How to make a bread box out of wood with your own hands: master classes and useful tips from craftsmen

Breadbox carved from wood

Examples of carved wooden bread bins, the appearance of which can serve as a wonderful decoration in kitchens in classical or Russian styles.

Breadbox “Russian pattern” from Olga :

Carved wooden bread box from IvanesCo:

Breadbox with geometric carvings and gradient toning:


Carved bread box with maple leaves from master Vladimir (kanyshev at the Fair of Masters):

Reading the drawing

Parts are marked with numbers to make it easier to understand the assembly sequence.

  • the bottom of the structure is two rectangular parts, designated number one;
  • the rear wall of the structure is another rectangle number one;
  • the ceiling of the bread bin is the last detail with number one;
  • side walls - two parts under the number two;
  • the front side is a part with the number three.

The side parts are rounded before assembly to facilitate installation of the mat (in this model of the bread box, the mat is also a door). The mat is secured with a furniture stapler.

Assembly is complete. It is recommended to put a cloth or plastic mat inside.

How to choose a bread box

Almost every day we eat bread. Therefore, there is always some supply of this product in the house. To keep bread fresh, it must be stored properly. Some housewives store bread in paper bags, which are often used to package baked goods directly in stores. However, bread in paper quickly becomes stale as it loses moisture. Bread becomes moldy in plastic bags, and it is harmful to store bread in such packaging. Sometimes bread is even stored in the refrigerator, but even there it quickly spoils.

The most ideal solution for storing bread would be to purchase a specialized bread bin. Today, the choice of these kitchen utensils is so large that you can easily choose any model. The most popular are wooden bread bins. Natural wood is valued for its porous structure, which absorbs excess moisture. Therefore, bakery products can be stored for a long time without becoming stale or moldy. The best wood for making a bread box is considered to be ash and linden.

Steel bread bins with a built-in ventilation grill are also good. The advantage of metal products is that they are durable, easy to clean and beautiful in appearance. As a rule, such bread bins are quite light, as if made of airy metal. In a steel bread bin, bread is also perfectly preserved and remains fresh for a very long time.

There are combined bread bins that are made from several materials. Metal, glass and wood can be combined. For example, a metal bread bin may have a retractable wooden base on which you can cut bread. The base can also be glass, which can also be used as a cutting board. Retractable tray boards are intended only for bakery products, so there cannot be any foreign odors on them.

But it’s better to refuse the plastic bread bin. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to use, plastic absorbs various odors, which has a detrimental effect on the bread. Never put hot bread into the bread bin; let it cool a little first. It is also very important to periodically wash the bread bin, using not chemicals, but soda, citrus peels and other natural products.

Options for choosing a bread box

This device is used by housewives quite often, since it allows you to extend the shelf life of bread from the prescribed three to seven or more days. This item will not only keep baked goods fresh, but will also become a good interior decor.

Material for bread box

Wood is perhaps the most common material for making bread bins. Besides the aesthetic properties, this is a fairly cheap and lightweight option. However, it also has its drawbacks. First of all, it is worth noting that such a bread bin requires replacement over time, since it is very sensitive to humidity, easily absorbs odor and is difficult to care for: chemicals will not work here.

Ceramics. One of the most advantageous materials along with glass. It does not require frequent replacement or washing, does not absorb odors, but at the same time it is a very fragile material that requires careful handling. It costs an order of magnitude higher, has more weight, but is worth the convenience.

Stainless steel. A slightly more profitable replacement for wood. It does not absorb odors, but requires more careful care as it often leaves fingerprints. This option is easier to wash out with chemicals, but is not suitable for every interior.

The combined device in the bread box allows you to combine several advantages of materials. The most common options are when wood and stainless steel, glass and plastic, plastic and wood fit in one container. Naturally, this product also retains the disadvantages of materials.

Vacuum bread bin. A container similar to an oil can, on top of which there is an easily removable pump that pumps out air. Due to the absence of air, products are stored much longer. Such a device costs an order of magnitude more, but it also allows you to preserve food products such as bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, etc.

Breadbox size and shape

The size of the bread bin is selected strictly individually for the family, depending on the number of people, as well as the frequency of delivery of bakery products. For a large family, it is recommended to take a larger bread bin or one with several compartments (if you purchase a different variety or type of bread). The shape of the bread box is also individual, but basically there are three types, such as oval, square and semicircular.


With partitions. Convenient to use if you want to store several types of bread or combine storage with other food products.

