(+78 photos) How to make a large tree for the interior with your own hands

The tree of happiness or topiary is a fashionable decorative element that you can make with your own hands. It is called the tree of happiness because it attracts happiness and good luck to the house, and decorated with coins it promotes material well-being.

The first examples of topiary trimming of trees were known in ancient times. The word topiary itself comes from Ancient Rome - this was the name given to a person engaged in cutting and maintaining an ornamental garden.

Volumetric tree on the wall

This unique 3D decoration can be made with your own hands on the wall (and even on part of the ceiling) without any problems. To create a real masterpiece, it is not necessary to have the knowledge of a sculptor or artist.

Important: This decor requires a lot of space.

You will need:

  • Master OK;
  • Bucket;
  • Marker and scissors;
  • Acrylic paints and brushes;
  • Scotch;
  • A bag of dry plaster;
  • A large sheet of cellophane film.


  1. Let's draw a contour mirror image on the cellophane film with a marker, and when we cut out the drawn middle, we should get a stencil;
  2. We stick it on the wall with tape;
  3. Pour water into a bucket and spread the plaster;
  4. Using a trowel, carefully fill the empty stencil space;
  5. Remove the film after the mixture has dried;
  6. We apply several more layers of gypsum, making the last one round;
  7. When the solution has dried thoroughly, paint the sculpture with acrylic-based paints.

You can choose a wide variety of palettes. A “natural” image would look great in the living room, or a fabulous tree, unusually painted, on the wall in a children’s room.

Let's make a fairytale "Fly Agaric House"

Today I propose to make a fairy-tale fly agaric house from ordinary materials.

To begin with, I will duplicate the composition of paperclay in spoons and grams:

— toilet paper (napkins) — 20 g (approximately 5-7 mm from the roll); - PVA glue - 75 g ( 7 tbsp ); — gypsum dry putty — 125 g ( 6 tbsp. ); - flour - 50 g ( 4 tbsp ); - baby or olive oil, can be replaced with Fairy oil - 20 g ( 3 tbsp ); - starch - 50 g ( 4 tbsp ).

Master class on how to make it >>>here

You can and should sketch out sketches of the future house and act according to the plan, but I will make the house on a whim. So this project is purely intuitive and creative.

For the house we will need:

- glass jar with a lid; - self-hardening mass; - tools for modeling (you can replace them with manicure tools, a thick needle - whatever is available); - foil; - wire; - glue gun and glue for it; - watercolor paints; - white acrylic; - brushes; - spray varnish.

I twist flagella of different thicknesses and lengths from foil, as well as several flat cakes.

I glue thicker flagella along the bottom of the jar with hot glue, and flat cakes - there will be a threshold of two steps. I glue the future door and window with an arch with an arc.

I glue foil onto the lid and increase the volume and shape of the cap.

I try on the wire on the finished roof shape, it will be a reinforced pipe. Place one end of the wire in a semicircle with glue in the desired location.

I mask the wire with foil and increase the volume of the pipe.

I form a cone from foil, there will be a cap on the pipe. I fix it with glue.

I look at the whole house as a whole, whether all the elements are in place, whether the shape satisfies me. I add the necessary volumes: above the door, a window sill on the window. Now everything is fine.

I'm starting to sculpt. I start from the bottom of the nut, you can practice and get used to the material and instrument. It is convenient to apply clay using a spatula.

You can also apply it simply with your hands. Using wetted fingers I level the surface.

Some of the protruding elements of the door were covered with clay.

Before the mass has set, it is necessary to create a texture. I press the stack towards the surface, simulating masonry. You can imitate any texture, for example, wood, whatever you like.

I walk over the surface with an old toothbrush, and a grainy appearance forms. This technique smoothes out sharp angles between the spaces of the stones. The surface becomes more prominent.

Next I move on to the lower sides, it will be something like a grass heap. I throw on pieces of clay and use a tool to add texture. I press the stack onto the clay at different angles, creating an interesting relief.

