Do-it-yourself front-loaded rotating spinners Master

Alexander Prokofiev about the spinner. Vadim MATSNEV

Alexander Prokofiev – design engineer Photo: Vadim MATSNEV

In an interview with Channel One and the Associated Press agency, Vladimir Putin “advertised” the manufacturer of the spoon with which he recently caught a 21-kilogram pike, the largest in his life: “By the way, I caught it with a small spoon that he produces I think it’s a small family enterprise in Krasnoyarsk, it’s called “Tsar Fish”. I specially took a photo and wanted to send it to the manufacturers of this spoon, but I still don’t have time. But I hope that I will do it."

In fact, now the Krasnoyarsk spoon is no less famous than the Tuvan pike: its author’s phone rings off the hook every day. Alexander Prokofiev accepts congratulations and... new orders.

By profession, Alexander Prokofiev is a design engineer; he lived in Norilsk for many years, and after retiring, he became seriously interested in improving spinners, especially since fishing is his favorite hobby. He told Komsomolskaya Pravda the secrets of his know-how.

In a conversation with me, Alexander Petrovich sighs all the time and selects his words:

- You’re a girl, how can I explain it to you... In general, I studied French, American, Swedish lures. I left all the pros and improved them, but reduced the cons to nothing. The peculiarity of this particular spinner, which has now thundered throughout the world, is the noisy “provoking” core.

The President caught a pike with a small spoon produced by a small enterprise in Krasnoyarsk Photo: Vadim MATSNEV

The lure also has a metal water whistle (by the way, it also whistles for your sweet soul in the air). All these noises that the spinner creates as a whole really cannot leave predatory fish indifferent. Even if there is no bite (the pike just stands in the water and guards its prey), it does not pay attention to the small fish. But this lure will definitely irritate her, the predatory reflex is triggered, and she rushes at it. Plus the materials themselves. They create a certain field, which is probably similar to what is emitted by the usual pike prey.

- Why didn’t anyone bite that time, but Putin cast a fishing rod - and immediately luck, and what kind of luck?

“Next to him was an experienced huntsman who has been using my lures for several years now. Apparently, he advised the president to try it. And here is the effect. For me there is nothing surprising here at all. I double-check and test my spinners. They all work. Even when there is no bite, when other baits are useless.

And indeed it is. The fish takes the bait. And what a one! Alexander Petrovich’s personal record is taimen weighing 45 kilograms!

“I caught him five years ago.” And not in Tuva, by the way, but on the Yenisei, at the 120th kilometer, there is a place where the river shipping company is located.

Prokofiev fished in Tuva more than once.

— There is a good river called Bash-Khem, I also recommend Khamsara. In our region there is excellent fishing on the Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska.

A rare occasion - a shoemaker with boots, fishing - with his lure, at the same time you can do tests while developing models. A small, almost family-owned enterprise, with the wife always nearby, both at work and fishing, has been in existence for 9 years. Now the Krasnoyarsk spinner is known abroad.

“The Chinese have already learned to counterfeit,” Alexander Petrovich laughs. – And an international patent is very expensive.


Boris Eremeev, professional fisherman, author of practical guides on fishing, inventor of spinners, decoys (Krasnoyarsk):

“I’ve known Petrovich for many years, he’s a good man!” (laughs). The secret of his spinners is that he tests everything himself. He does - and stays, tries, tries... If he doesn’t go, he changes, improves something. He looks at what the fish are doing. This is a delicate matter. Spinner, bait for fish, is an irritant. And the one she couldn’t calmly swim past did well. Well, plus one more thing, his spoons are made taking into account all the features of Siberian fishing. It worked!

How to make a spoon from a spoon handle

Knowledgeable fishermen make homemade baits from the cuttings, arguing that they play in the water interesting for the fish and have a symmetrical shape.
After all, with careful decoration, the appearance will imitate a small fish. But from the handle of an aluminum device they create an analogue of an expensive one.

It is recommended to use a steel spoon as the basis for such vibrators. They will not require additional shipping and will perform well in bodies of water with strong currents.

In addition, you can experiment with the body of the spinner and make it straight or wavy. If in the first case, a lot of skills will be required from the spinning angler so that the bait actively plays in the water. In the second, by bending the workpiece to the required radius, you won’t have to make any special efforts to get a bright game in the water.

Let's look at how to make a vibrator from a stem with a straight body by hand. To do this you need:

  1. Cut 15–20 mm from the thin part of the handle. So the bait will look like bleak.
  2. Drill holes in the workpiece for the winding rings. Remove burrs with a file. Paste them.
  3. You need to put on a tee on the wide side of the handle, and fix the fishing line on the narrow side. In the version with an aluminum blank, the fasteners are performed in reverse.

The resulting spoon can be used for reservoirs with different current strengths. The type of wiring is selected individually.

How to make your own spinner

Homemade spoons, making a spoon from a teaspoon and a beer can, a version of a rotating spoon

Although store shelves are littered with various industrially produced spoons, often the most favorite and most catchy spoon is the one made with your own hands. In addition, homemade spoons have a low cost. In this regard, craftsman fishermen never cease to look for new methods and raw materials for making their own spinners.

Look at an ordinary teaspoon - a trained eye sees in it not one, but two spinners at once. The first is the iron spoon itself. A spoon with a perfectly symmetrical shape and a uniform internal recess. Its main advantage is that it works when guiding in the water column.

To make this lure you will need two rings, a tee and a quarter of an hour of free time. Saw off the spoon from the handle. Use a file to sand the cut area. Drill two holes.

Pay special attention to the rig of the spinner. It has been experimentally established that the ring that connects the spinner and the tee should be one and a half to two times larger than the hook ring.

With smaller rings, the tee, decorated with red hairs, worsens the performance of the spinner when retrieving.

Take another teaspoon, this time aluminum. Making a spinner from it is similar to the previous one. This spoon is used for fishing closely located places and windows in the reeds. An aluminum spoon spoon has one interesting feature - its movement in the water column is accompanied by noise, which attracts attention and encourages even a well-fed predator to attack.

The cut off handle of the steel spoon needs to be shortened further, by approximately 1.5-2 cm. The remaining part is very similar in size to bleak. Drill two holes and rig the spinner. The tee is placed on the wide end of the handle.

