Pippi long stocking dress. Pippi Longstocking costume: do it yourself

Pregnancy, children > Need to know > Festive transformation of a child in a Pippi Longstocking costume

Holidays, carnivals and children's matinees are approaching, which means it's time to think about your unusual costume.

The heroine of the Swedish writer became very popular after the film adaptation of the book series about Pippi Longstocking. Let's try to revive a funny red-haired girl in her bright, festive costume.

Bright, funny, unusual - these are the adjectives that can be used to describe a girl in different stockings. The main advantage of choosing this particular outfit is its simplicity and brightness.

Her image will require a lot of details, but the creator can find everything she needs in her closet. In addition, the image of Pippi does not have a specific canon, which means you can come up with something yourself.

Pippi Longstocking costume: how, from what to make it, to sew it for a child?

How and from what, from what available materials can you make a Pippi Longstocking costume for a girl for a children's party or masquerade, do-it-yourself New Year's Pippi Longstocking costume, what does the Pippi Longstocking costume look like, photo?
How, from what fabric can you sew a Pippi Longstocking costume for an adult or child, what patterns, photos, ideas?

How can you make your own Pippi Longstocking costume for a holiday or New Year?

Pippi is a cheerful, restless, unkempt, red-haired (carrot-colored hair) girl with freckles, dressed in a short blue dress with red patches, different stockings: brown and black, sometimes with a funny hat, black shoes several sizes too large (because were bought for growth) and with pigtails in different directions. This is how its creator Astrid Lindgren described it.

This look is quite easy to create. In clothing, you can deviate from the colors proposed by the author. All you have to do is pick up a dress from your wardrobe and sew contrasting patches on it.

Choose knee socks in different colors (stockings are difficult to find these days).

Braid the hair on your head so that it sticks up. You can weave wire.

Draw freckles on your face. You can wear a hat with a large brim on your head.

It seems to me that it’s easier than ever to make a Pippi Longstocking costume, and you can use improvised materials. We need to remember how Astrid Lingren described this girl. First of all, you need braids that stick out in different directions. If you don’t have long hair of your own, braid these braids from yarn or strips of fabric, just choose a red color. To make the braids stick out, weave in wire. Secure the braids to your head with bobby pins. Put a Panama hat or a hat on your head.

Apply orange or brown hemp paint to your face - this is a face painting.

Be sure to have stockings of different colors. And so that they casually “sit” on their feet and slide slightly.

A short skirt and a T-shirt can be anything, but it’s better to smear them with paint so that there are stains. That's all, I guess. Everyone recognizes Pippi by her braids, stockings and hemp).

How to dress like Pippi Longstocking

Firstly, do not be afraid of rough textures . Knitted tights, ribbed knee socks, knitted leg warmers and socks - all this will be needed first. Moreover, leg warmers, knee socks or socks can be worn over tights. You can even combine leggings and socks.

Secondly, follow the principle of layering . However, we have already mentioned this in the previous paragraph. So, long or short socks, knee socks or leggings can and should be worn over tights or leggings.

Thirdly, remember that layering in clothing can border on gypsy, or, as it is now commonly called, boho style. To avoid going boho, just avoid unnecessary embellishment and pretentiousness: Pippi's style is simple and practical .

For example, if it’s cool outside, but you don’t want to wear heavy boots, leave your boots on and wear knitted tights and leg warmers. This will keep your feet warm and light.

It is obvious that it is the legs that dominate the image of Pippi. Therefore, they should be left as open as possible. Choose skirts and dresses that are above the knees; you can wear shorts. By the way, it is now fashionable to wear shorts with stockings at the waist. The image of Pippi in shorts is a modern interpretation of this style.

Nadia Esra - modern Pippi

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Therefore, as visual illustrations, we will show you how a simple girl Nadia Esra from the Netherlands, often called the modern Pippi, dresses. It must be admitted that Nadia Esra’s appearance is really identified with the image of Pippi: unruly red hair and long thin legs.

