How to make a wreath of artificial daisies. How to make a wreath of artificial flowers with your own hands

Master class “Weaving a wreath of daisies” with step-by-step photos.
Valeria Vinogradova, 9th grade student, MBOU Secondary School No. 7 of the urban district of the city of Sharya, Kostroma Region Description: master class is designed for ages from 1 to 99. Application: A wreath of summer herbs can be an element of a folklore costume, and can also become an original gift.
Goal: weaving a wreath of daisies. Objectives: - introduce the history of the summer holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”; — show the technique of weaving a wreath; - develop artistic and creative abilities. The All-Russian holiday July 8 - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the 13th century. Orthodox Christians reverence this married couple as the patrons of family and marriage. From the history of Peter and Fevronia

In the clearing you pick the most beautiful daisies with long stems.
Beware of the bees! Sit in the shade and start weaving a wreath. I offer you a pattern for weaving a wreath. And also the stages of weaving in photographs. Let's take chamomile. We place the second one crosswise on it, wrap the stem of the second chamomile around the stem of the first one and lay it along the first stem. We do the same with the second chamomile, and so on. When the wreath is woven to the size of the head, we tie the first and last daisies together with a blade of grass or another flower - the wreath is ready. Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones and family on this holiday! The coming season has brought a lot of joy to fashionistas and lovers of original jewelry. Not only in festive, but also in everyday fashion wreaths of flowers on the head have become firmly established;
they can enliven an image, add brightness or tenderness to it. Crowns made from any flowers are in fashion: artificial or real, small or large, bright or pastel colors. Fashionistas have the opportunity to choose a wreath that will reveal their individuality to the maximum and make the image unique and individual. You can weave exclusive wreaths yourself; fortunately, there are many possibilities for this. Conventionally, these accessories can be divided into several types, each of which is in trend today:

  1. Thematic;
  2. Ethnic;
  3. Romantic.

The choice of one or another wreath depends on the style of clothing, your preferences, hairstyle and face type. It is safe to say that any girl will suit one or another type of this unusual decoration.

How to make flower wreaths on your head with fresh flowers?

Probably every girl remembers how to make wreaths with fresh flowers from childhood.
Wreaths made of wild flowers go especially well with an outfit in an ethnic style, as well as in a hippie style. Choose flowers with long stems for weaving; they are more securely fixed in the wreath. You can weave mono wreaths that consist of one type of flower. Or you can combine several types of flowers in one decoration and additionally decorate it with herbs or berries. The woven branches and leaves of evergreens perfectly complement the composition. In order to give strength to the wreath of living plants, it is woven using wire. One piece of soft wire in a green braid serves as the base, and with the second same piece you attach the prepared buds and branches one by one. The wire can be closed into a ring or loops can be made at its ends, into which a ribbon is pulled and tied with an elegant bow. Various types of roses are widely used for making wreaths, for example, tea or bush roses, peonies, gypsophila and many other plants. When choosing flower wreaths for your head as decoration, you cannot help but take into account the fact that the life expectancy of these wonderful accessories, unfortunately, is not long. If you visit a professional florist, most likely he will offer you to treat the plants with a special composition that helps extend the life of the buds. However, it is recommended to refresh the wreath several times during the day by sprinkling it with water. Such problems do not arise for those who prefer decoration made from artificial flowers.

Photos in the interior

The Advent wreath is a well-established European tradition. It can become just like New Year’s - make the interior truly festive, and at the same time prolong the process of preparing for the celebration.

Making wreaths can take time when the tree is already decorated, and it’s too early to prepare a festive dinner. A colorful DIY New Year's wreath can also be an excellent gift.

How to make flower wreaths on your head with artificial flowers?

These accessories are no less loved by the fair sex than their natural counterparts. And this is not surprising. After all, such wreaths will last much longer without any damage to their appearance. And modern artificial materials from which flowers are made make it possible to achieve their complete resemblance to life. Making a wreath of artificial flowers, which will serve as a unique decoration for your head, is not at all difficult if you purchase ready-made flowers. You can independently think over and implement the design, shape and size of the future decoration. You can fasten flowers together in the same way as in the case of making a wreath from living plants.

It is very convenient that such wreaths can be modified by adding or removing some components. For example, today your decoration may have one large and bright bud among many small flowers of the same type. The next day you can remove it from the wreath or replace it with another color so that a wreath on the same base will suit different outfits. You can transform a classic-shaped wreath into an asymmetrical one, and so on. It all depends on your imagination and desire. You can wear such accessories all year round, not just in summer. Numerous photos and

Pictures of wreaths on the head are widely presented in fashion magazines and on websites dedicated to the topic of fashion jewelry.

One cannot help but remember that crowns made of plants symbolize youth and innocence. Therefore, there are certain age restrictions on the use of these accessories. Mature ladies are not recommended to wear large and lush wreaths. If you still cannot do without this decoration, it is better to consider the option of a headband or headband decorated with a flower bud. But for young or young representatives of the fair sex, wreaths of flowers on their heads will make them even more charming and feminine.

How to make it yourself

For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • wire;
  • flowers on branches or individual buds;
  • tapes.

To ensure that the base is firmly fixed on the head, you can use a headband. It is recommended to complement the flowers with beads and various greenery. This way the composition will look more beautiful and richer.

The only tools you need are scissors.

To make it easier to attach flowers, stylists recommend using a glue gun. The hot fixation method will quickly and reliably fix the desired fragment to the base. This will save a lot of time drying the surface.

Elements for the composition are used from different materials. For celebrations and stately events, the hair is decorated with a headband of live inflorescences. But plastic and paper are more often used. A composition made of fabric looks very impressive. The skill is honed over the years, resulting in buds that cannot be immediately distinguished from real flowers.

Made from artificial flowers

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the circumference of your head to create a wire frame.
    If it is not possible to take measurements, then you should make a wire rim with open ends to which the ribbons are fixed. By tying it at the back of the head, the wreath can be worn in different sizes. If you use a measure, you need to cut 3-4 wire rods with a length equal to the circumference of the head plus 4-5 cm to fix the ring. Twist the base from them without closing the ends.
  2. Take branches of artificial flowers and separate them into individual buds and leaves.
    Short branches are also suitable for the composition. Flowers need to be cut close to the base so that the stems do not interfere with the fastening.
  3. First make a preparation of buds and leaves, laying them out on the table.
    Larger fragments are placed in the center, and smaller ones are placed toward the back of the head. Flowers should have the same tone and size, and the overall composition should be complemented by greenery from leaves and twigs.
  4. Cut circles from felt
    with a diameter smaller than the flower buds.
  5. Glue a felt piece onto each fragment
    so that there is a free strip 0.5-0.7 mm wide in the center.
  6. String all the elements one by one
    , pulling the wire base into the empty space in the center of the felt.
  7. Distribute and adjust the composition.
  8. Twist the ends of the wire
    , wrapping each other several times.
  9. Cover the junction of the rim with flowers.

