We make personalized bracelets with our own hands from beads, threads, beads for lovers

Home » Bracelets » How to make a name bracelet from beads


Irina Vyshivaikina 07/26/2019


Personalized beaded bracelets are a beautiful accessory and a stylish gift that every girl or guy will be delighted with. The decoration can complement the child's image at a party or be used as a souvenir. You can create such a decoration with your own hands using various techniques.

Master class on beading a name bracelet Alice

I offer a step-by-step training lesson.

We will need:

  • pink beads of two colors, size ten
  • bead needle and thread
  • padlock
  • checkered paper for drawing a diagram

Video master class

Bracelet pattern

We take paper and write a name, remember that one cell is one bead. As can be seen from the diagram, the width is 9 beads, and the name itself takes up 24 beads - this is approximately 5 cm. This means that 1 cm will be occupied by 5 beads.

The length needed for a child's hand is approximately 10-11 cm. It turns out that about 3 cm remains at the edges of the name. We will fill it with a beautiful pattern. You can draw your own pattern, for example, a heart or a diamond.

Step by step weaving

The main color will be light pink beads, and the name will stand out in a darkish color. We work from top to bottom - like a snake. We collect nine light pink beads on a needle for the first row.

We collect 1 bead for the 2nd row, and pass the needle through the bead from the 1st row, and again pass the needle through the bead of the second row. Thus we secured the ranks.

From the first row, move 1 bead and take 1 bead for the second row with a needle, insert it into the prepared bead with a needle and again pass through the bead of the 2nd row, using a needle for fastening.

Thus we complete the second row to the end. The first two rows were completed.

Let's take the third row. We take a bead with a needle and insert it in the second row into the first bead, tightening them, and again we pass the needle through the collected bead of the third row.

As you can see, we snake up to the fifth row with light pink beads, and in the sixth we will insert a dark color for the pattern.

Let's move on to the sixth row. We collect 4 beads of light color, the fifth one is dark and again we collect 4 beads of light color.

Let's continue and follow the thread. If the tip of the thread remains approximately fifteen centimeters during beading, then you will need to increase the thread. It is necessary to make a knot and hide the thread in the warp, making the last strong knot and cutting the thread.

Now we weave with a new thread, but in reverse. Having increased the thread, we continue to move according to the pattern.

Upon completion, you need to design the product for the locks. To do this, we extend the thread and bring it out from the middle to the edge of the product. We collect 9 beads, then put on a ring and weave.

Insert a needle into two beads and tighten the ring. We carry on further, grabbing 4 beads and thus continue until the thread is secured in the ring.

History of origin

The history of bracelets goes back to ancient Tibet. The product got its name from the mythical country of Shambhala. Access to it is allowed only to a select few and those who were able to understand the essence of the universe. In order to be in Shambhala, you need to live in complete harmony with the environment and yourself. Only Buddhist monks could achieve all this and, according to one legend, it was they who invented the weaving of bracelets, to which they gave a characteristic meaning.

The Shambhala bracelet consists of several simple knots symbolizing faith . Only nine knots are used, since this is the number that can create a barrier for a person from evil spirits. Buddhist monks go through them one by one and at the same time read their prayers for each.

After some time, Shambhala bracelets found their way into Indian culture, where they were given new meanings. It was in India that glass beads and natural stones began to be added to intertwined knots. This made the bracelets purifiers of health and energy.

Thread jewelry

Thanks to the diversity in the world of needlework, you can learn how to weave bracelets not only with beads, but also with threads. For those who are just learning, I offer lessons on how to create baubles with your name.

Required material

  • 2.5 m white rope
  • letters of the name
  • glue moment
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • ruler

Video master class

Weaving technique

Prepare two threads of 50 cm and one of 1.5 m. Everything is very simple, it starts with a rope 50 cm long. You need to cut the tip obliquely and treat it with a drop of glue. This will give rigidity for easy insertion of the thread into the letters. Now you need to enter the letters with the name one by one.

