The best homemade pneumatic all-terrain vehicles: which swamp vehicles and caracats on low-pressure tires you can make with your own hands


The caracat is considered a universal means of transportation.
The so-called fracture allows the owner to save money. For a small price and some time spent, people can get a practical and convenient vehicle. It will be especially popular in rural areas, which are famous for their difficult roads. It is during trips to fishing, hunting or just to the forest that it is best to use caracat. When constructing a caracat, it is necessary to take into account that the main center of gravity in it shifts slightly, and the axis in front increases. The modern market offers a huge variety of parts and accessories that can increase the functionality of an all-terrain vehicle and make it easier to control.

The Caracat is perfect for driving on snowy roads. Thanks to special technology in creating circuits and mounting the chassis, it practically does not put pressure on the earth’s surface. This allows the all-terrain vehicle to avoid falling into snow and ice. To prevent vehicles from sliding on ice, it is recommended to install special couplings to the ground. Which one to choose and how to do it depends only on the caracat wheels.

In appearance, the caracat resembles an ATV, so many doubt which is better to choose. The main advantage of karakat over its rival is environmental friendliness. Thanks to the large wheels, the soil is not destroyed and roads are not broken. But due to the fact that caracats are mainly made by artisans, they are not covered by a guarantee and there are no instructions for use. In terms of size, a homemade all-terrain vehicle can be quite compact, which simplifies its transportation. Depending on the materials used, the appearance of the caracat can vary significantly.

Compared to an ATV, the carakat has a lower speed. On average it does not exceed 40 km/h. In general, it was created for off-road use, where high acceleration is unlikely to be needed. The speed depends on the engine power and may be higher.

The cost of such a machine is determined based on the components used; on average, their prices are approximately at the same level.

Thus, the karakat is a homemade all-terrain vehicle, which, thanks to its large wheels, is capable of driving through swampy areas, uneven roads and fields. Water is also not a barrier for him. Large wheels act as a float, which is why some call this all-terrain vehicle an amphibian.

When creating a transport, the following elements are used:

  • frame;
  • rear axle;
  • driver's seat;
  • good light.

You can take any frame. For example, when using the base of a walk-behind tractor, you can get a car for one person. The total carrying capacity of such a vehicle does not exceed 200 kilograms, but this is enough to transport a small load over a long distance on a bad road. The width of the vehicle is not done at random, it is calculated so that the caracat is as resistant to turning over as possible. Typically this value is at least 1100 millimeters. Modern caracats are produced with a power of more than 10 horsepower. This allows you to reach speeds of around 10 km/h. In difficult areas, the speed decreases and reaches 1-2 km/h.

Important How to make a harrow for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands according to the drawing

The main advantages of the technology:

  • relatively low cost of parts for karakat;
  • good buoyancy of transport;
  • low fuel consumption;
  • simplicity of design.

Disadvantages of homemade transport:

  • low reliability of components made from scrap materials;
  • low maneuverability;
  • difficulties in storing equipment due to its size;
  • rapid destruction of tire material.

Design features

The machine overcomes obstacles of varying complexity thanks to large-diameter wheels, which reduce pressure on the soil and increase ground clearance.

Other design features:

  1. The special tread pattern provides strong grip on the ground.
  2. The basis of the design is an articulated frame, thanks to which the wheels are placed at the desired angle. This ensures the stability of the vehicle and prevents the all-terrain vehicle from overturning on a large slope.

Low pressure chambers have an increased internal volume (pressure - from 0.1 to 0.4 MPa). The tire has fewer cord layers and less voluminous side surfaces compared to classic products. Wheel components:

  • tread;
  • frame (consists of metal or synthetic threads);
  • side strips (made of natural rubber);
  • breaker (belt made of steel cord);
  • fender tape (synthetic elastomer);
  • steel ring rod.

Low pressure wheels have a collapsible disc. It is equipped with a device that prevents the tire from slipping off the rim. Tires are soft, elastic and shock-absorbing. Thanks to such wheels, the car moves smoothly on a relief surface.

What are the options

Before you make a swamp vehicle with your own hands, you need some information and preparation. Technical knowledge will come in handy, as well as out-of-the-box thinking, but the result will allow you to truly conquer impassable places.

The banal fact of saving speaks in favor of self-made production; you can use used parts.

The most popular option is a car with low pressure tires

Most of the result will depend on them; it is important to think through the simplest possible design so that in the future you do not depend on complex parts in the event of a breakdown; A do-it-yourself swamp boat is even easier to make; it will allow you to move through flooded areas, it is suitable for shallow depths, but does not really like overgrown spaces; If there are a lot of thickets on the reservoir, it is best to take up a swamp vehicle on caterpillars. It is more difficult to do it with your own hands, but sometimes it is necessary.

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How to make wheels for an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands

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The process of working on disks can be divided into stages. Stages of work:

This way you will have a barrel for the disc.


Before you begin building a homemade all-terrain vehicle, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure in order to make the right choice of design components.

Engines, transmission

The power unit is usually selected depending on the price. Moreover, the simpler the design, the easier it will be to repair and configure. Most often, when building an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands, they use car engines.

