Paper filler for boxes, DIY paper shavings

Why do you need filler?

Cut paper “noodles” that are placed inside gift boxes are called paperfiller. It helps securely secure items inside the package. In a box with such filling, a bottle of wine, a vase or a set of antique dishes will not rattle or roll from one side of the box to the other.

Paperfiller protects the contents of the package from mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes.

This filling looks better than foam or foam insert. Cut paper can come in different colors and textures. Designers select the filler based on the shape and color of the packaging, as well as the contents.

For a children's gift, multi-colored, corrugated paperfiller is suitable, but for presenting a present to your boss, it is better to use a single-color filling.

Material base

To make it convenient to manage your family budget, you will need to stock up on a few things. First of all, you need a large, beautiful box in which to store your home cash register (money for current expenses). Now on sale there are special boxes with internal compartments, which are called “family cash register”.

You can simply choose a beautiful, roomy box. Those who are interested in Feng Shui can further “strengthen” the method by choosing a box that depicts flowers (prosperity), plants (growth) and fruits (profit). Naturally, the plants should be lush and fresh, because fading flowers and fallen leaves are, on the contrary, a very unfavorable pattern for wealth.

It is also necessary to purchase gift envelopes for money, which are sold at greeting card kiosks. The number of envelopes should correspond to the number of items in the expense column, so that each type of expense has its own separate envelope. All my envelopes are different, for convenience I signed them with a marker.

And the last, very important item is a small beautiful box for savings. It is desirable that symbols of wealth are also present on it.

Color and texture

The texture of paper strips may be different. Designers divide it into 5 types.

The table shows their names and methods of use:

Type of paper shavingsWhat gifts is it suitable for?
StraightEven strips are suitable for filling boxes with small items.
CrumpledThe prepared strips are slightly crushed by hand and placed inside the package. This type of paperfiller goes well with medium-sized items.
WavyThe paper is twisted using scissors so that it looks like curly curls. This type of filler is placed in boxes with large items.
CorrugatedThis type of filler is used for packaging fragile items.
MixedThis paperfiller consists of 2-3 main types of shavings. It is used to fill boxes that need to be transported. A mixture of different paper textures prevents the movement of objects inside the package and provides reliable protection from mechanical damage.

The shade of the paper “noodles” depends on the color of the box. If the packaging is plain, then the paperfiller inside should be the same color or a shade lighter. You can use contrasting colors, for example, a red box with blue filling inside. The black color of the packaging goes well with white paper, as well as gold and silver.

These combinations visually make the contents of the box more expensive and presentable. Bright paper stripes look good inside light cardboard packaging.

The color of the filler also depends on the theme of the holiday in honor of which the surprise will be presented. For example, for Christmas packaging, designers often use red or gold paperfill. For women's gifts for March 8 or a birthday, the packaging can be filled with pink “noodles” or pale blue. Bright fuchsia paper will look beautiful.


Semi-finished products are not as scary as they are written about. Much depends on the composition and quality of the starting products. The basic recipe for dumplings includes: flour, water, salt, meat, onions and spices.

On the label of purchased dumplings, you usually see that the manufacturer did not stop there. And his goal was not at all the desire to make them tastier.

Homemade dumplings require a clear composition, proper storage without defrosting, and precise proportions of ingredients. You will understand the difference when you cook them.

How to cook delicious homemade dumplings →

Density and width

Paper filling for boxes comes in various widths and densities. These criteria determine the degree of pomp of the material, as well as its visual appeal. The standard width of paper “noodles” varies from 1.5 to 3 mm.

Based on density, paperfiller is usually divided into 3 types:

  • classic - 80 g/m2;
  • with increased density - 150 to 170 g/m2;
  • designer - 120 g/m2.

The thicker the material, the more reliably it protects the objects inside from damage and temperature changes. For example, tissue paper (density 150 g/m2) is used as a filler for gift boxes with clothes, shoes or cosmetics.

