Civilian weapons in Russia. Part 7. Gas and aerosol weapons

Self-defense weapons will always be the most pressing topic for our citizens. Of course, it is possible that someday there will come a time of complete safety for everyone, but this utopian hope has been warming the common man for several millennia, and there is still no increase in safety on city streets. Therefore, we should all know how and with what we can be guaranteed to protect our precious health and life without, however, exposing ourselves to the danger of depriving ourselves of our own freedom as a result of exceeding self-defense. Today we will talk to you about how you can make homemade pepper spray. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a can in a store, and you never know exactly what is pumped into it and how effective the factory-made pepper aerosol will be if a dangerous situation arises.

Making homemade pepper spray yourself is not difficult. And the homemade mixture that we pump in there burns damn hard, especially when it is sprayed directly into the eyes. Side effects from using this type of pepper spray may include: blindness, vision problems, loss of vision for no more than twenty seconds, skin irritation, coughing.

I think this will be quite enough to protect yourself from imminent reprisals and provide the necessary amount of time to escape from the criminal.

How to make pepper spray at home

Self-defense means in our turbulent times are an essential component of any handbag or men's purse. One of the most effective, cheapest and fastest options is pepper spray. Under certain conditions, such a thing can be given even to a child. Want to learn how to make your own pepper spray at home? It's easy, simple and ultimately very, very effective.

You will need: – 2 tablespoons red pepper (ground to a powder; something like hot capsicum); – medical alcohol (from 70%); – baby oil; – a piece of thin white cloth (you will need to use this as a filter, so gauze folded in three will also work); – a small glass (like a shot glass) or pestle and mortar; – a small bottle with a spray attachment (for example, an empty bottle of liquid for cleaning glasses lenses is perfect).

1. First, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed pepper into a small glass.

2. Then pour medical alcohol into it so that it rises above the pepper by about 1 cm.

3. Then grind the pepper in alcohol and mix using a spoon. You need to grind for 3-5 minutes, or until the pepper and alcohol are mixed as much as possible.

4. Now add about 30 g of baby oil to the glass and stir again with a teaspoon - stir for about 2 minutes. Next, close the glass tightly and shake it.

5. Take another, clean stack and secure gauze or thin white cloth on top. Gently press in the middle so that the fabric bends inward slightly, creating a sort of “crater.” Slowly pour the mixture – strain – into a second glass through cheesecloth. The cloth will catch all the small particles left over from the pepper, which would eventually clog the spray nozzle in the bottle. Don't worry, there will still be enough pepper in the mixture despite this.

6. Remove the gauze/cloth from the second glass and you will be presented with a rather disgusting looking liquid. This is your pepper spray. The smell is already terrible enough, but you also know that getting such a spray in your eyes is not very pleasant, to put it mildly.

7. Finally, the final step is to pour the pepper mixture into a CLEAN empty bottle (use a small funnel if necessary). Screw the nozzle on tightly to ensure no leaks, and your own homemade “deadly” pepper spray is ready.

Additions and warnings:

– During the entire cooking process, do not touch your face with your hands! Take care of your eyes; optimally, use safety glasses;

– Wash your hands thoroughly several times after preparing;

– A cleaned bottle of perfume or deodorant spray is also perfect as a container for a spray, the main thing is that they are comfortable to hold and use. Girls will need a spray bottle in the form of lipstick;

– Do not taste the mixture or test it on yourself or animals;

“A real, commercial product called pepper spray is made from similar ingredients, but it is possible to increase the concentration of capsaicin by soaking the pepper powder in alcohol for several hours to several days. The alcohol then evaporates and the residual “tar” is mixed into an emulsion with propylene glycol and water. Also, from time to time, a synthetic analogue of capsaicin is used, for example, vanilla pelargonic acid, popular in England, or pelargonic acid morphinoline, used here in Russia.


How to avoid defeat

When using a spray can, stand downwind, try to immediately leave the place where it was used so that the cloud of active substance does not hit you. If this happens indoors, you need to go out into the air and open the room for ventilation.

If they use a spray can against you, jump and run away, try to close yourself immediately. The jet output time on the largest cylinders is 25 seconds, on small ones 6-15. You just need to wait for the gas to completely escape and not get into the cloud. And remember - any composition begins to act in 2-5 seconds, use this time to your advantage.