For more successful pike perch fishing, you need to attach a bunch of multi-colored polyethylene strips to the tee, which can be cut from plastic bags.

The difference in the results of catching pike perch using a spoon with and without a tail is very noticeable.

The second handle is aluminum. It replaces a strong and expensive spinner - "Devon". It is manufactured like the previous one. This spoon is intended exclusively for fishing places where asp roam. It is used to treat rifts and reaches. The handle is equipped in reverse. The tee must be placed on the thin part of the spoon; when retrieving, such a spoon will not jump to the surface of the water.

It is not necessary to equip the tee with a tail or colored hairs. After equipping the handles, you need to check how they work when wiring. By slightly bending them in one direction or another, you can change their play, adapting them to certain conditions.

Homemade spinners from a beer can, manufacturing procedure

But if making a spoon from a teaspoon still involves spending on the teaspoon itself, then the next method of making a spoon is also an opportunity to use free recyclables. In this case, such recyclable material will be an empty can of beer and other drinks.

Thin tin, from which beer cans are made, is a very technologically advanced material for the manufacture of rotating and oscillating spinners. And what colors! Golden, orange, silver, sky blue, striped in two or three colors - in a word, for every fish taste.

The simplest oscillating homemade spoons can be made as follows.

Three holes with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm are drilled in a petal cut from the side surface of the can, into which a hook with an elongated shank is passed.

The distance between adjacent holes should be equal to the number of the hook, so that when landing the spoon is not particularly deformed. The width of the narrow lower part of the petal is always less than the number of a single hook, so that the fish does not escape.

The first version of a homemade spinner from a beer can

You can make transverse slots along the axis of the petal-blank and insert the shank of the hook into them. For a tighter fit of the spinner on the hook on the fore-end, it is advisable to put on a colored cambric. The spinner is attached to the fishing line through a winding ring or carabiner.

The second version of a homemade spinner from a beer can

The technology for its manufacture is the same, only the workpiece is folded along the lines into an “accordion”, in which holes are drilled in one pass. The hook is inserted into the holes, and the “accordion” is pulled along the shank of the hook.

Such homemade spoons are used for spinning fishing for asp and herring in the current. You can use 2-3 of these spoons on leashes when fishing with donkeys. On the riffles they cause active bites from pike perch and sabrefish.

Option for a homemade spinner made from a beer can

Unlike conventional spinners, it has not one, but two petals. Three holes with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm are drilled in the rectangular part of the workpiece. They will subsequently play the role of guides for the axis of rotation of the spinner. The workpiece is bent along the lines. A wire rod is passed through the holes, which has a fastener at the bottom for connecting to the tee ring.

Above the clasp, a bead is strung on a wire rod, on which the spinner rests. After assembling the spoon, a ring is formed at the upper end of the rod. Thanks to three holes, the spinner is fixed relative to its axis, the petals do not touch the tee.

So that the tee does not interfere with the play of the spinner and does not cling to the fishing line, a piece of nipple tube is put on the connection of the fastener and the ring of the tee.

First, it must be strung on the forend of the tee, and after connecting with the clasp, move it up to the fastening point. The proposed version of the rotating spoon provides for a sinker to be placed on a separate leash.

You can make a bait with a combined sinker by attaching a lead “olive” to the rod above the fastener.

It might be interesting: Which reel is best for spinning for pike?

Homemade spinners from reflectors of old car headlights

Reflectors from old car headlights can also serve as material for making rotating spinners at home. In this case, you will get homemade spinners, the concave side of which will be nickel-plated, and the convex side will be matte.

Based on materials from the book “DIY Fishing Tackle and Hunting Equipment. Manufacturing and repair." Storozhev Konstantin.

Material for making homemade goods

Brass, copper, bronze, silver, stainless steel, ferrous metals that are subjected to various methods of corrosion protection (painting or coating with ceramics, polymers, galvanic treatment of corrosion resistant metals).

Making tool

  1. Pencil
  2. Paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Metal scriber
  5. Chisel
  6. Metal scissors
  7. Hacksaw for metal
  8. Hammer
  9. Files and needle files of different shapes
  10. Soldering iron
  11. Solder
  12. Soldering flux or soldering acid
  13. Drill
  14. Drill
  15. Pliers
  16. Clamps
  17. Wire cutters
  18. Lighter
  19. Ruler
  20. Compass
  21. Pattern
  22. Protractor

Pressure gauge tubular spring

  • Very good red or yellow metal color.
  • Easy soldering possible.
  • Weak oxidation.
  • Compliance to machining.
  • Possibility to make parts like corners

Refrigeration Copper Tubes

Same quality as in the first case, with possibility.

  1. Making bait directly from a tube, as they say on the knee.
  2. Manufacturing of balancers

Coins or spoons

  1. The greater weight of the bait allows you to fish from depth.
  2. Silvery color similar to white fish
  3. Possibility of quick production of spinners

Various plates, tubes that are not subject to oxidation and corrosion or are slightly susceptible. In general, everything that can be processed at home.

DIY making


To make this very catchy spoon, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • hammer;
  • tin can for beer, Pepsi, etc.;
  • clip;
  • threads;
  • beads;
  • tee or hook - optional.

Now we begin the process itself:

  1. We make a straight wire from a paper clip (you can just take a wire.
  2. Cut a petal or several in the shape of propellers from the jar.
  3. A hole is pierced in the petal with an awl.
  4. It is put on a wire and bent so as to ensure rotation.
  5. Beads are installed between the propellers to make rotation easier.
  6. Eyes are made at the ends of the wire to attach the hook and main line.
  7. Tie multi-colored threads to the tee.

There are more complex manufacturing methods, but this one is very suitable for beginners.


  • sheet of metal about 3 mm thick;
  • hardwood timber (oak, beech);
  • plasticine;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • chisels;
  • strikers from pieces of reinforcement;
  • drill;
  • hook or tee;
  • swivel;
  • winding rings.

We begin production according to the drawing:

  1. We make a template from cardboard.
  2. We cut out the metal according to the template.
  3. We make a recess in the wood for the desired shape of the spoon.
  4. We check its correctness with plasticine.
  5. Using strikers and a hammer we give the metal the desired shape.
  6. Drill 2 holes along the edges of the spoon.
  7. Clean out irregularities.
  8. The tackle is equipped with a hook, swivel and rings.

