Electrophore machine: diagram, principle of operation, how it works

A device that generates an electrical charge at a high-voltage electrode.

Van de Graaff generator, for demonstration number class

Electrostatic generator

An electrostatic machine
, or , is an electromechanical generator that produces
static electricity
, or electricity at high voltage and low direct current. Knowledge of static electricity dates back to ancient civilizations, but for thousands of years it remained simply an interesting and mysterious phenomenon, with no theory to explain its behavior, and is often confused with magnetism. By the end of the 17th century, researchers had developed practical ways to produce electricity by friction, but the development of electrostatic machines did not begin in earnest until the 18th century, when they became fundamental tools in the research of the new science of electricity. Electrostatic generators work by using manual (or other) power to convert mechanical work into electrical energy. Electrostatic generators create electrostatic charges of opposite signs, transmitted along two conductors using only electrical forces, and operate by using moving plates, drums, or belts to transfer the electrical charge to a high potential electrode. Charge is generated in one of two ways: triboelectric effect (friction) or electrostatic induction.


  • 1 Description 1.1 Friction machines 1.1.1 History
  • 1.1.2 Friction mode
  • 1.2 Machines of influence
      1.2.1 History Goltz machine
  • Wimshurst machine
  • Pidgeon machine
  • 1.3 Modern electrostatic generators
      1.3.1 Van de Graaff
  • 1.3.2 EWICON
  • 1.3.3 Dutch wind wheel
  • 2 Advanced science and devices
  • 3 See also
  • 4 links
  • 5 Further reading
  • 6 External links
  • Actions of infrasound

    Infrasonic actions occur due to resonance, which is the frequency of vibration of a large number of processes in the body. Alpha, beta and delta brain rhythms also occur at the purity of infrasound, as, in principle, does the heartbeat.

    Infrasonic vibrations can coincide with vibrations in the body. Subsequently, the latter intensify, due to which some organ malfunctions. It may not only lead to injury, but also to rupture.

    The frequency of vibrations in the human body varies from 8 to 15 hertz. At the time when a person is exposed to sound radiation, all physical vibrations can resonate, but the amplitude of microconvulsions will increase many times.

    Naturally, a person will not be able to understand the feeling of what is affecting, because the sound cannot be heard. However, there is a certain state of anxiety. If there is an extremely long and active impact of a special sound on the entire human organ, then ruptures of internal vessels, as well as capillaries, occur.

    Typhoon, earthquake and volcanic eruption emit a frequency of 7-13 hertz, which gives a call to a person to quickly retreat from the place where disasters occur. Infrasound and ultrasound can very easily drive a person to suicide.

    A very dangerous sound interval is the frequency of 6-9 hertz. Very strong psychotronic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 hertz, which is similar to the natural vibration of the brain.

    At such a moment, any work of a mental nature simply becomes impossible, since there is a feeling that the head could “burst like a watermelon” at any moment. If the impact is not strong, then the ears simply ring and a feeling of nausea appears, vision deteriorates and the person succumbs to unaccountable fear.

    A sound that is of medium intensity can upset the digestive organs, the brain, cause paralysis, blindness and general weakness. Strong exposure damages or completely stops the heart.


    Electrostatic machines are commonly used in science classrooms to safely demonstrate electrical forces and high voltage phenomena. The increased potential differences achieved have also been used for a variety of practical applications such as X-ray tube operation, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, medical applications, food sterilization and nuclear physics experiments. Electrostatic generators such as the Van de Graaff generator, and variations such as the Pelletron, also find use in physics research.

    Electrostatic generators can be divided into two categories depending on how the charge is generated:

    • Friction machines use the triboelectric effect (electricity generated by contact or friction).
    • Influence machines use electrostatic induction.

    Friction machines [edit]


    A typical friction machine using a glass ball, common in the 18th century.