Next I make a window in one general ensemble. The cladding is stone masonry, the window sill is a fly agaric cap.

There will be a stump with twigs on the side, I won’t touch it for now. I dried all the molded elements well, it took me overnight.

I don’t forget about the bottom of the jar, I give it a neat shape. I check to see if the can is shaking.

The next morning everything is dry, I start decorating the entire space. I start with the door. To prevent cracks, I moisten the joints with water using a brush. The mass adheres very well to wet surfaces. I apply the clay and smooth the surface with wetted fingers. I outline the window in the door with a dotted line and remove the excess clay. It is convenient to use a manicure spatula for this purpose.

I mark the boundaries of the door boards. Using a flat silicone stack I draw stripes.

Then I imitate a wooden surface. I chaotically apply various patterns with any convenient tool. I leave the door to dry.

I'm switching from hemp. I give it and the branches a wooden texture.

Next I fill the window with clay. I mark the window frame with a dotted line and remove excess clay, all actions are the same as with the door.

I leave the jar alone for a while so that the clay sets and I begin sculpting the roof. I cover the bottom of the cap with clay and apply stripes, imitating the texture of the bottom of a fly agaric. You can use a thick needle or a stationery knife.

After that, I cover the roof of the house with clay, it’s convenient to sculpt on the can itself. I apply the mixture with my fingers, smooth the surface by moistening them with water. I leave it to dry.

Once dry, I form a pipe with masonry and a mushroom cap.

Now it's time to fill the remaining surface of the jar. I wanted to make round holes. I make them with the back of the brush.

Additional wall decor is bricks. I place three small rectangular cakes on a surface moistened with water, smooth them well with silicone, giving them a recognizable shape.

I glue a handle to the door, press a small ball onto the moistened surface with a round stack. Door hinges are small rectangles pressed down in the middle by a semicircular stack.

Additionally, I decorate the threshold of the house with a small mushroom. I sculpt it separately, using the pipe principle: I wrap foil on a wire, then form a cone and glue it. Then I apply clay and give it the shape of a mushroom. I glue the dry fungus near the door with hot glue, and then mask the joint with clay. I make a texture like on a pile.

Now you need to dry everything well.

The next morning I start painting the house. I prepared watercolor paints, brushes, a palette (I have a white lid), and water. I will mix the shades with water on the palette and apply them to the house.

I start with stonework. I choose blue and purple shades with a dash of black paint. I apply it unevenly, smeared with sharp color transitions. The threshold will be in a dark gray palette.

For the filling I choose different shades of green. I also paint all surfaces unevenly.

I paint the door in brown and green tones. I go over all the recesses and depressions with dark paint, trying to slightly blur the sharp boundaries of color transitions.

Stump and branches are also in a brown-green palette.

For the walls I choose yellow, beige, orange tones. I paint unevenly, with smooth color transitions. Choose a color palette to your liking.

I apply yellowish-whitish paint to the inner surface of all mushrooms.

I paint the hat in red and burgundy shades. I give the watercolors time to dry a little. About half an hour.

After the watercolor has dried, I take white acrylic paint. I dip the tip of the brush a little into the acrylic, remove the excess on paper and use a semi-dry brush to go over all the protruding parts. In order to slightly whiten the dark elements, the texture is revealed with the help of white color and the overall color scheme is smoothed out. The house is taking on its final form.

The threshold becomes more natural, natural, stone.

I also walk along the protruding parts of the rubble, bricks and wall.

I whiten the window.

Stump and twigs.

I paint white paint along the bottom of the mushroom caps.

Everything dries.

The final touch is the white spots on the fly agaric caps. I paint them in two layers, it will be brighter and more elegant. I wash all the paint from the windows with cotton swabs and fix the surfaces with spray varnish. That's it, the fly agaric house is ready.

And a photo shoot. Front view.

On the side.


View from the other side.

The big picture. Two houses. Buttons and beads will be stored there. We plan to make an organizer for pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, and a night light in a fairytale style.