Craft “noodles” can be placed in packages with bottles of expensive cognac. It is also suitable for filling boxes of handmade soaps or perfumes.

Paper box filler is used for gift packaging

Thin paper is most often used to seal small gift packages. This type of paperfiller is lightweight and comes in a wide range of bright colors.

Required Tools

You can make paper filling for the box yourself.

To do this you may need the following tools:

  • stationery knife;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • simple and curly scissors;
  • silicone cutting mat (to avoid damaging the work surface).

You can read more about the most popular methods for making paperfiller at home further in the article.

Developing memory

Do you want your child to not only play, but also develop memory? Invite him to play. To do this, prepare 16 cards on which to apply certain drawings. Every 2 pictures must be identical. You can make cards from cardboard or felt.

Photo: UGC

Place the cards in front of your child and let him look at them for 5-10 seconds. Turn over. Now comes the fun part. The child must find identical pictures from memory. He is given 1 minute for this.

Paper shavings white

White filler is considered universal. It is suitable for packages of all colors.

For production you will need:

  • A4 office paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally on the table.
  2. Measure 4 cm from the right edge. Place dots at the top and bottom.
  3. Apply the ruler to the marks so that it connects them.
  4. Bend the paper along the ruler.
  5. Next you need to bend the entire sheet with an accordion, bending the edge back and forth.
  6. The result is a strip 4 cm wide. It needs to be placed horizontally on the table.
  7. Use a ruler to mark along the top and bottom edges of the folded paper, placing dots every 3 mm with a pencil.
  8. Connect the upper and lower points with thin, barely noticeable pencil lines.
  9. Cut the paper according to the markings.
  10. Straighten the resulting strips.
  11. Place the shavings in a pile and lightly crush them with your hands.

By analogy, you need to cut several more paper sheets until the prepared box is filled to the brim with shavings.


This is a thicker paper. Typically, designers make corrugated shavings from cobalt. This filler is suitable for boxes with fragile contents. To make it you will need a stationery knife, a ruler and a pencil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the cobalt sheet vertically on the table.
  2. Make markings in the form of dots on the top and bottom, placing them every 2 mm.
  3. Now you need to cut the paper into thin strips. The ruler is applied so that it connects the lower and upper points, and is drawn along the paper with the blade of a stationery knife.
  4. When the strips are cut, each of them needs to be bent like an accordion.
  5. From the bottom edge of 1 strip, measure upward 5 mm and bend.
  6. Next, the strip is folded by analogy, first on one side, then on the other, until the end.
  7. You also need to bend all the other strips.
  8. Then they are carefully straightened with your fingers.

It will take about 10-15 sheets to fill a large box. The paperfiller will turn out nice and dense.

Master class on making lotto “Geometric Shapes”

Marina Lopukhova

Master class on making lotto “Geometric Shapes”

Master Class

Lotto " Geometric Shapes "

«Geometric figures»

And so, I began to create.

I found a box of a suitable size and covered it with self-adhesive paper.

Then I started making the game itself .

I cut a sheet of white cardboard in half, so I got two cards from one sheet at once. I made 6 cards in total.

As I mentioned earlier, I cut out each figure in duplicate, I glued one figure onto a card and put the second in a box. Thus, on each card I got 6 figures .

I covered each card with tape (for strength)


I put the finished cards and figures

Now all I have to do is sign it nicely and indicate the purpose of my game and the rules to follow.

A new game for my kids is ready!

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Goal: To consolidate the names of geometric shapes. Educational Objectives: To consolidate.
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Craft “noodles” are most often used to fill boxes with bottles, dishes and vases. Designers advise making straight or wavy chips.