    Electrostatic generator by Martinus van Marum at the Theyler Museum

    The first electrostatic generators are called friction machines

    due to friction during the generation process. A primitive form of friction machine was invented by Otto von Guericke around 1663, using a sulfur ball that could be rotated and rubbed by hand. It may not have actually rotated during use and was not intended to produce electricity (rather cosmic virtues)[1], but it inspired many later machines that used spinning balls. Isaac Newton suggested using a glass ball instead of sulfur. [2] Around 1706, Francis Hoxby improved on the basic design, [3] with his electric friction machine, which allowed a glass sphere to be rapidly rotated against woolen cloth. [4]

    Oscillators were further developed when around 1730 Professor Georg Matthias Bose of Wittenberg added a collecting conductor (an insulated tube or cylinder supported by silk strings). Bose was the first to use in such machines a "primary conductor", consisting of an iron rod held in the hand of a person whose body was insulated while standing on a block of resin.

    In 1746, William Watson's machine had a large wheel turning several glass balls, with the sword and barrel suspended on silk cords as the main conductors. Johann Heinrich Winkler, professor of physics from Leipzig, replaced the arm with a leather pad. In 1746, Jan Ingenhouse invented electric machines made from sheet glass. [5] Experiments with the electric machine were greatly facilitated by the discovery of the Leyden jar. This early form of capacitor, with conductive coatings on either side of the glass, could store an electrical charge when connected to a source of electromotive force.

    The electric machine was soon improved by Andrew (Andreas) Gordon, a Scotsman and professor from Erfurt, who replaced the glass ball with a glass cylinder; and by Gissing of Leipzig, who added a "rubber" consisting of a cushion of woolen material. A commutator, consisting of a series of metal tips, was added to the machine by Benjamin Wilson around 1746, and in 1762, John Canton of England (also the inventor of the first cork ball electroscope) improved the efficiency of electrical machines by spraying. tin amalgam on rubber surface. [6] In 1768, Jesse Ramsden designed a widely used version of the plate electric generator. [ clarification required


    In 1783, the Dutch scientist Martin van Marum from Haarlem constructed a large high-quality electrostatic machine with glass disks with a diameter of 1.65 meters for his experiments. Capable of producing voltage of any polarity, it was built under his direction by John Cuthbertson of Amsterdam the following year. The generator is currently on display at the Teiler Museum in Haarlem.

    In 1785, N. Rowland designed a machine with a silk belt that rubbed two grounded tubes covered with hare hair. Edward Nairn developed an electrostatic generator for medical purposes in 1787 that could generate both positive and negative electricity, the former collected from a main conductor carrying collection points and the latter from another main conductor carrying a friction pad. Winter of cars [ explaining the need

    ] had higher efficiency than previous friction machines.

    In the 1830s, Georg Ohm possessed a machine similar to Van Marum's for his research (which is now in the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany). In 1840, the Woodward machine was developed by improving the 1768 Ramsden machine by placing the main conductor over the disk(s). Also in 1840, the Armstrong hydroelectric power plant was developed, using steam as a charge carrier.

    Friction operation[edit]

    The presence of an imbalance of surface charges means that objects will exhibit attractive or repulsive forces. This imbalance of surface charges, which results in static electricity, can be created by bringing two different surfaces into contact with each other and then separating them due to the phenomenon of the triboelectric effect. The friction of two non-conductive objects creates large amounts of static electricity. This is not the result of friction; two non-conducting surfaces can become charged if they are simply placed on top of each other. Since most surfaces have a rough texture, contact charging takes longer than friction charging. Rubbing objects against each other increases the adhesive contact between two surfaces. Typically, insulators, for example, substances that do not conduct electricity, are capable of both generating and retaining a surface charge. Some examples of these substances are rubber, plastic, glass and cork. Touching conductive objects also create a charge imbalance, but only retain charge if isolated. The charge that is transferred during contact electrification is stored on the surface of each object. Please note that the presence of electrical current does not reduce electrostatic forces, sparking, corona, or other phenomena. Both phenomena can exist simultaneously in the same system.

    Machines of influence[edit]


    Friction machines were gradually replaced over time by the second class of tools mentioned above, namely influence machines.

    They operate by electrostatic induction and convert mechanical work into electrostatic energy using a small initial charge that is continually replenished and amplified. The first inspirational influence of the machine seems to have grown out of the invention of Volta's electrophores
    . An electrophore is a single-plate capacitor used to create an imbalance of electrical charge in the process of electrostatic induction.