Thank you all for your attention. Creative success and inspiration. If you have any questions, write in the comments. I will be glad to receive your feedback. Share your experience and examples. This is very inspiring.

Best regards, Svetlana

Decorative tree made from branches

To decorate the interior of your home, you can make large artificial trees with flowers.

Necessary materials:

  • Hot glue gun;
  • Twigs;
  • Moss;
  • Sea pebbles;
  • Square flowerpot;
  • Decorative flowers (can be paper);
  • A piece of foam.

How to make a decorative tree yourself from ordinary branches:

  1. We fill the bottom of the flowerpot with sea pebbles and put polystyrene foam on them, and insert the prepared branch into it;
  2. Sprinkle it again with sea stones for good stability, insert moss on top;
  3. Now we decorate the branch. To do this, we glue decorative flowers randomly to a branch using a glue gun;
  4. After completing this procedure, such a decorative craft will rightfully serve as a decoration for your home or apartment.

On the Internet you can find many photos of trees made by yourself, choose the option that suits you and create your own masterpiece based on it.

Tips for needlewomen

  1. You can cover the wire with the buds with foil before putting on the base.
  2. Bend the branches as the shape of the tree allows.
  3. It is possible to make a powerful, thickened trunk using masking tape.
  4. If you want to depict creeping roots, then dip the cut pieces of bandage in a gypsum solution and wrap them around the tree trunk, and then treat the surface with plaster again.
  5. In order to create the appearance of an old tree, twisted and wrinkled, scratch the surface of the trunk with a fork onto the mixture that has not yet hardened.

Decorating elements can include stones (glued), decorative moss. In the example photo, see how tree pallets are decorated. The beaded oak tree will now become a gift for someone or a decoration for your interior. We wish you new creations and achievements in your plans!

Bonsai in a pot

We offer another way to easily make an artificial bonsai tree with your own hands. The operating algorithm is simple:

  1. We select the container. A ceramic flower pot with holes for draining water is ideal.
  2. Fill the pot with soil. The soil should not be collected from the yard. It’s better not to save money and buy a ready-made mixture at a flower shop. Why is this necessary if the tree is still artificial? We will be growing moss or lawn on top, so good soil is essential.
  3. For the trunk of a decorative tree, we select a branch that is thick enough and intricately curved to resemble a spreading plant.
  4. We attach decor to the branches of the wooden frame. It can be made from matte paper, fabric, satin ribbons or any material. The more original the decor, the more spectacular the final result.
  5. We plant the lawn mixture in the ground and water it generously daily. Very little time will pass, and under the original tree a bright and lush summer lawn will spread out.

By combining natural and synthetic materials, you can achieve unprecedented results in the art of bonsai, turning your favorite hobby into a successful business.

Option No. 7. Decorating an old screen with branches

To give a second life to an old screen, follow the simple step-by-step instructions below.

Original screen decor with branches

To work you will need:

  • the screen itself;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • lace fabric;
  • varnish;
  • stapler;
  • tassels;
  • branches;
  • scissors;
  • heat gun.

Photo of the screen before work

Tools and materials

Step 1. First of all, remove the fabric from the screen. Wooden elements are coated with two layers of acrylic paint, after which you need to wait for it to dry completely.

Step 2. Next, apply a layer of matte varnish.

Application of matte varnish

Step 3. A piece of fabric is attached to the screen using a mounting stapler. The fabric should be taut so that it doesn’t end up sagging.

Fixing fabric with a stapler

The fabric is fixed on the screen

Step 4. The branches are attached to the frame using a heat gun.

Attaching branches to the frame

Step 5. If desired, you can additionally use cones of various sizes and thin twigs.

If desired, you can use thinner branches and cones of different sizes

Another photo of the process

Step 6. The finished screen will decorate any room and will definitely attract the attention of your guests!

This screen will decorate any room

Preparing tree branches for interior use

Before you start creating, you need to prepare the branches and prepare the required number of different wooden fragments. All other actions are aimed at long-term preservation of the composition. The following sequence of actions is suggested:

All selected branches must be free of contamination. Remove any remaining bark and damaged wood.