For production you will need:

  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery knife.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the craft sheet horizontally on the table.
  2. Using a ruler and pencil, mark along the top and bottom edges, placing dots at a distance of 3 mm from each other. The stripes should not be wider, otherwise the filler will look rough.
  3. Using a ruler to connect the top and bottom points, you need to cut the paper into even strips.
  4. Use an eraser to erase the markings.
  5. If the straight shape of the chips was chosen to fill the box, then at this stage its production can be considered complete. To create wavy paperfiller, you need to twist each strip separately.
  6. Hold the end of the strip with your fingers, take the open scissors in your other hand and run the blade along the strip from top to bottom, slightly pulling the paper. The flat will take the form of a twisted curl.

This filler reliably protects the contents from mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes.

Corrugated paper

Corrugated paper filling is suitable for small boxes with small souvenirs inside. In craft stores this material is sold in rolls. The color palette is wide. You can choose paper in pastel colors, bright or even neon. To make corrugated shavings, you only need sharp scissors.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Unfold the paper roll and divide it into 3 equal parts.
  2. Roll each sheet into a tube about 4 cm in diameter.
  3. Press the tube until it is flat.
  4. Using scissors, cut the workpiece vertically into thin strips, about 3 mm wide.
  5. Spread the shavings and place them in a pile.
  6. Lightly crush the filling with your hands and place it in a gift box.

Corrugated paper is very thin, so it needs to be cut with scissors. A stationery knife will crumple the material, resulting in a cut line that will be torn and crooked.

What it is?

The cash register of counting materials most often consists of numbers from 0 to 9 and various mathematical symbols. It is interesting to start learning the first numbers and counting with counting materials. They are a great way to learn. Bright, with a lot of pictures and cards with tasks - they will captivate your child for a long time. Visualization and understandable images will improve memorization, the baby will develop associations with numbers and actions on them.

This cash register is suitable for children from three to eight years old. The game is safe for children, as it has rounded corners and is made of non-toxic material. Initially, the kits are sealed and are in a convenient box for carrying and storage.

Manufacturers produce the following varieties:


Paper filling for boxes can be of different colors. Designers advise combining paper of similar shades, as well as creating contrasting and achromatic compositions.

To create such fillers, you should use double-sided paper. It should be dense and the stripes wide. Colored shavings can be given different shapes, but it is best to make paperfill mixed.

Brief instructions for creating a filler for a gift box from paper in 3 bright colors:

  1. Place the yellow paper vertically on the table and cut it into strips 3 mm wide. Then fold it like an accordion.
  2. Place a sheet of orange paper horizontally on the table, cut into strips 2 mm thick and twist using sharp scissors.
  3. Cut the red paper into strips 3 mm wide, put them in a pile and lightly crumple them with your hands.

Shavings of different colors are mixed and the box is filled to the brim.

Making toys at home

Modern stores are full of a variety of gaming equipment. Usually their cost is quite high, and not every parent can afford it. However, there is no need to spend money and get upset about this. Parents are excellent masters in the field of creating toys. They can sew soft animals, build houses and furniture, make themed items for playing in a hospital, restaurant, or store. In order for a new “sale point” to appear in a child’s room, the child needs goods, paper money, price tags, and a cash register. Every creative family member can make a paper cash register like a real one. You just need to put in a little effort.

Economy option

An economical, but at the same time original way to fill gift wrapping is to make shavings from newspaper pages. For the job you only need sharp scissors.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Straighten the newspaper and fold it 4 times horizontally.
  2. It is good to smooth the fold lines with your fingers so that they remain visible.
  3. Unfold the newspaper and cut with scissors along the marked lines.
  4. Now each of the parts needs to be rolled into tubes, the diameter of which will be 1 cm.
  5. Flatten the tubes by placing them on the table and smoothing them with your hands.
  6. Using scissors, cut the workpieces horizontally into strips 2 mm wide.
  7. Carefully straighten all the strips, put them in a pile and lightly press them down.

To make the shavings look beautiful, it is recommended to choose pages with text, without pictures. It is even better to use sheets from foreign newspapers so that the pages do not contain random Russian words that will immediately catch the eye of the rewarded person as soon as he opens the box.