    The next step was when Abraham Bennett, inventor of the gold leaf electroscope, described an " electricity doubler"

    " (Phil. Trans., 1787) as a device similar to an electrophore, but which could amplify a small charge by repeated manual operations on three insulated plates, so that it could be observed in an electroscope. Erasmus Darwin, W. Wilson, G. C. Bonenberger and (later, 1841) J. C. Peclet developed various modifications of Bennett's device. Francis Ronalds automated the generation process in 1816 by using a pendulum swing as one of the plates driven by a clockwork or steam engine to power his electric telegraph. [7][8] In 1788, William Nicholson proposed his rotating doubler, which can be considered the first rotating influence machine. His instrument was described as "an instrument which, by turning a winch, produces two states of electricity without friction or connection with the earth." (Phil. Trans., 1788, p. 403) Nicholson later described the "rotating condenser" apparatus as the best instrument for measurement.

    Others, including T. Cavallo (who developed the "Cavallo multiplier", a charge multiplier using simple addition, in 1795), John Reed, Charles Bernard Desormes and Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette, developed various forms of rotary doublers. In 1798, German scientist and preacher Gottlieb Christoph Bonenberger described the Bonenberger machine along with several other duplicates of the Bennett and Nicholson types in a book. The most interesting of them are described in Annalen der Physik (1801). Giuseppe Belli in 1831 developed a simple symmetrical doubler, which consisted of two curved metal plates, between which a pair of plates rotated on an insulating rod. It was the first symmetrical influence machine, with identical designs for both terminals. This apparatus was reinvented several times: by C. F. Varley, who patented a high power version in 1860, by Lord Kelvin ("refiller") in 1868, and by A. D. Moore ("dirod"), more recently . Lord Kelvin also invented a combined impact machine and electromagnetic machine, commonly called a mouse mill, for electrifying ink in conjunction with his siphon recorder and water drop electrostatic generator (1867), which he called the " waterfall condenser"


    Goltz's machine[edit]

    Holtz Influence Machine

    Between 1864 and 1880, WTB Holtz constructed and described a large number of influence machines, which were considered the most advanced developments of the time. In one variant, Holtz's machine consisted of a glass disk mounted on a horizontal axis, which could be rotated at considerable speed by a multiplying mechanism interacting with induction plates mounted in a stationary disk next to it. In 1865, Augustus J. I. Topler developed an influence machine, which consisted of two disks mounted on the same shaft and rotating in the same direction. In 1868, Shvedov's machine had a curious design to increase the output current. Also in 1868, several mixed friction machines were developed, including the Kundt machine and the Carré machine. In 1866 the Piche machine (or Bertsch machine) was developed. In 1869, H. Julius Smith received an American patent for a portable and sealed device designed to ignite gunpowder. Also in 1869, Poggendorff investigated sectorless machines in Germany.

    The action and effectiveness of influence machines was studied by F. Rossetti, A. Righi and Friedrich Kohlrausch. EEN Mascart, A. Roiti and E. Bouchotte also investigated the efficiency and current-generating power of influencing machines. In 1871, Musey researched sectorless machines. In 1872, the Rigi electrometer was developed, which became one of the early predecessors of the Van de Graaff generator. In 1873, Leiser developed the Leiser machine, a variation of the Holtz machine. In 1880, Robert Voss (a Berlin instrument maker) invented a form of machine in which he claimed that Toepler's and Holtz's principles were combined. The same design also became known as the Topler-Holtz


    Whimshurst's machine[edit]

