Scheme of a power plant based on a John Searle generator | with your own hands

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of - Hamlet. Shakespeare.

In any category of knowledge, there are topics that people try not to raise for wider discussion; it’s almost bad manners.
In the field of alternative energy, such areas include everything that can be interpreted as a perpetual motion machine. Let’s clarify right away – a perpetual motion machine does not exist! Everything that begins in time will end in time.

In 1775, the French Academy of Sciences banned them from even being considered. Since then, they have accumulated several dozen different devices that work for tens and hundreds of years without any human effort. The operating principles of some of them have been explained in recent decades. Several models have even received commercial distribution. For example, the Atmos watch produced in Switzerland has become the same national souvenir as the matryoshka doll and samovar in Russia. They do not need to be started; they draw energy from daily temperature fluctuations or changes in atmospheric pressure. The very first such device has been in operation for a century and a half.

And in the Oxford Museum there is an alarm clock that has been ringing at a frequency of 2 beats per second since 1840! Nobody knows exactly how it works, because its inventor hid the device in a double glass case.

There's also a Crookes pinwheel.

or at least the Drinking Bird toy. In general, such devices exist!

Of course, they will not work forever, but this is not required for autonomous energy supply to a private home! 20-30 years are enough until the parts wear out. For example, Karpen's pole provided electricity for 60 years.

It may not have been enough, but there was energy!

500 years ago, everyone knew that the Earth was flat; back in the mid-19th century, no one believed that metal ships could sail the seas; the belief that it was impossible to fly on a heavier-than-air craft was refuted only in 1903. At the very end of the 20th century, Russian scientists Godin and Roshchin, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, assembled a converter that, without consuming anything, produced more than 6 kW of free electricity. The results of the experiment are recorded and are publicly available.

What is a Searle generator?

The John Searle effect is based on the use of a magnetic field; this is a fundamentally new method of generating energy. Its essence is as follows: electrical energy is produced by rotating magnetic rollers around magnetized rings. Interestingly, the device not only emits electricity, but also creates a gravitational field around itself.

The generator consists of three concentric rings fastened together. Magnetized cylinders are located around them. All cylinders can rotate freely in a circle.

Searle generator: the whole truth about flying saucers!?

Saving our planet is a monumental task. If we want to restore the environment, a lot of useful work will need to be done. Once you decide to do this, you will need a lot of energy. It should be cheap and completely environmentally friendly.

For more than 60 years, John Searle tried to give the world a new type of energy system that would free humanity from the burden of oil and the hype around fuel resources.

This generator is a magnetic device that is completely magnetic. It has its own motor that starts and keeps running and, as far as we can tell, never stops.

The Searle effect is an effect of magnetism based on magnetic fields that cause magnetic rollers to continuously rotate around magnetic rings, generating electricity. No noise, no heat, no vibration, no pollution - all this is the Searle Generator. It is capable of lifting off the ground and forming its own gravitational field.

When you see such things, you realize that this is the perfect mechanism, the most important invention that man could ever create.

We were just trying to create a generator that could light houses, something simple, as I had come to the conclusion that big generators in power plants were a waste of money and meant big pollution problems for us in the future. Therefore, the idea was to create some kind of simple electricity generator that would be easy to manufacture.

They tell me - you can't do this, you will destroy the entire world economy, the entire world economy is based on oil, and it works, they say.

Well, it works very well for those at the top of the economy, but probably not for everyone else.

I continue to argue that the economy will not collapse, there will simply be a long paradigm shift, much like the transition from horsepower to the automobile.

We built 41 flying discs, and they flew and were fully controllable. Before that there were 6 more that flew away. They were uncontrollable.

It was a device containing all the achievements of science within itself. This generator could be used as a power source. But it was his ability to fly that was so exciting.

There are many companies involved in the generation and distribution of electricity, large corporations. The invention would threaten their existence. They try to keep such inventions secret and prevent them from entering the market, because the market situation will change not in their favor. They want to maintain influence. Oil companies and a number of other large enterprises rule the world. Unfortunately, they run most governments too.

How to get energy from something that cannot exist

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of - Hamlet. Shakespeare.

In any category of knowledge, there are topics that people try not to raise for wider discussion; it’s almost bad manners. In the field of alternative energy, such areas include everything that can be interpreted as a perpetual motion machine. Let’s clarify right away – a perpetual motion machine does not exist!

Everything that begins in time will end in time.