All wood that was harvested during walks in the park must be inspected for pest infestation. Forethought will not hurt, so treat it with special mixtures in advance.

The time-tested method of impregnation with vegetable oil to which herbs have been added has proven itself well.

After drying, the wood changes size and shape, and has such a feature as deformation. In order to avoid disruption of the composition, the wood material must be dried before production. This process occurs quickly under sunlight with good access to fresh air.

In order to avoid the appearance of fungus on the product, pre-treat the wood with antifungal compounds.

In order for the finished product to have a stunning look, it is better to coat it with varnish. But this process remains at the discretion of the author of the composition.

The tree branches used are taken into the interior composition as they are used in nature, pre-treated with disinfectants. Varnishing adds charm and style.

But the most expressive result is obtained when making a composition painted in one color.

It would be good if it was a contrasting tone to the interior. In this case, it will easily fit into any style. The most widely used colors are white and black, as well as silver and golden colors.

Components of topiary

To make such a craft, you need to know what parts it consists of. These are the parts.

  1. Crown. In most cases, it is round, but if desired, you can also make it vintage (in the form of a cone), as well as other shapes: in the form of a heart, some kind of geometric figure, or an abstract figure. The basis of the round crown is any suitable ball: polystyrene foam, rubber ball, plastic ball, etc. As for other shapes, here, of course, you need to work extra hard to come up with and make such a shape.
  2. Trunk. There are also many options here: a tree branch, strong wire, plastic, etc. Experienced craftsmen say that wire is the best. From it you can make a barrel of any, the most bizarre and sophisticated configuration.
  3. The basis. Again, this can be any item: a flower pot, a small bucket, a container, a bowl. Or - a container specially made for such a case.

We create bonsai

The tradition of creating bonsai was born in Ancient China more than two thousand years ago. The name “bonsai” is written in two hieroglyphs, which mean “bowl” and “tree”. Later, already in Japan, the unusual method was actively developed and rose to the rank of fine art.

It was the Japanese who brought the method to perfection, creating a special system of canons and proposing rules for exposure. Miniature trees are an aesthetic pleasure for perfectionists.

Many people claim that looking at an elegant bonsai, they are overcome by an extraordinary feeling of calm, tranquility, and anxiety goes away, as if by magic. Decorate the world around you, try your hand at creating amazingly beautiful products.

Do you want to create a luxurious miniature garden at home that does not require special care? Then an interesting master class will help beginners in creating a bonsai tree with their own hands.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • We select materials for work. Any gifts of generous nature will be needed: intricately curved twigs, driftwood, juniper, spruce or pine branches, moss, reindeer moss.
  • We preserve the branches. For processing, we will prepare a special solution consisting of denatured alcohol, acetone, and glycerin. We take everything in the exact proportion 1:1:2.

Important: The solution for preserving natural materials should be stored in a tightly closed container, as it has a pronounced chemical odor.

  • Initially, we wash the branches under cold water, thoroughly cleaning them from dust and dirt, then place them in the solution for at least a week.
  • Next, dry the decorative material and paint it if necessary. Let's reveal a little secret: before painting, you need to dip the branches in hot paraffin, the treatment will help to apply the paint evenly to the surface.
  • Let's start making a decorative bonsai tree. Cut the branches to the required length and carefully glue each one to the base. To prevent the structure from falling apart, we will wrap the individual elements with wire; after gluing, it can be removed.
  • We decorate individual areas with moss, reindeer moss, white sand or decorative pebbles. In our work, we will definitely designate the center of gravity of the structure in order to give the craft greater stability.

After completing the painstaking work, a unique live composition will open to your eyes. An eco-style bonsai will delight the eye for a long time; all that remains is to occasionally brush off the dust from the elegant creation.

Dimensions and quantity

How do you determine the size of snowflakes needed for a particular tree? First you need to figure out where the branches will start and how wide they will be. It is necessary to measure the distance from the mark to the top of the barrel. Every 1-2 cm, depending on the desired volume of the tree, paper branches will be placed.