From fresh flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making a wreath:

  1. Make a wire frame.
    To do this, you need to cut 3-4 twigs, the length of which will be equal to the size of the head circumference plus 3-4 cm for fixing the ends.
  2. Prepare the plants by cutting their stems into 10-14 cm pieces.
    To prevent the flowers from wilting quickly, they should be treated with a floral spray. This way the wreath will maintain a presentable appearance for a long time.
  3. Wrap the resulting ring with 4-5 cm of floral tape, then place the wreath fragments one by one.
    Secure each stem tightly with tape, making 3-4 turns. The elements need to be placed closer to each other. The elements will be primary flowers, field herbs, and other greenery. As an addition, you can use beads and pebbles mounted on pieces of wire. In combination with fresh flowers, the decor will look elegant.
  4. The stems of the last elements are hidden
    under the fixed plants and tightly fixed with tape.

Wreaths from living inflorescences can be woven without creating a frame. In this case, there is no need to trim the stems. Start weaving by forming a bunch of 3-5 stems. Each new fragment is wrapped around the long stems of the initial bundle in two turns (before the inflorescence and after it).

The end is connected to the bundle and closed into a ring using floral tape. To give the accessory strength, you can add a satin ribbon to the stems of the initial bunch. You can use it later to connect the composition.

From autumn leaves

A wreath of autumn leaves looks very beautiful. The most popular is maple. Its leaves turn yellow faster than other trees, and its structure is strong, not losing its original appearance for a long time.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Attach 4-6 leaves at a time to a rim prepared from wire.
    Fixation is carried out using floral tape.
  2. After 3-4 bunches of maple leaves, insert a sprig of rowan.
    A reminder of summer would be useful. To do this, you can insert green leaves every 5-7 rows.
  3. The stems of the last fragments need to be hidden
    under the fixed leaves, and the excess ones should be cut off.

From paper

Paper flowers turn out to be very delicate and fragile. When worn, they can lose their shape, so experts recommend fixing flower arrangements on a solid base. A regular hoop is best suited for this. It is better if its base is wide, then the accessory will turn out to be massive.


  1. Place a composition of paper buds and leaves on the table.
    You can add plastic greenery and beads fixed on a wire. Place the massive part in the middle, and place small elements towards the edges.
  2. Attach the fragments to the base of the hoop one by
    one using hot glue or PVA.
  3. Compact the composition with greenery
    and other decor.
  4. over the parts of the hoop that go behind the ears
    with floral elements.

From tapes

To create a wreath, you will need to prepare elements: 4-5 types of flowers, greenery, stamens. All of them are made from satin and organza ribbons. If everything is clear from the tonality of the colors (for a beautiful composition they are made from various bright colors), then the leaves are cut out to create a three-dimensional composition from several shades of green ribbon. To add airiness, you need to use organza blanks.

The shape of the greenery should follow the outlines of the leaves of several plants.

For example: poplar, oak, maple. All edges of elements made from tapes must be melted to prevent fraying of the threads. You can use a lighter for these purposes. The most commonly chosen flowers are: poppies, daisies, cornflowers, roses, chrysanthemums, asters. They combine well with each other or in addition to other inflorescences.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Braid the headband with green ribbon using the “snake” method.
    Secure the ends of the weave with a needle and thread. This will be the basis.
  2. Glue the leaves along the contour of the rim on both sides.
    Lay the elements overlapping, using different types of greenery. You should get a voluminous base.
  3. Next, attach
    the flowers to the glue one by one.
  4. Lastly, the composition is sealed with organza leaves.
    They need to be fixed 3-5 pieces at a time. Then the wreath will be big.
  5. Sew a 10-15 cm elastic band to the edges of the headband
    (depending on the circumference of the head). It should be decorated with green organza.
  6. Sew several freely sagging ribbons of 30-40 cm each onto the elastic band.
    It will look beautiful if you use satin strips of different thicknesses (1 and 2 cm). Their colors should echo the tones of the colors used in the composition. Make a beautiful triangular undercut along the edges of the ribbons.
  • For long events, you should carefully use accessories made from live inflorescences.
    They quickly lose their appearance and by the middle of the celebration they will completely lose their presentable appearance if they are not first kept in the refrigerator. A special spray purchased at a florist store will help prevent rapid fading.
  • If active recreation is planned, the reliability of fastening the wreath should be taken into account.
    Ribbons tied at the back of the head will help to better fix the headband on the head.
  • A bright wreath of large flowers should not be complemented with flashy makeup.
    The result will be image overload.
  • A floral accessory looks impressive on loose and slightly curled hair.
    Appearance takes on features of tenderness, romanticism and freshness.
  • You can make a wreath from several branches of artificial flowers.
    First you need to disassemble the branches into separate fragments. Then assemble the composition by gluing the elements onto the hoop.
  • For special events and weddings, it is recommended to use accessories
    made from small flowers in pastel colors. Thin satin ribbons will make the decoration fit for purpose.
  • Before making a wreath for the bride from fresh flowers, you should consult a florist.
    A specialist will tell you which plants are best used to make decorations. Quick damage to a floral headband can ruin the holiday.
  • The longer the strands
    , the larger the elements of the composition in the wreath.
  • The accessory should fit comfortably on the head.
    You should not build too bulky rims. They are uncomfortable to wear, and in the photo your face will constantly get lost in the buds and leaves.
  • If the bride's outfit requires the addition of a wreath
    , then the buds from the rim should echo the bouquet.

Head wreath made of paper flowers. Master class with step-by-step photos

The work was made using the paper filigree technique.
Peshkova Agata 6 years old and Kozyreva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna teacher of additional education at the MBU DO "House of Young Technicians" in Korolev, Moscow Region.
The master class
is designed for children aged 6 – 8 years old; it will be useful for educators, teacher-organizers, additional education teachers, and parents.
head decoration, gift.
: Making a wreath on your head from paper using the paper filigree technique.
1. Develop fine motor skills, skills in working with scissors, creative and design abilities, and imagination. 2. Cultivate neatness, interest in creativity, love for the beauty of nature. *** People say: “The red summer has come.” Red means beautiful. And indeed, there is so much beauty in nature in summer. Each lawn shimmers with all shades of green lace of leaves and blades of grass. And scattered throughout this greenery are flowers of various shapes and colors. Even in ancient times, people learned to weave this beauty into wreaths and decorate their heads with them.

For this we will need materials and tools:

multi-colored paper strips 3cm wide and thin white and green strips 5mm wide;
stencil ruler with circles; scissors, paper rolling tool; PVA glue. First, cut wide multi-colored strips into fringes. To each wide strip we will glue a thin strip of the color that you choose for the middle of the flower. Starting from the tip of a thin strip, twist the entire strip tightly using a tool or a toothpick. Carefully remove it from the tool and secure the tip of the strip with glue. You need to make a lot of such multi-colored parts, the number will depend on the size of the head, Agatha got 16 pieces. Let's open the flowers by bending the fringe from the middle to the edges. Glue a hoop from thick green paper or cardboard to the size of the head, 2.5 cm wide.

