How to make a Bumblebee robot from a matchbox. Transformable box for storing small items


Galina Kaptsova

Goals: to teach children to compose a geometrically correct and accurate product that the children are planning to make ( robot

; teach children to see the shape of the future robot
develop the ability to monitor the progress of your work, learn to work with various materials (
matchboxes , tape)
develop creative imagination; cultivate patience and accuracy in work, and artistic taste. Materials: 9 empty matchboxes

, tape, PVA glue, scissors, colored paper.

Sample :

1. First, glue together 4 matchboxes with tape - this is the body


2. Then each box

and cover the body with colored paper using PVA glue.

3. When all the individual parts are covered with colored paper, we immediately begin to create a robot


4. On one small box we drew eyes for the robot

, nose and mouth with a black marker, and glue it to the body.

5. After this we make an antenna for the robot

We take a piece of plasticine, make a ball out of it and insert two matches
, attach it to the head of our

These are the wonderful robots we have created.


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Crafts from waste materials: unusual crafts and toys from matchboxes - robots and transforming toys. Crafts for boys.

Amazing crafts from matchboxes

You can make many different crafts with your children from waste materials. Such creativity develops children's fine motor skills, imagination, spatial thinking, design and modeling skills, etc.

What crafts can be made with children or for children from matchboxes? Usually a mini-dresser and 2-3 other ideas come to mind. But it turns out that you can make very interesting toys from matchboxes. For example, robots and cars, and also transforming toys.

These crafts made from waste material (matchboxes) are more suitable for boys, but my daughter and I really liked them!

Crafts robots and transformers from matchboxes

A samurai craft made from matchboxes glued together and covered with colored paper (or even simpler -). The samurai's swords are made of cardboard, attached to the box hands with ordinary paper clips, so they can be easily removed and attached in place.

Made from 14 matchboxes, this adorable yellow transformable robot can turn into a car.

The red fire truck can transform into a robot and back.

And this transforming toy can turn, in addition to the robot, into two different models.

The video makes it clearer how this happens. Amazing, right?

And in this video there is another transforming robot, it is not in the photo.

About creating these crafts from matchboxes and other waste materials

Sergei replied that he used to be interested in modeling - gluing together models of military equipment. After they became more expensive, I began to come up with my own models from matchboxes and lids, because... This is a waste material that requires almost no material costs.

Once during his vacation, when he had a lot of free time, Sergei began making robots from matchboxes. Then he complicated them until he started to get transformers. Gradually I began to make crafts not only from matchboxes, but also from lids and other waste materials.

The first matchbox craft was this robot. Then other robots, transformers, cars and even a dinosaur appeared.

How to make robots from matchboxes with your own hands

Descriptions of making robots are in the book. This is a small brochure. Master classes on making transformers and other crafts will be in a new book, which should be published this fall.

And using these ideas as a basis, you can come up with your own crafts from matchboxes.

I suggest looking at others and in particular,.

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  • Books about crafts made from waste materials: robots and...

Due to their dress code, costume parties (Halloween, etc.) require first-class costumes. In addition, at such holidays there are usually competitions for the best, most detailed superhero costume. Who wouldn’t be pleased to take part in such a competition dressed as their favorite hero?

I present to your attention an article on how to do

DIY Optimus Prime costume

Necessary materials:

  • Hot glue gun + rods for it;
  • Adhesive tape (red, gray);
  • Masking tape;
  • Rulers of different sizes;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scissors;
  • Aerosol paints (primer, red, blue, white and silver);
  • 4 mini flashlights;
  • Helmet;
  • Velcro;
  • Cardboard or foam board;
  • 2 empty tin cans;
  • 2 plastic “visors” (for windshields);
  • Hockey gloves;
  • PVC pipes.

Felt robot

In addition to the usual material in the form of cardboard, metal or plastic, craft robots for children can also be made from felt. This craft is suitable for little girls to play with.

To create a fleece robot in amigurumi style, cut out parts from fabric according to size:

  • 4.5 cm for the torso;
  • 3.5 cm for the head;
  • 2.0 cm for legs;
  • 1.5 cm for hands.

