Fishing rod for winter: a practical guide to making it yourself

The best models for winter fishing

How does it work?

There is no exact data, but it is officially accepted that the founder of electrofishing is the German scientist Alfred Schoenfeld, who in the mid-thirties of the last century published an article in a fishing magazine entitled “Fishing with electricity.”
In 1940, German biophysicists Humborg and Schiemenz proposed the use of electrofishing in industrial fishing, and in 1941 the first scientific work of these same authors appeared, in which they tried for the first time to consider the phenomena of electrotaxis (movement under the influence of electric current) and electronarcosis in fish.

Electric fishing rod

Today, fishing with electric rods is becoming widespread. The results immediately affected the ecological state of reservoirs. A huge number of fish die after being electrocuted; electric poachers are not able to capitalize all the fish they kill. Underwater hunters talk about multi-meter ribbons of dead fish covering the bottom of reservoirs, which they hunted with an electric fishing rod.

There is also an opinion that the fish uses its brain to orient itself to the direction of movement of the anodes. From a scientific point of view, most cold-blooded animals (amphibians, fish, cyclostomes, etc.), when exposed to direct current, reflexively try to leave the electric field. If the field is not strong, they can “get out” of it with almost no losses.

In our country, unfortunately, little research has been carried out on this issue, but foreign ichthyologists have been dealing with the problem of reproduction of fish stocks after the effects of electric shock for many years, and there is scientific data confirming the undeniable harm of electric shock on the reproduction of living organisms (and not only cold-blooded fish, but also for beavers, otters, etc.).

Most of the research in this direction was carried out on salmon fish, but American pike perch, carp, pike, and fish of many other species were also objects of observation. For example, a correlation was studied on American pike perch: exposure to electricity - mortality of eggs. Compared to the control group, egg mortality increased by almost 65%.

There are many ways to catch trout. Today we’ll look at catching this rather rare fish using a float rod.

Trout is caught throughout the open water season, in places with a calm current - in holes below waterfalls and rapids, in holes behind large stones, under branches hanging over the water.

The best time of day for fishing in sunny weather is morning and evening, and in cloudy weather - with a slight wind.

Since trout is a very strong fish and reaches impressive sizes, durable tackle is needed.

A small piece of meat, small worms, beetle or caddis larvae are used as bait.

The bait is thrown into a fast current, with the expectation that it will be carried to the intended fishing spot. When casting, you should try to create the least amount of noise.

After catching a trout, you should leave the fishing spot for a while and move to another until the fish calms down in this area of ​​the reservoir.

Did you know? In California, at the end of the last century, the largest sturgeon was caught - it weighed more than 200 kg.


Electric fishing rod series No. 3 has the following advantages:

  • auto-hook with angler-adjustable delay;
  • sound and light bite alarm;
  • automatic fishing line rewind;
  • electronic depth meter.

The model is equipped with a liquid crystal display.


This electronic ice fishing rod is different:

  • ease of fishing line winding;
  • LED screen;
  • information about modes and parameters displayed on the display;
  • data on the frequency of oscillations, the sensitivity of the bite informant, the immersion depth of the jig, the air temperature, which are also displayed on the screen.

All indicators and options are installed and configured manually.

A convenient device for signaling the bite process, which can be purchased in specialty stores, is popular among winter fishing enthusiasts. A homemade option can be the simplest, and with a well-thought-out scheme. An electronic fishing rod is a useful tool. It creates a stable vibration, informs the fisherman about the process, and attracts fish. If you use several tackles in different holes at once, the bite alarm will be especially useful to you.

Popular electronic models

Today, in specialized retail outlets you can find a wide variety of effective electronic fishing rods, which have earned a lot of positive reviews and managed to impress even the most demanding anglers. Popular models include:

  1. "Super fisherman"
  2. "Fishmagnet-2 Lux".
  3. "Olka."
  4. "Luck-4"

And now about each tackle in more detail.

The “Super Fisherman” or “Fishmagnet-2” model is one of the very first electronic fishing rods that is equipped with a folding leg. They are capable of working with 8 operating modes at once, which provides convenient adjustment of the bait’s playing style depending on the fishing conditions.

Three buttons are used for control, which means that even a beginner can figure out the gear without much difficulty. The key advantage of the device is the presence of an energy-saving system that can automatically turn off the device after two hours of operation. The manufacturer has combined 5 factory operating modes and three manual ones, where the fisherman can make changes for himself. You can buy such gear for 3 thousand rubles.

“FishMagnet-2 Lux” is an improved version of “Super Fisherman”, which contains an LED display and a number of additional sensors that allow you to determine the current immersion depth of the bait, the ambient temperature, as well as a number of other important indicators.

