Economists told how Russia can survive if there is a ban on transactions with the dollar

Today we will look at the following question: how to make a sling with your own hands. Of course, a sling is inferior to a homemade crossbow, but it can be easily made even from a trouser belt - we thread the belt into the buckle, tighten the resulting ring on the right hand, hold the end of the belt between the index finger and thumb, put a stone in the middle and the sling is ready for battle.

Of course, such an improvised sling is not very convenient, but it is always with you.

In general, you can make a sling from any rope and leather jacket. As in the photo above.

However, if there is no leather jacket, then you can simply use rope. Paracord is optimal for making a sling; we unravel a paracord bracelet and make a sling from it. This, by the way, is the answer to the question – why does a survivalist need a paracord bracelet?

The sling was used as a weapon as early as 1000 BC. Even among the troops there were slingers who rained down a hail of stones on the advancing enemy line.

If you throw small stones a little larger than the first phalanx of the thumb (this is only suitable for small game and birds), then the weight of a stone of 200 grams (0.2 kg) its energy will be equal to (0.2 kg x 30 m/sec x 30 m /sec):2= 90 joules. This is more than the 85 joules of the current Wasp cartridge.

At the same time, a stone from a sling has an impulse of 6 kg * m / s, and the OP is only 1.4 kg * m / s; in terms of impulse, the stone significantly outperforms even a bullet from a Makarov pistol - that is why a hit from a sling is so devastating Effect!!!

If you take a stone weighing 300 grams, then its energy (0.3 kg x 30 m/sec x 30 m/sec): 2 = 135 joules, and this exceeds the energy of a hunting cartridge (120 J).

So, based on these calculations, the sling should be banned on the territory of the Russian Federation! However, try to prohibit wearing a belt or paracord bracelet and picking up stones! :)

I don’t want to write about making a sling; I’m attaching a translation of Chris Garrison’s article on how to make a sling.

Of course, here we are talking about making a sling at home, but it is very well described. You can also weave a sling from paracord as a “homework” task.

Making a sling

First, we need material to make a sling bed.
I prefer leather, it has the necessary characteristics. Other materials will also work; you can make a stock from a piece of old jeans or any other thick material. To make a stock, we need a template that can be cut from a regular checkered sheet. First, we draw the outline of the future bed, then we bend a sheet of paper to make the paper cutting process as easy as possible.

If you cut the paper along the line, you will spend a lot of effort and time, but if you consider that our workpiece is symmetrical, you can simply fold it as shown in the following figure and trim off unnecessary edges.

Congratulations, we are close to the middle of the process!!!! We unfold the workpiece; if you did everything correctly, then you should get something similar to the following picture. It seems? Well then let's move on!!!!! NO? Well then computer technology can help you! The blank template can be downloaded here , by scaling the picture you can easily make any sling from the smallest to the largest.

Let's move on to the cutting process, place the workpiece on the material you have chosen for the stock. Draw a pen along the contour of the workpiece, so that the mark remains on the material.

Slowly and carefully:) throw the template into the trash. What did you get? That's right, you left your mark on history. In the history of a specific piece of leather or cloth, but still. We have very little left to create a formidable weapon. Use scissors to cut along the contour of the material.

Cutting the right round holes in leather or denim is not an easy task unless you are a costume designer or tailor. Nevertheless, an ordinary hole punch will come to our aid, which is found in abundance in the protected areas of an office or stationery store. After piercing, the bed should look like the second picture below.

So how? Happened? For some reason I am sure that Yes. Now we need a rope about two meters long. The rope should not stretch, otherwise the casts will not be as powerful. Personally, I bought the rope at a store like “I do it myself.” So let's take the rope

We tie the free ends of the rope to the sling stock. We stand up to our full height (arms at our sides, lower the sling bed so that it touches the floor. Now we cut the rope in the middle. We tie one end with a knot “ala loop”; it should fit freely on the ring finger.

At the other end we make a knot, and we tie it at such a length that when you put the loop on your ring finger and grab the knot (as shown in the photo), the sling bed is parallel to the floor.

So how? Happened? Congratulations, you are now a true ancestor!!!

I’ll add from myself: it’s better to hold the sling as in the photo below

Seriously! It’s just that when throwing a stone weighing more than 100 grams, if it gets tangled (the rope gets tangled), then the finger can easily be pulled out of the joint. If it gets caught on the wrist, it will simply pull you by the arm.

Equipment for homemade winter girders

The main part of any winter fishing rod that directly catches fish is the equipment with a hook, sinker and line. Do-it-yourself winter rigging for pike is done in the same way as for store-bought tackle. Rigging in winter is a separate big topic of conversation.

It would seem that everything is simple, a fishing line with a leash, a sliding sinker, a hook. However, details are important in this matter - the weight of the load, the length of the leash, the size and type of hook. The equipment is formed depending on the conditions of the reservoir and the behavior of the predator in it. More details at the link above.

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Mastering the Sling

Making a sling is not a tricky thing, the tricky thing is learning to use it.
In general, two types of stone throws from a sling are used - with horizontal unwinding and vertical.

When horizontal - above your head, it is much easier to hit the target.

However, vertical spin allows you to throw the projectile over longer distances.

The pictures above show examples of such throws.