Cut out leaves from green paper rectangles measuring 3x5cm. It is not necessary to maintain exact dimensions; it is even better if the leaves are slightly different from each other.

The wreath will look more delicate if it contains not only large, but also small flowers and leaves. For small flowers, twist thin white stripes on the tool, remove them from the tool and, without unraveling, secure the tip of the strip with glue. Between the double flowers on the wreath there will be one branch with three white circles, so the number of white details will depend on the number of large flowers on the hoop.

Now we will make small leaves from thin green stripes, 5mm wide. To do this, twist them on a tool or toothpick and loosen them on a ruler to a size of 14-15mm, then secure the tip of the strip with glue and give it the shape of a leaf by pressing the circle with your fingers on both sides. We will glue three of these leaves onto a thin green strip; they will also be located on the hoop between the flowers. Now all the parts for the wreath are ready, you can start assembling.

We will paste our flowers onto the paper hoop in the order anyone wants, the main thing is that they are distributed evenly across the hoop.

Glue the leaves onto the hoop between the flowers.

Now between the flowers we will beautifully glue branches with white circles. You can end here, but you can get creative and add something of your own or even change something, using Agatha’s work as a basis. You might want to add red berries or thin blades of grass to your wreath. Finally, you can try our jewelry on your head and even go out for a walk in it. And everyone around will admire and wonder where you found such beauty for your wreath? It looks almost like the real thing, only a little fairy-tale-like, and you will also look like a fairy-tale beauty in it.

Hello dear readers. Yesterday my husband and children attended New Year's master classes. So many emotions and impressions. Saturday morning was damp and foggy. I really wanted to lie on the couch all day covered with a warm blanket. But no. My husband offered to take the children to children's master classes. The children unanimously picked up dad’s idea, so I had no choice but to get ready and go to the master class. We spent a very great day. The theme of the master classes is New Year's. The children were simply delighted with the crafts and the festive atmosphere that was in the air. And all this was accompanied by New Year's songs, which further lifted the mood. We attended more than one master class.

We made our own New Year's wreath from corrugated paper. This wreath can be made with children. You will have fun and get a lot of positive emotions and inspiration.

This DIY New Year's wreath is a chic New Year's decoration that will fit perfectly into your festive interior. Decorating a door with a Christmas wreath is a wonderful custom that came to us from Western countries.

A Christmas wreath gives a special atmosphere of celebration and the approach of the New Year. You can make wreaths from anything, from paper, old newspapers, twigs... I will show you a version of a simple wreath, which is made from corrugated paper.

My son made this wreath yesterday at a master class. True, he had to help, since he doesn’t work with hot glue. After all, the child is 5 years old. But he cut the paper, cut out a circle for the wreath and made a lot of effort to make such a New Year's wreath.

The wreath is bright and very beautiful; you can decorate it as your imagination allows. We decorated with ribbons. Everything is simple, but beautiful. The children liked this activity so much that I decided to repeat everything at home today, with step-by-step photos. Perhaps you can make this beauty at home with your children.

We will need:

  • green crepe paper (I use Italian)
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • leg-split
  • ribbons
  • glue gun

We need to cut a circle out of cardboard. I made a circle using a compass. The outer diameter of the circle is 15.5 cm, and the inner diameter is 10 cm.

We also need to cut 6 strips from corrugated paper. The length of the strips is 25 cm, width 5 cm. You also need to cut one strip to wrap the circle. I cut out a strip 35 cm by 5 cm.

We will use ribbons and twine to decorate the wreath.

A roll of corrugated paper should not be cut horizontally, but vertically. This makes it more convenient to work with him. We wrap the circle with corrugated paper. We use a piece of 35 cm by 5 cm. When the entire wreath is wrapped in paper, glue the edge with hot glue on the back side of the wreath.

Now we will work on the green wreaths, which we will use to cover the entire wreath. The branches are somewhat reminiscent of Christmas tree needles.

You really have to be patient. Now we will work with the 6 strips that we previously prepared. We cut each strip into half cm. Not all the way through. As you can see in the photo.

We twist each strip into flagella. Twist the flagella tightly, these will be the needles. Then we twist a strip of corrugated paper in a spiral, very tightly. We glue the edge with hot glue. Bunches are obtained.

We glue everything with hot glue. PVA is not suitable for these purposes. You can try glue moment.

We make 6 such branches. The children actively helped me and participated in this process. Children are simply delighted with such master classes. Moreover, there is very little left until the New Year, and soon you need to decorate the house for the holiday.

Here we have a circle, which we wrapped with corrugated paper, and 6 branches.

The branches need to be carefully “fluffed”. Now we will hot glue all the branches to the New Year's wreath.

Apply glue to the circle. You only need a little glue, literally a drop. Glue the branch and hold it with your finger.

We glue one branch and glue the second one, but not side by side, but so that one branch goes behind the other. This makes the wreath look neat and beautiful.

Thus, the fluffy edge covers the edge of the twig. We also glue the fluffy edge to the wreath. We glue all 6 branches. In general, we need from 5 to 7 branches for a wreath.

We will also prepare jars from ribbons. They can be any colors. I make bows from twine. Cut a piece of twine about 15-16 cm. This will be the loop of the Christmas wreath.

I glued 6 branches to the wreath and we got such a beautiful wreath. The branches can be “fluffed”. They resemble needles and look beautiful and believable. The only most important thing is that the flagella are twisted tightly.

Decorate the wreath as you like. We made bows, maybe flowers, or come up with something original. I glue a yellow bow to the top of the wreath. And I glue twine bows around the edges, and red bows on top.

I’m showing you so that you can repeat everything. If desired, of course. For example, make such a wonderful wreath with the children.

Now we need to turn the wreath over and glue a loop of twine so that we can hang our wreath.

We carefully close the loop with twine. Even on the back side of the wreath we should have beauty.

I twist the twine into a spiral and glue it to the loop.

The wreath turns out to be very simple, but nevertheless elegant and beautiful; you can make it of any size, both small and large. A small wreath is convenient to hang on the Christmas tree. And the big one is on the door.

We decorated the wreath with pine cones, but to be honest, they didn’t turn out very well. Pieces of white and brown corrugated paper were rolled into long flowers. A bow was glued to the top and a piece of ribbon was glued to the back of the wreath.

I didn’t think about doing this, I wanted to make a wreath without pine cones, but my daughter insisted and it turned out to be such a wonderful wreath.

The New Year holidays are approaching and there is so much to do. You need to think about the menu, clothes, decorating the house, buy and decorate the Christmas tree, and prepare gifts for everyone. It is not for nothing that they say that it is not so much the holiday that is important, but the preparation for it, as well as the creation of a festive mood. It fills, pleases, inspires...

We have a few more New Year's ideas that we will be happy to share with you. I wish you all love, happiness, joy, delight and inspiration.

