For success and prosperity: wind music, and how to make it yourself

Since ancient times, people have believed that certain objects are certain symbols that attract happiness, love, luck, prosperity, health and even money into the house. In such an ancient Taoist teaching as Feng Shui, there are many symbols, some of which require a clear location in the home, and for some the location will not matter, since the powerful energy is contained in them.

One of the most common symbols in Feng Shui, which is not only a decorative element that attracts prosperity and success in all matters to the home, but also heals the living space, is wind music.

Design Features

The wind chime talisman is a composition of several hollow tubes that are suspended on a base, and the tongue in the center, striking these tubes, creates a quiet and melodic sound. It is a special sound vibration that revives the Qi energy and promotes its movement.

The music of wind

Instead of tubes, other elements can be used, but then its sphere of attraction will also change. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, there is a mysterious meaning hidden in the design of this item.

Voices of shells

Clam shells make pleasant sounds when they touch each other. In addition, crafts made from scrap materials donated by the sea are very beautiful. The voice of such a bell will remind you of a wonderful holiday on the seashore. Of course, the most valuable accessory will be the one made from the shells you collect yourself. Take care of this while walking along the beach, then after returning you can please your loved ones with a pleasant gift. You can make such an accessory in memory of a honeymoon, an excursion to a distant country, or your baby’s first trip to the seaside.

What materials are used?

In the manufacture of this item, both natural and artificial materials can be used.

To realize certain desires, it is important to choose the right talisman material and place it in the appropriate part of the home:

  • to increase the flow of positive energy, it is necessary to choose a product made of metal, for example, copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel and even silver, and place it in the western, northwestern or northern part, where the elements of metal and water dominate;
  • To attract home comfort into your home and reduce the number of family quarrels, it is preferable to place this item made of wooden or bamboo sticks in the southern, southeastern or eastern part of the home;
  • Hanging a wind chime with glass, clay or porcelain tubes in the north-eastern or south-western part will help improve family life (attract a soul mate), communicate with friends, and also gain recognition.

How many tubes should there be?

In ancient teachings, numbers play an important role, and the melody produced, which will improve certain human needs, will directly depend on their quantity.

The most favorable constructions in ancient teachings are:

  • with five tubes , symbolizing the element of earth, which, attracting positive energy, contribute to the prosperity of all five elements;
  • with six tubes , forming a hexagram, help attract heavenly luck and the most powerful manifestation of the element of metal;
  • with eight tubes , symbolize well-being and prosperity, and this figure, identified in many religions with infinity, is sacred until 2024.

Therefore, to cleanse the house of negative energy, a design of five straws is sufficient, and to additionally attract good luck and prosperity, you should purchase this product with six or eight straws.

To activate each element, not only the material will be important, but also the number of musical rods: metal - 6 or 7, wood - 3 or 4, earth - 5 or 8.

The basis

Think about what you will attach the ringing elements to. For these purposes, you can use anything: from a kitchen colander to sticks found in the forest. The following parts may be useful to you, but most likely you won’t even have to buy them:

  1. Embroidery hoop.
  2. Openwork plastic dishes.
  3. Wicker baskets and plates.
  4. Frames of old lampshades.
  5. Bamboo skewers for shish kebab.
  6. Natural material: driftwood, branches, willow twigs tied into a ring.
  7. Photo frames.
  8. Steamer and dryer racks.
  9. Knitting needles from old umbrellas.

In the latter case, of course, the accessory will turn out to be simply huge! But sometimes this is exactly what you need. It can decorate a beach night restaurant or a garden gazebo.

How many tiers should there be?

The design of the singing wind consists of several tiers, each of which contains its own elements - tubes, pagodas, bells and other decorative elements.

The attractive magical ability of the product will also depend on the number of tiers:

  • five - identify all five elements and attract positive energy through them, displacing the negative;
  • seven - symbolize the seven treasures of Buddhism and help to attract good luck, wealth, and career advancement to the home;
  • nine - is associated in ancient philosophy with stability, therefore it will add strength, nobility, wealth and fullness of life to the lives of household members, saving them from failures.