How to make a cash register at home. Cardboard cash register toy

In our lives, a lot depends on money, and often its absence becomes the main cause of many problems and misfortunes: due to lack of funds, marriages are not concluded or destroyed, children are not born, people do not look after their health, do not support loved ones, do not realize their personal potential and do not live a full, happy life. Many people understand this very well, but they are so careless about their own income, as if they were at least millionaires on the Forbes list. Very often, a family in which both husband and wife receive a good salary cannot save any significant amount, justifying this with high prices and the general high cost of living.

Home Cashier: Introduction

Most often, the reason why it is not possible to acquire serious savings lies not only in low income, but also in uncontrollable expenses, when any money literally slips through your fingers to no one knows where. Every adult decides for himself how to increase his income—to give any advice on this matter is, to say the least, wrong. This article will talk about how to effectively plan family expenses, without turning into miserliness, but also without letting money go uncontrollably into the unknown.

This method is developed on the basis of the well-known “4 envelopes” method, which I wanted to make more convenient and effective in order to save a significant amount in a short time. The basis of the method is drawing up a table of family income and expenses to plan a budget for the month. Below is an example of such a sign. In each family, the structure of income and expenses may be different, the main thing is to understand the general principle of its construction.


At the top of the table, all regular cash receipts are listed with the amount and date. This could be advances, salaries, pensions, benefits, money from renting an apartment, etc. A separate column should be allocated for each amount of regular income. Irregular income (for example, from completing rare orders, selling something, etc.) does not need to be entered into the table.


The left column lists all the family's regular expenses. They need to be listed in sufficient detail, but you shouldn’t go into very small details. For example, in our budget, the item “food and accommodation” includes the amounts that we leave in the supermarket once a week, purchasing groceries, household chemicals and household goods for seven days in advance. To figure out how much to budget for these expenses, I multiplied our average check amount by 4.5 (number of weeks) and added another 10% for small purchases during the week. If you buy groceries several times a week, calculate the approximate

Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas

Additional materials will help you decorate the contents of your holiday packaging beautifully. For example, thin paper shavings can be mixed with spiral rain that matches the color. Silver rain is suitable for decorating white paper, and gold for black paper. You need to choose a plain decor for the colored filler.

You can also add large confetti inside the package. It is sold in craft stores. You can cut out confetti using a shaped hole punch from double-sided colored paper. The shade of additional decorations can be contrasting or match the color of the main filler.

Paperfiller made from paper and threads pulled from a bag in which sugar was previously stored looks interesting. Usually these bags are white. You can choose paper for shavings of any shade, the main thing is that it is thick.

All sheets must be marked and cut into strips of the same thickness as bag threads. You can also use strips cut from thick and transparent packaging film as decoration. The filler will turn out beautiful and rustling.

Cobalt or craft paper can be mixed with strips cut from colored scrapbooking sheets. As a rule, such paper is decorated with a beautiful print. It can be matched to the theme of the holiday in honor of which the gift will be given.

For Christmas surprises, sheets with stars and snowflakes are suitable, and for birthdays - with balls and cakes. This is a type of thick paper, so the filler base needs to be the same thickness for the finished paperfill to look nice. Cut ribbons can be given any shape. The mixture of straight craft shavings and corrugated paper with drawings looks original.

The paper “noodles” can be sprinkled with glitter hairspray to give the contents of the box a festive look. It is better to avoid dry glitter. It will be magnetic to your hands and the surface of objects inside the box. Instead of glitter, you can place large sequins inside the package.

The empty space around objects of complex shapes can be filled with small decorations. Dried rose buds are often placed in packaging with creams and perfumes, and delicious candies or dried citrus slices are placed in the corners of a wine box.


The importance of using letters and syllables in literacy classes for older preschoolers with speech disorders.

The split alphabet consists of a typesetting canvas and a cash register with pockets. It is used as a demonstration tool and as a handout available to each child. The split alphabet is used at the synthesis stage, when it is extremely important to form syllables and words from letters after their sound analysis. The mobile alphabet is a double bar with windows (3-5 holes). Between the bars, ribbons with letters are passed, the order of which depends on the purpose of the synthetic exercise in composing syllables and words of their studied letters.