Are you thinking about decorating your apartment for the holidays, but don’t know what to use? Make a paper wreath. This decoration has long ceased to be New Year's. Today craftswomen make various autumn, Easter and simply decorative wreaths. They can be used to decorate doors, walls, or placed on a chest of drawers. How to make creative paper decor, read below.

Where to buy flower wreaths for your head?

Being fashionable this season means that your head is decorated with a wonderful wreath of flowers of any type, color and shape. You can make it yourself, or you can buy wreaths of flowers for your head that are ideal for you. The most incredible wreaths, woven in exquisite and original color combinations, made in various colors, are worthy of decorating the hairstyle of the most picky fashionista. The only difference between such decorations and wreaths made from living plants will be their long service life and lack of aroma.

I create my wreaths with polymer clay flowers that I create by hand, but for this master class I decided to use ready-made paper flowers that can be accessed by anyone.

This wreath can be created with any flowers, berries, beads, pendants and any other decor you want :)

So what we need:

  • paper flowers (this can be any flowers on a stem);
  • leaves;
  • berries (optional);
  • 2 wires of 40 cm (0.7);
  • satin tape;
  • tape (any color);
  • metal cutters.

We take the tape (I have it white, you can use any other) and begin to wind it onto the wire.

We wind it tightly, holding and straining the tape, but not too tightly so as not to tear it.

We take the first flower (we imagined in our heads the order in which all the flowers would appear according to the color scheme), apply it, securing it with tape.

So, flower by flower.

We need to bite off 15 cm from the second wire (with wire cutters) and apply it to our wreath, thus extending its length.

We apply it so that 7 cm is on the first wire and continue to weave flowers.

We make the same loop at the end as at the beginning and bend our wreath to create a circle.

This year, flower wreaths have become a real hit of the season! What was previously regarded as children's spring fun and as a symbolic ritual object has become a relevant attribute of weddings and friendly parties in nature. A wreath of flowers on your head will help create a romantic image, giving it lightness and brightness. There are many options for creating this accessory. The wreath is made from fresh and artificial flowers using various frames and wire.

Festive attire

Many girls, wanting to make their look unusual, wear decorative hoops on their heads as a formal accessory. Some even decorate their wedding hairstyles with them. You can, of course, make such an item to order, but it won’t be very difficult to do it yourself.

To do this you will need:

  • floral or any other thin wire;
  • pruner,
  • scissors,
  • ribbon of the desired shade,
  • any fresh flowers.

Since you can make a wreath of flowers on your head only on some basis, you first need to prepare a hoop. To do this, a loop is made at the end of the wire into which the edge of the tape is inserted and fixed. After all the wire is wrapped with tape, it must be secured, thus forming a circle of the required diameter. Now you can start creating the product itself:

  1. The bouquet that you plan to use must be cut to the same length - approximately 3-5 cm.
  2. One plant is applied to the hoop and tightly wrapped with the same decorative tape that is used to decorate the wire. It is better to take greens at once too (for example, tea rose or eustoma and a sprig of anther).
  3. Each subsequent element should slightly overlap the previous one, but not overlap it.
  4. Each element must be firmly fixed with tape, but so that it is not visible.
  5. The stems of the last plant should go under the inflorescence of the first - this way it will not be noticeable where the beginning and the end are.

A wreath of artificial flowers is woven on the head using approximately the same pattern. But still there are some differences. As a rule, in artificial roses, daisies, tulips, etc. the wire has already been inserted, or it is assumed that this can be done. Therefore, each element is wound directly using the stem, without using any tape or cords.

With such an unusual headdress, a girl will definitely stand out at any holiday, even if she is not the hero of the occasion. Also, this decoration, especially if complemented with beautiful beads, rhinestones, bows or mesh, can be presented as a gift.

Wreath on the head: secrets of creating it yourself

Any wreath on your head with your own hands is made taking into account the same rules:

  • Think over the composition of the accessory. Flowers of different sizes are best combined - large, medium and small. It is also worth including twigs of herbs and flexible green stems in the weaving.
  • Consider the style of the event. In accordance with it, you need to choose the type of flowers. For example, roses, peonies, garden buttercups, lilies, and gardenias are suitable for a wedding.
  • Do not try to make a head wreath from flowers that produce a lot of pollen or various oily substances. This way you risk ruining your outfit.
  • Consider the duration of wearing the wreath. To make the accessory last longer, you can make it the night before and then put it in the refrigerator. For a wedding, you should use special sprays sold in florist shops. They spray flowers. As a result, they do not fade for a long time.
  • Think over the design of the wreath. If you use a lot of colors, it will simply fall apart under its own weight. Therefore, it is recommended to first make a wire frame. A flexible thick wire will do. It can be bought at any craft store. Pay attention to the thickness - optimally 3 mm.
  • Use additional decor. The wire frame is decorated with floral ribbon. It makes it less noticeable. Many fashionistas decorate wreaths with satin ribbons and secure flowers with unusual bobby pins with beads and rhinestones.
  • If the celebration is to take place during the cold season, then you can buy fresh flowers in the store. Dr. An option is to make a wreath from artificial ones. These can be imitations made from polymer clay, fabric, or cold porcelain.
  • Use bobby pins for fastening, otherwise your wreath will periodically fall off your head. It is better to use invisible ones that are discreet or, if possible, to match the hair.

Delicate purple

A floral wreath can delight with its design, which includes blue, violet, lilac and lilac shades. Despite the departure from the classics, the result promises to be perfect.

To create crafts use:

  • 4 paper rolls;
  • scissors;
  • toothpicks or thin wooden sticks;
  • cotton wool;
  • circle filled with straw.

Stages of work:

1. First, the roll is cut into thin strips, which need to be given a gathered wavy look;

2. then corrugated paper is collected onto each long wooden toothpick, gradually creating lush roses;

3. the corrugation is secured with threads;

4. form “fluffies” from each color of corrugation;

5. collected homemade flowers are glued over the entire surface of the craft;

6. The buds are glued along the entire circumference with alternating colors.

An unusual purple Christmas wreath made of corrugated paper can surprise and even delight.

Wreath of fresh flowers: making

Creating such accessories requires a sense of style. This is due to the fact that wreaths made from several plants look best. They are intertwined with small flowers and green leaves. All this must be harmoniously selected in size and color.

You will need:

  • Medium thickness wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Floral ribbon
  • Satin ribbon
  • Flowers
  • Herbs

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. First, measure the volume of your head. To do this, apply a measuring tape to the back of your head. Directing it above the middle of the forehead. Using wire cutters, tear off a piece equal to the volume of the head plus 2 cm. Connect the wire into a ring. To do this, make hooks from the extra 2 cm - 1 cm on each side. Bend them or simply wrap the free ends around each other.
  2. Trim each plant. The length of the stems should be 5 cm. Take a floral or satin ribbon. Place each flower on the wire base. Place the stem horizontally along it and wrap it with ribbon. Do this step with each flower until almost the end of the wreath. Wrap the remaining area with tape.
  3. A head wreath made of fresh flowers can be slightly transformed. To do this, plants are grouped into small bouquets. Each is then attached to the wire in the manner described above. In order for the wreath to be lush, you need to make about 10-12 such bouquets.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions?

