Vibrodynamics For Neighbors Above With Your Own Hands

Infrasound emitter for noisy neighbors

If it doesn’t work right away, you should work with the capacitance of the capacitor.
Then the whole device is assembled into a pan, all the cracks between the speaker and the body are glued with a “moment”, and then the spiral of the weighting agent should be coated with glue and glued to the speaker diffuser for sound. The scheme is as follows: the simplest generator for creating oscillations is started from a coil, which is located in the speaker for sound. The relay is needed to start the capacitor. If you push the speaker to produce sound, it turns off completely.

Lawn seeder - what is it?

This is a device for uniform sowing of seeds and application of fertilizers. The precision seeder, manual precision seeder and garlic seeder work on the same principle. The choice of seeder depends on the area to be sown, the topography of the area for planting grass and financial capabilities.

Lawn seeder


The simplest device consists of a container for seeds, which is mounted on a frame, with a metering shaft located under it. The handle that drives the spreader is connected to the disk. Miniature hand-held seeders are designed for small areas or seed sowing. The mechanism is operated manually.


This is the most convenient option on difficult terrain, where a mechanical seeder may not be able to pass.

The disadvantages of a manual seeder include the need to select seeds of the same size, clogging the shaft with several seeds at the same time, and manual adjustment of the dispenser.

For more information about the operation of a manual seeder, watch the video:


For smooth, large lawns, a mechanical seeder was invented. It is a trolley on which, just like a manual one, a seed hopper , but of a larger volume. It consists of a wheelbase, a hopper made of durable plastic and a dispenser adapted for seeds of different sizes.

Vibrating speaker (for neighbors above: )

To enhance the effect of the vibration speaker for neighbors above, you need to secure it to the ceiling with something, for example, with tape, placing a tennis ball on top. The ball will press the speaker tightly against the ceiling, and the tape will help secure it. Anyone who is tired of staying up until the morning from their neighbors' night discos is worth buying a vibration speaker. The price of a vibrating speaker is acceptable, and really the question should concern the price if your nerves and healthy sleep are at stake.

At the top there are two wires that have negative and positive poles. The vibration speaker stand is used to create vibration. As soon as you lean this device against any surface, all the sound and vibration will move to it. The device is made of high quality steel. Excellent sealing makes the device waterproof. The vibrating column can operate even in conditions of high humidity. By purchasing a vibration speaker, you will give a “great” gift to your neighbors and restore peace of mind to yourself.

Vibration speaker for neighbors

  • first use “gentle” methods, perhaps the hint will be understood immediately;
  • if you decide to harm your neighbor, act carefully and don’t get caught;
  • having committed one or another action aimed at taking revenge on a neighbor, accompany it with a note explaining the reasons;
  • do not try to influence problem residents by assault;
  • Do not create life-threatening situations for people or pets.

As practice shows, almost every Russian has encountered inappropriate neighbors in his life. Who violate the regime of silence and ignore the rights and interests of others. It is not always possible to deal with them by contacting the police, so you have to look for other methods of dealing with them. We'll talk about how to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise below.

Make your own vibrating column

For those who prefer ready-made solutions, it is easier to buy a ready-made vibrating column.

Previously, we posted an article on our website about what a vibrating column is, how it works, and what capabilities it has. Now watch a video about a homemade vibrating column. From the short description and image you can figure out how to make it if you want to experiment with sound. After all, the characteristics of store devices are impressive. For example, the range of reproduced frequencies for such a small speaker is quite satisfactory - from 18 to 18,000 hertz. There are no publications on Russian-language sites yet that could answer in detail the question: how to make a vibrating column with your own hands. Our article will be the first step in this direction.

Homemade seeders and planters with your own hands (video selection)

Homemade seeders and planters with your own hands (video selection)

1. Do-it-yourself seeder We will show in detail a device for planting radishes and granulated carrots. 2. Two devices for planting radishes. “Spider” seeder 3. Do-it-yourself manual seeder with a metering sleeve Unlike the previous version of a homemade seeder, a sleeve with metering seeding and a larger loading hopper for seeds are used here. Seeds of normal size, that is, large seeds, are captured by the sleeve into the seed holes when rotated. The dose in this case corresponds to the seeding rate. The outer edges of the seed sleeve were processed to one level and blind holes for the seeds were drilled every 90 degrees along the outside. The depth and diameter of the holes must correspond to the level of filling it with a certain amount of seeds corresponding to the type of crop. For example: corn is filled with two or three seeds, beans with one seed, peas with one or two. The number of seed holes depends on the seed crop. That is, the density of crop seeding in a row depends on the number of blind holes on the outside of the bushing. Together with the seed hopper, the seeding unit is attached to the frame of the garden unit with three racks and the unit operates as a manual seeder. The device on the unit is located in such a way that the seeds from the sowing device fall into the opener without getting stuck in the seed tube. Convenient visibility of the coulter and discs during sowing. 4. Homemade seeder with your own hands for precision seeding 5. Homemade planter and digger Planter productivity 20 acres in 1 hour. Digger productivity is 10 rows in 1 hour. 6. Manual potato planter This is the potato planter my neighbor made. And I was the first to try planting potatoes with it. The impressions are positive: there is no load on the back, plus the landing speed has increased. What I planted last year in two days with a pitchfork, this year I planted in 3 and a half hours. And no calluses or torn back. The only condition is that the ground be soft, for example after processing with a walk-behind tractor))) On short rows, that’s what you need. 7. Homemade seeder for a walk-behind tractor. The sowing reel is made of plastic water supply, thick-walled pipe, outer diameter 40mm, wall thickness 7mm. I have several reels, with specific holes for different seeds. Holes (recesses) should in no case be through. For alfalfa - 2-2.5 mm deep, and for grains, almost the entire thickness. Wall thickness 7mm. It would be ideal to replace this pipe with a whole round timber. As an option, you can glue a pipe of smaller diameter inside the pipe.

