DIY bracelet made of leather cord and beads for beginners

Bracelets made from natural materials will always be relevant. These universal accessories can add zest and complement the image of both a business person and a very extraordinary one. The leather cord bracelet has become the most popular, because the model range of this product will be limited only by your imagination. This article will talk about the origin of leather bracelets and provide 5 interesting master classes on creating original jewelry.

From the history of the accessory

According to historians, such an accessory as a bracelet has been known to mankind since the Stone Age. People didn’t just create jewelry with their own hands, they invested deep sacred meaning into it. The close connection between man and nature was reflected in the objects he created. Moving from era to era, humanity used ever new materials for its creations. The first of them were stone, wood, leather, animal fangs. To this day, these materials have not lost their attractiveness.

Initially, leather bracelets were very massive and rough. They served primitive man for protection during the hunt. It was used as a talisman that could protect the owner from illness, injury and failure in battle. Only warriors had the privilege of wearing such accessories, and the richer the decoration, the higher the status of its wearer. Nowadays, this trend is gradually fading away. If previously the brand was valued, now the originality and attractiveness of the product are more valued. Therefore, needlewomen try to make leather jewelry on their own.

Women's wardrobes were replenished with leather bracelets when the weaker sex was allowed to participate in battles. Nowadays, a bracelet has the function of decoration, which can tell a lot about the owner. By looking at a bracelet you can learn about a person’s sense of style, status, and hobbies. A leather bracelet has a number of advantages: durability, ease of execution, unisex style. This unique accessory will easily complement any look, wherever the fickle wind of fashion blows.

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Bright colors

A leather bracelet is a place for experimentation. To create a masterpiece, all you need to do is paint the decoration. Special paints are sold that can give the product a unique look. This rather crude material sometimes resembles ancient times, in which it was widespread. Therefore, on a massive bracelet made of such material, you can draw pictures similar to rock paintings. Such decoration will attract attention and will definitely make the owner stand out from the crowd.

For macrame lovers

Very interesting leather bracelets can be made using weaving. Despite the simplicity of execution, this product looks very original. The difficulty level is very low, so the master class proposed below is suitable even for beginner craftswomen.

Add a few accents in the form of pendants or interesting accessories and the original decoration will delight you for a very long time.

To create such a bracelet you will need:

  • leather ribbons or laces;
  • scissors;
  • end switches – 2 jokes;
  • pliers;
  • rings - 2 pieces;
  • lobster clasp;
  • decor as desired.

Cut the laces so long that they fit four times around your wrist.

Carefully lay out the workpieces in a straight line, insert into the end piece and crimp with pliers.

Secure the workpiece.

Braid the laces into a braid.

Do a fitting. The bracelet should go around your wrist twice. Trim off the excess, leaving 1.5-2 cm.

Strengthen the second limit switch. Attach rings to it and insert a clasp. The bracelet is ready!

Having mastered the simplest principle of creating an accessory, you can try to weave a bracelet in a different way. We offer you several popular schemes.


Required tools and materials:

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  • thick skin;
  • beads;
  • shoe thread;
  • awl;
  • button - 2 pcs.;
  • thin leather for the reverse side;
  • knife;
  • metal ruler;
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut a pattern out of leather in the shape of a rectangle with a width of 4 cm, leaving an overlap of 2.5 cm for the fastener.

  2. Cut a rectangle from checkered paper 1 cm narrower than the bracelet and 2 cm shorter and attach it to the workpiece. Using an awl or gel pen, mark each cell along the long sides of the leaf.

  3. Using a metal ruler, make parallel cuts along the marked points, without reaching the edges of the part.

  4. Draw a line along the bracelet, dividing it in half, with an awl.

  5. If the skin is thick and difficult to pierce with a needle, make holes with an awl along the marked line.
  6. Sew the part in the center, turning the internal elements over.