In 1775, the French Academy of Sciences banned them from even being considered. Since then, they have accumulated several dozen different devices that work for tens and hundreds of years without any human effort. The operating principles of some of them have been explained in recent decades. Several models have even received commercial distribution. For example, the Atmos watch produced in Switzerland has become the same national souvenir as the matryoshka doll and samovar in Russia. They do not need to be started; they draw energy from daily temperature fluctuations or changes in atmospheric pressure. The very first such device has been in operation for a century and a half.

And in the Oxford Museum there is an alarm clock that has been ringing at a frequency of 2 beats per second since 1840! Nobody knows exactly how it works, because its inventor hid the device in a double glass case.

There's also a Crookes pinwheel.

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or at least the Drinking Bird toy. In general, such devices exist!

Of course, they will not work forever, but this is not required for autonomous energy supply to a private home! 20-30 years are enough until the parts wear out. For example, Karpen's pole provided electricity for 60 years.

It may not have been enough, but there was energy!

500 years ago, everyone knew that the Earth was flat; back in the mid-19th century, no one believed that metal ships could sail the seas; the belief that it was impossible to fly on a heavier-than-air craft was refuted only in 1903. At the very end of the 20th century, Russian scientists Godin and Roshchin, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, assembled a converter that, without consuming anything, produced more than 6 kW of free electricity. The results of the experiment are recorded and are publicly available.

Researcher biography

English scientist John Searle was born in 1932 in Great Britain in the county of Berkshire. His childhood was difficult. The parents paid absolutely no attention to the boy. His father left the family, and his mother suffered from mental illness. When Searle was 4 years old, the court ordered him to be taken away from his family and placed into state custody. The young man was subsequently unable to obtain an academic scientific education. And this, according to the scientist, became the basis of his non-standard thinking and ability to discover unusual mathematical models.

In 1946, Searle began earning his own living by working as an electric motor repair specialist. In the workshop, among other things, he also received permission to conduct independent experiments on the creation of magnets that were unusual in composition and production method and their use for the production of fuel-free sources of electricity. As Searle later explained, he saw the mathematical principle of his invention in a dream when he was a child. At that time, the future researcher did not even understand the essence of his night vision. However, the next morning he still wrote down all the mathematical formulas he dreamed of.

As an adult, guided by his dreams, of which the researcher saw several, he created a device known today as the Searle engine. The characteristics of the first generators assembled by the scientist were not the same. The engines assembled by this researcher's team could have different power, properties and operating parameters. Such disks not only generated free electricity, but even flew. Of course, John Searle used his invention, including to electrify his own country house. This is what subsequently became the reason for the collapse of the business he started.

A local company that supplies electricity to the population accused the researcher of fraud and theft. As a result, John Searle was sent to prison for several months. When the inventor was released, he discovered that his house was burned down, the generators had disappeared, and the equipment from the laboratory had been taken to an unknown location.

Searle generator, clean energy, antigravity and the UFO effect

Another “secret” showing how long ago and clearly we could have reached qualitatively new levels of development, if not for the interests of the oil industry and other “powers of this world”


Searle effect. John Searl (John Searl) For four years in a row (from 1968 to 1972), every first Sunday of the month, John Searl's neighbors and random passers-by observed unexplainable phenomena. In the hands of the professor, unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; discs with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

BBC television journalists began filming a documentary about unusual devices. It was shown on television. The result was unexpected: the local electricity committee accused John Searle of stealing electricity. Electricians did not believe that his laboratory was powered from its own source. The scientist was sent to prison for 10 months. During this time, a strange fire occurred in the laboratory, but even before it all the equipment, drawings and mysterious inventions disappeared. The scientist's wife left him. In 1983, 51-year-old John Searle left prison completely bankrupt. What would you do in his place? Searle started all over again. Perhaps the hardening received in childhood had an effect.

Trailer "The Story of John Searle's Magnetic Generator"

A clear example of how a generator works:

Field distribution in the Searle engine

John's biography and full BBC film below the cut. I highly recommend


John Searle was born in 1932 in Great Britain in Berkshire. His childhood can hardly be called happy, at least in the traditional sense. There were no loving parents in this childhood; in fact, they were not there at all. During the six years of official married life, his father left the family seven times and did not pay attention to his son at all. Mom suffered from mental disorders, tried to make ends meet and was more concerned about organizing her own life than raising her children.

