Lesson diagram for origami paper carrots. How to make a carrot out of paper

Many will probably want to make bright crafts on the theme of vegetables and fruits and harvesting.

The most affordable material for crafts is.

How to make your own paper carrots?

For the craft we will need:

  • Orange and green paper
  • Ruler
  • Thin green ribbon

Take orange paper and cut a wide strip from it. We divide the strip into squares 12 cm wide. You can cut more or less depending on the desired size of the craft.

We glue rolls of bright orange paper.

Glue the roll on one side.

Fold several sheets of green paper. Using special or regular scissors, cut the paper into “straws”.

Glue the rest of the roll together with the green “straw”. The top and bottom of the carrot should be glued at different angles. Cut off the top edges of the carrot.

We fold the green ribbon into a bow and glue it to the carrot. You can put black notches on the carrots, or you can leave them as is.

You can make a gift bag from such carrots for a holiday or Easter. In this case, we put chocolate candies inside the carrots and only then glue the top part with the greens.

You can make an impromptu garden bed out of polystyrene foam and straw and plant our carrots there. Paper carrots are ready!

A paper carrot bed can be made using the appliqué technique on a paper plate.

In this master class I will tell you how to sew a carrot. I received an order from a kindergarten; I needed 14 pieces for boy bunnies. I'll tell you how to sew one.

So let's get started.

We will need: orange fabric, green fabric (in this case with polka dots) and filler (I took padding polyester).

Also threads, thin cord and a sewing machine. You can, of course, do it with your hands, but it’s very difficult.

So, the first step: we make a pattern from cardboard. A triangle of the desired shape and size of carrot. I have it 20x9 cm. And two “fingers” 9.5x4 and 6.5x4 cm, for making green carrot branches.

On the orange fabric, on the wrong side, we trace a triangle and apply the same triangle to its long side again and trace it. It turns out to be a quadrangle.

We cut out this part taking into account the fabric at the hem, approximately 1 cm.

To make the carrot more realistic, I painted brown stripes on the fabric. To do this, I took fabric paint.

I drew it and ironed it. If you don’t have fabric paint, you can do it with regular paints or felt-tip pens, but keep in mind that such a product cannot be wetted or washed. You can embroider stripes with brown thread. But for a large number of products, this technique is not suitable, as it is too labor-intensive.

Sew the fabric from the nose of the carrot to the base. The result is a cone.

Then we prepare the carrot tails.

Take the green fabric and trace the pattern. We will need to circle the small part once, then place it next to it and circle it again.

Then for the second tail again. And circle the second, larger detail twice.

Then cut, taking into account the hem.

And sew along the contour.

Then the products must be turned out and ironed.

They turned out like these - similar to the fingers of gloves.

The result is that all the parts are connected.

Then, we stuff our beautiful carrots with padding polyester. And tighten it with a string. It turned out to be an excellent bond. And there was no need to manually connect and tighten the product.

And here they are, our beautiful carrots.

Our bunny boys will be happy!

There are several reasons based on which people prefer carrots:

  • It can be stored for a relatively long time and does not fade
  • Carrots are easy to work with: they lend themselves well to cutting, but at the same time they are hard. In addition, it does not slip out of your hands, since it contains little juice.
  • This wonderful vegetable is relatively inexpensive, so you won't spend a large amount of money. In addition, the various products, carrot masterpieces are fun and beautiful

Carrot gnome

To prepare we will need:

  • Medium carrots – 1 pc.
  • Colored paper
  • Sharp scissors
  • Toothpicks (you can take matches)
  • Multi-colored markers (or good paints)
  • Knife

Step by step process:

  • First, let's cut out the parts that are needed to make the gnome. We cut off the tip - then we will make a headdress out of it - a hat. We cut off 2 rings from the top - these will be our palms
  • Next, we cut off 3 rings from the bottom of the carrot - these are blanks for making the gnome's limbs - legs and head. As a result, we are left with the middle of the carrot - the body
  • Let's start connecting our blanks - body parts. We insert a couple of matches or toothpicks into the bottom of our body directly parallel to one another
  • We put leg blanks on the sharp ends of matches/toothpicks. We make hands from toothpicks and attach the palms directly to them. In addition, you can make fingers from toothpicks
  • We attach the neck to the top of the body (we will use a toothpick as the neck), attach the head to it
  • Headdress - a cap made from the last piece of our carrot, we attach it to the head (a match will help us with this)
  • Carefully cut out the clothes (vest) from colored paper and put them in place
  • Don't forget to draw a face

Step-by-step photo lesson:

To create a carrot, take an orange sheet of paper 10.5 x 15 cm, colored only on one side. Bend the lower left corner to the very top point of the rectangle.