Dandelion wreaths are what symbolize spring. Bright inflorescences look very cheerful and cheerful. Learning how to weave such a wreath is not particularly difficult. It is worth choosing the right copies of colors and learning just 1 movement.

You will need:

  • Long stem dandelions
  • A piece of thread of medium thickness

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. It is better not to pick dandelions in advance. While you weave, some flowers will wither. It is worth plucking them directly during weaving. For a wreath you will need specimens with a long stem (about 15-20 cm) and large flowers.
  2. Weaving comes down to the fact that each subsequent stem wraps around the previous one. We begin to make a wreath by taking the 2 largest dandelions. Fold them so that the stem of the left one “lies” to the right side. We place the right dandelion vertically on top of it. Let's move on to making the loop. We pull the right stem under the left. Then we make a movement over it to form a loop. Pull it to the right side. Both dandelion stems lie together. We carefully hold them and move the inflorescence of the right dandelion to the left. They should be located next to each other. The loop looks tight.
  3. Let's take the next dandelion. Again we place it vertically on top of the now 2 stems. Then we drag it under them, forming a loop. The final movement is that the stem comes out from above and crosses itself. It is directed to the right and lies together with the 2 previous ones.
  4. We repeat this stage several times with other dandelions. We periodically try on the wreath on our heads. You should stop at the moment when the length of the strip of flowers is equal to the volume of the head.
  5. Then the wreath must be secured. To do this, take its end and beginning and connect it with a thread.
  6. The main thing to remember when creating a dandelion wreath is a strong weave. Flowers should fit tightly to each other. They can be strengthened with woven long grasses.

Unfortunately, dandelion wreaths also have their downsides. If you do not want to stain your hands and clothes with their milk, then it is better to refuse such an activity. In addition, this wreath is not suitable for allergy sufferers, since the flowers shed a lot of pollen.

Preparatory steps for creating an autumn wreath

Wreaths of any type make great home decor for the fall season. They are suitable for decorating vases, centerpieces and other elements. Durable crafts made from waterproof material can even be placed in the garden. The autumn atmosphere is especially emphasized by rims made of dry leaves, cones, branches, and miniature vegetables. Creating a wreath takes place in several stages.

Assembling, drying and preparing autumn materials

Multi-layered wreaths look very beautiful. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to use only high-quality, properly prepared material for work. Autumn brings many bright colors. You can collect suitable elements for the wreath in a forest plantation or city park. Fall leaves for headbands can be found in a variety of colors and sizes. Closed and open cones, maple leaves, bunches of rowan, thin willow branches are suitable.

Depending on the materials chosen, the headband will look completely different. The leaves should be given the desired shape. If perfectly even elements are needed, they must be placed in a book and placed under a press. For natural drying, the leaves should be left in the open air. Vine and thin branches are easier to work with as long as they remain flexible, so soak them in water. Acorns, cones and other natural raw materials should be treated with silicate glue so that their shape is not damaged in the future.

Making the base for the wreath

The most important and difficult stage when creating a decorative headband with your own hands is making the base. It should be practical, soft and strong. Depending on the material and constituent elements of the composition, the type of base is chosen. Most often they use branches, paper, and wire.

From the branches

For natural crafts, you should choose a natural base. Branches of pine needles, birch, and vines are suitable. They must be long enough, young and always flexible. Dried material cannot be used, as it will become brittle and deform during operation. You need to prepare a lot of freshly cut branches so that during the weaving process you are not distracted by searching and collecting blanks. Even a child can make a base from branches. To do this you will need to work step by step in the exact sequence:

  1. First you need to sort all the material by length;
  2. Clear branches of needles and twigs;
  3. Decide on the size of the future wreath and select the required amount of wood;
  4. Connect several natural blanks in the form of a circle using rope or tape;
  5. Gradually wrap the remaining branches to the thin frame;
  6. Place the thick headband under a press for 12 hours.

From paper

The weightlessness of the material allows you to use such a wreath not only for room decor, but also for wearing it on your head for themed photo shoots at the golden ball. To make paper backing you will need a lot of old newspapers or magazines. We divide them into separate sheets and twist each into a tight tube. You will need a lot of blanks, since during the process of collecting the base they will be stacked in layers.

When the required number of tubes is wound, we connect them into a circle using tape. To give the product density, it can be wrapped in elastic fabric or nylon tights. We secure the ends of the material with threads. The practical, soft base allows you to attach absolutely any material and has excellent contact with various types of adhesives.

Made from wire and old wiring

The main advantage of the wire rim is its thinness and miniature size. This method of making the base will make the wreath elegant and weightless. This option is suitable for assembling three-dimensional decor in several layers. It is used in instructions and master classes on making jewelry from maple leaves, felt, foamiran, spruce branches, large paper flowers, and feathers.

To make the base for the wreath you will need 1.5-2 meters of wire. We fold it in several layers and form a rope. Depending on the thickness of the material, the winding density is selected. You can make rings at the ends or lay them in the direction of the wire. Cold metal can be decorated with twine or ribbon. The craft will be smooth and will not cling to hair.

Regular wire can be replaced with a piece of old wiring. It is enough to bend it to size, cut it in the right places and connect the ends with tape. If the insulating layer of the cable product is intact, additional decor may not be used.

Artificial flower wreath

You can make a wreath on your head not only from fresh flowers. Many designers advise using their imitation. The simplest option is artificial flowers. Now stores sell interior compositions that look like the real thing. It is better to choose high-quality options - they should not look too unnatural.

You will need:

  • Artificial flowers - 1-2 bouquets
  • Medium thickness wire
  • Floral ribbon
  • Silicone glue or glue gun
  • Scissors

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Form a ring from the wire equal to the circumference of your head. Take bouquets of artificial flowers and trim the stems. The pieces should be no more than 5 cm. Divide each bouquet into several parts. The quantity depends on the initial splendor.
  2. Apply small bouquets to the wire so that the stems are located in one direction. Wrap each one with floral tape. For more volume, place flowers in different directions.
  3. Continue attaching the bouquets. If there are few flowers, then you don’t have to reach the end. Pay more attention to the front and sides. Wrap the remaining section of wire with tape. Carefully tuck the ends inside.

7.And another idea for a wreath made of cardboard cylinders:

We cut cardboard cylinders into tubes of the same length, equal to the thickness of the wreath. We paint it in the color we need (here it’s painted with white spray paint, or you can leave a little toilet paper on the cylinders). We place them with the holes facing down (put them “on the butt”) in the shape of a circle on a prepared horizontal surface (you can place a cardboard underneath) In the center, for convenience, place a small coffee saucer to support the inner circle, and arrange the cylinders until the wreath has the desired shape shape.. Then glue the sides of adjacent cylinders with PVA glue and let dry. Attach a ribbon with which the wreath will be attached to the wall.

