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Main characters

The main characters of the Gravity Falls series are Dipper Pines, his sister Mabel, their great-uncle Stanley, a young girl Wendy Corduroy and the teenagers' friend Zus Ramirez. In addition to the main characters, there are a lot of secondary characters in the series, whose names deserve special attention and description.

Mason Pines (Dipper)

Mabel Pines

Mabel Pines is the twin sister of Dipper Pines. The girl is energetic, positive, amorous and naive. Mabel constantly hangs around with her brother and helps him explore all the secrets of the small outback where they came for the summer to visit their grandfather.

Mabel does everything she can to get the boys' attention. She can knit sweaters, plays mini golf, imitates animal sounds, can pick locks, and makes wax figures.

Outwardly, Mabel resembles her life prototype - the sister of the creator of the cartoon, Ariel Hirsch. In the series, she has long brown hair, chubby cheeks, and has braces. She often dresses in different ways, but her main clothes are a skirt, a sweater, a headband, black ballet shoes and white socks. Mabel sometimes wears earrings on holidays. The girl has a pet - a little pig called Pukhlya.


Mabel was born on August 31, 1999. She was 5 minutes ahead of her brother Dipper, and now she is rightfully proud of it.

At the time of the cartoon, the girl was 12 years old. Little is known about Mabel's life before the events of Gravity Falls, as well as about the other characters in the series. Already at the age of 2, the girl discovered her talent for needlework, which she continued and continues to develop. Since the age of 3, Mabel has traditionally spent her favorite Halloween with Dipper. And from the age of 9, the girl begins to develop her skills as a mini-golf player - at this age Mabel wins her first victory in the tournament.

Mabel's first adventures begin immediately upon her arrival in Gravity Falls. A girl goes on vacation with her main desire - to start an amazing and interesting romance with a cute boy. In the first episode, Mabel meets Norman, a strange guy who eventually turns out to be five forest gnomes. The monsters wanted to make Mabel their queen, but with the help of Dipper, the heroine manages to defeat them. When they first meet Uncle Stan, he allows the twins to take some item from his store - and Mabel chooses her favorite attribute in the future - a grappling hook.

In the first season of the animated series, Mabel constantly participates in all adventures with Dipper. The girl's brother finds a secret diary and begins to unravel the secrets of Gravity Falls. And Mabel, who takes life much more simply, is just trying to have fun. She doesn't give up on her idea of ​​finding a guy for the summer, but such passion leads to problems. The main antagonist of the first season, little Gideon, falls in love with Mabel and tries with all his might to win her. However, he fails (here Dipper helps his sister again), and Gideon begins to hate the entire Pines family. The confrontation between the little villain and the twins lasts the entire season, in the end Gideon takes the Mystery Shack from Stan. The twins are forced to go home, but already on the way out of Gravity Falls they are attacked by Gideon's robot. Mabel helps Dipper defeat the enemy, saving her brother with the help of her grappling hook. The Mystery Shack is returned to the Pines.

In the first season, Mabel gets her own pet - a pig named Puzzle. A girl sees a pet at a fair and immediately falls in love with the cute pig. Later, Waddles becomes a full member of the family, thanks to Mabel's efforts. Even in the first half of the series, the girl makes two faithful friends - Candy and Grenda (they and Mabel are united by the status of “strange” and “not like everyone else”). And, in conclusion, Mabel begins to quarrel with the first beauty of Gravity Falls - Pacifica. The girls openly hate each other and compete, but already make up in the second season. The feud with Pacifica again illustrates Mabel’s character - the girl is not evil and knows how to forgive, but she is ready to destroy anyone for those close to her.

The second season turns out to be less eventful. Mabel and Dipper continue to unravel the mysteries of the city - and meet their great-uncle's brother, Ford. The situation gets tense when old enemies return - Gideon and Bill Cipher, an evil demon. The latter watches over Mabel when she runs away into the forest in despair (the girl is upset by the departure of her friends and Dipper’s desire to become Ford’s companion). Bill deceives Mabel and causes the Apocalypse...

