Little tricks for the home handyman. Useful homemade products and do-it-yourself devices

Duct tape, sneakers and drawers

If you are assembling or disassembling any mechanism from small parts, it will be convenient to stick double-sided adhesive tape on the table so that you can place the parts on its surface. They won't get lost by sticking. If you need to climb a ladder without scratching the surface of the wall, you should tape clean-soled sneakers to the ends of the ladder before installing it.

You can also make useful homemade products and devices with your own hands if you have a full-fledged staircase in your house to the second floor. Under each step you can make drawers where you can put household items. Some of the steps can be made folding by securing them on hinges. This way you can use their interior space as jewelry boxes.

Let's work smarter

7. If you have adjustable or, as they are also called, adjustable pliers, use the following advice. Cut a couple of pieces from the rubber or silicone hose and place them on the jaws of the tool. Now you won't leave any scratches when working on delicate surfaces like chrome parts. To avoid losing pieces of the hose, you can put them on the tool after first removing the plastic handles.

Plastic windows, screwdriver and metal corner

It is difficult today to find an apartment or house where plastic windows are not installed. If your home has such double-glazed windows, they have seals. If you don't want them to crumble, you can extend their service life. To do this, spray silicone lubricant should be applied to the seals once a year.

Considering the little tricks for the home handyman, you can note the following for yourself. If you don't have a screwdriver handy for small screws, you can quickly make one by sharpening the tip of an old can key. If you want to update the interior and hang a heavy picture, then it will need to be supported from below. This can be done by attaching a metal corner to the wall.

Mirrors, holes in walls and small screws

If you attach a mirror above the top shelf of your wardrobe, then you won’t have to climb onto a platform to see what’s stored there.

When you have to drill holes in walls where there is hidden wiring, there is a risk of getting the drill into communications. You can find the wiring in the wall using a tape recorder. To do this, an electrodynamic microphone is connected to it. The device should be turned on for recording at maximum gain. When the microphone is placed along the wall, a low hum will be heard from the speakers of the tape recorder in the places where the wiring is laid. As the device moves away from the wiring, the hum will begin to weaken. It is safest to drill in the place where the hum completely disappears.

Little tricks for the home craftsman can be useful and unusual. For example, in order to hammer a nail, it should be inserted between the teeth of a comb. This way you will save your fingers. A special holder for screws and nails can also be made from a regular wooden clothespin.

Young master craftsmen of the Russian land

This work participates in the regional publication competition “Kindergarten: day by day.” The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved!

Not in any kingdom, not in any state, but in the country of great Russia, and in the Far North, in Yamal, Shuryshkarsky district in the village. Husbands, lived - there were children - members of the "Young Local History" club of the kindergarten "Olenenok". And “the children worked there as master craftsmen,” and in all seasons and even in the harsh winter, even in the polar night that lasted six months. Work has accumulated there, apparently and invisibly. And I want to tell you about one of the ordinary working days of “master craftsmen”. I invite you to a workshop called “Ural Gems”.

From time immemorial, the Urals have been collecting minerals. In this dear collection, the First is the place for gems. People on earth know about Ural crystal, about topazes and agates, about diamonds and garnets, about rubies, tourmalines, blue aquamarines, about opals, lapis lazuli, about airy peridots, amethysts, emeralds and other underground ores. Our jaspers and sapphires sparkle brightest in the world.

Malachite is a green colored gemstone with a unique pattern. Huge malachite deposits could be found in the Urals. The heaviest block of malachite was found in the century before last and weighed as much as 250 tons. The very first Ural location of malachite is located near Yekaterinburg. On this frosty winter day, “master craftsmen”, after morning exercises and a meal, paved the shortest path online to deposits of precious stones through impassable swamps and taiga to the Ural Mountains. They began to pave the way, and a path, to distant lands overseas. How long or short it took them to pave the road, I don’t know and don’t know: soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. So, the path was paved. Now they had to get stones - gems for jewelry. The famous Ural writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov left us a huge literary heritage. He calls his works “tales”, in which he described in detail the process of searching and processing a precious stone.