We are preparing a device for a rope strung with personalized letters - it can be a notebook or a heavier material in the form of a wooden block. We fasten its end, already tied with a knot, to the device with tape.

Next, take a solid thread 1.5 m long and connect its ends exactly. In this way, we determine the middle of the rope and place it under the bottom of the main working thread with the letters. Begin. On the left side we put the rope on top of the main one (it turns out to be an intersection), and on the right side we thread the other end of the thread from below into this intersection. The result is a knot on the right side.

We measure 8 cm from the edge to the knot made with a ruler.

We continue weaving, but in reverse. We put a rope on the right side over the central one, and with the left end from below we pass into the corner and make the next knot.

We alternate knots from left to right and vice versa. Duration – 5 cm. Look how beautiful it turns out.

Let's get started. We lift the first letter up and make two knots, while tightening it tightly, then again the letter and two knots. We continue this procedure with all symbols.

After all the letters have been woven, you need to treat the last knots with transparent glue and trim the ends of the thread. We take a second rope 50 cm long and place it under the central thread with the letters near the last knot. The technique is still the same up to 5 cm.

When finished, glue the knots and cut the threads. Align the ends and make knots at the ends.

Next, you need to fold them crosswise and fix them about 3 cm according to the size of your hand. The process is the same, nothing complicated, as you can see.

Apply glue to the last knots in the same way and trim the threads. The result is pleasing, isn't it? Success in creative work!

Why wood

  • Affordable price is far from the only advantage of the material, although in this regard there are practically no equals to wood. To make small crafts, such as bracelets, you do not need an expensive timber or calibrated board. Furniture production waste in any workshop will be given to you for free or for a symbolic price.

Typesetting products.

  • No overly expensive tools or machines are required. To get started, all you need is a set of sharp knives and sandpaper. As well as paints, impregnations and mastics, most of which can be made with your own hands.
  • The concept of clear instructions is generally inapplicable to any creative work. If your imagination is all right, then the only way to ruin a wooden bracelet is by completely destroying it. All other minor defects, with a competent approach, can easily turn into original solutions.
  • It has been known since ancient times that, in addition to its natural beauty, wood has a positive aura and such jewelry can have a beneficial effect on its owners.

Painted homemade bracelets.

  • Making bracelets is a wonderful hobby; by introducing children to it, you will not only contribute to the development of artistic taste in your child, but also teach your child how to use the tool competently. In addition, the growing fashion for original works can turn your useful hobby into a profitable business.

Name bracelet made of beads

Such an original decoration, woven with your own hands, can add to your jewelry collection, and in the future give it to someone either for a birthday or as a keepsake.

Required accessories and materials:

  • rubber band
  • pink beads
  • letters
  • hanger connector
  • decorative dividers
  • needle
  • pliers
  • scissors

First, you need to distribute the accessories for the creation process on the table in order to see an approximate picture.

If you are ready to start working, then cut off 30 cm of elastic fishing line and pull it into the needle. Then we string it step by step from the first bead to the end. Having cut the fishing line from the needle, tie it in a knot three times, tighten the tails with pliers and cut off the ends of the fishing line, leaving 3 mm tails.

All that remains is to attach the pendant on the opposite side of the name. That's all, it's ready, wear it with pleasure! Nowadays it is very fashionable and popular among young people to wear such simple jewelry with their own names.

Video master class bead decoration

Advice from professionals: how to choose high-quality material for weaving

The highest quality beads are imported from Asia; craftsmen especially value Japanese materials. When purchasing, they recommend carefully reading about the country of origin, as well as inspecting the packaging for integrity. It is best to buy goods in transparent bags, as this allows you to ensure that the beads have the declared characteristics.

Beading experts advise beginners to purchase beads of large or medium diameter to make it easier to string them.

Homemade jewelry instills pride and saves money. Beaded bracelets are no exception, as there are many simple weaves suitable for beginners. And they are not far from truly unusual things.

