15 types of handicrafts from which you can make good money


Knitting is an excellent craft for earning money, because knitted things never go out of fashion. Only people's styles and preferences change. If you have knitting skills and like your creativity, then you can safely start your own home business. Surely every knitter has her own social circle, which will become her first clientele. Then you can post your products on social networks, attracting more customers.

Starting with one knitted item, over time you can expand your scope of work and offer customers additional types of knitted items:

  • children's products (booties, hats, socks, overalls, etc.);
  • hat and scarf set for adults;
  • cardigans;
  • toys;
  • gloves, handbags, shirtfronts, etc.

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Important! For a product to be in demand, you need to do the work responsibly, using quality materials.

This type of income requires some investment. For example, one knitted sweater will require 500 grams of wool blend yarn. The cost of 100 grams is about 200 rubles. From the calculations it follows that one sweater will require 1000 rubles, plus the cost of accessories.

Taking into account the money and time spent (on average, a sweater takes 3-4 days to knit), the manufacturer independently sets the price for the product. On average, a sweater will cost the buyer 3,000 rubles. The proceeds will be approximately 1,500 rubles. Agree, this handicraft for making money at home is quite profitable.

Where to start: step-by-step instructions for starting a business


Select your field of activity

Determine your unique selling proposition (USP).

A woman paints cartoon animals in watercolors. All her characters look alike, all wearing hats and scarves, bright and slightly clubbed. This is her individual handwriting. You can knit only sweaters with deer or stick reproductions of paintings on all the drums you make.


Take training to improve your qualifications and improve your skills

Professionalism will help you withstand the competition.


Collect the best cases

Create a portfolio of your work. They must be the most successful. If there aren't any yet, create them so that future clients can see what you can do.


Think over a product sales strategy

How will you advertise and sell your products, in what sources will you advertise? Who is your potential buyer? Why does he need what you produce? Offer your products to friends of friends or a store in your neighborhood. Make sure people are willing to pay for what you do. And if not, try to understand why.


Calculate the cost of products

You will have to regularly purchase materials, perhaps rent a workshop or equipment, pay for computer programs, and take courses. Include all this in the price, but make it comparable to the income of the target audience.

Furniture and accessories for pets

Owners try to purchase special furniture and toys for their beloved pets. For dogs, additional walking clothes are purchased. This is a handicraft for earning money with minimal investment. To sew clothes, you will need a sewing machine (as a rule, many needlewomen already have one), threads, fabric, and other accessories. But after selling the manufactured item, your costs will be doubled.

For example, the minimum cost of a warm overall for dogs is 1,500 rubles, and the cost of fabric and accessories varies from 400 rubles.

If you start making furniture for animals, you need a jigsaw, foam rubber, fabric, plywood, boards, a construction stapler, ropes, sticks, etc. This will also cost a certain amount of money.

You can get ideas for creativity from the Internet. Many customers choose their own model of clothing or furniture. High-quality work guarantees a stable good income.


This type of handicraft for making money with your own hands includes huge opportunities. This creation:

  • greeting cards;
  • jewelry and costume jewelry;
  • artistic modeling;
  • wedding accessories;
  • soap;
  • aromatic bath bombs.

To make handmade products, you need to show imagination and creative ambitions. In addition to your own options, you can get ideas from the Internet, listen to the wishes and preferences of the customer.

Earnings and investments!

Costs depend on the type of needlework, but on average, the first investment will vary from 2,000 rubles. To get started, you can do a few jobs for your social circle. Further expand the range of customers by posting advertisements describing the type of work and photos of the finished product.

Sewing business

Sewing at home has been popular for a long time. If you have talent and desire for this handicraft, this will be a great idea for making money at home with minimal investment, since you probably already have the most expensive element for the job (a sewing machine).

Both before and now people turn to seamstresses, because often the item they like in stores does not fit in size, or is not tailored to their figure. Sewing for individual orders has always been popular, and craftswomen can earn quite a decent income.

In addition to clothing, we can offer tailoring services:

  • soft toys;
  • curtains;
  • bed linen;
  • blankets, etc.

Important! If you have never tried sewing, but want to start a home business, first you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of sewing. Learn how to make complex patterns, use a sewing machine, know all types of seams, how to add accessories to a product, etc. This will require a lot of time and patience.

Handicrafts and its types

Handicraft is the creation of new original objects with your own hands from materials such as various types of fabrics, threads, paper, wood, wool, beads, glass, clay and much more. Handmade is the result of manual labor, the very products that are obtained after the creative process.

Most often, needlework is done by women, most of whom are either retired or on maternity leave. But this does not mean that other people cannot engage in this type of creativity. Any person who has enough time, desire and ability can become a creator of handmade products.

Some people have been interested in embroidery, beadwork or drawing since childhood, while others come to needlework already in adulthood. In any case, this activity pacifies, and the result makes you proud of your work.

I can even say this from myself. I did beadwork, made pictures from corrugated paper, embroidered, created jewelry and original gift sets. In addition to these types of work, there are many others.

One article is not enough to describe in detail each type of needlework. But it is quite possible to list the main types.

  • Embroidery

One of the most common hobbies and types of handicrafts. Using a needle and thread, craftsmen decorate various fabrics and leather with a wide variety of designs.