    Main article: Whimshurst Machine

    Whimshurst's little machine

    In 1878, British inventor James Wimshurst began his research into electrostatic generators by improving the Holtz machine into a powerful multi-disc version. The classic Wimshurst machine, which became the most popular form of influence machine, was introduced to the scientific community by 1883, although previous machines with a very similar structure had been described earlier by Holtz and Musaeus. In 1885, one of Wimshurst's largest machines was built in England (it is now in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry). The Wimshurst machine is a fairly simple machine; it operates, like all influencing machines, by electrostatic induction of charges, which means that it uses even the slightest existing charge to create and store more charges, and repeats this process while the machine is in operation. Wimshurst machines consist of: two insulated discs attached to counter-rotating pulleys, the discs having small conductive (usually metal) plates on their outward facing sides; two double-sided brushes that serve as charge stabilizers and are also where induction occurs, creating new charges to be collected; two pairs of collecting combs, which, as the name suggests, are collectors of the electrical charge generated by the machine; two Leyden jars, machine capacitors; a pair of electrodes to transfer charges after they have been sufficiently accumulated. The simple design and components of the Whimshurst machine make it a common choice for homemade electrostatic experiment or demonstration, these characteristics were factors that contributed to its popularity, as mentioned earlier.[9]

    In 1887, Weinhold modified Leiser's machine with an inductor system of vertical metal rods with wooden cylinders placed close to the disk to avoid polarity reversal. M. L. Lebiez described the Lebiez machine, which was essentially a simplified Voss machine ( L'Électricien

    , April 1895, pp. 225–227). In 1893, Bonetti patented a machine with the structure of a Wimshurst machine, but without the metal sectors on the disks. [10] [11] This machine is significantly more powerful than the split version, but usually needs to be run using an external charge.

    Pidgeon Machine[edit]

    In 1898 the Pidgeon machine was developed with the unique WR Pidgeon setup. On October 28 of that year, Pidgeon presented this machine to the Physical Society after several years of research into influence machines (beginning at the beginning of the decade). The device was later published in Philosophical Magazine

    (December 1898, p. 564) and in
    the Electrical Review
    (Vol. XLV, p. 748). The Pidgeon machine is equipped with fixed inductors arranged in such a way as to enhance the effect of electrostatic induction (and its electrical output is at least twice that of typical machines of this type [except in cases of overvoltage]). The significant features of the Pidgeon machine are, firstly, the combination of a rotating support and a stationary support for creating the charge, and, secondly, improved insulation of all parts of the machine (but especially the load-bearing parts of the generator). Pidgeon machines are a combination of a Wimshurst machine and a Voss machine with special features tailored to reduce the amount of charge leakage. Pidgeon machines excite themselves more readily than the best machines of their type. In addition, Pidgeon investigated more modern "triplex" (or "double machines with one central disk") machines with closed sectors (and received British Patent 22517 (1899) for this type of machine).

    Multi-disc machines and "triplex" electrostatic machines (generators with three discs) were also widely developed around the turn of the 20th century. In 1900, F. Tudsbury discovered that by enclosing a generator in a metal chamber containing compressed air, or better yet, carbon dioxide, the insulating properties of the compressed gases allowed a greatly improved effect to be obtained by increasing the breakdown voltage of the compressed gases. gas, as well as reducing leakage through plates and insulating supports. In 1903, Alfred Versen patented a rotating ebonite disk containing embedded sectors with push-button contacts on the surface of the disk. In 1907, Heinrich Wommelsdorf reported a modification of the Holtz machine using this disk and inductors built into celluloid plates (DE154175; "Versen machine"). Wommelsdorf also developed several powerful electrostatic generators, the most famous of which were his "Capacitor Machines" (1920). These were single-disk machines using disks with embedded sectors that were accessed along the edges.

    Modern electrostatic generators[edit]

    Electrostatic generators have played a fundamental role in studies of the structure of matter since the late 19th century. By the 1920s, it became obvious that machines capable of producing more voltage were needed.

    Van de Graaff[edit]

    Main article: Van de Graaff generator

    The Van de Graaff generator was invented by American physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff in 1929 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a particle accelerator. [12] The first model was demonstrated in October 1929. In a Van de Graa machine, insulating tape carries the electrical charge inside an insulated hollow metal high voltage terminal, where it is transferred to the terminal by "comb" metal dots. The advantage of the design was that since there was no electric field inside the terminal, the charge on the belt could continue to discharge into the terminal no matter how high the terminal voltage was. Thus, the only voltage limitation on the machine is the ionization of the air near the terminal. This occurs when the electric field at the terminal exceeds the dielectric strength of air, approximately 30 kV per centimeter. Since the greatest electric field is created at the sharp ends and edges, the terminal is designed in the form of a smooth hollow sphere; the larger the diameter, the higher the voltage achieved. The first machine used silk ribbon, bought at a five-cent store, as a belt to carry the charge. In 1931, a patent disclosure described a version capable of producing 1,000,000 volts.