  7. Sew decor along the bracelet.
  8. Cut a rectangle out of leather for the lining the same size as the bracelet. Coat both parts with glue around the perimeter.
  9. Connect the parts, trim the edge with scissors. Then make 2 holes for fasteners and insert buttons.

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Multi-row decoration

Creating a unique accessory with a connector is fun and simple. The connector is a small insert for jewelry.

At both ends of the part there are rings into which you can thread a cord and secure it with a simple knot.

But it also happens that the connector eye is very small. In this case, connecting rings or spring clips are used.

To create a leather bracelet with a connector you will need:

First, attach the spring clip to the connector eye.

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Cut 20 cm of red leather cord and thread it into the connector as shown in the photo. Repeat on the other side.

Cut three gray laces twice as long as your wrist. Fasten their ends with glue and secure with a clamp.

Braid the same length as the red lace. Remove the loop from the spring and place it at the end of the weave.

Twist the ends arbitrarily and, retreating a distance equal to the width of the connector, strengthen the second spring. Continue braiding. Secure its ends with glue. Make exactly the same part.

For multi-row bracelets, wide end clamps are used; a ribbon clamp will do. Using connecting rings, install a fastener at its ends.

After careful fitting, remove excess cord tails. Coat the ends with glue and install a wide end. Make sure the laces are straight.

A magnificent decoration made of leather cords with an insert is ready!

What types of leather bracelets are there?

There are so many varieties of leather bracelets! Because of the neutral material, they are worn by both men, women, and even children. They can be divided into:

  • wide and narrow. The first are similar in shape to wristbands and can completely cover the wrist;

  • woven from cords, thin strips of leather;
  • using jewelry: pendants, charms, beads. Sometimes the bracelet is woven using threads or strips of other fabric;
  • with punched perforation, completely smooth;
  • with different types of fasteners. Accessories can be worn without a special fastener, may have buttons or buttons, and sometimes even fastened like a trouser belt. Often wicker models are simply tied on the hand using small laces.

In general, there are a huge number of bracelet options! Everyone can choose for themselves what suits their taste, style and convenience. Let's choose and make one of the bracelet options together.

Bracelet with decorative rings

Another master class will allow you to create an elegant bracelet with inserts of decorative rings. To create it you will need:

  • leather cord – 120 cm;
  • limit switches;
  • three decorative rings;
  • connecting rings – 2 pieces;
  • clasp;
  • scissors and pliers.

Divide the cord into 6 equal parts. Take the end cap and secure the laces; for greater strength, lubricate the parts with glue.

Distribute the laces in 2 pieces. Place a ring on the central pair.

Braid as shown in the photo.

Repeat weaving two more times.

After trying on, trim off any excess laces. Crimp the other end of the bracelet with the end cap and insert the clasp.

A stylish and elegant accessory is ready!

Manufacturing algorithm

  1. Before making a bracelet, measure your wrist to determine the length of the future product;

  2. take a piece of leather and cut out the base. You can do this by eye, or you can draw outlines from the wrong side. The base can be either rectangular or have an intricate shape: one side is narrower than the other (see example in the photo);
  3. wrap the blank around the brush and figure out where the button should be. This model of bracelet should not sit too loosely, but should not put pressure;
  4. Make marks on the reverse side with a pen - parts of the button will be located there. By the way, you can make marks while the workpiece is still on your hand - just insert a pin there so that the puncture remains on both layers. Be careful not to puncture your hand;
  5. the buttons are punched either with a special apparatus (press) or using a set for installing buttons and a hammer. Don't forget that the button has two parts, each of which is attached to two sides of the skin. All in one button 4 parts. If you have doubts and are afraid of ruining the product, the buttons are installed in the studio quickly and professionally;

  6. After these manipulations, you can finish and try on the accessory, or you can install another button for beauty. A stylish and laconic men's bracelet is ready.

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Noble turquoise

Leather products look incredibly beautiful in combination with natural stones. We suggest you make a bracelet from leather cords and beads. We will use luxurious turquoise beads.

