How to make a dress out of paper with your own hands: instructions with templates and tips (85 photos)

Paper from which you can make dresses, and tools

Paper is a unique material that is distinguished by a variety of types, textures, colors, thickness, hardness, and elasticity. You can make a gorgeous outfit from any type of paper if you prepare it correctly.

You can use different types of paper for such crafts:

  • corrugated;
  • regular;
  • cardboard;
  • toilet;
  • napkins;
  • tracing paper;
  • craft;
  • perforated;
  • newspaper;
  • packaging;
  • Whatman paper for drawing.

The tools you will need for work are:
  • glue stick or PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • templates for dresses and doll figurines;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • flat brushes;
  • scotch;
  • patterns for the pattern.

Having prepared the tools and material, you should learn the rules of working with paper, from which you can make a dress for a doll with your hands.

Postcard DIY dress. Master class with photos

Author: Olga Druzhinina, 9th grade student at the MKOU Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities of type VIII in the city of Slobodsky, Kirov region. Head: Boltacheva Irina Anatolyevna, teacher of vocational training, MCOU Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities of the VIII type in the city of Slobodsky, Kirov region.

How to work with paper

Paper is an excellent material for crafts, which has a variety of properties, thanks to which you can make dress elements of various volumes and shapes.

You can give the paper an original texture by crumpling it. After this treatment, the paper will easily take any shape.

Using scissors, you can cut patterns, flat pieces, patterns, or lace trim from it. You can make thin strips of paper and weave them into fabric of different weaves.

This paper-working technique is considered very labor-intensive. Beginning needlewomen can make paper dresses using simpler technologies based on bending, cutting and gluing paper elements of various textures and densities.

Postcard using contour quilling technique

This is a fairly simple technology, which is based on laying out thin paper strips twisted in different ways inside the created contour.

To create a feminine silhouette in a luxurious dress with a tight-fitting bodice and a wide floor-length skirt, you will need to choose the right colors of cardboard on which the paper pattern will be glued.

A contrasting combination of colors will look impressive: against a dark background, a light openwork image of a female silhouette made of paper.

To work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • thick cardboard of a dark shade;
  • colored paper, which will need to be cut into thin strips;
  • a wooden skewer on which the strips will be wound;
  • a piece of black glossy paper from which a female head will be cut out in profile;
  • colorless glue;
  • simple pencil.

To choose a beautiful silhouette for a dress, you can use photos from fashion magazines, which are used to create a sketch of a postcard.

The principle of making contour quilling is that strips of colored paper rolled into a tube are glued along the contour with glue with one edge, repeating the smooth lines of the sketch.

Inside the created voluminous female silhouette, a pattern of quilling segments is laid out in the dress, which is created using strips rolled into a tube and formed in certain shapes.

We use openwork material

Well, in the second option, we suggest using beautiful openwork napkins to create an incredible romantic dress.

For this look we will need an openwork napkin (as in the photo), glue or double-sided tape, a ribbon and several small beads in the form of pearls.

The first step is to fold the napkin so that the top is slightly higher than the bottom hem.

And then fold the napkin in half.

Using glue or double-sided tape, glue the inside of the napkin together.

Then we move the upper corner of the napkin to the wrong side.

This is what the product looks like from the reverse side:

Cut out a heart from white paper, identical on both sides. Here's the template. It needs to be reduced several times in size.

We also cut out exactly the same heart from the second napkin.

Glue the napkin onto the paper and then cut off the rounded edges evenly and equally on both sides. After all, we have the perfect dress for the perfect girl!

We attach the heart to the skirt so that the waist line matches. If everything is fine, then glue both parts together. This is what the dress looks like from the reverse side:

And here is our front part:

Next, take a small ribbon (satin, paper) and glue it to the waistline of the dress.

Then we cut off the second piece and decorate the belt with it. It is worth trimming the edges to make the dress sparkle with new colors.

The last step is to take small beads and decorate the belt and neckline with them. The openwork dress for the postcard is ready!

Paper dress for a doll using origami technique

You can make a craft using the origami technique: a paper dress for a doll, using a square sheet of colored paper according to a simple pattern, using any master class from the Internet.

The finished model of the dress must be glued to a cardboard base in order to see all the details and subtleties of the future accessory. The result is a three-dimensional sketch of the dress.

This technique can be used either when developing a pattern for a paper dress for a person, creating a miniature copy of the original, or as a decorative element when creating postcards by hand.

By gluing the resulting paper dress onto thick cardboard in a contrasting color, you can make a beautiful greeting card with a three-dimensional image.

