Hand hacksaw for metal: a universal assistant for the home craftsman



A hand hacksaw for metal is a special tool that is used for cutting metal workpieces, ceramics, wood, plastic, foam and organics. Today there are several varieties of such devices, which have certain characteristics and individual parameters. This article provides detailed information about the design features, types and rules for choosing a universal tool.

A hand hacksaw for metal is a carpentry tool


The hacksaw itself consists of a blade and a handle. It is worth paying attention to the grade of steel for the blade; the quality and ease of operation will depend on this. Nuances such as blade length, tooth size, steel type and handle type are the main ones when choosing a hacksaw.

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Canvas size

Depending on your task, you can choose different blade lengths. For simple boards and small bars, a length from twenty-eight to thirty centimeters is quite suitable. If construction work is underway, then it would be wiser to take a canvas from forty-five to fifty centimeters long.

The basic rule: the length of the product should be half the length of the hacksaw itself, otherwise you can forget about ease of use.

Types of hand saws for metal depending on the area of ​​use

The main purpose of a manual hacksaw for metal is to cut workpieces made of durable metals, cut seams and grooves, and trim products. This tool can also be used for sawing objects made of ceramics, wood, plastic, organics and foam.

Depending on the scope of use, hand hacksaws for wood and metal can be divided into three types: household, professional and handle hacksaws. The first version of the tool is intended for home use when solving simple problems. The models are distinguished by their simplicity of design and ease of operation. Such products are made in a wooden frame located longitudinally to the canvas and combined with a wooden handle. The cutting element is screwed to it using screws.

Professional-grade hand saws are equipped with a durable and comfortable rubberized handle, so the tool can be used for a long time. The cutting blade is set at a certain angle, which allows you to make cuts of unusual shapes. This type of tool makes it possible to create a variety of cuts in workpieces and is characterized by high quality construction and durability.

The frame for fastening the canvas can have different shapes

A hacksaw is similar in appearance to a staple. Thanks to this configuration, the tool can be used in hard-to-reach places, as is clearly shown in the photo of hacksaws for metal. This device is ideal for making internal cuts. The cutting blade is attached only on one side. There are folding versions of mini hacksaws for metal.

Blade options for a hacksaw for metal

Cutting blades for hand saws for wood and metal can be made from different materials. The most economical and lightweight option is a carbon steel blade. This blade is used for household saw models. It has a low cost and has a short service life.

Tooth blades with partial heat treatment are considered a more technologically advanced, wear-resistant and durable option. High-speed cutting elements are cobalt steel blades. Such fabrics are flexible and have fairly good strength. They are used for cutting hard workpieces. This ensures high quality and cutting speed. This option is also often used for electric hacksaws.

Hardened blades are suitable for directional cuts. It is advisable to use them for cutting at a certain angle.

Cutting blades for hand saws are made from various materials

Bimetallic sheets made from carbon steel produced by the cold-rolled method are distinguished by their high strength and reliability. A strip of high-speed steel on which the cutters are located is welded onto its surface using an electron beam method.

Cutting blades are classified according to the type of saw blade, which can be made along the blade or along the cutters. In the first case, the teeth are retracted from the edge of the file alternately to the left and to the right with a bend height of 2-3 mm and a deviation of 0.25-0.6 mm. This arrangement is typical for paintings with small incisors.

When setting along the incisors, the teeth of the blade are bent in different directions. Alternation is performed in accordance with the step size. With a small value, 2-3 incisors are retracted, with a medium value - 1 tooth to the left and 2 to the right, the remaining three are in place. For a large step, the retraction of the incisors is performed alternately.

Canvases are single-sided and double-sided. In the first case, the cutters are located on one side, and in the second they are on both sides of the blade.

To work with hard products, you should choose blades with small cutters

Sharpening and tooth size

The size and sharpness of the teeth is one of the main criteria when choosing a hacksaw. The bottom line is that the small teeth on a hacksaw are for fine work and the long teeth are for rougher work, they are well suited for gardening where neatness is not an issue.

By looking at the photo of wood hacksaws with various teeth, you will see which hacksaw is right for you.

In the hacksaw market, there is a TPI unit, on which the cutting accuracy directly depends; it determines the number of teeth per 1 inch. For example, you need to cut a couple of chipboard boards, in this case it is recommended to use hacksaws with a TPI in the range of seven to nine, then the cut will be smooth and neat.

If you need to work in the garden, cutting down branches, for example, then accuracy is not so important; a hacksaw with a TPI of three to six will suffice. The tooth pitch can be from two and a half to six and a half millimeters and from one and a half to five millimeters.

The shape of the teeth of a classic saw is triangular and can be easily sharpened. However, in modern realities you can more often find hacksaws with trapezoidal teeth. It positions itself as a stronger and more durable saw.