It is noted that the diesel engine will provide low fuel consumption, and the gasoline engine will be easy to start even during severe frosts. It is worth thinking in advance about a forced cooling system for the vehicle and purchasing a pre-heater.

Frame, body

To create the frame you will need steel pipes with a square or round cross-section. Both welded and screw type connections are used. The option of using a monocoque body is rarely used, because it does not provide resistance to heavy loads

In addition to strength, it is worth paying attention to such a point as resistance to destruction by corrosion: for this, as well as to reduce weight, plastic or aluminum cladding is used. If the vehicle must be buoyant, the lower part of the hull must be sealed - the entry of water is limited to the place where the drive outlet is located, using seals

Tires, tracks

If necessary, by reducing the pressure, you can transform the wheel - thanks to the expansion of the support, you can significantly reduce the load on the road surface. It is worth remembering that a low distance from the bottom to the ground creates inconvenience when trying to overcome a high obstacle. When building a crawler all-terrain vehicle, spring steel rods can be used. Drum brakes are often replaced by planetary gears. There are times when there is no factory caterpillar available from any equipment, and then you can make it yourself.

You can add many important and useful details to the design:

  • windscreen wipers;
  • autonomous stoves;
  • rear view mirrors;
  • acoustics and music centers;
  • indicators and control devices;
  • electric seats;
  • lighting equipment and other additional elements.

A little history

The first all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires were represented by the Christie tank. Within a few years, faster versions appeared based on this model.

Their advantages include versatility and excellent maneuverability. This technique felt confident on hard surfaces (wheels were connected to the work) and off-road (caterpillars helped).

But time has shown that tracked vehicles are far from the best option.

Car enthusiasts have noticed that as the pressure inside the tire decreases, the area of ​​contact between the wheel and the ground increases. As a result, the vehicle's cross-country ability increases.

For example, on some trucks (Ural-4320, GAZ-66 and others), the driver can adjust the tire pressure based on the situation on the road.

Sometimes SNDs with a special tread are used, which improves all-terrain qualities.

The peculiarity of special tires is their greater width and softness when compared with conventional tires.

Today, tires with ultra-low pressure are becoming increasingly popular. But there is one big minus. Installation of such wheels is possible only on special equipment. If you want to install them on your car, you will have to make serious alterations.

Until we started designing

Before making a homemade all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor, from an old vehicle, the details are clarified. You can make an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor with caterpillar tracks or pneumatic wheels.

The tracked unit is not difficult to operate - this is important to take into account. You need to understand where and under what conditions you will use the device, as well as how many people and what weight the vehicle can carry without damage. Next you can develop:

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Next you can develop:

  • sketch;
  • blueprints.

However, it is prohibited to take any car engine. The engine must have forced cooling. It is necessary to buy devices with air and water cooling.

Note! The engine in such a vehicle must be 100% high power so that you can easily move through any territory.

When using a homemade all-terrain vehicle walk-behind tractor in winter, it is better to use a 4-stroke engine. It is the one that works excellently at low temperatures, it is mobile, and easy to operate. A small 4x4 all-terrain vehicle with a walk-behind tractor engine, made independently, will become a true pride for any craftsman. The units can be purchased at a low cost, so it is easier and more economical to assemble them yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wheeled all-terrain vehicles are distinguished by high maneuverability, reliability and endurance; most models are equipped with a powerful generator. Brake pads located on the rear shaft ensure climbing on steep slopes.

Advantages of all-terrain vehicles:

  1. Modern car models include an air conditioning system, a power steering option, sound insulation, and comfortable seats. All this makes being in the cabin comfortable.
  2. An autonomous generator and an increased fuel tank volume allow the vehicle to be operated for a long time in extreme conditions and remote areas.
  3. All-terrain vehicles are suitable for moving on any type of soil. It is necessary to choose the right tread pattern (for example, a shallow pattern is suitable for peat bogs, a shallow narrow pattern makes it easier to move on snow and sand).
  4. Due to the slight pressure on the soil, deep pushing of the surface is eliminated, due to this the machine is able to reach high speeds.
  5. The increased contact patch with the ground not only increases cross-country ability, but also reduces soil damage when located in environmental areas.

The disadvantages of wheeled all-terrain vehicles include rapid tire wear when regularly moving on concrete and asphalt. Other cons:

  1. Due to their weak profile, all-terrain vehicles react sensitively to aggressive driving style.
  2. At high speeds on sharp turns, the machine may overturn, because the center of gravity shifts. Maneuvers should be performed smoothly.
  3. Movement on public roads is limited due to non-compliance with traffic police requirements.

The maximum tire load limits the design of the all-terrain vehicle. Homemade builders often prefer 6-wheeled options, and they also make 8-wheeled vehicles. With a lightweight body of its own design, the load-bearing capacity of the vehicle increases.

Types of all-terrain vehicles with low pressure tires

All-terrain vehicles with SND differ in their functional purpose.

They are:

  1. Passenger. This equipment is designed to transport people up to 15 people;
  2. Cargo and passenger. The peculiarity of such all-terrain vehicles is that they can accommodate both passengers (up to four people) and cargo (a special trailer or platform is provided for these purposes);
  3. Freight. They have their own trailer and a special platform for transporting various cargoes.
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