For fishing in muddy water

This tackle is especially good for catching perch. Materials and tools:

  • a 1.5 cm piece of chrome pipe;
  • metal scissors;
  • metal drill;
  • tin, soldering iron;
  • pliers;
  • needle file;
  • hook or tee.
  1. Cut the pipe into 2 parts.
  2. We remove one of them completely, and unbend the other, but not completely.
  3. Give it the shape of a fish.
  4. We melt the hook with tin.
  5. Melt the fish completely with tin.

This type of tackle does not rust and is perfectly visible in muddy water conditions thanks to its almost mirror-like surface.

A tube

  • aluminum tube;
  • lead;
  • sandpaper;
  • swivels, hook, etc.

The tube is cut to the required size using different bevels. Filled with lead. The remaining parts are attached to holes made on different sides.

It is made from free-flowing brass - during processing it crumbles and does not come off as shavings. The peculiarity of the tackle: there is only ONE hole in it, where both the hook and the fishing line are attached.


This is a regular vibrator, which is equipped with two ends of wire that look like antennae and prevent snagging.

Made from an aluminum spoon

This type of gear is generally made in 15 minutes. And not only aluminum can be useful, but also cupronickel and other types of metal. The handle of the spoon is cut off. And the remaining part is supplied with other parts of the spoon, as in previous cases, using the holes made. If desired, you can change the size of the spoon by grinding the original material.

It may be interesting: Feeder reels


A summer bait for ultralight fishing can be made from a small teaspoon, as in the previous case. Some people use regular earrings for jewelry, providing them with beads and seed beads.

The main thing is that the hooks are proportionate and the load is small.

DIY spinner for pike and perch

You can make the highest quality and catchiest baits yourself. To do this, you only need a small amount of materials and tools. Available tools and skillful hands will help you make a real assistant for catching a predator.

Spoon spoon

Such a vibrator can be quickly and easily made from an aluminum teaspoon by breaking off the handle. After this, the surface of the workpiece is polished using a file.

To attach the equipment, small holes are punched along the edges of the spoon. The tee is attached to a homemade spoon using a ring, which should be twice the size of its hook counterpart.

You can also make an oscillator from the remaining handle:

  1. Reduce the workpiece by two centimeters and file the edges.
  2. Punch two holes and attach the equipment. The tee should be placed on the wide side of the handle.
  3. The spoon will be more catchy if you attach multi-colored strips of polyethylene to the tip of the tee.

Oscillator on a template

To make the lure look like a factory one, you will need more time and tools. You need to prepare:

  • templates;
  • gypsum;
  • plastic container with water;
  • metal plate;
  • manicure file;
  • file;
  • scissors;
  • candle.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Two holes are punched or drilled in the metal plate.
  2. Paraffin is buried in the template.
  3. After pouring, the shape of the workpiece is modeled using a nail file.
  4. Gypsum is diluted in water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  5. The paraffin model is placed in plaster. After it hardens, a hole will appear in the gypsum mixture.
  6. A metal plate is placed at the bottom of the mold using a soldering iron.
  7. The tin is melted and placed into a mold.
  8. The frozen bait is polished with a file, after which the holes necessary for attaching the equipment are made in it.
  9. The spoon is polished again with a file and painted in the desired color.

Homemade spinner from a coin

A five-kopeck coin is best suited for its manufacture. You will also need:

  • round nose pliers;
  • pliers;
  • metal scissors;
  • drill with a diameter of 1 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • flat file;
  • leash;
  • winding ring;
  • tee hook from the store.

Preparation method:

  1. The edges of a clean, shiny coin are trimmed with scissors to create a diamond shape.
  2. The vibrator needs to be given rounded shapes, for which the edges of the workpiece are processed with a needle file.
  3. At sharp corners, holes are drilled using a screwdriver and a drill. For convenience, the procedure is carried out on a wooden board, and the coin is held by the edges with round nose pliers or pliers.
  4. The holes are processed with a needle file.
  5. The sharp edges of the workpiece are retracted from the center to different edges. You will get a curved spoon.
  6. A leash is attached to one side of the vibrator, and a ring and tee are attached to the other.

The large summer spoon spoon is ready.

Tubular oscillating lures for pike

To make the model you will need a metal pipe of small diameter. The workpiece should be cut to the required length so that the edges are at a slight angle. However, their angles should be different.

Using sandpaper or a file, the edges should be well processed. After this, one hole is made on each of them.

Now you can attach equipment to the spoon. So that during the wiring process it scours the pond, a monofilament thread is attached to the end with an acute angle. A more advanced design would be a tubular vibrator consisting of three parts that are movably connected to each other. In the reservoir it will scour even stronger and more actively. And the model’s bends in the water make it very similar to the movements of a fish.

Oscillating baits made from corrugated tubes are very catchy. Holes are drilled in the cut blanks of the desired shape, which are used to attach the tee and fishing line.

When choosing a spinner for catching pike or perch, you should remember that you also need to take into account the characteristics of the reservoirs. When choosing bait in a store, it is recommended to give preference to high-quality gear from well-known manufacturers. They will serve you for many years and will guarantee a successful hunt for predators. If desired, catchable spoons can be made with your own hands.

Lures from improvised means

There are many options for making spinners from materials that are not intended for this at all, from spoons or beer caps to cuts of reinforcing bars. Fishermen make promising gear from everything that is at hand. It is worth considering the manufacture of spinners from various non-standard materials.

From coins

This design works great on retrieves with pauses, and its play is reminiscent of a loach.

Using small fish as a bait body is another know-how from old-time fishermen. The simplest bait can be made from a coin by simply drilling two holes in it along the edges and attaching a hook through a winding ring. However, there is a more unusual way to create a spinner out of coins.

To make it you need:

  1. Select 3-4 coins of different sizes - from largest to smallest.
  2. Drill two holes opposite each other in the edges of each of them.
  3. Using winding rings, assemble them into a kind of snake. Usually the coins are arranged in descending order.
  4. Attach a tee to the smallest one. The largest one is a carbine.

There is a trick on how to make a noise spinner out of such a spinner. It is necessary to secure in one or several places not one coin, but two, folded together, through the same rings - when moving, they will hit each other, making noise.