Use scissors to remove the unnecessary part of the rectangle on the right side and get a square folded in half diagonally.

Let's open it. Fold the lower left corner to the resulting fold.

Then bend the upper right corner to the same line. Gradually the general shape of the carrot begins to emerge.

To make the top of the carrot not sharp, but blunt, bend the upper central corner down to the line of the beginning of the two large corners.

Then we will form a smoother silhouette of the carrot. To do this, bend the left corner slightly towards the middle.

The same must be done on the right side so that they are the same.

We turn it over and get the finished general silhouette of a carrot. If necessary, you can go over the folds again.

Now let's start creating the green pods coming from the top of the carrot. To do this, you need to take a green rectangle and bend its lower left corner up.

Cut out the right side with scissors.

We get a square folded in half. Turn it over.

Carrot Pirate

To create this masterpiece we will need:

  • 1 large carrot
  • balloon – 1 pc.
  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • colorful paints
  • corn silk (thicker threads will also work)
  • stationery knife

Manufacturing process:

  • First, we will peel the carrots: cut off the bottom of the carrots with a utility knife. We cut out the nose from this part (choose a shape: rectangle, circle, square), then place it on part of a toothpick, place it in a groove (socket) made in advance for this purpose on the face of the carrot pirate
  • Let's make teeth and a mouth using a knife: we make a long horizontal line-notch and many shorter vertical ones, located perpendicularly along the length. In addition, we will make one eye
  • Now it's time for the hair and, of course, the headdress. We cut the balloon and stretch it. Under an imaginary cap we fasten the hair, which will be made from corn threads
  • We attach the eye patch that we cut out of colored paper in the same way. We cut out 2 triangles from paper, glue them together (while leaving the bases. The result is a “cocked hat” type hat
  • We put the hat on top of the ball directly on the pirate’s head (if desired, draw a skull and crossbones on the hat for realism)
  • Now we start decorating: draw the teeth, mouth (draw lips along the contour of the teeth) and eyes
  • And finally, the last detail. Cut out a dagger from cardboard, paint it, insert it into the pirate’s mouth (between the teeth)

carrot flowers

For a romantic event, carrot flowers will come in handy - beautiful and original. Let's start with a simplified version:

  • Cut the carrots into regular flat circles
  • We take the widest circle, form the base of our bouquet, then stick in the required number of toothpicks
  • Now it’s the turn of the remaining carrot circles: using a knife, cut out the flowers of the shape you like
  • We string them on the tip of toothpicks. To enhance the effect, we can decorate the flower with greenery

Craft for children: corrugated paper carrots

In this lesson we offer a craft option that even the youngest children can handle. Look at the final photo, you will see a bright and appetizing carrot. It's time for kids to learn this vegetable. Although, for sure, they already know well what carrots are, how tasty and healthy carrot juice is, that bunnies love this fruit very much. Also from this lesson they will learn useful knowledge about how to make an unusual volumetric applique using a simple “clumping” technique.

Simply tear the corrugated paper or cut it into small pieces, then place small balls on the surface of the cardboard coated with glue. This work is perfect for developing children's fingers; such practical exercises perfectly develop fine motor skills. And of course, during an interesting lesson, kids will definitely remember what green and orange look like, because these are the main colors to work with when it comes to creating carrots. Using a similar technique using crepe paper or soft napkins, it is easy to create other vegetables and fruits. Buy a whole set of corrugated paper and select the colors that you need for a specific object.

Funny carrot giraffe

  • Stick 4 matches into the wide edge of the carrot
  • We find the narrow part at the top and carefully cut it on one side, marking the head, on the other side, make a second cut - the mouth
  • We create eyes and ears for our giraffe from plasticine
  • We stick a couple of matches in place of the horns (a giraffe has from 2 to 5 horns)
  • We put a few blades of grass in the giraffe’s mouth (he seems to be hungry, but now he’s eating breakfast)

At the annual traditional New Year celebrations, our beloved children are recommended to attend in some kind of costume. Well, mom has to decide which costume to choose for her beloved child and where to get it. Of course, the easiest option is to buy a ready-made carnival outfit or rent it. But since real needlewomen don’t look for simple ways, we suggest you create it yourself, for example, sew a children’s carrot costume.

How to make a carrot costume with your own hands for a girl?

