How to convert a regular bicycle into a three-wheeled model with your own hands

The need to make a bicycle yourself arises in two situations: saving money or the desire to come up with a non-standard model. The creation of a two-wheeled vehicle begins with a drawing. First you need to decide on the design and material. To assemble a bicycle with your own hands, it is important to understand the purpose of each component. Some elements cannot be abandoned - safety will decrease, or the vehicle will not travel more than 2 meters at all. Some components can be assembled from scratch, others are better used off-the-shelf.

Features and device

The three-wheeled bike differs from its usual counterpart in a different frame configuration and the presence of an additional rim. If the model is intended for city or park walks, it is better to make a simple option, without frills or reinforcing elements. Products for driving over rough terrain and transporting goods are equipped with a reinforced frame, transmission, reliable braking system, and their speed modes are also changed.

If the tricycle will be used by one person, the design is adjusted according to anthropometric parameters. For mass use, the most universal modification is chosen.

Advantages of DIY tricycles:

  • suitable for use by people of different age categories;
  • characterized by increased stability and load-carrying capacity;
  • making homemade options does not require significant costs or special skills;
  • facilitated landing of the owner due to stable balance;
  • possibility of commercial use.

The disadvantages include the increased weight of the unit, bulkiness, and inconvenience of turning at high speed. Consumers indicate that cargo models are only suitable for private homes, since placing them in an apartment is problematic. A homemade version with three wheels must be assembled, carefully following the instructions.

Increased stability and load capacity

For people of different ages

Does not require costs or special skills for manufacturing

Ease of entry for the owner

Bicycle cradle on the roads: traffic safety rules

With additional load, the bike becomes more dangerous both for the driver and for other road users. When going out on the road with a trailer, the cyclist must make sure:

  • that all fastenings in the trailer are in good working order;
  • in the reliability of the connections of the drawbar pipes with each other and with the bicycle;
  • in a safe location of the load.

The permitted dimensions of the transported cargo in width are no more than 0.5 m in each direction. It is advisable to screw a reflective element onto the trailer if it is homemade.

One way or another, the additional trolley at the rear worsens the bike's handling, especially on sharp turns. The overall speed of travel with a trailer should be lower than that which the cyclist usually maintains. In other words, the bicycle turns into a slow-moving vehicle.

A bicycle and a trailer behind it can become a serious bait for dogs. All cyclists know firsthand about their partiality for two-wheeled transport, but imagine if they see four such wheels? An animal attack on a bicycle distracts you from driving and can result in an accident. Keeping this in mind, we choose a safe route. It’s a good idea to have some protection with you – a stun gun or pepper spray.

Preparatory stage

To create a tricycle with your own hands, you need to purchase a standard analogue with a pair of rims. This may be a foreign or domestic modification. Taking into account the chosen configuration, the aesthetic part of the future transport will be designed. It is necessary to take into account the quality of parts and the possibility of transforming the unit.

Initially, all design diagrams and drawings should be completed. Particular attention is paid to:

  1. Stability, which requires correctly calculating the placement of the rear wheels.
  2. Height of the steering column and seat. The parameter is calculated taking into account the characteristics of a particular person.
  3. Purchase of a rear axle with differential. The element is responsible for comfortable movement and safe driving.
  4. Adjusting the steering unit. A homemade tricycle should not fall over when turning.
  5. High-quality brake block, signal horn.
  6. Smooth movement of the steering wheel and wheels. There should be no creaks or other extraneous sounds.

In the drawings of a tricycle, the most crucial moment is modifying the frame configuration. It will be necessary to strengthen the metal profile using stiffeners. As an option, it is possible to use a design from Ural. The rear axle is cut down and an updated frame made of duralumin pipes is installed. The second part is installed in the lower section, it is used for transporting goods. Wheels are placed on both sides of the axle, and a sprocket is fitted in the center.

Required materials and tools

To make a three-wheeled trike from a bicycle, you should stock up on the following equipment:

  • a pair of chains;
  • cables for the brake and speed switching units;
  • standard bicycle;
  • stainless steel clamps;
  • wheels;
  • wings;
  • brake block;
  • basket for transporting cargo;
  • steel frame;
  • paint and varnish composition.

To create a tricycle with your own hands, you will need a hammer, an angle grinder, a welding inverter, a drill, and a set of keys. After sketching all the drawings and diagrams, you should prepare the specified materials and tools in advance. If you plan to build a spacious luggage compartment, additionally prepare sheets of plywood and a hacksaw. If desired, the unit is equipped with an alarm bell or horn. Comfortable seating is ensured by installing a new seat or installing a special cover.

Some craftsmen place a compact basket at the front of the structure for transporting bags and packages. At the same time, your hands are completely free while riding.

What is a velomobile

If you look closely at the word “velomobile” itself, you can assume that it is something between a bicycle and a car. In general, this is true. The velomobile is driven, like a bicycle, by muscle power. Only unlike a bicycle, a velomobile allows you to feel more comfortable. Velomobiles have a car-like seat, a fairing, and sometimes even a roof. Agree, it is much safer to travel on such a device than on a bicycle. In addition, you will certainly become the center of everyone's attention.

TOP 5 touring velomobiles in the world

So, let's name the advantages of a velomobile:

  • comfort;
  • safety compared to a bicycle;
  • an opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

You can easily move around the city with a velomobile

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • cumbersome design;
  • high prices.

A velomobile can be assembled from a regular bicycle. Therefore, it is more likely to sort out the trash on the balcony, in the garage or in the country house. Patience, hands, tools and supplies will also certainly come in handy.