    The Van de Graaff generator was a successful particle accelerator, producing the highest energies until the late 1930s, when it was replaced by the cyclotron. The voltage on open Van de Graaff machines is limited to a few million volts due to air breakdown. Higher voltages, up to approximately 25 megavolts, were achieved by placing the generator in a tank of pressurized insulating gas. This type of Van de Graaff particle accelerator is still used in medicine and research. Other variants have been invented for physics research, such as the Pelletron, which uses a circuit with alternating insulating and conducting links to transfer charge.

    Small Van de Graaff generators are commonly used in science museums and in the natural sciences to demonstrate the principles of static electricity. A popular demonstration is for a person to touch a high-voltage terminal while standing on an insulated pole; the high voltage charges a person's hair, causing strands to protrude from the scalp.


    The EWICON electrostatic wind energy converter was developed by the School of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). It stands next to the architecture firm Mecanoo. The main developers were Johan Smith and Dhiraj Jairam. Other than the wind, it has no moving parts. It is driven by wind, which carries charged particles away from its collector. [13] The design suffers from low efficiency. [14]

    Dutch wind wheel[edit]

    The technology developed for EWICON was reused in the Dutch Windwheel. [15] [16]

    The essence of the electrophore machine

    Assembling the Wimshurst machine

    In this video tutorial we will assemble an electrophore machine, which is a static electricity generator. At the beginning, general questions about the purpose and design of this machine are discussed, then all the steps for making it yourself are shown in detail.

    Check out the selection of hand generators at this Chinese store.

    What is an electrophore machine?

    The device consists of a base on which its parts are attached. It also includes two racks with axles on which two disks with a metallized coating are mounted. There are also two Leyden jars, which are essentially capacitors or stores of charged particles. Dischargers, which function as the charge of the capacitors accumulate, remove charged particles from the front and rear sides of the disks. The discs are driven by a belt drive. We turn the handle and due to this, the disks rotate.

    The first static electricity generators were simultaneously invented in Germany at the same time by August Toepler and, independently of him, by Wilhelm Goltz. The operating principle of an electrophore machine. As the disks rotate relative to each other in opposite directions, they create positive and negative charges. As the disks rotate, as charges accumulate, a discharge occurs.

    The authors of the video decided to make this machine, which can be repeated with your own hands in normal home conditions. There are several examples on websites on the Internet of creating such a generator, but this design will have an engine.

    First, drawings of the future machine were made. First of all, the disk parameters were calculated. After the preliminary work was done, we began to create the device.

    Main details

    The machine will consist of the following elements. These are 2 disks that will rotate in opposite directions, they will be made from CDs. Two motors from a computer cooler that will drive them. The disk will be glued with double-sided tape to the motor rotor. The engine itself is attached to the rack. The stands will be made of plexiglass. Leyden jars will also be used. This is an empty metal container from which there is one contact, then a polystyrene dielectric and a brass contact.

    Manufacturing of electrophore machine

    First you need to remove the coating from the disk to get a transparent blank. To do this we use a stationery knife. To create a working disk, you need sketches, they are made on a computer. The petal template can be made from a suitable material; a bank card is good for this.

    Now, using the template, we begin marking on the tape. We attach the template and cut out all the necessary fragments. A total of 20 petals were cut out onto one disk. There should be 20 sections. The angle between the two petals is 18 degrees. Marking is done using a regular checkered sheet and a protractor. Now we place the disk exactly in the middle of the coordinates, using a knife or awl to make notches of 18 degrees. Glue the petals according to the lines. The second disc was made in exact analogy with the first disc. It has been machined to provide clearance.

    Remove the yellow wire from the motor. We cut off the stiffeners so that the engine can be disconnected. Some space must be left for mounting holes.

