How to replace a hexagon at home. How to replace a hex wrench. Preparing for work

How to unscrew a hexagon: preparation

Whatever the reasons for the situation when the bolt stops unscrewing, the following steps should be taken before plumbing:

  1. Before unscrewing the hexagon, to reduce the coefficient of friction, it is necessary to open the bolted fasteners with lubricant such as WD-40, kerosene or brake fluid. You can start unscrewing the bolt 30-60 minutes after application.
  2. A stuck bolt can be gently tapped with a hammer so as not to further disturb the thread.
  3. If the location of the fastener allows, you can heat it with a gas burner so that the metal becomes more pliable and rust and dirt turn into ash.

Preparing to unscrew the hexagon

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations.

  1. To reduce the coefficient of friction, the bolt fasteners must be treated with kerosene, brake fluid or machine oil. You can begin unscrewing after 20 minutes or more.
  2. If the bolt is stuck, it must be gently tapped with a hammer. This will help knock down the threads for easy removal.
  3. If possible and the design allows, use a gas burner. Heated metal becomes more pliable to external influences. Rust or dirt that is on its surface will fall off in the form of ash.

How to unscrew a hex or torx bolt

Using an impact screwdriver

It is best to use an impact screwdriver to remove such bolts.

However, she is not always able to crawl up, because the bolt may be in a hard-to-reach place.

Using a grinder and an impact screwdriver

If the edges of the bolt are already torn off, then an impact screwdriver will not be of much help to you.

Therefore, some craftsmen saw through the bolt using a regular screwdriver, and only then, as in the previous method, use an impact screwdriver.

Using a chisel

In some cases, when the edges of the bolt have already been torn off, you can try to unscrew the bolt using a chisel.

By striking in the direction of unscrewing the bolt, there is a small chance that the bolt will give in and come out.

But as practice shows, this method works extremely rarely!

There are other methods, but they are very similar to those described above, so I won’t talk about them, but will move on to a tricky method that I use all the time.

To unscrew a bolt with a broken hexagon, we need a spline cue ball (12-pointed star).

We hammer this cue ball into the bolt.

Then calmly unscrew the bolt.

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What can replace a hex screwdriver?

You can make a cut for a flat screwdriver (grinder or file) to unscrew it with a screwdriver. A screwdriver wrapped tightly in fabric or rubber will help. Select a suitable file with 3 edges. An asterisk screwdriver of the same size quite successfully replaces a hexagon.

What can I use instead of a hex wrench?

  • First of all, you can use a screwdriver of a certain size. .
  • Bolt with a set of nuts. .
  • As a tool, you can use a triangular file of a specific size or an “asterisk”.

What can replace a shaped screwdriver?

  • Coin of any denomination. .
  • If the screw is loose, insert your fingernail into the slot and turn it as you would a screwdriver.
  • Insert the flat tip of the knife into the slot and unscrew the screw. .
  • A CD would be a great alternative to replacing a screwdriver.

How can I replace the star key?

To unscrew a protruding hex or star bolt, you can use the following methods: Using a hacksaw or a grinder, make a neat and clearly vertical cut across the screw head. After these steps, you can unscrew it with a regular flat-head screwdriver.

How to replace a hexagon with a 6?

A triangular file is what you can use to replace a hexagon. It needs to be inserted inside the bolt and scrolled. Make a hole for a flathead screwdriver and use it instead of a hexagon. A hex wrench is a common tool, especially in furniture production.

What can be used instead of an adjustable wrench?

  • Pliers
  • adjustable wrench
  • Files
  • Small vise
  • Calipers
  • Wooden strip and nylon tape
  • Hammers

How to replace the Ikeevsky key?

A bent IKEA key (time waster) successfully replaces a T25 Torex inserted into a drill at low speeds

How to do without a hexagon?

  1. If the size of the bolt is not too small, you can use a chisel or an ordinary hammer: they strike at an angle in the direction of unscrewing the fastener.
  2. Method using a spanner or gas wrench.