At the age of four, John was placed under the care of the state by court order and moved to Dr. Barnardo's boarding school. Since childhood, he became a frequent visitor to hospitals, as he suffered from a rare disorder of the vestibular apparatus and hearing, which could not be cured. Because of this, Searle began to experience severe headaches in old age.

His childhood was full of religious dogma and few friends. None of his friends, to John’s great regret, could afford to defy the prohibitions and, having tied up all the sheets at hand, went down from the third floor of the locked boarding house to feel the taste of freedom.

But in his childhood there were dreams. Very strange dreams. He dreamed of numbers; they were combined into squares, and in a strictly defined way: so that the sums of numbers along horizontals, verticals and diagonals turned out to be equal. In mathematics, such squares are called magic squares. And in his dreams there was Electricity. The dreams returned again and again, but for the boy they were just beautiful pictures: he could not understand the images he saw. But I realized that I had to connect my life with electricity. Over time, such dreams began to come less frequently, but they greatly influenced his inventive activity. For example, in 1993, after many years of unsuccessful attempts to theoretically explain experimental data, it was in a dream that Searle saw Pythagoras, who gave a simple and beautiful solution to his problem. This is how the famous law of squares was born.

Law of squares

In 1946, John Searle began to earn his own living: he got a job as an engineer repairing electric motors. It was then that he made a fundamental discovery of the nature of magnetism. He discovered that adding a small AC (~100 ma) radio frequency (~10 MHz) component to the manufacturing process of permanent ferrite magnets gave them new and unexpected properties. After a series of experiments with flat magnets, Searle made a ring magnet and several cylindrical ones. Having magnetized them in an open way, he placed cylindrical magnets on the outside of the ring one. In this case, a slight push on one of the cylinders caused all the cylinders to begin to move in a circle. And this movement did not stop.

Searle discovered that if the number of rollers around them is equal to some specific minimum number, then they begin to rotate on their own, increasing speed until they reach dynamic equilibrium.

His invention opened up access to a new, hitherto unknown method of obtaining energy. Without material costs for the process itself. But Searle was interested in something else: what do the installation parameters depend on? Why do we not always reproduce the effect itself with different sizes, different numbers of rollers, different materials and different magnetization? He understood that there were some “successful combinations” of installation parameters, but could not find a key that would help him understand and calculate these combinations. There was one step left before the discovery of the law of squares. Scheme of Searle's first experiments with magnetized bars and rollers

Replacing the rectangular bar with a ring magnet makes the movement of the rollers more natural

Classic circuit of a modern three-level Searle effect oscillator

Russian version of the John Searle generator - installation by S. M. Godin and V. V. Roshchin

During the experiment, up to 7 kW of electricity was obtained without an external power source and a loss of up to 40% of the weight of the installation was observed

The first decisions and understandings came at night. Tense daytime thoughts were resolved in a dream, and unexpectedly: Searle saw the desired parameters of his installation, their numerical values ​​​​combined into tables like this one.

31 37 28 38 40 26 35 33 34 32 41 27 29 39 30 36

At first glance, this is an ordinary magic square: the sums of the numbers along the horizontals, verticals and diagonals are equal. But John Searle discovered that his “ordinary” magic squares had extraordinary properties. For the inquisitive gaze of the inventor and natural scientist, they became, as he himself says, “a window into nature.” Everything in nature is built on the strictest laws, the professor is convinced, but we don’t see them. We cannot see them because we received a standard education, which is why we are simply blind. Or put on blinders. Having filled our consciousness with stereotypes, we have lost the very ability to be surprised, to search impartially, and have stopped seeing. And we perceive reality not as it is, but as we were taught to perceive it.

Searle is convinced that his law of squares is not a discovery. On the contrary, it is a revival of the principles of ancient mathematics, which, according to him, are more than 5,000 years old. The law of squares, described in detail in the book by John Searle, is a visual form of expressing the patterns that exist in nature. It opens up to an unbiased researcher and requires, first of all, a decisive break with established concepts, views, and approaches. Many tried to reproduce Searle’s installations, but only a few succeeded: those who had the patience to understand the principles of operation of these installations, who were ready to say: “I know that I know nothing” - and were not afraid to part with stereotypes.

The law of squares cannot be explained in one article. But John Searle is ready to send his book to anyone who wants to understand it.


All his life, Searle dreamed of embodying the images and ideas that visited him in childhood. At first it was an ardent youthful interest, mixed with a craving for the unknown. Over time, it grew into the creative fire of a mature explorer. As the prototypes improved and the law of squares was comprehended, the contours of the Dream that had guided him since childhood became increasingly clearer. John Searle realized that he could be useful, that his talent belonged not so much to him as to those in need of his work.