Making your own pepper spray

Pepper or gas spray is a means of civil self-defense. It can be purchased in specialized stores, but the nickname of our site is to help you save time and nerves that could be spent on going to the store. That is why we decided to present you with material on making pepper spray at home.

First of all, we suggest watching the video

So, we will need: - a spray can; — nipple; - glue gun; - pump; - a plastic tube with which we will pump the pepper mixture into the can; - ground pepper; - ethanol; - drill; - drill.

First, we note that the author uses a can of hairspray, but you can use almost any can, be it deodorant or something else. Let us also clarify that there will be no problems with the choice of nipples, since both bicycle and car nipples are suitable for making pepper spray. Everything is clear with the materials, you can start working.

First of all, we need to make a hole on the bottom of the can. If the canister is not empty, like the author’s, then it needs to be emptied.

The next thing is to insert the nipple into the hole made at the bottom of the can and seal it with glue. It should be noted here that when choosing a can, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tube in it reaches the bottom.

While our glue is drying, we need to prepare the mixture for our pepper spray. It will consist of ethyl alcohol and ground black pepper. In general, factory cans use a mixture of other components that are very difficult to get in regular stores, so the author offers an alternative method. Add pepper and mix.

Our pepper spray will be reusable. In order to fill it, we need to unscrew the spool from the nipple and fill it with a tube. We insert one end of the tube into the mixture, pulling it in slightly so that it gets into the tube. After this, insert the second end into the nipple and gradually pour the pepper mixture into the can.

When the can is filled, we need to screw in our spool so that the liquid we poured in does not spill out.

Now, using a pump, we pump air into the can. According to the author, you don’t need to download much. 2-3 times is enough.


Folk remedies

A burn from pepper spray is one of the cases when the use of folk remedies is not prohibited and is even recommended .

But this must be done carefully and only after agreement with the attending physician .

Effective means in this case can be:

  1. A teaspoon of dried chamomile is poured with 100 grams of water and brought to a boil . After this, the composition must be kept on low heat for another ten minutes. Cotton pads are soaked in the strained and cooled mixture and applied to closed eyes for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day, and if the burning sensation is very strong - more (at your own discretion).
  2. You can use calendula in a similar way , but the composition is brewed immediately (a teaspoon of the plant per 150 grams of boiling water). Before soaking cotton pads in the infusion, you can warm it up slightly.
  3. Eyebright herb (one teaspoon of the plant per glass of boiling water) is used for compresses. The cooled broth is filtered, then cotton pads are soaked in it and applied to the eyes for ten minutes. After this time, the compresses are changed twice more after the same ten-minute application.
  4. Brewed dried cornflower flowers (a teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water) can be used for internal use. You should drink this remedy half a glass twice a day. This drink does not directly affect the mucous membranes. But in general, it slightly stimulates the metabolic and regenerative processes in the body and can help slightly speed up the healing of the visual organs.

Homemade Pepper Spray: Detailed Instructions and Techniques

There may be times when you cannot use pepper spray that has already been prepared. What happens if there is a shortage, natural disaster or any other form of crisis, including economic collapse? You'll have to take matters into your own hands and end up having to prepare your own personal protective equipment, supplies, and in our case, homemade pepper spray. This will help in a variety of cases. It can protect him from aggressive people and even from rabid or wild animals.

It is also important to remember that if you have breathing problems, you should not prepare the spray yourself. If you still prefer to do it yourself, be very careful, wear a face mask and prepare the spray in a ventilated area or room. Otherwise, someone else may prepare the solution for you, and this person should be a trusted friend or relative.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pepper guns have their own advantages and disadvantages that limit or help the use of this type of weapon. Check out the disadvantages of cylinders:

  • low range of application;
  • requires some skill;
  • the enemy is able to evade gas;
  • loses effectiveness in windy, cold weather;
  • Do not use indoors.

The obvious advantages include:

  • low cost of weapons;
  • low chance of causing bodily harm;
  • small sizes;
  • Ease of use.

Preparation stages

First you have to cook the pepper or chili by dehydrating it. There is no faster or more effective way, so you can use a dehydrator, you can sun dry them, or even cook them at a low temperature in the oven. Any of these methods will work well.

When the peppers are ready and dry, place them in a blender. Alternatively, you can grind or chop them (use a vegetable slicer), but make sure they are cut into as small pieces as possible. Then it's time to mince/blend the garlic. Any way possible, use it and make sure the garlic is finely chopped. Then take the baby oil and mix it with the ingredients or mix it in a blender.

