DIY Christmas tree costume for a girl (photo, video)

How to sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: 4 ideas, step-by-step master class, video.

Today we are pleased to present to you another master class of the “New Year’s Masquerade” competition of the “Native Path” website and the “Games and Toys” magazine.

The Christmas tree costume is one of the traditional costumes for girls at a New Year's party or masquerade. Irina Brusyantseva shared the idea of ​​making a Christmas tree costume for a girl. Irina sewed this costume last year for her youngest daughter. At a New Year's party, a girl danced the Christmas tree dance.

Tulle suit (tu-tu skirt)

Tutu skirt + T-shirt or jacket

  1. Making a tutu skirt without sewing from tulle is described in detail in this article with video tutorials and photos.

Video tutorial on creating a tulle skirt

Then we decorate the skirt with New Year's toys and plastic snowflakes. We sew tinsel or any other green material onto a T-shirt in the shape of a triangle, a Christmas tree.

We decorate the Christmas tree on the blouse with toys and a star on the top of the head.

Video about making a Christmas tree from a narrow ribbon and beads to decorate a T-shirt

The T-shirt is replaced with a turtleneck or any other suitable sweater.

Snowflake Makeup or Face Painting Ideas

Do you want to complement your look with makeup or face painting?

Look at the ideas in the photos, maybe you like some of them. Snowflakes or Olaf with Elsa and Anna? Choose the one you like best or come up with your own.

Video on how to draw a snowflake with face painting for a girl on her forehead:

Makeup master class for snowflakes for New Year's party:

Herringbone hairstyle

Braid across the head and you have a Christmas tree, and for those with hair below the shoulders, we recommend taking a look at the hairstyle with a “skeleton” braid, beautifully decorated with Christmas tree decorations, you get a real Christmas tree.

A variant of several tall bagels with a backcomb will turn your hair into a Christmas tree.

Braids and ribbons will make both horizontal and vertical ribbons. Red and green contrast and help achieve the desired effect.

Video on how to create a herringbone hairstyle

Video on how to do a herringbone hairstyle on medium length hair?

Video on creating a Christmas tree on short hair with a ribbon

Training video on how to make a lace-up Christmas tree with 2 braids for medium-length and long hair

How to style a snowflake girl's hair?

We recommend choosing a hairstyle for a snowflake carefully, because the headdress is a harmonious continuation of the costume. Take care right now about the right hairstyle for your snowflake.

If a snowflake is not your final option, then we suggest you find out about other New Year’s costumes, they have been written about in detail.

We offer a detailed analysis of the hedgehog, bunny and squirrel costume at this link with recommendations for creating it in different versions.

Hairstyles with hair gathered at the top and beautifully styled look more restrained, while curls and curls are suitable for a more festive look.

Block three - headdress

One of the most important parts of a herringbone costume is the headdress. Here are a few examples from which you can choose a suitable addition to your homemade outfit.

  • Rain cap. This option is the simplest. Any hat should be tightly covered with rain and decorated with snowflakes or pieces of cotton wool. A crocheted hat is ideal, as it is very easy to attach decorations to it.
  • Veil. Everything is simple here too. You will need organza or tulle. A long, narrow piece is gathered from one edge and attached to the hair with ordinary invisible pins. In the central part on top you can attach the same rain or make a lush bow from organza.

If you don’t know what to give your brother for New Year, we’ll help you with advice. Well, in this article - options for gifts for your sister. Here: - a list of what you can give a girl for the New Year.

  • Cap. The easiest way is to make it from ordinary cardboard and attach a thin elastic band so that it stays well on your head. If you wish, you can glue any suitable fabric on top of the cardboard. It is better, of course, to use the same material from which the outfit itself is made.
  • Felt. A simple Panama hat with a pointed top is sewn from felt and decorated like the entire suit. You can even use pieces of different shades of green, then it will be much more interesting.
  • Star. Probably every girl has a regular hair hoop. If you wrap it with rain and attach a traditional Christmas tree decoration - a star - on top, you will get a very simple and wonderful headdress.