Man today is too focused on consumption, too greedy for all kinds of benefits, the professor believes. And we are too dependent on energy sources, which are still not enough. The growing thirst for consumption leads to pollution of the planet, including as a result of burning petroleum products. And if the instinct of consumption is not so easy to overcome, then giving humanity an absolutely environmentally friendly source of energy is quite possible. This is how the idea of ​​SEG (Searl Effect Generator) was born - a generator based on the Searl effect. “Nothing is impossible. Except that your state of consciousness will make it so.”

In fact, John Searle simply equipped his system of self-propelled magnets with a converter of the energy of their movement into electrical energy. Rotating magnetic cylinders generated electric current in coils installed around the perimeter - everything was extremely simple. But in order for the generator to work as efficiently as possible, it was necessary to strictly adhere to the parameters calculated according to the law of squares. And this, in turn, required increasingly precise equipment. Machine tools, presses, equipment for magnetizing generator elements, and a vacuum chamber for working with neodymium powder and the base of magnetic rings began to appear in the laboratory. The scientist's modest home gradually turned into something between a laboratory and a workshop. But this workshop was completely autonomous: it was powered by Searle’s miracle generators.

Simultaneously with the experiments, research continued. The scientist discovered that when the rotation speed of the magnetic cylinders increases, the generator... loses weight. To investigate this effect, Searle made a separate disk-shaped generator and forcibly (using an external motor) spun it to high speed. The tests took place outdoors. To everyone’s surprise, the disk, continuing to spin, separated from the generator and quickly rose up 15 meters. A pink glow emanated from it; I could smell ozone. Suddenly, the radios around turned on. Meanwhile, the generator accelerated to even greater speed and soared sharply into the sky, disappearing from sight. It took Searle some time to learn how to operate what was later called an IGV (Inverse Gravity Vehicle). Despite the loss of several experimental disks that were not clear how to stop, John Searle later learned to control them in flight; The maximum controlled flight range is 600 kilometers!

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG and conducted a number of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%. It would seem that we are standing on the threshold of a new energy sector and have almost crossed this threshold...

But it's not that simple.

The film about SEG and IGV, made by the BBC and shown on British television, cannot now be found in any archive. (Shall we look?)

The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared. Of course, one can blame everything on the energy monopolies, who do not want to lose income from oil, and the intelligence services, who are trying to turn all innovations into weapons, but this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg of human consciousness that does not change overnight. In this sense, everything new must not only be born, but also pass the test of time and earn its right to exist. There must be those who will be ready to understand and accept, and not just use. And therefore, like-minded people are always a hundred times more important than material support or public recognition.


Original taken from kactaheda

in Searle Generator or the UFO effect

Searle generator

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What can magnets do?

Since ancient times, magnets have attracted the attention of restless and searching people. But if before the 20th century, attempts to build a non-volatile engine were based on the attraction of opposite poles, then 75 years ago the paradigm changed. This may sound paradoxical, but the minds of inventors began to be attracted by the repulsion of the magnet poles of the same name.

In the mid-40s, the Englishman Searle came up with an original design that was brilliantly simple and insanely incomprehensible. Around the ring magnet, he placed small cylindrical magnets. At the same time, he selected the arrangement of the poles in such a way that they were repelled from the central ring. They called this device the “Searle disk”.

After unwinding, the magnets began to accelerate automatically, the speed reached some insane values, and then the incredible happened - the disk soared into the air and disappeared. History describes that Searle made several more similar discs, but for some reason the idea was not continued.

Searle's developments

The circuit of a power plant based on a Searle generator includes electromagnetic coils located around the described generator, in which an electric current is induced. Thus, according to unconfirmed reports, Searle assembled his first 0.5 kW generator.

After 6 years, D. Searle made a new generator with a diameter of 1 meter with three rings. When it was launched, the potential between the ring magnet and the rollers increased to 100 kV. At the same time, a characteristic crackling sound was heard and the smell of ozone was felt. According to the author of the device, this proved that the electricity generator is also a high-voltage generator. When connecting electromagnetic converters, the generating device operated with a power of 15 kW.

Important! Research information is undocumented and may be fabricated.

