Do-it-yourself hyperextension machine made of wood

Lumbar disc herniation is a common disease. It mainly affects people over forty years of age, although no one is immune from it among young people. If a person does not adequately respond to the primary symptoms of this disease, then the lesion will progress, which will lead to severe lower back pain, muscle atrophy, and other serious consequences.

Hyperextension with hernia of the lumbar spine

When treating a hernia of the lumbar spine, they most often resort to the use of conservative techniques. In parallel, doctors prescribe a special set of therapeutic exercises for people suffering from hernia, one of which is hyperextension.

According to WHO statistics, just three weeks after starting regular exercise, more than fifty percent of respondents felt better. And six months later, nine out of ten survey participants reported complete recovery.

Hyperextension at home: techniques for doing it at home without a machine

Not everyone can devote extra time and money to visiting the gym, but everyone wants to have a healthy back, beautiful posture and elastic muscles. Not only classes in a fitness club, but also simple exercises at home can help you achieve beautiful shapes and a slender body. One of these exercises that can be performed even at home is hyperextension, which is aimed at developing, first of all, the back muscles, and does not require machines or dumbbells; all you need to do is your own body weight and determination!

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The purpose of performing hyperextension at home

The main goal is to train the extensors. At the same time, the athlete works the thigh biceps and buttocks. Proper exercise technique allows you to strengthen the muscle corset. The exercises are not aimed at increasing lean mass, but they create good support for the body due to painstaking work on the apparatus that supports the load.

Many athletes can easily tell you how hyperextension is performed in the gym. The fitness area is equipped with special complexes on which you can work lying down or in a semi-inclined position. Hyperextension at home is also practiced. Exercises are useful for the following categories of people:

  • for beginner athletes, as they help prepare the back for full physical activity;
  • people with spinal problems, as they harmonize the functioning of the spinal column and relieve discomfort when moving;
  • persons with physical inactivity, since they help eliminate musculoskeletal disorders caused by low activity.

The exercises are recommended for everyone, regardless of age and level of athletic training. The complex is contraindicated for people with acute pain in the back and lumbar injuries.

Hyperextensions are exercises that are aimed primarily at working the muscles of the lower back, erector spinae and gluteal muscles. In addition, many stabilizer muscles of the abs, hips, and back will be worked, which will allow you to tone them. In addition, hyperextensions have a low risk of injury when performed and do not overload the joints, but this is subject to the correct execution technique.

For the most part, hyperextension at home or in the gym is of interest to people with back problems. Osteochondrosis, weak spine, scoliosis, pain in the lumbar region – these problems are largely what hyperextension is designed to solve. Because by strengthening the muscles located along the spine, you lighten the load on the spinal column, because strong muscles will take away part of the load that falls on our central axis.

However, hyperextension is a favorite exercise for our girls. The reason for this is the increased load on the buttocks.

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Frankly speaking, replacing hyperextensions at home without a machine is very problematic, since the exercise requires a Roman chair or a special machine. But let's try to get out of this difficult situation and figure out how to do hyperesthesia at home.

We decided to offer you hyperextensions that can be performed at home without a machine, as well as those that will require the help of a partner and a minimal set of equipment that many people have at their disposal. If you decide to go to the gym, then learn hyperextension exercises for the gym here.

Horizontal bar in the doorway

Horizontal bars in doorways or wall openings are undoubtedly the best do-it-yourself exercise machines for desperate homebodies who, nevertheless, do not want to lose shape and are worried about the “well-being” of their back. In addition, they are perfect for training in bad weather.

Making a horizontal bar for your home is not at all difficult.

Necessary materials:

  • three-quarter pipe (length = opening width + 40 millimeters);
  • Bulgarian;
  • yews;
  • drill with a metal drill bit.

Manufacturing technology:

  • cut one end of the pipe into four parts (“the recess” should not exceed 22 millimeters);
  • cut two parallel petals;
  • in the remaining two, drill holes with a diameter of 4 millimeters;
  • bend them 90 degrees;
  • repeat the entire above procedure for the second side;
  • secure the horizontal bar in the doorway.