If you spend a little time making a simple costume, then your child will be very grateful to you for the holiday gift. In the next video you will find a short instruction on how to make a New Year's Christmas tree costume for a girl, without using any specific patterns

Icicle costume

In my opinion, this should be an extended model. A long dress or trouser suit in white (blue) color is suitable. On top is a chiffon cape.

We trim the cape with snowflakes and sparkles. You can choose Elsa's dress, it looks like an ice icicle, here is a detailed MK. And there should be a crown on the head (see the article about making a crown from foamiran). Or maybe from hot glue?

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Crown for an icicle or snow queen costume. Idea from the pinkyounicorn channel #craftswithchildren

Publication from Elena Selivanova ( December 13, 2022 at 9:09 PST

Christmas tree costume for a girl with a fluffy tutu skirt: patterns for girls 3 – 6 years old

It will be convenient for your little one in kindergarten to dance in circles and play with Santa Claus in a Christmas tree costume, which consists of a decorated T-shirt and a fluffy tutu skirt.

  1. For a suit, take a white or green T-shirt, preferably with sleeves - lanterns.
  2. Rain sleeves are sewn onto the sleeves.
  3. On the bodice, a Christmas tree with a top is made from rain or strips of tulle; toys on it can be made from colored buttons, for example.

Herringbone suit with tutu skirt and white t-shirt.

Herringbone suit with tutu skirt and green t-shirt.

You can read about how to sew the most difficult part of a costume, a tutu skirt, in the article: “How to sew a tutu skirt for adult women, girls, for a girl and a newborn baby? DIY tutu skirts made of tulle, organza and chiffon.”

Granny hedgehog costume

For this ensemble you need:

  1. Hoodie dress. Preferably 2-3 sizes larger.
  2. Dad's vest. To make the image more convincing, you can make a kind of patch by sewing on a piece of burlap.
  3. Handkerchief.

Of course, this is just the basis of the outfit. You can add it:

  • beads,
  • trimming the vest with fur,
  • wig, etc.

DIY Christmas tree costume cape

In winter, when New Year's matinees are held, it can be cool in the music halls of kindergartens. A girl in a Christmas tree costume will not freeze if she has a cape. This element of clothing will also add volume and splendor to the forest beauty’s dress.

Popular articles The problem of fixing the hood

For the cape you will need:

  • fabric - satin, corduroy, other fabric from which the Christmas tree dress itself is sewn
  • braid
  • tinsel
  • fur pom poms
  • satin ribbons
  • New Year's decor
  • scissors, thread, needles
  • centimeter, chalk, ruler, pencil

Cape pattern.

  1. The cape pattern is made taking into account two sizes: the length of the product and the circumference of the child’s neck.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and outline it.
  3. The cape is cut out, its edges are folded over with braid and tinsel.
  4. Satin ribbons - ties - are sewn onto the collar. Their ends can be decorated with pompoms.
  5. Decorate the cape at your discretion to match the style of the Christmas tree dress.

Cape for herringbone costume.

Option for a thick cape for a herringbone costume.

What if you don’t have time to sew a dress?

To create a Christmas tree costume, you can use a simple green dress or T-shirt, as well as a matching skirt and tights. But this outfit needs to be improved:

  1. Tinsel is suitable (it is advisable to choose one color), which can be sewn along the edge of a dress or skirt. It is appropriate to use Christmas tree decorative garlands, small bows and plastic toys.
  2. The simplest solution for decorating your head would be various headbands with bright figures.
  3. You can wear any shoes or slippers on your feet.

It wouldn’t hurt to ask the child himself what he would like his costume to look like: children often have really interesting and creative ideas. And a costume made according to the wishes of the “customer” will delight its little owner even more.

Decorate a dress or top

You can’t do without their image on the dress; decorate only a skirt or top with them, making a beautiful decoration on the belt in the form of one large snowflake.