    Advanced science and devices[edit]

    These generators have been used, sometimes inappropriately and with some controversy, to support various fringe scientific research. In 1911, George Samuel Piggott received a patent for a compact double machine, enclosed in a sealed box, for his experiments in radiotelegraphy and "anti-gravity". Much later (in the 1960s), a machine known as the "Testatika" was built by the German engineer Paul Suisse Baumann and promoted by the Swiss community Methernithans. Testatika is an electromagnetic generator based on the 1898 Pidgeon electrostatic machine that claims to produce "free energy" available directly from the environment.

    Neighbors are doing renovations

    All repair work is a separate topic. When carrying out work using a drill, a person honestly thinks that he is not doing anything wrong, since it is working time, and therefore the law is not being violated.

    But in some cases, this kind of noise can disturb an old woman who has a migraine and wake up a small child. In this case, you cannot complain, since the law has not actually been broken.

    If the person is well-mannered, then you can independently decide on the time for him to carry out the noisiest repair work, which will give you the opportunity to go for a walk with your child during this period of time or not to go to bed at this time, but simply reschedule it.


    1. Cm .:
      • Heathcote, N. H. de V. (1950) "Guericke's ball of sulfur", Annals of Science
        : 293-305. DOI: 10.1080/00033795000201981

      • Zeitler
        Schwefelkugel", Monumenta Guerickiana 20/21 : 147-156.

    2. Schiffer, Michael Bryan (2003). Draw the Lightning: Benjamin Franklin and Electrical Technology in the Age of Enlightenment. Univ. California Press. pp. 18 -19. ISBN 0-520-24829-5.
    3. Optics, 8th request
    4. Hauksbee, Francis (1709). Psychomechanical experiments on various objects
      . R. Brugis.
    5. Pumfrey, Stephen (May 2009). "Hawkesby, Francis (b. 1660, d. 1713)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
      (online ed.). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093 / ref: odnb / 12618. Retrieved December 11, 2011. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
    6. Consult Dr. Carpue's Introduction "to Electricity and Galvanism", London 1803.
    7. Mawer, William, Jr.: "Electricity, Its History and Progress", Encyclopedia Americana; Library of Universal Knowledge, vol. X, pp. 172 ff. (1918). New York: Encyclopedia Americana Corp.
    8. Ronalds, B. F. (2016). Sir Francis Ronalds: Father of the Electric Telegraph
      . London: Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-78326-917-4.
    9. Ronalds, B. F. (2016). "Sir Francis Ronalds and the Electric Telegraph". Int. J. For the History of Engineering and Technology
      : 42–55. DOI: 10.1080/17581206.2015.1119481.
    10. De Queiroz, A. S (2014). "The Operation of the Wimshurst Machine".
      • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010). "MIT Physics Demonstration - Wimshurst Machine".
      • Weisstein, E. W. (1996–2007). "The Wimshurst machine - from the world of physics by Eric Weisstein".

    11. Von Slatt, J (2012). “Jake Wimshurst's car and how to build it! (Part 1)" .
    12. Bonetti, “Une machine électrostatique, genre Wimshurst, chopped secteurs et invisible” [Electrostatic machines of the Wimshurst type, without visible sectors], French patent no. 232,623 (issued September 5, 1893). See: Description of machines and processes for lectures on inventions ont été pris
      ... (Description of machines and processes for which invention patents have been obtained...), 2nd series, vol. 87, part 2 (1893), section: Instruments de précision: Production et transport de l'électricité, p. 87.
    13. See also:
      • (Anon.) (April 14, 1894) "Machines d'induction électrostatique sans secteurs" (Electrostatic induction machines without sectors), La Nature
        (1089): 305-306.
      • English translation of the La Nature
        (see above): (Anon.) (26 May 1894) "Electrostatic Induction Machines Without Sectors",
        Scientific American
        (21): 325-326.