How to make exercise machines for pumping muscles with your own hands?

The project has been selected, drawings have been drawn up. All that remains is to select the necessary materials and get to work. For the manufacture of barbell racks and bench supports, a metal profile is required. The neck of the bar is made of a metal pipe, the separators are made of two strong bolts or metal plates. The neck locks are ready-made spring locks, but you can make them yourself from 2 pieces of pipe. A hole must be drilled in each and secured with a bolt.

Pancakes are made from concrete, which is first poured into a mold made of boards and metal. After this, the structure is reinforced with wire. When the concrete has hardened, it should be coated with enamel. The structure will become stronger and will look aesthetically pleasing. To create collapsible dumbbells you will need 2 pieces of pipe of the same length, locks and pancake molds. Ideal for bodybuilders or arm wrestling fans.

Technique for performing hyperextension at home

The classic version of the exercise is performed in a lying position on the floor, bench, sofa or bed. Leg position: you can independently hold your feet flat or put a heavy object (bag, bar) on your ankles. If you have an assistant, ask him to hold your feet so that they do not leave the floor during the exercise. Next, follow the steps of the technique:

  1. Focus on the abdominal and thigh muscles, your feet should rest your toes on the floor.
  2. Stretch your arms at your sides or put them behind your head. You can also stretch your arms forward and spread them to the sides as you lift your body off the floor.
  3. As you exhale, lift your body, slowly arching your back.
  4. As you inhale, lower yourself to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×10.

The correct technique for performing horizontal hyperextension while lying on the floor with emphasis on the hips

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles, helping to get rid of pain

No matter your age, you may experience discomfort in your lower back if you spend a lot of time sitting. I also had this problem, and I decided to find simple but effective exercises to strengthen my back muscles.

First, I bought a horizontal bar for the office, I thought hanging on the bar would help solve the problem, but it didn’t help. To be honest, it became easier for me when I started doing barbell deadlifts with a weight of 100 kg, only then did I let go. But after a long break, I immediately lifted 140 kg and my back started hurting again. Therefore, you should not immediately take heavy weights and give a load without prior preparation. Below you will learn how to cope with pain using simpler methods and strengthen your back muscles.

I will say right away that if the pain increases every day, it is better to immediately go to the doctor. And with stable discomfort, strengthening the back muscles may well help.


Another name for the exercise is snake pose. This is a good preventative yoga exercise for the back. Keep your legs together and stretch your shoulders up as much as possible.

Lumbar crunches

The exercise is similar to what chiropractors use in their practice, but it is safer and can be performed without any external effort. When doing this, try not to lift your shoulders off the floor, but touch the opposite side with your knee.

Baby pose

Lying with your back on the floor, clasp your knees with your hands and pull them to your chest, while you can lift your lower back off the floor. You need to freeze in this position for 15-30 seconds.

Stretching on a fitball

This is a more exotic exercise due to the fact that you need equipment in the form of a fitball. Everything is simple here, you need to lie on your stomach on the ball and relax your back muscles. You can lie in this position as long as you like.

Keeping your legs static

This is an even simpler exercise. Here you need to place your legs higher than your back to supply blood to the lower back and reduce pain.

Hyperextension stretches

Hyperextension exercises will help strengthen the spinal erectors. Lift your torso up so that it forms a straight line with your legs and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. You can also perform this exercise dynamically.

Hip stretch

In the starting position, lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee and place the other under it. Pull your legs toward your chest to stretch the muscles in your hips and back.


This exercise is suitable for more advanced exercisers who go to the gym and do not have back problems. This exercise perfectly develops the back straighteners. But it must be performed before back pain appears, that is, it must be used as a preventative, not a therapeutic one.

Exercise "prayer"

To avoid back pain, you need to keep not only your back muscles toned, but also your abs. With the help of the “prayer” exercise, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles with almost no strain on your back.