We embroider the belt with ready-made snowflakes; templates in different colors are sold in sewing stores. Embroider the entire costume with these snowflakes, which will allow you to avoid using a large amount of tinsel and make the process of working on the dress easier.

Allow your future snowflake to take part in the creation of your holiday dress, let her weave snowflakes from rubber bands into decorations for her dress, or make her own bracelet and earrings using ready-made photos and videos.

Don't worry that it's too difficult, detailed instructions will help even a beginner, and step-by-step photos will clarify every movement. Since there are several snowflakes, you can choose a simpler option, and move on to complex ones after creating simple ones.

This will allow your daughter to create a set of earrings and jewelry for her neck, arm, and possibly for her belt, dress, and headband. Click on the link or picture and go to the instructions.

There are no snowflakes for decoration, what should I do?

You will need: PVA glue, a snowflake template, a file and glitter.

  • Place a file on the sheet with printed snowflakes or attach it and secure with paper clips.
  • Apply a thin layer through a small hole or using a syringe and a needle to create a snowflake design.
  • Sprinkle generously with glitter or glitter on top.
  • Let dry for -1 day.
  • Remove from the file and the snowflake is ready.
  • Sew onto a dress or base for a crown.

How to decorate Czech shoes for the New Year with your own hands?

We decorate shoes or any other shoes with tinsel, fluff or leftover fabric. Sew mini shoe covers without soles with elastic bands, add decorations like on a dress, skirt or hat.

The second option for decorating shoes is to attach stencils cut from leather or fabric to the front.

A bow in red and green tones is an ideal combination, which we play up both in the hairstyle by weaving ribbons or a hoop and on the dress itself, choosing red Christmas tree toys for decoration.

A chic option is to glue half beads in a circle and add an organza flower. Glue the half beads using glue second and a pencil.

With the waves

If you want to make the skirt original, add a decorative frill in the form of waves to its main color. Think about cutting the base. Using the same principle, fold the fabric and then cut out semicircular strips of the desired width.

Make these stripes wavy using scissors.

Then lay out the fabric and attach it to the hem of the skirt, you can secure it with pins. Using fabric glue or a glue gun, glue one material to the other.

We sew a beautiful light blouse and cape for the Christmas tree with our own hands

We cut 2 parts from satin or silk. Measurements and shape in the photo. We cut and sew, the straps and neckline are made of velcro. We decorate it with swan down or similar, rain will do.

What to do if you only have a white T-shirt or blouse?

Buy: a sheet of felt and multi-colored small balls at any store, and also a star embroidered with sequins.

You will need: scissors, thread and needles.

We draw a Christmas tree on felt, cut it out and try it on clothes. You can lightly baste it, and then remove it and use it for another costume next year.

We sew or glue small multi-colored balls onto the Christmas tree, and a star on the top; we recommend choosing a red one.

This simple trick will allow you to turn any costume into a Christmas tree, all you have to do is add greenery to the skirt and decoration on the head.

And if you want to get ready in advance and make your daughter wear a mega exclusive dress at the matinee, then take the hook in your hands.

Crochet Christmas tree dress

A spectacular crocheted dress is also suitable for a matinee in the garden, if the threads chosen are cotton, and in a palace of culture, but then you will need a cape or a white turtleneck underneath.

Neck jewelry, earrings, crown

You can add neck decorations from beads or beads or knitted or ready-made snowflakes.

We suggest making snowflakes from: modeling mass that hardens, beads, crocheting, making using the kanzashi technique or from polymer clay, cutting from a plastic bottle, and if you don’t want to waste time, then buy jewelry in the shape of snowflakes at a hardware store.

Video on how to knit a snowflake for decoration: beads, earrings

After knitting, lay it out on a file and pin it in a stretched state, and then treat it with PVA glue. This will give it rigidity and allow it to be easily inserted into the hooks themselves - the basis for the earrings.

