5 important life hacks for a beauty reboot in a Russian bath

Lifehacks are necessary to improve and simplify your life. There are many similar tips. Some of them can be used for the interior or home. This will add a little originality and comfort. You need to figure out what useful things you can adopt and implement in your own life.

Original open wire decoration

Life hacks for home: wardrobe

Sometimes there are more things than can fit in the closet. Because of this, their appearance suffers. This is simply inconvenient. You should take advantage of useful tips to improve the storage and wearing of your items. Life hacks for your wardrobe are reflected in the table.

Useful tipsDescription
Using a cocktail strawThis solution will help avoid chain tangling. This is especially true when jewelry is taken on a trip. One tube is suitable for several chains at once.
Application golfThey are suitable so that your jeans do not fold into an accordion. It is important to note that it is recommended to use this method only if you do not plan to take off your shoes. Otherwise, such a decision will become noticeable to everyone.
Transforming thingsYou'll need your little sister's jacket. His sleeves will be short for you. They need to be adjusted a little. The folds of the product are decorated with braid and fabric, the width of which coincides with the folded parts. The result will be a very original and interesting option.

To prevent the chain from getting tangled, pass it through a straw

Slim jeans can also be tucked into boots

Idea for storing handbags

See alsoPhoto of the garage

Do it yourself

A refrigerator is also suitable for storage in a small kitchen - you just need to make small magnetic shelves for small things with your own hands. You will need small baskets from the hardware store, magnets and superglue. And in order not to reach into the far corners of the cabinets for rolls of foil or film, you can install two ordinary hooks with the spouts inward and secure the packages to them. This way, these useful little things will always be at hand, and cutting off the right amount will become much easier. You can clearly see how to turn these and other ideas into reality in the photo below.

Additional ideas and tricks to make kitchenette storage even easier:

  • If you have animals, make it a rule to store dry food in an airtight plastic container. This saves space, which is usually occupied by bags of food, and the problem of odor is solved by itself.
  • It has long been known that getting rid of unnecessary junk makes way for new useful things and emotions. Get rid of empty bottles that you keep only because they “look nice”, clean out the refrigerator of outdated notes and papers, leave the minimum of dishes and cutlery that your family really needs. Give baking dishes that you don’t use to your loved ones. You'll see, even breathing in such a kitchen will become easier!

For all bulk and liquid products, keep jars and special containers with appropriate inscriptions or stickers. This way, the ingredients you need will be easier to find, and the kitchen will look neater and more stylish. In addition, the abundance of spice and cereal bags usually creates the appearance of chaos - to get rid of it, you will have to spend a little money at the hardware store, but it is worth it

The simplest option is to pay attention to the jars and containers offered by everyone’s favorite Ikea

Instead of railing, you can use a strong branch - this will create a beautiful eco-accent and will not require any financial investment.

Knives, forks and spoons can be stored in a homemade stand made from cans.

Even storing food in a small kitchen plays an important role. Storing vegetables and other seasonal products will be a joy if, for example, you sew your own bags for hanging on the wall. Natural fabrics like linen and cotton are suitable for this, and the bags themselves are attached to hooks

However, it is important not to forget that storing some types of vegetables will require frequent washing of such “containers”

Storing packages can be solved in a similar way. Today, many stores sell compact bags for packages that can be hung anywhere. And if you want to sew such a “bag for bags” with your own hands, it won’t be difficult. For wine bottles, you can allocate a place on the outside of the set and hang a shelf there

It is important to ensure that this place is far from the radiator and stove, so that the drinks do not overheat and lose their taste. If there is space left on other walls for a hanging shelf, then it can be allocated specifically for this

But walls are not the only place to store bottles. There are special shelves that can be placed, for example, on a windowsill or any convenient place. For example, Ikea offers a special wooden stand.

If you have a lot of cutting boards, then their compact storage has become a bit of a problem. Standing in a prominent place, they look sloppy, and take up a lot of space in closets. Take a look at the photo for possible ideas for storing boards. The inside of the drawers can be divided into sections using ordinary thin plywood, thus creating a kind of “catalog” of dishes, or you can leave space for cutting boards on the inside of the doors. The simplest option is to hang hooks at the level of the lower module and hang the boards on a string.

The outside of cabinets is great for hanging little things that we constantly need. You can see all kinds of dishes that can be placed there in the photographs. Small gaps between the set and the walls can be filled with open shelves - use the free centimeters wisely!

A small kitchen should have plenty of space for comfort, but not for unnecessary things and junk. Therefore, our task is to make the space more efficient and organized. Get rid of unnecessary little things, keep order and use non-traditional storage places - in this case, organizing storage in the kitchen, even the smallest one, will not be a problem for you!

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Use clear nail polish to secure the screws

Sometimes it becomes necessary to tighten a screw. This is often required for sunglasses. You will need a regular clear varnish. It lubricates the required screw. When the nail polish dries, you can use the glasses.

Cogs will no longer be lost

See alsoInterior things

Replacing light bulbs in the lower lighting (under the shelves)

Bottom lighting is often installed, but people don’t always think about replacing light bulbs.