In the tale “The Silver Hoof,” Bazhov told us his legend about the origin of chrysolite in the Urals: “And people began to find pebbles from those mowing spoons where the goat galloped. They are called chrysolites,” and in the tale “The Jumping Firefly” there is a legend about the origin of gold: “Where such a Jumping Firebird appears, there will be gold. It’s not strong gold, but it’s rich, and it doesn’t lie in a layer, but like a radish planted. From above, that means the circle is wider, and then it gets smaller and smaller and disappears.”

Next, the craftsmen had creative work; they had to draw a “Silver Hoof” and distribute it to the residents of the Urals, so that whoever saw the “Silver Hoof” would inform the craftsmen for mining precious stones! Our little craftsmen became thoughtful, who knows how much time has passed, but they approached the task with great interest and creativity, all the workers did an excellent job

. After the dinner meal, the children went to rest in the bedchamber, because they had a very hard job to make jewelry for their mother, an artist. Having rested and gained strength, we completed the daily hardening procedure, had another meal and went to work, as it was getting dark and the working day was approaching the end. The master craftsmen had to decide what kind of jewelry the mother would be happy with: beads, a ring or a brooch. The craftsmen looked at the samples on display and decided to make rings with precious gems for their mothers, the artisans.

But then they remembered that Ural stones are not simple, they have beautiful natural shades and patterns, and they began to think about how they could make stones for rings with the same patterns. And we decided to do an experiment using plasticine. We mixed three colors of small pieces of plasticine and saw what happened? ABOUT…! The result was a wonderful gem, like jasper, and the children were very pleased with the result.

And our young craftsmen immediately began making rings for their beloved mothers of different shapes, with plasticine stones of different colors and shades. These are the young craftsmen who live here in the Far North


Slesareva I.V.,

Head of the “Young Local Historian” Club at MBDOU “Kindergarten “Olenyonok”

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Vernier calipers, holes and shelves of complex configuration

A plastic or metal safety bracket must be secured over the caliper locking screw. To do this, you need to drill two holes in the meter engine and then cut the thread. After these manipulations, the screw cannot be lost.

In order to obtain a hole of the required depth, you can apply paint marks to the drill. Sometimes insulating tape is used for this purpose, which is glued in several layers. But during operation, such marks may become lost. It is most reliable to put washers of a suitable diameter on the drill. This template is convenient because it can be taken out and adjusted by adding or removing washers.

Little tricks for the DIYer can make his life easier. For example, if you want to make a shelf with a complex configuration and install it in a built-in closet, you can prepare a template for this from strips of cardboard. It is much easier to adjust the product to size.

Small nails, float and release valve

Using a wooden ruler with a small magnet glued to it, you can make a handy tool for driving small nails.

If necessary, you can replace a failed tank float using a syringe of the required volume. If the toilet flush valve begins to leak, you can stop the leak using a weight. The rubber bulb, under the influence of additional weight, will fit into the saddle more tightly, and the leakage will stop.

Removing clogs, cutting tapes and flattening nails

Little tricks for the home handyman can sometimes help you avoid unnecessary expenses. For example, if there is a blockage in the drain, the drain pipe in the bathtub or sink can be vigorously pumped using a car or bicycle pump to which a flexible rubber tube must be connected.

By taking 2 blades, which should be fixed on a wooden block, you can cut ribbons of a certain width. The material used can be polyethylene, paper or leather.

When you need to drive nails into wood, you can simplify the process by flattening them. Woodworkers often do this with a point. To do this, it is hit with a hammer. If the nail is flattened, it will go into the wood and will be held there by the springiness of the broken fibers. When a nail is sharp, it can split wood.

Heat cutter, paint and wall cleaning

DIY gadgets for the DIYer will help you in your life if you often do things in your home. For example, you can make a thermal cutter, which will be based on a soldering iron. This device is designed for a powerful electric soldering iron. It should be cut from an iron or steel 1.5 mm plate. Fastening should be done to the soldering iron tip using clamps. The working edges should be sharpened. Now we can assume that the soldering iron is suitable for cutting foam and various plastic materials.

