DIY robot craft - simple instructions with description, photo and video

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For very busy parents, you need a craft that does not require a lot of time and material to create. With a minimum of material costs, but which will not be ashamed to show. It is desirable that a simple robot craft for kindergarten look like serious work created with dedication.

You can take regular packaging cardboard, any box will do for this, and make a large craft out of it.

The arms and legs are attached separately, by interlocking the puzzles, this is necessary so that the product has volume and not a flat shape. After that, all that remains is to paint the model with gouache and you will get a very original robot.

DIY robot with artificial intelligence

The designer was presented by the Google Creative Lab division. The robot is called ALTO, which is short for A Little Teachable Object. The project was created so that people could assemble a robot at home and gain basic knowledge about machine learning. Machine learning is the ability of artificial intelligence to independently develop skills to perform new tasks. During the assembly of the ALTO robot, people must understand how to teach the robot to understand and perform tasks independently. At least that's what Google hopes.

Interesting fact: scientists are confident that in the future most manual labor will be performed by robots. In order not to be left without work, people need to learn programming now, because someone needs to control the robots. So knowing what machine learning is and how it works is important for everyone. And the ALTO robot may be able to quickly introduce people to this topic.

A diagram for creating a robot body from paper and the source code for the program for its operation can be found on the Experiments with Google website (Get the code button). But that's not all, because to create a robot you need electronics that you need to buy:

  • Coral USB Accelerator is a device that includes an Edge TPU processor. It is needed for the robot to have machine learning capabilities. It can be bought on Aliexpress;
  • Raspberry Pi 4 is a small computer about the size of a bank card. It will be possible to connect a camera, speakers and other equipment needed for the robot to it. It is also available on Aliexpress.

Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4

Did you know that robots can even be created from ice? You can look at such a robot using this link.

Another interesting option

An egg carton can be turned into a real masterpiece. To create a composition, it is better to take two, of different sizes. One will be the base of the body, and the second will be the head of the robot.

We recommend reading:

  • Craft bullfinch: detailed description of how to make a bird with your own hands (115 photos)

  • Crafts from vegetables: 100 photos of the best crafts for children and a review of recipes for adults

  • Craft ship: 120 photos, templates, drawings and step-by-step instructions on how to make a boat

To paint the craft evenly, use a foam sponge and dilute the gouache with water, the paint will lie evenly and there will be no smudges. Blot the egg cassette thoroughly so that there are no unpainted cracks left.

Robot programming on Arduino

Since we are making instructions for assembling a universal robot, it would be nice to provide everything necessary for different options for its use. You can find all the code in the archive:

To drive along the black line, we used 3 pins for line sensors and three pins for connecting LEDs in order to be able to visually monitor the presence of the line. In other words, if there is a black line under the left sensor, then the left LED will light up, and so on. In addition, we have developed and tested a circuit that will simultaneously use PWM motor speed control and a servo motor.

We do it beautifully

  • Wrap the boxes in white paper to hide anything unnecessary. However, you can choose the background yourself: gray, green, blue will look even more impressive.
  • Cut out eyes and other small elements from colored paper of a different shade.
  • Use toilet paper rolls to create arms and legs. To prevent them from breaking, we fill them with newspaper. With its help, it will be very easy to attach individual elements to each other.
  • The head is attached with glue.

Home robot spy

Recently, you can find many different devices that allow you to study the area through a remotely controlled video camera.

You are already familiar with flying quadcopters with a camera on board, which online (when installing the necessary module) transmit an image to the operator’s laptop, and today we will look at a small riding robot spy designed to protect premises.

The delivery set contains a charger station, an AC adapter, batteries, cords and cables, as well as the robot itself.

This robot moves with the help of 3 wheels, and it can do this in any direction, since special roller wheels are used that rotate both around and along the axis. Now such wheels are used in modern warehouses - on electric forklifts.

This device is not just a toy, but also a useful thing.