From the tube

There is another spinner that is quite simple to make from whatever comes to hand. The material for its manufacture can be any shiny metal tube. Typically bronze, copper or aluminum is used for this, but steel options are also available.

To make a spinner from a tube you need:

  1. Cut a piece 70 millimeters long from a tube with a diameter of 8–10 millimeters.
  2. Saw off one edge at an angle of 70 degrees, and the second at 20.
  3. At the ends of the resulting workpiece, drill holes for the winding rings.
  4. Clean all sharp corners with a file and sandpaper.
  5. Attach a tee and a carabiner with a swivel.

You can make such a lure with your own hands in literally 15 minutes, however, if you want to change the bait’s play to a more measured one, while increasing its weight, the edges or the entire cavity inside can be filled with lead. In order to adjust the weight, lead or tungsten pellets can be placed inside, which will also create a noise effect after the holes at the edges are plugged.


This lure consists of two main elements - the base and the petal, which differ in different shapes and designs.

When retrieved, the petal rotates around the base, thereby attracting the attention of the predator

  1. Petal spinners are made from a metal blank in the form of round, oval or narrow elongated petals. The edges of the workpiece are carefully cleaned and processed. The petal is given the desired shape - concave, curved, twisting. When assembling the spoon, the hook is located at the bottom, weights (lead beads or disks) are placed immediately above it to shift the center of gravity and ensure good rotation of the petal, then bright beads, then the petal itself. The shape of the petal is elongated and pointed at the ends and is considered universal; it ensures fast retrieve and play in the water.
  2. Spoons with turbines. Quite a numerous and varied type of bait. There are spinners with 2, 4 and 8 bladed turbines that provide rotational movement of the bait. Turbines are made from soft metal by making radial cuts and bending the resulting blades in one direction.

Choosing suitable spoons

Before you start creating your own work, it is recommended to consider:

The type of metal the spoon is made of. It can be steel, aluminum, silver, cupronickel. They have different weights, which will affect the casting distance and play in the water. Pike spoons are made from a tablespoon. A large and heavy bait will be of interest only to a heavy predator. Therefore, if you want to catch a specimen weighing 3 kg and above, then this type of cutlery is what you need. A universal shaker will come out of a dessert spoon

It will attract the attention of small pike, pike perch or perch. It will be good to play in a still pond or with a current. The use of a teaspoon is advisable for equipping an ultralight spinning rod

Trophies will be small-sized fish - perch, asp, and sometimes chub.

Depending on what predator you plan to fish for, it is important to prepare material of the required size. Experienced fishermen still recommend using a stainless steel dessert utensil as a basis.

Experienced fishermen still recommend using a stainless steel dessert utensil as a basis.

The spinner will be light. The metal will not become cloudy in water. Active play will attract more interested predators.

If you have aluminum spoons at home, then it’s worth working with them. However, the spoon will need to be tucked for additional shipping. To do this, the missing weight is soldered with lead or riveted from copper or brass. They are shipped at the place where the scoop is deepened. Then they polish it. As a result, the surface of the workpiece should be uniform and smooth.


A revolutionary bait for winter fishing, attracting an increasing number of fishermen. It has the shape of a fish with fixed hooks in the front and back.

There are rings on the back and belly of the bait: the upper one is for attaching to the fishing line, the lower one is for attaching the tee. The material used can be plastic, lead or rubber. Can be equipped with additional parts.

Recently, it has been increasingly used all-season for vertical trolling of pike.

The shape and design of the lures distinguishes each balancer with its unique game.

Types of balancers

An enlarged head part, which, plunging into the water with its head, subsequently changes its position to the tail.

With a narrow bow suitable for standing water. Slows down the speed at the top and bottom points of horizontal wiring.

With the tail being in a horizontal position when diving and lifting.

The fur tail is used in shallow waters.

Silicone – for sluggish or absent bite.

Top 10 balancers:

  1. Lucky John
  2. Rapala Jigging Rap
  3. Nils Master – Jigger
  4. Karismax
  5. Strike Pro
  6. Nils Master – Baby Shad
  7. Scorana ICE Crystal
  8. Nils Master Nisa
  9. Nils Master Jigging Shad
  10. AQUA Trapper

Description of the spinner

This artificial bait has a reputation among fishermen as one of the most successful when it comes to catching predators.

It attracts the attention of such fish both when fishing with direct fast wiring and when used for fishing with jig wiring. It will be useful both when fishing from the shore and when used for fishing on a boat.

This spoon has excellent hydrodynamic parameters and high wear resistance. Such spoons are made of metal and usually have a galvanic coating.

The Castmaster spinner is available in five versions, differing in different weights, multiples of seven grams:

  • weighing 7 grams,
  • weighing 14 grams,
  • weighing 21 grams,
  • weighing 28 grams,
  • weighing 35 g.

The main part of this tackle is an elongated body, in the front part of which a winding ring is installed, and a triple hook is attached to the end of the spoon. The rod should be selected according to the results of the bait tests or, conversely, the bait should be purchased according to the rod test. When fishing from the shore of a reservoir, the most convenient length of a spinning rod will be slightly less than three meters. When fishing from a boat, you can limit yourself to a rod length of about two meters.

Features and Benefits

Why is spoon bait so popular among fishermen, because baits can be made from a variety of available materials, for example, tubes or metal sheets.

Stainless steel and steel are the optimal materials for spinners, since they will not darken from constant exposure to water and large predators, such as pike, will not be able to bite through them.

To make such a bait you will not have to spend a lot of money, since you will only need to purchase small components.

It will not work to use a spoon spoon as a noise lure. You can attach various metal parts to such homemade gear that rotate when moving, but the effect from them will not be very pronounced. Ideally, a noise spinner is made of a metal tube into which shot is added. When moving, such gear will emit characteristic sounds and vibration.

To make bait from a spoon, you will need the following:

  • a tablespoon or teaspoon (it is desirable that the main material be stainless steel);
  • strong thin wire;
  • rings for attaching hooks and braids;
  • double or tee;
  • swivels.

If you show your imagination, such spinners can be the most unusual. You can create not only standard baits, but also original products, decorating them in all sorts of ways.

The best spring lures for pike

In spring, fish activity increases sharply. She is preparing for spawning, but there is not enough food in the reservoir. Therefore, it is recommended to choose lures of the type of spoons with a size of 5–8 cm and move them slowly. The intensity of the spinning patterns can frighten the predator. The colors of spring spinners should be combined with the color of the inhabitants of reservoirs during this period. Based on feedback from fishermen, the 2 best models were selected from 5 nominees for the rating.