As you can see, the images of modern Pippi can be very diverse. You don't have to dress up in colorful stockings to look like Pippi. On the other hand, there are fluctuations in fashion towards asymmetry. So for the second year now it has been fashionable to wear earrings of different lengths, so why not wear stockings of different lengths, or knee socks, socks or leg warmers?

Go for it!

Pippi Longstocking © Bracatus

Socks can be any color, as long as they are red.
— Vladimir Pozner

Tags Pippi Longstocking

Additional accessories

In the story about Pippi there are two best friends - a monkey and a horse. So if you can get your hands on one of these stuffed animals, you can complete the look.

We also advise you to pay some attention to the appearance of the future Pippi. From stories we know that this girl has a lot of hemp on her face. So we advise you to paint yellow or orange dots on the girl’s face.

It would be useful to put a slight blush on Pippi’s face. After all, this active girl never sits still and is constantly busy with something.

Beads, bracelets and rings are suitable as jewelry. Such jewelry will add femininity to our Pippi and remind us that no matter how mischievous she may be, there is something economical about her, as evidenced by the presence of an apron on her dress.

In general, as you understand from the article, the Pippi Longstocking costume is full of scope for imagination and a combination of unexpected clothes and paraphernalia.

Autumn marathon. Part 3. Pippi Longstocking is a bead-jointed doll.

It was a risk... A risk that we thought about for a long time. We analyzed and estimated a lot, doubted and believed in our souls that whoever does not take risks is not with us)))

For the first time in our workshop we carried out a global project - we created a bead-jointed doll. Our prototype was Astrid Lindgren's heroine, Pippi Longstocking.

Four days of difficult work, work that the students were doing for the first time. New materials, new tools, new emotions and knowledge. So, let's get started)

The first day was devoted to modeling. With new strength and fresh thoughts, we began to create the doll.

At first, it was impossible to achieve the intended image; something constantly did not go as smoothly as I wanted,

But the work continued with that tenacity that makes walls crumble)

Slowly, stroke by stroke, constantly smoothing and cooling our “sketches”, the faces began to resemble our Pippi)

And after they attended a cosmetic session, our girls “came to life.”

Second day. Construction. Usually on our MKs we offer ready-made patterns or stitched parts. But this MK was interesting in that part of it was allocated for building and designing the doll’s body in relation to each sculpted detail of the head. This process was very interesting)

“Moscow” was not built right away, and Pippi’s body wasn’t built right away either) It’s been a long time since we felt like we were in class at school - spying on a neighbor, checking with our calculations)))

While we were cutting the body, our blanks acquired “strength of character” and a pleasant light shade of tan)))

And the morning of the third day of work greeted us with a joyful puppet constructor)

I have always been curious to know whether it is really more convenient to work on your knee than on the working surface of a table?

And again this terrible word PAINTING!!! Why, why are we so afraid to paint? After all, this is perhaps the most interesting moment. A doll or toy comes to life, the character is immediately visible, and the final image is created.

Oh, how scary))) but it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary) we’ll paint it…. Sami!!!!

Day four. Your strength is running low, but the proximity of the completion of the work forces you to spread your wings behind your back!

Let's start fitting. Wigs, wigs, hairstyles, haircuts and styling)))) so many interesting things, and the fatigue went away somewhere on its own... Without us))) We, inspired by the dream of Pippi, completed this most difficult course in one creative impulse!

Without exaggeration let's say - heroines!!!! The work is simply AMAZING! Thank you!!!

Meet! Our Svetlana's Pippi is very mischievous and sunny!

Pippi Anechka is a home girl, but with a very cunning character)

Galina's smallest girl is very gentle, with beautiful, wide-open violet eyes.

And this is the eldest of Pippi’s sisters. Such a girl will drive any man crazy) Elena created her.

This is Natasha's little naughty girl. There is so much childish spontaneity in her eyes!

This is the most fashionable Pippi! Elena managed to sew several outfits for her, but Pippi chose this one) for today)

Tatyana Pippi is the most mischievous! A real "ringleader"!