The video below shows an example of performing a horizontal throw with a vertical spin.

Pay attention to 1:10 - you can see how a stone hits a rock and simply scatters. Which once again proves the enormous energy of a stone thrown from a sling at a speed of 30 m/s.

To master the sling, it is better to find a secluded place; at first, the stones will not fly where you are aiming, and idle onlookers watching such an action may suffer greatly.

Good luck in mastering ancient weapons!

School of survival

Tags: “paracord”, “weapon making”

Vlad comments:

If you hit a hand or a leg with such a stone, the stopping effect will be simply amazing! Yes, and as a weapon of self-defense - he took it out, put the stone in, spun it, the goons had already run away! They need it - to get involved with a psycho :)

PiRat comments:
And the old man is pretty good at throwing stones from a sling! Even if it hits your head or hits your body, it won’t be enough!

Maxim comments:
The main thing is that it doesn’t go to the head of the one who will throw =) and practice is needed in everything. Easy to make and training should not be a problem.


Sling is good for fun. For survival, of course, a slingshot is better. You can not only shoot from it, but also hit.


I agree, but there is one “but” - you can build a sling from improvised things - tear the same T-shirt into strips and the sling is ready. But try to build a slingshot from what you have at hand. Even if you use an elastic band from your panties, the slingshot will only work for hunting flies :)

The slinger

As for survival, you can fight off a pack of wolves, kill a wolf, break the leg of an elk, or, with skill, shoot down a beaver or other large, slow animal. Throw a burning stick up (50 m) instead of a flare!!! Check the cave for a bear? Search the forest for a bear.


From a slingshot, even a powerful sports one that, like a bow, can be pulled back to your ears, you cannot shoot a large stone. Therefore, you can use a slingshot to hunt birds or small animals.


This sling is a killer thing! With this you can even walk on a bear... :-)


I agree, but as you can see there is a demand for the product))


Girders on the crossbar

The simplest homemade girder for winter fishing, which can still be seen sometimes on the reservoir. The equipment and flag are attached to a wooden block, which is placed above the hole. There are several die options:

  • With reel.
  • With reels.
  • In each option - with winding a loop of fishing line into brackets for setting a flag or a signaling device under the reel.

The simplest option is two reel nails and brackets into which a loop of fishing line is inserted, pressing a flag on a spring. The disadvantage is obvious - the supply of fishing line is simply a loop lying on the ice. The line may freeze or get tangled in the wind.

Features of fishing not “Postavushka”

A large pike tries to drag the bait to the depths. Smaller specimens, having caught the fry, as a rule, do not swallow it immediately.

  • Predators try to pull the bait into the reeds or algae.
  • If the pike feels the tension in the line, it may let go of the bait and swim away. Pinching will help prevent this.
  • With it, the fish will not notice the tension of the line and will try to take the bait to depth. After it swallows the prey, the catch can be taken out.
  • For productive fishing, it is necessary to remove the catch in a timely manner and update the fry. If there is no bite for a long time, you should change your fishing spot.

Since pike fishing with this structure does not require constant monitoring, you can control the gear in the morning and evening or once every three days. It all depends on the activity of the live bait. Therefore, you can fish with one fishing rod and a dozen “supplies” - the fishing rod will serve as a tool for obtaining bait.

How does "Postavushka" work?

The peculiarity of the design is its simplicity.

  • The scaffolding unwinds.
  • A hook (double or triple) is attached.
  • The fry is hooked and sinks to the bottom.
  • The tackle is fixed with a pole or other suitable method.

However, the “delivery” system does not signal a catch, so fishermen need to know some nuances in order to get the hang of detecting a bite and getting the fish.

Useful tips and tricks

For fishing with hooks, simply making and placing the tackle in a promising place is not enough. Fishing this way will bring good results if you know and apply some subtleties and tricks:

  • fishing is carried out near the coastal zone near reeds and reeds at a depth of no more than 0.5 m;
  • in deep areas of reservoirs to catch trophies, bait is placed at a depth of up to 3 m;
  • It is not recommended to use a cord for the base of the tackle; when fishing for a catch, the risk of injury to the fisherman increases;
  • Live bait is used as bait; it is recommended to prepare it in advance;
  • The bait is crucian carp, roach, ruffe, and small perch;
  • it is advisable to use live bait from the same reservoir where fishing takes place;
  • You can attach the bait in different ways, but a tee through the gill cover has proven to be the most effective;
  • You shouldn’t skimp on accessories if you make the leads for the equipment yourself, so slips and breakage of the gear can be avoided almost completely.

Every angler learns the remaining subtleties directly while fishing.

Now everyone knows how to make a pike stand on their own. In addition, tips and advice from more experienced comrades will help everyone get a pike, and maybe more than one, while fishing.

Live bait for pike fishing

Young pike feed on fry of perch and carp species. In older individuals, the range of preferences is much wider, it includes fry of smelt, roach, vendace, crucian carp and perch. The choice of bait depends on the area in which the bait is used.

If fishing takes place on a bank overgrown with reeds, you should choose the fry, which usually swims near the surface. This could be a small rudd, bleak or verkhovka.

If you plan to fish in a place with a not too cluttered and relatively flat bottom, preference should be given to species that are distinguished by their vitality. Choose, for example, crucian carp or perch.

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