And a visit to a store that sells New Year's toys offers these kinds of decorations for the Christmas tree.

There are snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen, stars and they come in different colors, i.e., they will suit any costume.

You can decorate the entire costume with them, or by separating individual parts to make earrings, all that remains is to add hooks.

They are quite light and long, which means they will be enough for the whole dress, if such decoration is placed with a piping along the edge.

Make large snowflakes using a glue gun.

Master class on creating snowflakes using a glue gun:

  1. Prepare a napkin, glue gun, olive oil, brush, ruler, pencil, oilcloth, PVA glue, glitter, brushes.
  2. Draw a snowflake on a napkin using a pencil and ruler. Using a brush, brush the design with olive oil.
  3. Apply 1 layer according to the drawing with a glue gun, wait until it dries and go over again so the snowflake will be more voluminous and stronger.
  4. Let it dry and coat it with PVA glue. Then use a brush to apply glitter to each ray. The snowflake is ready.

If you have acrylic paints or luminescent varnish, then that will do, too, so your snowflake will also glow in the dark.

Video master class on creating snowflakes using a glue gun

If there are no snowflakes at all, then you can simply knit them, they are also suitable for decoration on the neck, look at the first photo in the article, all you have to do is make them harder, lay them out on the template and treat them with PVA glue, then when they are dry you can glue the rhinestones.

Snowflakes can be drawn on the bottoms of plastic bottles, or on the bottles themselves, so that they do not curl, put under a press.

How to make a Christmas tree costume for a girl from tulle for the New Year with your own hands: master class

The New Year's tree should be lush and elegant. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is to make a suit for the girl from airy tulle. It can be purchased in cuts or in skeins. Tulle has many shades, one of them is called spruce. You can also choose several shades of green and combine them.

If you don’t have a sewing machine at home, you can make a herringbone dress - here, which is not sewn, but literally woven. And only individual elements of the outfit are hand-sewn.

For a girl 4-6 years old with a height of 108 - 116 cm, you will need the following materials:

  • one and a half meter tulle – 6 – 7 meters
  • satin ribbons: medium width - 6 m, narrow - 3 m.
  • wide elastic band (2 cm) – 1 m
  • beads, rhinestones, Christmas tree toys, foamiran or felt for decoration

Christmas tree costume made of tulle.

You should also have on hand:

  • ruler
  • tape measure
  • scissors
  • threads and needles
  • glue gun
  • stapler
  • chalk or soap

Making a Christmas tree dress from tulle: step 1.

Making a Christmas tree dress from tulle: step 2.

Making a Christmas tree dress from tulle: step 3.

  1. Depending on the child’s build, tulle is cut into 50–60 ribbons 15 cm wide.
  2. The length of tulle ribbons is calculated as follows: measure the length from the girl’s armpits to her knees, multiply by two and add 3-4 cm per knot. For example, the distance from the armpit to the knees of a girl is 55 cm, then the length of the ribbon will be: 55*2+4= 114 cm.
  3. Using chalk or soap and a long ruler, mark cutting lines on the tulle and cut it along them.
  4. If you take tulle in rolls, cutting is faster and more convenient. It is very easy to calculate how many rolls you need, knowing the length of each tape. For example, if the length is as indicated above, 114 cm, and the roll is usually 22.5 m, calculate as follows: 114/100 * 50 = 57, then 57/22.5 = 2.53. It turns out that you need to take three rolls.
  5. Measure the girl's chest circumference and subtract 5-7 cm from the resulting value. This will be the length of the elastic band.
  6. Sew an elastic band, put it on the back of a chair, a plastic bottle with water, which is much more convenient.
  7. The ribbon is folded in half and threaded under the elastic band. The ends of the tape are pulled into the resulting loop. Tighten the knot well, but so that it does not squeeze the elastic.
  8. This is done with all tapes.
  9. A wide satin ribbon is woven between knots of satin stripes.
  10. Sew the straps to the dress. They can be made criss-cross on the back or made to tie at the neck.
  11. To make the herringbone dress fitted, consider a belt. It is made from satin ribbon sewn onto an elastic band, or simply from satin ribbon.
  12. Decorate the dress at your discretion. You can glue or sew bright beads, pebbles or even small Christmas tree decorations onto it.
  13. The remains of tulle are used to make a head decoration, for example, an openwork cap.