And a little more photo shoot! It's impossible to part with them)

“Grown-ups never have fun. They always have a lot of boring work, stupid dresses and cuminal taxes. And they are also stuffed with prejudices and all sorts of nonsense. They think that a terrible misfortune will happen if you put a knife in your mouth while eating, and so on.” (A. Lindgret)

But “who said you need to become an adult?” No one can force Pippi to do what she doesn't want!

Pippi Longstocking is a sea of ​​optimism and unchanging faith in the very best. Friends, read good books, invent and create! Don't be afraid to be real!!!

PS Please take part in our survey, we are interested in your opinion about polymer baked plastics. Thank you!

Pippi Longstocking costume: do it yourself

The movie "Pippi Longstocking", released on television in 1971, became very popular among television viewers. This is understandable. The main character, the mischievous red-haired girl Pippi, won the hearts of many. In the story, she is a little girl who has an unusual carefree character, loves to compose various fables and does not go to school. Her mother died long ago, and her father became the king of blacks in another country. Therefore, the girl often lacks adult supervision. Despite this, she is a very kind, independent person. Therefore, it is not surprising that many viewers fell in love with her.

How to make a New Year's Fairy costume with your own hands

What little girl has not at least once dreamed of becoming a good witch or fairy, and it is in your power to turn these dreams into reality.

The main attribute of this New Year's image is the wings. They can be done in two ways.

Option No. 1 Wings made of cardboard

Take two sheets of cardboard of the appropriate size. Draw two mirror wings on cardboard and cut them out. To make the wings truly magical, paint them with acrylic paints, decorate them with sparkles and sequins, add colorful feathers and other decor to your liking.

Finished wings can be sewn directly to the dress or sewed together and supplemented with elastic bands, with which the wings can be put on the shoulders.

Option No. 2 Wire wings

To create air wings you will need wire, nylon tights (white, pink, light green or blue) and decor.

Make the frame of future wings from wire, as shown in the photo. If necessary, secure the wire with tape or thread. Pull the nylon onto the frame and sew the fabric. Decorate the wings with bright patterns using acrylic paints, sparkles, rain and other elements.

As in the previous version, the wings can be sewn to the suit or fastened with an elastic band.

The basis of a New Year's fairy costume can be any colored summer dress from a girl's wardrobe. Don't forget about a magic wand and a beautiful hoop.

In toy stores, as a rule, it is easy to find ready-made magic wands, however, if you do not have time to search, you can quickly make one from scrap materials. The base can be a wooden skewer, a sushi stick, a thin twig, etc.

Take a shiny drizzle or ribbon and wrap it tightly around the stick. Now cut out a star from gold or silver cardboard and glue it to the stick. You can also make the star three-dimensional by sewing it from material and filling it with padding poly, like a soft toy. To decorate the stick, you can use sparkles, multi-colored braid, bows, etc.

Pippi Longstocking costume: choice for various holidays

At various children's parties, New Year's parties, and carnivals, many dress up in costumes of animals, pirates, birds, plants, and other characters. It became very popular to wear the Pippi Longstocking costume. First you need to decide on the color of your future outfit.

In the film itself, the girl wears a dress, a hat on her head and an awkward hairstyle: her braids look in different directions - one down, the other up. Long stockings on her legs. The person who wore the Pippi Longstocking costume can be recognized by their stockings and hairstyle. Otherwise it could be Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Gerda, and so on.

The dress can be multi-colored: red, blue, yellow, light blue and so on. The hat can also be anything. It is advisable to wear stockings that are striped and different on both legs. And the hair, of course, should be red. This outfit can be purchased in children's stores, sewing workshops and other similar places, but you can also make it yourself. Next we will look in more detail at what the Pippi Longstocking costume should look like. Moreover, we will use inexpensive materials.

How to make a New Year's costume "Snowflake" with your own hands

This image is considered the most popular of all existing ones. And this is not surprising - the snowflake costume will fit into any holiday scenario, and sewing it with your own hands will not be difficult, even if you do not have sewing skills.

We offer you to choose from two different options for the New Year's snowflake costume.