Hyperextension on a fitball

And again an exercise with a ball. If you have a fitball and don’t like going to the gym, then you’re in luck again, there is an opportunity to replace hyperextension and strengthen the spinal erectors. Everything is simple here, in the initial position with your hands behind your head, bend down, stretching your back muscles, then rise up and so on for several repetitions.


The exercise is very similar to the previous ones, but we slightly change the angle of inclination. Pros, by changing the angle of inclination, are able to shift the load on different muscle groups. You can accept it as a choice of a convenient option. Most likely you don’t have such a machine at home, but you can find it in any gym. And at home you can do it lying on the floor. The dynamics will be less, but you will still be able to work your back muscles.

Pelvic lift

And again the pelvic lift, I already talked about it at the beginning of the article. From a supine position, push your pelvis up and hold in this position. If your back is fine and you want to progress, you can put weight on your stomach to make the exercise more difficult.

Work breaks

And now we get to the most important advice in the fight against back pain among office workers. Be sure to take breaks every hour. Get up from your chair and do a little warm-up. You can do bends and squats with your arms extended forward. You can just get up, walk and go back to work if you are afraid that your colleagues will look at you askance. But, on the other hand, do you want to avoid back pain or do you want your colleagues to not look at you with a smile? Here the choice is yours, but remember, you and your colleagues will feel back pain. We recommend: effective exercises for the abs. Good luck!

Common mistakes

Hyperextension for the back brings obvious benefits to the entire body. However, failure to use the correct technique can cause serious harm to your health. To protect yourself, you need to avoid common mistakes when performing the exercise:

A back trainer has many advantages, however, all efforts are in vain if the technique of performing the exercises is violated. You should not chase quick results; the greatest effect is achieved through systematic training and working on mistakes.

The hyperextension trainer is an effective sports device that helps develop the back muscles and provide stress to the back of the thigh and buttocks. The training is relevant for all athletes, regardless of gender or level of physical fitness. Correct technique without errors will guarantee safety and get the maximum effect from classes.

General recommendations

Quantity and quality of execution

Don't chase a lot of repetitions, pay more attention to their quality. Perform movements smoothly, without jerking or swaying, using muscles, not inertia. On average, for all exercises this is 2-3 sets of 5-10 repetitions, in some cases you can do delays at the top point for 1-2 seconds.

As you adapt to the loads, you can strengthen it. This is done with the help of additional weight, which is taken in the hands or feet. It is important to listen to your own body, be careful, hyperextension is in some sense “insidious”. Initially there is no tension, but if you overdo it, then in the morning there will be pain in the lower back and tailbone.


Correct technique is an aspect no less important than the number of repetitions. To prevent compression of the intervertebral discs, it is not recommended to do the following:

  • Round your back.
    This is the most common mistake that beginners make. When rounding, the lower part of the core does not swing, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise to zero.
  • Sudden movements.
    The athlete must perform all actions slowly and in a controlled manner. Sharp jumps will not lead to anything good. Uncontrolled movement - risk of injury.
  • Excessive arching of the back
    . You should not deviate too far; the person’s spine should not experience excessive tension and pain.
  • Work of the buttocks.
    Make sure that your buttocks are tense, this makes arching in the lower back much safer.

Hyperextension at home

Hyperextension at home can be performed on the floor, on a fitball; for those who cannot imagine their life without sports, it is better to buy a machine or make a bench with your own hands. For beginners, it is recommended to start on the floor; the exercises can be performed even on a hard sofa or chair.

Here it is important to consider safety precautions and a way to hold your legs without an assistant to perform classic hyperextension. If you follow the technique, the results at home are not inferior to those that can be achieved in the gym. It is better to do it several times, the optimal number of approaches is 3 times, 15-20 twists.

Is a special machine required for back training?

The hyperextension machine is a small frame with pads attached to it under the hips and rollers that fix the ankle.

