Fruit collector for apples - how to make it yourself

If your apple harvest is “at the top” in every sense, it can’t help but rejoice! But getting ripe, juicy fruits from this height is not an easy task. An ordinary garden stepladder can also help in this matter, but modern gardeners are accustomed to saving time and effort. Therefore, today we will learn together how to make a device for removing apples from a tree, which will help you quickly and without loss collect the entire harvest from any apple tree.

If you have only one or two trees with apples on your plot, then there is no point in making a “major” fruit picker; it is enough to make a simple device from a plastic bottle. Well, if you have a whole apple plantation at your dacha, then it’s best for you to buy a ready-made fruit picker

In the gardening equipment markets, we have more than once seen ready-made devices for picking fruit. Based on their principle, we will create a fruit picker with our own hands. Our future fruit collector must meet the following requirements: reach high and hold the fruit firmly, and be convenient to use. Let's look at the options that experienced and resourceful gardeners offer us.

As a rule, fruit pickers are made of plastic, but there are metal options. For example, the fruit picker, which is shown in the photo, costs around 700 rubles in stores, it is quite expensive, but the purchase will justify itself and will serve you for many years

But such a device for removing apples from a tree will cost, on average, 1,200 rubles. Its advantage is that it is made of plastic and does not require special care, just store it in some shed and it will serve you for decades


The easiest way to support a heavy branch is with a long stick with a forked end.
Such a spear can be found in the forest by choosing a suitable shoot with a large angle of divergence of the “horns”, into which a fruit branch will fit well. The “horns” must be cleared of bark and wrapped in cloth or pieces of hose put on to prevent abrasions. The lower end should be pointed to make it easier to stick into the ground. Formation of trees and shrubs

The disadvantages of slingshots include:

  • the ability to maintain only one branch;
  • low stability, probability of collapse under gusts of wind;
  • an unaesthetic appearance that spoils the picture of the garden.

You don’t have to look for such support in the forest. It can be built from boards or welded from metal pipes. To give greater stability, the spear is reinforced with additional spacers. They are driven in at an angle and attached to the base.

Bilbok game with fruits

In the old days, it was a very fashionable game when a wooden cup or glass made of the same material, or a small wicker basket was attached to the top of a stick with a handle. A ball was tied to this device, which was called a bilboke, with a long cord, which had to be thrown higher and caught in the hole. We suggest doing something similar to pick apples from a great height, when the distance between the apple trees does not allow maneuvering with a stepladder.

The simplest option is a plastic bottle. We cut off its bottom and, turning it over, place the neck on the upper end of a long pole, specially planed to the required diameter, so that both parts are tightly connected.

Stick with plastic bottle for picking fruits

Next, we make slits from the edge of the resulting glass to a quarter of its length in increments of 2.5–3 centimeters so that they divide the bottle into equal sectors. Moreover, the resulting cracks should be wedge-shaped, that is, narrow downwards. Now you just need to reach for the apple, place the device under it and catch it in the container so that the stem ends up in the slot. We pull to the side, and the fruit is trapped, we catch the next one. When the bottle is filled to the slots, tilt the tool and pour the collected apples into a basket or box.

Another option is a pole-mounted wicker basket, which can be made from wicker or wire. The second type is preferable, since in this case several vertical rods can be made longer and their ends bent inward, this will result in a hybrid of a bielboke hole with the previously used nail puller function. You can, on the contrary, simplify the tool and put a two-liter plastic bottle on a pole without cutting it, but by making a round hole in the middle of its wall with a small wedge-shaped slit of 2 centimeters, directed towards the bottom.

Tree collection devices

Apple picking net

Overripe fruits will never reach the ground and will not spoil if you use a plastic mesh with a fine mesh.

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • A piece of mesh is secured around the tree using wire or twine.
  • Along the perimeter of the edge, stakes are placed, to which the mesh is attached at an angle.
  • Falling apples will roll from the center to the edge.

Telescopic stick

The handle (stick) itself has a retractable design that can extend up to 3 meters, allowing you to harvest from tall trees. Fruit picker attachments can be different:

  • Mesh and pruning shears. Using pruning shears, the fruit is cut and placed into the attached net. The apple rolls down the net right into your hands.
  • Collet devices. Metal petals grab the fruit, and you tear it off using circular movements of the device.
  • Wire attachments. They are a device made of thick wire strings. The device is put on the apple, the wire wraps tightly around it and, with a familiar twist, breaks off the fruit. It remains inside the wire frame while you carry it to the container.
  • A nozzle equipped with a lever or fishing line. The principle of operation is the same as that of the previous tool, but you do not need to scroll the device, just pull the lever or fishing line, and it will grab the fruit, you will only have to pull it towards you, tearing off the apple.