Side effects

The operation of Searle's engine in itself was something unusual, amazing and almost impossible. However, during the operation of such generators, the strange phenomena they caused in the environment were also noticed. Eg:

  • at the launch site of R-11, grass and shrubs were left uprooted and laid towards the center of the circular imprint of the disk;
  • when the generator accelerated very strongly, a pink glow was observed around it;
  • at high engine speeds, radios in the vicinity were turned off;
  • even at low generator operating speeds, electrostatic phenomena occurred on surrounding objects;
  • Crunching noises could be heard near a running engine and the smell of ozone could be smelled:
  • Not only did the John Searle engine itself lose weight at high speeds of rotation of the rollers, but also any foreign objects installed on it, even the heaviest ones;

A special feature of such magnetic generators, among other things, was that injuries caused by accidental shock to the current they generated in people, unfortunately, took a very long time to heal.

Anti-gravity effect

While working on his generator, Searle, among other things, discovered one very interesting and unusual pattern. He noticed that as the number of rollers increases, the speed parameters required for the engine to start operating independently decrease. This discovery allowed Searle to eventually, among other things, develop a simple, cheap system for automatically starting a generator. For this purpose, the researcher used a conventional low-power diesel engine.

Searle also drew attention to the completely strange effect of his generator. It turned out that as the rotation speed of the rollers increases, the device begins to lose weight. In addition, under such conditions, the temperature inside the generator drops significantly and superconductivity occurs. As a result, the effect of self-propulsion of the rollers at a certain speed, which is given to them by a conventional diesel engine, led to the fact that the researcher simply lost about six of his disks.

According to Searle, at some point, his generators, instead of quietly generating free electricity, suddenly took off and flew away in an unknown direction at great speed. At the same time, the antigravity effect even intensified if the disk was loaded with something. To make sure of this completely, Searle placed heavy irons, pots of water, etc. on his devices.

Thus, experimentally, Searle also discovered the anti-gravity effect of the engine he created. Subsequently, the researcher and his group developed and built several of these “UFOs” of different sizes, which could be controlled from the ground. The most famous was the R-11 disk generator, which consisted of 3 magnetic rings and had a diameter of 3 m. It is this Searle engine that is presented to our reader in the photo below. This fantastic device flew from London to Cornwall and back in just a few minutes.

Operating principle of the Searle magnetic motor

Thus, this generator is able to function without any external influence indefinitely until it is specially stopped. That is, this engine, at first glance, violates all the laws of physics. However, there are many witnesses to the fact that this device is truly functional. The fact that Searle's generator actually functioned successfully was confirmed by the researcher's neighbors, his friends, relatives and even some random passers-by.

Of course, one can assume that this researcher is really a fraudster, and his generator once rotated only under the influence of some device hidden from prying eyes. However, the possibility of a magnetic motor operating is to some extent confirmed by science. At the moment, among other things, there is alternative polarization physics, according to which the endless rotation of rollers around an annular stator (which is the operating principle of the Searle magnetic motor) is a completely possible, explainable phenomenon and does not contradict the laws of nature. Currently, there is even a very real, functioning “Testatika” installation (which will be discussed later in the article), which works on this principle and is used to supply people with electricity.

What parts will you need?

In order to make a magnetic Searle generator with your own hands at home, you will need the following parts:

  • magnets of different sizes for making rollers and stator;
  • current collecting coils;
  • generator housing;
  • accelerating electromagnets;
  • metal for making a clip;
  • electrical circuits;
  • epoxy adhesive.

The dimensions of the stator will depend on the diameter of the rollers. In order to assemble a Searle generator, you will need at least 12 magnetized rollers, and the distance between them must be equal to the diameter of one roller.

Roshchina-Godin converter

In the mid-90s, two Russian scientists, Vladimir Roshchin and Sergei Godin, decided to test Searle’s idea at the Russian Academy of Sciences. But they approached the problem from a scientific position.

All projects and experimental results were documented and published. To say that the result was phenomenal is to say nothing.

Description of the generator and experiment

An installation weighing 350 kilograms was assembled on the ground floor. 110 kg of rare-earth magnets were used to manufacture the central ring magnet (stator), and the mass of all rollers was 115 kg. The diameter of the converter is about 1 m. Mechanisms were provided for initial unwinding, recording mass, temperature, and an original method for generating electricity.