There are many methods and types of embroidery: cross stitch, satin stitch, Japanese, monochrome, diamond, Brazilian embroidery, beads, ribbons, chenille, etc.

This way you can decorate any items of clothing, tablecloths, bed linen, curtains, handkerchiefs and even icons. And recently, modern options have appeared: wallets, embroidered magnets, bags, etc.

  • Knitting

Another classic way of making sought-after handmade items. Pensioners often earn money this way.

Handicrafts can knit slippers and booties, sweaters, pajamas, shawls, children's overalls, hats and mittens. Knitted bags, blankets, rugs and soft toys sell well.

There is a huge range of not only yarns and patterns, but also techniques, for example, broomstick and nuking, pooling and shibori, knitting with luma and fork.

  • Sewing

The oldest production technology, which is primarily associated with the creation of wardrobe items, bed linen, towels, curtains and drapes, tablecloths, napkins, handkerchiefs, etc.

Beginners who have decided to start a career as a seamstress need to acquire patterns, scissors, a centimeter ruler, needles of various thicknesses and sizes, a needle bar, threads, and a sewing machine. A suitable workspace is also required.

For those who don’t know where to start and where to study, I suggest taking cutting and sewing courses.

  • Weaving

Creation of products from flexible materials, such as twigs, strips of leather, threads, birch bark, cords, ribbons, wire, stems, straw, vines, etc. The materials are held together by bending, entwining and twisting, resulting in a solid composition.

You can create accessories and decorations from ribbons, threads or wire with beads, leather. And from twigs, birch bark, straw and vines you can make baskets, boxes, vases, armchairs, tables, benches, etc.

Beadwork occupies a special place. A popular and sought-after direction, thanks to which not only costume jewelry is created, but also interior decorations.

  • Modeling

A method of working with soft and flexible materials, for example, plasticine, clay, wax, plaster, salt dough, etc. The result is a variety of shapes, figures, pictures, which are then decorated and painted.

In this way, you can create souvenirs for sale, for example, keychains or figurines, interior decorations, toys and much more.

  • Wallow

This is working with wool, and more specifically, knocking and compacting it. The result is three-dimensional figures or fabric. An important point: only with natural wool can you work using this technique. Felting can be dry or wet.

Using this technique you can make paintings, toys, interior decorations, souvenirs, bags and clothes.

  • Artistic carving

The main material can be wood, stone, bone, metal, vegetables and fruits, etc. The most skilled craftsmen are able to give the material an unprecedentedly beautiful shape.

The result is sculptures, boxes, paintings, home decorations, kitchen utensils, furniture, toys, souvenirs and much more.

  • String art

To put it simply, these are paintings made of nails and threads. By stretching the threads and fixing them on nails, craftsmen create beautiful paintings.

The following directions are most often used:

  1. “Drawing” abstract and geometric shapes.
  2. Asymmetrical images.
  3. Creation of three-dimensional paintings.
  • Quilling

A type of handicraft that is based on twisting paper into spirals and then shaping them into a specific pattern. Using quilling, you can make original cards, paintings, or use it as a decorative element.

There is special paper for quilling. You can also buy a cutting and corrugating machine. You may have other tools in your closet: an awl, tweezers, pins.

  • Soap making

Few people have not heard about soap making, which is an excellent way to make money from a hobby. Almost anyone can master making soap from scratch using natural ingredients.

Using molds, you can give soap a completely different shape: people's faces, fruits and vegetables, cakes, animals, flowers and much more. In addition to the main ingredients, masters can also add spices, honey, fruit juices, essential oils and even yogurt.

In addition to the types of needlework described above, there are others: topiary art, artistic leather processing, creating appliqués, mosaics, decorating, drawing, weaving, burning, floristry, scrapbooking, origami. And this is not the whole list.

In order to create a handmade item, you need to show imagination, use your imagination, and creative abilities. If ideas don’t appear naturally in your head, you can get inspiration from the Internet, or go to exhibitions or fairs.


This type of needlework appeared in ancient times, when the decoupage technique was used on wooden products. Various patterns were cut out on flowerpots, figurines and other elements, cleaned and varnished. In the modern world, decoupage entered at a completely different angle. The basic principle is gluing various cut-out designs or patterns onto a specific piece of furniture. After gluing, the surface of the object is varnished.

All types of handicrafts from which you can make good money require a meaningful approach, knowledge, skills, craftsmanship, and imagination. Having all these criteria, you can earn good money using the decoupage technique, and the costs will be minimal. To start creating and making money you will need:

  • items for decoration (bottles, flower pots, stools, tables, plates, boxes, etc.);
  • PVA glue;
  • patterned napkins or magazine clippings;
  • sandpaper;
  • alcohol;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • scissors;
  • stationery files;
  • small roller;
  • brushes for painting.


All this will take a minimum of money, but for the time spent and originality there will be a high monetary reward. For example, the minimum cost of a cutting board made using the decoupage technique is 500 rubles. A box for spices – 1000 rubles, a cup for tea – 350 rubles.

Prepared items can be put up for sale through social networks by adding a photo to the ad. Having gathered a clientele, you can easily build your own small business at home, bringing in a good income.