Recommendations for purchase

  • It is worth purchasing a bread box in special stores, where you will definitely be offered a quality product.
  • Before purchasing, make sure that the lid is sealed; air penetrating inside will cause the baked goods to dry out.
  • If you are a supporter of interior design in the same style, then you can purchase a custom-made bread bin - the work performed will correspond exactly to your desires and taste.

Recommendations for caring for the bread bin

  • To prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, the bread box must be treated with alcohol a couple of times a month.
  • To store bread for a longer time, you can put a piece of apple or a little salt in the bread bin.
  • To prevent the bread box from absorbing the smell so much, you need to put a citrus peel or a piece of sugar in it.
  • Do not wash the bread bin in the dishwasher.

Installing a greenhouse yourself

So, you purchased a factory-made product or decided to make it yourself. You already have a drawing and material at hand, it’s time to get to work:

The arched frame, covered with polycarbonate, is very light, but it is advisable to organize a simple foundation for it. It is enough to lay a row of red bricks, hollow blocks, or simply knock down a timber box in a shallow trench dug according to the dimensions of the frame. In the latter case, the wood is treated with a protective impregnation against rot. Guided by the drawing, assemble the frame. Test the doors for free opening. If everything is fine, place the greenhouse on the foundation and secure it with anchor bolts. This procedure must be done to protect against capsizing. The installed frame is tested again for free opening of the sashes. Make sure there are no distortions

It is important to check the tightening of the bolts again. After this, you can begin covering the frame with polycarbonate. Lay out a single sheet of polycarbonate on a flat surface without stones or other sharp protrusions.

Next, mark up the required fragments. It is better to cut polycarbonate with a jigsaw. Cover the ends of each workpiece with plugs to prevent water and dirt from penetrating into the cells of the material. Place the finished polycarbonate fragments on the frame with the protective film facing out. Drill holes at the fastening points and secure the sheets with special hardware with a sealing washer.

Check the sheathed structure again to ensure that the doors open freely. If everything was done correctly, each side of the bread bin should move freely to the side.

In this video, the assembled greenhouse bread box:

Summer residents who had to change the film on primitive shelters every season will appreciate the use of a polycarbonate bread bin.

Wooden bread box - buy

There are different options for where to buy a wooden bread box:

  • In large supermarkets that have a section with kitchen utensils.
  • In stores that specialize in selling kitchenware: they usually also have additional kitchen accessories.
  • You can order a wooden bread box from craftsmen - it will be a unique thing that only you have.
  • Finally, you can buy a wooden bread box in an online store.

Using the Internet is interesting because having a large selection on marketplaces such as OZON, Wildberries, AliExpress and others, you can quite inexpensively buy a wooden bread box, choosing from a large number of types and modifications.

Here’s what, for example, a search result looks like on AliExpress for the query “Breadbox”:

Measurements and drawings

A preliminary sketch of the future product is made. He must take into account the specifics of the selected material. The drawing is created based on the drawing and original dimensions.

For such a product, you need to take into account the average amount of bread consumed by the family. In other words, the size of the bread bin depends on the number of baked goods that will be stored in it.

The container must have depth, height and length. All these parameters should take into account the size of standard bread rolls. In this case, the baked goods should fit freely into the box.

A factory-made bread bin with curtain doors can easily hold 3-4 loaves inside.

Drawings for a wooden product can be drawn directly on plywood or first on a sheet of paper. It looks something like this:

What to do to prevent bread from going moldy

Everyone has encountered the problem of moldy bread. First, the baked goods become stale, the taste changes, and then mold appears. There are many recommendations on how to protect yourself from this. But are they always truly effective? The method that is proposed will definitely prevent the bread from becoming moldy.

A product that can be made from scrap materials will protect against mold. To do this, you will need a plastic chocolate egg wrapper, iodine and several cotton pads. We soak the cotton wool in iodine, place it in a plastic capsule and close it tightly. The latter should first be pierced in several places with some sharp object.

Then the capsule should be placed in the corner of the bread bin. If mold has already been noticed in the bread bin, you need to wash it, dry it and wipe it with vinegar. You can do this several times. Now we put the bread there. The thing is that iodine is very aggressive towards mold and will not allow it to form. In addition, with this storage method the bread will stay fresh longer.

And finally, advice: it is not advisable to store white and black bread in the same bread bin. Even different types of black bread from different manufacturers or varieties can lead to the rapid formation of mold. This happens because the different yeasts used to make baked goods are mixed together. Try this method and make sure that you no longer see mold in your bread bin or on the bread.

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