I will attach additional useful information in pdf files in the comments: Stomping around the Searle generator Analysis of the dynamics of the Godin-Roshchin installation Searle effect

By applying voltage to the built-in motor, the rollers spun without any effects up to 200 rpm. Then there was a decrease in the weight of the device and a decrease in power consumption for startup. At a speed of 550 rpm, the converter abruptly switched to self-spin mode, current consumption dropped to zero, and weight was reduced by 50%.

Since the stator was assembled from several segments, the speed was forcibly limited to 10 rpm. At this time, they began to remove the active load from the converter. To do this, several heating elements were connected in series, each with a power of 1 kW.

After connecting the next heating element to the circuit, the rotation speed decreased slightly, but was restored very quickly. As a result, the converter was able to produce 7 kW of electricity without stopping rotation. Depending on the direction of rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise, the installation either increased or decreased the mass. The room smelled of ozone.

There was also a strange effect - a wall of cold.

Within a radius of about 15 meters, an anomalous decrease in temperature of 7-8˚C was observed and recorded by sensors. These cold zones diverged from the installation like rays: a sector of low temperature 6 cm thick, then a gap of about 0.8 m, and so on in a circle. Outside the walls of the laboratory, on the street and on the second floor, temperature anomalies were felt even by the body.

During a month of experiments, more than 5 dozen converter launches were carried out in different modes. All experimental results are recorded.

Scientists' conclusions

A quarter of a century has passed since those experiments, but both enthusiasts were still unable to describe the effects of the converter’s operation within the framework of the paradigm of official science:

  • The fact of receiving free energy is recorded.
  • The converter material remained intact.
  • Anomalous temperature locations, some strange by-product.

During the experiments, many laboratory employees were in the area where the alternative energy generator was operating, where other inexplicable phenomena were noted, such as the glow of objects or corona discharges of electricity, but this had no effect on health and well-being.

John Searle: flying in dreams and in reality

Yes, yes, and we also could not ignore this topic, because the dream of creating a powerful device for generating electricity, a perpetual motion machine, was not left alone by any generation of scientists in the history of science. It does not leave our contemporaries either. However, we will talk not so much about the technologies of invention, but about people who were drawn into science as if by a magnet.

From the middle to the end of the 20th century, reports of UFO sightings periodically appeared in the English media, the “truthfulness” of which was supported by photographs. The foreign origin of the captured object was not confirmed - the device, which was a disk that generated energy and was capable of rising into the air, was created by the scientist-inventor John Searle. Moreover, the mystery consisted not only in the external resemblance of his brainchild to an alien vehicle, but also in subsequent events. When the invention began to gain media popularity, Searle was accused of stealing electricity and was imprisoned for 10 months. During this time, under strange circumstances, the scientist’s laboratory, along with all his research and drawings, was destroyed by fire. Attempts to replicate the Searle effect have not stopped to this day.

May 2, 1932 is the day when little John was born into a poor dysfunctional family. From early childhood, the future inventor was raised in a foster family, learning the secrets and axioms of nature on his own. The official biography attributes to him psychic abilities similar to the visions of D. Mendeleev. At least that's how it looked from the outside. As a child, he had strange dreams that he could not yet unravel. For example, “magic squares” are certain tables with numbers that came from antiquity (which little John, of course, did not know about then), the sum of which was the same and equal horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Thanks to one of these dreams, the law of squares was born.

The Searle effect is an effect of magnetism that is based on magnetic fields. They cause magnetic rollers to continuously rotate around magnetic disks, generating electricity.

“This thing wanted to fly!”

The electromagnetic mechanism created by J. Searle was fuel-free. In theory, it should continuously generate clean energy, but due to the reasons described above, this could not be verified. It consisted of one or more rings (disks) and several cylindrical rollers, which produced electricity when moving around the ring. The flow of electrons accelerated to enormous speed, which created a vacuum around the device. In this vacuum a very cold region appears. Today we know that cold is one of the conditions for obtaining superconductivity and for the emergence of antigravity.

Magnetic disk cross-section

“This information seemed to us not without meaning,” says Russian physicist-inventor, creator of the MEC device based on the Searle effect S. M. Godin. — The cylindrical symmetry and multi-row arrangement of magnets suggested the similarity of this design with such an interesting and formidable natural phenomenon as a tornado or tornado. Thus, the structure of a tornado, consisting of a complex system of nested and interlocking vortices, is similar to the design of John Searle's device. Thanks to this structure, the tornado works like a large and self-sustaining heat engine, which turns the heat of the surrounding air into a vortex mechanical movement of upward currents. Searle’s machine could work similarly, collecting the chaotic electromagnetic energy of the surrounding space into a well-defined vortex-like structure.