If a lamp is installed under the shelves, then it is necessary to provide access to it. The solution is removable sections of shelves. This can be either the top or the side. It will be more convenient to make the top one, because It will be most convenient to get there through the top. To do this, the upper surface of the shelf is assembled with a separate shield. With this assembly, the top panel is placed on the frame of the shelves, and can be additionally screwed to the frame so that it does not move over time.

Clear nail polish to solve the button coming off problem

Clear varnish helps with more than just screws. It happens that the thread that holds the button begins to weaken. This can lead to the loss of a button at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, if there are no threads and needles nearby, you should use varnish. It is applied to the weakened thread and waits to dry.

Colorless varnish will hold the threads together

See alsoBeautiful things with your own hands

Prepare china and silverware

If desired, such a labor-intensive process as table setting will take very little time. Especially if you are not expecting the British Queen, but relatives and friends. So, here are the minimum rules for competent and simple table setting:

  • Place a medium-sized plate for hot dishes.
  • Place a smaller plate - for snacks - this way you will save space.
  • If there is soup on the menu, you can put a soup plate .
  • Place the forks the knife and spoon .
  • Dessert and fruit cutlery is placed above the snack plate.
  • The number of glasses on the table depends on what drinks you serve.
  • The minimum is a glass for alcoholic drinks, and a smaller one for water or juice.

As you can see, everything is not so complicated.


Door rubber

If the door constantly opens or closes on its own, it is recommended to use a simple method with an elastic band. You can use any. It is placed on the handle on both sides of the door, turning it over to form a crisscross pattern in the latch area.

The rubber band will hold the latch in place

See also: DIY crib: master class with drawings and photos

Fold the napkins

It’s also not necessary to fuss with napkins But if you don’t want to just put a bunch of them on the table, then here are some easy-to-follow hacks:

  • The fastest way would be to place the napkin in a bow on the plates and secure the middle with a decorative clip or simply leave it folded.
  • Another way to fold a napkin stylishly and functionally is the French square . cutlery in the resulting pockets .
  • You can also adapt napkins to the table by tucking them into glasses .
  • Adopt a method that is often used in cafes and restaurants : carefully wrap a napkin around the cutlery.


Slats for mirror

Massive mirrors framed in frames are distinguished by significant weight. It is recommended to use wooden slats equipped with a locking connection when securing them.

Simple and reliable system for securing heavy objects

See alsoCreate simple and amazing wood decor with your own hands

DIY garage press options

Homemade garage presses allow you to process various products and materials under pressure. Structurally, the equipment consists of cylinders. In the garage, such a machine is useful for straightening or fastening various elements, as well as for bending sheets of metal or pressing cardboard.

An example of a homemade press

For private use, a capacity of 10-15 tons is sufficient. Most often, a bottle jack is used with a provided hand pump, which acts as the main structural element.

Here are some interesting options for homemade garage presses:

Option from scrap materials

Rails will also come in handy

Ready purchase model

Convenient homemade press

Ceramic tile

During renovation work or when installing plumbing fixtures, ceramic tiles can be damaged. Changing the entire design is too time-consuming and expensive. It is much easier to remove the damaged element. To do this, apply electrical tape to the adjacent tile. Carefully and slowly, the desired element is drilled out and removed. This will allow you to get rid of the defect and not damage other products.

You can also apply electrical tape or masking tape before drilling the tiles so that the drill slips less and the hole comes out with smooth edges.

See alsoShells as an interior element

Broom and broom are different

Brooms are used in different ways, the most popular ones being made from coniferous trees (spruce, pine, cedar, fir branches) and deciduous ones (birch, linden, oak). The former can boast of preventive properties: they help the body resist various acute respiratory and infectious diseases, improve blood circulation in the vessels. As an additional bonus, pine brooms release essential oils that help with coughs. Deciduous ones are still the most popular - due to the unique medicinal properties of individual species. For example, a linden broom quickly relieves headaches and has a calming and antipyretic effect, while a birch broom cleanses the body of toxins and improves the respiratory system. To get ready for a productive working day, it is best to order a bath procedure with a rowan broom. Eucalyptus broom helps cure a runny nose and sore throat.

Flower pots

If you have some flower pots left that you don't plan to use, you can find another use for them. They make great lids for plates. Convenient and practical.

Fun toys made from flower pots

Fairytale house for interior decor

Lifehacks are necessary to make life a little easier and more convenient. Tools at hand that were planned to be thrown away turn into useful helpers.

See alsoHow to use burlap in the interior

Beautifully cut fruits and vegetables

The notorious fruit and vegetable plates can also be turned into table decorations if you get creative. To do this, you only need cutlery, skill and our tips:

  • To turn oranges (and any other citrus fruit) into " flowers ", cut them with the peel, but not all the way, leaving the base intact. And then “reveal” it on a plate.
  • The peels of apples (or thin-skinned lemons and tangerines ), cut in one strip, will make beautiful roses .
  • Combined fruit layouts look impressive. For example, alternate citrus fruits: orange with yellow pulp and grapefruit with red pulp.
  • Bananas and apples darken faster than other fruits when cut , so they need to be prepared last. And if you sprinkle the finished slices with lemon juice , this will help the fruit maintain its natural whiteness longer.


Photo: 50 more useful ideas

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