But proper sharpening with such a tool will be impossible, because the steel from which the hacksaw is made does not lend itself to a simple file, and it will be almost impossible to repeat this shape. As soon as the saw becomes dull, we either change the blade or go and buy a new one.

Sharpening a hacksaw on wood with your own hands is not a difficult task, but it is not easy either. Before starting sharpening, it is necessary to carry out routing so that the blade does not jam during sharpening. To do this, we use a special tool called sharpening.

Sharpening itself requires completely different tools.

Disadvantages of a purchased hacksaw

This device turned out to be very convenient and therefore I still use it. However, during use, it also revealed some disadvantages associated with the old hacksaw blade.

Firstly, this blade is very flexible, which is why it is not very convenient for them to work on a long rod, since the blade vibrates strongly and often gets stuck in the cut.

Secondly, due to the peculiarities of the shape of the teeth, this blade cuts equally in both directions. As a result, it cuts dry branches very well, but copes much worse with damp ones.

At the same time, the new hacksaw has a different tooth shape, which is why it cuts both dry and wet branches equally well. In addition, the blade of this hacksaw is much stiffer.

That's why I decided to make an additional wooden handle about a meter long for this hacksaw. And this handle with a hacksaw can, if necessary, be attached to my old homemade rods.

Instructions for properly sharpening a hacksaw

Before starting work, you need to firmly clamp your blade in a vice so that it does not wobble. Having secured the blade, take a file and begin sharpening the left edge on the first tooth. When doing this, you need to hold the file at a sixty-degree angle.

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Use a file using even and smooth movements. In exactly the same way, you should sharpen all the left parts of the odd teeth, and then the right ones. Then we turn the blade over, fasten and sharpen the teeth of the even row.

Having finished the work, be sure to clean the blade from burrs with a specialized velvet file.

Types of hacksaws for wood

Hacksaws are presented in a wide range; they can be divided into three large groups, which have their own classification:

  • with butt;
  • to create a curved cut;
  • Japanese.

If you plan to do delicate work, then you should use a tool with a backing, which has an additional strip of brass or steel installed on the upper edge of the blade to prevent bending. These hacksaws are classified as follows:

  • tenoning;
  • with swallow tail;
  • with offset handle;
  • edge;
  • model.

The first ones on the list are the largest, since their main purpose is to work with thick boards and firewood. It is equipped with a closed handle shape, which is ideal for conveniently holding the tool in the hand. A smaller version of this model, the dovetail, is used for working with hardwoods.

If you have to work with through tenons, then you should use a hacksaw with an offset handle. The user can adjust the element, and it is convenient to work with both the right and left hands.

If you need to make a thin cut, you cannot find a better tool than an edge saw, which has a compact size. But the smallest of all the presented options for this tool is the model file.

If it is necessary to cut out a curved part, a completely different tool is used. This category also has its own classification:

  • onion;
  • openwork;
  • jigsaw;
  • narrow.

A bow saw usually has a length of 20-30 centimeters, and the cutting blade has from 9 to 17 teeth of the same size per inch. It is possible to rotate the canvas in the required direction so that the frame does not interfere with the view. There are folding travel models on sale that take up little space.

The openwork file has a working surface of 150 mm in length, and the frame is made in the shape of an arc. The main areas of use are artificial materials and solid wood.

As for the jigsaw, its frame is also made in the form of an arc, but deep, since the tool is necessary for creating strong bends in thin material, for example, veneer.

A narrow hacksaw is also known in the professional world as a round saw, since it is used in the middle of a wooden workpiece. The cutting element is very thin and tapers towards the end. It is thanks to this shape that it is possible to create curves with large angles. The design includes a pistol-type handle on which you can attach the desired blade.

Professionals know that the range of hacksaws is not limited to this, since there are also Japanese edged ones, which not every beginner has ever heard of. Their classification includes:

  • kataba;
  • dozuki;
  • rioba;
  • mawashibiki.

The main distinguishing feature of all these hacksaws is that their blades work for themselves. The teeth on the blade are very close to each other, so the cut is narrow, without serious breaks in the wood fibers.

In kataba, the cutting elements are located on one side. The tool can be used for both longitudinal and cross cuts, so it is considered universal. In comparison with the described model, the Rioba has a cutting blade for cross cutting on one side, and longitudinal cutting on the other. When working with such a tool, you should hold it at a slight angle.

The tooth pitch of hacksaws can range from 14 to 32 teeth per inch. With the development of technological progress, this instrument moved from the category of manual classics and began to be made electric. Electric hacksaws have a powerful motor that provides the necessary power to cut branches.