Decorate the wreath with Christmas balls, which are also attached with PVA glue, or other New Year's decorations.

I think it’s a very original idea to wisely use these cardboard cylinders instead of throwing them straight into the trash :o)

For needlewomen:

Variety of ideas

Schemes for weaving wreaths of dandelions, daisies and wildflowers. The process of completing weaving.

Well, who among us did not weave a wreath of dandelions as a child? This activity fascinated everyone - both boys and girls. Over time, maybe someone has forgotten how to easily and quickly weave a wreath of wildflowers and other flowers?! In this article we will try to thoroughly analyze the technique and scheme of this simple lesson.

Christmas wreath made of colored paper and cardboard

Making a wreath from wrapping paper.

And to conclude the topic of “paper” Christmas wreaths, I would like to show a couple of ideas for wreaths made of cardboard.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions, daisies, grass and wildflowers on your head step by step: diagram

  • For weaving wreaths, it is advisable to choose only flowers with long stems and fresh buds. If the plant has thorns, it is better to get rid of them.
  • In addition to flowers, it is also advisable to weave beautiful leaves into the wreath.
  • Some magicians prefer to decorate finished wreaths with ribbons, beads or other decorative elements.

There are several schemes for weaving wreaths from wild and other flowers.

Scheme No. 1

  • The first weaving method is familiar to us all.
  • To complete it, you need to collect several flowers in a bunch.
  • Then you need to add another bud to the resulting bouquet, and braid its stem around the stems of existing flowers.
  • Subsequent plants must be laid in exactly the same way, tightly wrapping their stems around the resulting bundle.
  • The buds must be placed very tightly so that the wreath looks thick and there are no gaps in it.

Scheme No. 2

  • The second braiding method involves using the braiding principle.
  • To complete it, you need to take three flowers and start weaving a braid.
  • After the first completed knot, you need to add another flower to the next one.
  • The new flower should be located in the center of the braid, so that all the flowers are on the same line.
  • Each subsequent flower must be woven in exactly the same way.

Autumn decoration ideas for kindergarten and school

The sorceress-autumn paints everything around with golden colors: she embroiders the leaves with yellow threads, quietly covering the forests and parks with a crimson carpet. But you really want the autumn mood to reign not only on the street, but also in your favorite kindergarten or school!

In order for autumn to become a full-fledged mistress of the classroom or party hall, I offer interesting ideas for autumn decor for schools and kindergartens . Join us: the grand autumn ball begins!

Decorating the stage of the festive hall

To make the autumn festival a success, be sure to take care of the stage - the main object of attention of young spectators.

Trees made of organza and cardboard, decorated with colorful foliage; paper mushrooms; crane key “in the sky”; baskets with apples, pears and, of course, the main hero of the occasion - the beautiful girl Autumn - these attributes will help you create a special atmosphere in the festive hall and attract admiring glances to the stage.

How to finish weaving a wreath on your head from dandelions, daisies, grass and wildflowers: diagram

  • When the wreath reaches the desired size and fits the head, it must be connected.
  • The process of finishing the weaving is based on connecting the two ends of the wreath and tying them together.
  • You can tie the ends of the wreath with a strong blade of grass, a thin twig, thread or ribbon.
  • The protruding ends of the stems must be carefully trimmed and hidden inside the weaving.

Colorful wreaths made of field herbs or elegant wreaths for the door, which have become a common home decoration during the New Year holidays... You can either purchase them ready-made or make them yourself. We offer a short lesson on how to weave a wreath so that it turns out strong and will delight you with its luxurious appearance for a long time.

Wreath on the door

As a rule, spruce branches are used to make them, as well as various berries (viburnum or rowan). You can also use natural cones, dried leaves as decorative material, or add artificial decorations to the finished product. It all depends on your imagination and the interior of the room in which the wreath will be located. How to weave a wreath on a door? To do this you need to make a base. It can be made from branches of any tree that is flexible. Willow or young shoots of birch are perfect. Cut the branches and then soak them in warm water for several hours. During this time they will become much softer, and you can easily roll them into a ring. This is what will become the basis for the wreath. It should be secured using tape or thin rope. You should not make it too tight, as this will make it quite difficult to decorate. At the same time, the base should be made up of a sufficiently large number of branches. After you manage to complete the first part, we begin to decorate. Add spruce or fir branches, which will become the first layer of the wreath. They should completely cover the base. Then you need to include in the elements and optionally add satin or That's all. Now you know how to weave a wreath for a door.

Summer wreath

One of the most popular types. It can be made in a matter of minutes in nature or in the park. Of course, if it is not forbidden to tear How to weave wreaths on your head? There are two ways to do this. In the first case, you make the base as for a New Year's wreath, and then decorate with ordinary flowers. In the second case, you can weave a wreath in the same way as is usually done when using dandelions. Choose plants with long and flexible stems. Leave three or four as a base, and then apply each subsequent one perpendicular to the base and crosswise wrap around the base itself. Then place the stems parallel to the base. And so on with each subsequent flower. In order to complete such a product, you just need to connect the last flower with the first. And your luxurious and elegant wreath is ready.

Wreath using herbs

How to weave a wreath of herbs? The technology is no different from that used for weaving on the door.

In the same way, you first need to make a base, and then weave various herbs into it. A riot of colors and lush greenery will create a real folk wreath. And now you know how to weave a wreath of herbs. Therefore, every trip to nature you can delight your friends and loved ones with colorful and elegant wreaths. Such crafts bring special joy to children. What could be better than being able to collect your own plants for a wreath?!

This year, flower wreaths have become a real hit of the season! What was previously regarded as children's spring fun and as a symbolic ritual object has become a relevant attribute of weddings and friendly parties in nature. A wreath of flowers on your head will help create a romantic image, giving it lightness and brightness. There are many options for creating this accessory. The wreath is made from fresh and artificial flowers using various frames and wire.

Autumn crafts from acorns

Acorns are an amazing craft material. I offer you a creative selection of finished products to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of your craft. Basically, for such crafts you will need plasticine, glue, paints and something else. You can make minions like this out of acorns and plasticine. You will need plasticine and acorns.

We select several pieces of the correct shape from the collected acorns and wrap each acorn in yellow plasticine so that the bark is not visible.

From blue or cyan plasticine we will fashion clothes and eyes for our minions.

The most difficult thing is to sculpt the first one, but the rest will turn out faster.