The most powerful designs

Over its long history, this ancient Chinese talisman has developed special designs, which, according to experts, have powerful energy and attractive ability:

  • A talisman with eight metal tubes that create birdsong when sounded promotes professional growth and attracting significant mentors into life. It should be located in the northwestern part of the home and decorated with or placed near the image of the hieroglyph “luck”;
  • The glass hearts, balls and stars included in the design will attract good luck and tender feelings into a person’s personal life;
  • if the design includes at least one bell, then such a product activates favorable energy flows and distributes them throughout the house, filling everyone with happiness. It is recommended to place such a product, which produces a bell ringing, on a chandelier in the center of the room;
  • Wind chimes, complemented by feathers, have a psychological effect. According to the doctrine, it drives away dark thoughts, stress, and depression from household members, and by placing it in the bedroom, a person will ensure an easy sleep.

What is the benefit for the home?

Wind chimes perform many functions in the house, according to Feng Shui.
In this case, the influence on any area of ​​​​the life of household members will depend on the location of the talisman and the personal desires of the residents. The main purpose is to activate the flow of positive energy and restore the balance between the elements that dominate the home. This product is also a kind of protector of housing from negative energy, which is concentrated in narrow corridors, door and window openings.

It is allowed and in some cases recommended to place this item outside the home, protecting it from the penetration of negative flows from street objects.

To activate any sector of life, it is necessary to place this singing object in it, and it is necessary to select it, taking into account the ruling element, materials and color palette.

Origin of the talisman – wind chime

The popular eastern amulet wind chime is of Chinese origin. It has been used since ancient times as part of the teachings of Feng Shui to transform Qi energy using melodic chimes. Other names for this talisman:

  • breeze;
  • musical pendant;
  • Chinese bells;
  • singing wind;
  • wind chimes;
  • melody of the wind.

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the talisman. According to it, one day a wise Chinese elder asked the spirit of the Wind to perform his most beautiful song in order to give it to people and make them happy. The deity asked why he was chosen for this purpose, because there are several other elements.

The sage replied that air is considered the most necessary element, because without it a person cannot live even a few minutes. Therefore, Wind is the most beloved of the elements, which is most valued. The deity checked the elder’s words and became convinced of their authenticity.

The wind laughed and then granted the Chinese sage's wish by enclosing his song in a bamboo stalk. The elder made many amulets from this gift and distributed them to people.

It is these amulets that allow you to take advantage of the power of the Wind and protect yourself and your home from the influence of negative Sha energy and normalize the movement of Qi.

Where to place according to Feng Shui?

A specially designated place in the house for wind chimes will largely determine the balance and harmony in the life of the household:

  • in the northwestern part, where the travel and helpers area is located, a talisman with six metal bells will provide stable external support;
  • in the southwestern part, where the love zone is located, the presence of two porcelain or ceramic musical pipes will attract new love to the house or improve existing relationships;
  • in the northeastern part, to activate the zone of knowledge and wisdom, you should place a wind chime with eight ceramic tubes;
  • in the south-eastern part, where the wealth zone is located, a talisman with four wooden tubes will improve the financial sphere of residents in the shortest possible time. It is also possible to use a singing object made from coins;
  • in the western part there is a zone for children and creativity, so a product with seven metal tubes will contribute to conceiving a child and the development of creative ideas;
  • in the southern part, nine singing wooden bells should be hung to attract fame and success;
  • in the northern part, where the career zone is located, to attract new opportunities for implementation in the professional field, it is necessary to place wind chimes with six or seven metal tubes;
  • in the eastern part there is a family zone, so a talisman with three wooden tubes will improve relationships both within the family and with close relatives and friends.

The singing talisman should not be placed above the workplace or sleeping place. This arrangement is allowed only if it is at waist level. Also, you should not place it too high or, conversely, low.

It is preferable to place wind chimes in the hallway, narrow corridor, dark corner, closet, on the window, above the entrance - these are the places where negative energy accumulates, and this item will clear the space of it. Also in the bathroom and toilet room, you can neutralize negative energy by hanging such a talisman outside at the entrance.

How to do it yourself?

A wind chime bought in a store does not have the same attractive power as a product made with one’s own hands, which at the same time still absorbs the energy of the owner and will continue to attract what is desired into this house.

You can make wind chimes with your own hands from all sorts of rubbish

The basis of a homemade talisman must be hollow tubes, which will create a certain melody when they come into contact with each other. The material and size of the straws will be determined by the taste preferences and desires of the person.

