Crafts from plastic spoons: step-by-step master class on how to make interesting and beautiful crafts with your own hands (90 photos)

Tulips made from plastic spoons

You will need: 4 pairs of plastic spoons (for one tulip), cocktail straws, a disposable plate, a green plastic bottle, a wooden skewer, a candle and scissors.

Master Class

  1. Cut off the top of the spoon.
  2. Place the spoons overlapping each other over the candle.
  3. Form the bud in the same way.
  4. Cut out the blanks for the stamens from the plate.
  5. Attach them to a skewer.
  6. Cut a hole for the stem.
  7. Thread a cocktail tube through as a stem.
  8. Thread the skewer through the stamens.
  9. Cut a leaf from a plastic bottle and attach it to the stem.
  10. Make a whole bouquet of these tulips.

Let's make a rose together

Now we can begin. Work in a ventilated area.

  1. Light a candle, or work with a lighter, but this is not very convenient. Hold the spoon over the heat until it becomes soft and starts to become misshapen. Don't overdo it.
  2. Do not touch the hot part of the spoon with your hand. Use pliers. Shape the plastic into a rose petal shape by bending the top. Roll it almost like a tube, as this will be the middle.
  3. Melt the next spoonful. Make another petal. Each next one should be wider than the previous one.
  4. Shape all the spoons.
  5. Cut off the handles of all the petals except the very first one.
  6. Using glue, connect all the petals in the desired sequence.

Your rose is ready. You can paint it any color you like or leave it white.

Materials for working with crafts

If you have disposable spoons, forks or any other plastic utensils lying around, you should not keep them until a future picnic or throw them away because they may not be useful. It’s better to sit and think about what you can do with disposable tableware. Simple crafts for kindergarten can become your child’s first masterpiece. And family members certainly won’t be bored with such an activity. In addition, you can keep the product with your own hands and use it as some additional element to the interior or give such a creation to your loved ones on their holiday. All you need is:

In addition to the above examples, you can make other crafts using your imagination. The easiest way is to make flowers from plastic spoons, but if you decide to make your own invented masterpiece, then you won’t have to look for a photo of a sample, and this is already harder. You can make it using ready-made templates, for example, a lake with one swan or a whole family of these wonderful birds. By the way, your imagination can be completely unpredictable, so turn your ideas into reality!

All the characters you see in the photo have one thing in common - they were created using plastic spoons. This one for creativity allows you to work wonders!

Advantages of crafts made from disposable tableware

Creating various crafts from disposable plastic tableware is a hobby for 35% of people in Russia.

This type of needlework is popular for several reasons:

Low material priceIn stores and cafes, such cutlery costs from 1 to 3 rubles. for 1 piece
AvailabilitySpoons and forks are sold even in small food stalls.
Beneficial influence on the development of fantasyTo assemble an original thing from many identical shapes, you need to think carefully. Therefore, this hobby is especially useful for children.
Benefits for the environmentSome people collect plastic dishes from tables after the holidays, wash them and use them in creativity.
Thus, spoons and forks that would have been sent to a landfill to decompose in the ground for more than 150 years are finding new uses.

A plus is the opportunity to create exclusive things. Even the most famous designers were once involved in handicrafts and used cheap and accessible materials. This is how they developed their skills. In addition, plastic spoons make stylish and beautiful crafts that can be used as full-fledged decorations for home decor.

Panel of forks

Fans of unusual decorative items will appreciate this craft. The panel looks like a flower, looks stylish and will decorate the interior.

To work you will need:

  • disposable forks (from 20 pieces, depending on the planned distance between them);
  • old music records or CDs;
  • colored cardboard;
  • ribbons and lace, beads and artificial flowers for decoration;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints (optional).