Costume option No. 1 Cape suit

To make such a New Year's costume you will need: white fabric (we recommend choosing thick satin), tulle, thread with a needle, scissors, paper (for snowflakes).

First, you need to fold a piece of fabric in half and measure the length of the product, placing the fold of the fabric against the shoulders, as well as the width, asking the child to spread his arms to the sides, up to the wrists. Next, draw a rounded line along the marked points and cut off the excess. As a result, you will get an oval. To ensure that the cape can be put on, make a round hole of the appropriate size in the center.

Now you can start decorating. To make the costume look complete for the New Year, we suggest sewing white or blue tulle around the edges of the product. If you can’t find tulle, replace it with regular rain. Decorate the front and back sides of the costume cape with snowflakes, which can be cut out of paper or cardboard (take any suitable color except white, which will blend in with the fabric).

You can complement your New Year's look with a beautiful hoop or tiara. If you don’t find a suitable accessory in the store, you can make your own hair decoration by gluing cardboard snowflakes to a regular headband.

Costume option No. 2 Tutu skirt

This is one of the easiest ways to create a New Year's costume with your own hands, and the New Year's costume turns out to be truly original and beautiful.

For work we need: white or blue tulle, wide elastic (3-5 centimeters wide), thread with a needle, glue gun, decor (rain, plastic snowflakes, glitter, etc.)

First we make a belt for the future skirt. Take an elastic band and measure the desired length for the girl’s waist. The finished piece needs to be sewn together with thread.

Now we need to prepare the tulle. Cut the material into thin strips 15-20 centimeters wide. The length of the segments is determined by the length of the future skirt. For example, if you need to make a skirt 30 centimeters long, then the strip should be 65 centimeters long, since during the work the material will need to be folded in half + 5 additional centimeters per knot.

Now let's start creating the skirt. Take the first strip of tulle, fold it in half and secure it with an elastic band, making a loop as shown in the photo. Do not pull the loop too tight to create a neat, wide belt. Add the remaining strips of fabric one by one in the same way. The more stripes you attach to the belt, the fuller the skirt you will get.

The finished costume for the New Year can be decorated with bows, snowflakes or rain. We recommend sewing on the decor with thread or gluing it with a glue gun.

Outfits for adults

Sometimes not only children, but also adults have to wear different costumes. Let's look at how to make a Pippi Longstocking carnival costume for adults. You can sew this dress yourself. First of all, you need to take the measurements correctly. The colors of the outfit should be different. Hair should be braided. Your feet must be wearing sneakers or sandals. And a mandatory attribute is striped stockings. One more point: if the stockings are at different levels in height, this will emphasize the image of a careless girl.

As you can see, the Pippi Longstocking costume for adults is not particularly different from that for children. Therefore, anyone can do it too.

How to make a New Year's costume "Little Red Riding Hood" with your own hands

The image of the granddaughter from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault consists of several elements:

  • White blouse;
  • Red or black skirt;
  • Apron;
  • Red cloak;
  • Bonnet;
  • Basket.

If you make this New Year's costume with your own hands from scratch, the process will be quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. But it is not at all necessary to make all the elements yourself. For example, you can easily select a blouse and a skirt from a girl’s wardrobe, and sew additional components yourself.

For the apron you will need white fabric and lace ribbon for decoration. Cut a semicircle of suitable size or a rectangle with rounded corners from the material. Also cut two strips of the same length that will become the apron ties. Finish the edges of the apron with seams to make the product look neat. Sew decorative lace along the bottom.

To create a cloak, take a rectangular piece of red fabric. Fold one of the sides 3-5 centimeters and stitch the fabric. As a result, you should have a longitudinal hole into which you can thread a lace or satin ribbon for ties. If desired, you can make holes in the raincoat for the arms, then it will be more convenient for the girl to wear the suit.

The costume cap can be made from the same material as the red cloak. You can find many different options and patterns on the Internet, however, if you don’t have time to sew a cap, you can buy a ready-made red cap.

On the girl's feet, wear white tights or knee socks with black or red shoes. The image of Little Red Riding Hood is ready for the New Year!