One of the first examples of Searle's plate

Searle's first sample of the "plate" had a diameter of about 90 cm. The mechanism was based on the fundamental discovery of the nature of magnetism made by Searle at the very beginning of his inventive activity: by adding a small component of alternating current (

100 ma) radio frequency (

10 MHz) in the process of manufacturing permanent ferrite magnets, they acquire new unexpected properties. Initially, the inventor used rare earth magnets capable of holding large numbers of electrons. The magnets included 6 chemical elements, the proportions of which were also of great importance. And these proportions were found, according to the author. in his dreams - in a “magic square”, the number of each cell of which indicated not only the amount of substance in the magnet (aluminum, silicon, sulfur, titanium, neodymium, iron), but also the exact amount of each type of part. The shape of the generator (remember, it is round), according to the inventor, also came to him in a dream.

In his interview for the documentary, J. Searle said that his invention had slightly different properties from those intended, generating something completely different from what was intended. “This thing wanted to fly!” — he shared his impressions of his first experiments. According to his stories, experimental samples took off into the air and flew away in an unknown direction.

"Russians are coming"

The Searle effect almost succumbed to a group of our scientists led by the already mentioned S. M. Godin and V. V. Roshchin in 1993, who took the experience of their English colleague as a basis. The authors called the experimental setup a magnetic energy converter (MEC).

“Of course, we could not know all the secrets of the clever magnetization of rollers according to Searle,” continues Sergei Mikhailovich, “so we used magnets made industrially. A large central magnet was assembled in the form of a ring and a series of magnetic rollers on a holder around it. Being driven by an external motor, the cage with rollers began to accelerate itself, and, most interestingly, the weight of the entire magnetic structure changed. The clip with rollers could accelerate both when rotating clockwise and counterclockwise; in the first case, the weight of the structure decreased; when rotating in the opposite direction, it increased by an average of 35% of the weight of the entire magnetic system of the device.

The authors explain this feature by the interaction of the installation with the environment: such a fact requires study, but it is obvious that the action of the installation causes deformation of the environment, which can affect the gravity and inertia of bodies. During testing of the converter, scientists also recorded a number of effects that required further study and clarification.

Anti-gravity engine

Further research allegedly showed new capabilities of the Searle generator. So, in 1999, SISRC Ltd announced the results of modernizing the generator and made a couple of loud, but unfortunately unsubstantiated statements. To enhance the power of the generator, the magnets were doped with neodymium. Having tested the new generator, the company’s specialists stated that the key role in obtaining electrical energy is played by the transformation of the energy of the vacuum state, which, of course, is at least incoherent and incomprehensible.

More fantastic was the second statement, that when dynamic equilibrium was achieved, the device took off. Levitation was explained by the fact that the interaction of an electric field of significant intensity with a radial vector and a pulsating field creates its own gravitational field. Considering that the gravitational field itself remains unstudied to this day, and particles such as gravitons are only hypothesized, this statement can safely be called complete nonsense.

At the same time, the idea remains attractive and many try to assemble a Searle generator with their own hands. The device diagram is often provided on the Internet. The videos demonstrate the capabilities of the miracle technology, which spurs interest in the invention. Still, it is worth noting that not a single attempt has yet been crowned with success, that is, it has not been officially documented. The Searle generator is of no interest to science and is not used in any enterprise.

Confirmation of the existence of the effect

The characteristics and description of the Searle engine given above allow us to judge it as a very useful device, certainly interesting, but also raising many questions. Disputes in scientific circles and on the Internet about whether the generators created by this English scientist actually worked continue to this day. Some researchers and curious people believe that the assembly and use of such installations is quite possible. Others believe that Searle is nothing more than a hoaxer misleading the public.

Judging by the description, Searle's engines actually had absolutely ordinary properties. It is possible, of course, that no flying magnetic roller disks ever existed, and the English researcher simply deceived the world in order to attract attention to himself, and also not pay for electricity. However, Searle's experiments were repeated, including by amateur enthusiasts and even serious scientists. Several such experiments were carried out in Russia.

In the 90s of the last century, for example, a similar installation was created and patented by domestic masters Roshchin and Gordin. However, soon the work on the production of such generators by these researchers was curtailed for unknown reasons. Only the results of the experiments of these specialists have been preserved. Roshchin and Gordin, according to available information, managed to create a generator that loses weight up to 40% and produces up to 7 kW of electricity without any external costs.