There are quite a few options for performing hyperextension at home - it can be done on the sofa (for this, your partner must support your legs with their own weight), on a small table or wide stool with your feet resting against the wall, on a fitball, pillows, or a cushion from the sofa. The main thing is to fix your legs and raise your torso, and then the matter is limited only by your imagination.

However, such improvised simulators have one common disadvantage - unreliability, and, consequently, the danger of injury. You rolled off the fitball, the roller shook, the table leg broke, your partner got distracted and you fell face first into the floor - and now this seemingly therapeutic exercise has become the reason why you will have to temporarily forget about training.

A high-quality exercise machine is a stable design designed to perform this particular exercise, which will not let you down at a critical moment. Stability is especially important for people with significant excess weight, beginners who are just mastering the technique and cannot boast of good coordination, as well as advanced athletes who begin to perform hyperextensions with additional weights - weights from a barbell, dumbbells or other weighting material.

In addition to the obvious health benefits, the exercise machine provides the following advantages:

  • Space saving. Hyperextension is one of the smallest exercise machines; it fits perfectly into small apartments; there are even collapsible options that do not take up any space.
  • The adjustable size makes training convenient for the whole family.
  • The variable angle of inclination will provide maximum amplitude of execution, and will also allow you to work your back at different angles, reduce or increase the load if necessary.
  • Soft bolsters and thigh supports protect your legs from abrasions and bruises that are inevitable when exercising on improvised equipment.
  • Can be used for other exercises - abdominal crunches, side bends for the obliques, biceps curls, rows and dumbbell swings - for the latissimus and posterior deltoid muscles.

How to perform hyperextension on a fitball?

At first glance, it may seem absurd to perform such an exercise on a ball, which is intended for children's fun and fitness for pregnant women. But you are very mistaken. The use of fitball is very wide; even bodybuilders use it to warm up and relieve tension after a hard workout. Fitball is an excellent exercise machine. Hyperextension on it is performed simply:

  • Position yourself on the ball so that your stomach and shoulders rest on it and your back is straight.
  • Place your feet against a wall or closet.
  • Perform sit-ups with a straight back, pause a little at the top and slowly lower down, then lift up again.
  • It is important, when lowering your body down, not to rest your entire body on the ball and not allow your muscles to rest.

Difference between horizontal and oblique hyperextension

There are several techniques for performing hyperextension exercises, the difference is in the configuration of the simulator itself. The main exercise on this apparatus is bending the body. To pump different muscle groups, different loads are applied and body position changes. Let's look at the simulators and techniques for performing hyperextension exercises on them.

Horizontal hyperextension

This option is best suited for pumping the gluteal muscles, but here it is important to follow the execution technique and not lose mental concentration on the buttocks. Structurally, this simulator has higher rear bolsters intended for fixing the legs, so when performing the exercise, the lower back works harder - the extensor muscles of the spine, followed by the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. If your goal is to pump up your buttocks and hamstrings, then this equipment will do the job perfectly.

Oblique hyperextension

This version of the simulator is the most common in gyms. It has no significant fundamental differences with the first one. But as mentioned above, since the rollers are located lower, the angle of the body creates less load. There are no fundamental differences in the technique of performing exercises between the first and second options. But there is a main fundamental principle of correct technique: the body should be positioned on the machine so that the lower abdomen is on the platform, and the upper torso hangs freely down. Otherwise, your stomach will prevent you from doing a full bend, which will create an incorrect load and reduce the quality of the work.

Practical tips for performing hyperextension

When performing various variations of hyperextension, adhere to the following rules, which will allow you to hone your execution technique and increase the effectiveness of your training:

  • Don't lower your body too low.
  • Do not lift your body high (there should be no pain in the spine).
  • Do not swing, do not do the exercise inertia. Try to control every movement.
  • Perform lifting and lowering slowly and with concentration.
  • Do not bend your knees; the body should be “tight”.
  • Do not use additional weights in the exercise (you can increase the load only after gaining significant experience in performing hyperextensions).
  • If you have diseases associated with impaired functioning of the muscles of the lower back and back, contact a specialist and find out whether this exercise can be performed in your case.