Flower pots made from plastic bottles

Recently, flower pots made from plastic bottles have become very popular. The idea is very simple, but original. Making a pot is very easy; to do this, just cut a one and a half liter bottle and make three large holes in the lid. Turn the part with the neck over and insert it into the base. Soil is poured into the upper part and a plant is planted. There is water at the bottom.

But the design of the pot is completely in your hands. It can be covered with bright braid in the form of transverse stripes, mosaics and shells. Paint with acrylic paints to match the design of the room.

Any ideas will add originality and brightness to an ordinary plastic pot. This pot can be a gift for any occasion.

Mother Nature gives us rich material! The most seemingly simple things suddenly acquire special meaning. You can bring joy to yourself and your loved ones by bringing any original idea to life. And you will spend practically no money on implementing the idea. You just need to have a great desire and be patient!

Wicker weave

More and more often the population of our country asks how to make money at home from handicrafts? Yes, very simple. The main thing is to decide on the choice of creativity and purchase the material necessary to get started. For example, the technique of weaving from wicker is very popular in the modern world. Products made from wicker are environmentally friendly, safe, and do not contain chemicals, which is why I found my calling.

Important! If you are interested in this type of income, you need to undergo training, familiarize yourself with the technique of performing the work, watch several master classes, make something for yourself and your loved ones, and then start selling your products.

The material for weaving (vine) is made independently or ready-made rods are purchased from suppliers. Finding suppliers is not a problem - the Internet always comes to the rescue. When the first products go on sale easily, you can think about expanding production. Involve your loved ones. Together, organize your own workshop at home, or rent a special room.

The cost of tools for one craftsman ranges from $100, plus the necessary material for weaving (rods, paints and varnishes, fittings). As you can see, the costs are not entirely minimal, but it’s worth it. The cost of one basket varies from $10. A master can make 4-5 products per day. It turns out that within 2-3 days the cost of the tool will pay off.

How do needlewomen earn money - choosing a direction

You can make everyday items with your own hands, such as clothes, wallets, hairpins. Or create truly non-trivial things: hero costumes for kids, shamanic jewelry, caches in the form of books. Ideas for making money on handicrafts are easy to find at crafts fairs. We have also compiled a selection based on search queries and the experience of successful craftswomen.

What types of creativity for earning money are right for you?

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Pet Products

The pet products market is growing by 20% annually. Not only food and fillers are popular, but also accessories, all kinds of scratching posts, and houses. Owners like such products; they are necessary in the increasingly popular pet cafes and hotels for animals.

List of handicraft ideas for making money:

  • furniture: beds, houses;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • carrier bags;
  • collars;
  • toys.

The starting price of a costume for a small dog starts at 1,500 rubles. To purchase materials you will need about 400. In the cold season, short-haired and hairless felines also need warm clothes. If there are ponytails in the house, they will also be in action as participants in advertising campaigns.

Wicker weave

The ancient craft does not lose its relevance. Having studied the technique, you will be able to create baskets, boxes, flower pots, decorations and even furniture. There is no need to harvest the vines yourself; it is easy to find suppliers with competitive prices on the Internet. You can involve family members, including children, in needlework. Earnings from baskets: up to 100 thousand per month, from furniture sales - more. The only difficulty: storing materials.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is in demand at the crafts fair. There are even more options for implementing ideas, because paper impregnated with PVA becomes waterproof, and products can be painted in any color. Weaving is more difficult; tubes need to be prepared in large quantities. The initial income is on average 10-20 thousand, then increases.

Making decorative candles

Candles are not difficult to find in stores, but interest in handmade crafts continues. There are more than enough people who want to spend the evening enjoying the cozy light. To start, you don’t need any special equipment; you only need to purchase paraffin, wax or gel, and wicks.

Types of candles:

  • flavored;
  • for cakes;
  • for decoration.

For decoration, use cinnamon tubes, coffee beans, dried flowers, and glitter. Knowledge of the properties of aromatic oils will be an advantage. The starting investment for this handicraft does not exceed 10 thousand, even if you purchase materials at the maximum. You can make good money during the sales season: autumn and winter. Buyers: individuals, souvenir shops, cafes, restaurants.

Creation of florariums

A florarium is a transparent container, usually made of glass, used for growing fancy plants from different climatic zones: tropical, high mountain plateaus, deserts. A favorable microclimate is created inside. A craftsman needs a modest set of tools: scissors, brushes, tweezers.


  1. containers: improvised or specially purchased blanks;
  2. soils that suit plants;
  3. drainage: broken bricks, pebbles, colored pebbles;
  4. mosses;
  5. activated charcoal or charcoal to prevent rotting;
  6. plants.

You will have to buy plants in batches and keep them at home, understand the watering and fertilizing regimes, and the required temperatures. If you like to care for indoor flowers, there will be no losses. You can earn money by selling one small florarium for about 1,500 at a cost of up to 900 rubles. Over time, you will have to purchase equipment: phytolamps, instruments for measuring humidity and temperature.

Handmade boxes

Every person has something to keep in their box. These are not everyday goods, but they are happy to be bought for themselves and given as gifts. You can make good money with a dozen techniques and different materials.

What are the boxes made of?

  • blanks for decoupage;
  • plywood;
  • beer cardboard;
  • PVC plastic;
  • polymer clay;
  • salt dough, etc.