Stick with plastic bottle

The fruit collector consists of a plastic bottle with a side hole closer to the bottom and an attached aluminum or PVC stick. Operating principle:

  • You need to catch the apple in the hole of the bottle and pull it towards you. In ripe apples, the fruit is easily detached from the stalk and falls into the bottle.
  • Then release the bottle and continue harvesting.

You can pick 2-4 apples at a time, depending on their size.


The device resembles a regular net in appearance. The only difference is that it is equipped with metal teeth around the perimeter. To capture the fruit, you need to place a net on a stick of the required length and grab the apple with the help of cloves, after which it will end up in a soft bag.


People called the device “tulip” for its shape, because of the petals that resemble a flower. The device has a low price, which depends on the quality of the plastic and diameter. Operating principle:

  • It is necessary to fix the plastic bowl on a wooden handle (the length of the handle can be selected depending on the height of the trees).
  • The device is brought under the apple so that the stem falls into the slot between the petals and turns.
  • The fruit comes off and remains in the bowl.

How to pick an apple from the top branch

Any of the above devices is suitable only if the apples easily break off and even fall on their own when the tree is slightly shaken. But what to do if the cutting is firmly attached to the trunk? The “nail puller” can accidentally damage the flesh, and the “bielboke” itself can break or become deformed with a strong tug. This is where tin cans will help you out.

The first option is the simplest. We simply screw a large, deep tin can onto a stick with wire, making small holes in the wall. Next, we cut a wedge-shaped slit in the edge for the handle and slightly move it outward from top to bottom, creating something like a spout on a coffee pot. The sharp edge of the tin will easily cut the apple from the branch.

Device for collecting fruits

The second option is from a large diameter plastic pipe, like those used for drains or sewers. We cut a piece about 40 centimeters long on one side into petals, which we bend inward, thus creating a closed end (even with slots). We make a slot in the upper part, which should bend to the side, and then slightly upward, that is, in the shape of a fish hook. To finish it off, use two screws to fasten a blade from a pencil sharpener or just a sharpened strip of metal. Now it is enough to catch an apple stalk in this slot, bring it to the blade, and the fruit will fall into the tube.

The third device is the most difficult to implement, but will last the longest. So, you will need a piece of metal pipe, a washer or a circle of large diameter (about 3-4 centimeters) and a dozen metal rods with a centimeter section and up to half a meter in length. We weld a washer or a metal circle to the end of the pipe (a stick will be inserted into it on the other). Next, with equal steps, we weld the rods at a slight angle so that they diverge from the center upward.

From the outside you will get the classic shape of a janitor's broom. The welding must be done very securely so that the rods can be bent slightly if necessary. Now we simply hook the apple so that it is inside the structure, turn the device, and the fruit will come off. For any device, it is better to take not a long wooden pole, but a telescopic rod or a rod assembled from several separate sections in order to adjust the length as needed.

What types of fruit pickers are there?

In garden stores you can find different types of designs, each of which has a number of advantages. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with their features so that the operating process is as comfortable as possible.

The attachment on the long handle is a tall glass with slits. The product is made of dense plastic. Externally, the bowl resembles an opening tulip bud, hence the name. The design is simple and convenient to operate. When picking apples, nuances arise only with unripe fruits and strong stalks that are difficult to separate from the branch.

These devices are among the most popular. The majority of models are available with a telescopic handle. This allows you to collect apples from high branches. The tip of the structure is made of metal or plastic. Some pullers are equipped with a cutting element for cutting off the stalk. The principle of operation is similar to the “tulip” design. If there is a bag, fruit collection is carried out without interruption from the main process.

The rod of this design is made of metal, polymer or wood. A nozzle made of wire in the form of a small basket is used as a bowl. In the process of turning the handle, the stalk clings to the wire, after which it is separated from the branch.

Reference! To prevent damage to fruit from contact with metal, the wire is often insulated under a polymer coating.

The operating principle of this type is practically no different from other pullers. A special feature of the gripper model is the improved bowl. It is a three-finger mechanism that secures the fruit by tightening the rope. This option is universal; it can be used to remove not only apples, but also small fruits.

Among the models of this type, there are designs with a fishing line that captures the stalk, ensuring separation of the stalk. Handles are used simple and telescopic from different materials.