Agree that a version of a carrot costume for a girl must definitely have a skirt. Does anything look more elegant than bright and fluffy? And, by the way, you don’t even need a sewing machine to create it. So, stock up:

  • a piece of orange tulle 2-2.5 m long;
  • wide elastic band 2-3 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • thread and needle.

The heaviest part of the costume is ready.

The skirt can be additionally decorated with a bow or a layer of opaque fabric.

For the top of the suit, you just need to choose an orange or green T-shirt or golf. If there are inscriptions or a drawing in front, they can be covered with an appliqué in the shape of a carrot.

It’s easy to use the girl’s existing one as a headdress. You need to attach a carrot made of colored paper or fabric to it.

It is not difficult to make an orange hat from a rectangular piece of orange fabric, gathered with an elastic band. We decorate the upper part of the headdress with “tops” made of green material.

A DIY carrot costume for a girl is ready!

How to sew a carrot costume for a boy?

If you have a son, then his carnival costume will consist of an apron depicting a carrot. So, prepare:

  • orange satin 1.5 m long;
  • padding polyester – 1.5 m;
  • a piece of fleece or felt 20 cm long;
  • Velcro;
  • orange satin braid 2 cm wide.

The carrot apron is ready! If desired, decorate the front of the costume with zigzag stripes of brown thread characteristic of the vegetable.

All that remains is to create a hat for the boy’s carrot costume. We sew it from a rectangle measuring 50x20 cm, which is first lined with padding polyester and decorated with brown zigzag stripes. We close the rectangle into a cylinder by sewing the short sides together. The top edge of the hat needs to be gathered and sewn, and the bottom edge needs to be folded and machined. We decorate the resulting hat with tops made from felt or fleece strips.

So the carrot suit for the boy is ready!

What could be simpler than a carrot costume? You can buy a ready-made one or rent it. But there is nothing to compare the emotions from a common cause - jointly making a costume for the Christmas tree.

How to make carrots

In order for your child to understand how to make a carrot out of paper, you should first analyze all the work step by step and watch the video.

Required materials and tools

For a fruitful creative process, you should prepare in advance all the necessary materials and tools:

Ribbons, ribbons or frames, stands may be required when decorating the finished work - for hanging or installation (stationary).

Step-by-step assembly of a voluminous carrot

When making a craft with your own hands, you should assemble it strictly in stages to avoid mistakes, then the voluminous paper carrot will turn out neat and “natural.” The work is carried out step by step:

A very beautiful craft is ready.

Bulk carrots can be made in another way:

You can use felt-tip pens to apply additional elements for maximum similarity.

This option is suitable for packing surprises inside if the foliage is tied.

Video master class

To make a carrot out of paper on the first try, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the video material on this topic. Usually after this there are no incomprehensible moments left, the children get to work with enthusiasm.

Origami with a simple diagram

Origami carrots with a simple assembly diagram are recommended for children of any age. To work you will need orange (15x15 cm) and two green (7.5x7.5 cm) squares of colored paper. Assembly in stages:

The origami craft is ready.

Applications for children

The original carrot applique can be made in different ways, for example, a voluminous craft is assembled like this:

The finished vegetable/vegetables are placed on cardboard, creating a composition, and glued - the spectacular picture is ready.

Crafts made in the younger group

An easy craft scheme for the younger group could be as follows:

The application is ready, it can be used in games, or hung on a string, or glued to a sheet of white paper.

Craft ideas for middle school

The middle group can handle more complex crafts. Paper carrots are collected step by step:

A simple way to origami carrots - in seven steps:

What senior and preparatory students can do

Children of the senior and preparatory groups can already independently make not only carrots, but also a simple composition, for example, an applique of a hare with a carrot. The work can be done both in the form of an applique and in the form of origami, where the carrot for the bunny will be a three-dimensional diamond-shaped, cylindrical shape.

Why carrots?

A masquerade costume helps a child develop imagination, fantasy, and what can you compare the pleasure of the result obtained - a colorful New Year's costume, which certainly no one will have.

With the help of a carrot costume, you can introduce a child to a healthy diet, popularize a healthy lifestyle, explain the benefits of vegetables and the amount of vitamins in them. Even if the baby has never eaten carrots before, after working together on creating a New Year's costume, he cannot help but fall in love with the vegetable.

In addition, this is a universal outfit: a carrot costume is suitable for a girl and a boy. After all, its bottom, the rhizome, can be made as a skirt and panties or a cape.

Complete benefit!

Where to get ideas?

