How to make a butterfly out of money diagram. Origami butterfly: a simple diagram of a banknote and modules with photos and videos. Origami from money: shirt

House for money for a wedding: manufacturing options from various materials

Recently, one of the obligatory items at a wedding has become a money house. One should not think that such an accessory is an invitation to guests to give material gifts; on the contrary, such a house symbolizes family happiness and well-being .
By leaving coins to the newlyweds, friends and relatives share positive energy and love and, through this, jointly create a talisman that will protect the young family from all troubles for many years. If you have very little time to prepare for the wedding ceremony, then by going shopping you can buy an interesting wedding treasury for money quite simply and quickly. However, it will still be very exciting to make such a beauty with your own hands , since this extraordinary accessory is stored for many years along with wedding things and reminds of the happy moments of life.

House for money for a wedding

What gifts do women prefer?

It is quite difficult to surprise modern men with an unusual gift, and even more so for beautiful ladies, so it is worth turning on your imagination and ingenuity to the maximum.

How to give money for a woman's birthday in an original way? To truly evoke pleasant delight in a woman, you can use the win-win options suggested below.

1. DIY money bouquet

This idea will be an excellent replacement for real, fresh flowers, especially since they don’t require special care when the birthday girl can easily spend them. So, to make a bouquet of money with your own hands, you will need (for one flower):

How to make a wedding house for money yourself?

If the beautiful bride has time and is ready to start making a money house for her wedding with her own hands, we will give her a small master class to help her. At the first stage, you need to prepare the following materials :

Now let's start making :

So that the future family bank of newlyweds can serve its owners for a long time, cover its base with moisture-resistant impregnation or varnish and then dry it in a warm place or in the sun. It is advisable to tape the cardboard sections and bend points on the inside with tape so that they do not wear out quickly.

In order for the wedding house to last a long time and not wear out over the first few years, cardboard for the frame should be chosen with a thickness of at least 4-5 mm

Next, you can begin decorating your masterpiece.

Money in a light bulb

Such a monetary gift is presented to young people or even very young people, accompanied by the words: “May your future be bright!” or “For your bright future!”

What to give money for? In a light bulb!

Money can be put into a real lamp by cutting off the bulb, taking out the "filling", and then gluing the socket to the bulb again. But on sale you can also find dishes in the shape of light bulbs (“cocktail jars”).

Interesting ways to decorate a wedding treasury

So, now let's look at the most interesting part. How to decorate a house to raise money for a wedding? There are two options here :

The decor of the money house depends not only on the style of the wedding, but also on the style of the apartment where it will live as a piggy bank

A wide variety of materials can be used as decoration. To decorate the walls and roof, prepare pieces of wallpaper, favorite photographs, gift paper or scraps of fabric. For decorations, sparkles, sequins, stones, beads, perhaps even fresh or dried flowers are suitable. Before making, take a look at a handicraft store : perhaps you will especially like some trinkets, or your imagination will come up with new ideas.

Another very interesting idea is to place a box of delicious candies or uninflated balloons near the house with the inscription: . In this way, you can jokingly thank your guests for a gift for the family budget. Obviously, guests will be surprised.

Money gift with umbrella

Everything is simple here: you buy an umbrella, and banknotes are tied to the spokes. To do this, use braid or ribbons.

The umbrella can be opened when presenting a gift or presented as a surprise. Let the gift recipient open the umbrella himself when he examines the gifts he received. He'll be surprised!

How to present money? With an umbrella!

When presenting an umbrella with money, you can say: “May showers of money always accompany you!”

In addition to money, candies, mini-postcards, paper flowers, origami figures, etc. are hung on the knitting needles.

Money with umbrella as a gift

Various ideas and methods for making houses for a wedding

The treasury house made of wood looks very beautiful and interesting . Of course, in order to make such a thing yourself, you will need a blank, which you will then simply need to glue and decorate, or a little experience in woodworking. Perhaps your prince will be ready for such a feat, but if not, you will have to run through the workshops.

A house made of cardboard with patterns that can be easily made using laser cutting also looks incredibly beautiful Now designers make interesting patterns on paper or cardboard, which are then used to decorate many things. Ask if such services are provided in your city?

If you want the house to serve as a piggy bank for many years, then you can make its frame using 3D printing from plastic, aluminum or other metal. Why not? Such a treasury will look technologically interesting and modern.

Beautiful wedding house for money

What if the wedding house is made of glass , for example, using the same technology that fish aquariums are made? But the walls are not made with simple ones, but with a carved pattern. Of course, such work will require a glass master, but the result will be a real masterpiece. If such a professional cannot be found, then the glass can be covered with adhesive tape cut in the shape of a beautiful pattern.

In order for the house to last for many years, it is worth considering making it from durable materials: wood, plastic or glass

In fact, making a wedding house for money is not difficult. Watch the videos of several master classes, stock up on the necessary materials, have some patience, catch the muse and her friend’s imagination by the tail, and everything will definitely work out. And then guests will ask for a long time about where you got such a thing.