Then add vinegar or rubbing alcohol (12 ounces) to the blended mixture (or bowl). You should strive for a uniform solution. The mixture should be as smooth as possible (depending on the cooking tool you are using). When using a blender, be careful not to splash the mixture when adding the alcohol/vinegar. To avoid splashing, add the vinegar/alcohol slowly while the blender is still running. Mix the mixture for 2-3 minutes.

Then take a funnel and use it to add the solution to the container containing the large bottle. A funnel is always useful to avoid splashing or losing some of the solution. This will help you work as cleanly as possible. Once you transfer the mixture into a bottle container, leave it in a cool place overnight. This will also be beneficial for the responsiveness of the solution with its components and hence the efficiency will increase significantly.

The next day, it's time to transfer the mixture to a container with a smaller bottle. Use the funnel again (clean it first), prepare a thin cloth or cheese cloth and pour the mixture into the bottle. Place the funnel in the bottle and place the cloth in the funnel. As you pour the solution into the bottle, it will be filtered and poured through the cloth and funnel. As a result, you will receive a basic mixture without pits and seeds. Squeeze the cloth to release more solution into the bottle and remove it.

A good use of the hole, seeds and other leftovers from this procedure can be used effectively against pests and nuisance animals in your garden (if any).

Finally, the pepper spray is ready and should be stored in a cool place, ideally in the refrigerator. Thanks to the vinegar/alcohol, the solution can last up to 3 months.

Here's a slightly simpler recipe for making pepper spray.

Prepare the ingredients first. Take some chili powder or hot pepper powder (see SHU measures mentioned earlier in this article and try to find the hottest pepper). Gather liquid soap, lemon, black pepper, garlic powder and finally a spray container.

First, mix the dry ingredients in a separate glass. Then start adding liquid soap and squeeze a whole lemon into the mixture. Lemon and soap irritate the eyes and increase the effectiveness of the final product.

The spray container as stated above should not break anywhere or if you can check it, make sure there are no leaks from any place. Once you are confident that the spray container is safe, add the pre-prepared solution to the container and you are ready. Use it only in a self-defense situation.

To see a simplified version of the previous recipe, you can watch this YouTube video on how to make pepper spray.

In this YouTube video you can see the effect of strong chili pepper or hot pepper. You can see that the most important element is the hot pepper/chili pepper and the alcohol it remains in. You should spend the night in a solution of alcohol or vinegar for the effect to be stronger. The juices and chili extract will increase significantly due to the alcohol/vinegar.

Lastly, if possible, try the product for yourself or if one of your closest friends wants to try it for themselves, that would be best. It's always better to know that the spray is strong enough than to expect the attacker or aggressor to be knocked down, but instead he/she just laughs at you and attacks you anyway.

Also, don't try the product with someone who is confident or joking. It may still cause temporary blindness and irritation. Do not play with it as a joke or test on animals. Otherwise, we hope this helps keep you safe from predators and criminals.


What you need for work

So, what's the point of the remodel? We need to find a way to fill a sealed container with paint and pump air into it to create the necessary pressure. Moreover, it is important that this procedure does not require any special tool.

PHOTO: The aerosol can has no additional holes, it is hermetically sealed and filled with paint and air

To make the aerosol can reusable, you only need one additional part, which you can easily find - a bicycle nipple.

PHOTO: You can buy a finished part or get it from a broken chamber

PHOTO: The nipple has such a small hole, and you should select a drill to match its size

All that remains is to assemble all the parts of the device into one whole.

How to make pepper spray | DIY master class

Of course, this is not exactly pepper spray, but rather pepper spray. Which you can use for self-defense. You can buy one ready-made, but if you don’t have the opportunity or the price is too high, you can make pepper spray yourself. With this pepper spray you can:

And much more! But please note, I am not responsible for any actions you take, so be extra careful!

What will we make the spray from?

It was all at my home, and for free.

Let's start making pepper spray

Precautionary measures:

If during the mixing process liquid gets on your hands, you cannot simply wipe it off with a towel, since after a while your hand will still start to burn. And if you accidentally rub your eyes, it will be a nightmare. So be sure to wash your hands with soap. And if the solution immediately gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of water. In principle, the spray does not cause any particular harm to health, but you should still use it carefully. Only you are responsible for all your actions.