Photo of the unit:

Club of Defenders of Silence

One more point: it is extremely short-sighted to communicate with disturbing neighbors. Basically. You shouldn’t even greet them, let alone sort things out and engage in outright provocations. Wage the war silently - you will save your nerves.

Polo56, welding is not my strong point. Since the tramplers are even more frostbitten. The boy came to his mother with complaints. Like, why are you messing with me here, turning off the lights? Mom says: It’s not us! And the guy says: Who else? We are only disturbing you! That is, this individual is clearly sure that he is only bothering us. Although he said that his wife saw some stocky guy on the floor. Apparently my mother’s argument that I’m not a man and my tall and thin husband didn’t work. They still think that we are guarding them. This is a bummer. And he doesn’t come to talk anymore. Who came yesterday? What a Girl? Do we think about it or not? And why did you leave so quickly then? I didn't even have time to get dressed

Vibrating column

We buy or order a vibration column from Ali. ADIN 26W is one of the most popular models, indicated as an example.

If you want to save money, you can assemble it yourself: order a vibration speaker, an amplifier with Bluetooth and a power supply separately. If you have minimal soldering skills, you can save about two thousand.

Why shouldn't you use regular speakers? The fact is that it will be mainly you and not your neighbors who will hear them. The vibration column is designed in such a way that it needs a resonating surface (in our case, the ceiling or floor). The audibility of sounds from neighbors will increase significantly, and you will not be particularly disturbed. It's easier to see once:

Neighbors upstairs stomp a lot and drop things - what to do

I, too, have been suffering from the trampling of children for 13 years. For 6 years, one girl was running around, making noise, just like they write here: she jumped from the bed, onto the bed, and walked in her mother’s shoes, etc. and so on. And they asked nicely and swore and turned on the music and played the piano for them, educated them, and karaoke on holidays, it doesn’t matter. Now my little brother is growing up, he’s been around for 7 years now, and as soon as he started walking, he put his sister in his belt. It’s scary sometimes, it seems like the ceiling is going to fall. We all walk around sick because of them. My heart started to hurt. And you can’t do anything with them. I’ve cursed them many times already, but nothing takes such unscrupulous people.

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Our neighbors also have a small child. I would say a little elephant. Worn from morning until late at night. ok during the day, I can still get over it... but in the evening I start to get a nervous tic. We live with my aunt, she is disabled, group 1, and I have a 3-year-old daughter (who, by the way, doesn’t run around the apartment, because there is a street for that). So my daughter goes to bed at 8-9 o’clock in the evening, because she gets very tired during the day in kindergarten and in additional classes. My husband works 24 hours a day (naturally, he can’t sleep after his shift during the day because of his neighbors). And in the evening it starts for us, this little elephant rushes around the room so that the plaster crumbles and the chandelier shakes and they put him to bed somewhere at one or two in the morning, as a result, my child falls asleep for at least an hour and a half because of them and we have a headache , from this stomp. I talked to them once, they seemed to calm down for a week, but now everything is new. The most interesting thing is that this same neighbor came down to us in the afternoon (at 16.00), when we were changing the batteries in the entire apartment, asking if we could not make noise, since her elephant was taking a nap during the day. I still want to show them the amendments to the law on silence, according to which in our region it is forbidden to make noise from 21:00 pm to 8:00 am. You need to respect your neighbors, no matter what floor you live on.

Description of the vacuum seeder

The device consists of a pneumatic sowing mechanism with a vacuum and pressure system with tubes. The pitch between the tips of these tubes is equal to the pitch between the centers of the wells.

The seed distribution system is pneumatic, which ensures the most uniform sowing of seeds even of different shapes and sizes.

The principle of operation is as follows: torque from the wheels is transmitted to a shaft in which there are special recesses - dispensers. The upper part of the shaft is in contact with the hopper where the seeds are located.

The surface of the shaft is pierced with holes whose diameter corresponds to the most common seed diameter. Thus, only one seed can enter the drum.

The exit holes are made under the shaft. Under the influence of gravity, the seeds fall into the ground through these outlets. The holes are located at a certain pitch. With the same step, the aggregator’s miniplow cuts through the soil.

Modern machines are capable of sowing seeds without tilling the soil or reducing it to a minimum. Almost all factory units differ only in the method of feeding seeds.