Hyperextension is suitable for men and women of all ages. It is used not only as a training element to create a beautiful, strong back, but also as a general prevention of various diseases of the joints and muscles. To make the exercise as effective and safe as possible for yourself, it is important to follow the rules for its implementation: to do this, try to study the technique of compound movements theoretically and practically. Be sure to include forward and reverse hyperextensions in your warm-up workout. This will prepare your muscles for more difficult exercises and eliminate the possibility of mechanical injury.

About spinal hernia in detail

What is a lumbar hernia?

The lumbar spine performs the following tasks:

  1. Maintaining body weight;
  2. Cushioning for various movements;
  3. Load distribution throughout the body;
  4. Protection of the kidneys and other pelvic organs.

A hernia of the lumbar spine is the core of the intervertebral disc that has escaped from the fibrous ring. It compresses the nerve root, which leads first to discomfort and then to sharp pain in the lower back.

To better understand how a hernia appears, let's consider the structure of the lumbar region. It consists of five vertebrae. Between them are the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae of this section in medicine are designated by the Latin letter L (see image).


The causes of a hernia of the lumbar spine may be as follows:

Age. The older a person is, the greater the chance of developing a hernia, as muscle tone gradually weakens.

  • Congenital pathologies of spinal development.
  • Osteochondrosis is a frequent “companion” of intervertebral hernias.
  • Excess weight, lack of physical activity, lack of attention to maintaining correct posture.
  • Various lumbar injuries, including sports injuries, associated with violation of the technique of performing certain exercises.
  • Unacceptably high load on the lumbar region when lifting heavy objects.

We advise you to remember: under no circumstances should you carry heavy loads like this!
Metabolic disorders in the body and bad habits acquired during life (smoking, alcohol, etc.). They have a detrimental effect on both the entire body and, in particular, the musculoskeletal system.

Prices for back belts


When a person has a lumbar hernia, they experience various symptoms:

  1. Lower back pain is the first sign of a problem.
  2. Pain occurs when bending or straightening the legs.
  3. Unpleasant sensations when changing body position.
  4. “Shots” appear in the leg when you touch the sore spot.
  5. Pallor of the skin.
  6. Increased sweating in the affected area.
  7. Feeling of weakness in the lumbar region, decreased sensitivity.

How to do it on the simulator

Performing a “Roman chair” (the common name for this exercise, as well as the device itself) on a special simulator is practically no different from practicing at home. With its help, it is possible to achieve the most effective result without the use of outside help, using additional load (if desired).

Attention! The use of additional weight by beginners can be traumatic.

Before starting the classic type of exercise, you need to lie down with your stomach on the machine, placing your legs (heels) under a special cushion. Next, bend down while keeping your back straight. Return in the direction of the starting position until the body is aligned in a single line. Fix this state for a few seconds and repeat the exercise the required number of times.

Healthy! Hyperextension with a round back: when performed, the main load is transferred from the spine to the buttocks and back of the thigh.

Option for buttocks

To shift the emphasis of the load from the back to the gluteal muscles, the exercise is performed with a rounded back. However, it should only be performed if you have mastered the technique of classical hyperextension and do not have problems with the spine. The buttocks should be as tense as possible during movement.

It is also worth saying that the hyperextension exercise can be performed in the reverse position of the body (the body is supported, and the legs are in the air). This is the so-called reverse hyperextension for the buttocks. This option is preferable.

A Roman chair or a horizontal bench will be more convenient to perform.

The technique is as follows:

  1. We stand next to the bench and lie down on it so that the entire lower part of the body remains in the air. We lean on the lower abdomen.
  2. We grab the footrest with our hands.
  3. We bend at the lower back and begin to raise our legs as high as possible. Here we lift it as much as possible in order to best load the buttocks. Leg weights can be used as weights. We do 3 sets of 10–12 times.