Making a frame is not difficult. The work consists of several stages:

  1. To see how the panel will look, it is recommended to place the forks around the entire circumference of the plate/disc before work. You can mark with a pencil the places where the forks will be glued. Only after this should you move on.
  2. The most important and painstaking task is gluing the forks onto the plate. This must be done carefully so as not to smear the glue on the surface of the future craft.
  3. When the previous stage is completed, you can begin decorating the panel with lace and ribbon. This is not difficult to do: one end of the tape needs to be secured with glue and intertwined with all the forks.
  4. Then the second plate is applied to the cardboard and traced along its contour. Next, a circle of cardboard is cut out and glued to the plate.
  5. The resulting blank is decorated as desired. After that, it is glued to the plate with forks.

You can glue an artificial flower or beads to the center of the finished panel, and on the wrong side it is recommended to make a loop from a thin satin ribbon.


It’s hard to imagine crafts made from disposable spoons and forks without vintage decorations. If you like jewelry in the spirit of antiquity, then it’s time to get involved in making a fan.


  • 24 plastic forks;
  • 2 m of satin ribbon 2 cm wide;
  • 2 m of thin ribbon or braid to match;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.


  1. Fold the forks into a fan, gluing the ends.
  2. We pass a wide ribbon in a checkerboard pattern under the handles of the forks, securing the ends with glue.
  3. We also wrap the lace ribbon by the handles, but in a different order.
  4. We carefully glue the edges inward.
  5. We pass a thin tape between the teeth, capturing all the central ones.
  6. We make a ribbon from lace, coat it with glue and fix the ends of the forks.
  7. We glue ribbon flowers decorated with beads to the base of the product.
  8. We glue a bead onto the forks. The fan is ready.

Ladybugs made from disposable spoons are that happy exception to the rule when a small product looks very neat and funny.


  • 3 plastic teaspoons;
  • gouache red and black;
  • 1 button with holes;
  • glue gun;
  • a piece of thin wire;
  • base for hairpin.


Making a Christmas tree from waste material. Master class Tatyana Aleksandrovna Novichenko, teacher of MBDOU MO No. 116, Krasnodar Description:

This material provides a detailed description of how to make a Christmas tree. The material is provided for educators, primary school teachers and additional education teachers. Purpose:

The Christmas tree can be used to enliven the interior, as a souvenir or gift.
complete the work of making a Christmas tree.
1. Master the ability to make Christmas tree branches using plastic spoons;
2. Arouse interest in creativity; 3. Use waste material. For work you will need the following materials and tools:
- plastic disposable spoons 65 pcs;
- a triangular-shaped plastic bottle; - gouache paints (green, yellow, red, blue); - single-sided tape; - ruler; — brush “squirrel No. 5”; - glue gun. To decorate the Christmas tree:
- rainbow star bow (red, yellow, blue, green);
- beads in the shape of stars; - green tape 1 meter. Rules for safe work with scissors
Keep your work area tidy.
Before work, check the serviceability of the tools. Do not use loose scissors. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors. Use scissors only in your own workplace. Watch the movement of the blades while working. Place the scissors with the rings facing you. Feed the scissors rings forward. Don't leave scissors open. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down. Don't play with scissors, don't put scissors near your face. Use scissors as intended. Description of work:
We take disposable spoons out of the packages, paint the entire “bowl-shaped part” of the spoons and 5 cm of the handles with green gouache. We paint 45 spoons with green gouache using the method described above. Let it dry. We paint 5 spoons each in red, yellow, and blue. Leave 5 spoons white. Let them dry. Cut off the unpainted part of the handle from all spoons. We bend the handle of the spoon upwards, the spoons become like “swans”, we do not bend them too much, we try not to damage the painted spoon. We do this procedure with all spoons. We take a bottle (I used a bath salt bottle) of a triangular shape, the length of the bottle is 28 cm. The width of the sides of the bottle at the base is 6 cm. We take single-sided tape, cut strips 1 cm wide, retreat 2 cm from the bottom of the bottle and begin glue the spoons one by one. First we glue the first row of spoons on all sides, then the second, etc. round. At our discretion, we alternate the colors of the spoons. Having reached the bottle cap, we decorate it with green tape; to do this, we cut 4 strips of tape, 4 cm each, and glue them with hot melt glue. Then we wrap the lid and neck of the bottle on the sides with tape, thereby hiding the tape and glued spoon handles. We decorate the top of our Christmas tree with bows - stars. Attach them using hot melt glue. We cut the beads in the shape of stars into equal parts and, using hot melt glue, glue them to the “branches” of the Christmas tree. And what a Christmas tree it turned out to be! And this is on the other side!