According to the manufacturers, the tackle is capable of working properly at temperatures down to -40 degrees Celsius, so it is suitable for fishing in the most extreme climatic conditions. Such a purchase will cost the lucky buyer 4 thousand rubles.

"Olka" is a unique electronic fishing rod that is produced in Ukraine. It is distinguished by the presence of a handle made of cork material, which lies particularly comfortably in the hand and does not slip or freeze in the cold. Another advantage of the model is its almost silent operation, which makes it more efficient than previous versions.

According to users, the tackle lasts about 5 days on one charge, while the permissible temperature is -16 degrees Celsius. The model costs 3.5 thousand rubles.

Answers from experts

Features of the design of the sliding table, made by hand
Vilor Chaga:

It’s simple, as Sergei V. answered, just one clarification, between the battery and the net you need to add a voltage converter, from 12V to 300-500V, and since it cannot be more powerful than 250-300W (with more power there will be too much current consumed from the battery, and it becomes difficult to switch it), then a storage capacitor and a pulse generator are installed at the output of the converter to adjust the discharge frequency.

Sergey Vereshchagin:

The electric fishing rod consists of a battery, a switch and a net with a metal rim. The battery is connected by an electrical wire to the metal rim of the net. The principle of operation is such that when you lower the net into the water, turn on the electricity supply to it, then all the fish, temporarily paralyzed, float up within a radius of 2-3 meters from the rim of the net, which is in the water. All that remains is to collect it with this net and load it into the boat.

PS This is how my father fished 15 years ago, maybe something has changed now.

Dmitry Zhiltsov:

When he hits the fish, part of it floats to the top and the other half goes down…. after a while it may acclimate, but after that it is not capable of reproducing... you need to be slapped on the wrist for this...

Nifantiev Igor:

It's like a stun gun, but in water. High voltage discharge.


poacher's fishing tool - a fishing rod on the hook of which about 50-80 kV is supplied, which is where the fish is spudded and it is enough to collect it. and it is prohibited mainly because of the large number of dying fish (mainly fry and juveniles). Well, with poor insulation it is not always safe for the fisherman...


Hello guys, I want to ask 1 question... how does the Samus 725MP work on a pond for carp and catfish? thanks in advance


Instructions on how to make an electric fishing rod at home:————————————————————————————————

► p-lab /publ/1-1-0-20

►► .kakprosto /kak-13787-kak-sdelat-elektroudochku

Design and principle of operation of an electric fishing rod

Poaching gear includes in its design a net that acts as an anode and a cathode wire that is lowered into the water. In addition, there is an electronic unit that serves as a source of energy to which all involved elements are connected. With the help of an electric fishing rod, the catch can be obtained both from the shore and from a boat.

How to fish with an electric fishing rod? There's nothing complicated about it. First, an element with a cathode is lowered into the reservoir, then the anode, which activates the power for a few seconds. Fish, stunned by the electric charge, float to the surface and end up in poachers' cages. The range of action of a standard sample of this gear is about four meters. Using this method, it is quite possible to catch kilograms of fish in a few minutes. However, the damage to nature will be much worse than the profit to humans.

What are the risks of using electric pens?

Ts4352 schematic diagram

In Russia, special attention is not paid to this problem. But foreign ichthyologists clearly realized

But foreign ichthyologists clearly realized this.

Replenishing fish stocks after electrocution is not the only problem.

Other residents, such as beavers, otters and other warm-blooded animals that live in or near the body of water, are harmed by such fishing.

Damaged eggs have a reduced ability to fertilize and amount to more than 60%.

Consequently, the population is degenerating very slowly.

With repeated exposure to electricity, it dies completely.

This problem is especially relevant for small reservoirs and creeks.

With this gear you can kill fish in just a couple of seasons.

In addition, representatives of river fauna, after meeting even the simplest electrofluxes, lose their appetite, disrupt their metabolism and cause genetic mutations.

Not long ago we talked about this in our telegram channel.

Features of winter fishing for pike perch

No matter how much you want it, winter pike perch fishing cannot always be successful. During the so-called dry winter period, which lasts about a month, it is difficult to catch this predator. The rest of the time, everything is in the hands of fishermen, who need to take into account the following features of pike perch fishing:

Read more…
  • during the active period, pike perch constantly migrates, so it needs to be actively fed;

long fishing in one place does not bring success, you have to move from time to time, like the fish, drilling new holes; even the most active bite can stop at any moment due to a change in the tastes of pike perch.