To make a bracelet, take:

  • brown leather cord - 2 pieces of 80 cm each;
  • turquoise beads;
  • thin thread made of leather;
  • needle;
  • decorative button;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment Crystal".

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The manufacturing process consists of entwining a pair of laces with leather thread. In this case, beads made of natural turquoise are inserted one by one.

Having reached the desired length of the product, lubricate the back of the laces with glue. This will help prevent the thread from moving when worn.

Form a loop on one side and sew a button to the lace on the other.

The decoration is ready!

Making a women's leather wristband

A wristband is not only a sports attribute. A stylish wide bracelet is easy to make from leather. Moreover, it will not look rude, but very feminine. Let's make a female version - add a little glamor and aesthetics.

Materials and tools

To make the accessory you will need:

  • natural or artificial leather (must be sufficiently elastic);
  • a piece of cardboard (not too thick - it should bend according to your hand);
  • ballpoint pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue for leather and textiles (you can also use “Moment”);
  • glue brush;
  • needle with thread;
  • thimble;
  • awl;
  • hammer;
  • beads, beads - if necessary, if you want to decorate your wristband with them.

Manufacturing process

Initially, you will need to make a pattern for the future bracelet. Its length depends on the thickness of the place where you plan to wear it. Measure your hand with a measuring tape - this will be the length of the pattern . Determine the width as you wish. Cut out a pattern from cardboard - you should get an oval (see image). Further:

Important! The thicker the wristband you want, the thicker the cardboard you take. You can make several layers and stick them on top of each other.

  • transfer the pattern onto the skin in two copies. Cut one straight along the line, and add half a cm everywhere to the other;

  • Take a cardboard template and a large leather pattern. Glue it onto the cardboard, and carefully wrap the protruding parts, forming neat bends. Glue them firmly - this will be the wrong side of the bracelet. Later it will be closed with our second pattern. When gluing, do not stretch the skin, but gently smooth it. Correct all “wrinkles” on the front side immediately; later it will be impossible to do this .

  • After drying the base of the bracelet, you can start decorating the front side. Use your imagination and come up with an interesting pattern. At this stage, the bracelet can be stitched through using a thread and a needle. In this way, sew on beads, beads or other decorations. If you like, use braid or lace - it should be carefully glued or also sewn through;

  • After the decoration, there were some ugly moments left on the wrong side. You need to cover all of them with the second piece of the pattern. Lubricate the underside with glue and apply the leather. Smooth out and wait until the finished base dries;

  • then proceed to making the fastener. Glue a narrow lace from the remaining leather. If there is no suitable piece, take a ready-made lace;

  • Holes for the cord must be punched on both edges of the bracelet. We recommend doing this using an awl and a hammer. Perform these steps with great care to avoid injury;
  • pass the string through both holes. With its help you can adjust the girth of the product. All is ready. You can try on your masterpiece!

Cord bracelets

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Jewelry is very popular these days, especially non-standard ones, especially handmade ones. It's no secret that products made from laces, threads, and beads have long occupied the same niche of popularity as bracelets made from precious metals and stones. Such products are called baubles, and they are worn by both women and men. Weaving bracelets from laces has some peculiarities.

Features of weaving bracelets

First of all, it is worth saying that such a bauble will decorate any image and add some flavor to individuality. And if you weave something like this with your own hands, then you can safely say that the image definitely contains unique notes.

A bracelet made of laces is always a universal decoration that can be either elegant and discreet, or bright, daring, and attracting attention. Weaving such products is not difficult and very interesting, and the important thing here is that the material for them can be found in any store that sells haberdashery and fabrics.

A model of the future product can be found on any resource or in thematic groups, and you can add a patch, insert, or beads to it and thereby give the bauble individuality. Speaking of materials: leather laces are ideal for creating a bracelet for a rebel and a bright young person, while satin or velvet laces are ideal for a stylish and elegant girl.