If you and your child decide to spend an interesting winter evening, try giving a second life to ordinary plastic spoons. You can get a very creative Christmas tree if you paint disposable tableware in a vintage color.


- disposable spoons;

- scissors;

- cardboard cone;

- paints.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles for the New Year

If you have accumulated a large number of plastic bottles, then they can be used as material for crafts for the New Year. You can make simple and original things with your own hands that will help you decorate your home in an original way for this beloved holiday.

By using your imagination and the additional decoration materials available in your home, you can create beautiful New Year’s crafts from plastic bottles.

You can get these cute penguins from two plastic bottles

We use the bottom of one bottle as a hat for our penguin. When working, it is better to use acrylic paints, which will adhere better to plastic.

Using multi-colored plastic bottles, you can make beautiful apples, which can be used both for the New Year as decoration and on any other holiday.

Snow globe: craft from a plastic bottle

This beautiful and original New Year's craft can be made at home, all you need is the necessary materials.

You will need:

  • Smooth plastic bottle
  • Styrofoam
  • Brush, glue
  • Sequins, beads, sequins
  • Acrylic paints

Cut off the top and bottom of the bottle. Leaving only a straight section of the container.

We prepare a composition that needs to be placed on foam plastic, pre-cut to the diameter of the bottle.

We carefully fix the foam with our composition at the bottom of the bottle using glue.

The upper part can also be covered with foam plastic and decorated with artificial snow, sparkles, and ribbons.

These funny snowmen can be made from kefir bottles

If you have a lot of identical plastic bottles, then you can use them to make an original wreath for the door. In this case, you will only need the bottoms of the bottles. in which you need to make holes and string them on a tight rope.

If you want an original decoration for the holiday table, then you can make these beautiful candlesticks using plastic bottles. If desired, they can be painted with acrylic paints.

You can make a fabulous New Year's house from a 5-liter plastic bottle. painting it completely with paints.

Classification of products from parts of cookware

Crafts made from cutlery are very diverse both in their forms and in their purpose. They can be used in all areas of human life, to satisfy many needs, or simply to decorate the interior of a house or apartment.

There is something for everyone. This option would be an ideal gift for any celebration or holiday. And if you have unnecessary things lying around at home, then do not rush to throw them in the trash, but turn them into wonders of the flight of creative thought. Crafts made from metal forks and spoons are very diverse:

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The easiest way to make tulips. Especially if you are new to such experiments.

You will need:

  • Plastic spoons (5 spoons for 1 product);
  • Colored paper (corrugated);
  • Glue, scissors;
  • Green electrical tape;
  • Cocktail tube.

Cut equal, even squares of colored paper. Wrap spoons in them and seal them so that they resemble tulip petals. Pre-cut the legs of the spoons.

Even a child can do what is described. Save all children's crafts (even unsuccessful ones) from plastic spoons: over time, you will be curious to track the progress of the little inventor.

Pineapple made from plastic utensils

An original piece of decoration in a child's room. It is easy to make, practical and fits into almost any room interior. To make it you will need: an oval lamp, a glue gun, spoons, yellow gouache, a knife, green cardboard, a bottle.

We cut out a cylinder from the bottle, cutting it off on both sides. We paint the devices in a yellow shade, after cutting them and leaving only the top side. We take the deep sides of the tools and attach them to the bottom row.

Glue another layer to cover the gaps between the petals. Thus, we glue the entire bottle. We make leaves from green cardboard and glue them to the base of the bottle. Finally, place the pineapple on a suitable lamp.