The estimated dimensions of a series of squares can be as follows: from 5 to 1.5 cm. The difference between them should be from 1 to 0.5 cm. It is important to determine the width of the base snowflake, and from there follow the path of reducing the size. It is important to make sure that the snowflake blanks are square in shape. To do this, you need to fold them in four and trim off the excess after the second fold.

Satin ribbons

This tree will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding celebration. It's very easy to make. It is enough to show a little patience and imagination. The only difficulty that can arise is making flowers from satin ribbons.

So, to create a topiary you will need:

  • About seven meters of satin ribbons.
  • Threads, beads, yarn, lace for decoration.
  • Glue.
  • Wooden stick or plastic pipe.
  • Flower pot.
  • Crumpled newspaper or papier-mâché.
  • Earth, decorative stones, shells.


  1. According to the photo above, flowers are made from ribbons. On average, one topiary will require 15-19 roses.
  2. Now the crown is made. You can take ready-made papier-mâché, or you can crumple newspaper into a ball shape. The workpiece should be wrapped with yarn for greater density.
  3. The trunk is made from a branch or plastic pipe. Then it is wrapped with ribbon or decorated with lace.
  4. Next, using glue, the trunk is glued to the crown of the tree. The bottom of the trunk is placed in a pot and covered with earth and pebbles to make it heavier.
  5. Using threads, satin roses are sewn to the crown. In order for the flowers to hold more firmly, the workpiece is additionally fixed with glue.
  6. The pot is decorated with bows, lace and yarn. Flowers should be carefully straightened and, if necessary, decorated with decorative ribbons and rhinestones.

How to zone space using branches?

As mentioned earlier, ideas for crafts made from branches are not just about small decorations. If desired, you can make tall compositions, with which you can divide the room into several functional zones.

Such crafts can also be used for zoning

To separate the living room from the bedroom, thick and tall branches of bushes are often used, fixing them in holes on a wooden stand. The result is an openwork partition that allows light to pass through and takes part in zoning.

Photos of crafts made from branches

Tree with LED garland

The manufacturing process begins with a frame, for which aluminum wire is best suited. It easily bends at any angle, giving the future structure any configuration. A more realistic color is achieved by wrapping the white insulation of the wire with black electrical tape.

  • Then, the finished frame is evenly wrapped with a garland, secured to the wire with black electrical tape. If desired, you can create additional decorations for LEDs in the form of decorative nozzles made of transparent plastic. Upon completion of the work, the manufactured tree just needs to be connected to the electrical network and checked for its functionality.

Thus, the question of how to make an LED tree with your own hands can be considered resolved.

  • The main advantage of this method is considered to be ease of manufacture. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of producing large-sized wood. This is due to the standard length of the garland, which is not enough to fit on the entire tree. Therefore, this method is most suitable for the manufacture of miniature products, which are also very popular.

How to choose branches to work with?

To make a beautiful craft, you need to choose the right source material. Straight, not very dry branches are most suitable - for example, part of a pine/spruce tree (but it is important that without resin).

Beautiful craft made from branches

A worthy decoration for any room

Heart made of branches

Imitation of a window from branches

If the craft is small, then it is convenient to use linden or birch to make it, since such wood is easy to process. It is also important that the branches are not eaten by beetles.

Original wreath on the door

It is also important that the rods are flexible and have little moisture. Sometimes forked branches (like forks) are needed, but working with them is more difficult - skills and some experience are required.

How to make a bar stool with your own hands?

In our new article, we talked about making bar stools, provided detailed step-by-step instructions for the best options, and also showed the most original and beautiful ideas! More details in this article.

Stages of making a seahorse from branches

LED tree

Making a tree from individual LEDs is considered a more labor-intensive process. However, this method does not have the disadvantages inherent in ready-made garlands, which makes it possible to produce structures of any shape and size.

The main material is 5 mm LEDs. To equalize the voltage you will need resistors.