Craftswomen will like boxes with special compartments; handicrafts with hiding places in the form of books are also in demand. Beyond that, it's easy to move on to office organizers, spice drawers, and other ideas.

Souvenir magnets

Funny horses and sheep, smiling faces will appeal even to those who have never been a collector. Designer magnets: an inexpensive and pleasant gift. There are thousands of handcrafting techniques on the Internet, and there is always somewhere to get inspiration.


The passion for needlework using knotted weaving allows you to create anything from twine, cord or hemp: jewelry, bags, shelf holders and curtain tiebacks, blinds, screens, hammocks, wedding decor.

Investments are almost not required to earn money, unless you select expensive accessories. The net profit from the work of one master is up to 80 thousand per month. The only difficulty: limited market. Macrame products are not appropriate in every interior.

Goods for children

One child opens the wallets of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents and family friends. Finding a niche is not difficult; you can always make money in this market by creating necessary things for newborns: envelopes, hats, stylish rompers, pillows for the cradle.

Kindergarteners will be interested in handmade toys in the form of their favorite characters, costumes for matinees, and decorative elements for children. Great idea for making money: making toys based on kids’ designs.


Another area for making money where creative ideas are inexhaustible. Children, office employees and directors love beauty on their desks. You may need everything: organizers, pencil cases, notepads, pen holders. In addition, there are more than 20 ways to decorate pencils and markers. Of course, the cost of these goods is not so high, but they can be sold in batches.

Making decorative candles

This is a fairly profitable business that requires effort and certain skills. For production, you will need a special machine and a refrigerator for storing finished products. It is advisable to select a separate room with a low temperature for work. If candles are made for cakes or pastries, excellent sanitary conditions are required. All these nuances should be taken into account when starting a business.

Costs and income!

On average, to organize a workplace, taking into account the cost of the machine and consumables, you will need from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. The income from sales is high, especially during the holidays. The minimum price for unique candles for handmade souvenirs is 300 rubles, a set of decorative scented candles is 1000 rubles.

Making sweet bouquets

Sweet bouquets are made from various types of sweets. Education and special skills are completely optional here; the main weapon is talent and imagination. To make the work original, beautiful and elegant, you need a sense of style and the concept of matching the color scheme. You can come up with compositions yourself, or you can get ideas from the Internet.

You don't need large financial investments to operate. All that is needed is:

  • corrugated and colored paper;
  • textile;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • wire;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • sticks;
  • various decor;
  • candies.

Costs and income!

The production of several types of compositions will require about 2000-3000 rubles of initial capital. The cost of one simple sweet bouquet is 1,500 rubles. The more refined the composition, the higher the price. For one bouquet you can earn 4,500 rubles.

Interesting: Where to invest money in 2022 so as not to lose

Making designer jewelry

Designer jewelry has always been very popular, because how much you want to have a beautiful necklace made to order. This idea will make your dreams of a stable income come true without leaving your home. The work will require an amazing talent to bring the most extraordinary sketches to life.

Jewelry can be made using the following techniques:

  • bead weaving;
  • wood carving;
  • soutache embroidery;
  • weaving from leather and other materials.

If you have a desire to make money this way, learning the skill is not that difficult. The main rule is to become familiar with the technique, but you need to take ideas from your own head, because each author has his own style. You can sell goods according to the standard principle: first we lure our relatives and friends, then we post our photos on social networks, advertising our talent.


Earning money from selling designer jewelry depends on your desire and perseverance. The more products you make, the more profit you can make. To start, you need to purchase consumables, it will cost about 7-10 thousand rubles. In just a couple of months, these expenses will pay off, since the cost of one designer piece varies from 200 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work and the quality of the material.

To earn additional income, you can conduct on-site master classes. In the modern world, people are often interested in various types of earning money at home that bring good income.

How to earn money with your own hands?

Not every hobby is suitable for making money with your own hands. Your passion for earning money should be:

  1. Useful.
  2. In demand.
  3. Budgetary.
  4. Interesting.

So, let's go through all four points. First, your activity must bring real benefits to other people. The things you produce are supposed to have everyday meaning. Otherwise, they won’t buy anything from you. Secondly, you need to choose a popular hobby. Let's say you are the best at weaving straw baskets. But in your region they are stubbornly ignored. But the demand for pottery is very high. It is logical that it is easier to earn income from dishes than from baskets.

If you think that you can earn money sitting at home with your own hands without the Internet, this is not entirely true. Even if you don't make money online, it can help you find clients. Start a personal website or create a thematic public page on social networks. This way more people will know about your work.

Thirdly, budget hobbies are better suited for earning money. Those that do not require very expensive investments. Calculate the profitability of your endeavor in advance. Think about where you will get the raw materials from and at what price. Estimate the approximate speed of order production. Are your costs justified by the profits? If the amount of expenses is close to cosmic, then it is unlikely that you will be able to make money.

Fourthly, the lesson should be interesting. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to work on it for long.

Consider your capabilities and everything will work out!


Embroidery is one of the popular types of handicrafts, which has not lost its uniqueness in our time. Our grandmothers also embroidered pillowcases, blankets, curtains, etc., thereby creating extraordinary comfort in the house.