How to unscrew a hex bolt without a screwdriver?

If the hexagon is small, then you can hammer a TORX sprocket of a suitable size into it and unscrew it. If the head is accessible, then you should try to unscrew the screw using pliers, a gas wrench or a hand vice. If you have space, a hammer and chisel almost always helps.

What can I use to replace a screwdriver?

  1. Coin of any denomination. .
  2. If the screw is loose, insert your fingernail into the slot and turn it as you would a screwdriver.
  3. Insert the flat tip of the knife into the slot and unscrew the screw. .
  4. A CD would be a great alternative to replacing a screwdriver.

How to unscrew a screwdriver bolt?

Berm a screwdriver that is as similar as possible to the groove of the screw. We take the tourniquet. We place a tourniquet under a screwdriver or a bit and insert it all into the licked head. Next, with simultaneous pressure and a rotational movement, we try to unscrew the screw.

How to unscrew if there is no star screwdriver?

Another option is to use a toothbrush. Melt one end of it with a lighter, then immediately insert it into the recess on the screw head. After waiting a bit for the melted plastic to harden, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course, this will not help if the screw is tightened too tightly.

How to unscrew a bolt with a broken Torx head?

We curl the TORX, its slots should cut through the bolt head and fit tightly into it. After this, unscrew the bolt with a jerk. IMPORTANT: You must unscrew it with a jerk, because if you unscrew it slowly, the Torx slots will break off and you will have to hammer in the next largest TORX.

What can replace a triangular screwdriver?

A suitable analogue is obtained from a hex key for furniture. It is included in the set of the wardrobe and any other self-assembled items. Furniture suppliers deliberately make them from metals that are soft enough to save on processing costs. But you can still make a good tool for repairing household appliances.

How to unscrew the sprocket bolts?

If the “star” is internal, then you can make a straight cut using a flat screwdriver; you will need a hacksaw, or an angle grinder with a cutting disc, or a sharp chisel, the same hammer, VD-40, and a screwdriver. In the most extreme case (nothing helps), the bolt can be drilled out; here you need a drill and metal drill bits.

How to unscrew a broken hex bolt

To unscrew a protruding hex or star bolt, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using a hacksaw or a grinder, make a neat and clearly vertical cut across the screw head. After these steps, you can unscrew it with a regular flat-head screwdriver.
  2. Using a Torx star: you need to drive it into the recess for the hex key in the hardware head. The size of the sprocket should be such that its splines do not fit into the hole. Then the hardware is unscrewed with a sharp jerk. It is not recommended to use a Torx with a hole in the center; the sprocket can break off.
  3. Before unscrewing the hexagon with torn edges, a drill with drills and extractors is used to drill a hole in its center. After this, the extractor is driven into it, then pulled out with pliers along with a hex screw.
  4. Using a drill with reverse rotation, a thin hole is drilled, then a hammer is inserted into it with left rotation and the fasteners are unscrewed. In this case, the rotation of the drill should be slow and the pressure should be strong.

Method for unscrewing a torn hexagonal protruding bolt

To unscrew such a bolt, you need to use some recommendations.

  1. If a small hexagon needs to be unscrewed, make a small indentation in its head. Its shape should match the shape of a flat-head screwdriver.
  2. Make a hole in the cap and drive the extractor into it. Pull it out with pliers along with the screw.
  3. Using a drill with reverse rotation, make a hole in the head of the bolt. Then insert a drill into it with left-hand rotation and unscrew the fasteners.

Brickwork technology

The next step after the foundation will be brick laying. It is made from both ordinary and facing bricks (in the first case, the appearance will suffer).

If you use bricks of different colors, you can give the gazebo a decorative and sophisticated look.

The bricks are laid on cement mortar using a trowel. The cement mortar consists of:

  • 1 part cement M400;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • water (added as needed).

To give the building a complete look, you can use figured lattices as decoration, as well as decorative architectural elements. If wood products are used, they must be impregnated with an antiseptic to prevent rotting and mold. Products can also be varnished.