This is surprising, but even with access to food, the pike perch will not stand still and be content with what it finds. In his genes lies the desire to survive and the desire to swim in search of food, without stopping. As is typical for many predators, pike perch gives a good bite during the first and last ice, showing a brutal appetite, but weather conditions must be taken into account. Winter fishing for pike perch on the first ice will not be successful if a strong wind, especially from the north, blows. When there is a snowstorm outside, you don’t even have to go to the river for pike perch. Light frost and calm weather are ideal conditions for catching this fish. As for the time frame, the ideal periods are from 6 to 11 am and from 15 to 20 pm. In deep winter, it is recommended to start fishing for pike perch a little later - from 7-8 am.

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Features of the impact on fish.

Tl494cn: connection diagram, description in Russian, converter circuit

Find out how an electric fishing rod works?

There are several interpretations of this cunning instrument.

The reaction of the central nervous system of fish to electrical current signals in water, which is an excellent conductor.

Impact on the brain of fish that move in the direction of the anode impulses.

A reflexive reaction that causes a potential catch to follow a given path, as if under hypnosis.

According to experts, such fishing deprives the offspring (fry) of the opportunity for further reproduction.

For example, ichthyologists from the USA studied the effect of electric current on the eggs and juveniles of salmon species.

As a result, voltage can be considered dangerous from 90 V, and in some electrolytes it reaches 1500 V.

The death of eggs in such cases exceeds the figure by 65%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of such baits include:

  • Design of electronic bait No time spent on the preliminary preparatory process before fishing. There is no need to waste precious time on boiling flour, porridge and grinding bread. All you have to do is grab the device.
  • Electronic type baits have a wider range of effects than other types. When fishing in small bodies of water (ponds, stakes), the fish hears sound frequencies from any part of the water area.
  • Ordinary bait mixtures are aimed at stimulating the appetite of the inhabitants of the reservoir, while the electronic device is set in any mode of interest at the moment - mechanical vibrations, acoustic, light and electromagnetic.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • high cost of the device;
  • periodic appearance of rust in the contact area;
  • There are a large number of counterfeit products on the market that do not give such positive results.

Features of assembling different types of gear

Let's consider the features of assembling gear designed to solve various problems.

For jig

When making a winter fishing rod intended for jig fishing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The nod should be very sensitive. Since peaceful fish usually take the jig, the bite is not always clearly visible (this often happens with roach and bream). A sensitive nod signals it perfectly.
  • The whip must be hard. This allows you to quickly and sharply hook a fish that takes the jig. In addition, a rigid rod helps make the jig game more varied and more realistic.
  • The entire structure should be lightweight. This is due to the fact that the fisherman constantly moves the tackle. This can cause fatigue if her weight is excessive.

The nod can be bought at a fishing store or made from electrical wire insulation of suitable thickness and flexibility.
Any reel can be installed. Here it does not play a fundamental role.

Nod for a summer fishing rod

For float fishing

A distinctive feature of winter float gear is a different type of bite alarm. Its role is played by a small float, not a nod. Unlike a jig fishing rod, the whip should be a little softer. This makes hooking more effective.

Also, the total weight of the structure is not important, since it is not driven by the fisherman.

For a better position on the snow near the hole, you can make legs. Typically, this structural element is created from a small piece of steel wire, which is wrapped around the base of the whip, making 2-3 turns.

Tackle for trolling

A distinctive feature of winter tackle for pike or pike perch, intended for trolling, is a more durable, rough design. Here a thicker fishing rod and handle and a massive reel are used. The nod should also be stronger. If it breaks when hooking, problems may arise when retrieving.

Homemade tackle for winter trolling must have increased strength. Important! There may be no nod at all on trolling tackle. Usually a sharp bite from a predator is perfectly felt without it. At the same time, the total mass of the tackle should not be large - after all, the spoon will have to constantly play during fishing

At the same time, the total mass of the tackle should not be large - after all, the spinner will have to constantly play during fishing.

For live bait fishing

The design of a fishing rod for live bait fishing is similar to that intended for trolling. However, in this case, there must be a nod in it - otherwise it will be impossible to recognize the bite in a timely manner and make a hook.


“Fire” is the simplest winter fishing rod. Its design is similar to that of a tackle with a reel. However, to wind the fishing line, they use slots in the handle, which is usually made of wood.

“Fire” is the simplest version of a winter fishing rod, which is easy to make at home

The disadvantage of the “filly” is that it is inconvenient to release the line. It is very similar to a tackle with reels instead of a reel and has similar disadvantages.


It involves attaching a Shcherbakov nod - a coil combined with a light and sound bite alarm. When a fish takes the bait, the structure beeps and turns on the LED.

Observations of domestic ichthyologists

Regardless of the settings of electric fishing rods, their impact on the living world of reservoirs is approximately the same. As domestic scientists and volunteers note, after electrical shock, different species of fish behave anxiously and differently.