There are several types of embroidery:

  • smooth surface;
  • stalk;
  • chain;
  • cross;
  • embroidery with ribbons and beads.

Many people turn their hobbies into exciting ways to make money at home. Craftswomen can turn the most ordinary thing into an amazing work of art. Now embroidered shirts, blouses, and dresses are very popular. But besides this, you can offer your clients embroidery on tablecloths, pillows, towels, napkins, bed linen, paintings, etc. Surely many will like this gift.

To start embroidering as a way to earn money, you need the following supplies:

  • floss and acrylic threads;
  • gold and silver threads;
  • ribbons;
  • beads.


The purchase of these materials will require minor costs. They will be about 5000-7000 rubles. The income from the sale of hand-embroidered products will be quite high. For example, the price for one shirt embroidered using simple techniques will start from 700 rubles. The price for exclusive items can reach up to 7,000 rubles.

Where and how to promote products

Personal accounts and website on the Internet

Create accounts on social networks or a blog to talk about your products or services and their prices. SberBank offers its clients who register as self-employed in the SberBank Online application a document designer, an online client registration calendar and other free services.

Paid advertising in specialized publications

This is advertising in specialized magazines and newspapers, thematic public pages, etc. If opportunities allow, you can use other tools - place banners or even shoot videos for TV.

Manufacturing of soft chairs (doughnuts)

Bubbles today are widely popular among those who strive to keep up with the times and organize their interior according to the latest fashion. Upholstered chairs can complement not only the home interior, but they are also used in offices. They are quite easy to do. After familiarizing yourself with the technique and watching several master classes, you can make one chair in 2-3 days.

You can work on production at home, and sell the product through social networks. To get started you need to purchase the following materials:

  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • ribbons;
  • various decor.


The cost of purchasing material for one dough will be about 1000 rubles. The minimum price for one chair will be 6,000 rubles. As you can see, the profitability of this type of income is 500%.

Craft ideas that can be sold profitably

If you want to try your hand at a new type of business, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a huge amount of money to purchase expensive materials. Below you can find ideas for crafts that use affordable materials.

Creation of educational toys for kids

Every child needs useful, high-quality and beautiful toys for harmonious development. Needlewomen are able to invent and implement original ideas. To increase your income, you can start manufacturing:

  • rattles made of wicker, wood, knitted threads;
  • soft puzzles;
  • various lacings;
  • developmental rugs with rustling, ringing elements;
  • bright sorters;
  • mobiles for the crib;
  • massage paths with pockets filled with cereals, sand or peas.

Construction sets designed to develop empathy are very popular. In the process of manufacturing parts, it is important to think through not only the design, but also the rules of the game. The constructor is assembled collectively. The eyes of the participants in the game are closed. There is one player left who sees the details of the designer and gives hints.

You can sell educational toys for children on social networks and on message boards. You also need to create your own online store. The cost of the product should not be too high.

You can sell crafts on the Mega Grad site


Not every needlewoman can make crafts, however, this is not a reason to give up the desire to make money from crafts. By mastering the technique of decorating objects, which is called decoupage, you can significantly increase your income. Specialists use various materials: napkins, fabrics, etc. You can paint not only cups and saucers, but also plates, coasters, bottles, chests of drawers and other interior items.

Today craftswomen have learned to use decoupage for interior decoration. The technique of applying the image is quite simple. Having chosen a beautiful design of good quality, you need to apply several layers of varnish to it. After this, unnecessary layers of paper are removed from the back of the painting. The image is glued to the surface of a chest of drawers, bottles or other products.

You can sell crafts not only on social networks, but also on Craft Market Place. After registering for this service, the user can post a photo of his work and fill out contact information. Buyers will contact the needlewoman themselves.

For decoupage, you can use not only fabric and napkins, but also various polymer bases

Jewelry and decorations

Not only young girls, but also adult women are willing to buy jewelry. Jewelry never goes out of fashion, so craftswomen who want to earn extra money can safely start creating:

  • bracelets;
  • necklace;
  • key rings;
  • beads;
  • pendants, etc.

During the work, various materials can be used: beads, clay, wire, wood, rhinestones, etc. In order to find buyers, it is worth creating pages on social networks, which are still powerful promotion tools for novice craftsmen.

You should also take care of creating:

  • a personal blog in which you can share the secrets of creating jewelry;
  • business cards that should be distributed to your friends and strangers.

To sell jewelry profitably, you should register at the Crafts Fair and Artfire. It is also necessary to open private stores on the Selio and Hand-made thematic platforms. On the Internet you can find many platforms that allow you to successfully sell handmade products.

The cost of crafts on English-language resources is much higher.

Jewelry can be sold in offline stores

Decorative collars

Pet owners spare no expense on their four-legged friends. They are ready to purchase not only food, but also beautiful decorations for their pets. Creating decorative collars is a great idea that will allow the needlewoman to make good money.

The craftswoman will have to work with materials of the following type:

  • skin;
  • fabrics;
  • metal;
  • tree.

You will also need to purchase decorative elements - rhinestones, beads, beads and cords. You can make collars from rubber, fabric, or artificial leather. In addition to small decorative elements, pendants or other engraved metal accessories are attached to the products.