Each part of the body requires 6 squares of fleece fabric. If necessary, the size of the blanks can be increased to increase the size of the soft toy.

We make patterns without allowances. We sew the parts together on all sides using a running stitch. As a result, a cube should come out. Before stitching the last side, fill the cube with any filler.

We carefully monitor so that no excess fibers stick out from the cube. If there are any, they can be trimmed with scissors. When doing work, you need to do everything carefully.

We sew the remaining parts of the robot’s body in a similar way, and then fasten them together with glue. Sew beads in place of the eyes.

At your discretion, the robot can be decorated with a bow or other elements. A small craft can be made in the form of a magnet and attached to the refrigerator.

Is it possible to assemble a robot yourself?

Nowadays it’s difficult to surprise anyone with a robot toy. The modern technology and computer industry has come a long way. But you may still be surprised by the information on how to make a simple robot at home.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to understand the operating principle of various microcircuits, electronics, programs and designs. It is difficult to do in this case without basic knowledge in the field of physics, programming and electronics. Even so, every person can assemble a robot on their own.

A robot is an automated machine that is capable of performing various actions. In the case of a homemade robot, it is enough that the car simply moves.

To make assembly easier, you can use available tools: a telephone handset, a plastic bottle or plate, a toothbrush, an old camera or a computer mouse.

Why should you choose matches for crafts?

  • Firstly, this is a cheap, accessible material; everyone has a box of matches in their house.
  • Secondly, the wooden blocks have the same appearance and shape, so you can make neat and interesting designs from them.
  • Thirdly, matches can be combined with other available materials: vegetables and fruits, plasticine can be added to the work, glued and painted.

The nuances of creating robots

What can you make a robot out of with your own hands? It depends on who will do it.

If it is a child, then his parents should invite him to carefully look through models made from unnecessary boxes, cardboard, paper, matchboxes, cigarette packs, plastic bottles, edible mastic to choose the appropriate option.

It is easier for a mother to create a knitted or edible cyborg for her child. And if dad plans to create a robot, then the child can count on a more complex design, for example, getting a high-tech android.

Appliques made from matches

Applications are the simplest crafts made from matches for beginners.

To work you should use:

  • A sheet of colored or white cardboard with a design printed on it.

Operating procedure:

  1. Matches are carefully glued along the lines that make up the drawing. In this way you can create images of different animals, landscapes or individual buildings.
  2. By placing your craft in a beautiful frame, it is not difficult to get a nice decoration for your home interior.
  3. Simple work will help you feel the texture and features of such an interesting material as simple matches.


Our vehicle will be made of three parts. Pre-glue them with colored paper or paint them with several layers of gouache.

Glue the two bottom boxes with their ends to each other, getting a kind of long train.

Glue the remaining boxes onto the resulting base.

Windows can be drawn either with a marker or cut out of white paper. You can do the same with the wheels, but we advise you to make them from a sheet of cardboard.

Wheels can also be made from buttons.

Military equipment

Boys will especially like this tank craft made from matchboxes.

Like any military equipment, it should be dark green. Therefore, we advise you to use several layers of gouache. To add realism, you can additionally apply camouflage spots.

Next, by analogy with a car, make a tank body.

Cut out the caterpillars from cardboard, drawing the corresponding mechanics on it, or use several small buttons glued sequentially one after another.

Take a small bottle cap and similarly paint it to match the color of the equipment. Then secure it at the very top - the tower is ready.

The barrel can be made from a drinking straw by making an appropriately sized hole in the top box.

In fact, boxes are the most successful solution when modeling equipment. Due to their angularity, with ingenuity, the boxes can easily be turned into pickups, trucks, fire trucks, ambulances, and so on.

Girls can use shoe packaging to make themselves a dollhouse, the furniture in which will be made from boxes. All we need is your possible help with printing the necessary interior.

Doll furniture

The small size of the boxes allows you to perfectly make furniture that is suitable for dolls and small characters.