DIY head wreath: secrets of creation

Any wreath on your head with your own hands is made taking into account the same rules:

  • Think over the composition of the accessory. Flowers of different sizes are best combined - large, medium and small. It is also worth including sprigs of herbs and flexible green stems in the weaving.
  • Consider the style of the event. In accordance with it, you need to choose the type of flowers. For example, roses, peonies, garden buttercups, lilies, and gardenias are suitable for a wedding.
  • Do not try to make a head wreath from flowers that produce a lot of pollen or various oily substances. This way you risk ruining your outfit.
  • Consider the duration of wearing the wreath. To make the accessory last longer, you can make it the night before and then put it in the refrigerator. For a wedding, you should use special sprays sold in florist shops. They spray flowers. As a result, they do not fade for a long time.
  • Think over the design of the wreath. If you use a lot of colors, it will simply fall apart under its own weight. Therefore, it is recommended to first make a wire frame. A flexible thick wire will do. It can be bought at any craft store. Pay attention to the thickness - optimally 3 mm.
  • Use additional decor. The wire frame is decorated with floral ribbon. It makes it less noticeable. Many fashionistas decorate wreaths with satin ribbons and secure flowers with unusual bobby pins with beads and rhinestones.
  • If the celebration is to take place during the cold season, then you can buy fresh flowers in the store. Dr. An option is to make a wreath from artificial ones. These can be imitations made from polymer clay, fabric, or cold porcelain.
  • Use bobby pins for fastening, otherwise your wreath will periodically fall off your head. It is better to use invisible ones that are discreet or, if possible, to match the hair.

Hairband wreath

This accessory will be appropriate for both everyday and formal looks. To decorate a regular headband, natural and artificial flowers, complemented by ribbons, beads, rhinestones, buttons, and other bright elements, are suitable.

Will need

  • hairband made of metal, plastic;
  • finishing elements, glue gun;
  • ribbons – satin, lace;
  • scissors, candle or lighter.

The technique is simple. We paste over the headband or wrap it with a satin ribbon. We melt its ends with a lighter or sew them with threads (when wrapping) so that they do not unravel. For decoration, you can use artificial buds, twigs on wire - they are convenient to wrap around the base. If the decor does not have a wire base, it is attached using a glue gun.

DIY decor

A wreath on a headband can become an accessory for a themed event - prom, wedding. Skilled craftswomen make flowers for such decorations with their own hands, and it is not difficult. The main thing is to stock up on everything you need, add patience, and have the desire.

It is better to make artificial ones from satin ribbons. It is recommended to supplement the buds with “stamens” - beads on decorated wires. They are sold in specialized stores and are quite inexpensive. In addition, you may find it useful

  • ordinary beads, sequins;
  • thin sewing needle;
  • silk threads or fishing line;
  • veil or organza, lace;
  • lighter, pencil, scissors;
  • needlework tweezers;
  • glue gun

The work ahead is painstaking - each petal is created separately, then the “structure” is assembled into a single whole, with the “stamens” in the center.

We attach the flowers to the prepared base with a glue gun, and cover the attachment point with a ribbon folded in half. As an addition, you can use beads to match or in a contrasting shade.

There are many techniques for making flowers with your own hands. Beginning craftswomen can choose the simplest one - assembling buds using a thread and a needle. The tape is stitched with a soft running stitch and pulled together. Stamens or bead(s) are glued to the center.

Head wreath made of fresh flowers: how to make?

Creating such accessories requires a sense of style. This is due to the fact that wreaths made from several plants look best. They are intertwined with small flowers and green leaves. All this must be harmoniously selected in size and color.

You will need:

  • Medium thickness wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Floral ribbon
  • Satin ribbon
  • Flowers
  • Herbs

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. First, measure the volume of your head. To do this, apply a measuring tape to the back of your head. Directing it above the middle of the forehead. Using wire cutters, tear off a piece equal to the volume of the head plus 2 cm. Connect the wire into a ring. To do this, make hooks from the extra 2 cm - 1 cm on each side. Bend them or simply wrap the free ends around each other.
  2. Trim each plant. The length of the stems should be 5 cm. Take floral or satin ribbon. Place each flower on the wire base. Place the stem horizontally along it and wrap it with ribbon. Do this step with each flower until almost the end of the wreath. Wrap the remaining area with tape.
  3. A head wreath made of fresh flowers can be slightly transformed. To do this, plants are grouped into small bouquets. Each is then attached to the wire in the manner described above. In order for the wreath to be lush, you need to make about 10-12 such bouquets.

How to weave a dandelion wreath: basic principles

Dandelion wreaths are what symbolize spring. Bright inflorescences look very cheerful and cheerful. Learning how to weave such a wreath is not particularly difficult. It is worth choosing the right copies of colors and learning just 1 movement.

You will need:

  • Long stem dandelions
  • A piece of thread of medium thickness

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. It is better not to pick dandelions in advance. While you weave, some flowers will wither. It is worth plucking them directly during weaving. For a wreath you will need specimens with a long stem (about 15-20 cm) and large flowers.
  2. Weaving comes down to the fact that each subsequent stem wraps around the previous one. We begin to make a wreath by taking the 2 largest dandelions. Fold them so that the stem of the left one “lays” to the right side. We place the right dandelion vertically on top of it. Let's move on to making the loop. We pull the right stem under the left. Then we make a movement over it to form a loop. Pull it to the right side. Both dandelion stems lie together. We carefully hold them and move the inflorescence of the right dandelion to the left. They should be located next to each other. The loop looks tight.
  3. Let's take the next dandelion. Again we place it vertically on top of the now 2 stems. Then we drag it under them, forming a loop. The final movement is that the stem comes out from above and crosses itself. It is directed to the right and lies together with the 2 previous ones.
  4. We repeat this stage several times with other dandelions. We periodically try on the wreath on our heads. You should stop at the moment when the length of the strip of flowers is equal to the volume of the head.
  5. Then the wreath must be secured. To do this, take its end and beginning and connect it with a thread.
  6. The main thing to remember when creating a dandelion wreath is a strong weave. Flowers should fit tightly to each other. They can be strengthened with woven long grasses.

Unfortunately, dandelion wreaths also have their downsides. If you do not want to stain your hands and clothes with their milk, then it is better to refuse such an activity. In addition, this wreath is not suitable for allergy sufferers, since the flowers shed a lot of pollen.

DIY head wreath made of artificial flowers

You can make a wreath on your head not only from fresh flowers. Many designers advise using their imitation. The simplest option is artificial flowers. Now stores sell interior compositions that look like the real thing. It is better to choose high-quality options - they should not look too unnatural.

You will need:

  • Artificial flowers - 1-2 bouquets
  • Medium thickness wire
  • Floral ribbon
  • Silicone glue or glue gun
  • Scissors

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Form a ring from the wire equal to the circumference of your head. Take bouquets of artificial flowers and trim the stems. The pieces should be no more than 5 cm. Divide each bouquet into several parts. The quantity depends on the initial splendor.
  2. Apply small bouquets to the wire so that the stems are located in one direction. Wrap each one with floral tape. For more volume, place flowers in different directions.
  3. Continue attaching the bouquets. If there are few flowers, then you don’t have to reach the end. Pay more attention to the front and sides. Wrap the remaining section of wire with tape. Carefully tuck the ends inside.