The cost of consumables, which include pieces of fabric/leather, metal trim, and accessories, should not exceed 40-60 rubles for 1 collar. In this case, the purchase price for pet stores will be 380-400 rubles.

The cost of decorative collars should be affordable

Paper filigree

Assiduous and neat people can take up paper filigree (quilling). In the process of creating such crafts, you can use paper ribbons. Today there is a high demand for beautifully designed:

  • postcards;
  • letters;
  • framework;
  • gift packaging.

Using the quilling technique, you can create various decorations that will appeal to modern fashionistas. It is also worth making crafts in the form of zodiac signs, paintings, toys and flowers. Selling paintings will bring high profits. You can sell goods at the Crafts Fair and English-language platforms.

You can create a page on a social network by posting photos of your work there.

Soap making

People willingly purchase beautiful and fragrant soap to please their family and friends or simply to decorate their bathroom. To make soap with your own hands, you can use one of the technologies suggested below:

  1. Cold. The soap mass is mixed with essential oil, herbal decoctions, honey and other ingredients. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and left to harden for 2-3 days. The frozen whole pieces are cut into pieces and left to ripen.
  2. Hot. The use of this technology helps to increase profitability. The soap mass is slowly heated and constantly stirred, which speeds up the saponification reaction. After a couple of hours, you will need to add additional components to the mixture. The resulting composition is poured into molds and left to harden. The soap acquires its final consistency after 14 days.

Finished products can be sold to friends and acquaintances. It is also worth using free advertising tools such as accounts on Instagram and Facebook, filled with beautiful photographic materials and descriptions of the beneficial properties of soap.

It is recommended to set the price for homemade soap within 100-120 rubles per 100 g.

The cost of soap may vary depending on what fillers are used in the manufacturing process


Scrapbooking is the process of creating albums that are dedicated to a specific event or date. You don’t just need to paste photos into a frame, but also complement them with beautiful accessories:

  • newspaper clippings;
  • memorabilia;
  • antique elements.

The thought of each sheet of the album is complete. It contains photo collages that relate to a specific date/event. In order to save money, it is worth using decorative elements that you have at home or can be found on the street. You can also order accessories from China, which will significantly reduce costs.

If the cost of a hand-decorated album is acceptable to customers, then you won’t have to wait long for orders. Crafts will be in demand, and income will be stable.

Most often they order the design of children's, wedding and army photo albums


Felting is an ancient method of making clothing from animal hair. This technique allows you to create handmade products by felting wool or felt. The sale will bring good profit:

  • toys;
  • jewelry;
  • shoes;
  • clothes.

There are 2 types of felting: wet and dry. The materials needed for the work can be purchased at specialized craft stores. You can also select special needles there.

Using the wet felting technique, you need to spread out the wet fiber and rub it with your hands. You should move in different directions. Using this technique, you can make your own bag, scarf, slippers, etc.

The wet technique is considered more labor-intensive, so it is better for beginners to start mastering felting with the dry method. Using wet felting you can create beautiful flowers, toys and beads. Merino wool is of particular value due to its silky structure.

Note! When dry felting, the wool shrinks by 1/3, so the material consumption will be higher.

Anyone can master felting if they want.


Quilting is the process of creating objects from scraps of fabric. The finished product is bright, original and original. This type of art has come to modern times from past centuries. During the work, pieces of fabric dyed in bright colors are used. In order for your business to generate high income, you should take care of a wide range of handmade goods. You can start making:

  • blankets;
  • pillows;
  • towels;
  • paintings;
  • rugs;
  • toys;
  • bags

You can also make pillowcases, cosmetic bags, and jackets for sale. Products should be sold on specialized platforms and using social networks.

Quilting is a popular hobby that can bring a stable income


Fusing is the latest technology that allows you to create stained glass windows and process glass. Every craftswoman can master modern art. To work, you will need a special oven. The sale will bring good profit:

  • toys;
  • hours;
  • vases;
  • stands;
  • jewelry;
  • figurines;
  • dishes;
  • lamps;
  • souvenirs.

It is recommended to start a business activity by opening an online store. It is necessary to present a whole series of finished products on the website. It is important to be active on the Internet. To promote your business, you should create pages and groups on Instagram, VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. It is also necessary to maintain blocks and actively communicate on forums. You should post photos of handmade goods on various websites and distribute flyers with discounts.

Products can be sold online or sold in offline stores


Homemade candles are bestsellers. To create decorative candles, it is necessary not only to approach the manufacturing process creatively, but also to show imagination. To create products you will need to use the casting or pressing method. The first method is considered economical and does not require the craftswoman to purchase machines.

To sell finished products, you can use not only online platforms, but also negotiate deliveries with restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops, and medical centers that provide aromatherapy services.

By making the cost of goods lower than that of competitors, you can increase sales.

Wedding salons are willing to buy homemade candles


A magnet is a sought-after souvenir product that has been popular for many years. Every person has purchased a magnet at least once. To make souvenirs, the master prints the image on photo paper or other material. Experts recommend using special thick paper for this purpose. After this, you will need to prepare a vinyl magnet with an adhesive base. The picture is laminated and vinyl is glued.