How to make a New Year's costume "Fox" with your own hands

It is not at all necessary to completely transform the girl into the image of this cute forest animal. It is enough to make a few distinctive elements that will make the right accent and set the right mood for the image.

So, the basis of the New Year's costume will be a white T-shirt or golf shirt with an orange skirt. You can buy a skirt in a store or quickly make a fluffy outfit similar to the snowflake costume we wrote about above.

Now let's move on to the tail and ears. They can be made from red and white felt.

To make a tail for a New Year's costume, draw a fox tail on felt or other suitable material. Make two parts. You need to sew them face to face, leaving a small area open. Turn the workpiece inside out and fill the tail with padding polyester or cotton wool for volume. Sew up the pocket. The finished tail can be sewn to the back of a skirt or dress.

Next we make the ears. Take thick felt that holds its shape and cut out two triangular-shaped ears from it. Then cut out two smaller white triangles and glue them to the main parts - these will be the centers of the ears. There are two options for how to fix felt ears on your head:

Glue them to the base hoop using a glue gun.

Sew or glue to a wide elastic band that can be placed on your head like a crown.

You can put on white gloves on your hands, which will imitate white paws.

Complete the look with themed makeup. Draw a black nose, thin mustache, orange blush and lips.

How to make a New Year's costume "Night" with your own hands

This image is quite non-trivial and is not chosen as often as, for example, a snowflake or fairy costume. Therefore, a girl in a dress of the night has a better chance of being unique at the gala ball.

First, by analogy with the New Year's snowflake costume, we make a tutu skirt. Tulle can be taken in white or gray color; you can also alternate materials of different shades, assembling a skirt with an elastic band. If you can’t find tulle, you can sew a simple skirt with an elastic band from gray fleece.

Now let's make the tail. As you know, mice have long and flexible tails, so cut out two thin and long pieces from fleece. Place the pieces face to face and sew. At the end of the work, turn the tail out, insert the wire into it and sew the part completely. The wire will help give any shape to the thin ponytail.

We will make the ears from fleece. Since this material does not hold its shape, we will reinforce them with thick felt. To create one ear, cut out two identical pieces from gray fleece, sew them together and insert a round piece of felt inside that will fit. Glue a circle of smaller diameter made of felt or fleece onto the finished ear. Attach the ears to a plastic hoop with glue.

As when creating images of other New Year's characters, complete the transformation with themed “mouse” makeup.

How to make a New Year's costume "Mouse" with your own hands

To create the image of a mouse for the New Year's holiday, you need to take: fleece fabric (gray and white), tulle, felt, scissors, thread with a needle, wire, decor (rain, tinsel).

First, by analogy with the New Year's snowflake costume, we make a tutu skirt. Tulle can be taken in white or gray color; you can also alternate materials of different shades, assembling a skirt with an elastic band. If you can’t find tulle, you can sew a simple skirt with an elastic band from gray fleece.

Now let's make the tail. As you know, mice have long and flexible tails, so cut out two thin and long pieces from fleece. Place the pieces face to face and sew. At the end of the work, turn the tail out, insert the wire into it and sew the part completely. The wire will help give any shape to the thin ponytail.

We will make the ears from fleece. Since this material does not hold its shape, we will reinforce them with thick felt. To create one ear, cut out two identical pieces from gray fleece, sew them together and insert a round piece of felt inside that will fit. Glue a circle of smaller diameter made of felt or fleece onto the finished ear. Attach the ears to a plastic hoop with glue.

As when creating images of other New Year's characters, complete the transformation with themed “mouse” makeup.

How to make a New Year's costume "Night" with your own hands

This image is quite non-trivial and is not chosen as often as, for example, a snowflake or fairy costume. Therefore, a girl in a dress of the night has a better chance of being unique at the gala ball.

To keep the cap well on your head, you can pin it to your hair with bobby pins or add a thin elastic band.

We hope you have found a suitable New Year's costume for a girl and you will be able to create a memorable festive look for a matinee at school or kindergarten. Don't be afraid to imagine and try!

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