For example:

  1. Pike and most carp species are open-vesicles. They react sharply to even the slightest pulse of electric current - they fall to the side and, in such an uncomfortable position, try to sink to the bottom.
  2. Mykiss, grayling, trout and similar species float to the surface, remaining there for a long period.
  3. The tench immediately goes into the depths, trying to hide in the mud; only the back part remains outside.
  4. The eel rushes about on the surface in fits of agony.
  5. The bream remains surprisingly calm, not actively reacting to the impulses sent.
  6. The pike perch behaves as if stunned by a stick.
  7. Ruffs and chubs “hang” at the top for quite a long time.
  8. Catfish and burbot come out of hiding and can stay on the surface for hours with their mouths wide open.


The peculiarities of this type of rod include the very process of vibration occurrence and its further mechanism of transmission to the bait supplied to the fishing zone. Thus, vibration movements can be created by the vibration of the nod, the body of the fishing rod or the vibration of the whip. These features affect the design of the device, so models from different manufacturers have serious differences both in appearance and in the principle of their operation. In addition, each brand provides the gear with functionality that differs from competitors, which has features in management, which, in principle, is not something extraordinary and is quickly mastered even by a novice fisherman.

Use of gear

Despite the identical principle of operation, the subtleties of setting up and operating the gear in real conditions may differ depending on the chosen model.

For most of these tools, the following operating instructions, created using the example of the “Luck” model, are suitable:

  1. So, the first thing you need to do is turn on the tackle by pressing the button that puts it into operating mode (as a rule, it is displayed with the designation “P”). In this case, long-pressing this button leads to a change in operating mode.
  2. On the opposite side of the panel there are also buttons that allow you to change the main functional parameters.
  3. If you select the constant oscillation mode, this will allow you to change their frequency per minute, but this eliminates the possibility of notifying about bites.
  4. If you switch the gear to constant rest mode, the vibration will be turned off, and it will be replaced by a notification of a bite that has occurred with light or sound.
  5. By selecting the variable oscillation mode, the angler can manually adjust the duration of the game and the resting state.
  6. All other functions are factory functions , as they were invented by the fishing rod manufacturer. According to many users, their presence turns fishing into an exciting and productive process.

Electric fishing rod diagrams - The principle of operation of an electric fishing rod. How to make an electric fishing rod with your own hands

Download link:. As you can see, a homemade winter electric fishing rod is easy to make and very interesting in its functionality. Radio Top 10 on Soft-Soft.

View full version : I'm talking about an electric fishing rod, I'd like the Calm, just calm scheme

This would get your attention. Yesterday I found on the Internet that in St. Petersburg they invented a device for detecting electrofishing back in 99

The site is designed for a wide range of readers who are interested in fishing. It presents practical diagrams of devices that will be useful to every amateur fisherman. If you are familiar with the basics of radio electronics, then you can make most of the above designs at home yourself. All the information necessary for this is available.

Found: 8, Output: Including: day off ; key ; electric fishing rods 6. A simple powerful current switch with a stabilized output voltage. Device diagrams are intended for informational purposes and in accordance with paragraph.

Anyone who has at least once tried to make a fishing device understands that the circuit of an electronic fishing rod is an indispensable assistant in its manufacture. In addition, this guarantees compliance with all technologies, which means that the resulting result will satisfy the needs to the maximum.

The main assembly of the fishing rod is based on a small electric magnet, which is made from a relay of the RKM or RES type. To be able to use it in our invention, you will need to remove all the plates in contact with the relay, leaving the return spring. The winding should also be redone, since the standard one will not work, and for greater efficiency, a new wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 0.41-0.44 mm should be used. Winding is carried out on the core of the electromagnet, therefore it is the main procedure, the implementation of which requires care and diligence.

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Next, a copper tube is soldered to the front of the pendulum. It is permissible to use a brass tube, but it must fit the diameter of the whip perfectly. The electrical circuit uses a variable resistor type SPO-0.15, a small capacitor with a capacity of up to 100 microfarads, transistors VT1 KTZ15 and resistors MLT-0.15.

Review of purchased fishing rods

Today on the fishing market, electronic fishing rods are represented by different models, which only differ in size, appearance and some settings. The schematic diagram of all products is the same. The quality of such fishing rods also varies, so you need to choose a specific model from trusted manufacturers and not chase very cheap options.

Some manufacturers make fishing rods that can withstand a wide range of temperatures, have a shockproof and waterproof body, and a good capacious battery. They cost a lot, though.

Of the well-known models of winter fishing rods, there is one that appeared relatively recently. Its distinctive feature is its compactness and lightness. The shape copies the “balalaika” that is familiar to many.