Good demand is observed for:

  1. Magnets with notepads and magnetic calendars. Such souvenirs are ordered not only by ordinary customers, but also by companies advertising their brand.
  2. Magnets with photo frame.
  3. Flat advertising magnets.
  4. Fridge magnets in the form of letters and numbers. The product is purchased by parents who want to teach their children letters and numbers.

You can also make three-dimensional magnets in the form of flowers, vegetables, fruits, names and zodiac signs, and souvenir magnets dedicated to any events/holidays/competitions.

Magnets with popular cartoon characters are in demand among consumers

Making bed linen

Having a sewing machine and sewing skills makes it possible to start making bed linen for sale. Before you begin, you need to purchase high-quality fabric in beautiful colors. To reduce costs, you should purchase materials in bulk.

Bed linen is used frequently, so it wears out quickly. If you set a price that is acceptable to the majority of consumers, then you won’t have to wait long for orders. You can sew bedding to order according to individual measurements.

It is important to purchase good quality fabric. Otherwise, customers who made a purchase once and were disappointed with it are unlikely to return with a repeat order.

A small home business can grow into a sewing production

T-shirts and printed products

Printing on T-shirts, T-shirts, and mugs is a popular business direction. There is no need to make any special effort. The main thing is to develop original ideas and perform high-quality printing on various products.

Most often, the clients of printed products are popular musicians and large companies that seek not only to promote their own brand, but also to profitably sell their product to the audience.

If the master does not have design talent, do not worry. In this case, you can use the services of Creative Market or Upwork. For printing, you should use applications like Printful or Teelaunch.

Printed products are often ordered as gifts for friends and relatives

Wigwam for cats

Every cat seeks privacy, and pet owners try to make their lives comfortable. Creating wigwams for furry purrs is a new idea that can bring good income. It is worth offering customers personalized options that will differ in size, color and internal content. You can sell teepees with your pet's name embroidered on them. Products should be sold on sites such as LOVE MADE, Etsy, SHOP HANDMADE, DAWANDA, Pinterest.

To make an awning, you can use furniture velor fabric

Epoxy resin jewelry

Epoxy resin jewelry is only gaining popularity. That is why you should not put off this idea for later. As long as the competition is low, there will be no problems with the sale of transparent jewelry with beautiful internal filling.

To create a voluminous product you need to use a mold. Jewelry molds come in a variety of sizes, patterns, and shapes, so it's worth purchasing different models to expand your selection.

After reading the instructions, the master collects the resin and hardener into different syringes. The contents are poured into the glass along the edge. This will prevent splashing. Using a wooden stick, the ingredients are mixed for the time specified in the instructions for the purchased resin. As a rule, 4-10 minutes is enough.

Don't worry if bubbles start to appear while stirring. They will come out after the resin has infused. After 30-40 minutes the composition will be ready for use. The craftsman can take out molds and begin creating original jewelry. Decorative elements need to be placed in molds.

When everything is ready, you can pour the resin into the molds in a thin stream. A small mound should form on the molds. The product is left for 24 hours. Once it is completely dry, you can start sanding.

Finished jewelry can be sold at the Crafts Fair, Skafos, Lambada Market.

To sand sharp and uneven corners, use a mini drill or manicure machine.

Making soft toys based on children's drawings

Every parent tries to preserve their children's drawings as a keepsake. Sometimes they turn out to be so funny, but at the same time they carry a lot of positivity and positive emotions. To preserve amazing unique images, parents are increasingly resorting to the help of strangers, ordering them to display the drawing in the form of a soft toy. Imagine how pleased a child will be when his hero takes on physical form!

The work can be done using any technique, sewing from scraps of fabric or crocheting. To begin with, you can try to make a toy according to your baby’s drawing. If everything worked out, then go ahead and earn money. To get started you need some consumables:

  • acrylic threads for knitting;
  • hook;
  • textile;
  • sewing threads;
  • needles;
  • padding polyester or other filler.


The initial costs will be minimal, they will be approximately 1000 rubles. Earnings will depend on the number of orders and the size of the toys. For example, one small soft toy will cost around 250 rubles. You can first look for clients among your friends, and then offer services through social networks, posting examples of your past work.

Ideas for starting a garage business

If for some reason you do not use your garage for its intended purpose, for example, you sold your car or park near your house, then you can make good use of the free space. If you agree that a private business is better than a pile of rubbish, catch ideas.

Car repair and tuning

Possible types of services: painting, installation of alarms, tinting, dry cleaning of the interior, etc. It makes sense to consider these and similar options if your garage has a pit and the corresponding area. It is advisable to have the necessary qualifications and experience yourself, even if you do not plan to do the work yourself.

What to do

  • Purchase the necessary equipment and tools. The list and cost depend on the chosen direction.
  • Select staff. Some types of work cannot be done alone. In this case, consider salary costs

You can scale your business by expanding the range of services provided and opening new outlets.

What people with experience in this field say

“In order to start work, I purchased more than 85,000 rubles worth of basic equipment plus consumables. To make it convenient to work, I completely refurbished my garage so that the necessary tools were at hand. Additional expenses were spent on heating for work in winter.”