Direct manufacturing begins with soldering resistors to the LEDs. The LED contacts have different lengths, so the resistor legs are pre-shortened on one side. You need to solder the contacts of both elements very quickly so as not to damage the LED.

  • Heat shrink tubing is then cut into the wires to cover the solder joints and resistors. It is necessary to leave space for soldering the power wire. The tube is inserted onto the resistor leg and heated a little with a lighter to give the insulation the required shape. This operation is performed with each LED.
  • After this, you can begin making the tree itself. Most often, the trunk is made of thin plumbing pipes, and the branches are made of wire, approximately 50 cm long. The main part of the branch takes 45 cm, and 5 cm is left for attaching it to the trunk.
  • Small branches are cut into sizes up to 10 cm. The number of LEDs on one branch must be calculated in advance.

  • At the next stage, small branches are tied with electrical tape to large branches. It is recommended to make the number of LEDs on each small branch equal to the number of LEDs on the large branch. Each LED is secured using electrical tape.
  • The wires need to be stretched along the entire length of the main branches, after which they are cut taking into account the bends of the small branches.
  • The ends are wound to the trunk, after which all the pros and cons on each branch are connected. Their number should match the total number of branches. The wire connections are insulated. All that remains is to hang the decorative ornaments evenly and connect the finished tree to the electrical network.

Option #5. Branches for bouquet decoration

Floral arrangements always evoke special admiration. And there is nothing surprising in this, since each such composition is unique. Let's look at how to decorate a bouquet in an original way using branches.

Stylish bouquet decoration with branches

To work you will need:

  • the branches themselves (including those with leaves);
  • decorative tape;
  • flowers;
  • pruner;
  • wire cutters;
  • decorative wire.

What you need for work

Step 1. First of all, the branches are cut - they should ultimately have the same length. Then a couple of pieces of wire (also the same length) are cut and folded in half. A stick is placed between the pieces of wire; one turn must be made on each side. This way it will be securely fixed.

The sticks are fixed with wire

Step 2. The remaining sticks are added one by one.

Forming a path from sticks

Step 3. The ends of the wire are securely fixed. The result will be a kind of path made of sticks.

Ready-made path made of sticks

Step 4. The finished path is laid on the table, branches with leaves and flowers are evenly distributed on it (as in the image below). The distance between them should be small. After this, the track curls, but not very tightly.

Distribute flowers and twigs with leaves evenly

Step 5. The ends of the track are connected using a small piece of decorative wire.

Step 6. The composition thus obtained is decorated with a bright satin ribbon.

The composition is decorated with ribbon

Step 7. The finished composition is placed in a low glass container filled with water. Thanks to this craft, even the simplest and most monotonous interior will be transformed, filled with freshness and lightness!

Place it in a low glass vase with water.

Making your own wood for the street

When making wood with LEDs for outdoor use, you must take into account the aggressive influence of the environment. Therefore, before you start making an LED tree for the street with your own hands, you need to determine the entire procedure in advance.

The general scheme of work will be approximately the same as for conventional structures intended for indoors. In the outdoor version, it is recommended to pay attention to a more thorough coating of the trunk and branches with high-quality materials.

It is also necessary to take care of good insulation of the LEDs after soldering them with resistors.

The heat shrink tubing should completely cover each pair. If necessary, all unreliable areas can be additionally insulated with black electrical tape. The same goes for wire connections in the plus and minus areas. Decorative items should be secured more efficiently so that they are not torn off by strong gusts of wind.

Snow tree made of gray-blue beads

A combination of New Year's balls (or large beads) with fresh or artificial flowers looks very good on a winter tree. Gather branches or pine paws into a bundle and secure it to the base. Decorate the tree with flowers on top and beads around and below. Just place them not in straight lines, but in waves.

When you decorate a tree with Christmas balls, remember one thing. They should be the same color, but different sizes. Or, on the contrary, take balls of the same size, but different in shades. At the top, randomly spread some silver threads or rain. This way, the compositions you make from tree branches with your own hands will look harmonious.