“Udacha-2” has a body made of durable foam plastic. It is moisture resistant and equipped with sealed control buttons. The set includes a special stand for easy placement on the ice. When supplied with a fishing rod, the product has positive buoyancy, so it will not sink if it suddenly falls into a hole.

There are three control buttons on the body:

  • turning on the fishing rod;
  • change in oscillation frequency and sensitivity of the alarm;
  • setting the mode with variable oscillations.

Inside the “Luck-2” body there is a plastic coil with a diameter of three centimeters. The gaps in the connection are minimal, so the line does not get tangled.

The “Luck-2” model has six programmed operating modes, which are adjusted to different frequencies and amplitudes of oscillations.

You can also fish with it while standing, adjusting the sensitivity of the alarm, and with intermittent play, alternating movements and stops of the jig.

Cyberdroch electronic fishing rods, which belong to the inexpensive segment, performed well. In appearance they resemble a classic fishing rod with a rectangular handle, a short whip and a small plastic reel.

All the “filling” is in the handle. Unlike “Luck-2”, this fishing rod requires careful handling. It should not be dropped into water or on ice. It is powered by two AA batteries, which is convenient and cheap. It operates in a fairly high frequency range and is better suited for perch fishing.

Electric fishing rod diagrams - The principle of operation of an electric fishing rod. How to make an electric fishing rod with your own hands

Download link:. As you can see, a homemade winter electric fishing rod is easy to make and very interesting in its functionality. Radio Top 10 on Soft-Soft.

View full version : I'm talking about an electric fishing rod, I'd like the Calm, just calm scheme

This would get your attention. Yesterday I found on the Internet that in St. Petersburg they invented a device for detecting electrofishing back in 99

The site is designed for a wide range of readers who are interested in fishing. It presents practical diagrams of devices that will be useful to every amateur fisherman. If you are familiar with the basics of radio electronics, then you can make most of the above designs at home yourself. All the information necessary for this is available.

Found: 8, Output: Including: day off ; key ; electric fishing rods 6. A simple powerful current switch with a stabilized output voltage. Device diagrams are intended for informational purposes and in accordance with paragraph.

Anyone who has at least once tried to make a fishing device understands that the circuit of an electronic fishing rod is an indispensable assistant in its manufacture. In addition, this guarantees compliance with all technologies, which means that the resulting result will satisfy the needs to the maximum.

The main assembly of the fishing rod is based on a small electric magnet, which is made from a relay of the RKM or RES type. To be able to use it in our invention, you will need to remove all the plates in contact with the relay, leaving the return spring. The winding should also be redone, since the standard one will not work, and for greater efficiency, a new wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 0.41-0.44 mm should be used. Winding is carried out on the core of the electromagnet, therefore it is the main procedure, the implementation of which requires care and diligence.

Next, a copper tube is soldered to the front of the pendulum. It is permissible to use a brass tube, but it must fit the diameter of the whip perfectly. The electrical circuit uses a variable resistor type SPO-0.15, a small capacitor with a capacity of up to 100 microfarads, transistors VT1 KTZ15 and resistors MLT-0.15.

A little history and general information

If you delve into history, then starting from the 70s. last century, people have already made the first attempts to build a special tackle for winter fishing, which will have minimal dimensions, and at the same time it will not have to be pulled during the bite. Craftsmen tried to make homemade versions using all kinds of schemes. Thus, they were able to achieve independent vibration of the six with a certain frequency and amplitude, but most of the developments had many disadvantages, including:

  1. Too heavy weight.
  2. Poor quality of work due to the presence of ancient transistors and relays in the design.

Technological progress of the past decades has practically not changed the situation, and the leading manufacturers of fishing gear have not delved too deeply into this topic. After all, among professional fishermen there were opinions that such an approach to fishing was frivolous and relevant only for idlers.

Nevertheless, the rapid development of technology began to affect all areas of human activity , so soon unique inventions, incomprehensible to many, began to appear on the market. Among them were winter electric fishing rods, which combined innovative developments, as well as integrated circuits, which expanded the range of capabilities of the modern fisherman.

As a result, many fishing fans paid attention to the new method, noting that this is truly a worthy alternative to classic gear known from the distant past.

The winter electronic fishing rod itself is not much different in appearance and dimensions from a conventional tool like a “balalaika” with a built-in reel and a wing-type clamping nut. During the manufacture of the body, milling devices were used, which made it possible to ensure an accurate fit of the fishing rod to the reel. There was a through hole in the reel compartment through which the fishing line and the rest of the equipment were fed. The use of special materials, which were superior in performance to classic foam plastic, made the fishing rod very light, moisture-resistant, and also non-sinking.

Electric cells. How to make an electric fishing rod for summer fishing with your own hands?