Using tips for DIYers, you can avoid a lot of trouble. For example, if paint is left in an uncorked can, after a certain time it will form a rather dense film due to exposure to air. In order to eliminate such inconvenience, after work the lid should be tightly closed by tapping it with a hammer. The jar should be stored upside down. In this case, the air will be at the bottom, and although a film will form there, it will not interfere with the work next time.

Considering useful homemade construction projects for the home craftsman, you can highlight for yourself a life hack on how to clean the ceiling and walls from the water-based layer. To do this, old newspapers are glued to the surface. Once the glue has dried, the newspapers can be removed along with the paint layer.

Secrets and tricks of experienced craftsmen. Useful tips for the home handyman

Hi all! Today I have prepared for you an interesting selection of useful tips that many experienced craftsmen use. I’m sure these secrets and tricks will be useful to you when working in a workshop or repairing!


. If after the repair you have tubes with the remains of dried sealant, then do not rush to throw them away, because the frozen silicone can still serve.

We cut the tube using a stationery knife and take out the silicone from it (if it has not completely hardened, then give it time to dry). That's it, now you have a great pencil for cleaning sanding wheels and belts. Clogged sandpaper can be easily cleaned with this silicone pencil and can be reused.


. If you need to nail some thin board or lath, it is advisable to drill holes in it for nails first so that it does not crack (especially near the edge).

But if you don’t have a drill at hand and you need to avoid splitting the wood, then you can use another simple method. You just need to dull the sharp tip of the nail a little and when hammering it will not push the wood fibers apart, but will crush them and your product will not be damaged.


. It happens that it is very difficult to tear off a piece of sandpaper (if the base is fabric) or this piece cannot be torn off evenly (if the base is paper). But if you use a metal saw blade for a hand hacksaw, you will forget about this problem forever. All you need to do is secure the canvas with self-tapping screws to the wall of your workshop, placing washers under the holes. Now tearing off an even piece of sandpaper will not be difficult.


. The chucks of some drills cannot clamp drills of small diameter (1.5 - 2 mm) and therefore you have to somehow contrive.

An ampoule from the most ordinary pen will help you a lot with this. We cut off a piece of the ampoule and put it on the drill.

How to saw off the edge of plywood. Drilling holes in tiles. How to replace a vice

To ensure that the sawn edge of the plywood is smooth, it is cut with a sharp knife along the cutting line. In this case, no burrs are formed on the cut. Another method is known. It involves wetting the surface of the plywood along the cutting line with hot water. The liquid will help to cut the asbestos-cement sheet, because it softens the material, which means it will be easier to cut.

If you are interested in useful crafts and gadgets, you can make many of them with your own hands. For example, so that the holes in the tiles when drilling are smooth and the drill does not slide off the selected point, a cross made of paper self-adhesive tape should be glued into place. Drilling should be done through the center and quite slowly, there should be no pressure. If you want to make homemade tools for your home workshop, you can use clamps that can replace a small vice.

“People are not born with mastery, but they are proud of the mastery they achieve.” (folk saying).