Thanks to this version of the exercise, your buttocks will become round and appetizing (for girls).

How to make a barbell?

Homemade exercise equipment such as barbells will always be popular. With their help (in various positions) you can effectively work out many muscle groups. And since hardware from a good manufacturer costs a lot, you have to, as they say, “improvise.”

Do-it-yourself home exercise equipment is almost always quick and inexpensive. Especially if it's a barbell.

The design of the barbell is represented by a bar (cylindrical rod) on which a load (plates that change the weight of the device) is attached. The neck can be made from reinforcement or a metal pipe reinforced with cement mortar. As a “backup” option - wood, characterized by a high degree of strength. The diameter of the product should be comfortable to grasp with your hands: as a rule, it is from 2.5 to 4.5 centimeters.

The length of the bar is chosen arbitrarily, taking into account the place for classes and their nature. Optimally - from 180 to 200 centimeters.

What are pancakes made from?

Pancakes can be easily replaced with wheels, heavy flywheels, and brake discs. You can cast a weight from concrete. At worst, this honorable “mission” can be assigned to bottles of sand or water. After all, what is the main thing? So that you are satisfied with the weight of the barbell, right?

Creation of models for the prevention of back diseases

Health exercise equipment for the back is characterized by its simple design. For example, the Evminov simulator is a pine board equipped with fastenings and locking handles. The device should be secured so that you can change the angle of inclination - this will allow you to stretch your back muscles with any intensity.

The Sobolev multifunctional exercise machine allows you to stretch your chest, back and oblique abdominal muscles. It is a metal frame with soft bolsters that are attached to the leg clamps and support for the back (stomach). It’s not difficult to make, but to assemble the frame of the simulator, you need to use electric welding equipment.

If you have to work at a computer for a long time, it is worth designing a Tolstunov seat. The simulator consists of a wooden seat, one support point and a base that holds the entire structure. The exercise machine does not need to be fixed on a regular chair, and sitting on it improves blood circulation and trains the short muscles of the spine.

Razumovsky's simulator is more difficult to construct. It is also made of wood, but turning the rollers requires skill with a lathe.

However, the Akhmetov simulator is considered the most difficult to design and install. This biokinetic device consists of a durable frame to which movable hand and foot supports are attached, and the movement itself on the simulator resembles the running of a wild cat.

Before making this design yourself, you should learn more about the principle of its operation from sports medicine doctors.

What is reverse hyperextension?

Reverse hyperextension is good because it allows you to additionally work the knee joint. You can do the exercise on any stable, flat surface. In the gym, a bench is usually used for this; at home, massive tables are used. The movements will be the same as in the traditional version, but in reverse:

  1. You need to lie down on a table or bench so that your entire torso is on a stable surface and your legs are hanging down. You need to grab the edge of the projectile with your hands.
  2. As you inhale, the legs are raised, the torso does not move.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  4. You need to exercise regularly, doing at least 3 approaches 10–15 times a day.

Reverse hyperextension helps reduce the size of the hips and waist, pump up the buttocks, and improve posture. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, exercise will help restore muscle elasticity and strength.

To perform reverse hyperextension, you do not need a special simulator; any stable apparatus with a flat surface will do. The exercise is relevant for beginners and professional athletes, suitable for girls. If necessary, use additional weights, which helps increase muscle size.

Reverse hyperextension is often performed on a fitball. The mechanics of the movements are the same as in the horizontal version, with the only difference being that training on a flexible unstable ball involves the stabilizer muscles responsible for coordinating movements and balancing the body in space.