To work you will need:

  • Boxes,
  • colored paper,
  • Paints,
  • Scissors,
  • Glue,
  • Cardboard,
  • Various decorative elements (beads, lace, etc.)

Robot, like in advertising

Many people are probably familiar with the browser's commercial, in which the main character is a small robot spinning and drawing shapes on paper with felt-tip pens. How to make a robot at home from this advertisement? Yes, very simple. To create such an automated cute toy, you need to stock up on:

  • three felt-tip pens;
  • thick cardboard or plastic;
  • motor;
  • round battery;
  • foil or electrical tape;
  • glue.

So, we create a form for the robot from plastic or cardboard (more precisely, we cut it out). It is necessary to make a triangular shape with rounded corners. In each corner we make a small hole into which a felt-tip pen can fit. We make one hole near the center of the triangle for the motor. We get 4 holes around the entire perimeter of a triangular shape.

Then insert the markers one by one into the holes made. A battery must be attached to the motor. This can be done using glue and foil or electrical tape. In order for the motor to stay firmly on the robot, it is necessary to fix it with a small amount of glue.

The robot will move only after connecting the second wire to the attached battery.

Made from plastic caps

The transforming robot will surprise not only your family, but also your child’s friends. To make it you will need plastic lids. Interesting robot crafts can be taken to kindergarten.

To assemble the figure you will need 22 elements of different colors, threads, electrical tape, and ballpoint pen parts. The lids must be connected using a stretched elastic band; for this, holes are made in each element with an awl. The result will be a moving toy.

For the weapon you will need ballpoint pen parts. To hang the toy on the Christmas tree, you need to attach an elastic loop to the top cover.

Simple version of animals

You can look at photos of matchbox crafts of this kind and make sure that there is absolutely nothing complicated about them.

Each animal figurine will consist of two boxes. An interesting solution is if the body is pasted over in the color of the skin, the giraffe has a yellow piece of paper, the bear has a brown piece of paper, and so on. After choosing a color, cover the boxes and glue them together.

Depending on the animal, the location of the boxes will change. So the upper part of a giraffe will be elongated, and the opposite for a bear.

Add distinctive elements with a felt-tip pen or cut them out of paper - eyes, muzzle, mouth.

Finish the figures by adding a tail if necessary, such as a horse.


The easiest craft, the work will take a few minutes. Steps on how to make a suitcase:

  1. Cover the boxes with paper. You can even use fabric for realism.
  2. A strip of paper is glued to the long side. Instead of paper, you can also use a piece of fabric, tape, etc.
  3. The inside of the suitcase can be covered with fabric or felt.
  4. You can decorate the craft with drawings, pictures, openwork lace, ribbons and other materials for decoration.

Craft with a child “big robot”

A great way to cheer up your baby at a time when it is impossible to go for a walk and you need to keep him busy at home is to make a robot out of boxes with your own hands. An excellent feature of this type of creativity is that you, most likely, will not fully imagine the final version of your product, because you will come up with the appearance of your robot on the go. Start by collecting all the boxes you have around the house. Immediately remove those that sold equipment whose warranty has not yet expired. With the rest of the boxes you can create as much as you like. It is advisable that the cardboard on the boxes is not glossy, as other materials do not stick well to it.

Fold boxes in several ways. Label the arms, legs, head. Experiment! Perhaps your robot's arms will not be made from boxes at all, but, for example, from an old hose or foil pipe for ventilation. Don’t be too lazy to find the materials remaining after the renovation - the remains of baseboards, ceiling tiles, wallpaper and more.

When the image of your craft is thought out, glue the parts together using instant glue. It is better not to trust a child under 10 years of age to work with such material as quickly drying glue. Take this part of the work yourself.

Now coat the entire robot with PVA glue or a pencil and glue the paper on top. You can leave the robot in its original form.

Use all your imagination when decorating it: give your child plasticine, paints, matchboxes, ropes, bottle caps of different sizes and colors. Simulate levers and light bulbs. Such an evening activity will definitely be an excellent pastime for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the main thing is that the parent himself is interested in it at this moment.

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