several copies, and draw as many times as you like.

Our money mandala is drawn from triangles that have very active Yang energy. The triangle, depending on its image, can have the following meanings: indicate the target, cut, direct on the right path, pierce, scare. These are the most suitable qualities to “break through the blockage” in the money channel.

The triangles are constructed in such a way that the energy is maximized and fixed in the desired orbit, at a certain speed. This money mandala, like a perpetual motion machine, will rotate at a constant speed, not allowing the energy of money to stagnate. Self-cleaning of financial channels occurs.

There are 3 options:

  1. You see a pipe that is moving away from you, narrowing. This means that your money channels have a strong blockage, which you will have to work hard to clear.
  2. The circle in the center of the picture moves towards you, creating the top of the pyramid. This means that your money channel does not have congestion, but it does have holes (like holes in your pockets). And the money is lost on the way to you.
  3. You see the mandala constantly moving. She spins like a wheel. The center of this wheel has a constant size - it does not narrow or expand, it firmly holds the rotating disk on itself. This is how people who have everything in order in their financial flow see the mandala.

** If you see something of your own that is not similar to the description above, this is also outside the norm, and you will need to work with the mandala to unblock money channels.

  • You need a little preparation for this sacrament: relax through meditation or just take a few deep breaths.
  • You can turn on softly pleasant music and take a comfortable position.
  • Print out the mandala drawing and color it, starting from the middle. The first mandala can be colored by drawing pencils at random. This way, based on color, you can give a more in-depth assessment of the state of your cash flow at the moment.
  • The first mandala, if you don’t like it at all, can be burned after you finish drawing. In this way, you remove some of the problems drawn from the subconscious that prevented you from tuning into a favorable rhythm of life.
  • Draw the second and subsequent mandalas consciously, choosing the color you like. Allow yourself any color combination, color repetition, or color the entire mandala with one pencil. You can put off drawing a mandala if you are tired.
  • The mandala you decide to keep will need to be left on a table or other location for 2-4 weeks or more. Place a folded bill in the center of the mandala.
  • After a while, it can be burned (or you can leave it). Draw a new mandala and hang it anywhere. Unlike many symbols and signs, a money mandala (like any other) can decorate a room without hiding from the eyes of strangers. It perfectly absorbs negativity, cleansing the space.
  • The mandala for unblocking money channels must be carried in your wallet.

By the way, the process of creating a mandala is also a kind of meditation. By coloring a picture, the human brain begins to actively work, generating the necessary energy. Special symbols and signs of the money mandala set the mind to the correct rhythm, and the color palette can explain problems and suggest methods for solving them.

When starting to work with a mandala, you need to contact it every day, looking at it for several minutes (up to an hour).

It is necessary to take into account your physical and emotional state. If you experience the slightest discomfort, meditation with the mandala stops.

  • You can recite special mantras while looking at the drawing.
  • Meditation with a mandala can be simple contemplation on it, accompanied by pleasant music or in deep silence. There is no need to try to analyze your sensations, just watch yourself dive deep into your consciousness.
  • Try not to blink while looking at the drawing. Try not to run your eyes over the sectors of the mandala, look at its center. Over time, you will learn to focus your gaze.
  • The perception of symbols and signs in a drawing, the combination of colors occurs differently for everyone. Perhaps the visual effects will begin to take on new shapes and shades, or the mandala will begin to disappear at some point. Don't be afraid of this. Simply, observe without judging what is happening.

Concentrating your gaze on the center of the picture allows you to keep your consciousness in a calm state for some time. Thoughts are streamlined, the internal, endless and useless dialogue stops, and anxieties go away. At this moment, the center of the mandala will enter into full interaction with your “I”. This is the ultimate goal of mandala meditation.

You may not immediately understand how this happens. Daily training leads to cleansing of energy, making room for a new, healthy perception of the world.