Stationary silent vertical machines have the greatest power, but some portable models are also not inferior. Power depends on the type of power supply. Rechargeable ones are inferior to stationary electric ones, but they can be used even where it is not possible to connect to the network.

There is also a separate award in the category of the described tool - a product with a thin blade no more than 0.7 mm. The cutting part fits very tightly into a block made of wood. Used with one or two hands for small cuts or notches.

The right approach to choosing a hacksaw

Works in which hacksaws are used are divided into carpentry and joinery. In carpentry, accuracy is more important, while in carpentry, speed is more important.

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the metal of the blade; to do this, we take the hacksaw in our hands and bend it 30-45 degrees. This must be done as carefully as possible, since low-quality metal is very easy to break.

After carrying out this operation, let's look at the bend; if a slight deviation appears there, then the metal of this product is of very low quality.

The most important criterion when choosing your hacksaw is the price. Naturally, the choice before you is a cheap Chinese hacksaw of poor quality or an expensive saw from a well-known brand. However, having overpaid once, you will no longer have to constantly change the blade or buy a new tool. Major brands pay close attention to the quality of steel and hardening used in their blades.

The main tasks of the teeth are to remove sawdust and, directly, to cut the wood itself.

Teeth with a TPI setting of up to seven are fast and easy to use. Therefore, the choice of a hacksaw should depend entirely on your own needs.

Wood saw: recommendations for choosing and storing a useful tool (115 photos)

Any good craftsman must have a hand saw for wood in his arsenal, since there is not always time to deploy and connect a circular saw, and a small amount of urgent work on wood still needs to be done. But how can you make the right choice when buying a hand saw for your home? After all, it needs to be easy to use and quite convenient.

Despite the fact that the design of any hacksaw is quite simple, when choosing it you still need to have some knowledge and be savvy. Otherwise, there is too high a chance that you will buy an inconvenient, low-quality tool.

It is also important to understand that there are different types of hacksaws and some of them are sold unsharpened. It turns out that you will not be able to use it immediately after purchasing it. Below we will look at which hacksaw is best suited for sawing various wood materials, and also describe all the details that are important to pay attention to when choosing this tool.

Choosing steel

In order to ensure that the service life of the tool is as long as possible, it is best to opt for high grades of steel used for the production of a particular blade. The ideal option if you are looking at photos of hacksaws for wood are those models that have stainless steel.

The tool can use hacksaw teeth depending on your preferences - simple ones, which you can easily sharpen yourself at home, or hardened teeth. The second type is disposable teeth, and once they are worn out, nothing can be done with them. They are darker in color.

What should the handle shape be?

This part of the saw is responsible for convenience when performing work. It is necessary that the chosen tool literally merges with the hand of the person performing construction work and is truly comfortable. A wide variety of plastics can be used to create handles.

An important point: you need to pay special attention to ensure that the material does not slip under any circumstances if it turns out that your hand becomes sweaty.

Usually, in high-quality hacksaws, for this purpose, grooves, special recesses and an additional rubberized lining are provided right in the body near the handle.

Types of hacksaws

By combining various factors, manufacturers developed and produced standard instruments that differed in handle shape and blade.

To understand for yourself how to choose a tool correctly and quickly, how to sharpen a hacksaw for wood in the future before performing work, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the types of saws that exist today.

Classic hacksaws

The main type of saw that can be found in almost any man, even if he is far from carpentry. Such a tool can have a blade of absolutely any length and with a different number of teeth. Very often, such a tool is additionally equipped by the manufacturer with special replacement blades.

Narrow instruments

Another name for such hacksaws is circular saws. They take their name from their main use - with their help you can cut out lines of any shape as clearly and accurately as possible. In addition, they can be used to cut holes in the shape of a square or circle.

Bow saw

This saw is an indispensable tool for most men. It is used for quickly cutting down the roughest parts of wood, as well as for cutting wood not only across, but also, most importantly, along the grain and much more.


This type of saw will require effort to quickly master working with it, since it differs from other types in the presence of two handles. Mainly used for cutting various tenons.

Narrow hacksaw

A small narrow hand saw, consisting of a straight thin blade and a handle. It mainly serves for various thin. Most often, it has a blade with triangular double-sided teeth.

One of the main disadvantages of this type of hacksaw is the possibility of deflection during your work with a wooden product.

Classic saw

A simple hacksaw is, of course, equipped with a completely different types of teeth, as well as different blades that can be changed.

Bow saws

This is a heavy-duty hacksaw. The main advantage of working with this type is the ability to work with the product you need from absolutely any angle. Using a bow saw, you can process the material from any side, lengthwise and crosswise, and make complex workpieces alone.

A small hacksaw is perfect for small jobs in the garden; it is not recommended to use it when sawing large materials.

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