You should also be sure to select additional decorative elements that will not only fit harmoniously into the product, but also carry a certain meaning.
These can be feathers, shells, glass balls, beads, decorative Chinese coins, and bells. So, instructions for making a talisman with your own hands:

  1. The tubes must be cut to certain sizes. It is important to process all the edges so that they are not sharp. Also, the lower end should be cut at a slight angle. They can be either the same size or vary in length. The main thing is that it should look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious;
  2. using a drill, small holes should be drilled in all the necessary structural elements so that everything can be connected using threads, fishing line, rings;
  3. the entire structure is carefully and consistently assembled and attached to a base, which can be cross-connected sticks, large decorated rings, or a large shell.

We do it ourselves

To create a wind chime with your own hands, you do not need any specific skills, and a number of original materials with different properties and appearance, for example, bamboo, multi-colored sea shells or coins, can be used as its elements. To make an amulet, the parts must have holes through which they will be attached to the base.

Made from bamboo

Bamboo is a specific and rare material, so most often an imitation of the surface of the stem is used to create wind chimes. To make a bamboo decoration, you should follow the following diagram:

  1. Cardboard tubes of different diameters should be cut with a knife so that one of the cuts is made at an acute angle, and the other remains straight;
  2. We paste the resulting sticks with several layers of paper;
  3. In several places we glue a thick rope around the blanks in order to imitate the knots on the trunk of a natural plant;
  4. We cover the surface of the “bamboo” with several more layers of paper;
  5. We pierce with an awl or drill a through hole near the straight cut of each bamboo stick;
  6. We paint the surface of the paper with acrylic paints, imitating the colors of bamboo. At the nodes the color should be a little darker;
  7. We hang the finished elements on a thread, attach a disk in the center, and the bamboo talisman is ready.

From shells

An excellent option for useful use of shells brought from vacation is to create wind chimes. How to make a breeze from shells:

  1. Select the most beautiful specimens. Using an awl or drill with a thin drill and a small number of turns, drill small mounting holes in the wide part of each to tie the parts to the amulet;
  2. Using several wooden skewers, fasten the shells together so that you get one long pendant;
  3. Paint each pendant;
  4. String shells onto several lines, using small multi-colored beads with knots tied under them for intermediate fixation;
  5. Each fishing line is attached to a wooden base at such a distance that the pendants do not fight, but slightly touch each other;
  6. We tie or glue a rope to the skewers holder so that the attachment point is at its center.

If the sound of wind chimes from shells is not too loud, you can add metal tubes or small bells to the design.

From coins

To attract the energy of wealth into your home, Feng Shui recommends using coins of different shapes and sizes when creating wind chimes. The most convenient are the ones with an existing hole in the center, through which the coin will be attached to the air talisman. In other cases, holes can be drilled with a drill for subsequent threading.

According to the Feng Shui system, wind music belongs to the air element, and money to the fire element, and therefore, for a talisman made of coins to work, it is decorated in multi-colored rich red colors, which cover the ropes for hanging coins. The craft is decorated with red ribbons. In addition, various banknotes can be glued to wind chimes to attract wealth.


Glass parts for wind chimes, which can be purchased at a sewing accessories store, boast a pleasant sound and unusual appearance.
As a rule, they already have a special hole for stringing, and there is no need to drill a hole for subsequent threading of the fishing line. All that remains to be done is to select the parts, connect them together and secure the resulting blanks to the holder. A part of a wooden knot of any shape, coated with varnish or color, looks impressive.


One of the most classic options is to use oblong hollow metal tubes of different lengths and diameters, or clay bells, to make wind chimes. To make such crafts singing in the wind, you need:

  1. Take a wooden circle and drill holes along its edges and inside for attaching ropes;
  2. Prepare several metal tubes and hang them on the base;
  3. In the center of the disk, make a small plate of a contrasting color, which will hit the tubes and extract sound from them.

You can use small singing bells to decorate crafts made of colored clay, glass or wood. Such a wind chime, suspended above the door, will delight the owners with a light ringing at the slightest gust of wind.

Other materials at hand

To extract interesting sounds and give the decoration an original appearance, you can use small cutlery with drilled holes, metal caps for mineral water and drinks, sea stones, old keys, key rings, souvenirs, glass bottles of unusual shapes.

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