  • The mandala is controlled by man, and not vice versa. Through your thoughts it attracts energy to itself. The mandala itself, without your participation, will not generate energy.
  • The more positive your thoughts are, the more energy there is in the mandala.
  • The mandala, thanks to the open energy information channel, conducts energy through it to you.
  • You can work with a mandala at any distance and at any time of the day. For example, if you are on the go and don’t want to take out her image in front of people, just focus your thoughts on the drawing with your eyes closed. Hold the image in front of your eyes as long as you can.
  • The more often you mentally turn to the mandala, the greater its energetic impact on your life processes. A kind of energy exchange takes place here: you spend energy during meditation, the mandala returns energy to you in the form of a message to solve problems or a key to discovering your hidden resources. No distance can become a barrier to connecting with your mandala.

At first, such communication is necessary daily, for 5-7 months, then sessions can be reduced to 2 times a week. **A prerequisite is to remember to end your meditation (communication) with the mandala with words of gratitude. This practice of using the mandala is suitable for all its images created to solve a particular problem.

The practical use of a mandala does not relate to divination or magic. This is a long-studied method of safe psychological influence on a person’s subconscious, self-hypnosis.

Why is it safe?

Everything is very simple - when working with a mandala, all processes are controlled by a person. You can go as far in your imagination as you allow yourself.

Scientists have long proven a method for effectively treating psychological problems using drawing and color perception.

As you already understand, dear readers, sacred drawings come in different forms. In this article we looked at working with images to unlock money channels. This money mandala is not the only one; there are many more. And we will definitely talk about them too.

Now read the article on how to weave a mandala from threads.

Start applying this magic right now, without putting it off until later.

Wicker mandala

To receive the “magic” that a mandala gives, you must believe in its effectiveness. This is the only way you will definitely get what you want. The most popular mandala for weaving is the love mandala. It is woven when a person wants to meet his “soul mate,” find happiness in a relationship, or get married. In order for your mandala to be “strong”, it must be woven from red, pink, yellow, blue and purple threads.

In order to create a money mandala, you need to use colors such as:• Green• Light green• Turquoise• Blue• Dark blue• White• Gold

A mandala or “sacred circle” is a special image; drawing is a kind of creative meditation that helps to get closer to feelings of balance, harmony, and unity

Mandalas that fulfill cherished wishes

There are many options for geometric designs that help realize your plans. One person likes floral patterns, the other is fascinated by classical geometry.

You can download, add and color any image

Draw from scratch or paint it yourself - there is also no definite answer to this question.

  1. Imagine that a powerful flow of warm energy emanates from the circle; the drawing comes to life under your hands, forming swirls with a plus sign.
  2. Activate the colored picture using mental and bodily impulses.
  3. It is better to work on creating a visual talisman while listening to relaxing music. Listening to audio recordings of nature or singing bowls will help.

You can revive and fill the paper with strength like this: sit on the floor, put the piece of paper on your knees, put your hands on top. Don't cross your legs. The back is straight. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Feel the warmth flowing down your spine, from head to toe. It spreads over the limbs and saturates the talisman through the palms.

Weaving mandalas with your own hands

Take a couple of toothpicks and threads of your favorite color. We put the toothpicks together and tie them in the middle with a regular double knot.

Rotate the toothpicks to form a cross. We secure them in this position with several turns of thread along one diagonal, and then along the other.

Now we begin to weave a “square”. We wrap the thread around each toothpick in turn, moving in a spiral. At the same time, we hide the tail of the thread that remains from the knot under the braid. You will need to do this with all the ponytails.

It turns out to be a small square. When the size seems sufficient, fix the thread with a knot and cut off the tip.

Choose a thread of a different color and continue weaving the square. You need to secure it with a double knot on one of the toothpicks.

Then go in the same way in a circle, sequentially wrapping around each toothpick.

After a few rows, tie a knot and cut the thread.

Take the second pair of toothpicks and repeat all the manipulations. Only this time we make the square one color - it will still be almost invisible in the mandala. Both squares should be approximately the same size.

When both squares are ready, the hardest part begins - you need to connect them. Choose another color and tie a thread to one of the toothpicks.

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