Mikado PIKE No. 1 / 7 gr. / 7.6 cm

All fishermen try to have a similar option in their arsenal. The predator's lifestyle involves tracking prey in shelter, so pike are often found in algae and grass. At the base of the spoon there is a well-hidden hook, which comes out when swallowed. The fish will no longer be able to escape. There are imitation scales on the body of the model, which increases the efficiency of the catch. The kit includes a double hook that is securely attached to the clasp. The length of the model is 7.6 cm, weight – 7 g. The upper third of the body is painted red.


  • Structural strength;
  • Low price;
  • Good imitation of the pattern of live fish;
  • Several fasteners for position adjustment.


  • Impossibility of use during flow;
  • Catching small fish.

A non-hooking spinner for pike is more suitable for beginner fishermen who hone their skills in still waters. The design eliminates accidental snagging, so it will be easier for beginners to catch and fish in its hiding place.

Norstream fazet 57mm 22g

The oscillating model of the classic concave petal shape is equipped with a sharp tee that is capable of holding large pike. It is made in silver and gold, with a red rivet half covering the hook on top. The spinner combines good aerodynamics, the ability to catch in currents, and stable deflection when dumping.


  • Average price;
  • Quality of materials;
  • High resistance to water;
  • Suitable for deep sea fishing;
  • Feels good when applying eyeliner.


Low mobility in water.

The bait is valued for its ability to catch big fish. At the same time, its large weight does not allow it to actively oscillate. Pike notice the lure only close, so you often have to wait a long time for it to bite.

Fishing for pike with a spinning rod - 15 best videos

A vibrating tail and a spinning spoon on a small river from a boat. Practice spinning pike fishing in the fall. The video shows the wiring of two different types of baits and the fishing technique.

Fishing on a large reservoir. About choosing a fishing spot, adjusting the clutch before fishing and in detail about the unpopular type of spinning jig equipment - a vibrating tail on a lead corkscrew with a red tee.

Fishing with homemade mandules in the spring of 2022. Vivid footage from spinning pike fishing in early spring. Fishing with both a vibrotail and the recently popular bait – mandula.

Early spring on a micro river. March footage from a reservoir where the ice is rapidly disappearing. The bait is a bright fluorescent red twister on an offset hook with a jig head.

Summer fishing with Dragon spinners. In this video you will see footage from summer pike fishing with spinners from Dragon. Models: Carina, Viper, Aglia nr1 2.

On an artificial duckling in the summer. If you are not serious about such exotic types of artificial spinning baits as ducklings and frogs, then watch this video. There was almost a complete absence of bites on other baits, but as soon as I put in a duckling of the Savage Gear 3D Hollow Duckling model (10 cm / 40 g), a series of bites immediately began.

Autumn fishing with spinners. Again, the Dragon spinners from the same author of the video channel about fishing showed themselves well. Footage from pike fishing in the fall on the Desna River.

In autumn, use silicone baits. Twisters and vibrotails in pike fishing in the coastal zone at shallow depths. Despite the fact that the fishing was from a boat - the fish did not take at depth, the author of the video decided to try his luck in placing silicone baits at shallow depths, which gave a positive result. Pike 700 g and 1 kg.

Twitching pike with Minnow wobblers with detailed comments throughout the fishing. The author of the video floats a boat downstream and catches pike by twitching Minnow wobblers. All brands and models of wobblers are listed in the video. This is Usami Ebisu and Jackall Magsquad 115.

These wobblers look like this:

Fishing with poppers. An ambiguous bait that many try to catch, but nothing works. The author of the video showed by his own example that the popper bait is underestimated and it can provoke pike to bite frequently.

Retractable leash. Despite the fact that the retractable leash is considered an absolutely non-pike spread spinning rig, this video is a clear demonstration that while hunting perch, a pike can also bite

It is worth paying attention to the choice of fishing location and fishing technique. Fishing is carried out in winter in January!

Tips for choosing places for pike fishing and finding a future point on unknown bodies of water. Although the footage in the video was filmed in the lower reaches of the Volga, where there are much more fish than in the central regions of Russia, tips on finding the toothy predator are still very valuable.

Pike on ultralight. Armed with an ultra-light spinning rod, you can catch not only perch, but also pike. The author of the video talks about the correct choice of place for such fishing, the selection of gear and the ultra-light baits he uses, weighing several grams. How to make the correct retrieve with such an elegant tackle, and how to behave after biting not the weakest predatory fish - you will learn by watching the following video.

Home video about Chinese wobblers. Japanese original models of this type of lure often cost more than 600 rubles, and it’s a shame to leave that kind of money after catching a wobbler on a snag or stones. There is a way out - buy Chinese wobblers from Aliexpress at a significant discount. These are copies, not originals. Do they have the same properties as branded models, and can you fish with them as effectively as the manufacturer claims... The author of the next video will tell you about this.

Tools for making spoons

To make one-liner spoons with your own hands, you need to have some blacksmithing tools at your disposal. To simplify the work procedure and reduce its cost, we will choose the option of manufacturing using purely manual equipment. The fisherman will need to acquire a hacksaw for metal. You will need a hacksaw to separate it from the base of the spoon, pick it up and, if necessary, shape the workpiece.

Any wood hacksaw will be suitable for this purpose, although if you are fluent with a saw, then a special hacksaw for drawing will be suitable for this procedure. It makes it possible to saw even along thin lines. After marking and sawing have been carried out, you need to treat the surface so that it becomes smooth. You can give it the desired shape using sandpaper and a grinding machine. Then you need to start shaping the handle.

File for finishing edges and deburring after drilling. The hand drill is equipped with bits ranging from 1.5 to 3 millimeters. Pliers for shaping and bending the edges of the product. Forging vice for reliable fastening of parts and safe execution of metalworking operations.

Beech stand with rubberized handle for tools. Metal scissors for cutting sheet metal up to 5 mm thick, with plastic handles. Ruler and square. A set of needle files for sharpening metalwork tools in a case.