Tips for choosing

Of course, each kitchen has its own organizer for storing all kinds of utensils; in this matter, the housewife is guided entirely by her own taste. However, there are general rules for selecting the optimal liner for cutlery:

Drawers containing technical oils and chemicals cannot be used for kitchen utensils. It is unacceptable to purchase products that emit a persistent unpleasant odor. It is also hazardous to your health to store cutlery in sections painted with toxic dyes.

Interior decoration

To make these decorations look better, you need to purchase colored devices or paint them only with spray paint. This way there won’t be streaks left on the spoons from the brush. Below are described in detail 2 options that are easy to implement.

Sunflower mirror

This craft is suitable for decorating a kitchen, bathroom or nursery.

What materials and tools are needed:

  • small round mirror (10-15 cm in diameter);
  • thick cardboard (a box from under household appliances will do);
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • glue Moment;
  • yellow and black spray paint;
  • 80 white spoons or 16 black and 64 yellow;
  • screwdriver.

Crafts from plastic spoons, forks - a mirror in the shape of a sunflower
Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Draw 2 circles on cardboard: 25-30 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm in diameter. Cut circles with scissors. Determine the center of the large circle and glue the small one to this place, then find the center of the small circle and glue the mirror evenly.
  2. Paint 16 spoons black and the rest yellow. If the dishes are already painted, then simply cut off all the handles under the base.
  3. With the concave side up, the black petals need to be glued to the cardboard with a glue gun so that the bases of the spoons fit into the gap under the mirror, which was formed due to the small cardboard circle.
  4. Glue all the yellow spoons in a circle in a checkerboard pattern so that they cover the gaps between the petals in the previous rows. The bases of each of them should not be visible.

To hang a mirror on the wall, you need to make a hole on the back side with a screwdriver, closer to the center. The cardboard is thicker in this area due to the small circle. Now you can “stick” the mirror onto the nail.

Clock for the kitchen or cafe

For this craft, disposable utensils do not need to be cut or deformed. It is the original shapes that will help you create a kitchen-themed watch.

Crafts from plastic spoons, forks - watches

What you will need:

  • a small round watch with a flat frame around the dial;
  • A4 office paper;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • 10 disposable forks, 10 knives and 10 spoons;
  • glue gun;
  • a handful of small pasta in the shape of a wheel;
  • spray paint.

How to design a watch:

  1. First of all, you need to protect the dial glass from glue and paint. Using a compass on paper, draw a circle equal to the diameter of the glass. Cut out and apply to the dial.
  2. Glue cutlery to the frame in a circle, alternating them (fork, knife, spoon).
  3. Glue the pasta in a circle, separating the handles of the cutlery from the glass.
  4. Hold a piece of paper and spray paint onto the clock.

It is important that all parts are well coated with paint, so 2 cans may be required

What material is most practical?

Manufacturers offer a large selection of ready-made cutlery stands. They can be:

Each option has its own pros and cons. The plastic looks stylish, it washes well, and greasy stains are easily removed from it. The material is durable, resistant to moisture, and therefore does not deform. Among the disadvantages are fragility, rapid loss of presentable appearance, short service life. In addition, cheap plastic products can smell unpleasant. Only food grade plastics are suitable for making kitchen utensils.

Wooden boxes are environmentally friendly, durable, reliable, look aesthetically pleasing, and fit perfectly into the design of any kitchen. Their disadvantages are a decent cost and a high probability of deformation under the influence of constant moisture. Stands made not from wood itself, but from layered plywood, get wet and very quickly lose their shape.

Metal products are characterized by increased strength, resistance to mechanical damage, and are protected from corrosion, but they are an order of magnitude more expensive than their plastic counterparts.

Other options

If your CD is not scratched, then you can not hide it in cardboard and glue it entirely, and then simply decorate it.

You can use satin ribbons more densely, and fill the free space with them in a checkerboard pattern.