Manufacturing instructions

Master class on how to make a tricycle step by step:

  1. The donor model is placed on the platform with the steering wheel down.
  2. Remove the wheels, remove rust and other defects in visible places.
  3. Saw off the rear part of the unit with a grinder.
  4. The differential is fixed using metal clamps.
  5. The bridge is installed at 90 degrees using the above method.
  6. The remaining auxiliary elements are secured by welding.
  7. The wings are mounted, between which a basket of suitable size is welded.
  8. Install two rear rims in parallel.
  9. The fasteners of the clamps are tightened.
  10. One is made from two circuits and then installed.
  11. Equip the brake unit using disc parts and a switch on the steering wheel.
  12. They check the build quality and paint the model.

Homemade tricycles may vary in size depending on the user's creative ideas. A proven, fast and reliable method in terms of technology is the use of a UK-65 type rear differential axle. When creating a drawing of a homemade tricycle, you should take into account the costs of consumables.

When creating the modification in question, you will need to take into account the costs of purchasing the necessary parts yourself. In addition to the bridge, you will need a chain, a speed switch, wheels, and a set of sprockets. Also, we must not forget about lubricating and painting sanded and welded surfaces.

We make a bicycle trailer from polypropylene pipes

It is very tempting to make a bicycle trailer from polypropylene pipes at home. The pipes are easy to cut and then connect using a special soldering iron. In the absence of the latter, it is possible to use appropriate glue or even fix it using self-tapping screws through pre-drilled holes.

The latter option can also be used as a temporary fastener when assembling the product to minimize possible errors. A polypropylene bicycle cart is relatively inexpensive and lightweight. Its load capacity is quite sufficient as a bicycle trailer. In the example presented, the wheels are attached to metal corners, which are screwed to the pipes from below.

The nuances of installing the brake system

After carrying out the above manipulations, the assembly of the equipment can be considered complete. Special attention should be paid to the brake assembly and axle. Only a disc system is suitable for an adult tricycle; a rim analogue cannot be installed correctly. The unit will require additional financial investments to ensure that further operation of the product is safe for the cyclist and others. The kit includes discs, hubs, calipers, and a manual control lever.

No particular difficulties are expected during the installation of the bridge. The unit aggregates with most classic frames. First, all the standard parts of the rear part are dismantled (chain, wheel with fender, trunk, hand brake). A type of UK category bridge is mounted on the rim mounting compartment. The stops are inserted behind the lower pipe of the rear frame part, the axle is threaded through special eyes. The elements are securely tightened, the mating parts are fixed using clamps. At the next stage, an extended chain is installed, made from two standard analogues by removing excess links. For this purpose, the method of grinding off a rivet or installing a new lock is used. Then the speed switch is adjusted.

The future owner of a tricycle, assembled independently, can build the device without significant financial costs, decorating the equipment according to his preferences with an original design. As a result, the user will receive not only a personal exclusive bicycle machine, but also an assistant for transporting food and other items. Experts recommend regularly lubricating rubbing parts, as well as monitoring other structural elements.

Components of a homemade bicycle


If you have a frame left over from an old, leaky bicycle, great, the main thing is that it is in good condition and free of rust. If there is no frame, it doesn’t matter either; purchase steel, aluminum or titanium narrow pipes.

The basis is a drawing on which all the components of the bicycle are displayed. It is better if the sketch is made in 3D mode on a computer, you can immediately assess the real dimensions of the necessary parts and get an impression of the proportionality of each. Welding remains the preferred method of connecting functional components; if you additionally plan to attach a trunk or rear fender to the frame, provide recesses for the bolts. Holes are also left for bolts for hanging components.

The main thing is that the rust does not have rust

Front fork

It's hard to imagine homemade functioning bicycles without a front fork. If you plan to drive the bike, sliding down the mountain and climbing up, it is better to install a soft shock absorber. You should not mount BMX forks on mountain models - they are too heavy. When making a fork with your own hands, calculate the following parameters:

  • fork stroke;
  • method of fixing the brakes;
  • preferred wheel diameter.

Transmission and brake

Transmission components are selected based on the amount allocated for this part of the bicycle. Experts do not advise assembling a chain with your own hands or creating a speed switch; you’ll just waste your time and you won’t achieve good quality anyway. When you come to the store, choose a classic transmission; the placental format has a number of significant disadvantages.

Brakes for bicycles are divided into rim and disc. If cycling is done in dry weather, rim brake pads are suitable; they are inexpensive and significantly lighten the design. Rim brakes won't withstand extreme travel - use disc brakes. With the latter, riding safety and comfort for the cyclist are ensured.

With disc brakes, cycling is safer and more comfortable.

Saddle and wheels, pedals

The wheels, of course, should be bought ready-made, as well as the saddle. If you prefer a sporty riding style, pay attention to hard and elastic saddles that take into account the anatomical features of the cyclist.

It would seem that it would be easier to choose pedals. Beginners in cycling believe that, apart from the classics, designers have not come up with anything else, but they are mistaken. The modernized devices secure the legs tightly, which allows the feet not to slip, which means there is no need to make unplanned stops. At the same time, the risk of injury on the road increases.

If the riding is acrobatic, experts recommend paying attention to the platforms. Road racing and mountain competitions require contact pedals, and special shoes must also be selected for them.

Racing requires contact pedals and special shoes.

Bicycle handlebar

Experts tell us how to make a bicycle with a comfortable handlebar. It must meet the basic requirements:

  • ergonomics;
  • reliability;
  • strength.

The steering wheel is bent according to a pre-made sketch, but do not forget that it contains important control components that control the activation of the brakes, handles that change speeds, a sound signal, and a headlight. Modern bikes can be equipped with an on-board computer.

The steering wheel is fixed to the stem; it is preferable that the last component be adjustable. To assemble the steering wheel, use durable materials that will not let you down: steel, titanium or carbon.

The handlebar should be made of durable materials such as steel, titanium or carbon.

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