Models of baubles

Today there is a wide range of wicker products on sale for every taste. These can be thin and massive bracelets, made from one thread or from several. They can be decorated with beads, stones or ribbons, and can also be as laconic and discreet as possible. What we have today:

  1. Beads. Woven bracelets with bead inserts are bright and beautiful. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the product is made in one color or not. A bracelet with beads is suitable for everyday wear as an element of a fashionable look.
  2. Pendants. A bracelet with a pendant is another bright detail that is very popular among modern fashionistas. Here the pendant, or rather its shape and theme, can highlight almost any image. Most often, metal products in the shape of leaves, flowers, hearts, as well as geometric shapes and symbols of faith are chosen as pendants.
  3. Nuts. No matter how unusual it may sound, nuts can also be used to make products from laces. With their help, you can make an impressive and strong bracelet of medium and large sizes, which will look good not only on a woman’s, but also on a man’s wrist. Nuts will well emphasize the daring image of a rebellious nature.

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Weaving patterns

You can weave your first bracelet from just one cord using the simplest pattern. In this way, you can “get your teeth into” the next creations and get a feel for how to work with this or that material.

It is important to understand here that absolutely anyone can cope with this task, even without any special skills in needlework.

To weave a simple bauble, you will need a regular cord of any color and the simplest pattern.

After a certain time, you can move on to creating more complex weaves that professionals use in their work. Not only two cords can be involved here, but even three or four.

The most dexterous hands will be able to create masterpieces from a variety of cords of different colors, complementing them with decorative elements if desired. Thematic resources provide detailed diagrams, thanks to which you can create designer jewelry step by step.

With the help of diagrams, not only a girl, but even a guy can master the creation of interesting style elements.

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Types of nodes

So, as mentioned above, the simplest pattern for a bauble is weaving a double flat knot. Moreover, each new product using the same design can look completely different due to different materials.

Another common and popular pattern is weaving with knots with the unusual name “tatting”. This pattern looks like air loops, they are also called loop knots on the left and right sides.

The list of the most beautiful knots for bracelets can easily include the “Josephine” pattern, thanks to which you get very beautiful intricate products that will look elegant both in one color and in several.

Another pattern that may resemble “Josephine” is the so-called “Turkish head” or simply the Turkish knot. This type of weaving will definitely appeal to lovers of unusual jewelry.

The so-called “Celtic Knot” is very popular among connoisseurs of authentic accessories, which is woven only once throughout the entire bracelet and is a kind of insert. One of the simplest and most common patterns is the well-known braid of either three laces or five or six; here everything depends on the skill and imagination of the needlewoman.

But if the product consists not only of laces, but also of beads, then it is worth observing some nuances:

  • Before starting work, you need to measure in advance the girth of the wrist on which the future bauble will flaunt, and then take a cord, the length of which will be 4 times greater than the figure obtained when measuring;
  • In addition, you need to prepare at least 9 beads for the bauble itself and plus two smaller beads for the ties;
  • It is recommended to weave a bracelet according to the simplest pattern - this is the so-called “double flat knot”.
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  • Next you should take the following steps:
  • A long cord is cut into three unequal parts: one along the length of the wrist, the second taking into account the size of the beads, and the third for ties;
  • all three laces must be secured to a suitable object: two long laces should be placed at the edges, a short one should be placed in the middle;
  • weaving must begin by retreating about 7-8 cm (for ties);
  • first you need to weave two flat knots according to the diagram;
  • then a bead is strung on the middle cord, which is wrapped around the two outer cords;
  • then two flat knots are made again.

This is how all the work on weaving a bracelet with beads is carried out. In fact, experienced needlewomen can experiment with the number of decorative experiments and knots, everything will depend on imagination and skill.

Braided bracelets are not just a hobby, but a modern fashion accessory not only for everyday wear, but also for special events. If you have several of these products, you can complement absolutely any look in an original way; they will look especially attractive in the summer in combination with sundresses, shorts or bright things with an ethnic theme.

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