Historical facts

There is no exact information about the first gear, which is similar to the principle of operation with electric shocks.

It is believed that the German A. Schonfeld became the founder of this toolkit.

In the 30s of the 20th century, he published an article in a specialized publication.

Her name is Electric Fishing.

Two more German biophysicists, Schiements and Gumborg, in 1940 gave the idea of ​​using electric fishing on an industrial scale.

A year later, the first scientific work of these same scientists was published.

In it they examined the phenomenon of electrical impulses and anesthesia in fish.

How to make an electric fishing rod for summer fishing.

Best answers


You can kill all the carp and crucian carp with an electric fishing rod.

Yuri Petrov:

It's all bullshit.

Roman S:

You will not only kill pikes, but also all the fish and living creatures that the fish need to live.

Elena Sokolova:

It is precisely the large fish that cannot be removed: first of all, it is the small fish that suffer and die from the discharge. But if you block the lake with a net with a large mesh of 10 cm, you can catch it. Not immediately and not all Giants. This depends on the size of the pond. If you don’t have radio skills, you won’t be able to assemble an electric fishing rod even according to the description. You need to understand radio engineering... And, most importantly, even with a car battery to kill all the fish in a pond with a diameter of 50 meters, you need tens of kilowatts of power. And the battery only stores 1000 watts. Not enough. Weave a net.


kravitnik.narod /other/fishing1


It’s better to let the fishermen there to fish for pike. An electric fishing rod will kill all the plankton - what will the fry eat?

DIY electric fishing rod diagrams



Often there is a need to get a lot of tension out of a small one. This is necessary for the manufacture of an uninterruptible power supply, a 220V converter from a car battery, a high-voltage generator when conducting experiments, and many other cases. Despite all sorts of PWM controllers, IERFs and other phase-pulse bells and whistles that have appeared recently, it would be useful to remember their price. It is not millionaires who engage in amateur radio out of boredom, but people who want to save money and earn money. So let's shake down grandpa's barn and dig out some high-power germanium transistors to create this universal converter.

Let's look at the circuit - the master oscillator is made on cheap P217 transistors, which everyone is kicking now - and rightly so, but! here they will be appropriate due to the low voltage drop across the collector - emitter junction, which will allow the universal converter to remain operational even when the battery charge is greatly reduced. And their price has already been mentioned above.

Through trans, the change goes to powerful keys, here again we take old, cheap P210

Pay attention to one more feature of the circuit: all the transistors sit with their bodies on the negative side without any insulating gaskets, which is very good! The output trans allows you to provide high voltage at the output of the universal converter, which will be used either directly to power 220 volt devices, or by slightly winding up the turns and passing the voltage through a pulse generator on a thyristor like a killer stun gun, or for something else interesting

The output trans allows you to produce high voltage at the output of the universal converter, which will be used either directly to power 220 volt devices, or by slightly winding up the turns and passing the voltage through a pulse generator on a thyristor like a killer stun gun, or for something else interesting.

The P217 collector windings contain 50 turns of 0.5 mm, the base windings contain 15 turns of the same wire, the base P210 windings contain 20 turns, the powerful collector windings contain 24 turns with a diameter of 1.5 mm, and the output winding contains 500 turns of PEL0.5 wire. The choke is the primary of the mains transformer, the capacitor is 4 µF NON-POLAR! KN102 will be replaced with an imported DB3 or neon.

When setting up the P210, we temporarily turn off and control the operation of the generator - by hanging 6.3V 0.15 A bulbs on the output windings of Tr1. We check the output voltage of the universal converter, and at the same time the current, with an incandescent lamp for the appropriate power.

So you couldn’t start the scheme? Then write to the FORUM

Converter circuits

How to do it yourself

You can build a winter electronic fishing rod with your own hands. This requires minimal knowledge of electronics and skills in using a soldering iron. The electrical circuit is simple and consists of a minimum set of elements:

  • electromagnet;
  • electrolytic capacitor;
  • variable and constant resistors;
  • transistors;
  • batteries;
  • switch.

The circuit is assembled and installed in a housing, which can be made of plastic, foam, wood and other materials. Some craftsmen manage to make sealed, waterproof and protected fishing rods with their own hands.

Operating principle of an electronic fishing rod with a magnetic drive

All other parts are selected individually. A whip is usually used about fifteen centimeters long. A longer one gives the rod inertia, a shorter one works with a small amplitude. To register bites, you can use a nod, or you can do without it.

A correctly assembled winter fishing rod circuit will work immediately when turned on. The main thing is to adjust the work of the whip before going out on the ice. At home, you should check the performance of the tackle in different modes, so that when switching them there is no failure in the jig's play.