The source of inspiration will be the carrot itself. You can take a vegetable and examine it with your baby. By bringing the child into contact, the mother will be able to consolidate his knowledge of taste and taste.

You can also prepare delicious dishes, bake them so that the child will surely understand that the carrot is a real hero worthy of attending the New Year's party.

The idea of ​​the preparatory stage is an interactive conversation about carrots and their benefits. Let the child describe the vegetable, what color it is, its shape, what its components are, and how it differs from other vegetables. And the main question is how he imagines the carrot costume.

Master class: “Carrot” attribute for the dance “Hares with Carrots”

Elena Nelidova

Master class: “Carrot” attribute for the dance “Hares with Carrots”

Very often you have to make attributes with your own hands for holidays, matinees and other events held in kindergarten. I bring to your attention a small master class for the New Year's holiday “ Carrots ” for the danceHares with Carrots ”.

-crepe paper (orange, green)


Roll a cone out of cardboard

Wrap the cone in orange crepe paper

tails for our carrots from green paper

carrot tails need to be cut and fluffed

In the clearing one after another

Hares jump in a circle,

Having fun trampling a snowball

Yes - jump - yes - jump!

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Flower stands “Hares” Hares stands will look very attractive in a corner of nature. Sample designs for the template should be enlarged to the desired size.

Bottom of the suit

Sewing a carrot costume with your own hands is not difficult. You can find examples of work and even patterns for them, as well as instructions and tips on cutting a model and sewing a suit.

To prepare the bottom of the suit, that is, the rhizome itself, you can use any shape. You can leave your existing outfit unchanged or decorate it with red, yellow or orange garland.

Foam rubber can serve as the basis for a voluminous suit. A cone-shaped carrot bottom is made from a piece of the desired size in length and width.

On top you can put a sewn fabric or a fluffy skirt, a sundress or a full-length cape. You can insert an elastic band at the bottom and tighten it a little. Or cut the fabric from the bottom on both sides with a wedge, similar to the root of a vegetable.

Miracle material foam rubber

Foam rubber is an excellent material for making the base of a suit. An important stage of the work is the correct cutting of the material. It is important that the cut site is perfectly level at the desired angle.

Universal glue “Moment-1” is suitable for gluing. Having spread it on both sides, let it dry for 5-7 minutes, and then lightly press and twist so that the glue is evenly distributed and sets. Everything needs to be done quickly and carefully.

Work on gluing foam rubber should be done by an adult so as not to harm the baby’s health.

All that remains is to cover the suit with fabric.

To make the carrot costume complete, you can use a ready-made item from the girl’s wardrobe as greenery, or sew a frill, scarf, or bow from any fabric of the desired shade.

The tops can be placed on the head as a green hat, bow or hoop with visually similar leaves, which can be made from any material: fabric, cardboard, green garland.

Upside down

Or you can completely simplify the carrot costume with your own hands. The headdress will act as a rhizome. It can be a cone-shaped hat or cap made of foam rubber, colored cardboard, or painted.

And the tops will be either a set of blouses and pants, which will be decorated with green garlands or bows.

It has become fashionable to arrange photo sessions. Young mothers especially love to do this. You can imagine your long-awaited child in any image.

It's easy to make a carrot costume for a girl with your own hands. It can be knitted with orange yarn or sewn into a regular carrot envelope from any fabric.

Use a hat with pom-poms as tops.

How to make carrots from corrugated paper with children

1. From any unnecessary cardboard (it can be waste, cut from any box), cut out the two main parts of the carrot - the fruit itself and the tail for it. Help a child who is not yet able to handle scissors do this. Also, these details don’t need to be cut out, but simply drawn with a pencil to highlight the area on the paper that should be filled with colored balls.

2. If you did cut out the parts and made them separately, then fasten the tail with the fruit with a stapler. Prepare a large number of corrugated paper squares. You can cut them from the main fabric with scissors or simply tear them off (in the second case, the child will be able to prepare everything on his own).

3. Roll out a lot of balls from orange and green soft paper. Lubricate the cardboard with glue - the basis of the applique. If you use a pencil, it should spread well onto the cardboard. Place the balls on the base in a very dense layer. Or grab each ball with tweezers and dip it in glue, then press it against the paper. This is also a very interesting way.

4. Fill the appetizing bright fruit with orange lumps. Do not leave gaps between the balls.

5. In the same way, fill the tail - the leaves of the plant - with green lumps.

The applique is ready, you just need to wait until the glue dries before you can treat your favorite toys to delicious carrots. It will also be easy to fill in the reverse side to get a believable craft, colored on both sides.


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