Popular articles Felt hat

Dress - tutu: Christmas tree.

Another version of the New Year's Christmas tree costume with a tulle skirt - with an openwork top - elastic. For this they take:

  • top elastic band of the desired color
  • tulle at the rate of 50 sheets of 30-40 cm (depending on the height of the girl) and a width of 15 cm
  • satin ribbon
  • decor at your discretion

Tulle herringbone dress with ribbed top.

We sew in 1 evening quickly and beautifully according to step-by-step instructions

For mothers of needlewomen who have been friends with the machine for a long time, the following idea and instructions from the author Tatus.

You will need: tulle in 2 shades of white with polka dots and blue, white taffeta for the dress, silver and white threads, white elastic band, Velcro for the headband 2 cm, bead for the headband, zipper for the fastener.

The main uniqueness of this dress is that the tulle skirt itself, like the sleeves, are put on separately; you decide whether to sew them on or not. The sleeves are an analogue of a 2-layer skirt, assembled with a linen elastic band in 2 layers, only on lanterns, elastic on 2 sides, top and bottom.


  1. Cut out and sew a dress from an existing one, or take a white T-shirt.
  2. To cut out a tulle skirt, measure the volume of the abdomen and take a piece 2 times longer to create folds. The height of each layer is approximately 16 cm and 19 cm, leaving 3 cm for the hem under the elastic. The thinner the fabric, the more it is needed, for example, chiffon or tulle, we recommend choosing 1.5 - 2 m.
  3. We sew it like this: sew the side seams. Fold them on top of each other and bend them 3 cm, and stitch them 2 cm away from the fold so that your elastic fits without creases. The skirt is ready, try it on.
  4. We sew the sleeves with lanterns in the same way, only we insert elastic on both sides. You will also get them in two layers. When finished, their height is about 10 cm. The width of the sleeve is taken based on the volume of the child’s arm in the armpit area.
  5. For the bandage, we recommend using a ready-made white bandage or knitted fabric, then a particularly precise fit is not needed, the fabric stretches perfectly. Measure the volume of the child's head, take into account seam allowances of 1 cm and fasteners of 2-3 cm. If you use knitted fabric, then a fastener is not needed.
  6. We collect the whole suit and put it on. If desired, the sleeves and skirt can be worn directly to the matinee or immediately.
  7. Author of the video: Tattoo and ideas with a 2-layer skirt. If this option is extremely difficult for you, do not be upset, we will offer you many more options without patterns and sewing in the article below.

Video on making a snowflake costume for kids.

Costume for very young children

How to make a headdress

A girl’s Christmas tree costume for the New Year will be incomplete if you don’t think about how to decorate the child’s head. The top of the tree is most often crowned with a star or icicle. You can use your imagination and realize your ideas.

Tinsel hat

One of the simplest options is to wrap tinsel or New Year's rain around any hat. At the top you can place a red star. And if you additionally decorate the brim of the hat with white wool, this will create an imitation of snow.

Use tulle, nylon or organza

Another simple way is a veil. A light, airy green material is suitable for this. Gather a piece of fabric from one edge and secure it to your hair using bobby pins. Additionally, you can make a decoration in the form of a star or a red bow.


You can make a cap out of cardboard or felt and decorate it with the same details that were used to decorate the costume.

The star can be made from felt or colored cardboard

Another option: take a children's headband and wrap it with rain or green satin ribbon. Sew or wire a star made from the material of your choice to it. The headdress is ready.