The device diagrams are intended for informational purposes and, in accordance with paragraph 1b of Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, cannot be used for the purpose of mass extermination of aquatic animals and plants. The site administration is not responsible for the possible illegal use of this device by anyone.

Electric fishing rod - Scheme-1

The electric fishing rod is assembled according to a circuit with a common collector, which allows you to install all transistors on one radiator. Master oscillator on transistors T1-T2. The conversion frequency is 800 Hz. Transformer TP1 is assembled on a permalloy ring K40 * 30 * 20. Core area 1 cm2. Windings 1-4 are wound with PEL wire with a diameter of 0.25-0.3 - 11 turns each. Windings 2-3 with the same wire, 35 turns each. Windings 5-6 7-8 are wound in pairs with PEL wire with a diameter of 0.35-0.45, 9 turns each.

The power amplifier is assembled using transistors T3-T6. Transformer TP2 is assembled from permalloy K80 * 50 * 20. Primary winding 3 is wound with PELSHO wire with a diameter of 0.6. Windings 1-2 PEL wires with a diameter of 2 mm. Winding 3 contains 600 turns, 1-2 24 turns each. Throttle L1 without a core, wound on a mandrel with a diameter of 40 mm with PEL wire 0.5-0.6 mm. Contains 150-200 turns. Both transformers are filled with epoxy resin.

The rectifier is assembled using a voltage doubling circuit, which makes it possible to reduce the output voltage of the transformer to 300 V and increases its reliability (against breakdown). At the rectifier output the voltage reaches 900V. If the parts allow you to raise the voltage to 1200V (even better), add another 200 turns in winding 3 TP2.

T1-T2 KT837 T3-T6 P210 V1-V2 At least 600V 2A Capacitor 5.0 MKF - two in series 10 MKF 450V MBM. Thyristor no less than 2000V

Electric fishing rod - Scheme-2

Electric fishing rod - Scheme-3

Winding data of transformer TP1: core - two rings of ferrite K32x16x9 of grade MN2000 or MN2500 folded together. The primary winding is 2x4 turns with 0.91 mm PEL wire with four cores folded into a tape. Secondary 120 turns of PEL wire 0.45mm. Choke L1 is wound on a frame with an internal diameter of 5 mm, an external diameter of 23 mm, and a winding length of 25 mm. The number of turns is 400-450 with 0.8mm PEL wire until the frame is filled.

The setup begins with a master oscillator assembled using elements D1.1 D1.2. With the indicated elements, the generator frequency should be ~15 kHz. Next, connect the circuit on transistors T1, T2 and monitor the shape of the pulses on their collectors with an oscilloscope. It is better if it is a two-channel oscilloscope, this will allow you to assess how much your design will be exposed to through currents through the output transistors. Only after this, taking precautions when working with CMOS elements, solder the output transistors T3, T4 installed on the radiator (can be used from a processor with a fan, sawn in half, the fan in this case will play the role of holding the halves together) and the transformer, the output of which should be loaded with two lamps incandescent 25W, connected in series.

Next, by monitoring the shape of the pulses on the drains of transistors T3, T4 with an oscilloscope and adjusting the frequency of the master oscillator, we achieve minimal saturation of the output transformer with a gradual increase in load to 300-400 W. The inclusion of such a load should be short-term (up to ten seconds) in order to identify weak points and overheating elements. Here, it is highly undesirable to use incandescent lamps as a load, because The resistance of the thread in cold and heated states changes significantly! Resistance wires are suitable, at least 25 watts, which can be placed in a glass jar with distilled (!) water to remove heat.

An electronic fishing rod is an indispensable assistant for a fisherman, and winter fishing is an amazing activity that attracts more and more fans every year. It is very rare when an angler, after winter fishing, abandons this idea forever. Usually the opposite happens; a love for this activity develops, despite the harsh weather.

Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of fishing rods for the average person, but experienced fishermen make them with their own hands, adapting them as much as possible to their skills and preferences.

It turns out that making an electronic fishing rod for winter fishing is quite simple and you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money on it. What is the main feature and at the same time the problem when fishing in winter? Of course, staying near the hole for a long time and waiting for a bite. In this case, you should not just sit in one place, but also perform certain amplitude actions aimed at... This activity is very tedious, and not every fisherman has great endurance, so this homemade product is increasingly in demand, allowing you to automate the process of playing with a jig as much as possible.

You will be surprised, but in order to make such a fishing rod you do not need expensive materials or inventive ability. We will need:

  • electric toothbrush with a working motor;
  • a small amount of cold welding for fastening structural elements;
  • whip;
  • a nod for the winter daughter;
  • spool.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, we begin to manufacture our unusual invention. On one side of the toothbrush is attached a spool pre-sawn into two parts, or as fishermen call it a reel. For convenience and reliability of the design, it is necessary to make a small hole in the brush.