As you can see, if you try hard, you can achieve the desired result, and then the gazebo will become a source of pride, and using it will bring a lot of joy and pleasure.


The occurrence of such problems can be due to various reasons. “Sticking” of the material occurs:

  1. Due to the fact that the fastened parts were displaced.
  2. As a result of excessive “tightening” of the bolt during initial installation.
  3. Due to corrosion of the fastener head and the appearance of rust.
  4. Due to the use of inappropriate tools (for example, instead of a 13 key, a 14 key is used and a screwdriver is placed under it, which leads to “licking” of the bolt edges.

Wrench sizes

Typically, all of the above types are sold in sets with different sizes and diameters. Let's say the small ring key from the set has a ring of 2−4−6−8−10−13−15, and the hexagon and dodecahedron are only even: 4−6−8−10−12−16 and so on. Wrench, socket and tube tools have the same dimensions as ring wrenches. Depending on the type of set, there may be devices for both larger and smaller nut sizes. The same goes for sliding and gas keys. They have their own numbering, and each of them covers only a certain diameter. The main thing is to be able to choose the right ones for you.

Main characteristics

A hex bolt is a type of fastening tool, characterized by an internal head in the form of several edges. This allows it to be made with the same diameter as the main rod.

Such bolts are used in various fields:

  • the furniture sector is used to fasten several parts into one;
  • complete set of plumbing mechanisms. The hexagon can often be found on the mixer, which secures the main handle, etc.;

All types of such fasteners also have a peculiar division according to standard sizes. For each of them, a corresponding key is standardized, often having a curved shape in the form of the letter “G”.

How to replace a hex wrench

Fastening elements of many designs require the use of products with a certain type of head.
A special place among them is occupied by bolts made with a hex key. Very often such products are found in the furniture industry. Here they are worked with using keys type DIN 911. You can purchase them on many construction sites, where their main technical characteristics are indicated.

Main characteristics

A hex bolt is a type of fastening tool, characterized by an internal head in the form of several edges. This allows it to be made with the same diameter as the main rod.

Such bolts are used in various fields:

  • the furniture sector is used to fasten several parts into one;
  • complete set of plumbing mechanisms. The hexagon can often be found on the mixer, which secures the main handle, etc.;

All types of such fasteners also have a peculiar division according to standard sizes. For each of them, a corresponding key is standardized, often having a curved shape in the form of the letter “G”.

Hexagon alternative

This type of fastener is very inconvenient to use in the absence of special tools.

There are several ways to replace a hex key:

  1. First of all, you can use a screwdriver of a certain size. In this case, you should rest its edges on opposite sides of the groove and try to turn or tighten the bolt.
  2. Bolt with a set of nuts. They are screwed onto the thread and placed inside the hexagon. In this case, tightening is done using a wrench. It should be noted that bolts and nuts must be selected according to the standard size of the hexagon.
  3. As a tool, you can use a triangular file of a specific size or an “asterisk”.
  4. If the design allows, you can cut a small hole in the hexagon for a flat-head screwdriver and then work.

It should be noted that unscrewing such a connection is somewhat easier than tightening it properly. For such cases, it is advisable to use a special tool. It is often sold in whole sets, which allows you to select it for any type of fastener.

If you need to remove the hexagon, you can cut off the head and knock out the bolt (if you have access). You can also turn the bolt by hitting a hammer and screwdriver along a certain edge of the product.

All these methods are not universal and can damage the hexagon design, which will lead to its replacement.

Thanks to this video you can learn how to quickly replace a hex key:

Types of wrench tools

Recently, the types of products for working with nuts have begun to expand significantly. This is how improvised means appear for more comfortable use or those that can penetrate hard-to-reach places. The modern market has more than 20 types of tools for unscrewing and tightening nuts. Despite this, the main types are:

Nut - the name speaks for itself - this is the first representative of all types of means for unscrewing and screwing. Actually, it serves to unscrew or tighten the nuts along the threads. Usually it is simply placed on top or brought to the side of the nut. The tool has a comfortable handle and a U-shaped clamp.