Dmitry, 32 years old, provides interior dry cleaning services in his own garage, earns from 25,000 rubles per month

Key making workshop

For this business, it is desirable that the garage is located in a high traffic area. The cost of producing one key is small (100 - 250 rubles), so to really make money, you need a large flow of customers. If not, then it is better to concentrate on making more specific clamps that are not made in a regular workshop: for example, for garages or gates. They cost more and fewer orders are needed for the same profit.

Key making machines

What to do

  • Receive training from machine tool manufacturers (from RUB 5,000). To gain experience, you can work as an apprentice for an experienced key keeper.
  • Buy a universal or several highly specialized machines for making keys (from 50,000 ₽). The cost and quantity of equipment depends on the chosen specialization.
  • Buy other necessary tools: files, vices, etc. (from 8,000 ₽). Of course, you can save money if you take something from your hands or already have it in stock.
  • Hire staff if you do not plan to do the work yourself.

A master can complete 10-15 orders per day. Approximately 10% of revenue is the cost of procurement. Thus, a workshop can bring in from 50,000 rubles per month.

What people with experience in this field say

“When I first started working on keys, I got good at one of the machines. They are made in China, Germany, and Russia. I was greedy and took the cheapest one; it broke down in about ten days. I had to quickly buy new equipment and invest additional money.”

Mikhail, 55 years old, makes unique keys in his own garage

Furniture restoration

The main advantages of such a business are that at the start you will need a minimum of initial investments and equipment.

What to do

  • Take training courses or at least study videos on the Internet. Different materials need to be worked in different ways, so the better you understand the issue, the less risks there will be when completing orders.
  • Buy the necessary tools: screwdriver, jigsaw, drill, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. (from 50,000 ₽). In the beginning, you can limit yourself to the basic set and buy more as needed.
  • Buy consumable equipment: varnishes, paints, brushes, etc. (from 5,000 ₽).

The main prospect of increasing profits is to carry out very expensive restoration work of high complexity. Of course, this will require appropriate experience and practice.

What people with experience in this field say

“I can restore one or two items in a day. I adhere to the principle that the cost of work should not exceed 30% of the cost of the furniture, otherwise it is easier to buy a new one. Sometimes it is difficult to convey to clients the level of complexity of the task at hand.”

Dmitry, 32 years old, provides furniture restoration services in his own garage, earns from 30,000 ₽ per month

Reception of recyclable materials

You can accept waste paper, plastic, etc. To decide on the direction, you need to look for a company that will process the collected raw materials. Essentially, this business consists of intermediary services - you simply collect and send raw materials for processing.

What to do

  • Find a company that will recycle the collected raw materials. Conclude an agreement with her and discuss the terms of cooperation in detail.
  • Prepare an intermediate storage area (garage). In this case, you need to free up the area as much as possible.
  • Buy/rent/use your own cargo vehicle to transport collected raw materials. Any additional costs will depend on which option is right for you. In any case, it is worth considering the cost of fuel and lubricants.

What people with experience in this field say

“It’s not so easy to do this kind of business in Russia. Citizens' awareness of waste sorting is at a very low level. In order to collect a worthwhile amount of raw materials, you have to try hard.”

Anastasia, 27 years old, sorts garbage and collects plastic

Foam processing

This material is very cheap in cost and easy to work with. Decorators, interior designers, and landscapers often turn to such products.

Please note that if you want to organize the production of polystyrene foam yourself, you will need a large garage - from 70 sq. m. m.

What to do

  • Analyze the market. How relevant is the use of polystyrene foam in your region? Identify your potential clients.
  • Complete training. This can be done even in the format of watching relevant videos.
  • Buy a machine (from 115,000 ₽) and other necessary auxiliary tools (from 10,000 ₽). Cost is approximate.

You can earn 250 - 400 rubles on one product. More or less depends on the complexity of the order.

What people with experience in this field say

“You can only cut foam plastic so that it does not crumble with a special tool; there are profile knives for this. Sometimes I use a hacksaw and even a grinder. As in any other business, there are nuances here. Watch videos online before you begin. That's how I learned."

Oleg, 41 years old, is engaged in plastic processing, earns from 15,000 rubles per month

Creation of florariums

This is a completely new direction of needlework, from which you can earn good money. A florarium is a living garden in a small glass container, made with your own hands. Such compositions can be purchased in large florist shops. Their cost is quite high. But if we take a closer look at the small wonderful garden, we will understand that it is very simple to make it with our own hands. To perform such work, you need patience, accuracy, scrupulousness and, of course, imagination.

To get started you need the following materials:

  • glass container of original shapes (you can use ordinary small aquariums);
  • priming;
  • stones;
  • moss;
  • colored sand;
  • small plants;
  • various figures for decoration.

There are many ideas for creativity. You can design a forest clearing, seascape, mountains and much more. In modern society there are a lot of florarium fans, so there will be enough clients.


The initial capital for investment will be approximately 5,000 rubles. You can make many compositions from the purchased material. The price of one simple florarium is from 1000 rubles.

Making handmade boxes

In this case, various materials are used (wood, shells, beads, sequins and other decorative elements). Interesting ideas and implementation schemes can be found on the Internet. When there are enough customers, you can fulfill orders according to their preferences. This type of income will be profitable, since handmade things have always been valued.


The initial capital will be from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles. And the cost of one small box of simple design will be from 1000 rubles.

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