Types of aerosols for self-defense

Gas and pepper sprays differ only in the active substance, but their operating principle is the same. At the same time, experts recommend choosing pepper options, and the reasons for this are as follows:

Gases are usually filled with the substances CN (chloroacetophenone) and CS (dinitrile o-chlorobenzylidenemalonic acid). Both of them cause severe lacrimation, and CS also causes a burning sensation in the airways. Moreover, their effect is limited in time to 5-10 minutes. The main disadvantage of such self-defense means is that these substances will not work on people under the influence of alcohol or drugs. But for the one who sprays the spray, the gases may well cause tearing. Therefore, if used incorrectly, this method of protection will only worsen the situation.

Pepper sprays contain a naturally occurring irritant, OC (oleoresin capsicum), based on hot cayenne pepper. If the spray comes into contact with a person, a person experiences profuse lacrimation, severe burning, swelling, coughing, and breathing problems. Duration of action is 30-40 minutes. In addition, the natural component has an excellent effect on attackers who are intoxicated. Sometimes the natural active ingredient is replaced with a synthetic analogue - MPA (pelargonic acid morpholide). It's a little milder than pepper spray, but still causes the same symptoms.

If an aerosol accidentally comes into contact with your skin or eyes, it is important to know which type of gas spray was used. If the lesions turn out to be significant, this information will be necessary for the doctor to choose the correct treatment.

Making your own pepper spray

Pepper or gas spray is a means of civil self-defense. It can be purchased in specialized stores, but the nickname of our site is to help you save time and nerves that could be spent on going to the store. That is why we decided to present you with material on making pepper spray at home.

First of all, we suggest watching the video

So, we will need: - a can; - a nipple; - a glue gun; - a pump; - a plastic tube with which we will pump the pepper mixture into the can; - ground pepper; - ethyl alcohol; - a drill; - a drill.

First, we note that the author uses a can of hairspray, but you can use almost any can, be it deodorant or something else. Let us also clarify that there will be no problems with the choice of nipples, since both bicycle and car nipples are suitable for making pepper spray. Everything is clear with the materials, you can start working.

First of all, we need to make a hole on the bottom of the can. If the canister is not empty, like the author’s, then it needs to be emptied.

The next thing is to insert the nipple into the hole made at the bottom of the can and seal it with glue. It should be noted here that when choosing a can, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tube in it reaches the bottom.

While our glue is drying, we need to prepare the mixture for our pepper spray. It will consist of ethyl alcohol and ground black pepper. In general, factory cans use a mixture of other components that are very difficult to get in regular stores, so the author offers an alternative method. Add pepper and mix.

Our pepper spray will be reusable. In order to fill it, we need to unscrew the spool from the nipple and fill it with a tube. We insert one end of the tube into the mixture, pulling it in slightly so that it gets into the tube. After this, insert the second end into the nipple and gradually pour the pepper mixture into the can.

When the can is filled, we need to screw in our spool so that the liquid we poured in does not spill out.

Now, using a pump, we pump air into the can. According to the author, you don’t need to download much. 2-3 times is enough.

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UDAR (metered aerosol spray device)

Externally, UDARA is most similar to a pistol handle. Under the pressure of powder gases, the already familiar CS or pepper charge flies out in a stream towards the attacking person and overtakes him (the person) at a distance of up to 10 meters. Despite the unusual design, UDAR is almost as effective as real gas pistols. It throws out a directed stream, not a cloud, so it is suitable (or will fly) both in windy conditions and in confined spaces. It is light and small - it will fit in a medium-sized women's handbag. Another plus is that no permits are required to purchase UDAR, only a passport and the age of majority.

Keep in mind: this device is quite difficult to aim accurately from a long distance, so it is still better to use it at a distance of up to three meters.

First aid for a pepper spray burn

The first necessary step in case of a pepper spray burn is to eliminate any remaining irritant. Use a napkin, handkerchief, or clothing to blot the affected areas, avoiding rubbing. Do not wipe your face, as the composition penetrates the skin faster and covers large surfaces. All movements should be soft and absorbent.

Important! Pepper extract does not dissolve in water; even large volumes will not wash it off completely.