According to available information, domestic scientists also conducted experiments to recreate Searle’s “perpetual” engine. At the Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences and OJSC NPO Energomash named after. Academician Glushko" an experimental installation using rare-earth magnets was created. It was called a converter. As a result, scientists found that as the Searle generator rotor rotated clockwise, the weight of the platform actually began to decrease (up to 50%). When rotating in the opposite direction, its mass, on the contrary, increased.

The researchers also found that when the rollers reach a speed of 550 rpm, the rotor speed actually begins to increase spontaneously. However, at the same time, scientists were able to find out that when a load of more than 7 kW is connected, the Searle engine, unfortunately, exits the self-generation mode. Domestic experts also confirmed the presence of side effects accompanying engine operation - a pink glow and the smell of ozone.

The researchers also found that during its operation special magnetic walls appear around the converter, which coincide in vector with the field of the rollers. Beyond this limit, the air temperature inside the generator decreases, compared to the room temperature, by 6–8 degrees.

How to assemble a John Searle fuel-free generator: step-by-step instructions

Publication date: March 1, 2019

John Searle's invention is called the energy of the third millennium. The fuel-free generator he created operates on the basis of a balanced magnetic system; it can be used as a source for generating electricity at home. Despite the fact that the first generator design was developed by a scientist back in 1946, there are no publications about it in scientific journals. How to assemble a John Searle fuel-free generator with your own hands? What will you need for this? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

Practical application of the Roshchin Godin generator

Imagine, a man digs a deep dry well in his yard, installs a Roshchin Godin generator there, and only two live wires go up.

Convenient scheme. All that remains is to assemble a free energy generator. There are drawings, magnets can be bought.

But you will have to do this yourself, solely at your own peril and risk. Because in our usual view, state governing bodies no longer exist. The remnants will be swarming for another six months, and then they will follow in the footsteps of the first president of the USSR.

And owners of private houses will have to think about how to get electricity from alternative sources.

The History of John Searle's Magnetic Generator

Rice. 4. -G, +G, changes in platform weight compared to rpm

Rice. 1.

Single-row converter option

Rice. 2.

Method for organizing magnetic engagement of the stator and rollers

Rice. 3.

General diagram of a single-row magneto-gravitational converter


Rice. 4.

Operating modes of the magneto-gravitational converter

Rice. 6.

Corona discharge diagram around a working converter

Rice. 7.

The location of the converter in the laboratory and the location of concentric magnetic walls

Rice. 8.

Dependence of magnetic field intensity and temperature change on the rotation speed of the converter rotor

In the footsteps of John Searle! Magnetic installation Roshchina, Godina.

Thank you for reading to the end!

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Is it possible to do it yourself?

There are videos, as well as tips from craftsmen who have tried to recreate John Searle's engine at home. Some researchers glued generator rollers, for example, from several flat magnets, wrapping them with a nylon gasket and putting an aluminum ring on each of them.

To make a magnetic ring stator when assembling a Searle engine with their own hands, craftsmen used ordinary Chinese permanent ring magnets 200x110x20 mm. Such elements were simply installed on top of each other. Next, the magnets were placed on a piece of plywood inside a metal sleeve and filled with epoxy. Also, according to the researchers, the stator of the Searle generator is easily made from a large number of permanent disk magnets that need to be placed in a ring of the required diameter. As some craftsmen note, the generators they assemble actually work and demonstrate the ability to self-spin and even form a cold zone.

One of the ways to assemble a Searle engine with a circuit is presented, for example, in the video below.

John Searle today

Currently, this English researcher is not officially involved in assembling flying generators. This may be due to a lack of funding. Or maybe John Searle is still afraid of persecution from organizations representing the interests of modern energy companies. Moreover, the scientist is already venerable.

However, the researcher still has his own team of like-minded people and associates. In addition, the scientist collaborates with several American and Taiwanese laboratories, which are also engaged in the creation of SEG magnetic motors.

Working conditions

People who decide to make such an engine with their own hands, among other things, should have an idea of ​​the rules for assembling it. Such a generator will only operate under the following conditions:

  • in the presence of at least two magnetic fields;
  • with the relative rotation of these fields or magnets;
  • in the presence of zones of rarefaction and contraction in the area of ​​interaction of magnetic fields;
  • if at least one of the two magnets is discrete.

A primary external impulse during the operation of any magnetic generators, including Searle, is a mandatory condition.

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