How to spoil your neighbors upstairs

Then install the speakers closer to the ceiling (if neighbors upstairs are bothering you), or to the shared wall (this is for those who live “through the wall”) and turn on the recording at full power! It’s better for you to leave home during this time so as not to go crazy in such an environment.

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You can take revenge on your neighbors using a pot of water placed on a cabinet or shelf under the ceiling. It must be installed so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling. Place headphones on the pan and connect them to a music center or computer. And turn on the music at full blast. It turns out to be an improvised vibrating column, while your apartment will be quiet, which cannot be said about the neighbors above.

Vibration speaker to the ceiling

Proceed with installation of vibration suspensions. In general, the technology for installing these fasteners remains the same as in the previous case. Attach the hangers in increments of 600 mm. The distance between the vibration suspensions and the main ceiling should be the same 15-20 cm.

By the way, a vibration column would work well in systems such as a home theater. If you put two or three of these speakers on large areas: windows, cabinet doors, etc., then they could produce excellent results in terms of special effects. There is not much power, but thanks to the large surface area, the home theater viewer will be completely covered with the sound image.

Description of the vacuum seeder

The device consists of a pneumatic sowing mechanism with a vacuum and pressure system with tubes. The pitch between the tips of these tubes is equal to the pitch between the centers of the wells.

The seed distribution system is pneumatic, which ensures the most uniform sowing of seeds even of different shapes and sizes.

The principle of operation is as follows: torque from the wheels is transmitted to a shaft in which there are special recesses - dispensers. The upper part of the shaft is in contact with the hopper where the seeds are located.

The surface of the shaft is pierced with holes whose diameter corresponds to the most common seed diameter. Thus, only one seed can enter the drum.

The exit holes are made under the shaft. Under the influence of gravity, the seeds fall into the ground through these outlets. The holes are located at a certain pitch. With the same step, the aggregator’s miniplow cuts through the soil.

Modern machines are capable of sowing seeds without tilling the soil or reducing it to a minimum. Almost all factory units differ only in the method of feeding seeds.

Vibration speaker from noisy neighbors above and below in Yekaterinburg

Upstairs lives an old lady with poor hearing, a lover of getting up early on weekends and an admirer of Radio Chanson, which she turns on at full volume as soon as she gets up! And her receiver is located right above our bedroom. Then the standard process - conversations with the neighbor, her relatives, then it came to a scandal - it was not possible to reach a consensus.

Everyone will find their own application for a vibrating speaker. One of the popular ones, judging by the reviews, is the fight against ill-mannered neighbors. Press the speaker to the ceiling and turn on the music. Believe me, your upstairs neighbors will feel like you’re visiting a nightclub, and barely audible music will be playing in your apartment.

Manual grain seeder on wheels

This option will be a middle link between a mini-seeder and a module for a walk-behind tractor. It has all the necessary elements:

The dimensions of such a device should not be too large - a manual grain seeder is controlled with your own hands, and it will be difficult to move a large and heavy device in loose soil.

You can use a welded container as a seed hopper, or you can use a regular bucket. The sowing mechanism is equipped with a reel with blades, with which it directs the seed to the lower hole. Through it, the seeds fall into the ground. The reel must be connected to the axis of the mechanism so that sowing is carried out only while moving. It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of changing the position of the reel and seed hopper - this is necessary to adjust the intensity of sowing.

Vibrodynamics For Neighbors Above With Your Own Hands

My life has turned into hell and I don’t see a way out of this hell; it’s impossible to be in my own apartment because of this daily noise. We wake up not when we need to, but when they wake up. I have daily headaches, I lose my nerves, I sit crying from injustice, I can’t do anything. I can’t do soundproofing - the rooms are small, and there’s no money to do it on all the walls. Selling an apartment and buying a new one is also not possible. This next weekend is accompanied by this unbearable noise from the very morning.”

There are hundreds of such letters there. Although all experienced forum visitors know that there is practically no protection from upper neighbors with their stomping and economy-class repairs. Impact noise (not to be confused with airborne noise (TV sound, screams, piano)) must be dampened before it reaches the ceiling and begins to vibrate in waves not only on your ceiling, but also on the walls, chandeliers, cabinets with crystal and your head . That is, sound insulation must be done by the upper neighbors - a small soundproofing layer laid by them between the screed and the ceiling saves lives. But which of the “top people” needs this? And the “bottom” ones will not sleep from their stomping, even if they lower the ceiling by 20 centimeters, covering it with noise-absorbing structures. More or less, a “room within a room” helps with stomping, as in the photo. But can you imagine how much space and your wallet will be reduced? Not to mention that it’s easier to go crazy in such a room.

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Vibrodynamics For Neighbors Above With Your Own Hands

Today I took the speaker to the wall to listen to how it sounds behind the wall, and I thought: maybe I should record it? Well, I recorded a video about it all. I bought all this to “thank” the noisy neighbors upstairs, whose baby runs around the apartment like a mammoth. Well, at first he played loudly and the neighbors came once, but then I set him on fire a little

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