The spy robot can be used to remotely monitor a room located anywhere in the world, controlling its movement and performing video, audio and photo shooting via the Internet using a wireless Wi-Fi connection with the robot. Naturally, video can be recorded as a video file. The robot is controlled via a computer using a special program.

A home robot spy can move in all directions, change the camera's height, turn on the backlight, make sounds, and turn on special modes (for example, take a photo when a motion sensor is triggered). The robot is charged automatically or by remote command via Wi-Fi, from a special station that projects infrared marks onto the ceiling, by which the robot finds the charging station.

It can patrol your home using predefined routes that you configure with user-friendly software based on a simple interface.

This model uses Northstar technology - a system that creates micro-GPS navigation in your home, allowing the spy robot to know the structure of your home with millimeter accuracy. Even if a child or pet knocks it off course, the robot will immediately understand this and return to its original route.

You can give it a route along which it should patrol and quietly go about its business - the robot will monitor your home, periodically approaching the charger to replenish energy. Docking with contacts occurs automatically.

Another option

Making typical modifications is not always preferable. You can diversify the work, create a robot using additional materials. Make the eyes from a foam ball, cutting it in half, everything else is paper, cardboard and paints.

It is not necessary to make it full-length; the arms and legs can be soft, so the robot will be presented in a sitting position.


The word “robot” appeared back in 1920, coined by Josef Capek. Now robots are present in various spheres of our lives, but quite recently robots were only heroes of science fiction.

Sections of the Robot Spy magazine: . Currently, there are a huge number of different robots that can work in conditions incompatible with human capabilities. There are robots exploring interesting corners of our planet that humans cannot reach. Robots don't need to breathe, making it easier for them to explore deep-sea cavities and gorges. No matter what robots do, they always report to humans about their actions and findings.

. The world of robots is an amazing world. Robots are increasingly occupying a place in human life. We don't even notice how and where robots help us. They fly planes and trains, help assemble cars, guard buildings, and keep people safe. There is no area in which a person has not tried to create a computer assistant for himself.

. This section will tell you about famous robots from films and science fiction books, as well as entertainment robots. The first entertaining robot was man's faithful friend - the robot dog Aibo.

. From their inception to the present day, robots have evolved from simple mechanisms to complex, efficient devices. We will tell you all about the secrets of these devices and look at them from the inside. The development of robots can significantly change the way a person lives, without changing him.

. This section will help you learn a lot of new and interesting things about robots, how they are used in space exploration, who created them and how. In addition, you will enjoy comics with the Prototype.

Soft copy

An equally interesting model can be constructed from felt:

  • Body base – 5 cm;
  • Robot head – 4 cm;
  • Legs – 2.5 cm;
  • Handles – 2 cm.

To create each square, you need to prepare six layouts.

  1. Stitched in any shape. Large stitches will add drama.
  2. The finished parts are stuffed with filler, after which they are glued or sewn.
  3. By choosing the color of the material, you can indicate the floor; additional elements are also possible. For a robot boy, you can attach a tie or bow tie, and for a girl, an elegant bow is suitable.
  4. The eyes are buttons.

From matchboxes

The originality of the idea is that the robot can be a transformer. The number of boxes is not limited, everything is up to your imagination.

  • Boxes, according to preference, are covered with colored paper
  • The parts are connected to each other with paper clips or, for reliability, with glue.

DIY robot craft is an entertaining and creative activity for children of all ages.

Robot made from a tin can with a magnet

Exciting games for children's development can be played using empty tin cans. Small magnets, bolts, bottle caps and other devices are also suitable.

What elements can you use to make interesting robot crafts yourself? The child will be delighted with this. The main part of the craft is a tin can. Various body parts will be attached to it.

To easily change parts on the body, attach magnets to them with glue. When a child wants to take something, all they have to do is bring a small jar to the object, and everything will be magnetized to it.

Any child and even an adult will enjoy this kind of magic.

If you provide a creative child with the necessary supply of material for experiments, he will be able to make a wide variety of robots. All you have to do is be patient and you can get to work.

Funny robots - crafts are ready! With such toys, children will be enlarged by them for a long time.

Photo diy robot



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