For these purposes it is better to use special tools:

Eyes can only be washed with milk and soda solution. It is recommended to simply blink frequently and intensely in order to activate the production of tear fluid, which will wash away the irritant. Practice shows that the use of additional means is not decisive for pain relief. It will subside on its own after the time of active action of the pepper extract has elapsed. It is important to remain calm and not panic. It is better to drive away unpleasant thoughts and fears. No matter how severe the pain, there is no risk of going blind. After eliminating the discomfort, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe medications that will relieve inflammation and prevent the development of bacterial infections. In most cases, the following is prescribed:

Self-defense weapons will always be the most pressing topic for our citizens. Of course, it is possible that someday there will come a time of complete safety for everyone, but this utopian hope has been warming the common man for several millennia, and there is still no increase in safety on city streets. Therefore, we should all know how and with what we can be guaranteed to protect our precious health and life without, however, exposing ourselves to the danger of depriving ourselves of our own freedom as a result of exceeding self-defense.

Today we will talk to you about how you can make homemade pepper spray. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a can in a store, and you never know exactly what is pumped into it and how effective the factory-made pepper aerosol will be if a dangerous situation arises.

Making homemade pepper spray yourself is not difficult. And the homemade mixture that we pump in there burns damn hard, especially when it is sprayed directly into the eyes.

Side effects from using this type of pepper spray may include: blindness, vision problems, loss of vision for no more than twenty seconds, skin irritation, coughing.

I think this will be quite enough to protect yourself from imminent reprisals and provide the necessary amount of time to escape from the criminal.

Composition of homemade pepper spray mixture

So, to make homemade pepper spray, you will need the following ingredients.

1. Ground chili pepper (is the hottest of all types of peppers)

2. Ground black pepper (added to induce cough)

3. A little tobacco of the lousiest quality (optional ingredient)

4. Spray bottle (you can use any bottle that has a stopper with a spray bottle: perfume, medicinal sprays, insect bite repellent, spray bottle, etc.)

Mix all the dry ingredients and pour alcohol in a glass jar (by the way, it is best to use home-ground red pepper pods and black peppercorns for the mixture - it will be much more pungent). For one hundred grams of dry mixture you need one hundred and fifty milliliters of alcohol or vodka (in principle, you can use any solvent, acetone and even bleach; bleach mixed with ammonia can generally lead a person to complete blindness, so I highly recommend not using such dangerous mixtures).

Pour the alcohol a little at a time, constantly stirring the mixture. After this, close the jar with a lid and leave the extract to infuse for about a month. Stir (shake) the infusion a couple of times a week. After a month, pour the infusion into another container through a filter (gauze swab). Now you can pour this infernal extract into a spray bottle. I would recommend using gloves, glasses and even a medical gauze bandage to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes from the fumes of the pepper solution.

After using such a high concentration pepper mixture, any criminal will be out of action for a long time. He will completely forget about your existence and his only desire will be to find any body of water as quickly as possible to wash his eyes and face. You can also use a slightly different, simpler recipe for making an extract for a homemade pepper spray. After grinding red and black pepper, pour boiling water over it. After the liquid has cooled, you can pour it into a spray bottle. The concentration of this mixture will last for a couple of weeks. Then it gradually loses its pungency. So don't try to prepare too much extract for your pepper spray.

Safety precautions when handling homemade pepper spray

Never use homemade pepper spray for fun or just to test its effects. This mixture can cause serious harm to health and should only be used when you are in real danger.

The only downside to homemade pepper spray is its range. Since spraying occurs only due to the pressure of the finger on the mechanical spray valve, and not due to gas pressure, the jet emission range will be no more than a meter.

Also try to follow safety precautions when using homemade pepper spray, which mainly consist of not spraying into the wind, otherwise you yourself may get hurt, which will make the task easier for the criminal. Good luck!

How to choose a gas spray for self-defense

The purchase of pepper spray should be thoughtful, based on verified information, someone else's, personal experience with civilian non-lethal self-defense weapons. Study the characteristics and factors based on which pepper is selected:

  • Number of uses. Choose reusable pepper sprays if you are not sure of the success of using them. Volumetric aerosols are capable of creating a full-fledged gas curtain.
  • Spray method. Situational indicator: it is better for drivers to keep a gel, foam spray inside the glove compartment. An aerosol is suitable for pedestrians.
  • Dimensions, volume. A small cylinder is easier to reach and bring into working position.