Personalized beaded bracelet with the name Andrey

You will learn how to create a wonderful gift for the holiday dedicated to St. Andrew the First-Called - the Apostle of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated annually on December 13. On this day, it is customary to go to church for service in the morning, and then gather with the whole family at the large dining table. If among the relatives there is a man named Andrey, then the family gives him a small gift.

Preparing for work

To create a unique gift in the form of a beaded bracelet, you need to prepare the necessary working material:

  • three shades of size ten beads: lilac, black and green
  • black silk thread
  • bead machine
  • scissors
  • schematic images

Having thoroughly prepared for an exciting activity, let’s begin performing scrupulous and interesting work.

Weaving technique

You and I will learn how to make such an unusual decoration

So, we need a machine. They come in different types.

We make the machine ourselves

I don't have a standard machine, so I'll show you how to make it yourself. For these purposes, I prepared an ordinary lid from a cardboard shoe box.

  1. We need to take the prepared material and mark it with a ruler and a simple pencil on each side, 0.5 mm.
  2. We mark the entire width of the product.
  3. Having finished marking the lid, we take scissors in our hands and make small cuts with them. We carry out the work carefully and efficiently.
  4. Next, we connect the cuts along the entire length of the lid with a thread, wrapping it around both sides. Having finished wrapping the workpiece, we tie the fiber on the wrong side into a knot and secure it with tape.

Workflow and diagrams

To begin with, I suggest making a decoration diagram with a name. This is done very simply, draw your product on a notebook sheet in a box and color it, highlighting the name in a separate color. To your liking, create a pattern or a solid color. In this diagram, one cell is counted as one bead. Example diagrams could be:

The next step is to tie the thread to the first stretched fiber. Next, we carefully consider the diagram of the selected pattern. Let's start with the starting row.

1. String nine beads, alternating black and lilac beads, focusing on the template. Stringed on a thread, pass under the stretched threads.

2. Carefully place it in the space between the threads. We fix them well with our fingers. We pass the needle through all the beads in the opposite direction. The initial row is usually difficult, but further work will be easy and they will all fit in even bead rows.

3. Next, we collect the second row. We alternate lilac and black. Do not forget about the schematic image - follow it strictly.

4. Just like in the first row, place the strung beads evenly, evenly under the stretched yarn and place them in the cells.

5. Take a needle, thread it through the second row and carefully tighten the thread. The bead weaving technology is repeated. It is important to stick to the pattern and make the right set of beads - and then you will weave the desired product.

6. We knit the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh rows like the first two, alternating in a checkerboard pattern - black and lilac beads.

7. Eighth, ninth and eleventh - we use exclusively black ones.

Choice by zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign has its own color and stones, so when making Shambhala you need to take this factor into account. This will add even more healing and protective properties to the amulet. Depending on the zodiac sign, the following materials are chosen:

  1. For Aries, translucent or transparent stones and light red shades of color are best.
  2. Green stones will bring success to Taurus.
  3. For twins, the best option would be a combination of different tones (white, yellow, blue, etc.) in one product.
  4. Pastel colors (light pink, pearl, milky) are perfect for Cancers.
  5. Lions are characterized by orange and yellow shades.
  6. Virgos will be successful if their amulet contains transparent minerals and gray colors.
  7. Success will not bypass Libra if they choose peach, pink or yellow shades of stones.
  8. Scorpios love rich colors. They will achieve success by using black, dark blue and bright red stones.
  9. Violet and bright blue tones are suitable for the success of Sagittarius.
  10. Capricorns will be the happiest if any combination of dark tones is present in their Shambhala.
  11. Aquarians prefer any shade of blue.
  12. Pisces will be lucky when using lilac, violet, yellow, pink and green shades.

The Shambhala bracelet is a universal product that will decorate the hand of anyone who wants to wear it. If made correctly and following all the rules and principles, you can get a unique amulet that will protect you from failures and illnesses.

Originally posted 2018-04-19 05:03:19.

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