Models with a telescopic handle are popular among gardeners due to the ability to remove fruit from different heights of the tree. The rod is made of metal, polymer and wood. Equipping the model with a bag makes the design irreplaceable and easy to use. Such devices are used for apples, grapes, pears, plums and other single-fruit fruits.

How to choose

Considering the parameters of the apple and the strength of the stalk, it is recommended to choose a “tulip” type design to remove it. This option is not suitable for capturing smaller fruits. Devices with a cutting element and a telescopic handle, as well as a fruit picker with a grip, are also suitable. A great addition is a bag into which the harvest immediately falls.

Important! Do not use large hooks to pick apples. When shaking the fruit on the ground, the pulp becomes deformed and the skin is damaged, causing the fruit to lose its presentation and be poorly preserved.

When choosing a puller, it is important to consider the height of the trees. If the apple tree is large, you can’t do without a sliding handle

What is the price

The cost of the puller depends on the material from which the product is made and design features. A wire-based device will cost about 380 rubles; in the range from 80 to 230 rubles, you can choose a “tulip” type model. You will have to pay more for a fruit picker with a bag and a telescopic handle - 389-795 rubles.

In garden stores you can select a separate nozzle and rod. This will make it possible to get a universal tool.

Homemade fruit pickers

Properly harvested apples store well

It is not necessary to purchase a ready-made device for harvesting; you can easily make the device yourself, with your own hands, from scrap materials.

This is a budget option; it does not require the gardener to have any special skills or knowledge. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the design diagram and stock up on the necessary tools.

Fruit picker made from a plastic bottle

A simple and affordable homemade mechanism that even a beginner can create. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • plastic container, volume 2-2.5 l;
  • a long stick will serve as a holder;
  • wire or strong string.
  1. The bottle is cut into 2 parts. The part with the neck will be used.
  2. A wedge-shaped slit is made at the cutting line, which will help separate the fruit stem from the branch.
  3. A stick of the required length is securely attached to the neck using a string or wire.

Plastic pipe fruit picker

This apple picking device is similar to a collet design and operates on the same principle. To make it you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 2.5 l;
  • fishing line;
  • long hollow pole (pipe).

Step-by-step instruction

  1. A holder is attached to the neck using available materials.
  2. A round hole is cut out in the middle, larger in diameter than the size of the fruit.
  3. In the circle, with the sharp part towards the neck, I make a cone-shaped cut.
  4. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and peculiar petals are formed on the same side along the edges; 2 holes must be made in each.
  5. The end of the fishing line is threaded through the neck, then passed through each hole and brought out again through the neck.
  6. A hollow stick or pipe is firmly attached to the latter, through which the 2 ends are pulled.
  7. Having placed the fruit in the cavity of the container, the gardener must pull the edges of the fishing line, at the same time the petals will close and will not allow the fruit to fall out of a kind of wallet. To separate the apple from the branch, you need to twist the handle of the device in any direction.

Fruit picker from a tin can

Even an old tin can can come in handy around the house and surprise you with its useful qualities. To make a fruit picker you will need:

  • old tin can with a capacity of 1 liter;
  • rectangular garden pins;
  • thick fishing line or strong cord;
  • hollow holder of the required length;
  • bag or mesh.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The jar is cut in the form of a closed ring.
  • On one side, cage-shaped pins are attached to it, their upper edges are bent in the form of rings, and a fishing line is pulled through them.
  • The ends are pulled through the holder to its handle.
  • On the other side of the ring, a cloth bag is fixed into which the fruits will penetrate.
  • After the apple gets into the cage, the fishing line is pulled together, and the remover with the grip is gently pulled down or to the side. The fruit and stalk fall into the bag without being damaged.

How to collect fruits that lie on the ground

With the help of special devices you can quickly and easily collect apples that have fallen to the ground.

Any structure that was made to harvest a tree can be used to collect fallen fruit. In this case, the container must be installed at an angle.

A unique device is the roll. It has a number of advantages:

  • it is used to collect apples with a diameter of 5 to 12 cm;
  • energy and time are saved;
  • copes well with the task on both flat and bumpy surfaces;
  • the fruits are not damaged.

How to quickly pick apples from a tree

The fastest way to collect is considered to be shaking off the fruits, but this harms both the tree and the fruits - if they fall, they can easily be damaged and they will lose their keeping quality.
You can only shake individual branches. Fruit pickers can speed up the harvesting process and at the same time protect the tree from damage.

So, to safely pick apples, you can use homemade and ready-made fruit pickers. Shaking the trunk is highly undesirable, as this disrupts sap flow and damages the root system.



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