Making a “Wonderful Day” or “Birthday Dress” Card

I found interesting stencils and an example of a postcard and decided to make the same one (scraplifting, the so-called, maybe too literal). So, let's get started, I think everything will be clear from the photo: I had a large frame, I cut it and got two openwork elements, and I drew a rectangle with a semicircle myself (I cut out a circle and connected the rectangle in the center, circled everything. It turned out to be a stencil).

Glue it onto the card with the center offset.

Cut out the dress and mannequin.

Glue on cotton tape.

We attach the flower to the brads and sew on a ribbon (traces of glue would be visible on the glue).

The flower, ribbon and bow on the dress are of our own making, very light and airy. Crocheted from the finest silk threads 0.5 mm. Next, glue it onto the top of the card with cotton tape. And we are decorating our mannequin: gluing on the dress, beads and bow. I also cut out inscriptions from the same stencil, they are very positive and joyful, although difficult to translate (something like “fairytale day”, “dress for a celebration” and “splendor of a birthday”)

And so she came to us dressed up for the holiday. postcard, of course!

I always glue a pocket inside, because I need more than one sheet of paper for congratulations (since all colleagues must find a place for congratulations and signatures, therefore, a small book of thin sheets is inserted there and there is enough space for everyone)

And for those who read to the end and didn’t get tired, here is the original postcard:

Once again, I don’t know the author, if anyone knows, write. Thanks to him (the author) for this idea with stencils. I just

repeated this idea in her interpretation.

Everyone, I wish you pleasant creativity!

If my MK encourages someone to create the same postcard, post a photo, I will be very glad!

Outfit made of paper napkins with a fluffy bottom

Another technique for making a flat dress from paper, in which using paper napkins to create a voluminous bottom of a dress of different types:

  • Sun skirt;
  • pleated skirt;
  • layered skirt.

From thick colored cardboard you need to cut out the bodice of the dress and the belt. A round pattern for the skirt is cut out of napkins of a suitable shade, which, if necessary, can be folded like an accordion to make a pleated hem. You also need to decide on the length of the skirt in advance.

When all the details are ready, a fluffy skirt made of napkins is glued to the flat bodice at its lower part. The line for gluing napkins and cardboard is covered with a belt cut out of colored paper, which can then be decorated with rhinestones.

The finished dress is glued to the cardboard base with the back of the bodice so that the fluffy bottom is located harmoniously within the cardboard base. You can also make a beautiful postcard from such a blank.

Basic Rules

To understand how to sew clothes for your daughter’s doll, you need to remember a few simple rules:

To sew trousers and skirts, the circumference of the waist and hips, legs at their widest point, and the length of the desired product are measured. And for socks – the length and width of the doll’s foot.

There is no need to buy new fabric to sew doll clothes. Rummage through your bins: you probably still have large scraps of brightly colored fabric from previous sewing, old unnecessary things. Use them to make doll clothes with your own hands.

Dress for Barbie doll made of corrugated paper

Corrugated paper, or crepe, is ideal for creating a voluminous paper dress. An excellent model for such an outfit could be a Barbie doll, which every girl has today.

Corrugated paper holds its shape well, drapes well, and does not require preliminary preparation before use. This material is very easy to work with by hand.

It takes the desired shape perfectly and drapes well. This paper can be ironed, creating the desired silhouettes and shapes of the doll's future toilet.

The manufacturing technique completely replicates sewing a dress from fabric. First, patterns are created for a specific style of dress, from which the details of the doll’s outfit are then cut out.

Instead of threads, the details of the dress are held together with glue and, if necessary, smoothed with a warm iron. You will have to warm up and stretch the edge of the hem of the dress so that it becomes wavy and stretches a little.

You can glue Velcro to the back of the finished dress, which will serve as a fastener, and decorate the dress itself with beads, rhinestones, and lace.

This outfit can be removed from the doll, since corrugated paper is quite durable. When cutting out the details of a paper dress, you should not forget about small allowances so that the outfit fits the doll figure loosely enough.

Mastering different techniques for making dresses from paper will become the basis for those who want to model real clothes. This craft will also be useful for those who like to create handmade cards.

Hand-made miniature models of dresses of different styles look organic on homemade postcards.

In addition, the ability to make a paper dress for a doll will help you master the principles of creating a life-size designer outfit from paper, which will be an excellent alternative to a purchased carnival costume for a girl.


Since ancient times, clothing has been used not just as a cover for the body, but also had a certain symbolic meaning. In the Middle Ages, for example, striking examples of the symbolic meaning of certain forms of clothing are the strict rules of the medieval classes or Spanish monarchs.

Dolls will forever remain girls' favorite toys. They are for little ones - faithful girlfriends, daughters in the game, and fashionistas, who also need to be taken care of and dressed stylishly.

To make your princess doll look like a maid of honor from her retinue, you can try sewing several fashionable modern outfits.

Photos of lush and beautiful paper dresses

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