By the way, here is another version of the New Year's fan. A typical attribute of this holiday is used - tinsel.

There are colored forks in stores, so if they match the chosen color scheme, feel free to use them.

In general, when it comes to decorating the fan itself, you can use all the techniques you know. For example, very elegant flowers are made from satin ribbons; the method of creation is called kanzashi. If you have the skills to work in this technique, you will find another use for it, and if this is new to you, you will acquire new knowledge.

As you can see, creating the base of the forks is, in principle, simple and monotonous. But decorating the product will allow the craftswoman to demonstrate all her knowledge, skills and imagination. Ribbons, lace, various yarns, beads, beads, rhinestones, feathers and much, much more - everything that is at hand can become part of amazing creations. And believe me, no one can pass by such creativity indifferent.

How the first decorations made from forks and spoons appeared

Each antique fork or spoon has the most valuable and beautiful detail - its handle, which has a unique inscription or ornate pattern. It is on this that most jewelry made from such a simple object at first glance is based.

Although there are many other accessories where there are tines of forks and even wide parts of spoons, cut in one way or another. Most often, silverware and cupronickel are used to make bracelets, rings and earrings. But in handmade stores you can also find pendants, pendants and many other decorations made from old dishes.

Despite all its popularity, remaking forks and spoons into original accessories is far from a new activity. The first mention of the appearance of extraordinary jewelry made from silverware dates back to 1600 years. Moreover, they indicate that such an activity appeared precisely in England, where ladies have long loved to decorate their toilets with everything unusual and exclusive.

Therefore, by joining the ranks of those who transform unnecessary forks into something worthwhile and expensive, you become part of an ancient craft that dates back hundreds of years.

Ladybugs made from plastic spoons

You will need: plastic spoons (3 spoons for one cow), black, white and red paints, brush, black buttons or lids, plastic bottle caps, glue gun, scissors.

Master Class

  1. Cut off the handles of plastic spoons.
  2. Paint one spoon black.
  3. Paint 2 spoons red and draw black dots.
  4. Paint the eye buttons with white paint.
  5. Glue 2 red spoons on top of the black spoon.
  6. Glue the button.
  7. Make the required number of ladybugs.

I recommend watching the video master class!

How to make a pineapple from plastic spoons to decorate your summer cottage

Watch this video on YouTube

What to stock up on and where to go next

There are a lot of ideas for making various crafts from plastic spoons. As a rule, most of these products will require basic elements: the spoons themselves, cardboard, glue, sometimes paints or colored paper, scissors.

You can start making crafts without worrying about where to “attach” the craft later - thanks to the convenience of the material itself, any product will be so cute and original that acquaintances, friends and relatives will be happy to receive such a gift.

In addition, such crafts are often used in everyday life, to decorate a house or a summer cottage. On a well-kept lawn or vegetable garden, crafts made as flowers are most often used - this way you can give the plantings a beautiful accent. And for the New Year holidays, plastic spoons will provide limitless scope for creativity.

Separately, it is worth noting those types of crafts that can be functional in nature and useful in the household. Perhaps this is a significant advantage for any craft, because usually the result of creative success does not find a place in the house and is safely forgotten or thrown away.

Making fans and plastic forks

In order to make a fan from plastic elements, you must first make crafts from spoons and forks with your own hands, at least in the amount of 2-3 copies. As a result, you will gain basic skills in working with plastic, which will allow you to make very complex products from it in the future.

Necessary elements for making a fan from plastic forks

In order to make a fan from plastic forks, you will need the following set:

  • plastic forks including 30 pcs.;
  • ribbons and lace;
  • cardboard;
  • glue, scissors, and a used CD;
  • glue or glue gun.

Glue must be applied only to the part of the fork handle that will be glued

Appropriately, such crafts from disposable forks can be made using various techniques. So, such fans can be decorated in the kanzashi style, which will make them unique and original. As a result, you will be able to use them not only to decorate the premises, but also, for example, as an accessory at a carnival.