Benefits of Exercise

  • Hyperextension, due to the maximum range of motion, effectively strengthens the muscles of the back of the body: from the middle of the back to the biceps of the thigh, as well as the ligamentous apparatus.
  • In some cases, with lower back pain, regular exercise will relieve pain. However, it is definitely recommended to undergo an examination and consult a doctor before doing this. In any case, if you have any problems with your lower back, perform the exercise with your own body weight and do not use additional weights.
  • Hyperextension also strengthens the tendons, particularly the sacral region of the back.
  • The exercise allows you to do a thorough warm-up before such a heavy basic exercise as a deadlift and protect yourself from getting any injuries or sprains.
  • Hyperextension is a great option for beginning athletes to prepare their muscles for heavier loads.
  • To perform the exercise, it is not necessary to use a machine or a Roman chair; if desired, it can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home, as well as at a workout area.

Technique for performing classic hyperextension on a horizontal bench

  • Initial position. Position yourself on the machine so that the front roller is slightly below the bend line of the torso and hips, and the bottom roller is slightly above the Achilles tendon. We place our hands behind our heads, looking straight ahead.
  • Doing the exercise. We tilt the body down until an angle of approximately 70-80 degrees is formed. You should bend only at the hip joint, while keeping your back as straight as possible.
  • Returning to the starting position is carried out by raising the body until a straight line is formed with the legs. At the highest point, fixate for a couple of seconds.

Breathing when doing exercises should be like this: when lowering the body, inhale, and when lifting, exhale. The exercise is performed smoothly and slowly without swaying the body.

As for the number of repetitions and approaches, it all depends on the degree of physical fitness and the purpose of the training process:

  • In order to gradually strengthen the lumbar region, it is recommended that beginner athletes perform 3 sets of 15 times.
  • When performing hyperextension, 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions are done as a warm-up.
  • As a finishing exercise, 4 sets of 25 reps.
  • With additional weight, it is recommended to do 15 times in 2 sets, gradually increasing the weight by 5 kilograms. It is not recommended to use heavy weights right away.

Exercise technique

Often beginners do not know how to properly train with hyperextension. Safety and sports progress depend on the exercise technique. The training consists of several stages:

  1. Initial position. You need to sit comfortably on the structure so that your hips rest on the appropriate bolster. The back is straightened, the torso should be slightly higher than the legs. The extensors of the spinal column and buttocks need to be tense. The gaze is directed forward, arms crossed on the chest. The lower platform is used as a support.
  2. Incline. As you inhale, the body is smoothly lowered until a feeling of stretching of the muscles of the lower back and thigh appears. The correct technique of execution completely eliminates sudden lunges. At the same time, the back should remain straight.
  3. Climb. Without lingering at the bottom point, while inhaling you need to straighten your body in the same way as in the starting position. At the top point you should stop for a second, then repeat the exercise.

Perform 10–15 lifts in one approach. This allows you to improve blood circulation and enrich working muscles with oxygen.

At the top point of body movement, it is not recommended to bend too much; this will not bring any benefit. Only the right approach will achieve the desired result.

Do-it-yourself benches and exercise equipment for the home: from a simple bench to a multifunctional complex

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most natural physical activities; on the other hand, it throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, absolutely everyone needs to keep themselves in good, at least physical shape. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and wrist expanders are not enough; you need to work more with weights on apparatus and machines, so at least a bench is required.

Other homemade exercise equipment options

Homemade exercise machines are widely used in all sports. For example, in table tennis, players construct a return board to practice shots without an opponent. The device is a panel made of polystyrene and an attached yoga mat, attached to the table at a slight angle. The sounds of impacts are muffled by the rug.

Synthetic ice is sold for ice hockey, which is convenient for practicing passes, shots, snaps and dribbling. Ballerinas, gymnasts and dancers achieve beautiful feet and high insteps by putting their legs under the sofa - cheap and cheerful.

Football players practice dribbles using stable and unstable stands - low sticks attached to the cross either with nails or a rigid spring. Skiers and swimmers work the muscles of the shoulder girdle with firewood or an axe, with maximum effort occurring in the initial phase of the movement.

Affordable workouts are a reality. You just need to sincerely love your sport and find the opportunity to devote every free minute to it.

In the next video you will learn how to make a simulator yourself using the Bubnovsky method.

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