Different ideas for decorating headbands

You can decorate the headband in other ways. Handicraft techniques such as quilling or patchwork using satin ribbons (not to be confused with patchwork) are suitable here.

Tinsel on a wire

But a more complex version of the headdress is the crown. To make it, you can wrap a piece of rigid wire with tinsel and, bending it in different directions, give it the desired shape.

Knitted crown

The following options will be within the power of true craftswomen. This work is, of course, painstaking, but the result will be unsurpassed.

A crocheted crown will stand firmly if it is well starched.

Crown - the highest level of skill

To make such a crown, you first need to make a wire frame and, using it as a stencil, make a pattern from light transparent fabric. Nylon or organza will do. You should end up with 2 identical parts that need to be sewn together and then carefully pulled onto a wire frame. The structure can be secured to the rim. Embroider the finished crown with rain, decorate with tinsel, stars and snowflakes.

Options for creating a snowflake image

Before you start creating patterns and actual sewing, decide on the appropriate materials, as well as the style of the holiday outfit.

Often a snowflake costume for a girl for the New Year is sewn specifically for a photo shoot. In this case, you will have more options: for example, a long, fluffy dress will be very useful, since the child will not need to constantly move around the room, as happens at children's parties.

If the outfit is needed specifically for a matinee, it is better to choose a more comfortable and practical style.


so that you can transform the outfit in the future, you can choose a separate style with a skirt and blouse. Elements of such an outfit can be combined with other clothes.

The simplest method of tailoring involves attaching additional details to the finished garment in the form of accessories, puffy sleeves, the top layer of a skirt, cape and other elements that will create the image of a snowflake. It is advisable to use clothes with a “winter” palette, that is, white, silver or blue.

Consider these DIY snowflake costume ideas for girls:

  • sewing tulle onto a dress to create a more voluminous outfit;
  • attaching satin ribbons to clothes. They can be gathered in some places to make the snowflake dress more elegant;
  • individual parts of the costume can be transformed using cotton wool or white fur, which will imitate a snowball;
  • Great for decorating such costumes and rain. It is advisable not to choose bright shades that do not belong to the “cold” palette;
  • a very comfortable and warm snowflake costume can be knitted by yourself;
  • a delicate image is very simply created by sewing lace onto a festive outfit.

If you don’t have much time or experience in sewing children’s holiday clothes yourself, the following simple method will suit you. Take organza or other easy-to-use fabric and sew a dress from it using ready-made patterns or a skirt gathered with an elastic band.


For extra fullness, make the skirt multi-layered. Each new layer can be shorter than the previous one.

For homemade outfits, you can look for winter-themed fabric. Ideally, it should be textiles with patterns in the form of snowflakes.

If you were unable to find such options, you can sew snowflakes to the outfit yourself. They can be made from anything: cardboard, plastic bottles, knitting threads, felt, etc. The main thing is that such accessories do not pose a danger to the child, especially during active pastime.

The rain can be sewn to the edges of the skirt and sleeves. If the outfit includes a vest, you can sew the rain to the inner edging of each of the edges. You can also attach a fluffy collar - and also use additional decor to transform the edging of the fabric.

As for knitted dresses, making them will not be easy. But you can always turn to specialists who will take into account your wishes and create an outfit based on the child’s parameters. If you're short on time, you don't have to make the whole costume knitted: snowflake dresses consisting of a knitted top and a fluffy fabric skirt look good.

Video with a master class on a DIY snowflake costume for a girl with a knitted top:

Lace can be used as an insert in some places of the New Year's costume. For example, make the neckline, sleeves or lower part of the skirt from this material. Dresses with lace sewn onto the fabric along the entire length look very impressive and delicate. In this case, you need to guess with the colors of the materials used: the lace should not completely merge with the base.

A children's snowflake costume can also be decorated with feathers, beads, sequins and other elements. The brighter this outfit is, the better. But this does not mean that you can use a lot of saturated shades to create an expressive image: maintain a harmonious palette, and to successfully implement your ideas, select colors based on photographs of ready-made outfits on such a theme.