Mabel and friends

Bill locks Mabel in her fantasy world of Mabelland, where she became the happiest person in the world. The girl became the mayor and came up with a cool brother - Dipchik (instead of Dipper). But everything is not what it seems. Soon, her friends and her real brother came to save the girl. Although Mabel was breaking down, she soon realized that all this was just her illusion, the girl believed her brother and fled with him from Mabelland.

Mabel was among the group that stormed Bill Cipher's castle in a robot made from the Mystery Shack. As a result of this, the demon was defeated.

After the end of Weirdmageddon, Mabel and Dipper celebrated their 13th birthday. Soon, they left Gravity Falls, hoping to return to the city during the next vacation.


Mabel is 12 years old and looks like a pretty typical girl her age. Her height is unique - she is exactly 1 millimeter taller than her twin brother Dipper. Mabel wears braces, but that doesn't stop her from smiling charmingly. The girl has brown eyes and long, thick, hip-length hair that curls at the ends. Mabel's clothing style is constantly different, but her love for knitted sweaters (she created most of them herself) remains unchanged. Mabel is usually dressed in a bright sweater, skirt and black ballet shoes with socks. The main attribute has also remained unchanged since the first series - the grappling hook.

Stanley Pines

In the first episode of the animated series, in addition to the main characters - the Pines brother and sister - the viewer also meets their great-uncle, whom the guys came to visit for the summer. This is Stanley Pines, whom his grandchildren call Uncle for some reason.

It is in Stan's house that the main events of the animated series unfold. The fact is that the old man turned his home into a tourist home, where he constantly entertains tourists or sells souvenirs. He himself is an adventurer, he was in prison, and most of all he gravitates towards money, which he can earn at the same time. However, Stan also loves his family; he treats the twins who come to him on vacation well, although outwardly he is often harsh and rude. Stanley's character is very secretive, he is a man with a secret, he wears a fez, never undresses in the shower so that no one can see his back. Has a twin brother, Stanford, who is the author of the diaries. The prototype of Stanley Pines was the grandfather of the series creator.

Wendy Corduroy

One of the main lines of the animated series is the love adventures of the characters. Another participant in a similar line of the series is 15-year-old Mystery Shack employee Wendy Bluerble Corduroy, the daughter of a lumberjack, who has 4 more brothers. The main character Dipper Pines is very much in love with Wendy and she knows about it.

Wendy's character is cheerful and friendly, although she is a little phlegmatic and lazy. The girl doesn’t like work, and spends only half a day there, doing nothing. Dreams of becoming an adult. Constantly meets with different guys. Spends time in the company of friends.

They say that the prototype of Wendy Corduroy is the creator of the series “My Little Pony” Lauren Faust. Outwardly, Wendy looks good - tall, slender, green-eyed and long-haired. Her hair is red and there are many freckles on her cheeks. In the series, she is dressed in a lumberjack's hat, a plaid shirt and a white T-shirt, blue jeans and boots. The heroine always has earrings in her ears.

Zus Ramirez

Dipper and Mabel's friend and Wendy's work colleague in the Mystery Shack is 22-year-old master Zus Ramirez. This guy is very clumsy, but sweet, kind, constantly takes the visiting twins around Gravity Falls, and tries to always be aware of everything that is happening around him. Zus is often wrong, although he tends to be involved in mechanical engineering, paintball and DJing. He hosts his own television show, Zusa Repair, in which he is able to fix everything that breaks in the Mystery Shack.

Zus's birthday is July 13, he lives with his grandmother, and has not seen his father since he was 12 years old. Zus is a passionate lover of computer toys.

Master class on modeling from salt dough. Pendulum clock “The Cheerful Chef”

The end result will depend on your idea and the watch you find to remake! If you can find a separate mechanism with a pendulum, great!

THE SIMPSONS - Plasticine diorama | The Simpsons

I didn’t succeed, so I found an inexpensive Chinese watch on sale with a round pendulum and an additional semicircle at the bottom. I've seen a lot of these on sale now. If you find a separate mechanism, you can give the watch any shape using plywood or other dense material.

BIG WENDY cartoon GRAVITY FALLS - Custom doll for LOL surprise in the Gravity Falls LOL Surprise Ball

1. Draw a sketch. If the clock is round (as in the photo), trace the circumference of the clock on paper. This is the center of our composition

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