It will be very cool if you make two of these crafts and place them on either side of the TV. Watching New Year's films will become even more fun and interesting. And most importantly, a festive mood will appear.

It is not necessary to make trees; you can make small compositions from twigs. They will look just as good on a dining table or chest of drawers. Take baskets, decorate them with twigs, spruce legs, cones and bunches of viburnum. Place them in all rooms, and every corner of the house will feel like a holiday.

You can make crafts from tree branches in the form of a topiary with your own hands. The New Year's version will look good with tangerines. You can take both real and artificial fruits.

Prepare materials: fruit, beautifully curved branches, linen or jute rope, wire, flower pot, floral sponge or polystyrene foam, mistletoe or spruce branches, leaves, glue, artificial snow (crushed polystyrene foam), knife.

Wrap the fruit with a rope crosswise, securing a piece of wire in parallel.

Lubricate spruce branches with glue and dip them in artificial snow. From a floral sponge or polystyrene foam, cut out a base that will fit in the pot. Secure the branches in it well so that they do not dangle. Tie the tangerines to the tree, starting from the bottom. Don't forget to hold the fruits together. Decorate the pot with spruce branches and tangerines with leaves.

How and from what to create?

  • Drawing is the most original method; it does not require serious expenses. In this case, it is not necessary to contact an artist, just be patient, buy paints and go ahead. Don’t be upset if the outline of the drawing is not the smoothest, nature is diverse and there are no perfectly straight trees. For greater confidence, you can use a stencil.
  • Applique is also an excellent option for applying a design. You can use various papers, preferably thicker ones (wallpaper, cardboard). Sometimes there are a lot of boxes left over from things, or several rolls of wallpaper after renovation, all of which can be used.

The idea can also be implemented using more rigid materials, such as gypsum, polystyrene foam, various wooden coverings (fibreboard, chipboard). This will require ingenuity and the ability to work with material.

You can use natural tree branches. For this you will need good technical glue, and the tree branches themselves. Before fastening, it is necessary to treat the tree branches so that they can last longer. This technique enhances the natural effect in the room. It can be combined with patterns and appliques.

  • Sgraffito is a more complex decoration option; it can be used when the apartment is being renovated. It involves applying several layers of paint or other coating to the surface, followed by cutting out the design. The result is very attractive, it gives volume to the room and a unique visual effect. It can be applied to rooms that do not use wallpaper.

How to imitate a decorative tree? Various fabrics can be used. Any covering will be useful - burlap, linen fabric. This technique is popular and will add unusualness to the picture.

How to prepare branches?

To create a durable and beautiful product, you need to know about the proper preparation of branches for work. The following steps are required!

Table. Stages of preparing branches.

Name, photoShort description
If the branches are not dried, the craft will warp. Drying should last from 10 to 14 days (if the temperature is room temperature) or a week (if you put the branches on the radiator). There is another option for those who are especially impatient - use the oven. In this case, a few hours at a minimum temperature will be enough.
To prevent insects from appearing on the craft, the branches are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before starting work.

Craft - a fence made of branches

The appearance of the craft can be improved by applying varnish or paint. Moreover, the processing can be carried out both at the beginning of the process and with the finished product.

A few more original ideas for crafts from branches

What can topiary be made from?

One of the advantages of this type of decorative products is that they can be created from a variety of materials.

So, you can make a tree with your own hands from:

  • paper and fabric tapes;
  • fabrics and lace;
  • threads and ropes, sisal;
  • beads;
  • cones, chestnuts and acorns;
  • nuts;
  • paper;
  • artificial flowers and leaves;
  • napkins;
  • newspapers;
  • pasta;
  • shells;
  • caramel sweets;
  • balloons (not inflated);
  • packaging mesh for a bouquet of flowers.

And if you want to make a money tree with your own hands, then the crown will need to be decorated with artificial (or even real) bills or coins.

As an example, we have chosen for you a topiary decorated with cute paper flowers and hearts.