Various companies sell their own versions of pepper spray. The main distinguishing features are the concentration of OC, the type and range of spraying, its duration, and the number of applications. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Chiton. Makes Shock aerosols with 23% hot pepper extract. The effect of application lasts up to half an hour; designed for 7 seconds of continuous spraying.
  • Tyumen aerosols. Among them, the Control-UM model is very popular. It contains additional additives designed to suppress animal aggression.
  • Techkream. Much attention is paid to improving the Black and Torch 2 cans with a wide spray cone designed to stop a large number of opponents.
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Effective range

Depends on the method of spraying and the pressure inside the housing. For foam, jet and gel spraying, the effective range will be 3-5 m, but the affected area will be narrow, corresponding to the width of the jet at the moment of contact with the surface. Aerosols have a shorter attack distance (1-2 m), but create a protective curtain over a large area, helping to defend against a group of opponents. Examples include:

  • Epee – 3-3.5 m, jet;
  • Hot pepper – 1.5 m, aerosol;
  • Lady Black – 2 m, jet-aerosol.

Continuous use time

This parameter determines how many opponents and how hard it will be possible to hit before the irritant is completely used up. Remember that the duration of use does not always depend only on the volume of the capsule. Spray pepper spray will run out faster than spray pepper spray. Choose a self-defense weapon based on the intended circumstances of use. Consider options with different durations of use:

  • C360 gel – 4-5 seconds;
  • Black jet – 3-4 seconds;
  • Torch 2 – 7-8 seconds.


Determines how much active suspension is placed inside the metal capsule. The duration of continuous operation and compactness are directly dependent on the volume. It is worth ordering a large cylinder for transportation and use from the car. In this case, purchase a gel or foam pepper spray that will not harm the defender. For pedestrians, small models designed for 1-2 uses are better suited. Manufacturers offer the following volume options:

  • Lady Black aerosol – 25 ml;
  • Epee, jet – 100 ml;
  • Dragon, foam – 650 ml.

Minimum operating temperature

Cold climates pose a serious threat to the performance of many appliances. Peppercorns are no exception - inside the capsule there is a liquid under pressure that can freeze. The threat is posed not only by the failure of the device, but also by the expansion of the suspension during freezing - this can lead to the rupture of the container with splashing of volatile contents. Manufacturers dilute the caustic liquid with special compounds that prevent freezing. The minimum operating temperature of the pepper grinders is:

  • Pepper spray – -40 degrees;
  • Hot pepper – -10 degrees;
  • Epee – -20 degrees.


Select the dimensions of the peppercorn according to your own convenience and storage location. Remember that a compact capsule is easier to grab from a bag or pocket than a large liter cylinder. The size is related to the volume of active substance that the metal shell may contain. The small pepper will run out after 4-8 seconds of continuous use. The capsules produced are divided into 3 categories:

  • 25 ml. 1-2 uses, fits easily in the palm of your hand.
  • 65-100 ml. A universal means of self-defense that requires repeated use.
  • 100-1000 ml. Personal protective equipment for a vehicle, home. The number of uses reaches 15-30.

Neutralization of tear gases. What to do when hit by CS, CR, CN, MPK?

Modern gas cans use many other lachrymators besides Oleoresin Capsicum. An untrained person will not be able to empirically determine the nature of the irritant, but if you know exactly the composition of the toxic substance, you can use the following neutralizers:

Remember: if any irritant gets into your eyes, the main thing is not to lose composure! Modern tear gases cannot cause you serious harm; they are completely safe for health and life.

If there is nothing to wash off the irritant from the pepper spray from your face, you should not be alarmed - the effect will automatically end in 10-15 minutes, maximum half an hour. All irritants affect the organs of vision. To avoid accidentally falling and injuring yourself, try to lie down or sit down, lean your back against a wall, or ask passers-by for help.

Possible consequences

When the substance oleoresin capsicum gets into various parts of the human body, a strong irritation reaction immediately occurs. The consequences of using pepper spray are as follows:

  • Burn. Direct contact with the eyes of a suspension with a high concentration of the active substance can lead to a chemical burn.
  • Edema. In addition to irritation, inhalation of the irritant causes coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. An allergy sufferer has a high chance of developing pulmonary edema and suffocation.

HOMEMADE PEPPER SPRAY « Safety Encyclopedia

In the near future, ordinary cans equipped with a fairly high concentration of OC substances have disappeared from sale in Russia. But what is not on sale, you can do it yourself. You won't need a lot of effort for this.

We can make a homemade spray can by filling a spent aerosol container of mosquito repellent “Moskitol” or a similar one (the main thing is that this can is equipped with a mechanical spray valve that releases the aerosol composition due to the pressure of a finger, and not due to gas pressure – propellant) with homemade red pepper extract. The main thing is to prepare a vigorous extract.