A small diameter and sized whip is glued into the hole of the toothbrush on the opposite side; this is where we need cold welding. It is impossible to find it in fishing stores, but by visiting any automobile store that sells auto parts, you will be able to purchase cold welding.

The resulting winter electronic fishing rod is completely ready for use. We reel in the fishing line, attach the jig and go after the fish. A homemade electronic fishing rod runs on just one AA battery, and when the motor is turned on, the whip begins to vibrate, transmitting it in turn to the jig.

Advantages of the fishing rod:

  • cost-effective, no expensive materials required;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • availability.

Disadvantages of the fishing rod:

  • it is impossible to regulate the rotation speed of the motor, which means the oscillation amplitude will always be the same;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Photo 1. Electronic fishing rod made from a toothbrush.

Of course, if you have skills in assembling electrical parts, you can make the most advanced fishing rod model, which will not only correct all the shortcomings of the previous model, but will also allow you to acquire a number of advantages. Making this option will require more time, and therefore more effort, spare parts and money. But you know, the result will exceed all expectations.

An electronic winter fishing rod created in a more advanced way is no different from its factory counterparts. The operation is silent, the multivibrator helps to adjust the oscillation frequency, which can be set from 1 to 150 per minute. It is easy to make, and the reliability of the assembled structure will allow you to use this fishing rod for winter fishing for many years.

A broken spinning rod is used for the body; the handle can also be used from it. The main element is a reed switch, from which a switch controlled by a permanent magnet is made. The frequency can be adjusted using a regular part from a lighter, and the power is supplied from a AA battery.

Photo 2. Second version of the electronic fishing rod.

DIY electronic winter fishing rod

It’s not that uncommon to find a home-made electronic fishing rod for winter fishing. The inquisitive mind of the fisherman was able to solve this problem by adapting everyday things into an electronic device, only slightly modifying them to facilitate fishing.

Of course, a homemade product is not distinguished by the presence and variety of all kinds of useful options, but in practice, even such a tool can significantly simplify fishing by automating its main function, namely the continuous operation of the nod with the same frequency and cyclicity. In continuation of the article, we will show the reader how to assemble, with his own hands and inexpensively, a primitive, but effective and practical analogue of electronic winter tackle capable of bringing the jig game to complete automation.

What you will need

To make an automated version of winter gear, the easiest way is to choose the direction of assembly of the device based on an electric toothbrush. The device for personal hygiene, with its factory settings, guarantees that the bait will be played in the same vibration mode, fully automatically. In addition to a working toothbrush, you will need to purchase a soft whip and a couple of tens of square centimeters of extruded dense foam. The nod, fishing line and jig are borrowed unchanged from the classic winter fishing rod. Among the tools that allow you to get the job done, it is enough to have a hacksaw blade, a sharp penknife and an awl.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process begins with preparing the brush for the fishing rod handle. The head of the brush with bristles is cut off with a hacksaw blade. From foam plastic, using the same hacksaw blade and knife, a reel for fishing line is cut out in the form of a shape similar to the reel of a balalaika fishing rod. Using an awl, holes are made in the handle of the brush and in the center of the reel, through which two elements of the future electronic catching device are connected using soft wire. In the cut part of the brush, at its end, using a knife and an awl, make a hole for attaching the whip to the body of the handle. Subsequently, for reliability, the whip can be glued.

A nod is mounted to the whip, and a supply of fishing line is loaded into the reel and threaded through the hole on the nod, a promising jig is tied behind it. By turning on the device, or rather the former brush, we get a single-color vibration mode of operation, constantly animating the jig. Now all that remains is to test the gear in practice.

Homemade electronic fishing rod

A simple electrical circuit is the basis of an electronic fishing rod. All the necessary elements are connected together in a foam body, which also serves as a fishing rod.

What will you need?

For manufacturing you will need the elements included in the electrical mechanism. These include:

  • electromagnet;
  • resistors;
  • electrolytic capacitor and transistor;
  • switch;
  • battery and other elements.

Manufacturing process

The main thing when assembling such equipment is to assemble a simple electrical power circuit. A board is installed on the electromagnet, which will serve as a kind of foundation for other elements of the circuit.

They were listed above. During assembly, do not forget about the core screw. You need to leave access to it, since with its help the amplitude of oscillations of the electromagnet armature is regulated. He, in turn, transmits vibrations to the whip. This ensures the play of the jig.

The resistor output should be located in a convenient location so that the found optimal oscillation amplitude can be easily and quickly recorded. The hole for the whip is made a little larger in diameter.

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