Money wreath

This method of presenting a monetary gift is especially relevant in winter, during the New Year and Christmas holidays. With a wreath of money you can congratulate relatives on the New Year, a friend on his birthday, newlyweds on their wedding, etc.

There are two types of money wreaths:

1. woven directly from banknotes (they need to be folded in the form of small triangles with pockets); 2. frame, decorated with banknotes.

Money wreath

Money wreath

How to weave a wreath of the first type is shown in detail in the video (it is in English, but in principle, knowledge of the language is not required to understand the process).

For the second type of wreath you will need a round frame. It can be made from wire, branches or cardboard. It can be a thin “ring”, a wide flat “wheel” or a fluffy “donut”. The frame can be wrapped with tape or covered with fabric. The bills must be folded in the shape of tubes, butterflies, fans, or some other way.

Figures made from banknotes are tied to the frame with a thin braid or attached to safety pins. In addition to money, the wreath can be decorated with candies, Christmas tree balls, tinsel, and beads.

How to apply

The design of the facade and interior should be dominated by red and green - colors that attract financial well-being. You can cover the walls inside and out with paper or fabric of the appropriate color, or make “wallpaper” from paper with images of green dollars or euros. To make the artifact a real magnet for abundance, fill the interior with furniture, curtains, and small decorative elements.

In interior decoration, it is better to use complementary colors that correspond to the owner’s element. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the elements of Earth are gold, yellow, orange, beige; element of Wood – brown, green; Metal – white, silver, gray; Waters – blue, purple, black; Fire - red, scarlet, burgundy.

However, regardless of which element a person belongs to, it is prohibited to use shades of blue and light blue in the design of money talismans. In financial magic, these are colors that encourage spending and extravagance.

Money in a glass jar

The highlight of this gift is the inscription on the label. It is personalized and printed specifically for the occasion. The date of manufacture (day of celebration) is placed on the label. You can also place on it information about the manufacturer (name of the donor), place of manufacture, expiration date, method of use, etc. The more creative the better.

Often this “product” is called “dried greens” or “cabbage”. But you can always come up with some new name, for example: - Non-infant formula (mixing different currencies); — Canned stash; — Ketchup in Russian (filled with five thousand dollar bills).

What to give money for? In the bank!

Where to keep

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the best place for money talismans will be the southeastern part of the house. Choose a clean, dry area. Make sure that dust does not settle on the house and the space around it: money loves order and cleanliness. Your magical artifact should not be seen by anyone except family members. When guests arrive, move the house to a place where no one will see it.

When money starts coming in, don’t rush to spend it. Let them “sleep over” in the house for at least one night. If you have to give away a large sum, put this money in a talisman overnight, and when you take it in the morning, say: “How much money has gone, let it come back three times!”

Journalist and copywriter with extensive experience. I write mainly on business, finance, and personal finance topics. For a little over a year I worked as an editor at a consulting bureau that helps bring order to the finances of small and medium-sized businesses. He was the chief editor of two magazines, including one business magazine, and the chief editor of city newspapers in Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

I consider financial illiteracy one of the main problems of the residents of Russia and other post-Soviet countries, and in recent years I have been actively fighting it - both my own and others. More than 20 years of work in the media in positions from reporter to editor-in-chief. Author of two books.

Preferred topics: business, personal finance, law, labor relations, career, migration, travel, social issues, education.


Money in the book

This gift can also be a surprise. The hero of the occasion is presented with “just” a book, but inside it is a decent amount with which you can buy several good books to suit your taste.

To hide money, you will need a fairly thick book. It's better if it makes sense. For example, if a gift is given to newlyweds, a work about love will be relevant.

A “cache” is cut out in the book, inside which the gift is placed.

How to give money? In the book!

Money house. How to lure money

Hello, my dear readers!

On the eve of the “Changing Poverty for Wealth” marathon, I wanted to share with you one creative and very effective way to attract money. The “Money House” method is simply magical, and the process itself is very uplifting, and this helps create certain vibrations and materialize what you want.

I’ll write about the results right away, and then about the technique itself.

I managed to increase my income 3 times, large amounts of 30,000 or 50,000 rubles began to appear at once. A car appeared.

My friend, who also practiced this method, got an apartment, her salary increased significantly, and she was also able to go abroad to study.

Money cake

Gift pseudo-cakes are made from a variety of things: from diapers, chocolates, socks, cosmetics, etc. And from banknotes too.

To construct pseudo-cakes, round frames of different sizes are used. The gift is shaped like a cake with two or more tiers. As a frame, you can use polystyrene foam disks or any cylindrical boxes and tin cans - empty or filled with sweets.

Money cake

Banknotes are usually rolled into tubes, which are then attached to a frame using paper clips, pins or rubber bands. The cake is additionally decorated with ribbons, braid, flowers, bows, candles, lace, etc.

How to give money? In the form of a cake!

How to attract money? The essence of the Money House technique

We need to create a beautiful house for money.

Take a box or buy a ready-made toy house. But it is important that red and green colors predominate. I found paper with a picture of money in the store and covered my money house with it.