So, for the base you will need to take cardboard and cut a circle out of it to the size of a CD. Then it is cut in half into 2 equal parts, which are then glued together with the support of glue or a glue gun.

You can decorate the fan using satin ribbons

The next step will be to outline a semicircle inside the disk on cardboard. It will base the border up to which the plugs will stick. First, they are glued to one part of the semicircle. To do this, take twenty-four disposable forks, which are first glued together with their lower parts. From above, the body part of the forks is closed by the second part of the semicircle.

A lace ribbon is attached to the edge of the fan

In order for crafts made from plastic forks made in this manner to look good, you will need to decorate them. To do this, take 2 satin ribbons in number and intertwine them, threading them through forks, tying bows at their ends. After this, you will need to take the lace ribbon and secure it with glue on the outermost element - the fork. Subsequently, it is threaded between the teeth of the forks, forming the edge of the fan.

The next step could be to secure the lace ribbon to a cardboard semicircle. You will first need to tighten it using a needle and thread to the size you need. The remaining disposable tape must be glued so as to cover the tines of the forks from the bottom.

A fan of plastic forks will attract the attention of those surrounding

Such crafts made from forks can be completed with the help of roses arranged from satin ribbons. To do this, they are attached to the surface of the fan at your discretion. It’s appropriate that you can use it not only for decorative purposes, but also for its intended purpose - for the war against stuffiness.

Don't be afraid to experiment when creating a fan from plastic forks

Crafts from spoons and forks provide wide-ranging opportunities for creativity, so don’t get hung up on the products you’ve already mastered, but improvise. Try, for example, making a bracelet or ring out of plastic. This will give you the opportunity to master new techniques and techniques, and will also expand your range of work as a handmade artist.

Communities › DIY › Blog › Fork.))

Hi all.
Yesterday there was another trip for work... And again I forgot to take a spoon on the road, and the attendant (car) got lost and I had to use a knife to eat lunch. )) Yes, you can stop by and eat at a roadside cafe... But I usually take food with me from home... While I was tinkering with the knife, I remembered a device used by German soldiers - a fork.))) Now this thing and its various variations can be bought in the store... BUT! I have old cutlery lying around in the garage...))) In the evening in the garage we saw a spoon, sawed a fork, drilled, made a rivet from a 4mm brass screw and riveted everything together.)) This is what happened: And today a friend brought a sewing machine to work ( repair). )) Repaired.))) Well, we made this cover for the device:

Such a funny and useful device will now be in the car.))) Beaver everyone and Happy Friday.))

Comments 110

Cool, bookmarked.

Since the case is a problem? It’s also a good idea to put the cutlery in one piece separately, and put it in a case so that it doesn’t break) I’ve never liked knives with a spoon and fork. A corkscrew and a bottle opener are all right)

Fork. Sounds like left-right or arms-legs. In real life, it’s easier to eat in a cafe than to scratch a vessel with this gadget.

A cafe is simpler, of course... But you just don’t know whether there will be a cafe nearby or not... And what kind of cafe it will be...

everything ingenious is simple

I also saw these in the USSR. Actually a great idea!

The car and full-size appliances will be taken away. it won't overstrain

Here it is. ))) This is where the idea came from.))) And the website is correct, we also visit.))

Valid.)) But mine is free.))

Me too, presented)))

The knife was sharpened, I just adjusted it a little because... Someone must have sharpened it with a file. But now you can not only spread butter on bread, but cut the bread itself without any problems, and even cut sausages (God forgive me for the post about sausage) :-))) Now that I have a knife, everything is sharpened properly, and the hatchet is in the car and knives and scissors in the first aid kit.

Reminds me of the Knife Key from the Clinic

It is necessary to patent it, otherwise the porters (in short, in Switzerland) will make money on this product for free

Everything has already been invented and patented before us. Back at the beginning of the last century.))

Luminium is not good

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