Block two - sewing for needlewomen

Here you will have to spend more time and materials, since there is no ready-made base. But the result will be simply amazing.


The entire outfit will consist of a tutu skirt and a decorated top. The Christmas tree will be lush, just like a real one. Materials include organza, tulle, satin, elastic ribbon and thread. Of course everything is green.

  • The top should be waist-length or even slightly lower. It is not necessary to make it tight, although this option looks much more interesting. To make it, you need to take two identical cuts from satin of the required length and width (child’s dimensions). There is a cutout for the throat on top, and cutouts for the arms on the sides. It is sewn only in four places - shoulders and sides. On the one hand, it is better not to sew it up completely, but to make a zipper or simply attach hooks.
  • The top is decorated using tulle. Tapes 10 centimeters wide, gathered at the top, are sewn in layers to the finished product.
  • Now the next stage is making a tutu skirt. There is practically no need to sew here. First you need to decide on the length. All further work depends on this. For example, half a meter. You will need a lot of organza. It needs to be cut into narrow strips of about 15 centimeters. Length is two lengths of the skirt (in this case – 1 m) plus a little more for the knot.
  • When the strips are prepared, you can work on the belt. It is made of elastic tape. The length is different in each case, because it all depends on the waist size. The measured tape is sewn into the ring. This belt will be the basis for the skirt.
  • Now we begin to tie the folded organza strips on the belt with a regular flat knot. You need to tie it very tightly, almost going over the previous knot. When there is no more free space left on the belt, the skirt is ready.

All that remains is to put on your outfit and celebrate New Year and Christmas.


A very easy option to make, in which you need to sew a simple dress in the shape of a trapezoid. It is better to use thin fabric, such as silk or satin.

Anyone can make a pattern. It is very similar to the top described in the previous costume. Only the length and shape of the product have been changed. Length - just below the knees. The only caveat is that you need to make a lot of small loops along the bottom edge of the dress from the inside. Then, when the product is ready, a thick, rigid wire is inserted into them, which will help the hem not to fall, but to stand. The last step is simply decorating the finished outfit with rain, snowflakes and other New Year accessories.

"Loose" snowflake dress with belt

Let's take a look at another master class on a DIY New Year's snowflake costume for a girl. This outfit is suitable for both little and older girls: based on the pattern, you can adjust the size of the outfit to suit your child.

To sew an outfit of size 44, you will need 140 by 180 centimeters of cotton, the same amount of organza with a silver print, as well as two meters of ribbon, which will be used as a belt.

Take the fabric, iron it well and fold it in half. Make a mark in the center of the fold and set aside the dimensions indicated on the pattern. The upper part of the drawing is the neckline, shoulders and slits for the arms. The bottom of the fabric is cut to create a semi-circular dress.

Creating a snowflake costume step by step begins with transferring all the marks onto the fabric itself. After all unnecessary elements have been cut off, you can begin to create the second layer of the outfit. Take organza and do similar procedures with this fabric. Cotton and organza should be folded face to face, ensuring that the level of the neckline and armholes match.

After that, start stitching the outfit using a sewing machine. Stand back from the edge about 5 millimeters, using pins to ensure the fabric joins correctly.

Make notches on the front neck seam allowance: this will prevent the material from pulling together when turning the outfit inside out.

The seams of the neckline and armholes must be ironed. Next, the allowances are hemmed around the perimeter of the cotton part. To make the outfit look light and airy, you don’t have to tuck the organza allowances.

The next step involves sewing on the sides of the dress. Please note that each layer of this outfit is sewn separately, and the seams should be located inside.

We finish the work by creating a belt, which is very quickly done on a sewing machine. As a result, you will get a very cute dress, like in the photo. By the way, you can make the length of the front and back of the outfit different, and also experiment with the sleeves and the appearance of the neckline.

Here is another example of a themed dress with detailed sewing patterns:

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