Every person has a homeland, and everyone loves the place where he was born and lives. Loves his native open spaces, fields, forests. And this love is inextricably linked with the culture of one’s people, their creativity. The folk art of our village has its roots in the distant past. Unfortunately, we forget the occupations and trades that fed our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers for hundreds of years, the wonderful traditions of our people. Life moves forward. And today will also become a piece of history. If we get to know folk craftsmen better, we will learn more about our small homeland, about the secrets of people’s craftsmanship. And perhaps the thin thread of the present and the future will not be interrupted. Fortunately, there are not yet a shortage of artisans in the Russian outback. They not only preserve and enhance the heritage of folk art, but also introduce something new, change forms, improve types of products, and also pass on their experience to family, friends and the younger generation. Among the residents of our Solntsevsky district there are many people with golden hands. These are mostly self-taught craftsmen. They became craftsmen thanks to their passion for what they loved. For many of them, their favorite activity is a hobby, and not a means of replenishing the family budget; the craftswomen of the region knit and crochet, sew patchwork quilts, make dolls, and embroider pictures with beads. There are masters engaged in wood carving and basket weaving. Our region is also famous for its original artists. Cultural workers are collecting materials about the craftsmen of their villages, a database is being formed in the district House of Culture, and there are plans to create a booklet that will include the names of all the craftsmen of the Solntsevsky district. Exhibitions of arts and crafts are being held everywhere, on the anniversary of the district we will bring them all together at one large exhibition, and on the pages of the newspaper we will introduce you to our wonderful talented people. Today we will talk about Valentina Nikolaevna Ryzhikh, a resident of Sportivnaya Street in the village of Solntsevo, who plunged into the world of arts and crafts quite recently. The needle is thin, But it reaches the heart. And the one who sews a wondrous pattern, And the one who cannot take his eyes off the work of a craftsman. Handicrafts are a traditional occupation of Russian women. And nowadays, many people are interested in bead embroidery. There is a woman in our village who is interested in this activity. Ryzhikh Valentina Nikolaevna celebrated her 70th birthday this year. Of course, such a labor-intensive hobby requires a lot of time and effort, but the craftswoman manages to combine it with family life, farming and gardening, while remaining joyful and active. She has been happily married to her husband Nikolai Leonidovich for 51 years. They have two children (Elena and Marina), two grandchildren (Daria and Andrey) and two great-granddaughters (Alena, 7 years old, and Olivia, 2 years old). As soon as she has a free minute, she sits down to her favorite thing, embroidering with beads. At this time, she is distracted from all problems and worries, relaxes and this activity gives her real pleasure. Oh, how I want to embroider everything at once and then type on even more! This is a mania, this is an infection: Embroider, embroider, Embroider.

Ryzhikh Valentina Nikolaevna.

These are not just embroideries, but paintings - in terms of their subjects, richness of shades, and most importantly - in terms of the impression they make. But unlike paintings, which are viewed from a distance so as not to see the rough strokes, these paintings are good. Some of the subjects are original: animals, nature, icons, etc. If she is “omnivorous” in topics, then in other respects – the choice of bead and thread companies – is picky. He shares his secrets with everyone. For 5 years, Valentina Nikolaevna embroidered for herself, hanging works on the walls of her house and giving them away to her family and friends. Working on one painting takes her on average from one to six months. The most difficult work is “Snow Cat” (16 shades of gray; about 65 thousand beads were spent on the painting). Enormous perseverance, accuracy, scrupulousness, and patience are necessary qualities for embroidery. What about the load on the spine and vision? But the result of creative forces is worth it. The spouse also participates in the creative process. Helps to construct original devices (hoops), for each job individually and monitors the progress of the work. In order for the painting to “come to life”, you need to choose a frame, which is not so easy. But we found a specialized store with a large selection of baguettes, which cooperates with a high-class craftsman with artistic taste. The result is very beautiful and individual work. In total, during the embroidery period (from 2013 to 2022), 31 works have accumulated. And now she is in the creative process, working on the icon “Vladimir Mother of God.” On the anniversary of the district, at an exhibition of folk artists, we will see paintings by Valentina Nikolaevna in the district House of Culture. And we will continue our story about the craftsmen of the region in the next issues of the newspaper. Until next time.

O. Gekova, chairman of the regional branch of the Women's Union of Russia in the Solntsevsky district.

Useful materials

DIY materials can be very useful. This includes masking tape. If you glue it to your hand, you won't have to constantly run to the table when taking measurements. You can record the result on tape, and then transfer it all to paper. This way you will save time. This is especially convenient if you have to work at heights.

Cellophane can also help you out. Often PVA glue dries on the threads of the bottle. It is not possible to unscrew the cover. To prevent this from happening again, you need to take a plastic bag and cut a small piece out of it. Now the thread will remain secure and the bottle can be easily opened.

Plastic pipe clamp

5. If you have a piece of plastic pipe left over from repairs, it will make an excellent clamp for various wires and cords. Cut off a few centimeters with any tool. Use a hacksaw or special drill to drill 2 through holes. It is convenient to make drills with a small diameter first, and then a slightly larger one. For example, a master has a drill with a diameter of 5 mm. The edges of the cut part can be sanded using sandpaper. We take an elastic band, pull it through the hole and tie knots at the ends. The device is ready. A bunch of old unruly wires will now be in order.

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