When the money apartments are ready, we fill the house with household members. Take bills: 10, 50, 100 rubles (if possible, 500, 1000, 5000), various coins and place them in the house.

Buy a small magnet. Write the word “money” on it with gold varnish or a white marker. You can attach a coin to the magnet. You need to put it in the middle of the house.

My friend placed expensive jewelry, earrings, and a diamond ring in her house, which made her feel like she was filling the house with the energy of wealth.

I also added notes with a list of monetary guests (for example, I invite 50,000 rubles).

When everything is ready, say the following words over the house:

“Dear money, I invite you to your home, the house of wealth, success and happiness. I love you very much and am waiting for you, bring millions of friends with you.”

When money starts coming to you (and it will definitely start coming), place it in the money house, at least for the night. You can also use this house as a piggy bank.

Place your house in the desired location, but there should always be order around it, money loves cleanliness. For those who believe in Feng Shui, I advise you to place it in the southeast (wealth zone). But when guests come to you, I would advise you to keep your house away from prying eyes.

Well, that's all, the house of wealth and abundance is ready, expect moneyed guests!

With love, your Svetlana Kuleshova.

pps Galia Yu. made a video for you on how to make a Money House correctly (you can do it another way, use boxes, etc.).

Author: Svetlana Kuleshova
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Mini-shield "Emergency"

The bills are placed in a deep frame with glass. There are deep frames designed for photos, casts, quilling, etc. You can ask around for such a product in souvenir, decor, and craft stores.

So, there are banknotes behind the glass (1-3 pieces, usually no more). If the gift is intended for a friend, you can joke by adding something else to the bills: for example, a blister with aspirin tablets and a condom.

In order for the frame to turn into a mini shield (like a fireman), it is necessary to supplement it with the inscription: “In an emergency, break the glass!” or “In case of an emergency, break the glass and use the contents!”

How to give money? In frame!

Bouquets of banknotes for men

Here I would like to make a small clarification that bouquets for men are, in principle, no different from bouquets for women. If you still have a different opinion and think that there are differences and they are significant, we recommend that you pay attention to several possible differences.

Men's bouquet

When making a bouquet of banknotes for a man, the following points are most often taken into account:

  • color of paper for wrapping bouquets, flowers (use darker shades)
  • as a rule, preference is given to roses
  • some believe that flowers for men are better made from real banknotes

As you can see, there are no significant differences; it all depends on what your idea is and how exactly you want to implement it. An even more original gift can be considered a present that combines something pleasant, useful and tasty.

In the form of a decorative panel-postcard

If you have a creative streak and your hands are strong enough, you can make a beautiful gift panel. For example, in the form of a three-dimensional applique using colored paper and banknotes.

You will need a base, preferably with a frame. On the panel you can depict, for example, a balloon with gifts, hearts, candles, a dress with a shirt, fish, butterflies, etc. Some of the details are made from colored paper and other creative materials, and some are from banknotes. Of course, you shouldn’t glue money to the base - it’s better to secure it with paper clips, tacks or safety pins.

Moth from modules

The modular design is one of the simplest, but when making a butterfly, the main thing is to choose the right color scheme. It is the color of butterflies, both in nature and in creativity, that is very important. Origami from modules always turns out to be quite bright, voluminous and beautiful.

To make a butterfly, we first need to make the body. We take 4 modules and connect them in pairs. We debug to the side - this is what we got in the first and second row. Now we make the third row: take 3 modules, connect the middle modules. Fourth row: 2 modules. Fifth: we attach 3 more parts, while we need to grab the corners of the last and penultimate rows. In order to secure the wings, we insert the modules into two pockets that are located at the edges.

We collect further, the sixth row - 2 modules, the seventh - do the same as in the fifth, the eighth - 2, the ninth - 3, the tenth - 2.

Read this: 3D paper origami for beginners and experienced crafters

Now we make the right wing, which is on top.

At the base of the wing we need to use one module, and in each subsequent row we need to add one more module.

Place external pockets on the outer corners of this pattern. To make a drawing, you can alternate colored modules or lay it out on a flat surface. When there are 8 modules in the set below, the wing must be rounded. We do it this way: in each row we subtract one. But when there are already 12 modules on top, we also begin to round off. The second wing is done the same way.

When assembling the left wing, you need to remember that this assembly must be mirrored in order for it to turn out beautifully and correctly. Now we need to put the resulting wings on the protruding corners of the body. You can glue the wings to the body. But the antennae are made from two modules, which are twisted with a pencil.

Our butterfly is ready!

Money gift: 13 best ideas

Even such a familiar present as money can be given in an interesting and beautiful way. This way you will improve the financial situation of the young family a little and lift their spirits.

Today, money is the most relevant, but also the most banal wedding gift. However, there are many ways to turn a cash gift into a real surprise. You just need to use your imagination a little and be creative.

Dear my readers!

The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything ;)

Where to buy? You can find and purchase the celebration accessories described in the articles in Special online stores where delivery is available throughout Russia

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