    14. CM. Keenan (August 1897) "Wimshurst Sectorless Machines", American Electrician
      (8): 316-317.
    15. Assembly instructions for the Bonetti machine
    16. G. Pellissier (1891) "Theory of the Wimshurst machine" (Theory of the Wimshurt machine), Journal de Physique théoretique et appliquée
      , 2nd series,
      (1): 414-419.
      On page 418, French lighting engineer Georges Pellissier describes what is essentially a Bonetti machine: “ ...la machine de Wimshurst pourrait, en effet, être construite avec des plateaus de verre unis et des peignes au leu de brosses aux extrémités des diamétraux.
      L'amorçage. au départ devrait être fait à l'aide d'une source étrangère, placée, par example, en face de A 1, à l'extérieur. "(... A Wimshurst machine, in fact, can be constructed from simple glass plates and with combs instead of brushes at the ends of the diametral conductors. The initial charging can be carried out using an external source located, for example, opposite and outside [section] A 1 [glass disk].) Pellissier then states that "the role of the metal sectors of the Wimshurst machine seems primarily to be to facilitate its automatic starting and to reduce the influence of atmospheric humidity."
    17. Van de Graaff, RJ; Compton, K.T.; Van Atta, L. C. (February 1933). "High Voltage Electrostatic Generation for Nuclear Research" (PDF). Physical Review
      American Physical Society. 43
      (3): 149–157. Authorization code: 1933PhRv…43..149V. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRev.43.149. Retrieved August 31, 2015.
    18. landartgenerator (April 13, 2013). "EWICON (Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter)". landartgenerator.org
      . Retrieved February 26, 2015.
    19. How long should we wait for a bladeless windmill?
    20. Dutch Windwheel 2.0: Herontwerp zonder windenergie?
    21. Dutch wind wheel

    DIY electrostatic generator

    How to clean a dishwasher at home: cleaning tips

    The operating principle of a static electricity generator (also called electrophore machines) is that the disks rotate relative to each other in opposite directions and create positive and negative charges. When the disks rotate, as charges accumulate, a discharge occurs—lightning between the electrodes.

    How it works - theory

    The rotation of disks with metal sectors leads to the transfer of electrical charge inside the machine, which is stored in capacitors until a spark or leakage charge occurs.

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    The neutralizer does the following: it drags the charge from one half of the disk to the other and the disk is not just charged, but selectively charged - not over the entire plane.

    In other words, the disk collects charges from the air, and the neutralizers redistribute them. The charge is removed by the brush, moves along the conductor to the opposite brush, and at the moment when a segment of the second disk appears opposite the segment, it jumps to it.

    Next, this segment approaches the brush of the second neutralizer and the process is repeated, but on another disk. Thus, a circulation of charges occurs between the disks, during which the air between the segments is ionized and separated. As a result of pumping, the voltage increases; in addition, the machine has the effect of moving the capacitor plates apart, which also helps to increase the voltage.

    A miniature device for creating such harmless lightning (but not for microelectronics) is easy to make with your own hands.

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    This electrostatic generator is capable of generating over 20,000 volts, but the low current makes it safe to use without special precautions.

    Device characteristics

    • Height: about 140mm
    • Width: approximately 120 mm
    • Power: 3V 0.3A
    • Static charge: 20 kV
    • Disc diameter: 120 mm

    There is no need to turn anything by hand (as was the case in the prototype of the century before last) - everything is done by 2 electric motors. Just press the power button and wait a while until the charge accumulates on the electrodes.

    Materials and components

    You will need for installation: a soldering iron and solder, a screwdriver and pliers. Two motors from old CD players and all sorts of small fastenings.

    The generator runs on two AA batteries and is capable of creating discharges 2 cm long. The most difficult thing here is the 120 mm discs. They need to be made according to this principle: take two laser discs from a CD or DVD. Glue the segments with aluminum tape (25 sectors). Glue the discs to the motors. Make brushes from aluminum strips.

    If everything is done and configured as necessary, the spark will reach a size of about 20 mm, and the discharge will strike every 0.5 seconds.