It is used as a teaching tool in literacy classes. All this allows the formation of spelling and speech skills of preschoolers to be carried out in close unity: spelling tasks are included in tasks related to composing sentences and short statements based on visual material.

Working with the split alphabet is associated with the active activity of children. This ensures their steady and focused attention. Their heads and hands are busy. They search and find the necessary letters, put them in a certain order, and move them when adding or replacing them in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. Abstract grammatical concepts - a syllable, a word, a sentence - when working with a split alphabet, are concretized, become visible and even tangible. The entire subgroup, every child, is engaged in this work.

To the listed advantages of working with a split alphabet, one should add the gradual mastery of the ability to independently analyze, reason, correlate a rule and an action, and build one’s work in a certain sequence, according to a familiar plan. Composing words and dividing them allows for the possibility of self-control. Reading what he has added, the child sees his mistake and corrects it, replacing one letter with another or recomposing the given word.

Working with the split alphabet in literacy classes is one of the most important means of developing preschoolers 6-7 years old, acquiring and consolidating knowledge, and exercising reading and writing skills. These advantages of using a split alphabet are taken into account in the experience of creative teachers. Composing words and sentences is an indispensable condition for learning to read and write; Rarely does a lesson take place without completing the task of the speech pathologist to work with the cut alphabet, which is usually combined with reading from the primer, typing words and sentences in a notebook.

From the above it follows that working with the split alphabet is most directly related to teaching preschoolers with speech disorders to read. It plays primarily the role of preparatory exercises for mastering writing, and in the future it is constantly successfully used by the teacher at school, as a form of control, concretization and reinforcement of the rules of reading and especially writing.

Fillers for mailboxes

Mailing boxes must be packed very tightly so that during transportation their contents are reliably protected from shocks, temperature changes and frequent movements of the packaging.

List of suitable fillings that meet these requirements:

  • wide shavings of thick paper of mixed type;
  • a mixture of thin strips of cobalt and sisal;
  • corrugated paper with a grid for a rosebud;
  • spiral rain with sisal and cobalt;
  • a mixture of strips of packing tape and craft paper;
  • newspaper shavings mixed with corrugated paper;
  • foil rain and twine.

The walls of the box that will be transported must be reinforced with cardboard inserts. The top of the package can be wrapped with packaging film and placed inside a larger box. The contents of the gift, packaged in this way, will be delivered to the recipient intact and beautiful.

For products

The paper filler for food boxes must allow air to pass through well and keep the air temperature inside the package constant. You can put paper “noodles” made of corrugated paper, napkins or newspapers in a fruit box. This filling will not allow the products to mix inside the package and will protect them from accidental impacts.

If one box contains several bottles of alcohol or, for example, jars of honey, then you need to place thick paper shavings between them. It will prevent objects from moving and help protect the glass from sudden temperature changes.

If you take a package of glass containers out into the cold and then bring them indoors again, it will become covered with condensation, and in some cases it may burst. Thin paper perfectly absorbs excess moisture, and kraft, cobalt and a mixture of paper and sisal retain heat.

It’s easy to make paper filler for a gift box with your own hands. The main thing is to learn how to choose the right paper by color and make shavings of different shapes, and also remember that in order to better preserve the contents of the package, the density of the filler must be high.


The topic of adulteration of dairy products seems to have already been exhausted. But homemade yogurt is worth making not only because of its clear composition. Above all, this is a real creative process. With experience, you can achieve the desired thickness and consistency, and also experiment with additives.

Store-bought yogurts usually contain quite a lot of sugar, as well as starch, thickeners, preservatives, and dyes. These are harmless additives, but you can do without them.

Make homemade yogurt low-fat, sweet, salty, add cereal, berries, and cheese to it. Even if you end up going back to store-bought plastic jars, it’s worth a try.

How to make homemade yogurt →

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