Accessories and additional materials for equipping homemade spinners

Homemade spoons from a spoon will require equipment with clasps and clasps for pecked fish. For these purposes, the fisherman needs to purchase winding rings, swivels and medium-sized clasps. The best element for identifying fish caught on a spoon is a treble hook, the size of which is selected in accordance with the size of the intended product. For options with less locking ability, welded cufflinks with a locking ring are used.

When fishing with a hook with a single hook and a locking knot, an eyelet clasp is used. When fishing with two baits (the baits are tied to a fastener), a loop type fastener is used. When fishing with two fasteners, two fasteners are used. It is best if the clasp is made of metal and has the shape of a bracket with ears for attaching to hooks.

Additional elements are small silicone baits that are attached to the hooks to increase attractiveness. To create a noise effect, you can use large beads or beads located on the hook shank. A stiff yarn of brightly colored polyethylene and polyester is used as the feathering of the T-shirt. To give spoons a variety of colors, anglers need multi-colored markers that can be drawn on metal surfaces. All these elements will help create a pike bait in the most attractive working form.

Colored markers and paint for metal surfaces are sold at any fishing store. Do not buy markers that are too bright; they are not very suitable for fishing with mugs. You will need black or dark green paint to make the circles dark. Lastly, you will need hooks. Hooks come in different varieties. They vary in appearance, weight and shape. Select a stainless steel hook that will match the bait you choose.


It is much more difficult to make rotating spoons with your own hands than oscillating ones, but the components for them are quite cheap, which is why the fisherman is often required to simply assemble them correctly. In addition, there are several varieties of such baits that you can make yourself. Among them are:

  • Willow leaf. Option with the narrowest and longest petal. Rotating at an angle of about 30 degrees, it ensures stable play in the current or during fast retrieves.
  • Indiana. The petals of this bait are of medium width and rotate somewhat faster. Effectively used in still water for mid-speed retrieves.
  • Comet. Mostly such oval petals are found on Mepps spinners. They have a slight bulge in the middle and play confidently even at low speeds.
  • Colorado. Wide short petals on such baits have a maximum angle of deflection and rotation speed, and are usually used in shallow water areas and near the surface.
  • Front loaded. Near the front loop, such spoons have an additional weight, which allows them to use stepped wiring.
  • Turbine spinners. Instead of the classic petal, such baits are equipped with a blade that resembles a small propeller with a high rotation speed.

There are other names for petal shapes. For example, the French company Mepps has its own classification.

The core of a rotating spoon, in turn, can also have various shapes, but usually they depend solely on the angler’s imagination: bells, beads, tubes, and other elements can be used as it.

In order to make your own turntable, you will need:

  • Sheet copper.
  • Steel wire with a diameter of 1.4–1.8 millimeters, preferably chrome-plated.
  • Brass rod with a diameter of 5–6 millimeters.
  • Thin steel wire with a diameter smaller than the main one.
  • Beads.
  • Winding rings.
  • Tee.
  • Drill.
  • Pliers.
  • Hammer.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • File.
  • Long nose pliers.

It is better to make this bait from scratch, based on a real prototype. And it is also quite possible to find drawings of similar factory products online. So, to make a spinner spinner with your own hands, you need to:

  1. Cut a petal of the desired shape and size from a sheet of copper.
  2. Using a hammer with a rounded striking part, give it a slightly curved three-dimensional shape.
  3. Use a file to smooth out any irregularities.
  4. Drill a hole in the front part with a diameter of about 2 millimeters.
  5. Cut a piece approximately 2–2.5 centimeters long from the rod.
  6. Drill a through hole along it strictly in the center of the cut with a diameter of about 2 millimeters.
  7. Cut a piece of the main wire 5–7 centimeters long.
  8. Form a ring at the front end.
  9. Place the first bead on the base.
  10. Cut a piece of thin wire 8–10 millimeters long.
  11. Bend it into a V shape.
  12. Thread it into the hole of the petal.
  13. Bend the edges of the thin wire around the main one and make 2-3 turns so that the structure moves and rotates freely - this way the petal is secured.
  14. Place a bead on the main line.
  15. Place a drilled piece of rod behind it on the base.
  16. Form a second loop so that the structure does not roll on the base, cut off the excess wire.
  17. Insert the eye of the tee into the loop and bend it to the shape of a ring, making a couple of turns around the base.

The resulting spoon is perfect for fishing in fairly large bodies of water, as it will have a lot of weight. To make it easier, instead of a brass rod, you can use beads, an aluminum tube or any other material.

In addition, on a similar basis, you can assemble another type of turntable by replacing the petal with blades. This bait is called a turbine and is very catchy, especially when fishing for perch. To make it, it is enough to cut out not a petal, but a propeller from a copper plate, and then bend its blades at an angle of 60–80 degrees to each other, leaving between them a square area with a hole for the main wire.

The turbine circuit is practically no different from a conventional turntable.

Features of homemade pike baits

People have been making pike baits with their own hands since ancient times; during excavations, homemade products are still being found near river beds, which local residents used to catch fish. Many skills have been lost, but modern machines and devices have enabled craftsmen to make smaller and thinner baits.

Nowadays, making a bait for a predator with your own hands is not at all difficult for a person with certain skills, especially since handmade work has recently been highly valued. Most often made:

  • turntables;
  • vibrators;
  • wobblers;
  • spinnerbaits;
  • foam fish.

Some people are capable of casting rubber, the size of which can vary greatly.

At first glance, homemade baits may look clumsy, especially those made of metal

But after the first cast and retrieve, anglers stop paying attention to the appearance. Many models of hand-made lures are passed down in the family by inheritance, so their work can be said to be tested over generations

It is worth understanding that such products are produced both for open water fishing from the shore and on winter days from the ice.

Homemade spoons for pike fishing

As mentioned above, many fishermen rarely buy spoons for fishing; they usually take them in order to study the structure, and make their own at home in their likeness. Fishermen make high-quality and catchable lures on their own with the help of many years of fishing experience.

There are many types of baits that you can make yourself. A good lure should shine, have enough weight to provide a more interesting movement, and it should also be very similar to a real fish.

The best materials are:

  • Lead
  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Tin
  • Stainless steel

Types of spinners

There are three main types of spinners:

  • Turntables
  • Balancers
  • Oscillators (oscillating)


This species is especially good for pike fishing. They are made from metal plates that are either painted or a shiny material is chosen. A hook is attached to them.