    Further reading[edit]

    • Gottlieb Christoph Bohnenberger [de]: Beschreibung unterschiedlicher Elektrizitätsverdoppler von einer neuen Einrichtung nebst einer Anzahl von Versuchen üb. verschiedene Gegenstände d. Elektrizitätslehre [Description of the various electricity doublers of the new device, along with a number of experiments with various objects of electricity] Tübingen 1798.
    • Holtz, W. (1865). "Ueber eine neue Elektrisirmaschine" [About the new electric machine]. Annalen der Physik und Chemie
      (in German).
      Wiley. 202
      (9):157–171. DOI: 10.1002/andp.18652020911. ISSN 0003-3804.
    • Wilhelm Holtz: higher charge of insulating surfaces due to lateral tension and transfer of this principle to the design of induction machines. In: Johann Poggendorff, K.G. Barth (ed.): Annals of Physics and Chemistry. 130, Leipzig 1867, pp. 128 - 136
    • Wilhelm Holtz: Influence machine. In: F. Poske (ed.): Annals of Physics and Chemistry. Julius Springer, Berlin 1904 (seventeenth year, fourth edition).
    • O. Lehmann: Physical technique of Dr. J. Frick. 2, Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig 1909, p. 797 (Section 2).
    • F. Poske: New forms of machines of influence.. In: F. Poske (ed.) For physical and chemical education. Julius Springer magazine, Berlin 1893 (seventh year, second issue).
    • Stong, "Electrostatic motors are powered by the Earth's electric field." October 1974 (PDF)
    • Oleg D. Efimenko. " Electrostatic Motors: History, Types and Operating Principles
      ". Electret Scientific, Star City, 1973.
    • G. W. Francis (author) and Oleg D. Efimenko (editor), " Electrostatic Experiments: An Encyclopedia of Early Electrostatic Experiments, Demonstrations, Devices and Apparatus
      ." Electret scientific, Star City, 2005.
    • W. E. Johnson, " Modern High Speed ​​Impact Machines;
      their principles, design and applications in radiography, radiotelegraphy, spark photography, electroculture, electrotherapy, high voltage gas ignition and materials testing ." ISBN B0000EFPCO
    • Simon, Alfred W. (November 1, 1924). "A quantitative theory of the influence of an electrostatic generator". Physical Review
      American Physical Society (APS). 24
      (6):690–696. DOI: 10.1103/Physrev.24.690. ISSN 0031-899X. PMC 1085669. PMID 16576822.
    • J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise of Electricity and Magnetism (2nd ed., Oxford, 1881), vol. ip 294
    • Joseph David Everett, Electricity
      (an expansion of Part III of Augustin Privat-Deschanel's Natural Philosophy) (London, 1901), ch. iv. paragraph 20
    • A. Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik (Breslau, 1905), vol. iv. pp. 50–58 (contains a large number of links to original articles).
    • J. Gray, " Electrical Impact Machines, Their Historical Development and Modern Forms [with Instructions for Making Them]
      " (London, 1903). (JAF)
    • Sylvanus P. Thompson, Nicholson's Influence Machine-1788–1888, Journ. Soc. Tel. Eng., 1888, 17, p. 569
    • John Munro, History of Electricity (The Project Gutenberg Etext)
    • HELL. Moore (ed.), Electrostatics and Its Applications
      . Wiley, New York, 1973.
    • Oleg Dmitrievich Efimenko (together with D.K. Walker), “ Electrostatic motors
      ”. Phys. Learn. 9, 121–129 (1971).
    • Pidgeon, W. R. (1892). "The Influence Machine". Proceedings of the London Physical Society
      IOP Publishing. 12
      (1):406–411. DOI: 10.1088/1478-7814/12/1/327. ISSN 1478-7814.
    • Pidgeon, W. R. (1897). "Influence machine" Proceedings of the London Physical Society
      IOP Publishing. 16
      (1):253–257. DOI: 10.1088/1478-7814/16/1/330. ISSN 1478-7814.

    How will the request to the housing office affect?

    There is another authority to which you can file a complaint about particularly noisy upstairs neighbors who just want to annoy them. You should go there if there really are no illegal actions going on, which is rowdy behavior.

    For example, a dog is constantly barking somewhere, or there is simply loud music from the upstairs neighbor. In these cases, it is permissible to contact the housing department. As a rule, employees of such an institution say that it is possible to conduct some kind of conversation, but it is not a fact that an apartment will be opened for them. So it's easier to call the police.

    However, the police officers are not in a hurry to help, since their exit position is set up only for illegal actions, and loud music is the work of the housing department. And when the circle is closed, you should think about alternative methods.

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