Flower wreath on your head: ideas

A wreath of flowers on your head can make you a real queen of a themed celebration. To make it you will need flowers of different sizes, plant leaves, floral tape and wire for the frame. Trimmed flowers are attached to a wire ring equal to the circumference of the head using tape. The length of their stems is about 5 cm. Thus, they cover the entire wire, forming an elegant and sophisticated product.

It's summer outside, which means a lot of flowers, sun and bright colors. It's the perfect time to have photo shoots and have a great time with your girlfriends in nature! And so that your photos are even more charming, and time with your friends does not fly in vain talking - we present a beautiful master class from Natalya Erokhina.

Natasha has been professionally engaged in floristry since 2007. She worked in a florist salon for several years, while simultaneously studying at the Nicole International Floristic School. It was there, communicating with famous Russian and foreign florists, according to her, that she took a different look at floristry. I wanted to be creative and... create my own small business. This is how the florist workshop “Flower Charm” appeared.

You can get acquainted with Natalia's works.

To make an original accessory you will need the following materials:

  1. Wire for the base.
  2. Tape
  3. Secateurs
  4. Decorative wire
  5. Flowers (spray roses, two types of carnations, eucalyptus).

Step No. 1 – wrap the wire with tape.

Step No. 2 – bend the wire to the size of the head and carefully wrap the ends of the wire.

If you don’t know the size of your head, you can make this option with loops for ribbons:

Step No. 3 – we trim the flowers and form small bunches of flowers and greenery, wrapping them with tape. Tape is a special floral tape that helps a flower survive without water for a longer time.

Step #4 – start making a wreath. We attach the finished bundles to a wire base using tape and decorative wire for reliability.

Step No. 5 - we continue to weave a wreath, alternating roses and carnations. We place flowers only on the outside of the wreath base.

Step No. 6 – having reached the middle of the wreath, we will mark the center with larger and more open roses. Having passed the center, continue with medium open ones and finish with buds.

The wreath is ready!

Tip: in order for a wreath of fresh flowers to last you longer, the flowers must be placed in water several hours before you start working. After the wreath is ready, put it in a cool place and sprinkle with water.

How often in the summer you can see little girls and even older girls with a beautiful headband decorated with bright yellow dandelions or blue forget-me-nots on their heads. The tradition of weaving such decorations is very ancient, and the history of a wreath of flowers on the head is incredibly interesting.

Suitable for whom and for what occasions?

Almost all women can use a wreath to decorate their hair. Another question is the choice of floral composition and flower sizes. Teenagers and girls can safely try on any form. The main criterion is compatibility with the outfit. For women, discreet compositions of small buds are more suitable. The color scheme should consist primarily of pastel and light colors.

It is appropriate to wear the accessory even in everyday life. It’s clear that you can hardly wear such an accessory to work. But for meetings with friends or a weekend trip, this decor is quite suitable.

The main purpose of the wreath is considered to be special occasions and holidays.

In recent years, there has been a popularity of using the accessory in the image of a bride. Little girls and grown ladies look equally good with delicate little buds on their heads. This emphasizes femininity and gives the appearance a delicate note and charm.

Folk festivals and holidays can also be an occasion to transform your hair by decorating your hair with a wreath. Today's youth love to celebrate Ivan Kupala. Girls with a floral arrangement on their heads look mysterious and charming. This holiday is not complete without an obligatory attribute - a wreath woven from fresh flowers.

When using a floral accessory, it is important to remember that it is appropriate in the spring and summer.

Although some fashionistas manage to combine it with fur coats and high boots.
You can adapt the accessory to the time of year using decorative elements that correspond to the flowering time. Fall decorations look beautiful and appropriate with yellowed leaves. A wedding hairstyle can be complemented with delicate wreaths made of beads or flowers. Wearing an accessory is appropriate even in everyday life. Little girls and adult ladies look equally good with delicate small buds on their heads. Cute little ladies can wear a wreath to a photo shoot.

Ancient traditions

Such a head decoration, like a wreath, existed in Ancient Greece. It was awarded instead of a medal to competition winners, heroes and warriors. And according to the Slavic tradition, it was hung over the doorway to scare away evil spirits from the house and family and not to let people with evil thoughts into the home.

Previously, a strictly defined time was allotted for weaving a beautiful headband, and only a limited set of plants was allowed to be used. For example, before, during the so-called mermaid week, girls wove a wreath on their heads from wildflowers, adding wormwood to it. It was believed that this herb repels evil spirits.

Such headbands were used for various rituals:

  • wedding,
  • mourning,
  • sacred,
  • for seasonal celebrations.

Now this headdress is perceived as an ordinary decorative element. And you can learn to do it yourself.

Weaving from wild herbs

Of course, a simple wreath of flowers on your head, woven using wild plants somewhere on the river bank, is much easier to create with your own hands than a decoration for a special occasion. Even the principle of weaving is different.

To use, for example, field daisies, you will need to collect them in sufficient quantities (at least 50-60 pieces). There will be several inflorescences on one stem. They need to be cut closer to the root.

  1. Take 2 branches, attach a third one to them at an angle of approximately 50-60 degrees.
  2. Wrap the stems of the first two branches with the stem of the third.
  3. It is imperative to ensure that the stem used for wrapping passes in front of the inflorescence and not behind it.
  4. The next branch is applied in the same way and wrapped again in the same way as in the previous case.
  5. Periodically, you need to try on the product so as not to make it larger than necessary.

The finished product is tied with a rope; if you don’t have one at hand, you can use long, strong grass.

The stems sticking out in different directions must be cut off.

Having put the resulting object on your head, you need to make sure that no herbs get into your eyes. If this happens, then they can also be cut off.

Before weaving a wreath of flowers on your head, you need to make sure that all the plants that will be used in it do not cause allergies. They will be close to the eyes and nose, so the reaction will appear instantly.

Master class “New Year's wreath made of paper”

The simplest New Year's wreaths can be assembled with your own hands from paper - an inexpensive material at hand. Even used sheets from the printer can be used. Additionally, for a simple office wreath you only need a stapler and a few stars made from wrapping cardboard.


  • We fold the sheets of paper 4 times into even rectangles (in half and in half again.
  • We assemble the outer circle with a stapler, fastening the sheets at the bottom edge to each other and additionally in the center of the bottom edge for density;
  • Having slightly moved the second row to the center, we pin new sheets to the previous ones, adding third and fourth circles if necessary;
  • We fasten decorative stars or small Christmas balls in a chaotic manner.

All that remains is to fluff the sheets a little to give the structure volume.

A similar wreath using the same technique can be assembled from paper tubes or bags, including newspapers or old magazines. Handouts from nearby stores are also suitable, especially if the colors are already dominated by a green New Year theme.

For kindergarten or school, you need a more elegant wreath. You can make it from colored paper. You will need several green sheets to imitate fir branches and colorful pieces for decorations.

The sheets are glued crosswise and cut, but not to the very edge. Then the workpieces are glued together along the axis into a circle. All that remains is to decorate the finished accessory with small details. Even a preschooler or a child of kindergarten age can handle the job if you show how deep to cut the paper.

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