How to unscrew a screw with a screwdriver

Often the situation with bolts and screws confuses the owner, because not everyone knows how to unscrew a bolt if it does not come out .

When there is practically no access, you can make a notch with a chisel or grinder. After this manipulation, unscrewing the bolt with a screwdriver will be quite simple.

Although in some cases this does not give the desired result, then you can take the same screwdriver, placing it at an angle, and lightly tap it. But this must be done so that the bolt begins to rotate.

Hexagon alternative

This type of fastener is very inconvenient to use in the absence of special tools.

There are several ways to replace a hex key:

  1. First of all, you can use a screwdriver of a certain size. In this case, you should rest its edges on opposite sides of the groove and try to turn or tighten the bolt.
  2. Bolt with a set of nuts. They are screwed onto the thread and placed inside the hexagon. In this case, tightening is done using a wrench. It should be noted that bolts and nuts must be selected according to the standard size of the hexagon.
  3. As a tool, you can use a triangular file of a specific size or an “asterisk”.
  4. If the design allows, you can cut a small hole in the hexagon for a flat-head screwdriver and then work.

It should be noted that unscrewing such a connection is somewhat easier than tightening it properly. For such cases, it is advisable to use a special tool. It is often sold in whole sets, which allows you to select it for any type of fastener.

If you need to remove the hexagon, you can cut off the head and knock out the bolt (if you have access). You can also turn the bolt by hitting a hammer and screwdriver along a certain edge of the product.

All these methods are not universal and can damage the hexagon design, which will lead to its replacement.

Thanks to this video you can learn how to quickly replace a hex key:

A metal hexagonal gazebo is one of the most common structures for outdoor recreation. You can have a great time in it without worrying about the scorching sun, rainy weather or other natural phenomena that may interfere with your vacation. The gazebo will protect you from bad weather and heat, while practically not restricting movement - the standard design is designed for a company of 7 - 10 people.

However, if you want to assemble a gazebo “from scratch” with your own hands, a metal structure will not be very appropriate, since to assemble it you need to have a welding machine and the appropriate skills.

For self-assembly, a wooden analogue is ideal, as it can be assembled without any special tools or skills. With accurate calculations and competent implementation, you can create a real work of art.

This article will contain detailed instructions on how to build a hexagonal gazebo made of wood with your own hands. With its help, you can carry out this process yourself without any errors or shortcomings.

Cutting metal strip

The first thing to do is measure the length of the edge of the hexagon for which you need to make a key.

We multiply this size by six (the number of edges), and we get the length of the metal strip that needs to be cut.

I recommend adding 6 mm to the resulting length (which I didn’t do), then it will be easier for you at the next stage of manufacturing.

The plate should be wider than the height of the bolt for which you are making the key (a couple of millimeters is enough).

How to unscrew an internal hexagon with torn edges

To unscrew a bolted connection with a through hole, you can use a file. With its help, the hexagonal hardware is bored to the next size and unscrewed with a wrench.

The second way is to use Torx. They can punch out new splines and reuse the hex hardware, but subsequently it can only be unscrewed with a Torx sprocket.

Torx sprockets

In addition, before unscrewing the torn hexagon, you can saw through the internal axis of the hexagonal fastener for a screwdriver and unscrew it. With this method, it is not always convenient to get to the fastener; sometimes its location does not allow the use of a screwdriver.

Welding hexagonal shape

Now all that remains is to weld the part into one. (In my case I used a 2.5mm welding electrode)

After this, you need to try on the nut again, and if everything fits, you can fill the cuts with welding. (3.2 mm electrode).

We try to put it on the nut again, because the high temperature during welding can deform the metal.

(This time I additionally tried the blank on the hexagonal protrusion on the filter.)

After this, you can clean up all the excess, making the shape of the part smoother.

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