How to do it? Ordinary culinary reddish ground pepper will work. Do not use expired raw materials; taste it in advance; take raw materials that are very likely to be hot. Take 100 g of ground reddish pepper. Pour in 150 ml of solvent.

It is best to use ethyl alcohol as a solvent. An alcohol solution with a concentration of 60-70 vol.% is sufficient; You can naturally use vodka, but it’s worse.

The pepper should be poured with alcohol evenly, stirring the resulting “porridge”. Close our container tightly with a lid and let it brew for a month. During the infusion process, it is better to stir the contents of the container from time to time so that the extraction is more effective. When a month has passed, drain the resulting top layer of dark brown oily water and pass it through filter paper.

It would be a good idea to make sure that the extraction was successful - it would be interesting to know the mass concentration of the resulting infusion. The mass concentration can be found from the difference in density of the finished infusion and the initial solvent. At home, using conventional extraction it is completely possible to obtain an OC solution with a concentration of about 10 wt.%.

Such a solution should have a very powerful physiological effect. Naturally, a homemade can will turn out to be significantly stronger than the SHOCK can that goes on sale (and is two times cheaper).

The main disadvantage is the range of the homemade spray can; you will have to count on a maximum of 1 m. But this is, in principle, completely good.

The essence of the life hack

The main goal is to create the ability to pump air into the can, creating the necessary pressure in it for subsequent spraying of paint. Two key components will help with this:

  1. Pneumatic valve. This is an ordinary nipple from a bicycle inner tube, and you can take an old valve. The main thing is that it is intact and reliably holds pressure.
  2. Hand pump. The one you usually use to inflate bicycle tires will do. It is quite enough to pump air into the can.

Nipple from a bicycle tube
But there is a catch. Aerosol cans are completely sealed because otherwise they would not withstand the pressure inside. Disassembling the spray gun is not an option, since it will not be possible to reassemble it and guarantee its functionality. Ordinary ingenuity comes to the rescue.

consequences of contact with eyes, assistance

What types of cans are there?

Self-defense spray cans can be of two types: gas, marked CS, and pepper, marked OC. In the first case, they spray a gas that causes profuse tearing. In the second case, an extract of hot pepper provokes an attack of suffocation, burning of the skin and cough.

It is believed that gas canisters protect more effectively, but they may not have any effect on a drunk or drug addict. When pepper spray is used, the effects will be felt by the attacker in any condition. You can even repel the attack of aggressive animals.

Content Spray Options

Pepper sprays are produced with different types of spray:

Volume options

Pepper sprays, the consequences of which we will consider, are produced in several volumes:

Rules to remember

To effectively protect yourself with pepper spray, you need to remember a few rules that will help in dangerous situations.

Firstly, you need to know how to use a spray can. The first time, it’s worth buying two pieces so that you can train on one and use the other for self-defense.

Thirdly, after using pepper spray, you need to be prepared for two options for the development of the situation. You will either have to engage in a fight with a weakened enemy, or quickly run away.

Well, in winter, if you overcool (freeze) the pepper spray, the consequences can be quite sad. The effectiveness of the application will be significantly reduced: instead of temporarily neutralizing the attacker, you will simply anger him.

Effect of pepper spray

Well, now let’s find out how the pepper spray contents work. Extracting hot pepper provokes severe irritation of the mucous membranes. In a mild case, the attacker begins to cough violently. If the moment of splashing coincides with a deep breath, then pulmonary edema cannot be ruled out, and, if you are prone to allergies, the victim may suffocate. If an asthmatic is exposed to pepper extract, death is also possible. Similar cases have been described in judicial practice.

If a cloud or stream of pepper spray gets into your eyes, the consequences are also very unpleasant. In addition to profuse lacrimation, blepharospasm occurs. The muscle in one or both eyes begins to contract uncontrollably, preventing the eyes from opening. It will take time for the attacker to blink, which means you have the opportunity to escape.

If the canister accidentally fell into the hands of children or you were exposed to hot pepper yourself, you should know the rules of first aid or self-help. If possible, you should see an ophthalmologist after the incident.