Cutting out of paper is the easiest way to embody any hero. Use colored paper, pieces of felt, and toy eyes to make the toy more complex and beautiful.

Turn her into a puppet by gluing a popsicle stick on the back: now you can give performances! And if you work hard, you can add moving parts: let the elephant move its trunk, the fox wave its tail, and the cat wash itself with its paw.

Make a craft in the form of a fairy-tale house from a shoebox, decorate and furnish it with furniture cut out of paper. Place Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in it.

Origami will develop accuracy and fine motor skills: start with simple shapes, gradually becoming more complex.

Topiary with candies

The highlight of this craft is that you will get not just a decorative product, but also a kind of vase for sweets. This option is perfect as a delicious gift for children, girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers, and loved ones.


To make wood, take:

  • Ball;
  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Beautiful caramels (without wrappers);
  • Stick for the trunk;
  • Pot or box for base;
  • Pot filler;
  • Ribbons, paper and fabric flowers and any other decorative details.

The process of making topiary

  1. Make a hole in the ball for the barrel.
  2. Cover the ball with double-sided tape.
  3. Glue caramels on it.
  4. Fill the free space with decorative elements.
  5. You can also decorate the trunk at your discretion.
  6. Place the stick-trunk in a pot or box, cover everything on top with cotton wool, cardboard or something else and decorate with caramels, only in wrappers. Ready!

How to grow a miniature oak?

Determine where the oak tree will grow. Choose a wide container with a shallow depth (3–50 cm). When the tree begins to grow, it is transplanted into a larger pot. Avoid plastic; the best choice would be fireclay or ceramics. Place drainage at the bottom.

Peculiarity! Transplantation is carried out in the spring every 2-4 years. The need for this is determined by the roots: if they have filled the pot, the tree needs a new place.

How to do root pruning?

Remove long roots with pruning shears. Trim thick superficial roots at an angle. The beveled ends look organic at ground level. Carry out pruning when replanting - once every 2-4 years. Remove grown roots, leaving small to medium roots 10-15 cm long.


In the second year of life, when the oak tree has grown, it is given the desired shape. The procedure is carried out in early spring or autumn, when it has dropped its leaves. Cut off any excess branches with pruning shears, bend the remaining ones with wire.

Formation rules:

  1. Think about how the bonsai should look, make a sketch, and be guided by it as you work. Use a vertical or slanted style. Curved, grotesque shapes are not suitable for oak. Buy clamps, flexible copper wire.
  2. Proceed to wrapping the trunk and branches. Pull the wire from bottom to top in a spiral.
  3. Secure the end with a fork in the place where the branch grows from. Make one turn around the trunk, then wind the wire parallel, around the branch towards the tip. Bend the edge of the wire down.
  4. Prevent damage to the bark by placing strips of rubber or fabric under the wire.
  5. To set the position of the branch to the left, wind clockwise, to the right - vice versa.
  6. When bending, proceed carefully, work with both hands, keeping your thumbs on the inside.
  7. Secure branches that are designed to be more bent with clamps.
  8. Work until the entire bonsai is covered.

The wire structure is designed for a period of 1 month to six months. Control it otherwise it will damage the developing bark of the plant. When the desired shape has been achieved, leave the oak for 2 years. If you remove the structure earlier, it will return to its previous position.

Important! From the end of February to the beginning of spring, trim large branches and shoots in accordance with the designed sketch. Do this annually. Remove young shoots at any time.


Use organic and special fertilizers. They will help strengthen the standard, it will be thicker. Frequency – once a month. Don't fertilize too often. The plant will give an unacceptable effect: it will stretch, create large internodes, and large foliage.

Photo ideas


Another winter tree option

In this case, you will need slightly different materials:

  • twigs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • glue;
  • rope;
  • vase.

Tie the collected rods together and form a tree. Crumble the foam by hand or grate it using a grater. Dip the branches in glue, remove excess.

Now sprinkle the crumbled foam on top of the craft. Do this until you achieve the desired result. Place the tree in a vase and decorate with toys.

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