There are several fairly simple ways to make such oscillations:

The most popular way of making it is from the handle of an ordinary spoon. To increase catchability, you need to slightly bend the stem at the ends. Using a drill, holes are made for attaching the spinner itself and the hook. If you cut a few centimeters of metal from the handle of a spoon, it becomes very similar to pike’s favorite food - bleak.

  • The blade of a spoon can also be used to make bait. It is sanded with a file at the cut site, and several holes are made for fastening. And that’s it, the beautiful spoon for pike is ready.
  • From the handle of an ordinary teaspoon you can make an almost exact copy of a Devon spoon. The manufacturing principle is the same, only the tee needs to be attached to the narrow part of the spoon. This can keep the bait in the water while hunting. To make the vibrator play more beautiful, its ends can be slightly bent.
  • A bimetallic spoon can be made from two types of metal. Alternatively, take copper and aluminum. To work, you need to take two identical pieces of metal, with holes already drilled for ruts and rivets. Metal parts must be riveted and sanded. Using stamping, the future lure is given the desired shape and geometry. For a better effect, you can polish the surface to a shine.
  • You can also make an oscillator from an ordinary small metal tube. It is cut from both ends at different angles, leaving about 5 cm. A hook is attached to the sharper edge to more realistically imitate a fish.

DIY winter fishing rod for trolling perch


This type is made from several elements - a petal and a base. They should have different shapes and sizes. When the fisherman plays the game, the petal spins around the base, attracting predators.


This type of bait is very similar to real fish. The balancer is the only type of vertical spinner. It is made from a 4-5 cm tube, to the ends of which hooks are attached. The balancer is tied in the middle.

First, you need to cast a casting mold from plaster, then attach hooks to it, and pour hot metal. After everything has cooled and stuck together, you need to clean out all the irregularities and paint the future bait in a bright color.

Shapes of homemade lures for pike

Before making a blank, you need to decide on the shape. The type of petals can be different: round, rounded, elongated towards the ends, pointed. The most popular one is elongated and slightly pointed at the edges. It will be universal and suitable not only for catching pike, but also for asp and chub. The wide and oval shape of the petals also attracts predators well.

If you make a bait with a narrowed petal, the game will be faster and more active, but with a round one, the retrieve will be slow.

Color of homemade spinners for pike fishing

The most optimal coloring option for the pinwheel is silver or gold, because it most closely resembles the color of the fry. In general, you need to choose a color depending on the time of fishing, the type and color of the water in the reservoir. If the water is clean and light, there are a lot of small fish in it, then it is worth painting it silver.

Decoration of spinners

You can decorate in several ways:

  • Attach plumage made from tinsel, silicone, and brightly colored threads.
  • Additional coloring. You can completely draw the fish with eyes, fins and tail.

Bimetallic spoon

The name speaks for itself. Bi, that is, a compound of two metals. The most commonly used are copper and aluminum.

  • Two identical workpieces are made from two different metals.
  • Clamp the workpieces together in a vice and make a hole. It is necessary to connect two workpieces.
  • After this, they are connected using rivets.
  • After all the procedures, the spoon must be varnished so that under the influence of water it does not lose its appearance and quality.

Design features of baits

Spinner spinners have a more complex design compared to oscillating spinners. The classic version of this bait consists of the following elements:

  1. Petal. It is fixed by a movable connection on the axis, and it is the features of its geometry that most determine the play of the spinner, and, consequently, its catchability.
  2. The main rod or axis. All other structural elements are mounted on it, which places special demands on its strength.
  3. A bow or clamp with which the petal is attached to the axis. Not only the smooth movement of the petal, but also the likelihood of it jamming depends on the shape of the bow.
  4. The core, or body of the spinner, often also serves as a sinker, although it can exclusively increase the visual volume of the bait.
  5. Bumper. It is located between the bail and the core and is needed to prevent the line from twisting. It also prevents the petal from jamming.
  6. Loading. It can be located in different ways - in the front of the spoon, in front of the petal, behind it, or even as close as possible to the tee. Some turntables have no load at all.
  7. Treble hook. It can be attached either directly to the axle or through a winding ring. Often decorated with wool threads, multi-colored shrink tubing or lurex for added appeal.

How to make a tube lure, see here.

How to do it yourself?

Often fishermen make their own spinners, and the classic model has shown itself well when catching perch at depths of up to 80 m.

For homemade production, you need to stock up on: pliers, a vice, a hammer, a file, metal scissors, a soldering iron, a drill, and a grinder.

Homemade spinners

For the material you need to select hooks with a sharp sting, lead or brass for solder, a piece of metal plate.

To make a spinner you should:

  • cut a strip up to 35 mm long with metal scissors;
  • round off the sharp ends with a file;
  • lay the workpiece on the lead, connect it with a nail;
  • solder with melted lead using a soldering iron;
  • fill the resulting voids with liquid tin;
  • drill two holes along the edges of the spoon;
  • insert a ring for tees into one hole;
  • attach a fishing line with red cambric to the second hole;
  • Apply a layer of brass on top, level with a file;
  • sand the edges.

It is not at all necessary to buy such a bait in a store, because you can make it yourself, you just need to buy a copper bushing. The output should be a spinner like a small crucian carp up to 5 cm in size. This will be a very catchy bait for fishing in summer and winter, when the fish will respond to both short and wide tackle.

A homemade spoon is suitable for fishing in shallow water. But, the main thing is to be able to conduct the retrieve correctly, and for this you need to make a lure that exactly imitates all the movements of the perch.

For fishing in muddy water, you will need a hook number 12, a metal drill up to 2 mm in diameter, pliers or pliers, metal scissors, a chrome-plated tube, a soldering iron, and tin.

Bottom spoon

To make a bottom spoon:

  • cut the chrome-plated tube into 2 parts; to produce one spinner, one half will be enough;
  • bend the pipe so that the surface becomes flat;
  • cut around the edges in the shape of a fish with metal scissors;
  • sharpen the corners with a file;
  • apply soldering acid to the workpiece at the back;
  • attach the hook to the spoon;
  • apply another layer of tin;
  • drill a hole through which to pass a fishing line with a leash;
  • sand all edges with sandpaper;
  • rig the hook with cambric.