How to eliminate the consequences

If you are caught in a stream or cloud, it is advisable to quickly eliminate the consequences of pepper spray. The algorithm of actions in this case is not very complicated:

In the future, try to be more careful when using pepper spray. You now understand how to get rid of the consequences yourself. The ophthalmologist will then assess the extent of the damage and recommend eye drops. Most often this is the banal “Albucid” or painkillers and anti-inflammatory drops with diclofenac. If the burning sensation is severe, lidocaine drops may be recommended, but they must be used strictly according to the instructions so that visual acuity does not decrease. You can only use Visine on your own, but this remedy eliminates redness rather than helps overcome the consequences of contact with pepper extract.

If you are allergic or asthmatic, also see a doctor to avoid serious consequences from exposure to pepper spray.

Responsibility for using pepper spray

If the canister is used for self-defense, there will be no consequences for you. But if the irritant is used for no apparent reason, then this can be regarded as petty hooliganism. If personal injury is caused, liability will depend on the severity of the injury. If the canister is used for no apparent reason and the victim dies, then criminal liability arises for causing death by negligence.

How to give first aid

Read the rules for providing medical care if pepper comes into contact with the body:

  • Do not rub the affected area - this increases the effect of the irritant.
  • Blot the contact area with a damp cloth to remove any caustic residue from the skin.
  • Tear fluid effectively copes with washing the eyes from the active substance of the balloon. Blink more often to make your eyes water more.
  • Washing with full-fat milk, clean water, and soda solution also helps.

Pepper spray: what it is, how it works

Today, pepper spray is the most common means of self-defense.
It is easy to buy - no special permission is required. A wide variety of them can be found in military stores and hunting stores. Externally it is a metal case with a valve device, a sprayer and a protective cap. Some models are equipped with a flashlight for improved visibility in the dark. Prices for the product vary from 300 to 800 rubles. The action of pepper spray is based on the irritating properties of hot red pepper. A stream or cloud of the drug released from the can, hitting the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, causes severe burning and pain. When inhaling vapors, a cough begins, spasms in the throat, a feeling of lack of air and suffocation appears. As a result, tears and saliva are produced abundantly. Painful shock disorients a person in space, it is difficult for him to stand on his feet. The effect of the drug lasts for 20-30 minutes, sometimes longer. This effect allows you to temporarily neutralize the enemy, call for help, or run away. Pepper spray is effective against intoxicated people and drug addicts. This makes it qualitatively different from tear gas, which does not have such properties. It will also help with attacks by dogs, which react to pepper extract in the same way as humans. Studies have been conducted that show that pepper spray can repel bears. Source

Which gas canister is the most effective?

Product name and manufacturer Spray type Irritant and area of ​​application Volume (ml) a brief description of Advantages and disadvantages Price (rubles)
Heaton, Shock aerosol oleoresin capsicum, up to 2.5 meters 1000 A good option for self-defense with a decent range. Excellent at stopping a group of people and can create a gas curtain. Low price, small size, long range. 580
Techkream, pepper spray aerosol oleoresin capsicum, up to 2 meters 65 A popular product on the non-lethal civilian weapons market. It differs favorably in the width of the lesion cone. Great price, frequent discounts from the manufacturer. Low flight speed of the gas cloud. 240
Techkream, Black aerosol-jet OS 20%, 2 meters 65 Frequent selection of police units is capable of creating a wide curtain of tear gas. It differs from analogues in its increased spray radius. Excellent accuracy, wide operating temperature range. 410
Hot pepper, Techkream aerosol-jet OS 20%, 2 meters 25 A compact version of a non-lethal civilian weapon, very comfortable to carry. Can be quickly grabbed from a jacket pocket, bag, etc. Small size, easy to spray. Disposable, small radius of destruction. 260
Dragon, Techkream foamy OS 95%, TC 3.1%, 2.5 meters 100 The duration of spraying is one of the most important characteristics of pepper spray. The dragon is far ahead of its analogues in this parameter. Wide contact patch, long-lasting spray. Increased cost, decent weight. 550
Peretz 11-A, Tekhkrim aerosol OS 95%, 2 meters 65 Reusable device designed for 8-10 short sprays. Due to the large contact area, one short-term splash is enough to neutralize the enemy. Large spray cone, decent spreading speed of the substance. Small operating temperature range. 270
Fakel2, Tekhkrim aerosol OS 95%, 3 meters 100 The increased range ensures greater safety of use, the addition of a special police irritant CS prolongs the effect. Large contact patch, small size, increased effective distance. Fast consumption of contents. 450
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