The bait for fishing in troubled water should be 35 mm in length, 10 mm in width, and 3-4 mm in width near the hook.

Winter options

There are spinners designed, for the most part, for vertical fishing. Of course, this does not make them only winter baits, since they can be used quite successfully when fishing with wire, but their main advantage is vertical play.


This type of spoon is most often used in winter, but even in summer it can boast good catchability when fishing from a boat. However, to make it you need a set of tools, which not every angler has. So, to create a spinner you need:

  • Three plates made of different metals: copper, brass and stainless steel, with a total thickness of 8 millimeters.
  • Hook.
  • Soldering iron and solder.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Electric emery.
  • Drill.

When working, it is very important to observe the dimensions to maintain high-quality play.

To make a hatchet spinner, you need:

  1. Clean and solder three plates together.
  2. Saw them diagonally.
  3. According to the presented drawings, shape the workpiece using sandpaper.
  4. Using semicircular files, finalize the shape and make selections on the side edges.
  5. Make a cut in the sharp end and solder a hook there.
  6. Using electrical tape, center the spoon and drill a hole in the ground edge so that the hatchet is perfectly balanced.
  7. Adjust the balance using a file and polish the surfaces.


This type of spinner can be effectively used both for spinning fishing and for vertical fishing. They are made in various shapes, so the easiest way would be to use the factory model you like as an example. To make a cicada spinner, you need:

  1. Trace the factory shape of the bait onto a copper plate.
  2. Cut the workpiece along the contour and sand it with sandpaper.
  3. Drill holes at the bottom for attaching hooks and at the top for a carabiner in the same way as on the original spoon.
  4. Polish or paint the workpiece.
  5. Thread winding rings and hooks into the holes.

For better balance, you can load the bait with a pellet weight, clamping it on the lower edge of the plate, or use small bolts for this.

Fishing rod for winter trolling

When fishing with such baits from ice, use a winter fishing rod for trolling. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. It is very simple to make such tackle with your own hands. To do this you need:

  1. Grate the stopper for the handle.
  2. Coat a tube of a comfortable thickness with glue and roll it over the cork chips.
  3. Wait for it to dry and repeat step 2 until the desired thickness is achieved.
  4. Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  5. Seal the openings front and back with champagne corks.
  6. Secure a small reel to the handle using tie clamps or electrical tape.
  7. Drill a hole for the whip in the center of the front plug.
  8. As the latter, you can use the upper leg of a telescopic fishing rod or a feeder whip. We insert it into the hole and fix it with glue.

All that remains is to reel in the fishing line, and the winter fishing rod is ready.

Advantages of handmade

This is an excellent material for creating spoons for pike, asp, perch and other predators.

It is also worth noting:

  1. Availability of raw materials. There are spoons of various sizes in every home.
  2. Saving money. To make a spinner yourself you need to buy just a few parts, which in total will cost no more than 50 rubles, or even less.
  3. Unlimited service life. Spoons are made of stainless metal.
  4. Possibility of implementing various ideas. To decorate the product, you can use paints, varnish, and colored threads.

But the main thing is the catchability of the spoon. After all, you can get a set of working predator baits practically for free.

The best winter lures for pike

During this period, pike leads a passive lifestyle. The size of baits for catching it is 3 – 10 cm. According to the shape, it is best to choose a drop whose body width does not exceed 30 mm. In terms of coloring, preference is given to single-color models in silver, brass, and gold. The most effective bait is considered to be vertical, as it can be used in deep water. Comparative tests made it possible to select 4 options for the best winter lures for pike from 10 nominees.

Nils Master Dueler 75mm B/Ft 9g-180

The device is designed for fishing at a depth of 3 to 6 m. It weighs 9 g, the large size of the bait attracts fish at a great distance, and provides good catchability. The two-color vertical spinner plays with a slight vibration, which also increases the feeling of pike attack. A powerful and sharp tee is secured with a winding ring. From the head to the beginning of the hook there are colored plastic droplets, which also increase the attractiveness of the model for pike.


  • Stable deflection when reset;
  • Supports large fish;
  • Attractive design;
  • The carabiner allows you to quickly change hooks depending on the water temperature;
  • Workmanship.


Rising prices.

Users note good fishing for a passive predator. Gliding movements allow you to collect inactive fish under the hole. In this case, the behavior of the spinner often depends on the strength and amplitude of the jerk.

Lucky John Diamond Blade 61 mm

Winter vertical spinners are available in gold, copper and silver colors. It is used at a depth of 0.5 m. The body has notches in the shape of scales, which increases its attractiveness to predators. The manufacturer positions the model as an option for catching small pike in still water or in medium flows. The length of the device is 61 mm, weight – 7.5 g.


  • Low price;
  • Reliability of the design;
  • Catch efficiency;
  • Ease of use.


Not suitable for catching large fish.

Considering the price, users do not consider light weight to be a disadvantage. The spoon helps to catch a sufficient amount of predator in shallow and medium depths. Due to her intense movements, she attracts him well. Models with bright colors are recommended for use in muddy water, while the silver version is suitable for clear waters.

Peter Shchuchya 20g

The spoon spoon is made of cupronickel. Its weight is 20 g and its length is 6.4 cm. The manufacturer indicates that the model is intended for spinning fishing. The set includes a durable tee that will hold actively resisting large fish. The device is available in copper and silver colors. The simplicity of the form does not affect the activity or stability of the bait’s movements in the water.


  • Ease of use;
  • Design;
  • catchability;
  • Comfortable fishing on the bottom of the reservoir;
  • Low windage;
  • Low price.


Tee quality.

A good choice of colors and the size of the lure for pike on a spinning rod attracts predators from afar. Fishermen note good catchability, but the weakness of the tee does not always allow it to hold fish over 5 kg.

Characteristics of the Ulyanka spinner

The spinner takes its name from the name of its creator Sergei Ulyanov; he invented it in 2014. But it gained its popularity only in 2016. It only became popular abroad. It is impossible to purchase it from us. It is not produced in factories.

You can order the Ulyanka spinner through foreign websites, but in this case it is very expensive. Prices start at $13, this amount does not include shipping costs.

The Ulyanka spinner is universal. With it you can fish both in high currents and in still water. You can fish at depth and on the surface. As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to purchase a factory-made spinner from us, but homemade baits are no worse, they also have all the necessary qualities.

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